Results for 'Ivan Borisov Dzhadzhev'

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  1. Khudozhestvenata uslovnost.Ivan Borisov Dzhadzhev - 1972
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  2. Izkustvoto kato fenomen na kulturata.Ivan Dzhadzhev - 1985 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Antichnata esteticheska misŭl.Ivan Dzhadzhev - 2009 - Varna: Slavena.
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  4. Besedi po estetika.Ivan Dzhadzhev - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  5. Moi︠a︡t ideal za krasotata: primerna programa za politicheskata uchebna 1981/1982 godina v komsomola: za srednoshkolt︠s︡i.Ivan Dzhadzhev - 1982 - Sofii︠a︡: "Nar. mladezh,".
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    Arranging the rigging, or why “object” attitudes do not exist.Ivan Mikirtumov - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 50 (4):36-43.
    The article deals with some problems of formalization of Russell's example with a yacht and Eugeniy Borisov's proposal concerning the usage of “object" affitudes. This idea seems wrong to me in terms of its contents, besides its formal realization fails. I believe that formalization of the example with a yacht must, firstly, take into account the pragmatics of the phrase's usage and, secondly, point at the mental representations of the objects. To do this, one can use propositions reflecting a (...)
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    Against selfless assertions.Ivan Milić - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (9):2277-2295.
    Lackey’s (2007) class of “selfless assertions” is controversial in at least two respects: it allows propositions that express Moorean absurdity to be asserted warrantedly, and it challenges the orthodox view that the speaker’s belief is a necessary condition for warranted assertibility. With regard to the former point, I critically examine Lackey’s broadly Gricean treatment of Moorean absurdity and McKinnon’s (2015) epistemic approach. With regard to the latter point, I defend the received view by supporting the knowledge account, on which knowledge (...)
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    Adjusting the model to adjust the world: constructive mechanisms in postwar general equilibrium theory.Ivan Boldyrev & Alexey Ushakov - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):38-56.
    Economic methodologists most often study the relations between models and reality while focusing on the issues of the model's epistemic relevance in terms of its relation to the ‘real world’ and representing the real world in a model. We complement the discussion by bringing the model's constructive mechanisms or self-implementing technologies in play. By this, we mean the elements of the economic model that are aimed at ‘implementing’ it by envisaging the ways to change the reality in order to bring (...)
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    Incompatibility, inconsistency, and logical analysis in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.Ivan Welty - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8171-8186.
    Statements of degree appear to falsify basic doctrines in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. I offer a fresh formulation of the challenge and assess a solution proposed on Wittgenstein’s behalf by Sarah Moss. I find that Moss’s proposal fails. The proposal rides in part on novel interpretations of pronouncements by Wittgenstein on the nature of the elementary proposition. I find that the interpretations cannot be sustained but that Moss’s textual case hints at important and overlooked features of the Tractarian program. I develop Wittgenstein’s (...)
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    Epistemicism and response-dependence.Ivan Hu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9109-9131.
    Epistemicists claim that if it is vague whether p, it is unknowable whether p. Some contest this on epistemic grounds: vague intuitions about vague matters need not fully preclude knowledge, if those intuitions are response-dependent in some special sense of enabling vague knowledge. This paper defends the epistemicist principle that vagueness entails ignorance against such objections. I argue that not only is response-dependence an implausible characterization of actual vague matters, its mere possibility poses no threat to epistemicism and is properly (...)
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    Behavioural and heuristic models are as-if models too – and that’s ok.Ivan Moscati - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (2):279-309.
    I examine some behavioural and heuristic models of individual decision-making and argue that the diverse psychological mechanisms these models posit are too demanding to be implemented, either consciously or unconsciously, by actual decision makers. Accordingly, and contrary to what their advocates typically claim, behavioural and heuristic models are best understood as ‘as-if’ models. I then sketch a version of scientific antirealism that justifies the practice of as-if modelling in decision theory but goes beyond traditional instrumentalism. Finally, I relate my account (...)
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    Valores, Verdade e Investigação: uma alternativa pragmatista ao não cognitivismo de Russell.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):245-268.
    Resumo Este artigo apresenta um referencial pragmatista para compreender o estatuto epistêmico da valoração que é produzida na reflexão acerca das consequências sociais de propostas científicas e tecnológicas. O problema é posto, seguindo-se as considerações de Bertrand Russell sobre o impacto da ciência na sociedade. Russell argumenta que a valoração de arranjos sociais fica fora dos limites do conhecimento, porque valorações não podem ser verdadeiras ou falsas, em sentido correspondencial. Isso leva o pensamento social a um impasse, pois não se (...)
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  13. Envy in Logic-Based Therapy.Ivan Guajardo - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):138-154.
    Contemporary research offers a more compelling account on the complex emotion of envy than the traditional view of envy as simply something bad. This essay explains how Logic-Based Therapy can use this account to coach individuals struggling with negative species of envy. Given that jealousy and envy are often equated, the essay differentiates the two; explains the conditions that make the four species of envy possible; identifies cardinal fallacies associated with negative species of envy; proposes counteractive virtues, and describes ways (...)
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    Cooperative tool-use reveals peripersonal and interpersonal spaces are dissociable.Ivan Patané, Alessandro Farnè & Francesca Frassinetti - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):13-22.
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    Algebraic Properties of Paraorthomodular Posets.Ivan Chajda, Davide Fazio, Helmut Länger, Antonio Ledda & Jan Paseka - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (5):840-869.
    Paraorthomodular posets are bounded partially ordered sets with an antitone involution induced by quantum structures arising from the logico-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics. The aim of the present work is starting a systematic inquiry into paraorthomodular posets theory both from algebraic and order-theoretic perspectives. On the one hand, we show that paraorthomodular posets are amenable of an algebraic treatment by means of a smooth representation in terms of bounded directoids with antitone involution. On the other, we investigate their order-theoretical features (...)
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    The logic of orthomodular posets of finite height.Ivan Chajda & Helmut Länger - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):143-154.
    Orthomodular posets form an algebraic formalization of the logic of quantum mechanics. A central question is how to introduce implication in such a logic. We give a positive answer whenever the orthomodular poset in question is of finite height. The crucial advantage of our solution is that the corresponding algebra, called implication orthomodular poset, i.e. a poset equipped with a binary operator of implication, corresponds to the original orthomodular poset and that its implication operator is everywhere defined. We present here (...)
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    Yawning Is More Contagious in Pregnant Than Nulliparous Women.Ivan Norscia, Lucia Agostini, Alessia Moroni, Marta Caselli, Margherita Micheletti-Cremasco, Concetta Vardé & Elisabetta Palagi - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):301-325.
    Contrary to spontaneous yawning, which is widespread in vertebrates and probably evolutionary ancient, contagious yawning—yawning triggered by others’ yawns—is considered an evolutionarily recent phenomenon, found in species characterized by complex sociality. Whether the social asymmetry observed in the occurrence of contagious yawning is related to social and emotional attachment and may therefore reflect emotional contagion is a subject of debate. In this study we assessed whether yawn contagion was enhanced in pregnant women, a cohort of subjects who develop prenatal emotional (...)
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    The negative impact of ad hoc committees for ethical evaluation: The case of COVID‐19‐related research in Ecuador.Ivan Sisa, Belen Mena & Enrique Teran - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (1):3-6.
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    The World of Convivium: between Post-modernism and new Discoveries.Michele Bacci & Ivan Foletti - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):11-15.
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    Huellas de un caminar no transitado. A propósito de una ética “en” Heidegger.Einar Iván Monroy Gutiérrez - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105).
    El presente ensayo no pretende hacer una investigación de las razones por la cualesHeidegger no escribió un tratado ético como tal, mucho menos, una apología acerca desu silencio, intencional o no, respecto a dicho asunto. Tampoco se pretende escribir unaética “de” Heidegger, sino más bien, encontrar las señales que “dejan-ver” la dimensiónética de su pensar y desde allí, llevar nuestro pensar por el camino que nos conduce a laposibilidad de rehabitar la tierra.
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    Nejstarší řecká filosofie: filosofie v předklasickém údobí před sofistikou a Sókratem : přednášky z antické filosofie.Jan Patocka, Ivan Chvatík & Pavel Kouba - 1996
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    Pretraživanje članaka.Vladimir Zagorac, Ivan Tadić, Amra Mahmutagić, Nikola Dogan, Nikica Mihaljević, Marijana Tomelić-Ćurlin, Ivan Koprek, Anton Peranić & Ivanka Peranić - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1).
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    Rawlsian Distributive Justice and the Philippine Ayuda Program During the Pandemic.Ivan Efreaim Gozum & Jove Jim Aguas - 2022 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):202-217.
    This paper discusses the philosophical concept of John Rawls on distributive justice and how it can be applied as a possible guide in the Philippine ayuda distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, it discusses how the pandemic affected the Philippine economy and the complaints on the ayuda program regarding the ayuda distribution in the country. Second, it explains Rawlsian distributive justice and Rawls’ ideas, such as the veil of ignorance, liberty, and difference principles. Lastly, it discusses Rawls’ notion of distributive (...)
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    Mirar-actuar a distancia Esfera pública, sufrimiento y compasión.Jorge Iván Bonilla Vélez - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):11-38.
    Este texto recoge parte de las reflexiones y del desarrollo del capítulo 5 del libro La barbarie que no vimos: Fotografía y memoria en Colombia. Aquí algunas preguntas que se intentan responder en este ensayo: ¿son las tecnologías las únicas responsables de la imposibilidad de ejercer una contemplación activa frente al infortunio de los demás? A propósito de la Parábola del Buen Samaritano, ¿este habría sido reemplazado por el espectador distante o implicado? ¿Qué sucede cuando ese espectador, de tanto ver (...)
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    Itinerary of Political Action in Antonio Gramsci.Miguel Ivân Mendonça Carneiro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):255-269.
    As result of the ongoing doctoral research, this paper composes the Communication delivered at the First National Post-Graduate Meeting in Philosophy of the University of Brasilia. The thesis relates to the real political action arising from liberty and immanent power. Structured in two moments of the Gramscian thought, that is: a) the juvenile phase (1914-1919), correspondent to the initial period of political engagement towards adherence to the Turin labor movement; and b) the analysis of the 48th § of Volume 3 (...)
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    Otade sistemot.Ivan D︠Ž︡eparoski - 2000 - Skopje: Kultura.
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    The filipino family in the formation of values in the light of John Paul II’s familiaris consortio.Ivan Efreaim Gozum - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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  28. Dialekticheskiĭ materializm o vozmozhnosti i deĭstvitelʹnosti.Ivan Aleksandrovich Grudinin - 1955 - Moskva,: Znanie.
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    Linear paradoxes: On Borges and Cervantes.Jorge Ivan Salazar - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (131):118-120.
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    Beyond Newton: Why assumptions of universality are critical to cognitive science, and how to finally move past them.Ivan Kroupin, Helen E. Davis & Joseph Henrich - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    Schopenhauer as Nietzsche’s “Great Teacher” and “Antipode”.Ivan Soll - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines Schopenhauer’s influence on Nietzsche’s work. It considers how Nietzsche adopted some of his central ideas from Schopenhauer, how he exploited some of Schopenhauer’s positions to suit his own purposes, and how he developed some of his ideas as alternatives to Schopenhauerian positions. Nietzsche’s first published book, The Birth of Tragedy, is based on a Schopenhauerian metaphysical framework. Schopenhauer’s principle of individuation applicable to the world of representations is the key element in Nietzsche’s concept of the Apollonian and (...)
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    Anotaciones Sobre Una Posible Fundamentación de la Ética En Ser y Tiempo de Martin Heidegger.Ivan Alexander Muñoz - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 31:99-108.
    Los intentos de descubrir una ética o un fundamento de ésta en Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger son la mayoría de veces infructuosos debido al poco espacio que Heidegger le dedica al tema del “otro“ en su parte “positiva“, lo que le ha valido a éste no pocos reproches. Quienes vislumbran aquí una ética se podrían agrupar en tres: Los que ven una ética negativa (al modo de la teología negativa), los que centran su exposición en el concepto de (...)
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    Le regole del gioco. Perché la realtà sociale non è un sistema normativo.Ivan Mosca - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 43:247-266.
    Why the social ontology uses the game as paradigmatic example of social object? Is social reality a game? In this short essay, shared characteristics and differences of ludic and social acts are explored to explode the myth of the normative structure of social reality. In order to explain and demonstrate their theories, major authors of our research sector as Searle and Smith appeal to ludic phenomenons as unmistakable evidences of regulated social activities. Nevertheless well valued theorists don’t recognize that there (...)
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    La revuelta posneoliberal. El horizonte intelectual de la nueva izquierda progresista.Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    El artículo propone un esbozo del programa teórico de la izquierda progresista del siglo XXI a partir de la lectura de los autores contemporáneos que tendrían mayor influencia en los líderes políticos iberoamericanos de esta corriente. Para ello, examina el escenario histórico político tras el fin de las utopías y del mito revolucionario, y luego describe los problemas teóricos que dotarían de contenido lo que el autor denomina una «revuelta posneoliberal».
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    Measurement theory and utility analysis in Suppes’ early work, 1951–1958.Ivan Moscati - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (3):252-267.
    The paper reconstructs the connections between the evolution of Patrick Suppes’ measurement theory from 1951 to 1958 and the research in utility analysis he conducted between 1953 and 1957 within the Stanford Value Theory Project. In particular, the paper shows that Suppes’ superseding of the classical understanding of measurement, his endorsement of the representational view of measurement, and his conceiving of an axiomatic version of the latter were prompted by his research in utility analysis.
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    Crónica del mes de reflexión episcopal de julio 1971 en Medellín.Dumar Iván Espinosa Molina - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-23.
    El artículo contextualiza e investiga los detalles del «Mes de Reflexión Episcopal» organizado por el Departamento de Pastoral de Conjunto del Celam en julio de 1971, que reunió providencialmente varios obispos, algunos de los cuales no estuvieron en la II Conferencia General tres años antes, y que darían testimonio del espíritu de Medellín hasta el martirio o hasta una muerte trágica en cumplimiento de su misión: Oscar Arnulfo Romero, Juan Gerardi Conedera, Gerardo Valencia Cano y Raúl Zambrano Camader. El encuentro (...)
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    Filosofski sŭchinenii︠a︡.Ivan Gi︠u︡zelev - 2016 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdatelska kŭshta "Sv. Ivan Rilski". Edited by Dobrin Todorov & Ivan Gi︠u︡zelev.
    Vzaimodeistvie mezhdu fizicheskii︠a︡ i psikhicheskii︠a︡ mir -- Granit︠s︡ite na znanieto -- Svetŭt kato produkt na sŭznanieto -- Absoli︠u︡tnoto sŭznanie.
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    ¿Cómo se puede llegar tarde al conocimiento de las cosas? Sobre lógos y ousía en el Cratilo de Platón.Jairo Iván Escobar Moncada - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 34:29-47.
    Me propongo discutir la teoría del lenguaje que Platón sostiene en este diálogo. Su punto de vista busca evitar tanto los peligros del enfoque naturalista de Cratilo como el convencionalista de Hermógenes, aunque considero que su posición es más cercana a Hermógenes, quien destaca el carácter práctico del lenguaje (387c ss.) El horizonte que guía su indagación es la relación epistémica entre lógos y cosa (on y pragma), esto es, la pregunta sobre qué me permite conocer el lenguaje de las (...)
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    Primeros apuntes sobre la Quinta da Regaleira de Luigi Manini: el Palacio.Iván Moure Pazos - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a295.
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    Emancipazione della ragione: appunti sovversivi su Herbert Marcuse.Fabio Ivan Pigola - 2015 - Massa: Eclettica edizioni. Edited by Marco Vagnozzi.
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    The Murder of the Innocents in the Saturnalia and the Religion of Macrobius.Ivan Prchlík - 2017 - Klio 99 (1):260-277.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 1 Seiten: 260-277.
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    Baron d'Holbach, philosopher of common sense.Ivan Sviták - 1976 - Chico: California State University.
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    La voluntad anticipada enfocada en enfermedades degenerativas y catastróficas establecida en la sucesión testada como precedente en la normativa civil del Ecuador.Iván Patricio Culcay Villavicencio, Omar Esteban Simbaña Uzhca & Juan Miguel Riera Pauta - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (9):e240146.
    Desde la constitución de un Estado social de derechos y justicia, toda autoridad está en la obligación de brindar seguridad y protección, a nivel social y jurídico para cada miembro del Estado; parte de esta protección es la representación del máximo amparo hacia aquellas personas consideradas grupos de atención prioritaria, como lo son las personas con enfermedades terminales, degenerativas o catastróficas, enfermedades que transgreden la dignidad de las personas. En estos casos, el Estado debe trabajar con mayor solvencia para asegurar (...)
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  44. Asserting as Commitment to Knowing. An Essay on the Normativity of Assertion.Ivan Milić - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Barcelona
    In this thesis, I propose and defend a theory according to which committing oneself to knowing the proposition expressed counts as an assertion of that proposition. A consequence of this view is the knowledge account of assertion, according to which one asserts that p correctly only if one knows that p. In support of this approach, I offer a strategy of identifying an assertion’s “normative consequences”, types of act that normally take place as a result of one’s making an assertion (...)
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    Investigation on evolutionary predictive control of chemical reactor.Ivan Zelinka, Donald David Davendra, Roman Šenkeřík & Michal Pluháček - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2):156-166.
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  46. Literatura kak forma sot︠s︡ialʹnogo poznanii︠a︡.Ivan Bit︠s︡adze - 1977 - Edited by PanaĭOt Atanasov[From Old Catalog] Gindev.
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    Spinoza: hacia una formación sin modelos.Germán Ulises Bula & Iván Ramón Rodríguez - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (116):211-236.
    En este texto se busca elaborar una idea de formación en el pensamiento de Baruch de Spinoza, como alternativa a las ideas educativas que, de manera esencialista, mediante el proceso educativo pretenden hacer corresponder al educando a ciertos modelos preestablecidos. Para ello se construye una idea de auto-realización en Spinoza en la que resultan deseables diferentes caminos de auto-realización para diferentes individuos. Se propone que esta auto-realización consiste en ser capaz de obrar y ser afectado de muchas maneras, y se (...)
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    Diskursi na vizuelnoto.Ivan D︠Ž︡eparoski - 2014 - Skopje: Matica.
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  49. Introduction.Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart, Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill.
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    Charge-carrier and polaron hopping mobility in disordered organic solids: Carrier-concentration and electric-field effects.Ivan I. Fishchuk, Andrey Kadashchuk, Volodymyr N. Poroshin & Heinz Bässler - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (9):1229-1244.
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