Results for 'Jacob Abbott'

949 found
  1. Emerging plurality of life: Assessing the questions, challenges and opportunities.Jessica Abbott, Erik Persson & Olaf Witkowski - 2023 - Frontiers Human Dynamics 5:1153668.
    Research groups around the world are currently busy trying to invent new life in the laboratory, looking for extraterrestrial life, or making machines increasingly more life-like. In the case of astrobiology, any newly discovered life would likely be very old, but when discovered it would be new to us. In the case of synthetic organic life or life-like machines, humans will have invented life that did not exist before. Together, these endeavors amount to what we call the emerging plurality of (...)
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    Science & Human Val.Jacob Bronowski - 1990 - Harper Collins.
    Thought-provoking essays on science as an integral part of the culture of our age from a leader in the scientific humanism movement. "A profoundly moving, brilliantly perceptive essay by a truly civilized man."--Scientific American.
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    Commodity Fetishism and the Value Concept: Some Contrasting Points of View.Jacob Morris, M. Colman & Donald Clark Hodges - 1966 - Science and Society 30 (2):206 - 227.
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    Judaism in the History of Religions.Jacob Neusner - 1968 - History and Theory 8:31-45.
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    Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature.Jacob Neusner & Jacob Mann - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):112.
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    Der Weg zur Gotteserkenntnis bei Augustinus und Descartes.Jacob Obersteiner - 1968 - Augustinus 13 (49-52):283-305.
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    The eleatic stranger's socratic condemnation of socrates.Jacob Howland - 1993 - Polis 12 (1-2):15-36.
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  8. Niṭsheh--psikholog ha-ʻotsmah.Jacob Golomb - 1982 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Essay Review: Darwinism and its Critics: Darwin and the Modern World View.Jacob W. Gruber - 1964 - History of Science 3 (1):115-123.
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    The Jurisprudence of Interests.Jacob D. Hyman - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (1):113-120.
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    The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination.Jacob Bronowski - 1979 - Yale University Press.
    "A gem of enlightenment.... One rejoices in Bronowski's dedication to the identity of acts of creativity and of imagination, whether in Blake or Yeats or Einstein or Heisenberg."--Kirkus Reviews "According to Bronowski, our account of the world is dictated by our biology: how we perceive, imagine, symbolize, etc. He proposes to explain how we receive and translate our experience of the world so that we achieve knowledge. He examines the mechanisms of our perception; the origin and nature of natural language; (...)
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    The Secular Enlightenment.Margaret C. Jacob - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    A major new history of how the Enlightenment transformed people’s everyday lives The Secular Enlightenment is a panoramic account of the radical ways that life began to change for ordinary people in the age of Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. In this landmark book, familiar Enlightenment figures share places with voices that have remained largely unheard until now, from freethinkers and freemasons to French materialists, anticlerical Catholics, pantheists, pornographers, readers, and travelers. Margaret Jacob, one of our most esteemed historians of (...)
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    The common sense of science.Jacob Bronowski - 1951 - London,: Heinemann.
    The essential nature of science is revealed in an amplification of the relation between the arts and science.
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    Oriëntatie in de nieuwe filosofie.Jacob Klapwijk - 1986 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Tussen historisme en relativisme: Een studie over de dynamiek van het historisme en de wijsgerige ontwikkelingsgang van Ernst Troeltsch.Jacob Klapwijk - 1970 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
  16. Sefer Hatslaḥat ha-nefesh.Jacob Levin - 1969
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  17. Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen.Jacob Burckhardt - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:29-30.
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    Rede en religie in de greep van grondmodellen.Jacob Klapwijk - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (1):19-43.
    Over de vraag hoe geloof en verstand zich onderling verhouden, bestaat geen communis opinio; ook in het verleden is die er nooit geweest. Integendeel, de filosofiehistorie vertoont een complexe verscheidenheid van opvattingen. In dit artikel heb ik deze geordend in een beperkt aantal grondschema’s of grondmodellen. Ik breng zeven van die grondmodellen ter sprake, en duid ze kortweg aan met de termen identificatie, conflict, subordinatie, complementariteit, fundering, authenticiteit en transformatie. Mijn analyse laat zien hoe deze modellen, eenmaal present op het (...)
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  19. Wyjaśnienia.Jacob Klein & Leo Strauss - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (21).
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    Handbuch Datenschutz im Sport: Formulare – Erläuterungen – Gesetze.Jacob Kornbeck - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (2):211-216.
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    A Modern Dictionary: Arabic-Hebrew.Jacob M. Landau & M. H. Goshen-Gottstein - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):539.
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    A qualitative inquiry into the experience of sacred art among Eastern and Western Christians in Canada.Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou & Gerald C. Cupchik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):317-334.
    This article begins with a review of studies in perception and depth psychology concerning the experience of exposure to sacred artworks in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox contexts. This follows with the results of a qualitative inquiry involving 45 Roman Catholic, Eastern and Coptic Orthodox, and Protestant Christians in Canada. First, participants composed narratives detailing memories of spiritual experiences involving iconography. Then, in the context of a darkened room evocative of a sacred space, they viewed artworks depicting Biblical themes and (...)
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  23. Spinoza’s Physical Philosophy.Jacob Adler - 1996 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 78 (3):253-276.
  24. The Myth of Virgil's Aeneid.Jacob Klein - 1971 - Interpretation 2 (1):10-20.
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    Life's irreducible structure: Where are we, five decades later?Jacob Joseph - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000250.
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    Index of Names and Subjects.Richard Aaron & T. K. Abbott - 2005 - In Kenneth P. Winkler, The Cambridge Companion to Berkeley. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 285--446.
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    Stigmatization in African Communalistic Societies and Habermas’ Theory of Rationality.Jacob Ale Aigbodioh - 2011 - Cultura 8 (1):27-48.
    The phenomenon of widespread stigmatization of victims of deadly, or previously incurable, diseases in African traditional societies would appear to pragmatically contradict the humanistic values of communalism associated with those societies. However, the implied contradiction of the phenomenon, which borders on irrationality and injustice, seems amenable to a rational explanation when one considers the thick ontological underpinnings of African traditional communalism along with their epistemic significance. The justification of the proffered explanation, the paper avers, is made clearer when it is (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern.Jacob Taubes - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (2):267-270.
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  29. Devoirs, Conférences de Morale individuelle et de Morale sociale.B. Jacob - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (1):4-5.
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    hymnus In Honorem Sancti Anselmi.E. F. Jacob - 1935 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 19 (2):411.
  31. L''ge de la science : lectures philosophiques : épistémologie.Pierre Jacob - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):693-697.
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  32. Le rationalisme peut-il être purement déductif?Pierre Jacob - 1984 - The Temps de la Réflexion 5:247.
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    La sémantique des théories physiques Jean Leroux Ottawa, Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1988, xii, 152 p.Pierre Jacob - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (1):143-.
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    Patterns, causalité mentale et Lois intentionnelles.Pierre Jacob - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Political Ideals.Alexander Jacob (ed.) - 2005 - Upa.
    This edition of Houston Stewart Chamberlain's Politische Ideale reveals the historical significance of Chamberlain in German conservative political philosophy. Contrasting the vital nationalistic state with the sterile commercialism of liberal democracies, moral freedom with the unruly selfishness of democratic parties, and the decaying culture of the Anglo-Saxon peoples with the relatively pure Teutonic, Chamberlain evokes in this work the principal elements of a genuinely conservative state.
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  36. Perspectives on Consciousness.Pierre Jacob - 2003 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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    The French Prophets: The History of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century EnglandHillel Schwartz.Margaret Jacob - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):473-474.
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    (1 other version)The Ethics of Internationalism and the Individual.Jacob R. Kantor - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (1):29-38.
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    The identity of man.Jacob Bronowski - 1965 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Essays defending the human claim to have a mind.
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  40. Cusanus the Theologian / by E.F. Jacob.E. F. Jacob - 1937 - Manchester University Press.
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  41. Luke and the People of God: A New Look at Luke-Acts.Jacob Jervell - 1972
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    Dialogue in Europe Today.Walter Jacob - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (1):48-60.
  43. Some Remarks on Chemical Arguments.Claus Jacob - 2004 - Studia Philosophica 4:37.
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    African scholarly journals: Slow decline or quantum jump.Jacob Jaygbay - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8 (2):85-89.
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    Bartolomeo Barbieri da Castelvetro. Un cappuccino alla scuola di San Bonaventura nell'Emilia del '600 by Andrea Maggioli and Pietro Maranesi (review).Jacob Schmutz - 2000 - Franciscan Studies 58 (1):327-329.
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    The Visionary Eye.Jacob Bronowski, P. E. Ariotti & R. Bronowski - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (2):204-205.
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    More Dr. Seuss and philosophy: additional hunches in bunches.Jacob M. Held (ed.) - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This collection of essays examines the wisdom of Dr. Seuss and the philosophical insights that his classic children's books hold for adults. Whether exploring morality, compassion, or conflict resolution, Dr. Seuss's works are a guide to living well, and being the best person you can be.
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  48. Logica als leer van zuivere rede..Jacob Hessing - 1941 - Bussum,: C.A.J. van Dishoeck.
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    The topological pigeonhole principle for ordinals.Jacob Hilton - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):662-686.
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  50. Love of Wisdom and Will to Order in Plato's Timaeus: On Peter Kalkavage's Translation.Jacob Howland - 2002 - Interpretation 30 (1):93-105.
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