Results for 'Ismåa°il Mahdawåi'

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  1.  34
    Dialectical logic: essays on its history and theory.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1977 - Moscow: Progress Publishers.
    This book traces the development of Dialectical Logic within the history of modern western philosophy, culminating in Marx s materialist dialectics. It brings out the essential contours of Logic through a detailed exposition of the ontological and epistem.
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  2. Gianluca scroccu Sandro pertini E il psi: Dal superamento Del «fronte popolare» al centro-sinistra (1955-1963).Sandro Pertini E. Il - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  3. Il più antico avo Piceno (ex. 1290) di Sisto V finora appurato.Il Gatti - 1990 - Miscellanea Francescana 90 (1-2):299-311.
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    Hŭise Ŭi Chʻŏhrakka Kim Chŏng-Il Tongji.Kwang-il Kim - 2010 - Sahoe Kwahak Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Chŏng Yag-yong kwa kŭ ŭi hyŏngjedŭl: Yi Tŏk-il yŏksasŏ.Tŏg-il Yi - 2004 - Sŏul: Kimyŏngsa.
    1. Sae sidae rŭl yŏrŏ gan saramdŭl -- 2. Ŏdum ŭi sidae.
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  6. Dialektika abstraktnogo i konkretnogo v "Kapitale" Marksa.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1960 - [Moskva]: Izd-vo Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR.
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  7. Dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika.Evalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1974
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  8. Dialektika materialʹnogo mira: ontologicheskai︠a︡ funkt︠s︡ii︠a︡ materialisticheskoĭ dialektiki.V. V. Ilʹin & D. A. Gushchin (eds.) - 1985 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  9. Filosofskiĭ ėnt︠s︡iklopedicheskiĭ slovarʹ.L. F. Ilʹichev (ed.) - 1983 - Moskva: "Sov. Ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡".
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    Filosofii︠a︡ politiki.V. V. Ilʹin - 1994 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta. Edited by A. S. Panarin.
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    Global studies and globalistics: the evolutionary dimension.I. V. Ilʹin - 2011 - Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Edited by A. D. Ursul.
    This monograph considers the challenges of science globalization, new trends of development in global studies and globalistics boosted by application of the evolutionary approach. Evolutionary globalistics focuses on the study of development and co-evolution of global processes and systems, and on their synergistic systemic phenomenon - global development. The concept of evolutionary globalistics is defined in the context of the universal (global) evolutionism and in terms of transition to new safer forms of civilization development and of interaction of civilization with (...)
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  12. Istina i dusha: filosofsko-psikhologicheskoe uchenie P.E. Astafʹeva v svi︠a︡zi s ego nat︠s︡ionalʹno-gosudarstvennymi vozzrenii︠a︡mi.N. P. Ilʹin - 2019 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
    Monografii︠a︡ posvi︠a︡shchena tvorchestvu Petra Evgenʹevicha Astafʹeva (1846-1893), zamechatelʹnogo russkogo filosofa, psikhologa i publit︠s︡ista iz plei︠a︡dy mysliteleĭ kont︠s︡a XIX veka -- "zolotogo veka" russkoĭ kulʹtury. V knige detalʹno rassmotreny osnovnye dostizhenii︠a︡ P.E. Astafʹeva, svi︠a︡zannye s obosnovaniem spiritualisticheskogo mirovozzrenii︠a︡: ego uchenie o dukhovnoĭ lichnosti i svobode voli, paradoksalʹnai︠a︡ traktovka chuvstva li︠u︡bvi, originalʹnai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ "bessoznatelʹnogo", predstavlenie o vere cheloveka v sebi︠a︡ kak pochve estestvennogo bogopoznanii︠a︡ i t.d. V edinstve s filosofsko-psikhologicheskim ucheniem P.E. Astafʹeva rassmotrena ego publit︠s︡istika (vkli︠u︡chai︠a︡ novyĭ i gluboko aktualʹnyĭ variant "troĭstvennoĭ (...)
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  13. Istorii︠a︡ iskusstva i ėstetika: izbrannye statʹi.I. A. Ilʹin - 1983 - Moskva: "Iskusstvo".
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  14. Postigai︠a︡ ideal.I. M. Ilʹinskiĭ - 1981 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Znanie,".
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    Some Methodological Problems of Soviet Esthetics.L. F. Il'ichev - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (2):67-93.
    The esthetic relationships between man and reality are exceedingly complex and diverse. They are related by strong threads to all aspects of human consciousness and involve deep processes of interaction between being and consciousness.
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    Teorii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡: ėpistemologii︠a︡.V. V. Ilʹin - 1994 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  17. O matematicheskoĭ indukt︠s︡ii.Ilʹi︠a︡ Samuilovich Sominskiĭ - 1967 - Edited by L. I. Golovina, [From Old Catalog] & I. M. I︠A︡glom.
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    Kak ustroena vsemirnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡.Ilʹi︠a︡ Stogov - 2005 - Sankt-Peterburg: Amfora.
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  19. Osang kihyŏllon, ŭmyang ohaeng hanbanghak: sŏnmu ŭi chŏnilchŏk sagogwan.O. Ha-il - 1990 - Sŏul: Ilsŏn Kihoek.
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  20. Chesa ŭi Najaniel.Il-sŏp Ko - 1964 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Pumin Munhwasa.
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  21. Sot︠s︡iosofii︠a︡.Ilʹi︠a︡ B. Kodzhak - 1937 - [Harbin]:
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  22. Ing̕an ŭi munje.Il-sŏp Ko - 1985 - [Seoul]: Sing̕wang Chʻulpʻansa.
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    L'occhio e il suo inconscio.Pierino il Rosso - 1999 - Milano: Cortina Raffaello.
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    Sŏngni wa yulli: yulli kaenyŏm ŭi Han'gukchŏk chŏngch'o.Il-mo Yang - 2020 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ak'anet. Edited by Wŏn-sŏp Chŏng & Wŏn-sŏk Yi.
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  25. Uri nara kojŏn chakkadŭl.Il-lo Yi, Yi, Chʻor-ha, [From Old Catalog], Chʻoe & Kyu-Hwan (eds.) - 1964
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    Ŏllon chŏngbo yulliron.Il-Sang Yu - 2001 - Sŏul-si: Achʻim.
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    Analiz povsednevnosti.Ilʹi︠a︡ Teodorovich Kasavin - 2004 - Moskva: Kanon+. Edited by S. P. Shchavelëv.
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    Chŏnhwan'gi ŭi hyŏngsa chŏngch'aek: p'aerŏdoksŭ ŭi mihak = The criminal policy in a transitional period: aesthetics of paradox.Il-su Kim - 2012 - Sŏul: Sech'ang Ch'ulp'ansa.
  29.  5
    Han'gukchŏk chayŏnhak kwa ch'isaeng ŭi munhwaron.Il-gwŏn Kim (ed.) - 2018 - Kyŏnggi-do Sŏngnam-si: Han'gukhak Chungang Yŏn'guwŏn.
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    Han'guk sahoe chŏngŭi paro seugi.Il-su Kim (ed.) - 2015 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Sech'ang Midiŏ.
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    John Passmore’s Argument on ‘Preservation’ and Its Justification.Il-Bang Kim - 2023 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 166:143-171.
    보존이란 인간의 활동을 규제해서라도 야생자연이나 생물종을 있는 그대로 지켜야 한다는 사고다. 하지만 패스모어는 인간이 문명의 건설 · 발전을 위해 야생지를 개발하고 생물을 멸종시키는 현 상황이 대체 무슨 문제가 되는가 하는 물음을 제기한다. 야생지 개발과 생물종 파괴가 잘못이라는 판단에 대한 합의는 전혀 이뤄진 적이 없음에도 마치 일정한 합의가 이뤄진 것처럼 보존만이 옳은 것처럼 강조하는 이유가 대체 무엇인가 하는 것이다. 이러한 문제의식 하에 패스모어는 보존에 반대하는 논증을 전개한다. 이 글에서는 패스모어의 보존에 관한 논의 가운데 세 가지 사항을 문제삼아 그 정당성을 검토하고 있다. (...)
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  32. Reading Cusanus' Cribratio Alkorani (1461) in the light of Christian antiquarianism at the papal court in the 1450s.Il Kim - 2019 - In Gerald Christianson & Thomas M. Izbicki, Nicholas of Cusa and times of transition: essays in honor of Gerald Christianson. Boston: Brill.
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    The Product-keeping Theory of Reforming the System and its timely Characteristic of Jia-yi in the Early Han era.Il-Hwan Kim - 2010 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 64:253-284.
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  34. Vladimir Ilʹich Ulʹi︠a︡nov.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin - 1961 - Edited by V. V. Adoratskiĭ.
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  35. Haech'e wa yŏnsok, kŭnhyŏndae Han'guk ŭi Yuhak sasang.Il-mo Yang (ed.) - 2023 - Sŏul-si: Pŭllu aen Not'ŭ.
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  36. Central display location does not reduce inefficiency in monitoring for automation failures.Il Singh, R. Molloy & R. Parasuraman - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):454-454.
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    Hyŏndae sahoe chʻŏrhak kwa Hanʼguk sasang.Il-chʻŏl Sin - 1997 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Munye Chʻulpʻansa.
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  38. Hyŏndae sasang ŭi mohŏm.Il-chʻŏl Sin - 1966
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  39. Hanʼguin ŭi sasang.Il-chʻŏl Sin - 1974
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    Influence of False Self-Presentation on Mental Health and Deleting Behavior on Instagram: The Mediating Role of Perceived Popularity.Il Bong Mun & Hun Kim - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study explored motivations for lying self-presentation on Instagram as well as the mental and behavioral outcomes of this presentation. We also examined the differential mediational roles of perceived popularity in accounting for the association between lying self-presentation and depression. Our results showed that individuals with a strong need for approval reported higher levels of lying self-presentation. The results also revealed that lying self-presentation positively influenced depression, perceived popularity and deleting behaviors. Furthermore, we found that even if lying self-presentation (...)
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  41.  41
    The Question of the Identity of Thought and Being in Pre-Marxist Philosophy.E. V. Il'enkov - 1997 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):5-33.
    The question of the identity of thought and being occupies an important place in the history of philosophy. Engels, addressing this question, wrote: "Is our thought capable of knowing the real world, can we in our ideas and concepts of the real world form a true reflection of reality? In philosophical language this question is called the question of the identity of thought and being. The vast majority of philosophers answer this question affirmatively.".
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    Die Philosophie Hegels als kontemplative Gotteslehre.Ivan Aleksandrovič Il'in - 1946 - Bern,: A. Francke.
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  43. I︠A︡ vgli︠a︡dyvai︠u︡sʹ v zhiznʹ: kniga razdumiĭ.I. A. Ilʹin - 2007 - Moskva: ĖKSMO. Edited by I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a.
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    On the essence of legal consciousness.Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in - 2023 - Clark, New Jersey: Talbot Publishing. Edited by William Elliott Butler, Philip T. Grier & Paul Robinson.
    Il'in's classic work is the most impassioned and cogent work by a Russian jurist on the rule of law. The product of nearly four decades of labor, which could not be published in the former Soviet Union, this revised edition places the work in the context of developments since its first English translation in 2013. The text is accompanied by one of Il'in's early and influential articles on law and power, a bibliography devoted to his life and work, and informed (...)
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    Majmūʻah-i rasāʼil-i ʻirfānī va falsafī.Fāz̤il Tūnī & Muḥammad Ḥusayn - 2008 - Qum: Maṭbūʻāt-i Dīnī.
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    Dialektika abstraktnogo i konkretnogo v nauchno-teoreticheskom myshlenii.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1997 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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    Strasti po tezisam o predmete filosofii 1954-1955.Ė. V. Ilʹenkov - 2016 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡. Edited by Valentin Ivanovich Korovikov.
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  48. Pak Se-dang ŭi "Nonŏ"ron : "Nonŏ sabyŏnnok" ŭl chungsim ŭro.ChŏNg Il-Gyun - 2020 - In Hyŏng-ch'an Kim, Pak Se-dang Sabyŏnnok yŏn'gu. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: T'aehaksa.
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  49. Dialektika--metodologii︠a︡ estestvennonauchnogo i sot︠s︡ialʹnogo issledovanii︠a︡.Viktor Vasilʹevich Ilʹin (ed.) - 1976
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    Engels' Struggle Against Agnosticism.L. F. Il'ichev - 1971 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 10 (1):27-42.
    At the close of the last century, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's brilliant colleague and friend, subjected philosophical agnosticism to systematic criticism in a number of his writings that have since become classics. This theory, paradoxical as it may appear, became widely disseminated in capitalist society during the period of great scientific discoveries and outstanding technological triumphs. Engels exposed the ideological function of agnosticism and thoroughly revealed its roots in theory and epistemology. Today, when science and progress in science and technology (...)
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