Results for 'Jack El-Hai'

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  1. Latin editon and English translation of On the liberal arts.John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste - 2019 - In John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste, The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste.John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Few figures of the Middle Ages command the attention of so many modern disciplines as Robert Grosseteste (c. 1170-1253). Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science are all areas which his life and thought continue to have significance and to inspire re-interpretation. Accompanied by a series of original commentaries, this new edition of Grosseteste's work, with English translation, draws together the perspectives of modern scientists and medieval specialists. Volume I of a six volume series, Knowing and Speaking presents two of the earliest (...)
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  3. Oḥilah la-El: "Maʻarkhe Lev", le-Lev Śafah Meyuhedet Ha-Niḳret Maʻarakhah, Be-Sefer Zeh Nenaseh Yaḥad Li-Lemod Ule-Havin Otah.Jack Cohen - 2009 - Yaʻaḳov Y. Kohen.
    kerekh 1. Mifṿan maʼamarim meratḳim meha-ḥayim ha-yom yomiyim ha-medabrim el ha-lev ṿe-lo notnim la-hizdamnut la-ḥalof mi-beli le-hashʼir ṭaʻam shel ʻod.
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  4. Injusticias Epistémicas en la Deliberación Democrática: El Caso de Las Personas Privadas de La Libertad.Jack Warman & Leandro De Brasi - 2022 - In Cristián Santibáñez & Leandro De Brasi, Injusticias Epistémicas: Análisis y Contextos. Lima, Peru: Palestra Editores.
    En este capítulo, defendemos la tesis de que ciertas injusticias epistémicas relacionadas al testimonio que afectan a las personas privadas de la libertad están en tensión con la deliberación democrática. En la primera sección, ofrecemos una breve discusión de la noción de la deliberación democrática. En la segunda sección, presentamos cuatro variedades de injusticia epistémica relacionadas al testimonio. En la tercera sección, consideramos algunos casos de estas variedades de injusticia epistémica en el sistema carcelario a modo ilustrativo y explicaremos cómo (...)
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    La praecisio mundi. La medición de la ciencia y el recorte de la universidad como proyecto cultural.Yuri Jack Gómez - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70:111-121.
    Este ensayo plantea una cuestión filosófica perseguida como investigación histórica que desemboca en una explicación sociológica en torno a la medición de la ciencia. Medir, etimológicamente relacionado con una praecisio adquiere su sentido más profundo en una era postontológica para describir las implicaciones culturales de un mundo privado de metafísica. Basado en un relato sucinto del surgimiento del pensamiento bibliométrico enmarcado por el debate historiográfico de principios del siglo XX entre historiadores seriales e historiadores del evento, este ensayo une tanto (...)
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    A friendship in twilight: lockdown conversations on death and life.Jack Miles - 2020 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Mark C. Taylor.
    Jack Miles, a former member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and Mark Taylor, a philosophical atheist, have both in different ways brought religious and philosophical concerns into the wider world. Approaching the end of their careers as well as the end of their lives, they were prompted by the advent of a deadly pandemic amid worldwide political crises to think through matters of "ultimate concern": what is the human self, embedded as it is in a cosmos of nonhuman (...)
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    The IARC Monographs: Updated procedures for modern and transparent evidence synthesis in cancer hazard identification.Jonathan M. Samet, Weihsueh A. Chiu, Vincent Cogliano, Jennifer Jinot, David Kriebel, Ruth M. Lunn, Frederick A. Beland, Lisa Bero, Patience Browne, Lin Fritschi, Jun Kanno, Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Qing Lan, Gérard Lasfargues, Frank Le Curieux, Susan Peters, Pamela Shubat, Hideko Sone, Mary C. White, Jon Williamson, Marianna Yakubovskaya, Jack Siemiatycki, Paul A. White, Kathryn Z. Guyton, Mary K. Schubauer-Berigan, Amy L. Hall, Yann Grosse, Véronique Bouvard, Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa, Fatiha El Ghissassi, Béatrice Lauby-Secretan, Bruce Armstrong, Rodolfo Saracci, Jiri Zavadil, Kurt Straif & Christopher P. Wild - unknown
    The Monographs produced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) apply rigorous procedures for the scientific review and evaluation of carcinogenic hazards by independent experts. The Preamble to the IARC Monographs, which outlines these procedures, was updated in 2019, following recommendations of a 2018 expert Advisory Group. This article presents the key features of the updated Preamble, a major milestone that will enable IARC to take advantage of recent scientific and procedural advances made during the 12 years since (...)
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    [Ὤς ἄρ՚ ἐɸώvησεv] τῇ δ' ἄπτερoς ἔπλετo μῦθoς.M. L. Jacks - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (3-4):70-71.
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  9. Jack London y el'Talón de Hierro'.José María Laso Prieto - 1996 - El Basilisco 22:83-94.
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    Jack London etnólogo amateur Del pugilismo.Loïc Wacquant - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    De los relatos que Jack London ha consagrado al boxeo, A Piece of Steak es sin dudas aquel que merece hoy nuestra mayor atención, e incluso un lugar en el panteón de los textos literarios sobre el Noble Arte, y junto a él otros tres títulos..
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    Ben Tsiyon Meʼir Ḥai: ha-Rav ʻUziʼel - hagut, halakhah ṿe-hisṭoryah = Rabbi Benzion Meir Hai Uziel: thinker, halakhist, leader.Tsevi Zohar, Amihai Radzyner & Elimelech Westreich (eds.) - 2020 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  12. Hai ēthikai dynameis tēs zōēs.Dēmētrios N. Aliprantēs - 1974 - [s.n.],:
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  13. Hai aisthētikai katēgoriai.E. Moutsopoulos - 1970
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  14. Hai archai tēs philosophias tēs historias.Iōannēs Nikolaou Theodōrakopoulos - 1928
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  15. Hai paidagōgikai ideai tou Sophokleous.Geōrgios N. Oikonomou - 1973
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  16. Hai gynaikes eis tas Pythagoreious koinōnias.Stauroula Iōannou Lampropoulou - 1976 - Athēnai: [S.N.].
  17. Un nuevo imaginario Del nuevo mundo: Latinoamérica en la obra de jack kerouac.Mauricio Echeverry - 2011 - Escritos 19 (43).
    El artículo estudia los imaginarios construidos alrededor de la América salvaje, como contraparte del ideal civilizatorio de la cultura occidental. Propone reconstruir sus huellas a partir de la literatura, y especialmente, en la obra de Jack Kerouac. Sus novelas, inspiradas en el motivo del viaje y en la fuga hacia lo exótico, sirven para recomponer la representación de las relaciones entre la América del norte y Centroamérica, pero también con América del Sur, relaciones asociadas a la fábula de un (...)
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    Hai synchronoi philosophikai kateuthynseis.Kōnstantinos Dēmētriou Geōrgoulēs - 1954
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    Hē philosophia tōn archaiōn Hellēnōn: hai philosophikai ekdēlōseis tōn archaiōn Hellēnōn apo tou hektou aiōnos p.Ch. heōs tou tetartou aiōnos m.Ch.Iakōvos Pēlilēs - 1993 - Athēnai: Ekdoseis Dēmētriou N. Papadēma.
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    Adolf Meyer: Psychiatric anarchist.S. Nassir Ghaemi - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):pp. 341-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Adolf Meyer: Psychiatric AnarchistS. Nassir Ghaemi (bio)KeywordsMeyer, biopsychosocial model, Jaspers, pluralism, philosophy, psychiatryThey had weekly lunches in 1920s New York City: In one door stepped a stooped philosopher, with a mustache and a twinkle, perhaps ruminating on some recent Marxist theory; in the other door came the elegant Swiss physician, goateed and erudite. Every week, for a time, John Dewey (leader of American pragmatism) and Adolf Meyer (dean of (...)
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    Comida, ética y estructura social entre Romanos y Germanos: de la Germania de Tácito a la Antigüedad tardía.Guillermo Alvar Nuño - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    En 1982, Jack Goody publicó _Cooking, Cuisine and Class. _ _A Study in Comparative Sociology. _En esta obra, Goody se interesó por las culturas culinarias de diferentes espacios geográficos del mundo, así como por la relación entre el desarrollo de una cocina refinada y el surgimiento de una sociedad compleja. Entre sus conclusiones, demostró que la manera de comer constituye un aspecto ensencial en cualquier sociedad. Más en concreto, señaló que en diferentes culturas europeas y asiáticas el surgimiento de (...)
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  22. There and back again, or the problem of locality in biodiversity surveys.Ayelet Shavit & James Griesemer - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (3):273-294.
    We argue that ‘locality’, perhaps the most mundane term in ecology, holds a basic ambiguity: two concepts of space—nomothetic and idiographic—which are both necessary for a rigorous resurvey to “the same” locality in the field, are committed to different practices with no common measurement. A case study unfolds the failure of the standard assumption that an exogenous grid of longitude and latitude, as fine‐grained as one wishes, suffices for revisiting a species locality. We briefly suggest a scale‐dependent “resolution” for this (...)
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  23. From old school to reform school?Jack Kloppenburg & Neva Hassanein - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (4):417-421.
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    The Problem of Consciousness.Andrew Jack & Colin McGinn - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (166):106.
  25. Religious Belief and the Wisdom of Crowds.Jack Warman & Leandro De Brasi - 2023 - Sophia 62 (1):17-31.
    In their simplest form, consensus gentium arguments for theism argue that theism is true on the basis that everyone believes that theism is true. While such arguments may have been popular in history, they have all but fallen from grace in the philosophy of religion. In this short paper, we reconsider the neglected topic of consensus gentium arguments, paying particular attention to the value of such arguments when deployed in the defence of theistic belief. We argue that while consensus gentium (...)
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    The hierarchy in economics and its implications.Jack Wright - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (2):257-278.
    This paper argues for two propositions. (I) Large asymmetries of power, status and influence exist between economists. These asymmetries constitute a hierarchy that is steeper than it could be and steeper than hierarchies in other disciplines. (II) This situation has potentially significant epistemic consequences. I collect data on the social organization of economics to show (I). I then argue that the hierarchy in economics heightens conservative selection biases, restricts criticism between economists and disincentivizes the development of novel research. These factors (...)
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    Of violence: The force and significance of violence in the early Derrida.Jack E. Marsh - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (3):269-286.
    This article queries the sense of `violence' in Derrida's early work, especially Of Grammatology. After a thorough reading of Derrida's analyses, and an inspection of his own moral and political rhetoric interspersed through his writing on writing, I offer a criticism of Derrida's treatment of violence. Derrida figures socio-political or `empirical' violence as conditioned by the more basic play of the trace; the `transcendental' violence of inscription and law. This move brings him within a hair's-breadth of affirming a violence more (...)
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  28. Gaṅgeśa on Absence in Retrospect.Jack Beaulieu - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (4):603-639.
    Cases of past absence involve agents noticing in retrospect that an object or property was absent, such as when one notices later that a colleague was not at a talk. In Sanskrit philosophy, such cases are introduced by Kumārila as counterexamples to the claim that knowledge of absence is perceptual, but further take on a life of their own as a topic of inquiry among Kumārila’s commentators and their Nyāya interlocutors. In this essay, I examine the Nyāya philosopher Gaṅgeśa’s epistemology (...)
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    German History and Its Discontents.Jack Zipes - 1988 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1988 (78):182-190.
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    (1 other version)The Marxist Philosophy of Ernst Bloch.Jack Zipes - 1983 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1983 (58):227-231.
    Perhaps the time has finally arrived for a fuller appreciation of Ernst Bloch, the eminent Marxist philosopher of the “not-yet.” At the very least, Wayne Hudson's book will make Bloch's ideas better-known in America, and known in a manner that Bloch himself would have approved. Hudson's incisive and cogent study gives readers an inkling of the diverse and provocative Blochian theories that are there for us to “inherit,” if we can learn to sift the gems of light from the poetical (...)
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    Editor's Note.Jack Zupko - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):vii-vii.
    with the publication in this issue of Alice Ragni's "Bibliographia Claubergiana : Tracking a Crossroads in the History of Philosophy," we inaugurate a new series in the JHP, Research Tools for Historians of Philosophy. This series will publish occasional article-length studies that serve as resources for philosophers who do primary text scholarship: bibliographies, catalogs of manuscripts and correspondence, information about libraries and research collections, editions of previously unpublished sources, translations of sources previously unavailable in major European languages, and so on. (...)
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  32. Biological Individuality: The Identity and Persistence of Living Entities.Jack Wilson - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (203):264-266.
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  33. (1 other version)Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty: Immanence, Univocity and Phenomenology.Jack Reynolds & Jon Roffe - 2006 - Journal of the British Society of Phenomenology 37 (3):228-51.
    This paper will seek firstly to understand Deleuze’s main challenges to phenomenology, particularly as they are expressed in The Logic of Sense and What is Philosophy?, although reference will also be made to Pure Immanence and Difference and Repetition. We will then turn to a discussion of one of the few passages in which Deleuze directly engages with Merleau-Ponty, which occurs in the chapter on art in What is Philosophy? In this text, he and Guattari offer a critique of what (...)
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    A Federal Tax Credit to Encourage Employers to Offer Health Coverage.Jack A. Meyer & Elliot K. Wicks - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (2):202-213.
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    Institutionalizing Toleration.Jack Knight - 2008 - In Russel Hardin, Ingrid Crepell & Stephen Macedo, toleration on trial. Lexington Books. pp. 31--47.
  36. Your greatest power.Jack Martin Kohe - 1953 - Cleveland,: Ralston Pub. Co..
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    Embodied world construction: a phenomenology of ritual.Jack Williams - 2023 - Religious Studies (FirstView):1-20.
    This article presents a new approach to understanding ritual: embodied world construction. Informed by phenomenology and a philosophy of embodiment, this approach argues that rituals can (re)shape the structure of an individual's perceptual world. Ritual participation transforms how the world appears for an individual through the inculcation of new perceptual habits, enabling the perception of objects and properties which could not previously be apprehended. This theory is then applied to two case studies from an existing ethnographic study of North American (...)
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    Resolving the small improvement argument: a defense of the axiom of completeness.Jack Anderson - 2015 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 8 (1):24.
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    The nature of intention.Jack W. Meiland - 1970 - London,: Methuen.
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    The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism.Jack Jacobs - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The history of the Frankfurt School cannot be fully told without examining the relationships of Critical Theorists to their Jewish family backgrounds. Jewish matters had significant effects on key figures in the Frankfurt School, including Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal and Herbert Marcuse. At some points, their Jewish family backgrounds clarify their life paths; at others, these backgrounds help to explain why the leaders of the School stressed the significance of antisemitism. In the post-Second World War (...)
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    Rescuing Objectivity: A Contextualist Proposal.Jack Wright - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (4):385-406.
    Ascriptions of objectivity carry significant weight. But they can also cause confusion because wildly different ideas of what it means to be objective are common. Faced with this, some philosophers have argued that objectivity should be eliminated. I will argue, against one such position, that objectivity can be useful even though it is plural. I will then propose a contextualist approach for dealing with objectivity as a way of rescuing what is useful about objectivity while acknowledging its plurality.
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    The formation and motion energies of vacancies in aluminium.Jack Bass - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (136):717-730.
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    MICRO-Foundations in Strategic Management: Squaring Coleman’s Diagram.Jack Vromen - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (3):365-383.
    In a series of joint papers, Teppo Felin and Nicolai J. Foss recently launched a microfoundations project in the field of strategic management. Felin and Foss observe that extant explanations in strategic management are predominantly collectivist or macro. Routines and organizational capabilities, which are supposed to be properties of firms, loom large in the field of strategic management. Routines figure as explanantia in explanations of firm behavior and firm performance, for example. Felin and Foss plead for a replacement of such (...)
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  44. Ontological butchery: Organism concepts and biological generalizations.Jack A. Wilson - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):311.
    Biology lacks a central organism concept that unambiguously marks the distinction between organism and non-organism because the most important questions about organisms do not depend on this concept. I argue that the two main ways to discover useful biological generalizations about multicellular organization--the study of homology within multicellular lineages and of convergent evolution across lineages in which multicellularity has been independently established--do not require what would have to be a stipulative sharpening of an organism concept.
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    Constitutional Crisis and Constitutional Rot.Jack M. Balkin - unknown
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  46. Raghunātha on seeing absence.Jack Beaulieu - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):421-447.
    Later Nyāya philosophers maintain that absences are real particulars, irreducible to any positives, that we perceive. The fourteenth-century Nyāya philosopher Gaṅgeśa argues for a condition on absence perception according to which we always perceive an absence as an absence of its counterpositive, or its corresponding absent object or property. Call this condition the ‘counterpositive condition’. Gaṅgeśa shows that the counterpositive condition is both supported by a plausible thesis about the epistemology of relational properties and motivates the defence of absence as (...)
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    A history of the axiomatic formulation of probability from Borel to Kolmogorov: Part I.Jack Barone & Albert Novikoff - 1978 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 18 (2):123-190.
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    The Historical Relativism of Charles A. Beard.Jack W. Meiland - 1973 - History and Theory 12 (4):405-413.
    Despite seemingly ambiguous writings, Beard is a relativist. Beard states that if historical conceptions are relative, then relativity is relative; this is not a rejection of relativism. As times change, doctrines become outmoded. Beard's times were right for relativism, so he was a relativist, despite his knowledge of its eventual demise. Relativism cannot provide the historian with a frame of reference to interpret the "totality of history." He must choose a comprehensive and informed frame. Beard seems to indicate that historians (...)
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    Israel as Foundling, Jesus as Bachelor: Abandonment, Adoption, and the Fatherhood of God.Jack Miles - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala, Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 304-325.
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    Reopening Muslim Minds: A Return to Reason, Freedom, and ToleranceHaifa Republic: A Democratic Future for Israel.Jack Miles - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):287-290.
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