Results for 'Izaak Dekker'

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  1.  29
    Optimizing Students’ Mental Health and Academic Performance: AI-Enhanced Life Crafting.Izaak Dekker, Elisabeth M. De Jong, Michaéla C. Schippers, Monique De Bruijn-Smolders, Andreas Alexiou & Bas Giesbers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:535008.
    One in three university students experiences mental health problems during their study. A similar percentage leaves higher education without obtaining the degree for which they enrolled. Research suggests that both mental health problems and academic underperformance could be caused by students lacking control and purpose while they are adjusting to tertiary education. Currently, universities are not designed to cater to all the personal needs and mental health problems of large numbers of students at the start of their studies. Within the (...)
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  2.  38
    Projective bigraphs with recursive operations.J. C. E. Dekker - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (2):193-199.
  3.  41
    Critical Thinking Anxiety.Izaak L. Williams - 2016 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 31 (2):37-46.
    The goal of this paper is to understand how common aversions to critical thinking, and, in particular, critical thinking related to deliberation about ethics, is arguably akin to math anxiety (MA). However, unlike ethical-critical thinking anxiety (ECTA), MA has a body of literature and neuroscientific findings supporting it and correlating thoughts about math with neurobiology of pain and fear activation. The crux of the paper lies in the answer to the following question: how is ECTA like and unlike MA? Is (...)
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    Health and illness: From an analytical to a hermeneutical approach.Wim Dekkers - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):315-318.
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    The role of doctor and patient in the construction of the pseudo-epileptic attack disorder.Wim Dekkers & Peter van Domburg - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (1):29-38.
    Periodic attacks of uncertain origin, where the clinical presentationresembles epilepsy but there is no evidence of a somatic disease, arecalled Pseudo-Epilepsy or Pseudo-Epileptic Attack Disorder (PEAD). PEADmay be called a `non-disease', i.e. a disorder on the fringes ofestablished disease patterns, because it lacks a rationalpathophysiological explanation. The first aim of this article is tocriticize the idea, common in medical science, that diseases are realentities which exist separately from the patient, waiting to bediscovered by the doctor. We argue that doctor and (...)
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  6.  24
    Moving Clinical Deliberations on Administrative Discharge in Drug Addiction Treatment Beyond Moral Rhetoric to Empirical Ethics.Izaak L. Williams - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (1):71-75.
    Patients’ admission to modern substance use disorder treatment comes with the attendant risk of being discharged from treatment— a widespread practice. This article describes the three mainstream theories of addiction that operate as a reference point for clinicians in reasoning about a decision to discharge a patient from treatment. The extant literature is reviewed to highlight the pathways that patients follow after administrative discharge. Little scientific research has been done to investigate claims and hypotheses about the therapeutic function of AD, (...)
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  7. A multi-dimensional treatment of quantification in extraordinary English.Paul Dekker - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (1):101-127.
    In this paper I revive two important formal approaches to the interpretation of natural language, that of Montague and that of Karttunen and Peters. Armed with insights from dynamic semantics (Heim, Krifka) the two turn out to stand up against age-old criticisms in an orthodox fashion. The plan is mainly methodological, as I only want to illustrate the technical feasibility of the revived proposals. Even so, there are illuminating and welcome empirical consequences on the subject of scope islands (as discussed (...)
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    Scholium [klasycy: teksty - komentarze].Izaak Newton - 1986 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 8.
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    Just culture: balancing safety and accountability.Sidney Dekker - 2012 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    What is the right thing to do? -- "You have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong" -- Between culpable and blameless -- Are all mistakes equal? -- Report, disclose, protect, learn -- A just culture in your organization -- The criminalization of human error -- Is criminalization bad for safety? -- Without prosecutors, there would be no crime -- Three questions for your just culture -- Why do we blame?
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  10.  90
    Bodily integrity and male and female circumcision.Wim Dekkers, Cor Hoffer & Jean-Pierre Wils - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (2):179-191.
    This paper explores the ambiguous notion of bodily integrity, focusing on male and female circumcision. In the empirical part of the study we describe and analyse the various meanings that are given to the notion of bodily integrity by people in their daily lives. In the philosophical part we distinguish (1) between a person-oriented and a body-oriented approach and (2) between four levels of interpretation, i.e. bodily integrity conceived of as a biological wholeness, an experiential wholeness, an intact wholeness, and (...)
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  11. Certain attitudes of White industrial employers in Durban towards the Indian worker in contrast to the African worker'.L. Douwes-Dekker & H. L. Watts - 1973 - Humanitas 2 (2).
  12.  32
    Buridan’s Concept of Time. Time, Motion and the Soul in John Buridan’s Questions on Aristotle's Physics.Dirk-Jan Dekker - 2001 - In J. M. M. H. Thijssen & Jack Zupko, The metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan. Boston: Brill. pp. 151.
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  13.  49
    Ethical and environmental considerations in the release of herbicide resistant crops.Jack Dekker & Gary Comstock - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (3):31-43.
    Recent advances in molecular genetics, plant physiology, and biochemistry have opened up the new biotechnology of herbicide resistant crops (HRCs). Herbicide resistant crops have been characterized as the solution for many environmental problems associated with modern crop production, being described as powerful tools for farmers that may increase production options. We are concerned that these releases are occurring in the absence of forethought about their impact on agroecosystems, the broader landscape, and the rural and urban economies and cultures. Many of (...)
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  14. Choices, consequences and desert.Teun J. Dekker - 2009 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):109 – 126.
    It is a commonly held position in the literature on distributive justice that choices individuals make from an equalized background may lead to inequalities of outcome. This raises the question of how to assign consequences to particular types of behaviour. Theories of justice based on the concept of moral responsibility offer considerable guidance as to how society should be structured, but they rarely address the question of what the consequences of making a particular choice should be. To fill this lacuna, (...)
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  15.  46
    Desert, democracy, and consumer surplus.Teun J. Dekker - 2010 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9 (3):315-338.
    If one wishes to give individuals what they deserve, one must find some way of appraising those characteristics that render them deserving. In modern democratic societies, it seems attractive to base this appraisal on an aggregation of the valuations individuals hold of the desert bases under consideration. Some have argued that the market can provide such an appraisal. However, I argue that the market does not provide a satisfactory democratic appraisal that is relevant for desert, as it allows for the (...)
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  16.  65
    The importance of ontogenetic change in typical and atypical development.Tessa M. Dekker & Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):271-272.
    The compelling case that Anderson makes for neural reuse and against modularity as organizing principle of the brain is further supported by evidence from developmental disorders. However, to provide a full evolutionary-developmental theory of neural reuse that encompasses both typical and atypical development, Anderson's (MRH) could be further constrained by considering brain development across ontogeny.
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  17.  39
    Sham neurosurgery in patients with Parkinson's disease: is it morally acceptable?W. Dekkers - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):151-156.
    For a few decades, patients with Parkinson's disease have been treated with intracerebral transplantations of fetal mesencephalic tissue. The results of open trials have been variable. Double blind, placebo-controlled studies have recently been started in order to further investigate the efficacy of this new medical technique. In this paper we challenge the need for sham surgery in neurotransplantation research on PD patients. Considerations regarding the research subjects' informed consent, therapeutic misconception, the integrity of the human body, and the assessment of (...)
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  18.  79
    Autonomy and dependence: Chronic physical illness and decision-making capacity.Wim J. M. Dekkers - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (2):185-192.
    In this article some of the presuppositions that underly the current ideas about decision making capacity, autonomy and independence are critically examined. The focus is on chronic disorders, especially on chronic physical disorders. First, it is argued that the concepts of decision making competence and autonomy, as they are usually applied to the problem of legal (in)competence in the mentally ill, need to be modified and adapted to the situation of the chronically (physically) ill. Second, it is argued that autonomy (...)
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  19.  3
    Ethical issues in unprofessional behavior of residents who dispute dismissal: ten year analysis of case law in hospital-based specialties.Judith Godschalx-Dekker, Sebastiaan Pronk, Gert Olthuis, Rankie ten Hoopen & Walther van Mook - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-10.
    Residents who do not internalize professional values may not be a good fit for their specialty and compromise the quality of their patient care. Research aimed at recognizing residents’ shortcomings in professionalism may help to prevent future shortcomings towards patients. The aim of this study was to increase insight into residents’ shortcomings in medical professionalism in light of professional values relevant within residency training. We analyzed all law cases from the Dutch national conciliation board from 2011 to 2020 on the (...)
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  20.  60
    (1 other version)What is a genetic cause? The example of Alzheimer’s Disease.Wim Dekkers & Marcel Olde Rikkert - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3):273-284.
    This paper focuses on the causation of diseases, particularly on the idea of a “genetic cause” taking Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) as an example. We (1) provide some historical information and a synopsis of the current knowledge on the etiology and pathogenesis of AD, (2) analyse some conceptual problems related to the notion of “genetic disease” (3) elaborate on the alleged (genetic) cause of AD, and (4) place the discussion on the cause of AD in a broader philosophical context, paying attention (...)
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  21.  80
    Countable vector spaces with recursive operations Part II.J. C. E. Dekker - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):477-493.
  22.  39
    Two notes on vector spaces with recursive operations.J. C. E. Dekker - 1971 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12 (3):329-334.
  23. Grounding dynamic semantics.Paul Dekker - 2004 - In Marga Reimer & Anne Bezuidenhout, Descriptions and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  24.  44
    Social Health Disparities in Clinical Care: A New Approach to Medical Fairness.Klaus Puschel, Enrico Furlan & Wim Dekkers - 2015 - Public Health Ethics:phv034.
    Social health disparities are increasing in most countries around the world. During the past two decades, a large amount of evidence has emerged about the health consequences of social inequalities. Despite such evidence, the concept of medical fairness, as traditionally defined by the World Medical Association, has remained unchallenged and even reinforced by some scholars who emphasize that doctors should remain neutral to the socioeconomic status of their patients when providing clinical care. The inconsistency between public health and clinical care (...)
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  25. On the notion of home and the goals of palliative care.Wim Dekkers - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (5):335-349.
    The notion of home is well known from our everyday experience, and plays a crucial role in all kinds of narratives about human life, but is hardly ever systematically dealt with in the philosophy of medicine and health care. This paper is based upon the intuitively positive connotation of the term “home.” By metaphorically describing the goal of palliative care as “the patient’s coming home,” it wants to contribute to a medical humanities approach of medicine. It is argued that this (...)
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  26. Existential disclosure.Paul Dekker - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (6):561 - 587.
  27. The values of variables in dynamic semantics.Paul Dekker - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19 (3):211 - 257.
  28.  66
    Completeness of two systems of illative combinatory logic for first-order propositional and predicate calculus.Wil Dekkers, Martin Bunder & Henk Barendregt - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (5-6):327-341.
    Illative combinatory logic consists of the theory of combinators or lambda calculus extended by extra constants (and corresponding axioms and rules) intended to capture inference. The paper considers 4 systems of illative combinatory logic that are sound for first-order propositional and predicate calculus. The interpretation from ordinary logic into the illative systems can be done in two ways: following the propositions-as-types paradigm, in which derivations become combinators, or in a more direct way, in which derivations are not translated. Both translations (...)
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  29.  94
    Meaning and Use of Indefinite Expressions.Dekker Paul - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (2):141-194.
    Sentences containing pronouns and indefinite noun phrases can be said toexpress open propositions, propositions which display gaps to be filled.This paper addresses the question what is the linguistic content ofthese expressions, what information they can be said to provide to ahearer, and in what sense the information of a speaker can be said tosupport their utterance. We present and motivate first order notions ofcontent, update and support. The three notions are each defined in acompositional fashion and brought together within a (...)
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  30. Routine (non-religious) neonatal circumcision and bodily integrity: A transatlantic dialogue.Wim Dekkers - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (2):pp. 125-146.
    In the current debate about the pros and cons of routine (nonreligious) neonatal circumcision (RNC), the emphasis is on medical justifications for the practice. Questions of human rights also are widely discussed. However, even if the alleged medical benefits of RNC were to outweigh the harms and risks, this is not a sufficient justification for RNC. The practice of RNC is questionable from a variety of viewpoints including not only the ideal of evidence-based medicine and human rights considerations, but also (...)
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    The Lived Body as Aesthetic Object in Anthropological Medicine.Wim Dekkers - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (2):117-128.
    Medicine does not usually consider the human body from an aesthetic point of view. This article explores the notion of the lived body as aesthetic object in anthropological medicine, concentrating on the views of Buytendijk and Straus on human uprightness and gracefulness. It is argued that their insights constitute a counter-balance to the way the human body is predominantly approached in medicine and medical ethics. In particular, (1) the relationship between anthropological, aesthetic and ethical norms, (2) the possible danger of (...)
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  32.  18
    Recursion relative to regressive functions.J. C. E. Dekker & E. Ellentuck - 1974 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 6 (3-4):231-257.
  33.  79
    Hermeneutics and experiences of the body. The case of low back pain.Wim Dekkers - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (3):277-293.
    The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the notion of clinical medicine as a hermeneutical enterprise and to bridge the gap between the general perspectives of hermeneutics and the particularities of medical practice. The case of a patient with low back pain is analyzed. The discussion centers around the metaphor of the patient as a text and a model of five social discourses about low back pain. The problems addressed are: (1) the nature of a moral experience, (2) (...)
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  34. Meanwhile, within the Frege boundary.Paul Dekker - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (5):547-556.
    In this paper, I want to contribute to understanding and improving on Keenan'sintriguing equivalence result about reducible type quantifiers (Keenan, 1992).I give an alternative proof of his result which generalizes to type quantifiers, andI show how the reduction of a reducible type quantifier to (the composition of) ntype quantifiers can be effected.
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  35. De relationaliteit van God [The Relationality of God].Willem Maarten Dekker - 2009 - Ars Disputandi 9:1566-5399.
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    Not Only Barbara.Paul J. E. Dekker - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (2):95-129.
    With this paper I aim to demonstrate that a look beyond the Aristotelian square of opposition, and a related non-conservative view on logical determiners, contributes to both the understanding of Aristotelian syllogistics as well as to the study of quantificational structures in natural language.
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    The illiberality of perfectionist enhancement.Teun J. Dekker - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (1):91-98.
    With the rapid advance of bio-genetic technology, it will soon be possible for parents to design children who are born with certain genetic traits. This raises the question whether parents should be allowed to use this technology to engineer their children as they please. In this context it is often thought and argued that liberalism, which has a reputation for being permissive of all kinds of practices, grants parents the right to do so. However, I will argue that, on an (...)
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    Experiences of Embedding Long-Term Thinking in an Environment of Short-Termism and Sub-par Business Performance: Investing in Intangibles for Sustainable Growth.Kosheek Sewchurran, Johan Dekker & Jennifer McDonogh - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):997-1041.
    This paper presents a case study of the South African operation of a logistics company, operating in a context of short-termism and under-performance. Frustration with managing in this context, and concern that this environment might erode the customer value proposition, prompted an exploration of the question: “How can the business prioritise its investment in intangibles to support sustainable growth in an environment of short-termism and sub-par business performance?” The study followed an inductive grounded theory approach and began with an exploration (...)
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    Activism and Civil Society: Broadening Participation and Deepening Democracy.Paul Dekker & Ramón A. Feenstra - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 17:7-13.
    In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of political activism through an irruption of citizen movements – 5M or Occupy–, the birth of new political platforms –5 Stelle, Zyrisa, Podemos– and the rise of new direct action groups, such as Anonymous, Stop-Evictions Movements, cooperatives, to name just a few. In some countries this activism has not just placed substantial pressure on traditional actors of representative democracy and governments, but has also opened up opportunities for structural changes in the policymaking (...)
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  40. Oronce fine's third & fourth books of solar horology, comprizing his exposition of the'new quadrant of profatius'.Peter I. Drinkwater & E. Dekker - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (4):426-426.
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    Ludwig Feuerbach in zijn verhouding tot de Christelijke zedeleer..Arnold Izaak Kan - 1901 - Wolvega,: G. Taconis.
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  42.  47
    The Cambridge Handbook of Formal Semantics.Maria Aloni & Paul Jacques Edgar Dekker (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Formal semantics - the scientific study of meaning in natural language - is one of the most fundamental and long-established areas of linguistics. This Handbook offers a comprehensive, yet compact guide to the field, bringing together research from a wide range of world-leading experts. Chapters include coverage of the historical context and foundation of contemporary formal semantics, a survey of the variety of formal/logical approaches to linguistic meaning and an overview of the major areas of research within current semantic theory, (...)
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  43. F.j.J. Buytendijk's concept of an anthropological physiology.Wim J. M. Dekkers - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (1).
    In his concept of an anthropological physiology, F.J.J. Buytendijk has tried to lay down the theoretical and scientific foundations for an anthropologically-oriented medicine. The aim of anthropological physiology is to demonstrate, empirically, what being specifically human is in the most elementary physiological functions. This article contains a sketch of Buytendijk''s life and work, an overview of his philosophical-anthropological presuppositions, an outline of his idea of an anthropological physiology and medicine, and a discussion of some episternological and methodological problems. It is (...)
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  44.  35
    An unrecorded medieval astrolabe quadrant from c. 1300.Elly Dekker - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (1):1-47.
    A detailed description of an as yet unrecorded astrolabe quadrant in a private collection is presented. A date between 1291 and 1310 is deduced from the calendrical data engraved on it. The characteristics of the newly recorded instrument have been compared with those of six other medieval astrolabe quadrants. The newly recorded instrument appears to present an early, if not the earliest, stage of development in the history of the astrolabe quadrant. In the comparison the newly recorded instrument is also (...)
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  45.  27
    Seeking Public Values of Digital Energy Platforms.Rinie van Est, Romy Dekker & Irene A. Niet - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):380-403.
    Digital energy platforms play a central role in the transition toward a more sustainable energy system. This research explores the effect of digital energy platforms on public values. We developed and tested a novel public value framework, combining values already embedded in energy and digitalization regulations and emerging values that have become more relevant in recent debates. We analyzed value changes and potential value tensions. We found that sustainability is prioritized, security is broadened to include cybersecurity, and values relevant for (...)
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    Completeness of the propositions-as-types interpretation of intuitionistic logic into illative combinatory logic.Wil Dekkers, Martin Bunder & Henk Barendregt - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):869-890.
    Illative combinatory logic consists of the theory of combinators or lambda calculus extended by extra constants (and corresponding axioms and rules) intended to capture inference. In a preceding paper, [2], we considered 4 systems of illative combinatory logic that are sound for first order intuitionistic propositional and predicate logic. The interpretation from ordinary logic into the illative systems can be done in two ways: following the propositions-as-types paradigm, in which derivations become combinators, or in a more direct way, in which (...)
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    Isols and the pigeonhole principle.J. C. E. Dekker & E. Ellentuck - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):833-846.
    In this paper we generalize the pigeonhole principle by using isols as our fundamental counting tool.
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  48. The scientific instruments in holbein's ambassadors: A re-examination.Elly Dekker & Kristen Lippincott - 1999 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 62 (1):93-125.
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    Automorphisms of $\omega$-cubes.J. C. E. Dekker - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (2):120-128.
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    Automorphisms of $\omega$-octahedral graphs.J. C. E. Dekker - 1982 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23 (4):427-434.
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