R. J. [34]R. W. J. [4]R. E. J. [3]R. J. R. J. [3]
R. A. Y. J. [1]Robert B. Campbell S. J. [1]Rainville J. [1]R. H. J. [1]

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  1.  60
    Integrating experimental-phenomenological methods and neuroscience to study neural mechanisms of pain and consciousness.D. Barrell Price & Rainville J. - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (4):593-608.
    Understanding the nature of pain at least partly depends on recognizing its inherent first person epistemology and on using a first person experiential and third person experimental approach to study it. This approach may help to understand some of the neural mechanisms of pain and consciousness by integrating experiential–phenomenological methods with those of neuroscience. Examples that approximate this strategy include studies of second pain summation and its relationship to neural activities and brain imaging-psychophysical studies wherein sensory and affective qualities of (...)
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  2.  61
    A Modern Arabic Biography of Muḥammad: A Critical Study of Muḥammad Husayn Haykal's Hayāt MuḥammadA Modern Arabic Biography of Muhammad: A Critical Study of Muhammad Husayn Haykal's Hayat Muhammad.Robert B. Campbell S. J., Antonie Wessels, Muḥammad & Muhammad - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):303.
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  3.  13
    Aristoteles Politeia Athen. S. 73, 25 K W.R. J. - 1892 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 51 (1):293-293.
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  4.  15
    A Vision of Empire.R. J. - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 1 (1):7-8.
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  5.  10
    Haberma, legitimation, and the state.R. A. Y. J. - 1978 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 8 (2):149–163.
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  6. Nature's metabolism: On eating in Derrida, Agamben, and Spinoza.R. J. - 2003 - Research in Phenomenology 33 (1):186-217.
    This article studies a series of provocative references to Spinoza by Jacques Derrida and Giorgio Agamben. For both contemporary philosophers, the context is discussions of eating, a subject matter that turns out to involve such central issues as subjectivity, nature, ethics, and teleology. Each situates Spinoza in a counter-history of philosophy and suggests that Spinoza constitutes an important resource for contemporary reflections. Through an analysis of the three philosophers' texts about eating, nutrition, and being metabolized, I argue that Spinoza's nonteleological, (...)
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  7.  21
    Supreme Court Limits Scope of ERISA Preemption.R. H. J. - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):407-407.
    On April 26, 1995, the United States Supreme Court limited the reach of the preemption provision of ERISA in New York State Conference of Blue Cross & Blue Shield Plans v. Tavelers Insurance Co. ). In Travelers, the Supreme Court upheld the validity of a New York statute requiring hospitals to collect surcharges from patients covered by commercial insurers and requiring health maintenance organizations to pay a surcharge to the state's general fund that varies depending on the number of Medicaid-eligible (...)
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  8. T. C. Chamberlin, climate change, and cosmogony.R. J. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (3):293-308.
    This paper examines the life and work of T. C. Chamberlin, a prominent glacial geologist who developed an interest in interdisciplinary earth science. His work on the geological agency of the atmosphere informed his understanding of climate change and other terrestrial phenomena and led him to propose a new theory of the formation of the Earth and the solar system.Chamberlin's graduate seminar at the University of Chicago in 1896 contained all the themes that informed his research programme over the next (...)
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  9.  24
    The Seventh Age.R. J. - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 1 (1):9-12.
  10. Una storia delle malattie.R. J. R. J. - 1987 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (2):395.
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  11.  33
    [Z nowości zagranicznych].R. J. - 1993 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 15.
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  12.  32
    Why geophysics?N. Oreskes, Fleming &unknown & R. J. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (3):253-257.
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  13. Un pueblo en marcha.Guillent Pérez & R. J. - 1984 - Caracas: Ediciones "Acción y Vida".
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  14. Apuntes de introducción a la filosofía.Núñez Tenorio & R. J. - 1960 - Caracas,: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Escuela de Periodismo.
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  15. Humanismo, estructuralismo y marxismo: Sartre, Althusser, Marx.Núñez Tenorio & R. J. - 1976 - Caracas: Ediciones de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
  16. Introducción a la ciencia: filosofía, ciencia y método científico: [conferencias].Núñez Tenorio & R. J. - 1974 - Caracas : Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales,: Universidad Central de Venezuela, División de Publicaciones.
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  17. Introducción a la filosofía marxista.Núñez Tenorio & R. J. - 1968 - [Caracas]: Editorial C[rítica] M[arxista.
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  18. Introducción a la lógica formal.Núñez Tenorio & R. J. - 1967 - Caracas,: Escuela de Psicología, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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  19.  21
    Inductive Probability. [REVIEW]R. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):341-341.
    Day argues that the meaning of "probable" is partly evaluative and partly descriptive--to say that a proposition is probable is both to recommend its assertion and to say that a certain procedure shows it to be so. The paradigm of an inductive probability judgment, which is the major concern of the book, is "The fact that all observed A's are B's makes it probable that all A's are B's." Several more complex kinds of probability judgments are distinguished and discussed in (...)
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  20. New books. [REVIEW]J. N. Wright, A. E. Taylor, John Laird, S. R., F. C. S. Schiller, H. F. Hallett, J. L. Russell, S. S., A. C. Ewing, O. de Selincourt, E. J. Thomas & R. J. - 1927 - Mind 36 (144):500-524.
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  21.  19
    Ethical Issues Relating to Life and Death. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):433-434.
    This collection of eight articles of uneven quality examines ethical and moral considerations surrounding "euthanasia." They all concentrate more on philosophic issues such as decision-making, principles and theories of action and accountability, and definitions than on medical dilemmas which bring such questions to prominence. Except for Ladd’s they seem unfamiliar with current law on the issues, and most, we suspect, took shape before Saikewicz, if not before the appellate decision on Quinlan. There are four principal themes. The alleged distinction, rejected (...)
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  22. New books. [REVIEW]A. J. Ayer, A. E. Taylor, W. J. H. Sprott, J. O. Wisdom, D. J., John Laird, R. J., A. C. Ewing & F. C. S. Schiller - 1937 - Mind 46 (182):244-264.
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  23.  22
    A System of Combinatory Logic. [REVIEW]R. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):342-342.
    The system of combinatory logic presented in this essay differs from usual systems of combinatory logic by its addition of Boolean operators and a theory of quantification. It differs from Fitch's previous systems in containing a strong extensionality principle. The system is claimed to provide adequate foundations for a major part of mathematical analysis. In this Report the elementary theory of natural numbers is developed in detail. An excellent introduction to Fitch's work; the exposition is clear and well developed.--J. R. (...)
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  24. Being and Logos: The Way of Platonic Dialogue. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (2):356-357.
    Professor Sallis has read the Apology, Meno, Phaedrus, Cratylus, Republic, and Sophist with the intention of elucidating Platonic responses to three questions: what is philosophy? what is logos? and what is being? His task, as he states it, is not to collect Plato’s opinions on these matters, as though such were either possible or interesting, but rather to elicit "an understanding of the manifold way in which a Platonic dialogue, by virtue of its character as a dialogue, lets whatever is (...)
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  25. Being and Not-Being: An Introduction to Plato’s Sophist. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (3):567-568.
    This small book has one principal theme that explains most of its parts: Seligman claims that the "central sections" of the Sophist cannot be explained by linguistic or syntactic analyses, but rather require attention to Plato’s ontological commitments. This assumption, unfortunately an unusual one in the light of many recent works on Plato’s Sophist, conditions his further claim that the principal aim of the Sophist is to dismantle the Parmenidean canon of non-being as to medamos on. He diagnoses the main (...)
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  26.  23
    Civilization and Religion. An Argument about Values in Human Life. [REVIEW]R. E. J. - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (23):634-635.
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  27.  26
    Epicurean Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):770-771.
    This small book explores the political thought of Lucretius, by analysing De rerum natura. Nichols does not move immediately to the last section of Book V, which discusses clearly political phenomena; rather he locates that section within the place it has in the entire poem. Writing in the Straussian tradition, Nichols analyses not only the sections of the poem relevant to the political enterprise, but discusses the form and movement of the poem as a whole. Chapter 1 asks how we (...)
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  28. G. W. F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (3):564-566.
    This difficult and intensely sophisticated work is probably the most comprehensive and profound introduction to Hegel available in English. It has several aspects. Polemically, Rosen argues that Hegel must be read primarily as a logician, "... not as a philosopher of history, a political thinker, a theologian, or a Lebensphilosoph." He definitely does not mean that Hegel was interested in the analysis of logical structures, sentences, or axioms for their own sake. Rather, Hegel’s task was a reflection upon the presuppositions, (...)
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  29.  36
    Hegel and the History of Philosophy. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):142-143.
    A dozen essays were initially presented at the 1972 conference of the Hegel Society of America. Two themes are treated. In the first three essays there is presentation and criticism of Hegel’s own evaluation of the relation between philosophic positions prior to his own, and philosophic truth; in the last nine there is more detailed discussion of Hegel’s dependence or influence of individual philosophers before and after his time. Of the first, for instance, A. R. Caponigri argues that there is (...)
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  30.  12
    Ideas Have Consequences. [REVIEW]R. E. J. - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (21):585-586.
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  31.  27
    Interpretations of Plato. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):365-367.
    The occasion for this collection of four essays—by Vlastos, Ostwald, Callahan, and Solmsen—was Plato’s 2400th birthday in 1974. We note at once the book’s most disappointing and inexplicable flaw: it includes no example of North’s own fine classical scholarship and luminous understanding of the spirit of Platonic thought. Ostwald’s essay, ranging over much of the Platonic corpus, tills the well-plowed field of Plato’s contribution to the nomos-physis problem. His thesis is clear and familiar: Plato introduces new objects, eide, into nature, (...)
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  32.  23
    Il Pensiero di Paul Tillich. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):367-368.
    Scabini's doctoral thesis from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan focuses primarily on the philosophical methodology pervading Tillich's three volume Systematic Theology, although the author demonstrates a solid familiarity with all of Tillich's writing. The study has two major divisions. Part one summarizes Tillich's existential dialectic, method of correlation, his concept of reason and revelation and his treatment of ontology. Part two explores Tillich's theology of culture with particular emphasis on his concept of history. Tillich's development of existence (...)
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  33.  45
    Le Point de Départ de la Métaphysique. [REVIEW]R. R. J. - 1928 - New Scholasticism 2 (3):324-325.
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  34.  12
    Naturales Quaestiones. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):815-816.
    With this publication, Harvard University Press completes its ten-volume Loeb Classical Library edition of Seneca. Professor Corcoran has provided a complete text of the Naturales Quaestiones, Seneca’s last work; he has supplied detailed annotation of most of the classical authorities whom Seneca usually cites only by name; he has given many of the major mss variants, and made a lucid and readable translation. The first volume contains a brief introductory summary. There is a subject-index but, unfortunately, there is no bibliography. (...)
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  35.  29
    Probability and the Logic of Rational Belief. [REVIEW]R. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):344-344.
    After describing the three main kinds of probability theories, the author presents a new logical theory of probability. Probability, for him, is a logical relation between bodies of evidence and statements. The theory is an advance over Carnap's logical theory of probability in that it is not based on a formal language with strong completeness properties. The theory is formalized in Quine's protosyntax, which has two disadvantages: first, long formulas couched in terms of a large number of defined symbols disfigure (...)
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  36.  4
    Philosophy of the Recent Past. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1927 - New Scholasticism 1 (4):363-364.
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  37. Plato: The Written and the Unwritten Doctrines. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (4):752-753.
    The pedagogic intention of this unusual book is to present a unified picture of the whole of Plato, taking his metaphysical position with a seriousness rare in Anglo-American Plato-scholarship. The substance of the work depends on three claims. First, eide are not postulated or secondary entities, alongside sensibles. For Findlay, it is the eide which are ultimately real; the proper characterization of the being of sensibles is as "parasitic" on the original entities, the eide. There is a gradation of being, (...)
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  38.  9
    Philosophy: Volume Three. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):557-558.
    Volume three of Jaspers' Philosophy, which first appeared in German in 1932, contains his treatise on metaphysics with almost exclusive reference to the category of transcendence. In Jaspers' thought freedom aims at unconditional validity, and the realization of unconditionality can occur only in relation to transcendence. The appearance of transcendence is a phenomenon of historicity. Jaspers elaborates the meaning of transcendence in terms of formal transcending, existential relations to transcendence and in the reading of ciphers of transcendence. Formal transcending is (...)
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  39.  31
    Some Aspects of Epicurean Psychology. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):799-800.
    This small book presents a unified, sequential examination of a central theme in Epicurean philosophy: the nature of "irrational fears and desires." Their place in a distinctly practical philosophy, whose avowed intentions were the removal of fear and the cultivation of a securely arranged, pleasant, undisturbed life, must be examined. If security and static pleasures are the standards which the Epicurean sage recognizes as attainable in principle, what accounts for their absence from the lives of the masses? The first chapter, (...)
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  40. Ästhetik und geschichte. Geschichtstheoretische untersuchungen. By jörn Rüsen. [REVIEW]R. J. R. J. - 1978 - History and Theory 17 (3):396.
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  41.  27
    The Biological Basis of Human Freedom. Page Barbour Lectures for 1954 at the University of Virginia. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):537-537.
    The author argues that biological evolution and genetic determinants rather than prohihiting or providing purpose make man's freedom and creation of his own purpose possible. Numerous interesting and well-illustrated corrections of misconceptions of biological theory are provided; some are commonplace, but others are genuinely enlightening.--J. R.
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  42.  25
    The Idea of Perfection in the Western World. [REVIEW]R. E. J. - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):26-26.
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  43.  68
    The Language of Value. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):170-170.
    This rewarding volume consists of twelve essays, comments on each essay, and the contributor's response to the comments. The essays range from an examination of concrete value experience to the explication of axiological concepts and the elaboration of formal schemes. Richard Brandt sharply criticizes attitude theories; Charles Stevenson replies. Charles Morris describes an empirical study of the signification of appraisive signs, involving the correlation of somatotype and the preference for certain types of painting. And Jan McGreal contributes a sparkling dialogue (...)
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  44.  30
    The Marxian Legacy. [REVIEW]R. W. J. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (1):182-184.
    From the perspective of the old politics-right, left, and liberal—the New Left is nothing more than incoherent social commentary that should be dismissed in the manner of academic psychological explanation. But even with all the psychologizing that flourished in the interests of soothing troubled consciences the fact remains that the New Left uncovered the "process of the political." Those who remain content with the psychological explanation of the New Left and those who regard the New Left as no more than (...)
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  45.  14
    The Pragmatic Element in Knowledge. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1927 - New Scholasticism 1 (4):362-363.
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  46.  22
    The Unity of the Platonic Dialogue. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (3):626-627.
    With this book Professor Weingartner has added to that portion of Plato-interpretation which attempts to illuminate the fact that "Plato wrote dialogues." His central claims are two: 1) Plato’s argumentation cannot be understood outside the dialogue form within which Plato himself never appears; and 2) the unity which suffuses each of the dialogues can render potent the argumentation which would be otherwise either inaccurate or inadequate. Correlative to these theses, he argues, perhaps too briefly, against those who would try to (...)
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  47.  19
    What Is Life? and Other Scientific Essays. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):545-545.
    A reprint of selected chapters and complete non-technical essays by the former Nobel prize physicist.--J. R.
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  48. Zur geschichtsphilosophie J. G. herders. By János rathmann. [REVIEW]R. J. R. J. - 1981 - History and Theory 20 (2):233.
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  49. [z nowości zagranicznych] Zagadnienia filozoficzne w matematyce J.M. Folina, Poincaré and the Philosophy of Mathematics, 1992. K. Jacobs, Invitation to Mathematics, 1992. D. M. Davis, The Nature and Power of Mathematics, 1993. G. Hellman, Mathemati. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1994 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 16.