Results for 'Istvan Simon'

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  1.  44
    Notions of density that imply representability in algebraic logic.Hajnal Andréka, Steven Givant, Szabolcs Mikulás, István Németi & András Simon - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 91 (2-3):93-190.
    Henkin and Tarski proved that an atomic cylindric algebra in which every atom is a rectangle must be representable . This theorem and its analogues for quasi-polyadic algebras with and without equality are formulated in Henkin, Monk and Tarski [13]. We introduce a natural and more general notion of rectangular density that can be applied to arbitrary cylindric and quasi-polyadic algebras, not just atomic ones. We then show that every rectangularly dense cylindric algebra is representable, and we extend this result (...)
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    Decidable and undecidable logics with a binary modality.ágnes Kurucz, István Németi, Ildikó Sain & András Simon - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (3):191-206.
    We give an overview of decidability results for modal logics having a binary modality. We put an emphasis on the demonstration of proof-techniques, and hope that this will also help in finding the borderlines between decidable and undecidable fragments of usual first-order logic.
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    Close encounters of the third kind: disordered domains and the interactions of proteins.Peter Tompa, Monika Fuxreiter, Christopher J. Oldfield, Istvan Simon, A. Keith Dunker & Vladimir N. Uversky - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (3):328-335.
    Protein–protein interactions are thought to be mediated by domains, which are autonomous folding units of proteins. Recently, a second type of interaction has been suggested, mediated by short segments termed linear motifs, which are related to recognition elements of intrinsically disordered regions. Here, we propose a third kind of protein–protein recognition mechanism, mediated by disordered regions longer than 20–30 residues. Bioinformatics predictions and well‐characterized examples, such as the kinase‐inhibitory domain of Cdk inhibitors and the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP)‐homology domain 2 (...)
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    New Perspectives on Type Identity: The Mental and the Physical, edited by Simone Gozzano and Christopher S. Hill. [REVIEW]István Aranyosi - 2014 - Mind 123 (490):605-609.
  5. (1 other version)Climate Change and Non-Ideal Theory: Six Ways of Responding to Noncompliance.Simon Caney - 2016 - In Clare Heyward & Dominic Roser (eds.), Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 21-42.
    This paper examines what agents should do when others fail to comply with their responsibilities to prevent dangerous climate change. It distinguishes between six different possible responses to noncompliance. These include what I term (1) 'target modification' (watering down the extent to which we seek to prevent climate change), (2) ‘responsibility reallocation’ (reassigning responsibilities to other duty bearers), (3) ‘burden shifting I’ (allowing duty bearers to implement policies which impose unjust burdens on others, (4) 'burden shifting II’ (allowing some to (...)
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  6. Global Poverty and Human Rights: the Case for Positive Duties.Simon Caney - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (ed.), Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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    Natural Meanings and Cultural Values.Simon P. James - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (1):3-16.
    In many cases, rivers, mountains, forests, and other so-called natural entities have value for us because they contribute to our well-being. According to the standard model of such value, they have instrumental or “service” value for us on account of their causal powers. That model tends, however, to come up short when applied to cases when nature contributes to our well-being by virtue of the religious, political, historical, personal, or mythic meanings it bears. To make sense of such cases, a (...)
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  8. Cosmopolitan Justice, Rights, and Global Climate Change.Simon Caney - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 19 (2).
    The paper has the following structure. In Section I, I introduce some important methodological preliminaries by asking: How should one reason about global environmental justice in general and global climate change in particular? Section II introduces the key normative argument; it argues that global climate change damages some fundamental human interests and results in a state of affairs in which the rights of many are unprotected: as such it is unjust. Section III addresses the complexities that arise from the fact (...)
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  9. Evolutionary dynamics of Lewis signaling games: signaling systems vs. partial pooling.Simon Huttegger, Brian Skyrms, Rory Smead & Kevin Zollman - 2010 - Synthese 172 (1):177-191.
    Transfer of information between senders and receivers, of one kind or another, is essential to all life. David Lewis introduced a game theoretic model of the simplest case, where one sender and one receiver have pure common interest. How hard or easy is it for evolution to achieve information transfer in Lewis signaling?. The answers involve surprising subtleties. We discuss some if these in terms of evolutionary dynamics in both finite and infinite populations, with and without mutation.
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    Balancing performance, ethics, and accountability.Simon Zadek - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (13):1421-1442.
    Practical mechanisms for aligning performance, ethics, and accountability are urgently needed. The context for this includes the organisational, technological, and regulatory transformations underlying current patterns of globalisation. These factors, combined with the associated emergence of civil action concerned with corporate accountability and deeper value-shifts, make such realignments a practical possibility.Social and ethical accounting, auditing, and reporting provides one of the few practical mechanisms for companies to integrate new patterns of civil accountability and governance with a business success model focused on (...)
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  11.  38
    From Bacteria to Bach and Back.Simon Penny - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):383-386.
  12.  53
    Preemption in Singular Causation Judgments: A Computational Model.Simon Stephan & Michael R. Waldmann - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):242-257.
    The authors challenge the reigning “causal power framework” as an explanation for whether a particular outcome was actually caused by a specific potential cause. They test a new measure of causal attribution in two experiments by embedding the measure within the Structure Induction model of Singular Causation (SISC, Stephan & Waldmann, 2016).
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    Ensayos Andinos.Simón Pedro Arnold - 2009 - Editorial Verbo Divino.
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    The Emancipatory Effect of Deliberation: Empirical Lessons from Mini-Publics.Simon Niemeyer - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (1):103-140.
    This article investigates the prospects of deliberative democracy through the analysis of small-scale deliberative events, or mini-publics, using empirical methods to understand the process of preference transformation. Evidence from two case studies suggests that deliberation corrects preexisting distortions of public will caused by either active manipulation or passive overemphasis on symbolically potent issues. Deliberation corrected these distortions by reconnecting participants’ expressed preferences to their underlying “will” as well as shaping a shared understanding of the issue.The article concludes by using these (...)
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    Temporal clustering and sequencing in short-term memory and episodic memory.Simon Farrell - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (2):223-271.
  16. Efficient social contracts and group selection.Simon M. Huttegger & Rory Smead - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (4):517-531.
    We consider the Stag Hunt in terms of Maynard Smith’s famous Haystack model. In the Stag Hunt, contrary to the Prisoner’s Dilemma, there is a cooperative equilibrium besides the equilibrium where every player defects. This implies that in the Haystack model, where a population is partitioned into groups, groups playing the cooperative equilibrium tend to grow faster than those at the non-cooperative equilibrium. We determine under what conditions this leads to the takeover of the population by cooperators. Moreover, we compare (...)
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  17.  41
    Masked stimuli modulate endogenous shifts of spatial attention.Simon Palmer & Uwe Mattler - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):486-503.
    Unconscious stimuli can influence participants’ motor behavior but also more complex mental processes. Recent research has gradually extended the limits of effects of unconscious stimuli. One field of research where such limits have been proposed is spatial cueing, where exogenous automatic shifts of attention have been distinguished from endogenous controlled processes which govern voluntary shifts of attention. Previous evidence suggests unconscious effects on mechanisms of exogenous shifts of attention. Here, we applied a cue-priming paradigm to a spatial cueing task with (...)
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  18.  27
    Derrida and the Philosophy of Law and Justice.Simon Glendinning - 2016 - Law and Critique 27 (2):187-203.
    Readings of Derrida’s work on law and justice have tended to stress the distinction between them. This stress is complicated by Derrida’s own claim that it is not ‘a true distinction’. In this essay I argue that ordinary experiences of the inadequacy of existing laws do indeed imply a claim about what would be more just, but that this claim only makes sense insofar as one can appeal to another more adequate law. Exploring how Derrida negotiates a subtle path between (...)
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  19. The Anonymity of a Murmur: Internet Memes.Simon J. Evnine - 2018 - British Journal of Aesthetics 58 (3):303-318.
    Memes, of the kind found often on the internet, are an increasingly significant medium of expressive activity. I develop a theory of their ontological nature and, in parallel, an analysis of the concept meme. On my view, memes are abstract artifacts made out of norms for production of instances. The norms say things like ‘use a certain image; add text of a certain kind; the text should be delivered in two chunks, one at the top of the image, one at (...)
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  20.  23
    How to Be a Green Liberal: Nature, Value and Liberal Philosophy.Simon A. Hailwood - 2003 - Routledge.
    It is often claimed by environmental philosophers and green political theorists that liberalism, the dominant tradition of western political philosophy, is too focused on the interests of human individuals to give due weight to the environment for its own sake. In "How to be a Green Liberal", Simon Hailwood challenges this view and argues that liberalism can embrace a genuinely 'green', non-instrumental view of nature. The book's central claim is that nature's 'otherness', its being constituted of independent entities and (...)
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  21. Human Rights, Responsibilities, and Climate Change.Simon Caney - 2009 - In Charles R. Beitz & Robert E. Goodin (eds.), Global Basic Rights. Oxford University Press.
  22.  56
    Physicians' silent decisions: Because patient autonomy does not always come first.Simon N. Whitney & Laurence B. McCullough - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7):33 – 38.
    Physicians make some medical decisions without disclosure to their patients. Nondisclosure is possible because these are silent decisions to refrain from screening, diagnostic or therapeutic interventions. Nondisclosure is ethically permissible when the usual presumption that the patient should be involved in decisions is defeated by considerations of clinical utility or patient emotional and physical well-being. Some silent decisions - not all - are ethically justified by this standard. Justified silent decisions are typically dependent on the physician's professional judgment, experience and (...)
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  23.  57
    Dynamic stability and basins of attraction in the Sir Philip Sidney game.Simon M. Huttegger & Kevin J. S. Zollman - unknown
    We study the handicap principle in terms of the Sir Philip Sidney game. The handicap principle asserts that cost is required to allow for honest signalling in the face of conflicts of interest. We show that the significance of the handicap principle can be challenged from two new directions. Firstly, both the costly signalling equilibrium and certain states of no communication are stable under the replicator dynamics ; however, the latter states are more likely in cases where honest signalling should (...)
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  24.  72
    Bewildering Nussbaum: Capability Justice and Predation.Simon Hailwood - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (3):293-313.
  25.  62
    Reducts of the random graph.Simon Thomas - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):176-181.
  26.  60
    What is Intuitionism and Why be an Intuitionist?Simon Kirchin - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (4):581-606.
    This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of ethical intuitionism and is an extended critical discussion of an edited collection Rethinking Intutionism (ed.) Stratton-Lake (OUP) that has been much discussed. (My piece is one of the first discussions of it.) Along other matters, I argue for the original and fairly controversial claim that in order for intuitionism to hold water, we must allow that what is involved in full moral understanding can differ from person to person, rather than thinking that (...)
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  27.  19
    Reformulating Decision-making Capacity.Simon Walker, Otis Williams, Giles Newton-Howes & Neil Pickering - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):92-94.
    In their article “Three Kinds of Decision-Making Capacity for Refusing Medical Interventions,” Navin et al. (2022) argue that we should recognize two forms of decision-making capacity (DMC) besides...
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  28. Believe is not a propositional attitude verb.Simon Wimmer - 2024 - In Fausto Carcassi, Tamar Johnson, Søren Brinck Knudstorp, Sabina Domínguez Parrado, Pablo Rivas Robledo & Giorgio Sbardolini (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 393-400.
    I develop a challenge for the view that 'believe' is a propositional attitude verb based on two observations: (i) 'believe' can embed 'in O', and (ii) 'in O' does not denote a proposition. To develop my challenge, I argue (section 2) that 'believe' is not homonymous or polysemous between a propositional belief-that and non-propositional belief-in interpretation, and (section 3) that type-shifting 'in O'’s denotation to a proposition falsely predicts that belief-in and belief-that reports are equivalent.
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    (1 other version)Going green: the evolution of micro-business environmental practices.Simon Parry - 2012 - Business Ethics 21 (2):220-237.
    This paper examines the process through which micro-businesses ‘go green’. It builds upon previous studies that have identified the different drivers of this greening process. However, rather than a static focus on specific drivers, the study articulates the evolution of environmental practices over time. The paper uses comparative case studies of six micro-businesses to build a composite sequence analysis that plots the greening process from its roots through to large-scale and ambitious ecological projects. The study identifies three distinct stages that (...)
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  30. Normative systems of discovery and logic of search.Jan M. Zytkow & Herbert A. Simon - 1988 - Synthese 74 (1):65 - 90.
    New computer systems of discovery create a research program for logic and philosophy of science. These systems consist of inference rules and control knowledge that guide the discovery process. Their paths of discovery are influenced by the available data and the discovery steps coincide with the justification of results. The discovery process can be described in terms of fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence such as heuristic search, and can also be interpreted in terms of logic. The traditional distinction that places (...)
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    In the shadow of the EU referendum: "this is the worst".Simon Glendinning - 2016 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
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    What is phenomenology?: Glendinning What is phenomenology?Simon Glendinning - 2004 - Think 3 (7):33-42.
    Simon Glendinning explains the mysteries of phenomenology.
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  33. Learning to transfer information.Simon M. Huttegger & Brian Skyrms - forthcoming - Studia Logica.
  34.  25
    Groupwise density and the cofinality of the infinite symmetric group.Simon Thomas - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (7):483-493.
    We study the relationship between the cofinality $c(Sym(\omega))$ of the infinite symmetric group and the cardinal invariants $\frak{u}$ and $\frak{g}$ . In particular, we prove the following two results. Theorem 0.1 It is consistent with ZFC that there exists a simple $P_{\omega_{1}}$ -point and that $c(Sym(\omega)) = \omega_{2} = 2^{\omega}$ . Theorem 0.2 If there exist both a simple $P_{\omega_{1}}$ -point and a $P_{\omega_{2}}$ -point, then $c(Sym(\omega)) = \omega_{1}$.
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  35. Grundriss Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Die Philosophien der Einzelwissenschaften.Simon Lohse & Thomas Reydon (eds.) - 2017 - Hamburg: Meiner.
  36. Pragmatism: all or some or all and some?Simon Blackburn - 2016 - In Cheryl Misak & Huw Price (eds.), The Practical Turn: Pragmatism in Britain in the Long Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oup/Ba.
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  37.  84
    Ways to Knowledge-First Believe.Simon Wimmer - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1189-1205.
    On a widely suggested knowledge-first account of belief, to believe p is to phi as if one knew p. I challenge this view by arguing against various regimentations of it. I conclude by generalizing my argument to alternative knowledge-first views suggested by Williamson and Wimmer.
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    Cook Wilson on knowledge and forms of thinking.Simon Wimmer & Guy Longworth - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-22.
    John Cook Wilson is an important predecessor of contemporary knowledge first epistemologists: among other parallels, he claimed that knowledge is indefinable. We reconstruct four arguments for this claim discernible in his work, three of which find no clear analogues in contemporary discussions of knowledge first epistemology. We pay special attention to Cook Wilson’s view of the relation between knowledge and forms of thinking (like belief). Claims of Cook Wilson’s that support the indefinability of knowledge include: that knowledge, unlike belief, straddles (...)
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  39.  52
    Disputing the ethics of research: The challenge from bioethics and patient activism to the interpretation of the declaration of helsinki in clinical trials.Simon Woods & Pauline Mccormack - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (5):243-250.
    In this paper we argue that the consensus around normative standards for the ethics of research in clinical trials, strongly influenced by the Declaration of Helsinki, is perceived from various quarters as too conservative and potentially restrictive of research that is seen as urgent and necessary. We examine this problem from the perspective of various challengers who argue for alternative approaches to what ought or ought not to be permitted. Key themes within this analysis will examine these claims and argue (...)
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  40. “Thing-Centered” Holism in Buddhism, Heidegger, and Deep Ecology.Simon P. James - 2000 - Environmental Ethics 22 (4):359-375.
    I address the problem of reconciling environmental holism with the intrinsic value of individual beings. Drawing upon Madhyamaka Buddhism, the later philosophy of Martin Heidegger, and deep ecology, I present a distinctly holistic conception of nature that, nevertheless, retains a commitment to the intrinsic worth of individual beings. I conclude with an examination of the practical implications of this “thing-centered holism” for environmental ethics.
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  41.  83
    Ecosystem Services and the Value of Places.Simon P. James - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (1):101-113.
    In the US Environmental Protection Agency, the World Wide Fund for Nature and many other environmental organisations, it is standard practice to evaluate particular woods, wetlands and other such places on the basis of the ‘ecosystem services’ they are thought to provide. I argue that this practice cannot account for one important way in which places are of value to human beings. When they play integral roles in our lives, particular places have a kind of value which cannot be adequately (...)
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    14. Love as affirmation of life: Nietzsche.Simon May - 2011 - In Love: A History. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 188-198.
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    17. Love reconsidered.Simon May - 2011 - In Love: A History. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 235-256.
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    Entre le Néant et la Mort.Simon F. Oliai - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 92:385-410.
    Inspiré par des analyses décisives de penseurs aussi dissemblables que Nietzsche, Heidegger, Althusser et Foucault, nous avons tenté d’esquisser un cadre théorique réaliste dans lequel le phénomène mal compris de l’intégrisme contemporain puisse être interprété comme un phénomène au sens existentiel de ce terme. C’est-à-dire, comme une réalité phénoménale qui affecte l’existence de l’individu moderne dans sa contingence historique. Laquelle présuppose et met en relief l’incontournable fragilité métaphysique de l’homme en tant qu’être mortel. Un être («Dasein») dont l’existence se laisse (...)
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  45.  24
    Jephthah and His Vow.Simon B. Parker & David Marcus - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):312.
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    The Development of English Thought a Study in the Economic Interpretation of History.Simon N. Patten - 2018 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  47. Learning from one's mistakes: Epistemic modesty and the nature of belief.Simon J. Evnine - 2001 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 82 (2):157–177.
    I argue that it is not ideally rational to believe that some of one's current beliefs are false, despite the impressive inductive evidence concerning others and our former selves. One's own current beliefs represent a commitment which would be undermined by taking some of them to be false. The nature of this commitment is examined in the light of Nagel's distinction between subjective and objective points of view. Finally, I suggest how we might acknowledge our fallibility consistently with this special (...)
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  48.  66
    Human Rights: Sometimes One Thought Too Many?Simon Hope - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (1):111-126.
    It is commonly claimed, in the global justice literature, that global injustices are best characterised in terms of the violation or unfulfilment of human rights. I suggest that global justice theorists are overconfident on this point. For decolonising peoples, contemporary global injustice is likely to be characterised in terms drawn from local histories of injustice and the constellations of thick ethical concepts they contain. To make the point I describe how the Māori of New Zealand, who do not reject human (...)
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  49. Enchanting Views.Simon Blackburn - 1994 - In ¸ Iteclarkhale:Rp. pp. 12--30.
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  50. Preference for Information and Dynamic Consistency.Simon Grant, Atsushi Kajii & Ben Polak - 2000 - Theory and Decision 48 (3):263-286.
    We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a dynamically consistent agent always to prefer more informative signals (in single-agent problems). These conditions do not imply recursivity, reduction or independence. We provide a simple definition of dynamically consistent behavior, and we discuss whether an intrinsic information lover (say, an anxious person) is likely to be dynamically consistent.
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