John Archer [15]Joel Archer [5]John Clark Archer [3]J. Archer [1]
Jeff Archer [1]Jayne Elisabeth Archer [1]Janice Archer [1]
  1.  98
    Does sexual selection explain human sex differences in aggression?John Archer - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):249-266.
    I argue that the magnitude and nature of sex differences in aggression, their development, causation, and variability, can be better explained by sexual selection than by the alternative biosocial version of social role theory. Thus, sex differences in physical aggression increase with the degree of risk, occur early in life, peak in young adulthood, and are likely to be mediated by greater male impulsiveness, and greater female fear of physical danger. Male variability in physical aggression is consistent with an alternative (...)
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  2. The German Revolution 1917-1923.Pierre Broué, John Archer, Ian Birchall & Brian Pearce - 2007 - Science and Society 71 (2):254-256.
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  3. Grounding and the luck objection to agent-causal libertarianism.Joel Archer - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1763-1775.
    Many philosophers think there is a luck problem confronting libertarian models of free will. If free actions are undetermined, then it seems to be a matter of chance or luck that they occur—so the objection goes. Agent-causal libertarians have responded to this objection by asserting that free actions, in their essence, involve a direct causal relation between agents and the events they cause. So, free actions are not lucky after all. Not everyone, however, is convinced by this response. Al Mele (...)
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    Obscure Religious Cults as Background of Bengali Literature.John Clark Archer & Shashibhusan Dasgupta - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (2):126.
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    Kenosis, omniscience, and the Anselmian concept of divinity.Joel Archer - 2018 - Religious Studies 54 (2):201-213.
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    The Natural Law Ethics of Star Wars.Matthew Shea, Joel Archer & Daniel Banning - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 20–29.
    According to George Lucas, Star Wars is a morality play, a mythological tale of good and evil that's meant to teach timeless lessons about the moral life. This chapter shows how the moral framework of natural law ethics provides a philosophical foundation for the morality of the Force and helps illuminate Star Wars' moral themes.
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    Miracles, Causation, and Critical Biblical Scholarship.Joel Archer - 2023 - Philosophia Christi 25 (2):249-258.
    Most historical Jesus scholars agree that Jesus was regarded by his contemporaries as a great miracle worker. However, many of these same scholars deny that they can pronounce on the truth of the miracle stories as historians. There are at least two arguments for this position. One is based on an alleged empirical constraint on historical practice, which excludes divine causation. The other argument is rooted in the presumption that it is anachronistic to impose modern understandings of miracles on ancient (...)
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    Beyond individual sex differences: “Staying alive theory” as an adaptive complex.John Archer - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e129.
    Extended staying alive theory (SAT) raises the issue of the extent to which its various attributes are linked or whether they provide alternative means to the same adaptive ends. Theories such as SAT that consider an array of sex differences may benefit from the application of the multivariateDstatistic, rather than using a series ofdvalues, as is common at present.
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  9. Descartes on voluntary action and universal conservation.Joel Archer & C. P. Ragland - 2021 - In Gregory E. Ganssle (ed.), Philosophical Essays on Divine Causation. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  10. Emmanuel Eze, African Philosophy: An Anthology.J. Archer - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (3):374-375.
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    Ethological motivational theory as a basis for assessing animal suffering.John Archer - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):12-13.
  12.  21
    Game theoretic models and respect for ownership.John Archer - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):740-741.
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    Mating tactics are complex and involve females too.John Archer - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):379-380.
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    Problems with the concept of dominance and lack of empirical support for a testosterone–dominance link.John Archer - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):363-363.
    Mazur & Booth fail to consider the conceptual complexities of dominance; it is unlikely that there is a motive to dominate in animals. Also, the lack of empirical evidence for a causal link between testosterone and dominance is obscured by the narrative reviewing procedure, which is prone to bias.
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    Risk-taking, fear, dominance, and testosterone.John Archer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):214-215.
    Campbell's analysis of the evolution of human sex differences to include selection pressures on the female is generally welcomed. This commentary raises some specific issues about the evidence cited: the impact of paternal death on survival prospects; a possible mechanism underlying a sex difference in fear; the selective advantage of dominance hierarchies; and the absence of evidence that testosterone causes human aggression.
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    Refining the sexual selection explanation within an ethological framework.John Archer - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):292-311.
    My response is organized into three sections. The first revisits the theme of the target article, the explanatory power of sexual selection versus social role theory. The second considers the range and scope of sexual selection, and its application to human sex differences. Two topics are examined in more detail: (1) the paternity uncertainty theory of partner violence; (2) evolution of inter-group aggression. Section 4 covers ultimate and proximal explanations and their integration within an ethological approach. I consider the development (...)
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    Sufism, Its Saints and Shrines.John Clark Archer & John A. Subhan - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (2):274.
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    Strategic pluralism: Men and women start from a different point.John Archer & Mani Mehdikhani - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):588-588.
    Gangestad & Simpson's (G&S's) analysis of strategic pluralism is welcomed as a balance to the current emphasis on between-sex variation. It could have been clarified by acknowledging the extent to which males and females represent fundamentally different mating strategies, since this affects how we view within-sex strategic variation. The distinction between conditional and alternative strategies could also have been highlighted.
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    Testing Mealey's model: The need to demonstrate an ESS and to establish the role of testosterone.John Archer - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):541-542.
    Two specific aspects of Mealey's model are questioned: (1) the application of the concept of Evolutionarily Stable Strategy to all alternative strategies, including those that involve reduced lifetime reproductive success; and (2) the evidence for the dual role of testosterone, which is based mainly on studies of a modulating effect on aggression.
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    The Sikhs, A Study in Comparative Religion.John Clark Archer - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):726-728.
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    Why help friends when you can help sisters and brothers?John Archer - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):519-520.
  22.  58
    Suspicions of female infidelity predict men's partner-directed violence.Farnaz Kaighobadi, Todd K. Shackelford & John Archer - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):281.
    Archer's argument regarding sex differences in partner violence rests on a general account of between-sex differences in reproductive strategies and in social roles. However, men's partner-directed violence often is predicted by perceived risk of female infidelity. We hypothesize that men's partner-directed violence is produced by psychological mechanisms evolved to solve the adaptive problem of paternity uncertainty.
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    Standards of evidence for designed sex differences.Aaron Sell & John Archer - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):289.
    At the heart of the debate between social role theorists and evolutionary psychologists is whether natural selection has designed the minds of the sexes differently to some interesting extent. In this commentary I describe the standards of evidence for both the positive and negative claims. In my opinion, Archer has met the standard for designed sex differences in intrasexual conflict.
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  24. Reviews : Chris Eipper, The Ruling Trinity: A Community Study of Church, State and Business in Ireland (Gower, 1986). [REVIEW]Jeff Archer - 1988 - Thesis Eleven 20 (1):157-158.
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    Alejandro, Roberto. Nietzsche and the Drama of Historiobiography. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2011. Pp. xiii+ 377. Paper, $40.00. Allen, James, Eyjölfur Kjalar Emilsson, Wolfgang-Rainer Mann, et al., editors. Essays in Memory of Micheal Frede. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, XL. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp. viii+ 420. Paper, $45.00. [REVIEW]Jayne Elisabeth Archer, Elizabeth Goldring & Sarah Knight - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):149-151.
  26.  33
    Boris Bove, Dominer la ville: Prévôts des marchands et échevins parisiens de 1260 à 1350. (Histoire, 13.) Paris: Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, 2004. Paper. Pp. 720 plus color figures;2 black-and-white figures,4 black-and-white illustrations, tables, 15 graphs, and maps. €36. [REVIEW]Janice Archer - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):154-155.
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