John Thorp [13]J. W. Thorp [3]John M. Thorp [1]John P. Thorp [1]
J. Thorp [1]
  1.  29
    Free Will.Stephen L. Darwall & John Thorp - 1980 - Philosophical Review 92 (4):627.
  2.  31
    Free Will: A Defense Against Neurophysiological Determinism.John Thorp - 1980 - London: Routledge.
    The problem of freedom and determinism is one of the most enduring, and one of the best, problems in philosophy. One of the best because it so tenaciously resists solution while yet always seeming urgent, and one of the most enduring because it has always been able to present itself in different ways to suit the preoccupations of different ages. This book, first published in 1980, sets out to defend free will: it elaborates a sober and systematic case for libertarianism (...)
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  3. Aristotle on Brutishness.John Thorp - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (4):673-.
    Aristotle’s treatment of brutishness in the Nicomachean Ethics is very brief: a couple of paragraphs in the first chapter of Book VII, and most of Chapter 5 of the same book, together with some glancing references in Chapter 6. Commentators standardly give these passages short shrift indeed, if they do not ignore them altogether. In antiquity Aspasius commented on the Ethics, but, by great ill luck, his commentary on the first half of Book 7 is lost. A twelfth- or thirteenth-century (...)
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  4. Aristotle's definition of time: a modest proposal.J. Thorp - forthcoming - presented at The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, APA Central Division Conference.
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  5.  26
    Integrity, Abortion, and the Pro‐Life Perinatologist.John M. Thorp, Steven R. Wells, Watson A. Bowes & Robert C. Cefalo - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (1):27-28.
  6.  46
    Aristotle's use of Categories.J. W. Thorp - 1974 - Phronesis 19 (3):238-256.
  7.  56
    Le mécanisme de la perception chez Aristote — étude de quelques problèmes.John Thorp - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (4):575-589.
    Le lecteur attentif du traité De l'âme et des Parva naturalia sera troublé par une ambiguïté profonde sous-jacente à toute la longue discussion de la perception dans ces œuvres. Il s'agit de savoir si la théorie d'Aristote se veut une théorie d'ordre physiologique prise au sens littéral, ou si elle se veut plutôt une théorie métaphysique, qui doit donc être prise au sens métaphorique. La doctrine en question se résume comme suit: un sens, en percevant, reçoit en lui-même la forme (...)
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  8.  9
    Affordable and Sustainable Energy in the Borough of Woking in the United Kingdom.Lara Curran & John P. Thorp - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (2):159-163.
    Woking Borough Council in the United Kingdom has long been committed to protecting the environment, a goal explicitly stated as one of the borough's top three priorities. Woking is also known for its pioneering approach in operating an extensive networked electricity and district heating system based on co- and trigeneration, as well as what is understood to be the United Kingdom's first commercially operating 200kWe fuel cell. Its other innovative measures to protect the environment and to reduce pollution include the (...)
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  9.  45
    Whether the Theory of Family Resemblances Solves the Problem of Universals.J. W. Thorp - 1972 - Mind 81 (324):567 - 570.
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  10.  56
    Qualia and Materialism: Introduction.Don Ross & John Thorp - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (3):435.
    Though the days of consciousness-raising are mostly passed, the days of consciousness seem to be upon us, or, at least, to be upon philosophers. Dennett's recentConsciousness Explainedis the flagship for a flotilla of new major works on the subject, by Flanagan, Jackendoff, Searle, Seager and others. It seems to be something of a convention in such work that one begins by complaining that consciousness is a sorely neglected topic among philosophers; this cliché has created the faintly comical situation in whicheveryoneis (...)
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  11.  26
    Aristotle & Cancer.John Thorp - unknown
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  12.  26
    Astérix et les qualia: la dernière poche de résistance.John Thorp - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (3):461-.
    Depuis fort longtemps le matérialisme – ou, si l'on veut, la physique – se présente comme la théorie universelle, celle qui dévoile la vraie nature de toute chose et est done capable de tout expliquer. Cette prétention grandiose s'est toujours butée contre certains phénomènes psychiques qu'il paraissait invraisemblable de croire réductibles à la simple matière. Mais au cours de ce siècle un grand nombre de ces phénomènes psychiques ont été conquis par le matérialisme. Ainsi labiologie moléculairea intégré la vie à (...)
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  13.  93
    Aristotle’s Horror Vacui.John Thorp - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):149 - 166.
    At Physics IV,8, 216a26-7, Aristotle cracks a joke. It is one of the relatively few deliberate jokes in the corpus, and its occurrence here is not without significance. Aristotle in these chapters is arguing against those who believe in the existence of the void, or vacuum, or empty space; he says, ‘even if we consider it on its own merits the so-called vacuum will be found to be really vacuous.'To be sure, this is not a very funny joke; what is (...)
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  14.  24
    Aristotle on Splitting the Semantic Atom.John Thorp - 2009 - Apeiron 42 (2):153-166.
  15.  35
    Aristotle's Use of Categories. An Easing of the Oddness in "Metaphysica" Δ 7.J. W. Thorp - 1974 - Phronesis 19 (3):238 - 256.
  16.  67
    Does Primacy Confer Universality? Logic and Theology in Aristotle.John Thorp - 1989 - Apeiron 22 (2):101 - 125.
  17.  7
    La sorpresiva explicación de Aristóteles sobre la justicia natural.John Thorp - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (2):105-122.
    Este artículo estudia el tenso capítulo de la Ética nicomáquea sobre la justicia natural, y sostiene que la principal tradición comentarista ha tomado un camino equivocado al malinterpretar dos momentos bastante precisos del argumento. Una vez corregidos ambos errores, vemos surgir un Aristóteles que, lejosde ser un campeón de la teoría de la ley natural en la ética, sostiene que los principios morales con que los humanos estamos naturalmente dotados son variables,y en dos sentidos: no solo varían a través del (...)
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  18.  27
    Notes on the Moral History of Usury.John Thorp - unknown
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  19. G.E.M. Anscombe, From Parmenides To Wittgenstein. [REVIEW]John Thorp - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2:258-260.
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