Results for 'Isabelle Amado'

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  1.  45
    Empathizing and systemizing profiles of Brazilian and Portuguese nursing undergraduates.Mirella Castelhano Souza, Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes, José Carlos Amado Martins, Simone de Godoy, Valtuir Duarte Souza-Junior, Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Sara Soares dos Santos, Luís Miguel Nunes de Oliveira, Maria Clara Amado Apóstolo Ventura & Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):221-229.
    Aim: To analyze the empathizing and systemizing profiles of Brazilian and Portuguese nursing undergraduates. Background: Empathy is a fundamental skill for nursing practice and should be analyzed during the student’s education. Methods: Descriptive study with cross-sectional design. Participants were 968 undergraduate students, including 215 (22.2%) Brazilians from a university in the state of São Paulo and 753 (77.8%) Portuguese students from a higher education institution in central Portugal. The Portuguese and Brazilian versions of the Empathizing/Systemizing Quotient have good internal consistency (...)
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    Quality of life and ethics: A concept analysis.Laís Fumincelli, Alessandra Mazzo, José Carlos Amado Martins & Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):61-70.
    Background: In health, ethics is an essential aspect of practice and care and guarantees a better quality of life for patients and their caregivers. Objective: To outline a conceptual analysis of quality of life and ethics, identifying attributes, contexts and magnitudes for health. Method: A qualitative design about quality of life and ethics in health, considering the evolutionary approach in order to analyse the concept. To collect the data, a search was done using the keywords ethic*, quality of life and (...)
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    Empathy in Brazilian nursing professionals.Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Rodrigo Guimarães dos Santos Almeida, Mirella Castelhano Souza, Alessandra Mazzo, Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes & Jose Carlos Amado Martins - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (3):367-376.
    Background: Essential for the help relation, empathy is the ability to understand, share, and perceive the subjective experience of other human beings. Objective: The objective in this non-experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research was to verify, observe, and document empathy in nursing professionals. Research design: Non-experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research. Participants and research context: the study was conducted at two large hospitals, one public and the other private, across all shifts. The sample included 159 individuals. A questionnaire was used to identify (...)
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    Self-reference recollection effect and its relation to theory of mind: An investigation in healthy controls and schizophrenia.Laurie Compère, Célia Mam-Lam-Fook, Isabelle Amado, Marion Nys, Jennifer Lalanne, Marie-Laure Grillon, Narjes Bendjemaa, Marie-Odile Krebs & Pascale Piolino - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:51-64.
  5.  23
    Exploring the Decision-Making Process of People Living with HIV Enrolled in Antiretroviral Clinical Trials: A Qualitative Study of Decisions Guided by Trust and Emotions.Maria Feijoo-Cid, Antonia Arreciado Marañón, Ariadna Huertas, Amado Rivero-Santana, Carina Cesar, Valeria Fink, María Isabel Fernández-Cano & Omar Sued - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (3):135-155.
    The informed consent is an ethical and legal requirement for potential participants to enroll in a study. There is ample of evidence that understanding consent information and enrollment is challenging for participants in clinical trials. On the other hand, the reasoning process behind decision-making in HIV clinical trials remains mostly unexplored. This study aims to examine the decision-making process of people living with HIV currently participating in antiretroviral clinical trials and their understanding of informed consent. We conducted a qualitative socio-constructivist (...)
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    Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection.Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Isabelle Wildhaber & Isabel Ebert - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Data-driven technologies have come to pervade almost every aspect of business life, extending to employee monitoring and algorithmic management. How can employee privacy be protected in the age of datafication? This article surveys the potential and shortcomings of a number of legal and technical solutions to show the advantages of human rights-based approaches in addressing corporate responsibility to respect privacy and strengthen human agency. Based on this notion, we develop a process-oriented model of Privacy Due Diligence to complement existing frameworks (...)
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    Protection de la vie privée et traitement des données relatives à la santé à l'heure européenne.Isabelle de Lamberterie - 1996 - Médecine et Droit 1996 (20):6-12.
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    Cultures et histoire.Claire Feuvrier Prévotat, Isabelle Paresys, Jean-Michel Sallmann, Joël Cornette, Laurent Bourquin, Françoise Waquet, Nicole Lemaître, Jean-Yves Mollier, Isabelle Backouche, Dominique Poulot, Perrine Simon-Nahum & Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 1996 - Revue de Synthèse 117 (3-4):547-575.
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    The Invention of Modern Science (translation).Daniel W. Smith & Isabelle Stengers (eds.) - 2000 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    "The Invention of Modern Science proposes a fruitful way of going beyond the apparently irreconcilable positions, that science is either "objective" or "socially constructed." Instead, suggests Isabelle Stengers, one of the most important and influential philosophers of science in Europe, we might understand the tension between scientific objectivity and belief as a necessary part of science, central to the practices invented and reinvented by scientists."--pub. desc.
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    L’opposition entre réalisme et idéalisme?Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2017 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 95 (3):393.
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  11. Order out of Chaos.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):352-354.
  12. The Propensity Interpretation of Fitness and the Propensity Interpretation of Probability.Isabelle Drouet & Francesca Merlin - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (S3):457-468.
    The paper provides a new critical perspective on the propensity interpretation of fitness, by investigating its relationship to the propensity interpretation of probability. Two main conclusions are drawn. First, the claim that fitness is a propensity cannot be understood properly: fitness is not a propensity in the sense prescribed by the propensity interpretation of probability. Second, this interpretation of probability is inessential for explanations proposed by the PIF in evolutionary biology. Consequently, interpreting the probabilistic dimension of fitness in terms of (...)
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  13.  76
    Expert reports by large multidisciplinary groups: the case of the International Panel on Climate Change.Isabelle Drouet, Daniel Andler, Anouk Barberousse & Julie Jebeile - 2021 - Synthese (5-6):14491-14508.
    Recent years have seen a notable increase in the production of scientific expertise by large multidisciplinary groups. The issue we address is how reports may be written by such groups in spite of their size and of formidable obstacles: complexity of subject matter, uncertainty, and scientific disagreement. Our focus is on the International Panel on Climate Change, unquestionably the best-known case of such collective scientific expertise. What we show is that the organization of work within the IPCC aims to make (...)
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    Les concepts scientifiques: invention et pouvoir.Isabelle Stengers & Judith E. Schlanger - 1989
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  15. «La solidarité du mal»: Lire la Science de la morale aujourd'hui.Isabelle de Mecquenem - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 45:43-53.
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    Behind the Scene: the Writings of Sionist Women in Palestine (1880-1939).Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe - 2012 - Clio 35:107-128.
    De longues années après sa création, l’État d’Israël a bénéficié d’une réputation flatteuse : des images récurrentes de femmes labourant la terre, pavant des routes, effectuant des travaux de maçonnerie ou montant la garde dans les colonies agricoles créées par les pionniers juifs à partir des années 1880 ont laissé croire à l’émergence d’une société où hommes et femmes vivraient en parfaite égalité. Pourtant, lettres, journaux intimes, mémoires, récits de toutes sortes laissés par des femmes restées anonymes ou au contraire (...)
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    The call in the thought of Lévinas, Marion and Chrétien: description of a phenomenon or deconstruction of a tradition?Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - unknown
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    Entre mémoire et histoire. La Seconde Guerre mondiale télévision.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1991 - Hermes 8:151.
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  19.  56
    Neuroscience and Sex/Gender.Isabelle Dussauge & Anelis Kaiser - 2012 - Neuroethics 5 (3):211-215.
  20.  28
    Le site néolithique de Shillourokambos (Chypre).François Briois, Isabelle Carrère, Jacques Coularou & Jean Guilaine - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (2):737-741.
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    Pratique du travail collaboratif en communautés virtuelles d'apprentissage : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Guy Casteignau & Isabelle Gonon - 2006 - Hermes 45:109.
    Le campus virtuel de la filière TIC de Limoges propose depuis 1998, via Internet, des formations diplômantes pour les TIC et par les TIC. Les 600 étudiants sont organisés en communautés virtuelles d'apprentissage. Les communautés virtuelles sont une forme de socialisation propre à Internet. Le travail de groupe évite le sentiment d'isolement et facilite les apprentissages. Les étudiants et les enseignants échangent et partagent au niveau de la communauté globale, au niveau des communautés de promotion et d'unité d'enseignement qui sont (...)
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  22. Les systèmes: Un enjeu épistémologique de la géographie des lumières.Isabelle Laboulais-Lesage - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 6:99-128.
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    Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s trilogy: gender and writing between two worlds.Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe & Alice Lacoue-Labarthe - 2020 - Clio 51:169-183.
    Cet article propose une lecture transdisciplinaire de l’œuvre de l’autrice turco-allemande Emine Sevgi Özdamar (née en 1946). Grâce à une approche à la fois historienne et littéraire de la trilogie Sonne auf halbem Weg : die Istanbul-Berlin Trilogie (Soleil à mi-chemin : la trilogie Istanbul-Berlin), nous cherchons à interroger le récit à la première personne d’un parcours migratoire au féminin qui échappe aux catégories littéraires traditionnelles, entre autobiographie, roman et témoignage. Plutôt que de définir de nouveaux critères de classification, cet (...)
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  24.  19
    Nelly Las, Le Féminisme face aux dilemmes juifs contemporains.Isabelle Lacoue Labarthe - 2016 - Clio 44:337-340.
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’un colloque sur « Le féminisme face aux dilemmes juifs contemporains » qui s’est tenu à Paris le 11 décembre 2011, avec le concours du Centre Communautaire de Paris. Il a accompagné la publication par Nelly Las de Voix juives dans le féminisme – Résonances françaises et anglo-américaines (Honoré Champion, 2011). Le projet de cette manifestation consistait à rassembler des personnalités (religieuses, universitaires et, plus largement, intellectuelles) venues de « sensib...
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  25. Hondon Sok Ui Chilso.I. Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers & Ki-P. Ung Yu - 1990 - Minumsa.
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  26.  25
    Sense of agency: Sensorimotor signals and social context are differentially weighed at implicit and explicit levels.Alexis Lafleur, Isabelle Soulières & Baudouin Forgeot D'Arc - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84:103004.
  27.  10
    Brigitte Studer, The Transnational World of the.Isabelle Gouarne - 2017 - Clio 46.
    Spécialiste de l’histoire internationale des communismes, après une thèse consacrée au parti communiste suisse, Brigitte Studer offre ici un ouvrage de synthèse sur le Comintern (ou Internationale communiste) : cette organisation, créée à Moscou, en 1919, avec le but affiché de porter « l’internationalisme » dont se revendiquait le mouvement communiste, assura non seulement la liaison avec les différents partis communistes mais fut aussi à l’origine d’une soixantaine d’organisations internati...
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    The Value of Critique: Exploring the Interrelations of Value, Critique, and Artistic Labour.Isabelle Graw & Christoph Menke (eds.) - 2019 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    The Value of Critique casts its gaze on the two dominant modes of passing judgment in art--critique and value. The act of critique has long held sway in the world of art theory but has recently been increasingly abandoned in favor of evaluation, which advocates alternate modes of judgment aimed at finding the intrinsic "value" of a given work rather than picking apart its intentions and relative success. This book's contributors explore the relationship between these two practices, finding that one (...)
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    The invention of two women in Les chemins de la liberté.Isabelle Grell - 2004 - Sartre Studies International 10 (2):161-181.
    In this article we will observe Sartre sketching, elaborating, and polishing characters, most of whom he carried around in himself for almost fourteen years. In short, we go back to the beginning of the question of the relationship of the writer and his work, relying above all on the manuscripts we have been able to consult. We postulate, and we will see in the course of this article if it is true, that the choice of writing in a certain way, (...)
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    Interaction in pathological contexts: Methodology and case studies of Alzheimer patients and multihandicapped persons.Isabelle Guaïtella - 2011 - Pragmatics and Society 2 (1):1-16.
    In this paper we investigate the behavior patterns of Alzheimer patients and multihandicapped persons communicating with peers and therapists in an interaction situation. Communicative items were analyzed automatically and sorted into patterns. The results showed that despite their reported ‘linguistic’ disabilities, the patients not only played their role in the interaction, but were also able to lead the conversation and take initiatives. In spite of their vulnerability, both types of patients, particularly those with Alzheimer’s disease, exhibited the ability to integrate (...)
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  31.  24
    Espaces de médiation et autonomie féminine.Isabelle Guerin - 2003 - Hermes 36:57.
    Depuis une vingtaine d'années, on assiste en France à un vaste mouvement d'initiatives féminines citoyennes que l'on peut qualifier d'espaces de médiation. Leur point commun est de créer, souvent en partenariat avec les collectivités locales, des espaces de proximité visant à résoudre les problèmes vécus au quotidien par les femmes et leurs familles. À partir d'exemples concrets, nous montrons que ces espaces de proximité sont susceptibles d'aider les femmes à acquérir une certaine autonomie à condition qu'ils reposent sur une double (...)
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    Contrast perception as a visual heuristic in the formulation of referential expressions.Madeleine Long, Isabelle Moore, Francis Mollica & Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104879.
  33. Natural history and information overload: The case of Linnaeus.Staffan Müller-Wille & Isabelle Charmantier - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):4-15.
  34.  48
    Selling conscience short: a response to Schuklenk and Smalling on conscientious objections by medical professionals.Jocelyn Maclure & Isabelle Dumont - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):241-244.
    In a thought-provoking paper, Schuklenk and Smalling argue that no right to conscientious objection should be granted to medical professionals. First, they hold that it is impossible to assess either the truth of conscience-based claims or the sincerity of the objectors. Second, even a fettered right to conscientious refusal inevitably has adverse effects on the rights of patients. We argue that the main problem with their position is that it is not derived from a broader reflection on the meaning and (...)
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  35.  68
    Monitoring Alpha Oscillations and Pupil Dilation across a Performance-Intensity Function.Catherine M. McMahon, Isabelle Boisvert, Peter de Lissa, Louise Granger, Ronny Ibrahim, Chi Yhun Lo, Kelly Miles & Petra L. Graham - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Speculative Empiricism: Revisiting Whitehead.Didier Debaise, Isabelle Stengers & Tomas Joseph Weber - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Tomas Weber.
    A radically new philosophy of experience and speculation, based on a reading of Whitehead's Process and Reality. Can experience be thought systematically without transforming the richness of the world as it is lived into reductive philosophical generalities? Can the method of empiricism ever be reconciled with a method of systematic cosmological speculation? Didier Debaise's reading of Whitehead shows clearly what a philosophy that makes this possible looks like, how it works and what is at stake. He focuses in on Whitehead's (...)
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  37.  7
    Magna voce: effets et pouvoirs de la voix dans la philosophie et la littérature antiques.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "Dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine, la voix occupe une place éminente. Phénomène d'abord acoustique, elle se diffracte dans les nombreux domaines où elle est mise en oeuvre : chant, musique, poésie, médecine, philosophie, religion, rhétorique, théâtre. Les dix-huit études de ce volume pluridisciplinaire sont consacrées aux pouvoirs et aux effets de la voix, tels qu'ils sont exposés par la philosophie et la littérature antiques d'Homère à Augustin. Comment les modalités d'émission et de réception des voix sont-elles perçues, comprises et décrites? (...)
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    Le langage sans frontières: nouvelles approches pour l'étude de la communication.Isabelle Guaïtella - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les langages humains et animaux diffèrent-ils réellement? Quel est le statut des gestes face aux autres signes linguistiques? L'importance de la voix? Si l'individu éprouve un tel besoin de communiquer, on peut se demander si les définitions les plus répandues du langage permettent de comprendre ce phénomène dans sa complexité et son fonctionnement au sein des interactions.
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    Bonus Systems as Tools for ‘Managing’ Managers – the Behavioural Effects of Performance-Based Financial Rewards.Isabelle Keßels - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):1-13.
    In traditional reward systems, managers’ key performance indicators must surpass an agreed target in order to achieve a financial bonus. This system is designed to motivate high performance; yet adverse behavioural effects are often observed. These include middle managers becoming incentivised to game the reward system and target negotiation process they are subject to. This paper discusses three approaches to preventing such undesirable behavioural effects: Firstly, a linear pay-for-performance system without a target floor for receiving a performance bonus. Secondly, a (...)
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    Ils ont honte de leur langue natale.Jean-Claude Milner, Isabelle Barbéris & Franck Neveu - 2021 - Cités 2:129-140.
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  41.  26
    Le libre jeu de l’effet d’art.Isabelle Rieusset-Lemarié - 2016 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 16 (2):47-63.
    Cet article analyse l’incidence du découpage art / non-art sur la hiérarchie implicite des expériences qui sous-tend la hiérarchie explicite des arts. Parmi la diversité des expériences prédisposées par un « effet d’art », il se focalise sur l’expérience privilégiée du « libre jeu du plaisir libre » dont il met à jour l’évolution historique, de la charis (dans la période antique de l’« art élargi ») à ses nouveaux enjeux spécifiques dans l’esthétique de Kant.
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    The Radical Empiricism of Contemporary French Phenomenology.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (2):118-132.
    This paper suggests that one single thread characterizes the developments of French phenomenology that occurred after 1990 in the wake of Merleau-Ponty's and Levinas's major contributions. Janicaud in 1991 had already identified one global trend in French phenomenology and believed it was possible to unite the thoughts of Levinas, Henry, Marion and Chrétien under the common banner of “theological phenomenology.” However, his analysis seems to fail to account for deeper-seated affinities that exist between French phenomenologists such as Marion, Lacoste, Chrétien, (...)
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    Hommage à : Claude SANTELLI . Entre littérature et images.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 2002 - Hermes 32:591.
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    Juste des images.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1994 - Hermes 13:15.
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    Les stéréotypes nationaux et le rôle de la télévision.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1989 - Hermes 5:237.
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    Sequencing at the syllabic and supra-syllabic levels during speech perception: an fMRI study.Isabelle Deschamps & Pascale Tremblay - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:87764.
    The processing of fluent speech involves complex computational steps that begin with the segmentation of the continuous flow of speech sounds into syllables and words. One question that naturally arises pertains to the type of syllabic information that speech processes act upon. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to profile regions, using a combination of whole-brain and exploratory anatomical region-of-interest (ROI) approaches, that were sensitive to syllabic information during speech perception by parametrically manipulating syllabic complexity along two dimensions: (1) (...)
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    Relearning the Art of Paying Attention: A Conversation.Martin Savransky & Isabelle Stengers - 2018 - Substance 47 (1):130-145.
    The first question I wanted to ask you has to do with the manner in which you do philosophy, in the sense that the concepts that you create, develop and experiment with, always resist the temptation to tell others what to do. In fact, at the very beginning of your “The Cosmopolitical Proposal”, you begin with a question that I think resonates with this. You write: “How can we present a proposal intended not to say what is, or what ought (...)
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    Neurobiological, Cognitive, and Emotional Mechanisms in Melodic Intonation Therapy.Dawn L. Merrett, Isabelle Peretz & Sarah J. Wilson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Emotional words can be embodied or disembodied: the role of superficial vs. deep types of processing.Ensie Abbassi, Isabelle Blanchette, Ana I. Ansaldo, Habib Ghassemzadeh & Yves Joanette - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Pour une éthopoiétique du témoignage.Isabelle Galichon - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 292 (2):59-70.
    Nous proposons dans le cadre de cet article de penser à nouveaux frais la notion de témoignage à partir des travaux de Michel Foucault sur les pratiques de soi, en particulier dans les derniers cours au Collège de France. L’analyse du témoignage, dans ce cadre ne relève plus alors uniquement des études littéraires et remet en question la catégorie de « genre littéraire » affectée au témoignage. Il procède davantage d’un processus de subjectivation éthique qu’il s’agit d’appréhender à la lisière (...)
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