Results for 'Jacob Huls'

941 found
  1.  9
    Ongedeeld integer.Nicolaas Jacob Herman Huls (ed.) - 2009 - Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
    Bijdragen aan een congres waarin de integriteit van juridische professionals bediscussieerd wordt.
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    Assessing the psychometric properties of the Attentional Style Questionnaire.Jacob D. Kraft, DeMond M. Grant, Danielle L. Taylor, Kristen E. Frosio, Kaitlyn M. Nagel & Danielle E. Deros - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (3):403-412.
    Attentional control has grown in importance within theoretical and predictive models of psychopathology over past decades. The Attentional Style Questionnaire is a novel measure of internal a...
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  3. Epistemological categories in Delmedigo and Spinoza.Jacob Adler - 1999 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 15:205-230.
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  4. JS Delmedigo as Teacher of Spinoza: The Case of Noncomplex Propositions.Jacob Adler - 2008 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 16:177-183.
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    Do all creatures possess an acquired immune system of some sort?Jacob Rimer, Irun R. Cohen & Nir Friedman - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):273-281.
    Recent findings have provided evidence for the existence of non‐vertebrate acquired immunity. We survey these findings and propose that all living organisms must express both innate and acquired immunity. This is opposed to the paradigm that only vertebrates manifest the two forms of immune mechanism; other species are thought to use innate immunity alone. We suggest new definitions of innate and acquired immunity, based on whether immune recognition molecules are encoded in the inherited genome or are generated through somatic processes. (...)
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  6. Human Action, Deliberation and Causation.Pierre Jacob - 1998 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  7. Quality of life and euthanasia.Walter Jacob - 1998 - In Walter Jacob & Moshe Zemer, Aging and the aged in Jewish law: essays and responsa. Pittsburgh: Rodef Shalom Press. pp. 153--156.
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    The significance of the gestalt conception in psychology.Jacob Robert Kantor - 1925 - Journal of Philosophy 22 (9):234-241.
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    An Interactive Method for Teaching Business Ethics, Stakeholder Management and Corporate Social Responsibility.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 12:93-106.
    This paper presents a theoretical and practical approach to teaching business ethics, stakeholder management and CSR within the framework of the thematic seminar on business ethics and corporate social responsibility at Roskilde University. Within our programs in English of business studies and Economics and Business Administration the author of this article is responsible for this seminar that integrates issues of CSR and the ethics of innovation into the teaching ofcorporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and business ethics. This research oriented seminar (...)
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  10.  24
    Engagement for Freedom.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff - 2019 - Eco-Ethica 8:93-107.
    This article presents Jean-Paul Sartre’s concept of the tension between existence and politics and the role of political commitment in existentialist philosophy. Based on Sartre’s concept of engagement, the article analyzes the transition from the personal to the political perceived as a movement from personal moral consciousness to the awareness of the importance of the individual as a social actor and citizen in society. Sartre’s concept of political engagement can be characterized as critical intellectual commitment and “Socratic Citizenship.” Accordingly, this (...)
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  11. "Ego Fatum": O el espejo de Zaratustra.Jacob Rogozinski - 2004 - Laguna 15:18-36.
    En este texto, el autor se confronta al enigma mayor del pensamiento de Nietzsche, el del Eterno Retorno de lo Mismo. Tras criticar sus interpretaciones hoy dominantes, la de Heidegger, que hace de él un modo de despliegue de la voluntad de poder, la de Deleuze, que ve en él un «eterno retorno del Otro», muestra que la afirmación del Retorno fractura el pensamiento de Nietzsche deconstruyendo la onto-lógica del superhombre y de la voluntad de poder. Propone entonces una nueva (...)
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  12.  63
    Le Messie viendra quand il sera trop tard.Jacob Rogozinski - 2001 - Rue Descartes 33 (3):93-100.
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    (2 other versions)Présentation.Jacob Rogozinski - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 30:9-13.
    Dans les dernières années de sa vie, il arrivait à Michel Henry de s’inquiéter du destin posthume de sa pensée, de la possibilité de sa transmission par-delà sa mort. Il faut reconnaître que, dans la période qui a suivi, l’audience de cette pensée a semblé décroître et l’on pouvait redouter qu’elle ne s’efface durablement de notre paysage intellectuel. Il est difficile de comprendre les raisons de ce reflux : était-il dû à la rigueur conceptuelle et à la difficulté d’une pensée (...)
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    2. Entschlüsse und Entscheidungen.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 16-28.
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    10. Handeln und Determinismus.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 122-131.
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  16.  69
    (1 other version)Rationality and commonsense.Jacob Joshua Ross - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (4):569-570.
  17.  59
    The Primacy of the Personalist Concept of God in Jewish Thought.Jacob Joshua Ross - 1999 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 8 (2):171-199.
  18. Understanding Rabbinic Judaism.Jacob Neusner - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (4):502-503.
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    ‘A Dispassionate and Objective Effort:’ Negotiating the First Study on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation.Jacob Darwin Hamblin - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (1):147-177.
    The National Academy of Science's 1956 study on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation was designed to provide an objective analysis to assess conflicting statements by leading geneticists and by officials in the Atomic Energy Commission. Largely because of its status as a detached, non-governmental evaluation by eminent scientists, no studies have had a broader impact on the development of biological thinking in regard to nuclear policies. This paper demonstrates that despite the first BEAR study's reputation as an objective and (...)
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  20. Niṭsheh--psikholog ha-ʻotsmah.Jacob Golomb - 1982 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    (1 other version)The Ethics of Internationalism and the Individual.Jacob R. Kantor - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (1):29-38.
  22.  9
    Religion and ethics in Advaita.Jacob Kattackal - 1982 - Kottayam, Kerala, India: For copies, Book Stall, St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary.
  23.  53
    Responsibility, ethics, and legitimacy of corporations.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff - 2009 - Portland, OR: International Specialized Book Services [distributor].
    Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship, values-driven management, corporate governance, and ethical leadership are necessary ...
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  24.  32
    Dilthey and the narrative of history.Jacob Owensby - 1994 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction Wilhelm Dilthey's name is most often linked with the title of a nonexistent book: Critique of Historical Reason. Although he never published a ...
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    Private Employers Don't Need Formal Risk Adjustment.Jacob Glazer & Thomas G. McGuire - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (3):260-269.
  26. Dilthey and the Narrative of History.Jacob Owensby - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (189):550-552.
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    Dilthey's conception of the life-nexus.Jacob Owensby - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (4):557-572.
  28.  4
    Éthique et condition humaine.André Jacob - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Kimé. Edited by Hervé Barreau.
    Au coeur du parcours philosophique d'André Jacob, qui enseigna la philosophie du langage et l'éthique à l'université de Paris X de 1966 à 1990 et a dirigé l'Encyclopédie philosophique universelle aux P.U.F. entre 1980 et 1998, ce volume s'ouvre avec le texte inaugural (prononcé au Congrès mondial de Philosophie à Brighton en 1988) "De la théorisation de la condition humaine" qui l'a toujours retenu : "Une Anthropo-logique : comprendre ou expliquer l'homme?" ; suivi de six autres conférences, appelant à (...)
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  29.  27
    Judaic Uses of History in Talmudic Times.Jacob Neusner - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (4):12-39.
    Talmudic history, understood as how events are organized and narrated to teach, cannot be said to deal with great affairs; it simply tells what those responsible for compiling it thought about the world around them. But if manifest history is scarcely present, a rich and complex world of latent history does lie ready at hand. The Talmud and related literature contain two sorts of historical information: stories about events within an estate of clerks, and data on the debates of those (...)
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  30.  21
    The Absoluteness of Christianity and the Uniqueness of Judaism: Why Salvation Is Not of the Jews.Jacob Neusner - 1989 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43 (1):18-31.
    The notion that appeal to the Judaism contemporary with the writing of the New Testament documents will help solve exegetical problems has characteristically taken the form of an appeal to a Judaism that never existed; the practice should be abandoned.
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  31.  18
    The Jews in Pagan Armenia.Jacob Neusner - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):230-240.
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    The Philosophical Mishnah: The repertoire.Jacob Neusner - 1988 - University of South Florida.
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    Why No Gospels in Talmudic Judaism?Jacob Neusner - 1988 - University of South Florida.
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    The Effects of Compensation Structures and Monetary Rewards on Managers’ Decisions to Blow the Whistle.Jacob M. Rose, Alisa G. Brink & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):853-862.
    Recent research indicates that compensation structure can be used by firms to discourage their employees from whistleblowing. We extend the ethics literature by examining how compensation structures and financial rewards work together to influence managers’ decisions to blow the whistle. Results from an experiment indicate that compensation with restricted stock, relative to stock payments that lack restrictions, can enhance the likelihood that managers will blow the whistle when large rewards are available. However, restricted stock can also threaten the effectiveness of (...)
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    Colloquium 4 Glaucon’s Fate: Plato’s Republic and the Drama of the Soul.Jacob Howland - 2014 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 29 (1):113-136.
    I argue that the internal evidence of the Republic supports a conjecture first advanced by the historian Mark Munn: Glaucon was an accomplice of the so-called Thirty Tyrants who most likely died at the side of his relatives Critias and Charmides in the Battle of Munychia. If Munn is right, the Republic must be read as a poignant philosophical drama, the tragedy of Socrates’ unsuccessful struggle to save Plato’s brother from the corrupting influence of his family and his city. This (...)
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  36. Love of Wisdom and Will to Order in Plato's Timaeus: On Peter Kalkavage's Translation.Jacob Howland - 2002 - Interpretation 30 (1):93-105.
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    Problems of Suffering in Religions of the World.Jacob Neusner & John Bowker - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):531.
  38.  21
    When Causal Specificity Does Not Matter (Much): Insights from HIV Treatment.Jacob P. Neal - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):836-846.
    Philosophers of biology generally agree that causal specificity tracks biological importance: more specific causes are more important. I argue that this correlation does not hold in much research aimed at biomedical intervention. Applying James Woodward’s analysis of causal specificity to the development and design of HIV treatments, I show that drugs that are less causally specific produce better therapeutic outcomes and are more highly valued. Thus, I conclude that the importance of biological causes does not track their specificity but instead (...)
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    A sense of the cosmos: the encounter of modern science and ancient truth.Jacob Needleman - 1975 - New York: Arkana.
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    America' Meets `Japan.Jacob Raz & Aviad E. Raz - 1996 - Theory, Culture and Society 13 (3):153-178.
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    Encyclopédie philosophique universelle: L'Univers philosophique.André Jacob (ed.) - 1989 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    1. L'Univers philosophique -- 2. Les notions philosophiques (2 v.) -- 3. Les Œuvres philosophiques (2 v.) -- v. 4. Le discours philosophique.
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  42.  6
    La crise du libéralisme.B. Jacob - 1903 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 11 (1):100 - 120.
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  43.  17
    The Apocalyptic Politics of Richard Price and Joseph Priestley: A Study in Late Eighteenth-Century English Republican Millennialism by Jack Fruchtman, Jr.Margaret Jacob - 1985 - Isis 76:128-128.
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    The Commodification of Academic Research: Science and the Modern University.Merle Jacob - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):423-426.
  45. The dialog between jews and Christians as reflected in several recent publications.E. Jacob - 1986 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 66 (3):329-337.
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    the Fifteenth Century: Some Recent Interpretations.E. F. Jacob - 1930 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 14 (2):386-409.
  47.  9
    After Ontology: Literary Theory and Modernist Poetics by William D. Melaney.Jacob Blevins - 2004 - Intertexts 8 (1):95-97.
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  48. Historische Fragmente Aus Dem Nachlass Gesammelt.Jacob Burckhardt, Emil Dürr & Michael Bishoff - 1988
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    Introd a la Philo Lang.Andre Jacob - 1976 - [Paris]: Gallimard Education.
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    "Ethique et Philosophie Politique", L'age de la Science Lectures Philosophiques.Pierre Jacob & François Récanati (eds.) - 1988
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