Results for 'J. Elizabeth Richardson'

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  1.  21
    Group Dynamics and the School.J. Elizabeth Richardson - 1956 - British Journal of Educational Studies 4 (2):152 - 164.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and the Reproduction of Mothering.Elizabeth Richardson Viti - 2000 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 16 (1):114-122.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and Annie Ernaux: Love with a Perfect Stranger.Elizabeth Richardson Viti - 2003 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 19 (1):49-56.
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    La Femme sur la Femme: Making Simone de Beauvoir Relevant in Today’s Classroom.Elizabeth Richardson Viti - 2007 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 23 (1):125-131.
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    Are Adults in Poor Health More Likely to Enroll in Public Insurance?Susan H. Busch & Elizabeth Richardson Vigdor - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (4):380-394.
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    Editorial: One Health: The Well-being Impacts of Human-Nature Relationships.Eric Brymer, Elizabeth Freeman & Miles Richardson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Changes in picture recognition memory over time using an exclusion set paradigm.J. Elizabeth Bird - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (5):433-436.
  8.  17
    Dealing with the distress of people with intellectual disabilities reporting sexual assault and rape.Sara Willott, Elizabeth Stokoe, Emma Richardson & Charles Antaki - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (4):415-432.
    When police officers interview people with intellectual disabilities who allege sexual assault and rape, they must establish rapport with the interviewee but deal with their distress in a way that does not compromise the interview’s impartiality and its acceptability in court. Inspection of 19 videotaped interviews from an English police force’s records reveals that the officers deal with expressed distress by choosing among three practices: minimal or no acknowledgement, acknowledging the expressed emotion as a matter of the complainant’s difficulty in (...)
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    Cytology Automation. Edited by D. M. D. Evans. Pp. 288. (E. & S. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1970.) Price £3. [REVIEW]J. Elizabeth Macgregor - 1971 - Journal of Biosocial Science 3 (1):81-84.
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    (In/Out)side AIDS Activism: Searching for a Critically Engaged Politics. [REVIEW]J. Elizabeth Clark - 2004 - Journal of Medical Humanities 25 (4):309-325.
    Experience has always been a hallmark of activist work; my work in AIDS activism began with my family’s role as caretakers for two children whose parents died of HIV-related complications. Previously, my scholarly work critiqued political and medical establishments and their policies surrounding HIV/AIDS. At the NEH institute, I interacted with the medical world, shadowing nurses and doctors. Through this experience, I discovered the importance of interactivity as a crucial element of the critically engaged AIDS activist experience, creating a more (...)
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    Analysis of acoustic emission signals originating from bainite and martensite formation.S. M. C. Van Bohemen *, J. Sietsma, M. J. M. Hermans & I. M. Richardson - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (16):1791-1804.
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  12. Medical ethics, clinical judgment, and cognitive science: a critique of Wright’s Means, Ends, and Medical Care: H. G. Wright, Means, Ends and Medical Care, Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 2007, 179 pp, $129.00, ISBN 978-1-4020-5291-0. [REVIEW]J. Douglas Rabb & J. Michael Richardson - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (6):419-422.
  13. The Loeb Classical Library.L. J. Richardson - 1911 - Classical Weekly 5:126-127.
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    Re-Envisioning Psychology: Moral Dimensions of Theory and Practice.Frank C. Richardson, Blaine J. Fowers & Charles B. Guignon - 1999 - Jossey-Bass.
    Does the practice of psychology make a significant and positive contribution to human welfare and the struggle for a good society? This book presents a reinvigorating look at psychology and its societal purpose, offering a bold new philosophical foundation from which professionals in the field can deeply examine their work.
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  15. From Russia to USSR: A Narrative and Documentary History.J. Vaillant, J. Richards, C. Horgan, K. R. Richardson, J. Sindall-Uspensky & J. Valin - 1987 - Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1):126-130.
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    Keeping Ethical Investment Ethical: Regulatory Issues for Investing for Sustainability.Benjamin J. Richardson - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):555-572.
    Regulation must target the financial sector, which often funds and profits from environmentally unsustainable development. In an era of global financial markets, the financial sector has a crucial impact on the state of the environment. The long-standing movement for ethically and socially responsible investment (SRI) has recently begun to advocate environmental standards for financiers. While this movement is gaining more adherents, it has increasingly justified responsible financing as a path to be prosperous, rather than virtuous. This trend partly owes to (...)
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  17. Homeric professors in the age of the sophists.N. J. Richardson - 2006 - In Andrew Laird, Ancient Literary Criticism. Oxford University Press.
  18. Greek and Latin Glyconics.L. J. Richardson - 1915 - Classical Weekly 9:136.
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  19.  10
    9 Heidegger and the Strangeness of Being.William J. Richardson - 2022 - In Richard Kearney & Kascha Semonovitch, Phenomenologies of the Stranger: Between Hostility and Hospitality. Fordham University Press. pp. 155-167.
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    Being Virtuous and Prosperous: SRI’s Conflicting Goals.Benjamin J. Richardson & Wes Cragg - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S1):21-39.
    Can SRI be a means to make investors both virtuous and prosperous? This paper argues that there can be significant tensions between these goals, and that SRI (and indeed all investment) should not allow the pursuit of maximizing investment returns to prevail over an ethical agenda of promoting social and economic justice and environmental protection. The discourse on SRI has changed dramatically in recent years to the point where its capacity to promote social emancipation, sustainable development and other ethical goals (...)
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    Vasari in Renaissance Straßburg.Elizabeth J. Petcu - 2019 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 82 (1):251-282.
    This article addresses the reception of the Vite in late-Renaissance Straßburg, examining how authors and artists in the circle of poet and satirist Johann Fischart and publisher-...
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    Auditing the hospital care of dying patients.Elizabeth J. Latimer - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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  23. The shape of things to come. Why age structure matters to a safer more equitable world.Elizabeth Leahy, Robert Engelman, Carolyn Gibb Vogel, Sarah Haddock, Tod Preston, M. J. Selgelid, C. Enemark, R. Jackson, N. Howe & R. Strauss - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (9):457-65.
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    Cultivating Critical Consciousness.Elizabeth J. Allan & Susan V. Iverson - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23 (1-2):51-61.
    In this article, we blend the Piagetian informed understanding of critical thinking with the scholarship of critical theory to analyze service-Iearning as a pedagogical strategy to promote critically conscious thinking among Students in higher education. We draw from our teaching experiences and student reflections in three different courses at two universities. In these courses, service-leaming was designed to: promote understandings of course content related to societal systems of advantage and disadvantage, develop self-awareness, promote understanding of sociocultural identity differences, and to (...)
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    Electoral Reckonings: Press Criticism of Presidential Campaign Coverage, 2000-2016.Elizabeth Bent, Kimberly Kelling & Ryan J. Thomas - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (2):96-111.
    The cyclical nature of presidential elections provides regular opportunities for journalists to reflect on patterns in election coverage. This study presents a textual analysis of press criticism o...
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  26. A Theory of Metaphysical Indeterminacy.Elizabeth Barnes & J. Robert G. Williams - 2011 - In Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 6. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 103-148.
    If the world itself is metaphysically indeterminate in a specified respect, what follows? In this paper, we develop a theory of metaphysical indeterminacy answering this question.
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    Response deadline and subjective awareness in recognition memory - volume 8, number 4 (1999), pages 484-496.J. M. Gardiner, C. Ramponi & A. Richardson-Klavehn - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):327-327.
    On pages 490-491, in describing the results of Experiment 2, the authors state that out of a total of 3840 responses, only 355 (or 9%) fell outside the response deadlines. In fact, the total number of responses in Experiment 2 was 3200 and so the 355 responses represented 11%, not 9%, of the total. This error has no other implications. The authors are grateful to Peter Graf (personal communication, March 12, 2000) for pointing out the error.
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    Individual differences transcend the rationality debate.Elizabeth J. Newton & Maxwell J. Roberts - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):530-531.
    Individual differences are indeed an important aid to our understanding of human cognition, but the importance of the rationality debate is open to question. An understanding of the process involved, and how and why differences occur, is fundamental to our understanding of human reasoning and decision making.
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    Social Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics: Does Social Equal Ethical?Elizabeth Chell, Laura J. Spence, Francesco Perrini & Jared D. Harris - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):619-625.
    This editorial to the special issue addresses the often overlooked question of the ethical nature of social enterprises. The emerging social entrepreneurship literature has previously been dominated by enthusiasts who fail to critique the social enterprise, focusing instead on its distinction from economic entrepreneurship and potential in solving social problems. In this respect, we have found through the work presented herein that the relation between social entrepreneurship and ethics needs to be problematized. Further, we find that a range of conceptual (...)
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    The Two Principles and Their Justification: Philosophy of Rawls.Henry S. Richardson & Paul J. Weithman (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Using policy capturing to measure prejudicial attitudes of women toward women.Elizabeth J. Katz & Joseph M. Madden - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):90-91.
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    Research Integrity and Peer Review—past highlights and future directions.Elizabeth C. Moylan, Elizabeth Wager, Joerg J. Meerpohl, Maria K. Kowalczuk & Stephanie L. Boughton - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    In May 2016, we launched Research Integrity and Peer Review, an international, open access journal with fully open peer review (reviewers are identified on their reports and named reports are published alongside the article) to provide a home for research on research and publication ethics, research reporting, and research on peer review. As the journal enters its third year, we reflect on recent events and highlights for the journal and explore how the journal is faring in terms of gender and (...)
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  33. Imagery and memory in brain-damaged patients.J. T. E. Richardson - 1990 - In P. J. Hampson, D. F. Marks & Janet Richardson, Imagery: Current Developments. Routledge.
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    Does Cognitive Broadening Reduce Anger?Elizabeth Summerell, Cindy Harmon-Jones, Nicholas J. Kelley, Carly K. Peterson, Klimentina Krstanoska-Blazeska & Eddie Harmon-Jones - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35. Heidegger, Through Phenemenology to Thought.William J. Richardson & Martin Heidegger - 1963 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):120-122.
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  36.  24
    Diversity through duplication: Whole‐genome sequencing reveals novel gene retrocopies in the human population.Sandra R. Richardson, Carmen Salvador-Palomeque & Geoffrey J. Faulkner - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (5):475-481.
    Gene retrocopies are generated by reverse transcription and genomic integration of mRNA. As such, retrocopies present an important exception to the central dogma of molecular biology, and have substantially impacted the functional landscape of the metazoan genome. While an estimated 8,000–17,000 retrocopies exist in the human genome reference sequence, the extent of variation between individuals in terms of retrocopy content has remained largely unexplored. Three recent studies by Abyzov et al., Ewing et al. and Schrider et al. have exploited 1,000 (...)
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  37. Lecture 2. desire and its vicissitudes.William J. Richardson - 1992 - In John P. Muller & Richard Rojcewicz, Phenomenology and Lacanian Psychoanalysis: The Eighth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center. Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
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    Piaget, Lacan, and Language.William J. Richardson - 1980 - In Hugh J. Silverman, Piaget, philosophy, and the human sciences. Evanston, IL.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 144--170.
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    Towards an ontology of Bob Dylan.William J. Richardson - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (7):763-775.
    This lecture was first delivered at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1966. What relevance it may have to the Dylan of 2010 only the reader can say.
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  40. A cognitive model of the use of familiarity in the acquisition of interactive search skill.J. Richardson, A. Howes & S. J. Payne - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 1258.
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  41. Economic Disarmament.J. H. Richardson - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (3):347-348.
  42.  20
    Hesiod's wagon: text and technology.Nicholas J. Richardson & Stuart Piggott - 1982 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 102:225-229.
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    Heidegger and the Origin of Language.William J. Richardson - 1962 - International Philosophical Quarterly 2 (3):404-416.
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    Moderation of severity of audiogenic seizures in DBA/2 mice following intraperitoneal insertion.Edward J. Richardson & Edward C. Simmel - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):429-430.
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    Roman Portugal.J. S. Richardson - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):118-.
  46.  14
    Moral Psychology and Community.Henry S. Richardson & Paul J. Weithman (eds.) - 1999 - Taylor & Francis.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health.Elizabeth J. Donaldson (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health brings together scholars working in disability studies, mad studies, feminist theory, Indigenous studies, postcolonial theory, Jewish literature, queer studies, American studies, trauma studies, and comics to create an intersectional community of scholarship in literary disability studies of mental health. The collection contains essays on canonical authors and lesser known and sometimes forgotten writers, including Sylvia Plath, Louisa May Alcott, Hannah Weiner, Mary Jane Ward, Michelle Cliff, Lee Maracle, Joanne Greenberg, Ann Bannon, Jerry (...)
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  48.  28
    The Buddha through Christian Eyes.Elizabeth J. Harris - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):101-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Buddha through Christian EyesElizabeth J. HarrisIt was in Sri Lanka in 1984 that I had my first ‘encounter’ with the Buddha. When at the ancient city of Anuradhapura, I stole away from the group I was with to return for a few minutes to the shrine room adjacent to the sacred bo tree, the one believed to have grown from a cutting of the original tree under which (...)
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    Another peep behind the veil.J. McKie, H. Kuhse, J. Richardson & P. Singer - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (4):216-221.
    Harris argues that if QALYs are used only 50% of the population will be eligible for survival, whereas if random methods of allocation are used 100% will be eligible. We argue that this involves an equivocation in the use of "eligible", and provides no support for the random method. There is no advantage in having a 100% chance of being "eligible" for survival behind a veil of ignorance if you still only have a 50% chance of survival once the veil (...)
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  50.  42
    Heidegger and Aristotle.William J. Richardson - 1964 - Heythrop Journal 5 (1):58-64.
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