Results for 'Jacob Dalton'

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  1.  28
    The Gathering of Intentions: A History of a Tibetan Tantra.Jacob Paul Dalton - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    This unique study reads a single Tibetan Buddhist ritual system through the movements of Tibetan history, revealing the social and material dimensions of a seemingly timeless tradition. By subjecting tantric practice to historical analysis, the book offers new insight into the origins of Tibetan Buddhism, the formation of its canon, the emergence of new lineages and ritual traditions, and efforts to revitalize the religion by returning to its mythic origins. The ritual system explored in this volume is based on the (...)
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    The Early Development of the Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibetain 307.Jacob Dalton - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (4):759-772.
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    The development of perfection: The interiorization of buddhist ritual in the eighth and ninth centuries.Jacob Dalton - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (1):1-30.
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    The Gathering of Intentions: A History of Tibetan Buddhist Tantra, by Jacob P. Dalton.Sam Van Schaik - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):308-309.
    The Gathering of Intentions: A History of Tibetan Buddhist Tantra, by Jacob P. Dalton. Columbia University Press, 2016. 272pp. Hb. $60.00, ISBN-13: 9780231176002.
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  5. Expropriation of the expropriators.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (4):1-17.
    The ‘expropriation of the expropriators’ is a delicious turn of phrase, one that Marx even compares to Hegel’s infamous ‘negation of the negation’. But what does it mean, and is it still relevant today? Before I analyse the content of Marx’s expression, I briefly consider contemporary legal understandings of expropriation, as well as some examples of it. In the remainder of the essay, I spell out different kinds of expropriation in Marx and focus on an ambiguity at the core of (...)
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  6. Climate Barbarism.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2022 - Constellations 29 (forthcoming):1-17.
    There is a common belief that genuine awareness and acceptance of the existence of anthropogenic climate change (as opposed to either ignorance or denial) automatically leads one to develop political and moral positions which advocate for collective human action toward minimizing suffering for all and adapting human societies toward a fossil-free future. This is a mistake. Against the idea that scientific awareness of the facts of climate change is enough to motivate a common ethical project of humanity toward a unifying (...)
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  7. The Redemption of Saint Max: Stirner’s Critique of Marx.Jacob Blumenfeld - forthcoming - In Andrés Saenz de Sicilia, Marx and the Critique of Humanism. Bloomsbury.
    In 1844, Johann Kaspar Schmidt, under the pen name “Max Stirner”, published a blistering critique of contemporary German philosophy, politics, and society called Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. Although Engels praised the book in private letters to Marx upon its arrival, a year and a half later he and Marx went to work demolishing every sentence in a 350-page unpublished manuscript called Saint Max, eventually edited and compiled a century later into the centerpiece of the German Ideology. Saint Max—perhaps the (...)
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  8. A commentary on Plato's Meno.Jacob Klein - 1965 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Meno, one of the most widely read of the Platonic dialogues, is seen afresh in this original interpretation that explores the dialogue as a theatrical presentation. Just as Socrates's listeners would have questioned and examined their own thinking in response to the presentation, so, Klein shows, should modern readers become involved in the drama of the dialogue. Klein offers a line-by-line commentary on the text of the Meno itself that animates the characters and conversation and carefully probes each significant (...)
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    Commodity Fetishism and the Value Concept: Some Contrasting Points of View.Jacob Morris, M. Colman & Donald Clark Hodges - 1966 - Science and Society 30 (2):206 - 227.
  10.  9
    Der Weg zur Gotteserkenntnis bei Augustinus und Descartes.Jacob Obersteiner - 1968 - Augustinus 13 (49-52):283-305.
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  11. The Role of Potentiality in Aristotle’s Ethics.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2022 - Journal of Human Values 28 (forthcoming):1-10.
    What I will argue here is that the ethical potentiality of the human being that Aristotle cites in the Nicomachean Ethics refers to the general, rational capacity for someone to appropriate and develop their own specific, natural capacities which make them human; the name of this ability is called virtue, which, when expressed in actions, we call good. To separate out the concepts at work here demands an exegesis of the two kinds of dunamis in Metaphysics Theta, that is, dunamis (...)
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  12. The Concept of Property in Kant, Fichte, and Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Recognition.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2023 - New York: Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.
    This book provides a detailed account of the role of property in German Idealism. It puts the concept of property in the center of the philosophical systems of Kant, Fichte, and Hegel and shows how property remains tied to their conceptions of freedom, right, and recognition. The book begins with a critical genealogy of the concept of property in modern legal philosophy, followed by a reconstruction of the theory of property in Kant's Doctrine of Right, Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right, (...)
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  13. Spinoza’s Physical Philosophy.Jacob Adler - 1996 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 78 (3):253-276.
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    The Jurisprudence of Interests.Jacob D. Hyman - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (1):113-120.
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  15. Tuning Your Priors to the World.Jacob Feldman - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):13-34.
    The idea that perceptual and cognitive systems must incorporate knowledge about the structure of the environment has become a central dogma of cognitive theory. In a Bayesian context, this idea is often realized in terms of “tuning the prior”—widely assumed to mean adjusting prior probabilities so that they match the frequencies of events in the world. This kind of “ecological” tuning has often been held up as an ideal of inference, in fact defining an “ideal observer.” But widespread as this (...)
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    Fundamental Issues Regarding the Nature of Technology.Jacob Pleasants, Michael P. Clough, Joanne K. Olson & Glen Miller - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3-5):561-597.
    Science and technology are so intertwined that technoscience has been argued to more accurately reflect the progress of science and its impact on society, and most socioscientific issues require technoscientific reasoning. Education policy documents have long noted that the general public lacks sufficient understanding of science and technology necessary for informed decision-making regarding socioscientific/technological issues. The science–technology–society movement and scholarship addressing socioscientific issues in science education reflect efforts in the science education community to promote more informed decision-making regarding such issues. (...)
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  17. Niṭsheh--psikholog ha-ʻotsmah.Jacob Golomb - 1982 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Essay Review: Darwinism and its Critics: Darwin and the Modern World View.Jacob W. Gruber - 1964 - History of Science 3 (1):115-123.
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    The common sense of science.Jacob Bronowski - 1951 - London,: Heinemann.
    The essential nature of science is revealed in an amplification of the relation between the arts and science.
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    Expropriation of the expropriators.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (4):431-447.
    The ‘expropriation of the expropriators’ is a delicious turn of phrase, one that Marx even compares to Hegel’s infamous ‘negation of the negation’. But what does it mean, and is it still relevant today? Before I analyse the content of Marx’s expression, I briefly consider contemporary legal understandings of expropriation, as well as some examples of it. In the remainder of the essay, I spell out different kinds of expropriation in Marx and focus on an ambiguity at the core of (...)
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  21.  12
    The Secular Enlightenment.Margaret C. Jacob - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    A major new history of how the Enlightenment transformed people’s everyday lives The Secular Enlightenment is a panoramic account of the radical ways that life began to change for ordinary people in the age of Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. In this landmark book, familiar Enlightenment figures share places with voices that have remained largely unheard until now, from freethinkers and freemasons to French materialists, anticlerical Catholics, pantheists, pornographers, readers, and travelers. Margaret Jacob, one of our most esteemed historians of (...)
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  22.  89
    Attitudes of Lay People to Withdrawal of Treatment in Brain Damaged Patients.Jacob Gipson, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundWhether patients in the vegetative state (VS), minimally conscious state (MCS) or the clinically related locked-in syndrome (LIS) should be kept alive is a matter of intense controversy. This study aimed to examine the moral attitudes of lay people to these questions, and the values and other factors that underlie these attitudes.MethodOne hundred ninety-nine US residents completed a survey using the online platform Mechanical Turk, comprising demographic questions, agreement with treatment withdrawal from each of the conditions, agreement with a series (...)
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  23. Von der Vergesellschaftung zur Planung und wieder zurück.Jacob Blumenfeld & Rabea Berfelde - 2024 - Prokla 54 (215):177–193.
    Wir diskutieren die Zusammenhänge zwischen historischen sowie aktuellen Debatten um Vergesellschaftung und demokratische Wirtschaftsplanung. Anhand der historischen Vergesellschaftungsdebatte wird gezeigt, dass sowohl die Wirtschaftsplanung als auch die Demokratisierung der Ökonomie zentrale Ziele verschiedener Vergesellschaftungskonzepte waren. Während die Vergesellschaftungs- debatte die Transformationsperspektive stärker in den Vordergrund rückt, konkretisiert die Debatte um demokratische Wirtschaftsplanung das Ziel, also die Gestaltung einer gemeinwohlorientierten und radikal-demokratischen Produktionsweise.
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    Stigmatization in African Communalistic Societies and Habermas’ Theory of Rationality.Jacob Ale Aigbodioh - 2011 - Cultura 8 (1):27-48.
    The phenomenon of widespread stigmatization of victims of deadly, or previously incurable, diseases in African traditional societies would appear to pragmatically contradict the humanistic values of communalism associated with those societies. However, the implied contradiction of the phenomenon, which borders on irrationality and injustice, seems amenable to a rational explanation when one considers the thick ontological underpinnings of African traditional communalism along with their epistemic significance. The justification of the proffered explanation, the paper avers, is made clearer when it is (...)
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    Oriëntatie in de nieuwe filosofie.Jacob Klapwijk - 1986 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Rede en religie in de greep van grondmodellen.Jacob Klapwijk - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (1):19-43.
    Over de vraag hoe geloof en verstand zich onderling verhouden, bestaat geen communis opinio; ook in het verleden is die er nooit geweest. Integendeel, de filosofiehistorie vertoont een complexe verscheidenheid van opvattingen. In dit artikel heb ik deze geordend in een beperkt aantal grondschema’s of grondmodellen. Ik breng zeven van die grondmodellen ter sprake, en duid ze kortweg aan met de termen identificatie, conflict, subordinatie, complementariteit, fundering, authenticiteit en transformatie. Mijn analyse laat zien hoe deze modellen, eenmaal present op het (...)
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  27.  6
    Tussen historisme en relativisme: Een studie over de dynamiek van het historisme en de wijsgerige ontwikkelingsgang van Ernst Troeltsch.Jacob Klapwijk - 1970 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
  28.  24
    Handbuch Datenschutz im Sport: Formulare – Erläuterungen – Gesetze.Jacob Kornbeck - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (2):211-216.
  29.  15
    A Modern Dictionary: Arabic-Hebrew.Jacob M. Landau & M. H. Goshen-Gottstein - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):539.
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    A qualitative inquiry into the experience of sacred art among Eastern and Western Christians in Canada.Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou & Gerald C. Cupchik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):317-334.
    This article begins with a review of studies in perception and depth psychology concerning the experience of exposure to sacred artworks in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox contexts. This follows with the results of a qualitative inquiry involving 45 Roman Catholic, Eastern and Coptic Orthodox, and Protestant Christians in Canada. First, participants composed narratives detailing memories of spiritual experiences involving iconography. Then, in the context of a darkened room evocative of a sacred space, they viewed artworks depicting Biblical themes and (...)
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  31. Sefer Hatslaḥat ha-nefesh.Jacob Levin - 1969
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    Classical Theism and Buddhism: Connecting Metaphysical and Ethical Systems.Tyler Dalton McNabb & Erik Baldwin - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Press.
    As an atheistic religious tradition, Buddhism conventionally stands in opposition to Christianity, and any bridge between them is considered to be riddled with contradictory beliefs on God the creator, salvific power and the afterlife. But what if a Buddhist could also be a Classical Theist? Showing how the various contradictions are not as fundamental as commonly thought, Tyler Dalton McNabb and Erik Baldwin challenge existing assumptions and argue that Classical Theism is, in fact, compatible with Buddhism. They draw parallels (...)
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  33.  14
    hymnus In Honorem Sancti Anselmi.E. F. Jacob - 1935 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 19 (2):411.
  34. L''ge de la science : lectures philosophiques : épistémologie.Pierre Jacob - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):693-697.
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  35. Le rationalisme peut-il être purement déductif?Pierre Jacob - 1984 - The Temps de la Réflexion 5:247.
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    Patterns, causalité mentale et Lois intentionnelles.Pierre Jacob - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Political Ideals.Alexander Jacob (ed.) - 2005 - Upa.
    This edition of Houston Stewart Chamberlain's Politische Ideale reveals the historical significance of Chamberlain in German conservative political philosophy. Contrasting the vital nationalistic state with the sterile commercialism of liberal democracies, moral freedom with the unruly selfishness of democratic parties, and the decaying culture of the Anglo-Saxon peoples with the relatively pure Teutonic, Chamberlain evokes in this work the principal elements of a genuinely conservative state.
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  38. Perspectives on Consciousness.Pierre Jacob - 2003 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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  39.  6
    The French Prophets: The History of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century EnglandHillel Schwartz.Margaret Jacob - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):473-474.
  40.  23
    (1 other version)The Ethics of Internationalism and the Individual.Jacob R. Kantor - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (1):29-38.
  41.  6
    The Role of Potentiality in Aristotle’s Ethics.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2022 - Journal of Human Values 28 (2):93-102.
    What I will argue here is that the ethical potentiality of the human being that Aristotle cites in the Nicomachean Ethics refers to the general, rational capacity for someone to appropriate and develop their own specific, natural capacities which make them human; the name of this ability is called virtue, which, when expressed in actions, we call good. To separate out the concepts at work here demands an exegesis of the two kinds of dunamis in Metaphysics Theta, that is, dunamis (...)
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  42.  35
    Trial by Triad: substituted judgment, mental illness and the right to die.Jacob M. Appel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (6):358-361.
    Substituted judgment has increasingly become the accepted standard for rendering decisions for incapacitated adults in the USA. A broad exception exists with regard to patients with diminished capacity secondary to depressive disorders, as such patients’ previous wishes are generally not honoured when seeking to turn down life-preserving care or pursue aid-in-dying. The result is that physicians often force involuntary treatment on patients with poor medical prognoses and/or low quality of life as a result of their depressive symptoms when similarly situated (...)
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  43.  45
    The eleatic stranger's socratic condemnation of socrates.Jacob Howland - 1993 - Polis 12 (1-2):15-36.
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  44. Property and Freedom in Kant, Hegel, and Marx.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2020 - In Victoria Fareld & Hannes Kuch, From Marx to Hegel and Back. Bloomsbury. pp. 73=90.
    In this chapter, I criticize some common approaches to conceptualizing property, and I propose instead a more normatively attuned, historically situated framework for thinking about what it means to call something mine. Whereas many legal theorists are busy constructing elaborate doctrines for justifying the absolute supremacy of property rights (and, consequently, normalizing the status quo distribution of wealth), I am more interested in understanding the social bonds, normative expectations, and material constraints produced in property relations. I do this with the (...)
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    Life's irreducible structure: Where are we, five decades later?Jacob Joseph - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000250.
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  46.  28
    Essentialism and Pluralism in Aristotle’s “Function Argument” (NE 1.7).Jacob Abolafia - 2017 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):391-400.
    Aristotle is often thought of as one of the fathers of essentialism in Western philosophy. Aristotle’s argument for the essence of human beings is, however, much more flexible than this prejudice might suggest. In the passage about the “human function” at Nichomachean Ethics 1.7, Aristotle gives an account of the particular “function” (or “achievement,” ergon) of human beings that does not ask very much of the modern reader—only that she be prepared to analyze human beings as a logical category according (...)
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  47.  17
    The Rectificatory Theory of Punishment.Jacob Adler - 1988 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 69 (4):255-281.
  48.  75
    Challenging the State: Teaching Alternative Historiographies in Early Modern Politics.Jacob Affolter - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (3):398-413.
    This article argues that we can improve the way we teach early modern political philosophy if we introduce students to alternative views about the development of the state. First, it summarizes the work of contemporary philosophers and historians who are critical of the modern state. Second, it points out ways in which early social contract theorists take the state for granted. Third, it argues that alternative views about the development of the state can help students take a more critical perspective (...)
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  49.  43
    Fighting Discrimination with Discrimination: Public Universities and the Rights of Dissenting Students.Jacob Affolter - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (2):235-261.
    This article discusses recent legal conflicts between state universities and conservative religious students in the United States, focusing on Christian Legal Society v. Martinez. In recent years, several universities have denied recognition to religious student organizations that discriminate on the basis of religion or sexual orientation. I argue that scholars on both sides of the issue have failed to recognize the full scope of the privilege that the universities demand. If the courts accept the universities' demands, then the courts dangerously (...)
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  50.  35
    Nietzsche’s philosophy of education: rethinking ethics, equality and the good life in a democratic age.Jacob Affolter - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (3):391-393.
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