Results for 'Isabelle Favre'

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  1.  28
    Diabolus in hortum. Discordances métriques et musicales dans le motet Certes mout fu de grant necessité / Nous devons tresfort amer du recueil de Chypre (ms. Torino J.II.9). [REVIEW]Isabelle Favre - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    « Rythmes et Croyances au Moyen-Âge » Journée d'études organisée par Marie Formarier et Jean-Claude Schmitt 23 juin 2012 – Paris Présentation : Cette journée d'études a eu pour objectif de faire dialoguer les diverses disciplines concernées par le rapport entre rythmes et croyances au Moyen-Âge. Elle a accueilli des historiens, des anthropologues, des sociologues, des philologues et des linguistes. Présents dans la langue latine et les langues vernaculaires, dans la rhétorique du sermon, la prière et (...) - Histoire – (...)
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  2. Order out of Chaos.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):352-354.
  3.  32
    Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection.Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Isabelle Wildhaber & Isabel Ebert - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Data-driven technologies have come to pervade almost every aspect of business life, extending to employee monitoring and algorithmic management. How can employee privacy be protected in the age of datafication? This article surveys the potential and shortcomings of a number of legal and technical solutions to show the advantages of human rights-based approaches in addressing corporate responsibility to respect privacy and strengthen human agency. Based on this notion, we develop a process-oriented model of Privacy Due Diligence to complement existing frameworks (...)
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    Academic integrity among nursing students: A survey of knowledge and behavior.Isabelle Nortes, Katharina Fierz, Mads Paludan Goddiksen & Mikkel Willum Johansen - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (4):553-571.
    Background Minimal research has been done to determine how well European nursing students understand the core principles of academic integrity and how often they deviate from good academic practice. Aim The aim of this study was to find out what educational needs nursing students have in terms of academic integrity. Research design A quantitative cross-sectional study in the form of a survey of nursing students was conducted via questionnaire in the fall of 2020. Participants The sample was composed of 79 (...)
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    Entre le temps et l’éternité.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1988
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    Morphologic for knowledge dynamics: revision, fusion and abduction.Isabelle Bloch, Jérôme Lang, Ramón Pino Pérez & Carlos Uzcátegui - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3):421-466.
    Several tasks in artificial intelligence require the ability to find models about knowledge dynamics. They include belief revision, fusion and belief merging, and abduction. In this paper, we exploit the algebraic framework of mathematical morphology in the context of propositional logic and define operations such as dilation or erosion of a set of formulas. We derive concrete operators, based on a semantic approach, that have an intuitive interpretation and that are formally well behaved, to perform revision, fusion and abduction. Computation (...)
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    Children Using Cochlear Implants Capitalize on Acoustical Hearing for Music Perception.Talar Hopyan, Isabelle Peretz, Lisa P. Chan, Blake C. Papsin & Karen A. Gordon - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    The Invention of Modern Science (translation).Daniel W. Smith & Isabelle Stengers (eds.) - 2000 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    "The Invention of Modern Science proposes a fruitful way of going beyond the apparently irreconcilable positions, that science is either "objective" or "socially constructed." Instead, suggests Isabelle Stengers, one of the most important and influential philosophers of science in Europe, we might understand the tension between scientific objectivity and belief as a necessary part of science, central to the practices invented and reinvented by scientists."--pub. desc.
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    Jérémie Brucker, Avoir l’étoffe. Une histoire du vêtement professionnel en France des années 1880 à nos jours.Isabelle Cambourakis - 2022 - Clio 56:285-288.
    Cet ouvrage de Jérémie Brucker sur l’histoire des vêtements professionnels est issu d’une thèse soutenue en 2019 à Angers sous la direction de Christine Bard. S’inscrivant dans un contexte d’intérêt grandissant pour l’étude des vêtements, de leur port à leur fabrication, et dans une approche genrée des vestiaires, l’historien retrace les transformations du vêtement professionnel au cours d’une période allant de la fin du xixe siècle, moment où fabricants et patrons d’entreprises s’emparent de...
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  10. Les systèmes: Un enjeu épistémologique de la géographie des lumières.Isabelle Laboulais-Lesage - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 6:99-128.
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    Behind the Scene: the Writings of Sionist Women in Palestine (1880-1939).Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe - 2012 - Clio 35:107-128.
    De longues années après sa création, l’État d’Israël a bénéficié d’une réputation flatteuse : des images récurrentes de femmes labourant la terre, pavant des routes, effectuant des travaux de maçonnerie ou montant la garde dans les colonies agricoles créées par les pionniers juifs à partir des années 1880 ont laissé croire à l’émergence d’une société où hommes et femmes vivraient en parfaite égalité. Pourtant, lettres, journaux intimes, mémoires, récits de toutes sortes laissés par des femmes restées anonymes ou au contraire (...)
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    Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s trilogy: gender and writing between two worlds.Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe & Alice Lacoue-Labarthe - 2020 - Clio 51:169-183.
    Cet article propose une lecture transdisciplinaire de l’œuvre de l’autrice turco-allemande Emine Sevgi Özdamar (née en 1946). Grâce à une approche à la fois historienne et littéraire de la trilogie Sonne auf halbem Weg : die Istanbul-Berlin Trilogie (Soleil à mi-chemin : la trilogie Istanbul-Berlin), nous cherchons à interroger le récit à la première personne d’un parcours migratoire au féminin qui échappe aux catégories littéraires traditionnelles, entre autobiographie, roman et témoignage. Plutôt que de définir de nouveaux critères de classification, cet (...)
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    Nelly Las, Le Féminisme face aux dilemmes juifs contemporains.Isabelle Lacoue Labarthe - 2016 - Clio 44:337-340.
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’un colloque sur « Le féminisme face aux dilemmes juifs contemporains » qui s’est tenu à Paris le 11 décembre 2011, avec le concours du Centre Communautaire de Paris. Il a accompagné la publication par Nelly Las de Voix juives dans le féminisme – Résonances françaises et anglo-américaines (Honoré Champion, 2011). Le projet de cette manifestation consistait à rassembler des personnalités (religieuses, universitaires et, plus largement, intellectuelles) venues de « sensib...
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    Mapping data ethics curricula.Jonathan Reeve, Isabelle Zaugg & Tian Zheng - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (3):388-399.
    Purpose As data-driven tools increasingly shape our life and tech ethics crises become strikingly frequent, data ethics coursework is urgently needed. The purpose of this study is to map the field of data ethics curricula, tracking relations between courses, instructors, texts and writers, and present a proof-of-concept interactive website for exploring these relations. This method is designed to be used in curricular research and development and provides multiple vantage points on this multidisciplinary field. Design/methodology/approach The authors use data science methods (...)
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    Parental Burnout: When Exhausted Mothers Open Up.Sarah Hubert & Isabelle Aujoulat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  16. Barbarisation et humanisation de la guerre [Introd. et coord. du dossier du n° 2 de: Asterion].Jean-Louis Fournel & Isabelle Delpla - 2004 - Astérion 2.
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    Brain Death and Organ Transplantation.Z. Harry Rappaport & Isabelle T. Rappaport - 2004 - In C. Machado & D. E. Shewmon, Brain Death and Disorders of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 133--137.
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    Les «héros» grecs dans tous leurs états.Isabelle Ratinaud-Lachkar - 2001 - Kernos 14:307-312.
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    The constant forms: a ubiquitous and pragmatic ontogony.Isabelle Rieusset-Lemarie - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):115-123.
    According to Etienne Souriau, ontology must be grasped in light of an ontogonic perspective in which future is to be rebuilt permanently as an act. We show that “constant forms” support Souriau’s aim that ontogony must be both ubiquitous and pragmatic. Firstly, the “constant forms” support Souriau’s ubiquitous ontogony which aims to escape the reification due to the “law of localization”. Secondly, as far as they are considered as “action template”, the “constant forms” support Souriau’s pragmatic ontogony according to which (...)
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  20.  16
    Des camps en Europe aux camps de l'Europe.Isabelle Saint-Saëns - 2004 - Multitudes 5 (5):61-72.
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    Mode and tempo relative contributions to “happy-sad” judgements in equitone melodies.Lise Gagnon & Isabelle Peretz - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (1):25-40.
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    Lists as Research Technologies.Staffan Müller-Wille & Isabelle Charmantier - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):743-752.
    The Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus is famous for having turned botany into a systematic discipline, through his classification systems—most notably the sexual system—and his nomenclature. Throughout his life, Linnaeus experimented with various paper technologies designed to display information synoptically. The list took pride of place among these and is also the common element of more complex representations he produced, such as genera descriptions and his “natural system.” Taking clues from the anthropology of writing, this essay seeks to demonstrate that lists (...)
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    Liking for happy- and sad-sounding music: Effects of exposure.E. Glenn Schellenberg, Isabelle Peretz & Sandrine Vieillard - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (2):218-237.
    We examined liking for happy- and sad-sounding music as a function of exposure, which varied both in quantity (number of exposures) and in quality (focused or incidental listening). Liking ratings were higher for happy than for sad music after focused listening, but similar after incidental listening. In the incidental condition, liking ratings increased linearly as a function of exposure. In the focused condition, liking ratings were an inverted U-shaped function of exposure, with initial increases in liking (after 2 exposures) followed (...)
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    Dynamic Consent: a potential solution to some of the challenges of modern biomedical research.Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne, Harriet J. A. Teare, Jane Kaye, Stephan Beck, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Luciana Caenazzo, Clive Collett, Flavio D’Abramo, Heike Felzmann, Teresa Finlay, Muhammad Kassim Javaid, Erica Jones, Višnja Katić, Amy Simpson & Deborah Mascalzoni - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):4.
    BackgroundInnovations in technology have contributed to rapid changes in the way that modern biomedical research is carried out. Researchers are increasingly required to endorse adaptive and flexible approaches to accommodate these innovations and comply with ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. This paper explores how Dynamic Consent may provide solutions to address challenges encountered when researchers invite individuals to participate in research and follow them up over time in a continuously changing environment.MethodsAn interdisciplinary workshop jointly organised by the University of Oxford (...)
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    Lateralized Affective Word Priming and Gender Effect.Ensie Abbassi, Isabelle Blanchette, Bess Sirmon-Taylor, Ana Inès Ansaldo, Bernadette Ska & Yves Joanette - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Culture scientifique et langue vernaculaire: la «moralité à six personnages», une alliance unique dans le théâtre médiéval.Joël Blanchard & Isabelle Pantin - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (2):287-299.
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    Autorite et Tradition.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (1):185-229.
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    Sanctuaire aux Cornes. Sondages dans le cadre d'un projet de couverture du monument.Isabelle Bradfer-Burdet & Martin Schmid - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (21):969-987.
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    Albert, Aquinas, and dionysius.David Burrell & Isabelle Moulin - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (4):633-649.
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    Do Backward Associations Have Anything to Say About Language?Thomas F. Chartier & Isabelle Dautriche - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13282.
    In this letter, we argue against a recurring idea that early word learning in infants is related to the low-level capacity for backward associations—a notion that suggests a cognitive gap with other animal species. Because backward associations entail the formation of bidirectional associations between sequentially perceived stimulus pairs, they seemingly mirror the label-referent bidirectional mental relations underlying the lexicon of natural language. This appealing but spurious resemblance has led to various speculations on language acquisition, in particular regarding early word learning, (...)
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    Retroactive Attentional Shifts Predict Performance in a Working Memory Task: Evidence by Lateralized EEG Patterns.Anna Göddertz, Laura-Isabelle Klatt, Christine Mertes & Daniel Schneider - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:407906.
    Shifts of attention within working memory based on retroactive (retro-) cues were shown to facilitate performance in working memory tasks. Although posterior asymmetries in the EEG, such as the contralateral delay activity (CDA), have been used to study the active storage of lateralized working memory representations, results on the relation of such asymmetric effects to retro-cue benefits remain inconclusive. We recorded EEG in a retro-cue working memory task with lateralized items and a continuous performance response. Following either a selective or (...)
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    Fichte and Austin.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2010 - Fichte-Studien 35:417-429.
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    The Radical Empiricism of Contemporary French Phenomenology.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (2):118-132.
    This paper suggests that one single thread characterizes the developments of French phenomenology that occurred after 1990 in the wake of Merleau-Ponty's and Levinas's major contributions. Janicaud in 1991 had already identified one global trend in French phenomenology and believed it was possible to unite the thoughts of Levinas, Henry, Marion and Chrétien under the common banner of “theological phenomenology.” However, his analysis seems to fail to account for deeper-seated affinities that exist between French phenomenologists such as Marion, Lacoste, Chrétien, (...)
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    Hommage à : Claude SANTELLI . Entre littérature et images.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 2002 - Hermes 32:591.
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    A Theoretical and Clinical Framework for Parental Burnout: The Balance Between Risks and Resources (BR2).Moïra Mikolajczak & Isabelle Roskam - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361705.
    Parental burnout is a specific syndrome resulting from enduring exposure to chronic parenting stress. But why do some parents burn out while others, facing the same stressors, do not? The main aim of this paper was to propose a theory of parental burnout capable of predicting who is at risk of burnout, explaining why a particular parent burned out and why at that specific point in time, and providing directions for intervention. The secondary goal was to operationalize this theory in (...)
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    Aux sources de la démocratie anglaise: de Thomas Hobbes à John Locke.Myriam-Isabelle Ducrocq - 2012 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    Avec sa succession de bouleversements institutionnels, le dix-septième siècle anglais fut un fabuleux terrain d'expérimentation et de réflexion politique d'où surgirent les grandes théories modernes. A cette période, philosophes et acteurs engagés tentèrent de penser, avec une acuité particulière liée aux événements (guerres civiles, régicide, république, dictature), les tensions inhérentes au pouvoir, tout à la fois perçu comme contraignant, tyrannique et libérateur. Quatre d'entre eux ont été retenus : Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), le théoricien de l’absolutisme, James Harrington (1611-1677), le républicain (...)
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    Y a-t-il du jeu dans les normes et les concepts?Isabelle Pariente-Butterlin - 2022 - Cahiers Philosophiques 165 (2):5-24.
    La question de la mise en œuvre de la loi a pu être pensée comme demandant l’ajustement de la loi au cas particulier. J’essaierai d’évaluer la mesure dans laquelle les nouveaux outils conceptuels proposés par la philosophie analytique, permettent de ressaisir cette question bien connue et tout à fait fondamentale de la philosophie, depuis sa discussion par Platon et Aristote. Depuis une dizaine d’années, les philosophes du droit américains – Endicott et Soames en particulier – se sont saisis de la (...)
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    L’inceste : filiations, transgressions, identités. Avec Spinoza et Freud.Isabelle Sgambato-Ledoux - 2017 - Astérion 17 (17).
    Incest, as the acting of transgression and incestuality, as a psychic reality implying a narcissistic and alienating seduction, result of a causality explored by Spinoza and Freud, each in their own way. Founded on the main principles of their respective approach, the confrontation of their analyses of the individuation process, of filiation and of transgression, leads to each doctrine’s shedding light on the other. Then, the theoric points of convergence and the differences clearly appear. This confrontation also allows the theoric (...)
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    Phonetic coding in dyslexics and normal readers, by Hall, Ewing, Tinzmann, and Wilson: A reply.Donald Shankweiler, Isabelle Y. Liberman & Leonard S. Mark - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (2):78-79.
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    Réversibilité du scepticisme ou la raison illimitée : le scepticisme de Maimon face à celui des « nouveaux humiens ».Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (1):45-73.
    Paradoxalement, rares sont les philosophes sceptiques de l ’ époque moderne – depuis Descartes – à avoir revendiqué le terme de scepticisme « de manière constante », c ’ est-à-dire sans le dénier, l ’ amoindrir ni le rejeter à un autre moment de leurs œ uvres. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître de prime abord, seuls deux philosophes – avant le « renouveau sceptique » qui marque la philosophie analytique contemporaine de ces trente dernières années – ont vraiment assumé (...)
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    Entre mémoire et histoire. La Seconde Guerre mondiale télévision.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1991 - Hermes 8:151.
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    The Cyrenaics on the Premeditation of Future Evils.Isabelle Chouinard - 2023 - Phronesis 68 (4):410-437.
    In Book 3 of the Tusculans, Cicero reports that the Cyrenaics practised the premeditation of future evils. This article focuses on the philosophical consistency of this exercise with other Cyrenaic testimonies. It argues for the authenticity of Cicero’s report and provides a critical survey of previous attempts to reconstruct the theory underlying Cyrenaic premeditation, which addresses crucial questions about the management of future pleasures and pains, and the duration of affections. New evidence from Diogenes Laertius 2.94 is then used to (...)
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    L’intersectionnalité, une menace pour la sociologie (et les sociologues français) des classes sociales?Isabelle Clair - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    Since the translation, in 2005, of one of Kimberlé W. Crenshaw’s articles introducing intersectionality into the field of French social sciences, the word and the theoretical perspective it labels have been the object of great mistrust on the part of many sociologists claiming a critical position. The lexicon of threat is mobilised to disqualify the intersectional approach – much more than to discuss it – because its aim, or effect, is to purely and simply erase social class as a fundamental (...)
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    La révélation du Shangqing dans l'histoire du taoïsmeLa revelation du Shangqing dans l'histoire du taoisme.Paul W. Kroll & Isabelle Robinet - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):847.
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    Juste des images.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1994 - Hermes 13:15.
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    Les stéréotypes nationaux et le rôle de la télévision.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1989 - Hermes 5:237.
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    SF Laboratory for Extended Humans: Decoy or Detector?Isabelle Rachel Casta - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Serial issues closely marry the major anthropological questions that a society asks itself… or is about to ask itself; here unfolds “the infinite possibility of possibilities”, and we will see that the theme of the extended human gradually increases in power, often from the angle of a transhumanism gone mad. Anchoring the theme of technological increase in the sexual imagination makes it possible to immediately focus on the intimate fantasy of each reader/viewer; this “situated” motif also singles out the subject, (...)
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    How much dentists are ethically concerned about overtreatment; a vignette-based survey in Switzerland.Ali Kazemian, Isabelle Berg, Christina Finkel, Shahram Yazdani, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Philipp Juergens & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):43.
    Overtreatment is when medical or dental services are provided with a higher volume or cost than is appropriate. This study aimed to investigate how a group of dentists in Switzerland, a wealthy country known to have high standards of healthcare including dentistry, evaluated the meaning of unnecessary treatments from an ethical perspective and, assessed the expected frequency of different possible behaviors among their peers.
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    La nouvelle alliance: métamorphose de la science.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1979 - Editions Gallimard.
    La science classique s'est trouvée associée à un désenchantement du monde. C'est la leçon que Jacques Monod entendait tirer des progrès de la biologie : "L'ancienne alliance est rompue. L'homme sait enfin qu'il est seul dans l'immensité indifférente de l'Univers d'où il a émergé par hasard." Notre science n'est plus ce savoir classique, nous pouvons déchiffrer le récit d'une "nouvelle alliance". Loin de l'exclure du monde qu'elle décrit, la science retrouve comme un problème l'appartenance de l'homme à ce monde. Les (...)
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    Loving Orphaned Space: The Art and Science of Belonging to Earth.Isabelle Bishop - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (1):187-189.
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