Results for 'Isidore O’Brien'

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  1.  46
    St. Francis in Literature, Past and Present.Isidore O’Brien - 1926 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 1 (3):383-398.
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  2. #metoo and #shoutyourabortion: Claiming Standing and Exploding the Private Sphere.Maggie O’Brien - forthcoming - Legal Theory.
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    Video tools for teaching ethics: Two video reviews by Sean O'Brien.Sean O'Brien - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (2):120 – 122.
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    Global Unions? Theory and Strategies of Organised Labour in the Global Political Economy, edited by Jeffrey Harrod and Robert O'Brien.Mark O'Brien - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (2):229-239.
  5. .Dan O'Brien (ed.) - 2010 - Blackwell-Wiley.
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  6. Self-Knowing Agents.Lucy O'Brien - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Lucy O'Brien argues that a satisfactory account of first-person reference and self-knowledge needs to concentrate on our nature as agents. Clearly written, with rigorous discussion of rival views, this book will be of interest to anyone working in the philosophy of mind and action.
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  7. Final version: O'Brien, L. F. , 'solipsism and self-reference', european journal of philosophy 4:175-194.Lucy O'Brien - manuscript
    In this paper I want to propose that we see solipsism as arising from certain problems we have about identifying ourselves as subjects in an objective world. The discussion will centre on Wittgenstein’s treatment of solipsism in his Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus. In that work Wittgenstein can be seen to express an unusually profound understanding of the problems faced in trying to give an account of how we, who are subjects, identify ourselves as objects in the world. We have in his (...)
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  8. The Letter to the Ephesians.Peter T. O'Brien - 1999
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  9. 'Knowledge of actions and tryings'.Lucy O'Brien - 2012 - In Annalisa Coliva (ed.), The self and self-knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 164-179.
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    Misadventures in political philosophy.Mahon O’Brien - 2016 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Mahon O’Brien on the right sort of question to ask about Heidegger’s philosophy and politics.
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    The nurse's calling: a Christian spirituality of caring for the sick.Mary Elizabeth O'Brien - 2001 - New York: Paulist Press.
    A veteran nurse researcher and educator provides a spiritual perspective on the professional nurse's vocation of caring. Grounding each chapter in Scripture, O'Brien explores the Christian nurse's call to love as Jesus loved: without discrimination, reserve and, sometimes, reward.
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  12. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion. Meagher, O'Brien & Aherne - 1979
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    The Demiurge in Ancient Thought: Secondary Gods and Divine Mediators.Carl Sean O'Brien - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    How was the world generated and how does matter continue to be ordered so that the world can continue functioning? Questions like these have existed as long as humanity has been capable of rational thought. In antiquity, Plato's Timaeus introduced the concept of the Demiurge, or Craftsman-god, to answer them. This lucid and wide-ranging book argues that the concept of the Demiurge was highly influential on the many discussions operating in Middle Platonist, Gnostic, Hermetic and Christian contexts in the first (...)
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    Self-Knowing Agents * By LUCY O'BRIEN.Lucy O’Brien - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):187-188.
    How is it that we think and refer in the first-person way? For most philosophers in the analytic tradition, the problem is essentially this: how two apparently conflicting kinds of properties can be reconciled and united as properties of the same entity. What is special about the first person has to be reconciled with what is ordinary about it. The range of responses reduces to four basic options. The orthodox view is optimistic: there really is a way of reconciling these (...)
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  15. Directed Panspermia, Wild Animal Suffering, and the Ethics of World‐Creation.Gary David O'Brien - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):87-102.
    Directed panspermia is the deliberate seeding of lifeless planets with microbes, in the hopes that, over evolutionary timescales, they will give rise to a complex self-sustaining biosphere on the target planet. Due to the immense distances and timescales involved, human beings are unlikely ever to see the fruits of their labours. Such missions must therefore be justified by appeal to values independent of human wellbeing. In this paper I investigate the values that a directed panspermia mission might promote. Paying special (...)
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  16. Perception et intelligence dans le Timée de Platon.Denis O'Brien - 1997 - In T. Calvo & L. Brisson (eds.), Interpreting the Timaeus-Critias: Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 291--305.
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    The Writings of Kōda Aya, A Japanese Literary DaughterThe Writings of Koda Aya, A Japanese Literary Daughter.James O'Brien, Alan M. Tansman, Kōda Aya & Koda Aya - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):373.
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    A Border Dispute: The Place of Logic in Psychology. John Macnamara.David P. O'Brien - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):347-349.
  19.  46
    Global Economic History as the Accumulation of Capital Through a Process of Combined and Uneven Development: An Appreciation and Critique of Ernest Mandel.Patrick Karl O'Brien - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (1):75-108.
    O'Brien provides a critical assessment of Ernest Mandel's 1975 monograph Late Capitalism. In so doing, he offers a historical narrative that puts into question Mandel's framing of 'waves' of capitalist development as a process of capital accumulation that was dependent upon uneven development in the Third World. O'Brien starts by problematising Mandel's argument that an initial concentration of money, capital and bullion in the hands of Europeans explains combined and uneven development. He goes on to demonstrate that Mandel's notion of (...)
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  20. Ordinary self-consciousness.Lucy O'Brien - 2011 - In JeeLoo Liu & John Perry (eds.), Consciousness and the Self: New Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 101-122.
  21. Implementing Ethical Control of Weapons: An International Initiative.Roderick O'Brien - 2003 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 5 (1):59-69.
  22.  13
    Rehabilitating resemblance redux.G. O'Brien - 2016 - In T. Metzinger (ed.), Open MIND Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century. Volume 2.
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  23. Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle: A Reconstruction from the Fragments and Secondary Sources.D. O'brien - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):394-396.
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  24. Evolutionary theory and technology: the future of anthropology.Michael O'brien - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18:321-324.
  25. While Whitey's on the moon.Annie Rose O'Brien - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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  26. Analogy and Our Knowledge of God.O. P. Ignatius O’Brien - 1956 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 6:91-104.
    ANALOGY has not just to do with the abstruse details and niceties of metaphysics but rather underlies the structure of all metaphysical thought. It is the heart of metaphysics. No system of metaphysics can discard it, without prejudice to the richness and variety of being. Without analogy there is elimination and over-simplification. Metaphysics is far from being a straightforward science; it is highly complex and its method and style of argument are not easy to master. Its field of inquiry is (...)
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  27. On knowing one's own actions.Lucy F. O'Brien - 2003 - In Johannes Roessler & Naomi Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Book description: * Seventeen brand-new essays by leading philosophers and psychologists * Genuinely interdisciplinary work, at the forefront of both fields * Includes a valuable introduction, uniting common threads Leading philosophers and psychologists join forces to investigate a set of problems to do with agency and self-awareness, in seventeen specially written essays. In recent years there has been much psychological and neurological work purporting to show that consciousness and self-awareness play no role in causing actions, and indeed to demonstrate that (...)
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    Comment écrire l'histoire de la philosophie ? Héraclite et Empédocle sur l'un et le multiple.Denis O'brien - 1991 - Rue Descartes 1:121-138.
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    The role of implementation in connectionist explanation.Gerard O'Brien - 1998 - Psycoloquy 9 (6).
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    Confidentiality and the duties of care.J. O'Brien - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1):36-40.
    Doctors have an ethical and legal duty to respect patient confidentiality. We consider the basis for this duty, looking particularly at the meaning and value of autonomy in health care. Enabling patients to decide how information about them is disclosed is an important element in autonomy and helps patients engage as active partners in their care.Good quality data is, however, essential for research, education, public health monitoring, and for many other activities essential to provision of health care. We discuss whether (...)
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  31. Pierre Villey, Montaigne et le Monde des aveugles.John O'Brien - 2014 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 67:91-106.
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  32. Self-knowledge, agency, and force.Lucy O'brien - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):580–601.
    My aim in this paper is to articulate further what may be called an agency theory of self-knowledge. Many theorists have stressed how important agency is to self- knowledge, and much work has been done drawing connections between the two notions.<sup>2</sup> However, it has not always been clear what _epistemic_ advantage agency gives us in this area and why it does so. I take it as a constraint on an adequate account of how a subject knows her own mental states (...)
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  33. Social Research Group Forest Research Farnham Surrey GU10 4LH.Liz O'Brien - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  34. Human reasoning includes a mental logic.David P. O'Brien - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):96-97.
    Oaksford & Chater (O&C) have rejected logic in favor of probability theory for reasons that are irrelevant to mental-logic theory, because mental-logic theory differs from standard logic in significant ways. Similar to O&C, mental-logic theory rejects the use of the material conditional and deals with the completeness problem by limiting the scope of its procedures to local sets of propositions.
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  35. Objects of perception.Daniel O'Brien - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  36. The endless search for SA: spiritual ideology in Hindustāni music.Dara O'Brien - unknown
    This dissertation centres on philosophical attitudes presented by North Indian classical musicians in relation to the concept and experience of rāga improvisation. In Hindustāni music, there is a dynamic tension ideology and pragmatism, devotion and entertainment, fixity and improvisational freedom, and cognition and visceral experience. On one hand, rāga is an embodied methodological template for the creation of music. On the other hand, rāga improvisation is conceptualised as a path to metaphysical experience and as an evocation of an ineffable divine (...)
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    Beneficence, Non-Identity, and Responsibility: How Identity-Affecting Interventions in Nature can Generate Secondary Moral Duties.Gary David O’Brien - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):887-898.
    In chapter 3 of Wild Animal Ethics Johannsen argues for a collective obligation based on beneficence to intervene in nature in order to reduce the suffering of wild animals. In the same chapter he claims that the non-identity problem is merely a “theoretical puzzle” which doesn’t affect our reasons for intervention. In this paper I argue that the non-identity problem affects both the strength and the nature of our reasons to intervene. By intervening in nature on a large scale we (...)
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    National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: an Experimentalist Governance Analysis.Claire Methven O’Brien, John Ferguson & Marisa McVey - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):71-99.
    National Action Plans on business and human rights are a growing phenomenon. Since 2011, 42 such plans have been adopted or are in-development worldwide. By comparison, only 39 general human rights action plans were published between 1993 and 2021. In parallel, NAPs have attracted growing scholarly interest. While some studies highlight their potential to advance national compliance with international norms, others criticise NAPs as cosmetic devices that states use to deflect attention from persisting abuses and needed regulation. In response to (...)
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  39. Aapologia pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman's defence of the Virgin Mary in Catholic doctrine and piety [Book Review].Odhran O'Brien - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (3):374.
    O'Brien, Odhran Review of: Aapologia pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman's defence of the Virgin Mary in Catholic doctrine and piety, by Robert M. Andrews, Palo Alto, CA: Academica, 2017, pp. 164, hardback, US$76.95.
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  40. Mental actions.Lucy O'Brien & Matthew Soteriou (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The twelve specially written essays in this volume investigate the neglected topic of mental action, and show its importance for the metaphysics, epistemology, and phenomenology of mind. The essays investigate what mental actions are, how we are aware of them, and what is the relationship between mental and physical action.
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    Education for Sustainable Happiness and Well-Being.Catherine O'Brien - 2016 - Routledge.
    In this innovative and cogent presentation of her concept of sustainable happiness, Catherine O’Brien outlines how the leading recommendations for transforming education can be integrated within a vision of _well-being for all_. Solution-focused, the book demonstrates how aspects of this vision are already being realized, and the potential for accelerating education transitions that enable people and ecosystems to flourish. Each chapter assists educators to understand how to apply the lessons learned, both personally and professionally. The aim is to support (...)
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    How Not To Forgive.Wendell O’Brien - 2012 - Philosophy Now 91:34-35.
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    Applying Evolutionary Archaeology: A Systematic Approach.Michael J. O'Brien & R. Lee Lyman - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is an in-depth treatment of Darwinian evolutionism and its applicability to the investigation of the archaeological record. The authors explain the unique position that this kind of evolutionism holds in science and how it bears on any attempt to explain change over time in the organic world, demonstrate commonalities between archaeology and paleobiology, and explain the principles, methods, and techniques - the systematics - inherent in the approach.
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    God and the New Haven Railway: and why neither one is doing very well.Dennis O'Brien - 1986 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In this disarmingly witty look at the disrepair of the divine, George Dennis O'Brien offers a guide for finding the sacred in the everyday. Christopher Lasch called the book, first published over twenty years ago, "an astute analysis of our spiritual malaise." God and the New Haven Railway, with a new preface by the author, speaks to us still with humor and hope because neither God nor the railroad seems to be running much better today. The book is an excellent (...)
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  45. Beings and Doings.Lucy O'Brien - forthcoming
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    Collaborative Research= Collaborative Learning: A Field Trip to the National Archives and the Search for Solomon Asch.James P. O'Brien - 2004 - Inquiry (ERIC) 9 (1).
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  47. Reflections on the Readings of Sundays and Feasts: December - February.Mark O'Brien - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (4):481.
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    Temps et intemporalité chez parménide.Denis O'Brien - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  49. Connectionism, analogicity and mental content.Gerard O'Brien - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13:111-31.
    In Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology, Horgan and Tienson (1996) argue that cognitive processes, pace classicism, are not governed by exceptionless, “representation-level” rules; they are instead the work of defeasible cognitive tendencies subserved by the non-linear dynamics of the brain’s neural networks. Many theorists are sympathetic with the dynamical characterisation of connectionism and the general (re)conception of cognition that it affords. But in all the excitement surrounding the connectionist revolution in cognitive science, it has largely gone unnoticed that connectionism (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Socrates and Protagoras on Virtue.''.Denis O'Brien - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 24:59-131.
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