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Joel Whitebook [23]J. Whitebook [2]Joel David Whitebook [1]
  1. Omnipotence or Fusion? A Conversation between Axel Honneth and Joel Whitebook.Axel Honneth & Joel Whitebook - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):170-179.
  2.  8
    Freud: An Intellectual Biography.Joel Whitebook - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    The life and work of Sigmund Freud continue to fascinate general and professional readers alike. Joel Whitebook here presents the first major biography of Freud since the last century, taking into account recent developments in psychoanalytic theory and practice, gender studies, philosophy, cultural theory, and more. Offering a radically new portrait of the creator of psychoanalysis, this book explores the man in all his complexity alongside an interpretation of his theories that cuts through the stereotypes that surround him. The development (...)
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    Winnicott fehlgedeutet.Joel Whitebook - 2021 - Psyche 76 (2):97-138.
    Im vorliegenden Beitrag setzt der Autor eine früher begonnene Debatte mit Axel Honneth über die Interpretation psychoanalytischer Konzepte, insbesondere die Donald W. Winnicotts, fort. Honneths philosophische Aneignung der Psychoanalyse sieht der Autor in der Tradition der »Relationalen Linken«; wie bei dieser stelle die Winnicott-Interpretation auch bei Honneth eines der zentralen Elemente des Versuchs dar, die eigene philosophische Position zu formulieren. Dabei werde Winnicotts komplexes, hochdifferenziertes und subtiles Denken einer erheblichen Vereinfachung unterworfen. Der Autor zeigt, dass und wie der entscheidende Punkt, (...)
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  4. The marriage of Marx and Freud: Critical Theory and psychoanalysis.Joel Whitebook - 2004 - In Fred Rush, The Cambridge companion to critical theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 74--102.
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    First nature and second nature in Hegel and psychoanalysis.Joel Whitebook - 2008 - Constellations 15 (3):382-389.
  6.  55
    Michel Foucault: a Marcusean in Structuralist Clothing.Joel Whitebook - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 71 (1):52-70.
    Foucault's rejection of the repressive hypothesis is generally taken as a critique of Freud. Its real target is, however, the left Freudian tradition, which received its paradigmatic articulation in the work of Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse sought to show that the conflict between the repressive demands of civilization and instinctual desires of the individual didn't represent a transhistorical state of affairs, as Freud maintained. He argues, rather, that it represents a particular historical constellation that can be transcended. Foucault purports to reject (...)
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    Freud, Foucault and 'the dialogue with unreason'.Joel Whitebook - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (6):29-66.
    The standard interpretations of Foucault's intellectual biography usually present Sartre as his major adversary. Though it would be difficult to underestimate the importance of Sartre for Foucault's development, this paper argues that Foucault was involved in an even more intense and deeper contest with Freud. Indeed, Freud was Foucault's principal adversary and, throughout his career, Foucault was trying to formulate a counter-project to psychoanalysis. The author attempts to demonstrate this claim by examining Foucault's early psychological writings, Madness and Civilization, his (...)
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    Unser doppeltes Erbe.Joel Whitebook - 2018 - Psyche 72 (3):181-193.
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  9. Fantasy and critique: some thoughts on Freud and the Frankfurt School.Joel Whitebook - 1996 - In David M. Rasmussen, The Handbook of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 87--304.
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    Requiem for a Selbstdenker: Cornelius Castoriadis (1992-1997).Joel Whitebook - 1998 - Constellations 5 (2):141-160.
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    The ineluctable modality of the natural.Joel Whitebook - 2023 - Constellations 30 (1):30-33.
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    Spinoza and Freud.Joel Whitebook - 2021 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 42 (2):335-352.
  13. Symposium: Cornelius Castoriadis, 1922–1997.Edgar Morin, Joel Whitebook & Axel Honneth - 1998 - Radical Philosophy 90.
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    Autonomy and Redemption: Reply to Gonzales, Breines and Wolin.Joel Whitebook - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):146-157.
    My intention in writing “The Politics of Redemption” (Telos #63) — which was admittedly polemical and therefore somewhat overstated — was in part to stimulate theoretical controversy within me journal. It seemed at the time that Telos was suffering from stagnation camouflaged by animated political debates, and that an open and even heated discussion of basic theoretical issues might prove healthy and productive. I was therefore pleased to see the responses to my article and welcome the opportunity to clarify and (...)
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    Crossroads in the Labyrinth.Joel Whitebook - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (63):228-239.
    D'Amico's review of Castoriadis' Crossroads in the Labyrinth (Telos, 60) can be taken as a negative example of one of the book's central theses: namely, that there exists an intimate connection between sublimation and truth. In D'Amico's case, there is little of either. One is struck by the vehemence of the attack and wonders about the source of its unmediated anger. I am usually reluctant to make psychologizing arguments in public controversies. However, in this case, I feel justified in asserting (...)
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  16. Hypostatizing Thanatos: Lacan's analysis of the ego'.Joel Whitebook - 1994 - Constellations 1 (1):214-30.
  17.  37
    Misuse of Winnicott: On Axel Honneth's appropriation of psychoanalysis.Joel Whitebook - 2021 - Constellations 28 (3):306-321.
    Constellations, Volume 28, Issue 3, Page 306-321, September 2021.
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    Response to ?I?Ek.Joel Whitebook - 1996 - Constellations 3 (2):157-163.
  19.  20
    Saving the Subject: Modernity and the Problem of the Autonomous Individual.J. Whitebook - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (50):79-102.
  20.  47
    The Politics of Redemption.Joel Whitebook - 1985 - Télos 1985 (63):156-168.
    Now that the more overtly political controversies of the recent past have subsided in Telos, it is possible to examine the deeper theoretical issues that lie behind them. Despite the importance of the manifest political content of those controversies — and they were indeed important — it is my contention that the fractiousness of the discussion can only be accounted for in terms of the underlying theoretical situation. What was in fact happening with those debates was that the old theoretical- (...)
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    The Social and the Natural in Marx.Joel Whitebook - 1975 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5 (1):97-108.
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