Results for 'J. Jena'

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  1. Truth-Functional Disparity ofp Lambda q'from Semantic Standpoint-A Study.J. Jena - 2007 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1):43.
  2.  96
    Timaeus.F. W. J. Schelling, Adam Arola & Jena Jolissaint - 2008 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (2):205-248.
  3.  28
    Qualitatively exploring repentance processes, antecedents, motivations, resources, and outcomes in Latter-day Saints.Justin J. Hendricks, Jocelyn Cazier, Jenae M. Nelson, Loren D. Marks & Sam A. Hardy - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (1):61-84.
    Despite the prevalence of beliefs across religions regarding repentance and divine forgiveness and their recognition in theoretical and religious studies, these constructs are relatively understudied phenomena in the social sciences. Furthermore, in recent years, multiple scholars have argued for the need for research to systematically study and highlight the experience and processes of repentance and divine forgiveness. Subsequently, this study explored processes of repentance, antecedents and motivations of repentance, resources to aid in repentance, and outcomes of repentance that should be (...)
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    Associations Between Infant Negative Affect and Parent Anxiety Symptoms are Bidirectional: Evidence from Mothers and Fathers.Rebecca J. Brooker, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Leslie D. Leve, Daniel S. Shaw, Laura V. Scaramella & David Reiss - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  5. The significance of Platonism from late antiquity for the development of Hegel's in Frankfurt and Jena.J. Halfwassen - 1998 - Hegel-Studien 33:85-131.
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  6. (1 other version)The Jena System, 1804–05: Logic and Metaphysics.G. W. F. Hegel & J. Burbidge and G. di Giovanni - 1986
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    Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French Revolution.J. G. Fichte, Jeffrey Church & Anna Marisa Schön - 2021 - SUNY Press.
    The reception history of the French Revolution in France and England is well documented among Anglophone scholars; however, the debate over the Revolution in Germany is much less well known. Fichte's Contribution played an important role in this debate. Presented here for the first time in English, Fichte's work provides a distinctive synthesis of Locke's "possessive individualism," Rousseau's general will, and Kant's moral philosophy. This eclectic blend results in an unusual rights theory that at times veers close to a form (...)
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  8.  42
    The Jena System, 1804–05: Logic and Metaphysics. [REVIEW]Martin J. De Nys - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (1):83-83.
    This document translates the most important portion of one of the most important texts which Hegel wrote in Jena prior to the composition of the Phenomenology of Spirit. The quality of the translation, its historical importance, and its philosophical merit make this document a valuable addition to philosophical scholarship.
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    The Jena System, 1804-5: Logic and MetaphysicsG. W. F. Hegel Translation edited by John W. Burbidge and George di Giovanni; introduced and annotated by H. S. Harris Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986. Pp. xxiii, 195. $25.00. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Kockelmans - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (3):585-588.
  10.  13
    Reciprocity and Self-Restriction in Elementary Recognition.J. C. Berendzen - 2018 - In Volker Schmitz (ed.), Axel Honneth and the Critical Theory of Recognition. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 13-39.
    Originally, Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition ignored Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, on the basis that Hegel’s post-Jena writings moved from intersubjectivism to idealism. More recently, however, Honneth has reconsidered the elements of the Phenomenology that consider recognition. Around the same time that he began re-evaluating Hegel’s discussions of recognition, Honneth developed a theory of “elementary recognition” that is a basic level of affective engagement with one’s environment that must be in place before one can take up cognitive relations to (...)
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  11. Apelación al público del Doctor en Filosofía y profesor ordinario en Jena, J. G. Fichte, respecto de la orden de confiscación del Príncipe Elector de Sajonia en el que se le imputan expresiones ateístas. Un escrito que se ruega leer antes de ser confiscado. [REVIEW]J. G. Fichte - 2004 - Philosophica 27:353-392.
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  12.  79
    Language and consciousness in Hegel's jena writings.Daniel J. Cook - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (2):197-211.
  13.  5
    Natur, Kunst, Freiheit: Deutsche Klassik und Romantik aus gegenwärtiger Sicht. Deutsch-Polnische Tagung der Universität Warschau und des Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Jena) (Oktober 1995) in Warschau unter Mitwirkung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena), und d.Marek J. Siemek (ed.) - 1999 - BRILL.
    Die Beiträge dieses Bandes aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, Philosophie, Literaturgeschichte und Kunstgeschichte schließen sich zum Bild einer Epoche zusammen, die einen Höhepunkt des deutschen Geisteslebens darstellt. Dabei treten bestimmte Züge heraus, welche die Genese dieser Kultur in relativ eng umgrenzten Kommunikationszentren zeigen: Königsberg - Düsseldorf - Jena - Weimar - freilich mit Ausstrahlung auf das übrige Deutschland. So etwa: die Stilisierung der Geselligkeit über den literarischen Dialog bis zur philosophischen Interpersonalitätslehre Fichtes und einer dem entsprechenden Dialektik des Dialogs; einer Staats- (...)
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  14.  34
    Sprache und Persönlichkeit. Der Sinn komparativischer Personalbezeichnungen. Von Kurt Stegmann Von Pritzwald. Pp. 28. Jena: Frommansche Buchhandlung, 1927. [REVIEW]J. Fraser - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (2):90-90.
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    Kritische Ausgabe seiner Werke. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):377-377.
    Friedrich Schlegel is known above all as a man of letters and political interests, while his philosophical opus has received as yet a very limited interest and attention. Perhaps this new critical edition will enable him to carve a small niche for himself in forthcoming histories of philosophy. He was certainly not the most significant thinker; but his imagination, many-sidedness, sharpness, and his unmistakable speculative gift qualify him to be in the second rank of Romantic philosophers immediately after Schelling and (...)
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  16.  18
    Recognition as a Principle of Practical Philosophy. Studies in Hegel’s Philosophy of the Spirit at Jena[REVIEW]Hans J. Verweyen - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (1):39-42.
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    Schelling’s Plato Notebooks, 1792–1794.F. W. J. Schelling & Naomi Fisher - 2021 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (1):109-131.
    These notebooks were written during the years that F. W. J. Schelling spent as a student at the Tübinger Stift (1790–1795). From dates written by Schelling in the margins, we can surmise that the first portion (AA II/4: 15–28) was begun in August of 1792, and the latter portion (AA II/5: 133–142) was written in early 1794. To this latter portion is appended a substantial work, Schelling’s Timaeus-commentary, which is not included in the present translation. It appeared as “Timaeus (1794)” (...)
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  18.  32
    Hegel und der Staat. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):578-578.
    The present book is a reprint of a classical study of Hegel, the first important work marking the renewal of interest in Hegel initiated by Dilthey's Hegels Jugendgeschichte. Rosenzweig's monograph is a still unsurpassed treatment of Hegel's political and social philosophy: a monument of scholarship, of broad vision and patient analysis. Proceeding in chronological order, the first volume concludes with the Phenomenology of the Spirit. Especially interesting are the two long chapters dealing with the less-known yet quite voluminous literary production (...)
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  19.  46
    The Stuttgart Hegel Congress, 1987.M. J. Petry - 1988 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (2):215-218.
    One of the most important achievements of the Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung over the past twenty years has been the way in which it has managed to meet the needs of both the specialist and the general public. In the normal course of events it organizes symposia on research subjects. Every two years it gets a group of experts to pool information and exchange views within a relatively narrow field of inquiry, a comparatively neglected topic which looks as though it might benefit (...)
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  20.  22
    Language in the Philosophy of Hegel. [REVIEW]J. D. M. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (2):341-342.
    Recent Hegel scholarship has increasingly emphasized the question of language in Hegel’s philosophy. In this work, Cook outlines the major elements of Hegel’s theory of language, and of the relation of natural language to philosophical thinking. Cook draws upon Hegel’s early writings, particularly the Jena texts, and shows their importance for comprehending Hegel’s mature statements on language, such as those in the Encyclopedia. And he shows the importance of the theory of language for central Hegelian themes. Language is a (...)
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  21.  28
    Das Problem der Willenschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie (review).Anthony J. Celano - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (3):494-495.
    Anthony J. Celano - Das Problem der Willenschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.3 494-495 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Anthony Celano Stonehill College Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller, and Matthias Perkams, editors. Das Problem der Willenschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie. Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales. Bibliotheca 8. Leuven: Peeters, 2006. Pp. iv + 377. Paper, e69.00. This volume contains revised versions of thirteen papers (...)
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  22. The light that lights the seeing of the light: the second Wissenschaftslehre of 1804.George J. Seidel - 2008 - In Tom Rockmore & Daniel Breazeale (eds.), After Jena: New Essays on Fichte's Later Philosophy. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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  23. J Burbidge & G Di Giovanni ’s G W F Hegel, The Jena System 1804-5 Logic And Metaphysics. [REVIEW]E. Harris - 1987 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 16:34-38.
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  24.  12
    Fichte: The Self and the Calling of Philosophy, 1762–1799.Anthony J. La Vopa - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, first published in 2001, is a biography of the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte from birth to his resignation from his university position at Jena in 1799 due to the Atheism Conflict, this work explains how Fichte contributed to modern conceptions of selfhood; how he sought to make the moral agency of the self efficacious in a modern public culture; and the critical role he assigned philosophy in the construal and assertion of selfhood and in the creation (...)
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  25.  14
    After Jena: New Essays on Fichte's Later Philosophy.Tom Rockmore & Daniel Breazeale (eds.) - 2008 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    The career of J. G. Fichte, a central figure in German idealism and in the history of philosophy, divides into two distinct phases: the first period, in which he occupied the chair of critical philosophy at the University of Jena ; and the following period, after he left Jena for Berlin. Due in part to the inaccessibility of the German texts, Fichte scholarship in the English-speaking world has tended to focus on the Jena period, neglecting the development (...)
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    The Limits of State Action. [REVIEW]John J. Ansbro - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:293-298.
    This volume is a reissue of an 1889 translation of Fichte’s third book, Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Principien der Wissenschaftslehre, which first appeared in Jena in 1796. Fichte here attempts to reconcile his belief in the sacredness of the rights of the individual with his conviction that the individual is a member of a community of rational beings, and thus man develops his moral self only through relationship to others. ‘…Ego is the individual, the rational being determined as such (...)
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    Philosophie Und Religion Beim Jungen Hegel. [REVIEW]Herman J. Cloeren - 1988 - Idealistic Studies 18 (1):79-80.
    Fuijita claims that in spite of the growing interest in the last decades in the early writings of Hegel, not enough attention has been focused on their connection. He presents the phases in Hegel’s thought from his days at Tübingen, Bern, and Frankfurt to his new beginnings at Jena not as being in each case completely new, but rather as developments made possible on the basis of earlier positions prompted by the impulses received from friends and critics. Not only (...)
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    Jena Romanticism and Its Appropriation of Jakob Bohme: Theosophy, Hagiography, Literature (review).Michael G. Vater - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):307-308.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2001) 307-308 [Access article in PDF] Mayer, Paola. Jena Romanticism and Its Appropriation of Jakob Böhme: Theosophy, Hagiography, Literature. McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas, no. 25. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999. Pp. x + 242. Cloth, $65.00. Paolo Mayer sets out to revise the accepted image of the influence of Jakob Böhme, the sixteenth-century mystic and theosophist, (...)
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  29.  21
    rol pedagógico en el segundo Sistema trascendental de Jena de J. G. Fichte.Feyie Ferrán - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 15:89-100.
    El presente trabajo busca mostrar el rol pedagógico que posee el concepto de exhortación en el segundo sistema trascendental que Fichte desarrolla en Jena. Según los primeros parágrafos (§§1-4) de su Grundlage des Naturrechts la constitución de la autoconciencia individual tiene como condición necesaria que un ser racional se relaciona con otro admitiéndolo como un semejante. Vale decir, esta relación se constituye por un reconocimiento recíproco que, al mismo tiempo, es la base de los conceptos de derecho y libertad. (...)
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  30.  17
    Frege in Jena: Beiträge Zur Spurensicherung.Gottfried Gabriel & Wolfgang Kienzler (eds.) - 1997 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Gottlob Frege lehrte 44 Jahre in Jena als Dozent der Mathematik, aber bisher ist sehr wenig über seine beruflichen, philosophischen und persönlichen Umstände in dieser Zeit bekannt. Dieser Band stellt den Stand der Forschung auf diesem Gebiet vor: Er beginnt mit der Frage, wie Frege aus seiner Heimatstadt Wismar in Mecklenburg überhaupt nach Jena kam (durch Vermittlung des Mathematiklehrers Leo Sachse, später ein Beispielname in Freges Schriften), und setzt sich mit der Frage fort, wie er sich dort im (...)
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    From jena to copenhagen: Kierkegaard's relations to German idealism and the critique of autonomy in the sickness unto death: Samuel loncar.Samuel Loncar - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (2):201-216.
    This article seeks to demonstrate the influence of J. G. Fichte's philosophy on Søren Kierkegaard's theory of the self as he develops it in The Sickness unto Death and to interpret his theory of the self as a religious critique of autonomy. Following Michelle Kosch, it argues that Kierkegaard's theory of the self was developed in part as a critique of idealist conceptions of agency. Moreover, Kierkegaard's view of agency provides a powerful way of understanding human freedom and finitude that (...)
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  32. Anfänge und Ursprünge: zur Vorgeschichte der Jenaer Wissenschaftslehre: 200 Jahre Wissenschaftslehre--die Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (26. September-1 Oktober 1994) in Jena in Verbindung mit der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena), dem Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Jena) und dem Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici (Neapel).Wolfgang H. Schrader (ed.) - 1997 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
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    New essays on Fichte's later Jena Wissenschaftslehre.Daniel Breazeale & Tom Rockmore (eds.) - 2002 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    The philosophical thought of J. G. Fichte, particularly his later work, is at the very center of the paradigm shift under way in the field of German idealism. Crucial to this reassessment is Fichte's _Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo_ of 1796 to 1799, the manuscript at the heart of this essay colleciton and an articulation of the philosopher's _Wissenschaftslehre,_ or overall system of philosophy, which he discussed in lectures at the University of Jena. Coherent, comprehensive, and edited by two of the (...)
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  34.  5
    Die Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794/95 und der transzendentale Standpunkt: »200 Jahre Wissen-schaftslehre – Die Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes«. Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (26. September – 1. Oktober 1994) in Jena.Wolfgang H. Schrader (ed.) - 1997 - Brill | Rodopi.
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  35. Die Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794/95 und der transzendentale Standpunkt: 200 Jahre Wissenschaftslehre--die Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (26. September-1 Oktober 1994) in Jena in Verbindung mit der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena), dem Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Jena) und dem Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici (Neapel).Wolfgang H. Schrader (ed.) - 1997 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
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    Anfänge und Ursprünge: zur Vorgeschichte der Jenaer Wissenschaftslehre: 200 Jahre Wissenschaftslehre--die Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (26. September-1 Oktober 1994) in Jena in Verbindung mit der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena), dem Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Jena) und dem Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici (Neapel).Internationale Johann Gottlieb Fichte Gesellschaft Kongress (ed.) - 1997 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
    From the contents: Hoelderlins Trennung von Fichte (Sven Juergensen).- Die Deduktion der Philosophie nach Fichte und Friedrich von Hardenberg (Frank Ruehling).- Fruehromantische Subjektkritik (Christian Iber).- Das Verhaeltnis des Selbst zu Gott in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre (Akira Omine).- Das Wir in der spaeten Wissenschaftslehre (Urs Richli).- Etre et Apparition selon la doctrine de la science de 1812 (Miklos Veto).
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  37.  68
    J.G. Fichte’s Essay on the Origin of Language.Pietro Perconti - 2002 - Fichte-Studien 19:223-229.
    The recent Italian translation of the writings on language of J.G. Fichte draws attention to a chapter in German classical philosophy which so far has not aroused great interest. The volume brings together four texts: 1) Von der Sprachfähigkeit und dem Ursprung der Sprache, 2) Über den Ursprung der Sprache, 3) Von der Sprachfähigkeit, 4) Über den Ursprung der Sprache überhaupt. The first of these four texts is the most important: it is the only work by Fichte thematically devoted to (...)
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  38.  14
    Die Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794/95 und der transzendentale Standpunkt: 200 Jahre Wissenschaftslehre--die Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (26. September-1 Oktober 1994) in Jena in Verbindung mit der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena), dem Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Jena) und dem Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici (Neapel).Wolfgang H. Schrader (ed.) - 1997 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
    Inhalt: TEIL I Dominik SCHMIDIG: Sprachliche Vermittlung philosophischer Einsichten nach Fichtes Frühphilosophie. Thomas Sören HOFFMANN: Die Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre und das Problem der Sprache bei Fichte. Jere Paul SURBER: Fichtes Sprachphilosophie und der Begriff einer Wissenschaftslehre. Holger JERGIUS: Fichtes »geometrische« Semantik. TEIL II Günter MECKENSTOCK: Beobachtungen zur Methodik in Fichtes Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre. Hartmut TRAUB: Wege zur Wahrheit. Zur Bedeutung von Fichtes wissenschaftlich- und populär-philosophischer Methode. Jürgen STAHL: System und Methode - Zur methodologischen Begründung transzendentalen Philosophierens in Fichtes (...)
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  39.  20
    J.G. Fichte and the Atheism Dispute, 1798-1800.Yolanda Estes - 2009 - Ashgate. Edited by Curtis Bowman.
    Translator's preface -- Commentator's preface -- Commentator's introduction -- J.G. Fichte : on the ground of our belief in a divine world-governance -- Commentary: on the ground of our belief in a divine world-governance -- Text: on the ground of our belief in a divine world-governance -- F.K. Forberg : development of the concept of religion -- Commentary: development of the concept of religion -- Text: development of the concept of religion -- G.: a father's letter to his student son (...)
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    F.W.J. Schelling, System of Transcendental Idealism. [REVIEW]Thomas Franklin O’Meara - 1978 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (2):7-8.
    By 1800 Schelling’s thought had moved from the Fichtean Ich through all-encompassing systems of objective nature to the point where the idea for a first synthesis, a first system, captured his attention. And so at twenty-five, at Jena, he composed the first of those systems written and published each year between 1800 and 1802.
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    Realität und Gewißheit: Tagung der Internationalen J.-G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (6.-9. Oktober 1992) in Rammenau in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Istituto per gli Studi Filosofici (Neapel).Helmut Girndt & Wolfgang H. Schrader (eds.) - 1994 - BRILL.
    Inhalt: Klaus HAMMACHER: Nachruf auf Dr. Richard Schottky. Edit DÜSING: Johannes Schurr zum Gedenken. TEIL I. Jürgen STOLZENBERG: Fichtes Satz »Ich bin«. Argumentanalytische Überlegungen zu Paragraph 1 der Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794/95. Kunihiko NAGASAWA: Intellektuelle Anschauung und Dialektik. Sven JÜRGENSEN: Die Unterscheidung der Realität in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1794. Wilhelm METZ: Fichtes genetische Deduktion von Raum undä Zeit in Differenz zu Kant. Peter ROHS: Über die Zeit als das Mittelglied zwischen dem Intelligiblen und dem Sinnlichen. Daniel BREAZEALE: Philosophy (...)
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  42.  89
    The Metaphysics of Representation.J. Robert G. Williams - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    How do thought and language manage to be 'about' aspects of the world? J. Robert G. Williams investigates how representation arises out of a fundamentally non-representational world, showing the explanatory relations between the representational properties of language, of thought, and of perception and intention.
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    The Gifford Lectures and the Scottish Personal Idealists.Eugene Thomas Long - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):365-395.
    After completing his first degree with first class honors in philosophy and classics at Edinburgh in 1878, Pringle-Pattison was awarded a Hibbert Travelling Scholarship which he used to travel to Germany to study the work of Kant and Hegel. Interest in Hegel in Germany had waned at this time, however, and Pringle-Pattison commented that Germany was the worst place to study Hegel. In Berlin he boarded with the Stropp family whose daughter he would later marry. From Berlin he went to (...)
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  44.  88
    Between Kant and Fichte: Karl Leonhard Reinhold's "Elementary Philosophy".Daniel Breazeale - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):785-821.
    IN 1787, six years after the publication of the Critique of Pure Reason, one year before the publication of the Critique of Practical Reason, and three years prior to the appearance of the Critique of Judgment, Duke Karl August of Sax-Weimar was persuaded to establish at the University of Jena the world's first university chair designated for the promulgation and explication of the new Critical Philosophy associated with Immanuel Kant. The first occupant of this chair was Karl Leonhard Reinhold, (...)
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    The enigma of Fichte's first principles (Das rätsel von fichtes grundsätzen).David W. Wood (ed.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    Presenting new critical perspectives on J.G. Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre, this volume of English articles by an international group of scholars addresses the topic of first principles in Fichte's writings. Especially discussed are the central text of his Jena period, the 1794/95 Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre, as well as later versions like the Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo (1796-99) and the presentations of 1804 and 1805. Also included are new studies on the first principles of the particular sub-disciplines of Fichte's system, such as (...)
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  46. Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche.J. L. Ackrill - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73:119 - 133.
    J. L. Ackrill; VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 119–134,
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    Evolutionary religion.J. L. Schellenberg - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    J.L. Schellenberg offers a path to a new kind of religious outlook. Reflection on our early stage in the evolutionary process leads to skepticism about religion, but also offers a new answer to the problem of faith and reason, and the possibility of a new, evolutionary form of religion.
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  48. Aristotle the philosopher.J. L. Ackrill - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle is widely regarded as the greatest of all philosophers; indeed, he is traditionally referred to simply as `the philosopher'. Today, after more than two millennia, his arguments and ideas continue to stimulate philosophers and provoke them to controversy. In this book J.L. Ackrill conveys the force and excitement of Aristotle's philosophical investigations, thereby showing why contemporary philosophers still draw from him and return to him. He quotes extensively from Aristotle's works in his own notably clear English translation, and a (...)
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    Conservation of Energy: Missing Features in Its Nature and Justification and Why They Matter.J. Brian Pitts - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):559-584.
    Misconceptions about energy conservation abound due to the gap between physics and secondary school chemistry. This paper surveys this difference and its relevance to the 1690s–2010s Leibnizian argument that mind-body interaction is impossible due to conservation laws. Justifications for energy conservation are partly empirical, such as Joule’s paddle wheel experiment, and partly theoretical, such as Lagrange’s statement in 1811 that energy is conserved if the potential energy does not depend on time. In 1918 Noether generalized results like Lagrange’s and proved (...)
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    VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche.J. L. Ackrill - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73 (1):119-134.
    J. L. Ackrill; VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 119–134,
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