Results for 'Iteration operator'

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  1.  73
    On the recursion theorem in iterative operative spaces.J. Zashev - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (4):1727-1748.
    The recursion theorem in abstract partially ordered algebras, such as operative spaces and others, is the most fundamental result of algebraic recursion theory. The primary aim of the present paper is to prove this theorem for iterative operative spaces in full generality. As an intermediate result, a new and rather large class of models of the combinatory logic is obtained.
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    The [mathematical formula] quantification operator in explicit mathematics with universes and iterated fixed point theories with ordinals.Markus Marzetta & Thomas Strahm - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (6):391-413.
    This paper is about two topics: 1. systems of explicit mathematics with universes and a non-constructive quantification operator $\mu$; 2. iterated fixed point theories with ordinals. We give a proof-theoretic treatment of both families of theories; in particular, ordinal theories are used to get upper bounds for explicit theories with finitely many universes.
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  3. Evitable iterates of the consistency operator.James Walsh - 2023 - Computability 12 (1):59--69.
    Why are natural theories pre-well-ordered by consistency strength? In previous work, an approach to this question was proposed. This approach was inspired by Martin's Conjecture, one of the most prominent conjectures in recursion theory. Fixing a reasonable subsystem $T$ of arithmetic, the goal was to classify the recursive functions that are monotone with respect to the Lindenbaum algebra of $T$. According to an optimistic conjecture, roughly, every such function must be equivalent to an iterate $\mathsf{Con}_T^\alpha$ of the consistency operator (...)
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    Iterative Characterizations of Computable Unary Functions: A General Method.Stefano Mazzanti - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):29-38.
    Iterative characterizations of computable unary functions are useful patterns for the definition of programming languages based on iterative constructs. The features of such a characterization depend on the pairing producing it: this paper offers an infinite class of pairings involving very nice features.
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    Pseudo-Jump Operators. II: Transfinite Iterations, Hierarchies and Minimal Covers.Carl G. Jockusch & Richard A. Shore - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1205 - 1236.
  6.  55
    Logical operations and iterated deep languages.Juha Oikkonen - 1983 - Studia Logica 42:243.
    We discuss an abstract notion of a logical operation and corresponding logics. It is shown that if all the logical operations considered are implicitely definable in a logic *, then the same holds also for the logic obtained from these operations. As an application we show that certain iterated forms of infinitely deep languages are implicitely definable in game quantifier languages. We consider also relations between structures and show that Karttunen's characterization of elementary equivalence for the ordinary infinitely deep languages (...)
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    The Undecidability of Iterated Modal Relativization.Joseph S. Miller & Lawrence S. Moss - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (3):373-407.
    In dynamic epistemic logic and other fields, it is natural to consider relativization as an operator taking sentences to sentences. When using the ideas and methods of dynamic logic, one would like to iterate operators. This leads to iterated relativization. We are also concerned with the transitive closure operation, due to its connection to common knowledge. We show that for three fragments of the logic of iterated relativization and transitive closure, the satisfiability problems are fi1 11–complete. Two of these (...)
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  8.  52
    Iterated Descriptor Revision and the Logic of Ramsey Test Conditionals.Sven Ove Hansson - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (4):429-450.
    Two of the major problems in AGM-style belief revision, namely the difficulties in accounting for iterated change and for Ramsey test conditionals, have satisfactory solutions in descriptor revision. In descriptor revision, the input is a metalinguistic sentence specifying the success condition of the operation. The choice mechanism selects one of the potential outcomes in which the success condition is satisfied. Iteration of this operation is unproblematic. Ramsey test conditionals can be introduced without giving rise to the paradoxical results that (...)
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  9. Iteration Principles in Epistemology I: Arguments For.Daniel Greco - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (11):754-764.
    Epistemic iteration principles are principles according to which some or another epistemic operator automatically iterates---e.g., if it is known that P, then it is known that P, or there is evidence that P, then there is evidence that there is evidence that P. This article provides a survey of various arguments for and against epistemic iteration principles, with a focus on arguments relevant to a wide range of such principles.
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    (3 other versions)A Theory of Operations on the Universe I. The Theory of Iteration andF-Ordinals.Narciso Garcia - 1991 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 37 (25):385-392.
  11.  24
    Iterated Contraction Based on Indistinguishability.Konstantinos Georgatos - 2013 - In Sergei Artemov & Anil Nerode (eds.), LFCS 2013. Springer. pp. 194–205.
    We introduce a class of set-theoretic operators on a tolerance space that models the process of minimal belief contraction, and therefore a natural process of iterated contraction can be defined. We characterize the class of contraction operators and study the properties of the associated iterated belief contraction.
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  12.  57
    Shifting Priorities: Simple Representations for Twenty-seven Iterated Theory Change Operators.Hans Rott - 2009 - In Jacek Malinowski David Makinson & Wansing Heinrich (eds.), Towards Mathematical Philosophy. Springer. pp. 269–296.
    Prioritized bases, i.e., weakly ordered sets of sentences, have been used for specifying an agent’s ‘basic’ or ‘explicit’ beliefs, or alternatively for compactly encoding an agent’s belief state without the claim that the elements of a base are in any sense basic. This paper focuses on the second interpretation and shows how a shifting of priorities in prioritized bases can be used for a simple, constructive and intuitive way of representing a large variety of methods for the change of belief (...)
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  13. (1 other version)On Strengthening the Logic of Iterated Belief Revision: Proper Ordinal Interval Operators.Jake Chandler & Richard Booth - 2018 - In Michael Thielscher, Francesca Toni & Frank Wolter (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018). pp. 210-219.
    Darwiche and Pearl’s seminal 1997 article outlined a number of baseline principles for a logic of iterated belief revision. These principles, the DP postulates, have been supplemented in a number of alternative ways. Most suggestions have resulted in a form of ‘reductionism’ that identifies belief states with orderings of worlds. However, this position has recently been criticised as being unacceptably strong. Other proposals, such as the popular principle (P), aka ‘Independence’, characteristic of ‘admissible’ operators, remain commendably more modest. In this (...)
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  14.  14
    The \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $\mu$\end{document} quantification operator in explicit mathematics with universes and iterated fixed point theories with ordinals. [REVIEW]Markus Marzetta & Thomas Strahm - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (5-6):391-413.
    This paper is about two topics: 1. systems of explicit mathematics with universes and a non-constructive quantification operator $\mu$; 2. iterated fixed point theories with ordinals. We give a proof-theoretic treatment of both families of theories; in particular, ordinal theories are used to get upper bounds for explicit theories with finitely many universes.
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    Global and Iterated Contraction and Revision: An Exploration of Uniform and Semi-Uniform Approaches. [REVIEW]Sven Ove Hansson - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):143-172.
    In order to clarify the problems of iterated (global) belief change it is useful to study simple cases, in particular consecutive contractions by sentences that are both logically and epistemically independent. Models in which the selection mechanism is kept constant are much more plausible in this case than what they are in general. One such model, namely uniform specified meet contraction, has the advantage of being closely connected with the AGM model. Its properties seem fairly adequate for the intended type (...)
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  16.  43
    Benhabib on Democratic Iterations in a Global Order.Yossi Dahan & Yossi Yonah - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (1):1-14.
    Seyla Benhabib’s article, “Twilight of Sovereignty or the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Norms” offers a penetrating analysis of the contemporary global order and suggests a normative approach by which to mend its structural failures—viewed from the democratic ideal of popular sovereignty and guided by what she calls “cosmopolitan norms.” The authors take issue with Benhabib's position on both the descriptive and the normative grounds, and make three critical points in this matter: the first two points concern Benhabib's descriptive portrayal of the (...)
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  17.  57
    Dual Choice and Iteration in an Abstract Algebra of Action.Kim Solin - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (3):607-630.
    This paper presents an abstract-algebraic formulation of action facilitating reasoning about two opposing agents. Two dual nondeterministic choice operators are formulated abstract-algebraically: angelic (or user) choice and demonic (or system) choice. Iteration operators are also defined. As an application, Hoare-style correctness rules are established by means of the algebra. A negation operator is also discussed.
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  18. Iterated belief change based on epistemic entrenchment.Abhaya C. Nayak - 1994 - Erkenntnis 41 (3):353-390.
    In this paper it is argued that, in order to solve the problem of iterated belief change, both the belief state and its input should be represented as epistemic entrenchment (EE) relations. A belief revision operation is constructed that updates a given EE relation to a new one in light of an evidential EE relation. It is shown that the operation in question satisfies generalized versions of the Gärdenfors revision postulates. The account offered is motivated by Spohn's ordinal conditionalization functions, (...)
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  19.  40
    A framework for iterated revision.Sébastien Konieczny & Ramón Pino Pérez - 2000 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10 (3-4):339-367.
    ABSTRACT We consider in this work the problem of iterated belief revision. We propose a family of belief revision operators called revision with memory operators and we give a logical (both syntactical and semantical) characterization of these operators. They obey what we call the principle of strong primacy of update: when one revises his beliefs by a new evidence, then all possible worlds that satisfy this new evidence become more reliable than those that do not. We show that those operators (...)
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  20.  50
    Iterated Random Selection as Intermediate Between Risk and Uncertainty.Horacio Arlo-Costa & Jeffrey Helzner - unknown
    In (Hertwig et al. , 2003) Hertwig et al. draw a distinction between decisions from experience and decisions from description. In a decision from experience an agent does not have a summary description of the possible outcomes or their likelihoods. A career choice, deciding whether to back up a computer hard drive, cross a busy street, etc., are typical examples of decisions from experience. In such decisions agents can rely only of their encounters with the corresponding prospects. By contrast, an (...)
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  21.  31
    A Normal form Theorem for Recursive Operators in Iterative Combinatory Spaces.D. Skordev - 1978 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 24 (8):115-124.
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    Representing any-time and program-iteration by infinitary conjunction.Norihiro Kamide - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (3):284 - 298.
    Two new infinitary modal logics are simply obtained from a Gentzen-type sequent calculus for infinitary logic by adding a next-time operator, and a program operator, respectively. It is shown that an any-time operator and a program-iteration operator can respectively be expressed using infinitary conjunction in these logics. The cut-elimination and completeness theorems for these logics are proved using some theorems for embedding these logics into (classical) infinitary logic.
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  23.  83
    Elementary Iterated Revision and the Levi Identity.Jake Chandler & Richard Booth - forthcoming - In Jake Chandler & Richard Booth (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI 2019).
    Recent work has considered the problem of extending to the case of iterated belief change the so-called `Harper Identity' (HI), which defines single-shot contraction in terms of single-shot revision. The present paper considers the prospects of providing a similar extension of the Levi Identity (LI), in which the direction of definition runs the other way. We restrict our attention here to the three classic iterated revision operators--natural, restrained and lexicographic, for which we provide here the first collective characterisation in the (...)
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  24.  85
    Multiple and iterated contraction reduced to single-step single-sentence contraction.Sven Ove Hansson - 2010 - Synthese 173 (2):153-177.
    Multiple contraction (simultaneous contraction by several sentences) and iterated contraction are investigated in the framework of specified meet contraction (s.m.c.) that is extended for this purpose. Multiple contraction is axiomatized, and so is finitely multiple contraction (contraction by a finite set of sentences). Two ways to reduce finitely multiple contraction to contraction by single sentences are introduced. The reduced operations are axiomatically characterized and their properties are investigated. Furthermore, it is shown how iterated contraction can be reduced to single-step, single-sentence (...)
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  25.  61
    On the relationship between fixed points and iteration in admissible set theory without foundation.Dieter Probst - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (5):561-580.
    In this article we show how to use the result in Jäger and Probst [7] to adapt the technique of pseudo-hierarchies and its use in Avigad [1] to subsystems of set theory without foundation. We prove that the theory KPi0 of admissible sets without foundation, extended by the principle (Σ-FP), asserting the existence of fixed points of monotone Σ operators, has the same proof-theoretic ordinal as KPi0 extended by the principle (Σ-TR), that allows to iterate Σ operations along ordinals. By (...)
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  26.  28
    Convergence of a Two-Step Iterative Method for Nondifferentiable Operators in Banach Spaces.Abhimanyu Kumar, Dharmendra K. Gupta, Eulalia Martínez & Sukhjit Singh - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  27. Iterated belief revision, reliability, and inductive amnesia.Kevin T. Kelly - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (1):11-58.
    Belief revision theory concerns methods for reformulating an agent's epistemic state when the agent's beliefs are refuted by new information. The usual guiding principle in the design of such methods is to preserve as much of the agent's epistemic state as possible when the state is revised. Learning theoretic research focuses, instead, on a learning method's reliability or ability to converge to true, informative beliefs over a wide range of possible environments. This paper bridges the two perspectives by assessing the (...)
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  28. Iterated privation and positive predication.Bjørn Jespersen, Massimiliano Carrara & Marie Duží - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 25:S48-S71.
    The standard rule of single privative modification replaces privative modifiers by Boolean negation. This rule is valid, for sure, but also simplistic. If an individual a instantiates the privatively modified property (MF) then it is true that a instantiates the property of not being an F, but the rule fails to express the fact that the properties (MF) and F have something in common. We replace Boolean negation by property negation, enabling us to operate on contrary rather than contradictory properties. (...)
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  29. Pure logic of iterated full ground.Jon Erling Litland - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):411-435.
    This article develops the Pure Logic of Iterated Full Ground (PLIFG), a logic of ground that can deal with claims of the form “ϕ grounds that (ψ grounds θ)”—what we call iterated grounding claims. The core idea is that some truths Γ ground a truth ϕ when there is an explanatory argument (of a certain sort) from premisses Γ to conclusion ϕ. By developing a deductive system that distinguishes between explanatory and nonexplanatory arguments we can give introduction rules for operators (...)
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  30. Are there iterated essentialist truths?Andreas Ditter - 2023 - Analysis 84 (1):3-12.
    Let an iterated essentialist statement be a statement of the form 'It lies in the nature of x1,x2,... that it lies in the nature of y1,y2,... that φ'. Let Iteration be the thesis that there are true iterated essentialist statements. Iteration has recently been disputed by Dasgupta (2014) and Glazier (2017). Both authors take the falsity of Iteration to be central to the explanatory role of essentialist truths. An important consequence that is not explicitly noted by them (...)
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  31.  90
    Three Approaches to Iterated Belief Contraction.Raghav Ramachandran, Abhaya C. Nayak & Mehmet A. Orgun - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):115-142.
    In this paper we investigate three approaches to iterated contraction, namely: the Moderate (or Priority) contraction, the Natural (or Conservative) contraction, and the Lexicographic contraction. We characterise these three contraction functions using certain, arguably plausible, properties of an iterated contraction function. While we provide the characterisation of the first two contraction operations using rationality postulates of the standard variety for iterated contraction, we found doing the same for the Lexicographic contraction more challenging. We provide its characterisation using a variation of (...)
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  32.  38
    Type-theoretic interpretation of iterated, strictly positive inductive definitions.Erik Palmgren - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (2):75-99.
    We interpret intuitionistic theories of (iterated) strictly positive inductive definitions (s.p.-ID i′ s) into Martin-Löf's type theory. The main purpose being to obtain lower bounds of the proof-theoretic strength of type theories furnished with means for transfinite induction (W-type, Aczel's set of iterative sets or recursion on (type) universes). Thes.p.-ID i′ s are essentially the wellknownID i -theories, studied in ordinal analysis of fragments of second order arithmetic, but the set variable in the operator form is restricted to occur (...)
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  33. The purely iterative conception of set.Ansten Klev - 2024 - Philosophia Mathematica 32 (3):358-378.
    According to the iterative conception of set, sets are formed in stages. According to the purely iterative conception of set, sets are formed by iterated application of a set-of operation. The cumulative hierarchy is a mathematical realization of the iterative conception of set. A mathematical realization of the purely iterative conception can be found in Peter Aczel’s type-theoretic model of constructive set theory. I will explain Aczel’s model construction in a way that presupposes no previous familiarity with the theories on (...)
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  34.  53
    James Cummings and Ernest Schimmerling, editors. Lecture Note Series of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 406. Cambridge University Press, New York, xi + 419 pp. - Paul B. Larson, Peter Lumsdaine, and Yimu Yin. An introduction to P max forcing. pp. 5–23. - Simon Thomas and Scott Schneider. Countable Borel equivalence relations. pp. 25–62. - Ilijas Farah and Eric Wofsey. Set theory and operator algebras. pp. 63–119. - Justin Moore and David Milovich. A tutorial on set mapping reflection. pp. 121–144. - Vladimir G. Pestov and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska. An introduction to hyperlinear and sofic groups. pp. 145–185. - Itay Neeman and Spencer Unger. Aronszajn trees and the SCH. pp. 187–206. - Todd Eisworth, Justin Tatch Moore, and David Milovich. Iterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis. pp. 207–244. - Moti Gitik and Spencer Unger. Short extender forcing. pp. 245–263. - Alexander S. Kechris and Robin D. Tucker-Drob. The complexity of classification problems in ergodic theory. pp. 265–2. [REVIEW]Natasha Dobrinen - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):94-97.
  35.  63
    Some logics of iterated belief change.John Cantwell - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (1):49-84.
    The problems that surround iterated contractions and expansions of beliefs are approached by studying hypertheories, a generalisation of Adam Grove's notion of systems of spheres. By using a language with dynamic and doxastic operators different ideas about the basic nature of belief change are axiomatised. It is shown that by imposing quite natural constraints on how hypertheories may change, the basic logics for belief change can be strengthened considerably to bring one closer to a theory of iterated belief change. It (...)
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    Operational trust: Reflection from navigating control and trust in a cross-cultural professional development project.Janinka Greenwood - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (1):107-116.
    This paper explores the interplay of control and trust in a cross-national and cross-cultural professional development course. It examines the differing expectations of the overseas high-ranked education officials who were the students and of the course teachers, particularly in terms of: approaches to control of content and of interpersonal interactions; the cultural contexts in which the attitudes were shaped; the effect of the participants’ professional roles, particularly of their perceptions of accountability and power; the complex, continuing and yet shifting, interplays (...)
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  37.  35
    Elementary Belief Revision Operators.Jake Chandler & Richard Booth - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):267-311.
    Discussions of the issue of iterated belief revision are commonly accompanied by the presentation of three “concrete” operators: natural, restrained and lexicographic. This raises a natural question: What is so distinctive about these three particular methods? Indeed, the common axiomatic ground for work on iterated revision, the AGM and Darwiche-Pearl postulates, leaves open a whole range of alternative proposals. In this paper, we show that it is satisfaction of an additional principle of “Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives”, inspired by the literature (...)
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  38. Contingent Existence and Iterated Modality.Cian Dorr - 2017 - Analysis 77 (1):155-165.
    A discussion of a view, defended by Robert Adams and Boris Kment, according to which contingent existence requires rejecting many standard principles of propositional modal logic involving iterated modal operators.
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    Probabilistic entailment and iterated conditionals.A. Gilio, Niki Pfeifer & Giuseppe Sanfilippo - 2020 - In S. Elqayam, Igor Douven, J. St B. T. Evans & N. Cruz (eds.), Logic and uncertainty in the human mind: a tribute to David E. Over. Routledge. pp. 71-101.
    In this paper we exploit the notions of conjoined and iterated conditionals, which are defined in the setting of coherence by means of suitable conditional random quantities with values in the interval [0,1]. We examine the iterated conditional (B|K)|(A|H), by showing that A|H p-entails B|K if and only if (B|K)|(A|H) = 1. Then, we show that a p-consistent family F={E1|H1, E2|H2} p-entails a conditional event E3|H3 if and only if E3|H3= 1, or (E3|H3)|QC(S) = 1 for some nonempty subset S (...)
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    The Risk-Tandem Framework: An iterative framework for combining risk governance and knowledge co-production toward integrated disaster risk management and climate change adaptation.Janne Parviainen, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Lydia Cumiskey, Sukaina Bharwani, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, Benjamin P. Hofbauer & Dug Cubie - 2024 - International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 116.
    The challenges of the Anthropocene are growing ever more complex and uncertain, underpinned by the emergence of systemic risks. At the same time, the landscape of risk governance has become compartmentalised and siloed, characterized by non-overlapping activities, competing scientific discourses, and distinct responsibilities distributed across diverse public and private bodies. Operating across scales and disciplines, actors tend to work in silos which constitute critical gaps within the interface of science, policy, and practice. Yet, increasingly complex and ‘wicked’ problems require holistic (...)
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    The Success of Hyperrational Utility Maximizers in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma: A Response to Sobel.Robert A. Curtis - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (2):265-.
    Several recent commentators have suggested that for fully rational agents who find themselves in iterated prisoner's dilemmas of indefinite length, co-operation is the rational strategy. Their argument is that these fully rational agents can be taught, through the co-operative actions of other agents, to bypass the dominant move of noncooperation and co-operate instead. The proponents of the “teaching strategy” seem to have ignored the compelling argument of Jordan Howard Sobel. While the teaching argument may work for agents who are less (...)
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    New jump operators on equivalence relations.John D. Clemens & Samuel Coskey - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (3).
    We introduce a new family of jump operators on Borel equivalence relations; specifically, for each countable group [Formula: see text] we introduce the [Formula: see text]-jump. We study the elementary properties of the [Formula: see text]-jumps and compare them with other previously studied jump operators. One of our main results is to establish that for many groups [Formula: see text], the [Formula: see text]-jump is proper in the sense that for any Borel equivalence relation [Formula: see text] the [Formula: see (...)
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    Intuitionistic Fixed Point Theories for Strictly Positive Operators.Christian Rüede & Thomas Strahm - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):195-202.
    In this paper it is shown that the intuitionistic fixed point theory equation image for α times iterated fixed points of strictly positive operator forms is conservative for negative arithmetic and equation image sentences over the theory equation image for α times iterated arithmetic comprehension without set parameters. This generalizes results previously due to Buchholz [5] and Arai [2].
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    Future Contingents and the Iterated Exchange.Jon Bornholdt - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (4):296-324.
    In his Reportatio super Sententias (ca. 1321–1323), Walter Chatton proposes a solution to the problem of future contingents based on propositional analysis. Future-tense statements must be disambiguated with the help of a scope distinction between temporal and truth operators, such that a statement like “Socrates will sit” comes out either as (1) “it is true now that Socrates will sit,” or (2) “it will be true that Socrates sits.” On the first analysis, Socrates’s action is necessitated, whereas on the second (...)
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  45. Extending the Harper Identity to Iterated Belief Change.Jake Chandler & Richard Booth - 2016 - In Subbarao Kambhampati (ed.), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). Palo Alto, USA: AAAI Press / International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
    The field of iterated belief change has focused mainly on revision, with the other main operator of AGM belief change theory, i.e. contraction, receiving relatively little attention. In this paper we extend the Harper Identity from single-step change to define iterated contraction in terms of iterated revision. Specifically, just as the Harper Identity provides a recipe for defining the belief set resulting from contracting A in terms of (i) the initial belief set and (ii) the belief set resulting from (...)
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    Intermediate arithmetic operations on ordinal numbers.Harry J. Altman - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (3-4):228-242.
    There are two well‐known ways of doing arithmetic with ordinal numbers: the “ordinary” addition, multiplication, and exponentiation, which are defined by transfinite iteration; and the “natural” (or “Hessenberg”) addition and multiplication (denoted ⊕ and ⊗), each satisfying its own set of algebraic laws. In 1909, Jacobsthal considered a third, intermediate way of multiplying ordinals (denoted × ), defined by transfinite iteration of natural addition, as well as the notion of exponentiation defined by transfinite iteration of his multiplication, (...)
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    Development of a consensus operational definition of child assent for research.Alan R. Tait & Michael E. Geisser - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):41.
    There is currently no consensus from the relevant stakeholders regarding the operational and construct definitions of child assent for research. As such, the requirements for assent are often construed in different ways, institutionally disparate, and often conflated with those of parental consent. Development of a standardized operational definition of assent would thus be important to ensure that investigators, institutional review boards, and policy makers consider the assent process in the same way. To this end, we describe a Delphi study that (...)
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  48.  34
    Strong storage operators and data types.Karim Nour - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (1):65-78.
    The storage operators were introduced by J.L. Krivine ([6]); they are closed λ-terms which, for some fixed data type (the integers for example), allow to simulate “call by value” while using “call by name”. J.L. Krivine showed that such operators can be typed, in the type system, using Gödel's translation from classical to intuitionistic logic ([8]).This paper studies the existence of storage operators which give a normal form as result (strong storage operators) for recursive and iterative representation of data in (...)
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    Reducing omega-model reflection to iterated syntactic reflection.Fedor Pakhomov & James Walsh - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (2).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 23, Issue 02, August 2023. In mathematical logic there are two seemingly distinct kinds of principles called “reflection principles.” Semantic reflection principles assert that if a formula holds in the whole universe, then it holds in a set-sized model. Syntactic reflection principles assert that every provable sentence from some complexity class is true. In this paper, we study connections between these two kinds of reflection principles in the setting of second-order arithmetic. We prove that, for (...)
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  50. Extending Dynamic Doxastic Logic: Accommodating Iterated Beliefs And Ramsey Conditionals Within DDL.Sten Lindström & Wiodek Rabinowicz - 1997 - In Jan Odelstad, Lars Lindahl, Paul Needham & Rysiek Sliwi Nski (eds.), For Good Measure.
    In this paper we distinguish between various kinds of doxastic theories. One distinction is between informal and formal doxastic theories. AGM-type theories of belief change are of the former kind, while Hintikka’s logic of knowledge and belief is of the latter. Then we distinguish between static theories that study the unchanging beliefs of a certain agent and dynamic theories that investigate not only the constraints that can reasonably be imposed on the doxastic states of a rational agent but also rationality (...)
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