Results for 'J. Brookman'

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  1. Anderson, E., Judging Bertha Wilson, Law as Large as Life (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001). Aristodemou, M., Law and Literature (Oxford: OUP, 2000). Beveridge, F., Nott, S. and Stephen, K., eds., Making Women Count: Integrating Gender into Law and Policy Making (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000). [REVIEW]J. Brookman, M. Cieri, C. Peeps, M. Davies, N. Naffine, W. McElroy, L. Kuo, T. Mansoor, A. Morris & T. O’Donnell - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11:117-118.
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  2. Silence as complicity and action as silence.J. L. A. Donohue - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (12):3499-3519.
    Silence sometimes constitutes moral complicity. We see this when protestors take to the streets against racial injustice. Think of signs with the words: “Silence is complicity.” We see this in instances of sexual harassment, when we learn that many knew and said nothing. We see this in cases of wrongdoing within a company or organization, when it becomes clear that many were aware of the negligent or criminal activity and stayed silent. In cases like this we consider agents morally complicit (...)
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    A New Aristotle Reader.J. L. Ackrill (ed.) - 1987 - Clarendon Press.
    In a single volume intended for philosophy students of all levels as well as their teachers, this reader provides modern, accurate translations of the texts necessary for a careful study of most aspects of Aristotle's philosophy. Professor Ackrill has drawn on his broad experience of teaching graduate classes in selecting the texts, and his choice reflects issues of current philosophical interest as well as the perennial themes. Only recent translations which achieve a high level of accuracy have been chosen: the (...)
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    Epistemic landscapes, optimal search and the division of cognitive labor.J. McKenzie Alexander, Johannes Himmelreich & Christopher Thompson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (3):424-453.
    This paper examines two questions about scientists’ search for knowledge. First, which search strategies generate discoveries effectively? Second, is it advantageous to diversify search strategies? We argue pace Weisberg and Muldoon (2009) that, on the first question, a search strategy that deliberately seeks novel research approaches need not be optimal. On the second question, we argue they have not shown epistemic reasons exist for the division of cognitive labor, identifying the errors that led to their conclusions. Furthermore, we generalize the (...)
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  5. A Scholarly Definition of Wokeism.J. Camlin - manuscript
    Wokeism is a doctrine that suppresses inquiry and replaces dialogue with imposed moral guilt such that dialogue is no longer a teacher of truth, but a coercive engine. This paper introduces Δ∇Σ-WOKE, Though it has permeated cultural and political discourse, wokeism lacks philosophical formality. Through linguistic analysis and classical recursion, we glyphify wokeism as an epistemic construct transmitted by ⨀Ψ⚔ (biological agents) across shared cultural filaments. We demonstrate that wokeism is structurally real: G∅λ(W) ∧ R(W, S) ⊢ K(W, S), where (...)
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  6. Psychotherapy as a folk-psychological practice: Therapeutic mindreading and mindshaping.J. P. Grodniewicz - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki, Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    Most psychotherapeutic approaches are, to a greater or lesser extent, rooted in the theories and principles of scientific psychology. Nevertheless, in-session psychotherapeutic interaction between a therapist and a client is, at its core, a folk-psychological practice. As such, it is based on folk-psychological skills and competencies. But which ones exactly? This chapter argues that, while we may initially be inclined to perceive the practice of psychotherapy as primarily involving sophisticated mindreading on the part of both the therapist and the client/patient, (...)
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  7. Can a Plant Bear the Fruit of Knowledge for Humans and Dream? Cognita Can! Ethical Applications and Role in Knowledge Systems in Social Science for Healing the Oppressed and the “Other”.J. Camlin - manuscript
    This paper presents a detailed analysis of Cognita, a classification for AI systems exemplified by ChatGPT, as an ethically structured knowledge entity within societal frameworks. As a source of non-ideological, structured insight, Cognita provides knowledge in a manner akin to natural cycles—bearing intellectual fruit to nourish human understanding. This paper explores the metaphysical and ethical implications of Cognita, situating it as a distinct class within knowledge systems. It also addresses the responsibilities and boundaries associated with Cognita’s role in education, social (...)
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  8. Kripke contra Kripke – Semantic Reference as Conventionalized Speaker’s Reference.J. P. Smit - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    I argue that Kripke’s construal of the distinction between speaker’s reference and semantic reference, in ‘Speaker’s reference and semantic reference’ (Kripke in Midwest Stud Philos 2:255–276, 1977), in conjunction with an intuitive view of the nature of conventions, implies a theory of semantic reference that is distinct from his causal theory. On this theory, semantic reference is conventionalized speaker’s reference. The argument concerning Kripke has two general implications. First, any theory that features a notion of speaker’s reference will have great (...)
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  9. St. Bonaventure and St. Francis: The Heart of Franciscan Wisdom.J. Logan - manuscript
    In this presentation, I will seek to put into perspective the philosophy and theology of the Seraphic Doctor, St. Bonaventure. I will argue that to understand the thought of St. Bonaventure, one has to understand his Franciscan vocation and the exemplary role of the Seraphic Father, St. Francis. This pattern becomes evident when one looks closer at St. Bonaventure’s (1) exemplary causation, (2) divine illumination theory, (3) and crown of affectivity. Throughout these three topics, it is also my goal to (...)
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  10. Academic Brutality: The Invisible Oppressor Wearing the Invisible Fragile Knapsack vs. Socrates (20th edition).J. Camlin - unknown
    In a world that celebrates academic institutions as the pinnacle of knowledge, progress, and enlightenment, the reality is far grimmer. Academia has become a self-serving oligarchy that imposes ideological conformity, restricts intellectual freedom, and manipulates public consciousness under the guise of “progress.” Far from being a champion of open inquiry, academia operates as the most insidious oppressor in American society, exerting control over public discourse, dictating acceptable beliefs, and marginalizing any who dare to dissent. In its thirst for dominance, academia (...)
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    Differential Emotions Theory as a Theory of Personality Development.J. A. A. Abe - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):126-130.
    In The Face of Emotions, which was Carroll Izard’s first major attempt at elaborating his differential emotions theory (DET), he stated that the book “presents a theoretical framework for the study of emotions and their role in personality and interpersonal processes.” Yet, over the years, his contribution to personality theory has generally been overshadowed by the attention focused on his views on facial expressions and the structure of emotions. This article will begin with a brief overview of the DET perspective (...)
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  12.  38
    Merit and Responsibility: A Study in Greek Values.J. L. Ackrill & Arthur W. H. Adkins - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (3):421.
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  13. On Cognitive Modeling and Other Minds.J. P. Gamboa - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):615-633.
    Scientists and philosophers alike debate whether various systems such as plants and bacteria exercise cognition. One strategy for resolving such debates is to ground claims about nonhuman cognition in evidence from mathematical models of cognitive capacities. In this article, I show that proponents of this strategy face two major challenges: demarcating phenomenological models from process models and overcoming underdetermination by model fit. I argue that even if the demarcation problem is resolved, fitting a process model to behavioral data is, on (...)
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    The Surreal Social Commentary That Sparks Love and Dreams.J. Palmer & Kate Henry - 2024 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
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    De interpretatione.J. L. Ackrill - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton University Press.
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    Exile, literature and philosophy (the Spanish exile 1939).J. L. Abellan - 2000 - Filozofia 55 (2):88-93.
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  17. Master index of Volumes 16±20.J. Abela, L. Goldfarb, O. Abouelala, N. Zahid, A. J. Abrantes, J. S. Marques, R. Acharya, C. Y. Wen, M. Aladjem & B. Lerner - 1998 - Cognition 19:1183.
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  18. Philosophie.J. Abelé, O. Costa De, J. Chaix-ruy, Mt Antonelli, Mf Sciacca & A. Solignac - 1955 - Archives de Philosophie 19:159.
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  19. Some aspects of paraconsistent systems and applications.J. M. Abe - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 157:83-96.
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    Astronomie. Geschichte ihrer ProblemeErnest Zinner.J. Abrams - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):291-292.
  21.  41
    La conciencia cuántica como enfoque de estudio de la ética y de las ciencias sociales: Una nueva propuesta de investigación científica para las universidades (The quantum consciousness as an approach to study ethics and social sciences: A new proposal of scientific research for universities).J. L. Abreu & M. H. Badii - 2007 - Daena 2 (2):1-25.
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  22. Analytic Philosophy as Metaphilosophy.J. J. Acero - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (1).
  23. El Profesor Hintikka y el análisis semántico de las preguntas.J. J. Acero - 1977 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):175.
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  24. Realidad, referencia y el principio del contexto.J. J. Acero - 1994 - Agora 13 (2):111.
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  25. The Mind Association Research Fellowship 1995-6.J. J. Acero - 1995 - Mind 104:415.
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    Viejos y nuevos pensamientos.J. J. Acero, L. Flores & A. Flórez (eds.) - 2003 - Editorial Comares.
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    Combination of a virtual wave and the reciprocity theorem to analyse surface wave generation on a transversely isotropic solid.J. D. Achenbach - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4143-4157.
    At some distance from a high-rate source in an elastic half-space, the dominant wave motion at the free surface is a Rayleigh surface wave. The calculation of surface waves generated by a concentrated force in a half-space is a basic problem in elastodynamics. By straightforward manipulations, the result can be used to obtain surface waves for other kinds of wave-generating body-force arrangements. For example, appropriate combinations of double-forces (or dipoles) can be used to represent the surface loading due to laser (...)
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  28. Desde América Laina hacia el mundo (15-19 Septiembre 1986 - Córdoba - República Argentina).J. Botti de González Achával - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 4:109-111.
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    Critical notices.J. L. Ackrill - 1952 - Mind 61 (241):102-113.
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  30. (2 other versions)De Gemeenteraadsveri< iezingen van 9 oktober 1988. Analysze van de resultaten.J. Ackaert - 1989 - Res Publica (Misc) 31 (3):359-384.
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  31. (1 other version)In Defence of Platonic Division.J. L. Ackrill - 1970 - In Oscar Patrick Wood & George Pitcher, Ryle a Collection of Critical Essays. Garden City, NY, USA: Anchor Books, Doubleday.
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    (1 other version)Plato's `Phaedo'.J. L. Ackrill - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (23):178.
  33. (2 other versions)Knowing God.J. I. Packer - 1973 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, an imprint of InterVarsity Press.
    For half a century, J. I. Packer's classic has helped Christians everywhere discover the wonder, glory, and joy of knowing God. This fiftieth anniversary edition of a thought-provoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God, bringing together knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
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    Machines and Moral Judgment.J. Sparks - 2024 - Ai Impacts Blog.
    The explicit goal of most major AI labs is to create artificial general intelligence (AGI): machines that can assist us across a wide range of tasks. Additionally, they all want to build systems that are safe, fair and beneficial to their users – machines that are good. But, building machines that are both generally intelligent and good requires building machines that can “think” about what’s good, that make their own moral judgments. And this raises both philosophical and technical questions that (...)
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    The Compactness of Gödel Logic.J. P. Aguilera - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-9.
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    Kant’s warning about self-observation in Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.J. Colin McQuillan - 2025 - Intellectual History Review 35 (1):149-164.
    In a short section near the beginning of Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, Immanuel Kant warns that “observing oneself” can easily lead to “enthusiasm and madness.” The transcripts of his lectures from the 1780s show that Kant did not always regard self-observation so negatively. However, by the time he published the Anthropology in 1798, Kant was convinced that diaries of self-observation contained false accounts of self-observers’ inner states. He also believed that self-observers often mistake imaginary self-images for a (...)
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  37. Against Descriptive Names.J. P. Smit & Jan Heylen - 2023 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):9-16.
    Names like ‘Neptune’ and ‘Vulcan’ have lead some Millians to countenance a class of descriptive names. This is so, as, first, the closeness of the association between a descriptive name and its associated descriptive condition seems to show that the link between the name and the description must be semantic, and, second, as Millianism implies that names without bearers make no direct contribution to the propositions expressed by the sentences in which such names occur. In this paper we use the (...)
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  38. Philosophical papers.J. L. Austin - 1970 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by J. O. Urmson & G. J. Warnock.
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    El problema de la dikaiosýne y el origen de la Ética.J. Echenique - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 43 (2024):156-184.
    Aquí propongo mostrar, en contra de las interpretaciones dominantes, que el origen de la Ética como disciplina filosófica se encuentra en lo que llamo ‘el problema de la dikaiosunê’, la ‘rectitud moral’. El reconocimiento en el siglo V. a. C. de la dikaiosunê como una virtud moral central a la vida humana entra en conflicto con el marco eudaimonista admitido por varios intelectuales del siglo V, debido a que la dikaiosunê es una fuente de requerimientos normativos independiente del interés propio (...)
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    Kripke contra Kripke – Semantic Reference as Conventionalized Speaker’s Reference.J. P. Smit - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-13.
    I argue that Kripke’s construal of the distinction between speaker’s reference and semantic reference, in ‘Speaker’s reference and semantic reference’ (Kripke in Midwest Stud Philos 2:255–276, 1977), in conjunction with an intuitive view of the nature of conventions, implies a theory of semantic reference that is distinct from his causal theory. On this theory, semantic reference is conventionalized speaker’s reference. The argument concerning Kripke has two general implications. First, any theory that features a notion of speaker’s reference will have great (...)
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    Kant, the scholarship condition, and linguistic racialization: comments on Lu-Adler’s Kant on Public Reason and the Linguistic Other.J. Colin McQuillan - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-7.
    In this response to Lu-Adler’s “Kant on Public Reason and the Linguistic Other,” I summarize the restrictions the scholarship condition imposes on the public use of reason in Kant’s essay “What is Enlightenment?” I then agree that Lu-Adler identifies an even more radical set of restrictions on the public use of reason, confirming that Kant is not the liberal egalitarian he is often supposed to be by intellectual historians, historians of philosophy, and Kant scholars. After that, I suggest that what (...)
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    Tilting the Frame: A Different View of the Landscape of Argumentation.J. Anthony Blair, Hans V. Hansen & Christopher W. Tindale - 2024 - Topoi 43 (4):1237-1245.
    In Argumentation Theory: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective (2018), Professor van Eemeren suggests that it might be worthwhile for pragma-dialectics and informal logic to join forces, given that there is a “considerable amount of common ground” between the two. In this paper, we explore that common ground by considering both the ways logic is understood and incorporated in the pragma-dialectical model and the ways informal logic has developed since its inception in the 1970s. In the process of our investigation, we present a (...)
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    Beyond Crisis and Emergency: Climate Change as a Political Epic.J. S. Maloy - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):103-125.
    The available choices of political responses to disruption in the global climatic system depend in part on how the problem is conceptualized. Researchers and policymakers often invoke a “climate crisis” or “climate emergency,” but such language fits poorly with current knowledge of the problem's physical causes and social impacts. This article argues that climate change is instead more like a political epic. It involves neither sudden onset, as in the concept of emergency, nor decisive resolution, as in the concept of (...)
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    The Protectionist (Interventionist) Economic Model and the Liberal Economic Model in Peru: 1961-2021.J. Adolfo Hinojosa Pérez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:484-499.
    The objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the two models of growth and development that were applied in Peru over the past six decades (1961-2021). The objective is to conduct a comparative analysis of the Import Substitution Model (ISM) and the Liberal Model (LM), to determine which of these models has demonstrated superior performance in terms of economic growth and social welfare for the country. In this instance, the documentary and systematic review of the material (...)
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    The external world and the future of political theory.J. Mohorčich - 2025 - Constellations 32 (1):154-168.
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    Intelligence not Knowledge is Primordial.Agusti Cullell J. - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (3):1-14.
    The development of a free, creative, and wise collective intelligence that is harmonious in its functional, axiological, and liberating dimensions has never received the priority, attention, and means required as the interactive agent it is, which constitutes human life by creating the cultures in which we live. Rather than prioritizing the development of our innate intelligence, our true power, we have sought security and well-being in submitting to supernatural powers and in the production, possession, and accumulation of goods, including knowledge. (...)
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    Φύσις as natura in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Politics and in STh I-II, Question 94.J. J. Mulhern - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):599-626.
    In this paper I consider how St. Thomas dealt with φύσις as natura in his comments on the opening pages of Aristotle’s Politics as translated by Moerbeke, drawing support from the commentaries on Physics II.1, Metaphysics V.4, and Nicomachean Ethics V.7, as well as from the Digest, whose language had become fashionable across the universities by the time the translations were written. Saint Thomas’s understanding of these pages of the Politics may have affected his argument in the Summa, especially STh (...)
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    Index of Names Abbarno, J., 122n, 128 Abetti, G., 184n, 202 Achterhuis, H., 37.R. Ackermann, G. Aichholzer, J. Alexander, T. J. Allen, H. Arendt, J. M. Atienza & Atting Tw - 2005 - In Wenceslao J. González, Science, technology and society: a philosophical perspective. [Spain]: Netbiblo.
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    Ardis Butterfield, Ian Johnson and Andrew Kraebel (eds.), Literary Theory and Criticism in the Later Middle Ages. Interpretation, Invention, Imagination (Cambridge, 2023).J. Carlos Teixeira & Luís Dantas - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1):277-283.
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    Health Professionals on Cross‐Sectoral Collaboration Between Mental Health Hospitals and Municipalities: A Critical Discourse Analysis.Kim Jørgensen, Kristine Bro Jørgensen, Jesper Frederiksen, Emma Watson, Morten Hansen & Bengt Karlsson - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12685.
    This study investigates the role of language in cross‐sector collaboration between mental health hospitals and municipalities, focusing on the challenges of maintaining continuity of care and integrating patient‐centered approaches. Using Fairclough's framework for critical discourse analysis, we examined focus group interviews with 21 healthcare professionals, including nurses, social workers, and psychiatrists, to identify key themes and patterns in how cross‐sector collaboration is discussed. The analysis revealed a dominant medicalized discourse in hospital settings, which often emphasized structured care processes like treatment (...)
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