Results for 'Isabel Pedrazuela'

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  1. Vivir sin infancia. Niños, niñas y adolescentes de la calle.Isabel Pedrazuela - 2004 - Critica 54 (919):8-10.
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  2. La Educación desde la perspectiva de género: germen de una nueva democracia.María Carmen Aragonés & Isabel Pedrazuela - 2005 - Critica 55 (923):8-10.
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    Substitute Decision-Making for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Living in Residential Care: Learning Through Experience.Michael C. Dunn, Isabel C. H. Clare & Anthony J. Holland - 2008 - Health Care Analysis 16 (1):52-64.
    In the UK, current policies and services for people with mental disorders, including those with intellectual disabilities (ID), presume that these men and women can, do, and should, make decisions for themselves. The new Mental Capacity Act (England and Wales) 2005 (MCA) sets this presumption into statute, and codifies how decisions relating to health and welfare should be made for those adults judged unable to make one or more such decisions autonomously. The MCA uses a procedural checklist to guide this (...)
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  4. Ortega y Gasset y los inicios de la Vanguardia artística española.Isabel María Lorenzo Alquezar - 1993 - Endoxa 1:309-338.
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    Dolby Múgica, María del Carmen: La búsqueda de la verdad y el bien en San Agustín.Isabel Zúnica Ramajo - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 54:177-178.
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    Board of Directors and Ethics Codes in Different Corporate Governance Systems.Isabel-María García-Sánchez, Luis Rodríguez-Domínguez & José-Valeriano Frías-Aceituno - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):681-698.
    Business ethics is one of the most significant demands made by institutional and individual investors, who usually require the participation of the board of directors in the planning and implementation of ethical behaviour in corporations. This is done by drawing up an ethics code and then monitoring its fulfilment. This study has a dual objective: first, to analyse the role played by the composition of the board of directors, and by that we mean its independence and the diversity of its (...)
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    How Schools Affect Student Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Approach in 35 OECD Countries.Elena Govorova, Isabel Benítez & José Muñiz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A common approach for measuring the effectiveness of an education system or a school is the estimation of the impact that school interventions have on students’ academic performance. However, the latest trends aim to extend the focus beyond students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills, and to consider aspects such as well-being in the academic context. For this reason, the 2015 edition of the international assessment system PISA incorporated a new tool aimed at evaluating the socio-affective variables related to the well-being (...)
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    Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems, and Perspectives.Christian Blum & Christina Isabel Zuber - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):162-182.
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    ‘Consuming Good’ on Social Media: What Can Conspicuous Virtue Signalling on Facebook Tell Us About Prosocial and Unethical Intentions?Elaine Wallace, Isabel Buil & Leslie de Chernatony - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):577-592.
    Mentioning products or brands on Facebook enables individuals to display an ideal self to others through a form of virtual conspicuous consumption. Drawing on conspicuous donation behaviour literature, we investigate ‘conspicuous virtue signalling’, as conspicuous consumption on Facebook. CVS occurs when an individual mentions a charity on their Facebook profile. We investigate need for uniqueness and attention to social comparison information as antecedents of two types of CVS–self-oriented and other-oriented. We also explore the relationship between CVS and self-esteem, and offline (...)
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    When unpleasantness meets feminines: a behavioural study on gender agreement and emotionality.Lucía Vieitez, Isabel Padrón & Isabel Fraga - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The emotional connotation of words is known to affect word and sentence processing. However, the when and how of the interaction between emotion and grammar are still up for debate. In this behavioural experiment, 35 female university students read noun phrases (NPs) composed by a determiner and a noun in their L1 (Spanish), and were asked to indicate if the NPs were grammatically correct (elmasc camareromasc) or not (*lafem tornillomasc; i.e. a gender agreement task). The type of gender (arbitrary/natural), the (...)
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    Rhetorical features facilitate prosodic processing while handicapping ease of semantic comprehension.Winfried Menninghaus, Isabel C. Bohrn, Christine A. Knoop, Sonja A. Kotz, Wolff Schlotz & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):48-60.
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    Los feminismos de Spinoza: corporalidad y renaturalización.Isabel Balza Múgica - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:13.
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    The moderating role of board monitoring power in the relationship between environmental conditions and corporate social responsibility.Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):114-129.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Cambios conceptuales y emociones: una propuesta de teoría integradora Conceptual Changes and Emotions: A Proposal for an Integrative Theory.Ana Isabel González Manso - 2011 - Historiografias 2:29-44.
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    Effectiveness of educational interventions on the improvement of drug prescription in primary care: a critical literature review.Adolfo Figueiras, Isabel Sastre & Juan Jesus Gestal-Otero - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (2):223-241.
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    (1 other version)Potentia e potestas no Leviathan de Hobbes.Maria Isabel Limongi - 2013 - Doispontos 10 (1).
    In the Leviathan, power can be understood in two different senses, which are carefully discriminated in its Latin version by the use of the terms potentia and potestas to translate, depending on the context and the type of power concerned, the English power. Potentia and potestas, although types of power of a different nature – one, the physical power that bodies have to take effect on each other; the other, the juridical power, out of which legal effects as justice itself (...)
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  17. Verdad y juicio reflexionante en Kant.María Isabel Cabrera Bosch - 1996 - Dianoia 42:81-90.
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    Modelling Artificial Cognition in Biosemiotic Terms.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira & Miguel Gama Caldas - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (2):245-252.
    Stemming from Uexkull’s fundamental concepts of Umwelt and Innenwelt as developed in the biosemiotic approach of Ferreira 2010, 2011, the present work models mathematically the semiosis of cognition and proposes an artificial cognitive architecture to be deployed in a robotic structure.
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    Memory for emotional words: The role of semantic relatedness, encoding task and affective valence.Pilar Ferré, Isabel Fraga, Montserrat Comesaña & Rosa Sánchez-Casas - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1401-1410.
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    Presentación.Txetxu Ausín, Isabel Balza & Francisco Garrido - 2013 - Dilemata 12.
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    Hegemonia do masculino e triunfo do feminino no romance Buddenbrooks de Thomas Mann.Ana Isabel Boura - 2008 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 17 (33):535-549.
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    Catequesis visual: análisis iconográfico de las imágenes de los catecismos escolares en la educación franquista.Isabel Rodrigo-Martín, Luis Mañas-Viniegra, Luis Rodrigo-Martín & Patricia Núñez-Gómez - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 26:117-136.
    The use of images in education has received little attention despite the dual role of images in school textbooks, one aimed at the acquisition of knowledge and the other at the transmission of attitudes, values and norms, that constitute a valuable source of historical, educational and communicative research. We will study, through the analysis of content, the characteristics of the catechisms, the legislation of the time related to the publication of school textbooks, the presence of images, types, the didactic function (...)
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    La joven María Zambrano y su incipiente metafísica femenina.Isabel Sancho García - 2020 - Albolote (Granada): Comares.
    María Zambrano Alarcón fue una filósofa metafísica española que vivió de lleno el siglo XX al compás de su circunstancia. Comprometida con los hechos más significativos de su tiempo, pertenece a la generación que algunos llaman "de la libertad", precedida de grandes maestros como Ortega, Unamuno, Machado y otros, preocupados todos por España, aspirando a una nueva sociedad y, según María, a una "nueva forma de vida". Durante la segunda mitad del siglo, Zambrano vivió en el exilio, donde dedicó cuarenta (...)
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  24. Las redes sociales y el 15-M en España.Ana Isabel Romero Sire - 2011 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 89:111-116.
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    Editorial: Present and Future of EMDR in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Isabel Fernandez & Benedikt L. Amann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A logical approach to the analysis of metaphors.Isabel D'Hanis - 2002 - In L. Magnani, N. J. Nersessian & C. Pizzi (eds.), Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 21--37.
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    The Concept of Umwelt Overlap and its Application to Cooperative Action in Multi-Agent Systems.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira & Miguel Gama Caldas - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (3):497-514.
    The present paper stems from the biosemiotic modelling of individual artificial cognition proposed by Ferreira and Caldas (2012) but goes further by introducing the concept of Umwelt Overlap. The introduction of this concept is of fundamental importance making the present model closer to natural cognition. In fact cognition can only be viewed as a purely individual phenomenon for analytical purposes. In nature it always involves the crisscrossing of the spheres of action of those sharing the same environmental bubble. Plus, the (...)
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  28. Olhar e memória na percepção cinematográfica.Susana Isabel Rainho Viegas - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):31-44.
    O presente artigo tem dois objectivos: por um lado, o de analisar os conceitos de percepçáo e memória no cinema segundo a fenomenologia de Maurice Merleau-Ponty em “Le Cinéma et la Nouvelle Psychologie” e, por outro lado, o de analisar estes mesmos conceitos no filme de Christopher Nolan, Memento . A nossa principal referência será a fenomenologia da percepçáo em Merleau-Ponty de modo a melhor compreendermos o interesse fenomenológico do cinema e deste filme em particular.
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    Lexical access in bilinguals.Alfonso Caramazza & Isabel Brones - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):212-214.
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    Do viewpoint-dependent mechanisms generalize across members of a class?Michael J. Tarr & Isabel Gauthier - 1998 - Cognition 67 (1-2):73-110.
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    ¿Transmedia o cross-media? Un análisis multidisciplinar de su uso terminológico en la literatura académica.María Isabel Villa-Montoya & Diego Montoya-Bermúdez - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):249-275.
    La distinción entre transmedia y cross-media con frecuencia resulta confusa en los estudios sobre la comunicación. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo revisar el uso de ambos conceptos en la literatura científica publicada en Web of Science y SciELO Citation Index. La investigación parte de una muestra de 895 artículos a los que se les aplica un análisis bibliométrico y un análisis de redes para descubrir las relaciones entre textos. Los resultados del estudio son útiles para conocer la configuración del campo (...)
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    A New Look to a Classic Issue: Reasoning and Academic Achievement at Secondary School.Isabel Gómez-Veiga, José O. Vila Chaves, Gonzalo Duque & Juan A. García Madruga - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  33. El pensamiento erasmista. Su aportación a la cultura y sociedad españolas del siglo XVI.Isabel Romero Tabares - 1994 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 4 (J994):149.
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    Impact of Language Experience on Attention to Faces in Infancy: Evidence From Unimodal and Bimodal Bilingual Infants.Evelyne Mercure, Isabel Quiroz, Laura Goldberg, Harriet Bowden-Howl, Kimberley Coulson, Teodora Gliga, Roberto Filippi, Peter Bright, Mark H. Johnson & Mairéad MacSweeney - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Aportes para pensar la cátedra de la paz desde las resistencias y proyectos de paz de los grupos étnicos en Colombia.María Isabel Villada & Juan Camilo Estrada - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (26):43-67.
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    Interference between face and non-face domains of perceptual expertise: a replication and extension.Kim M. Curby & Isabel Gauthier - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Researchers’ reflections on ethics of care as decolonial research practice: understanding Indigenous knowledge communication systems to navigate moments of ethical tension in rural Malawi.Mtisunge Isabel Kamlongera & Mkotama W. Katenga-Kaunda - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (3):312-324.
    This article is autoethnographic, based upon the authors’ experiences and reflections upon encountered moments of ethical tension whilst conducting research in rural Malawi. Given that knowledge production, as a process, has been marred by colonial forms of power, the project was underpinned by efforts to achieve a decolonial approach to the research, including the research ethics. The authors share of their endeavours to counterbalance the challenges of power asymmetries whilst researching and working with an Indigenous community whose reality can be (...)
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    The limits of the concept frontier in different postmodern anthropological theories.Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 52:79-90.
    The main interest of this paper is to understand how different theories have influence in the anthropological study of boundaries spaces. First, I will refer to Wolf’s and Barth’s critique against the particularism of the first ethnographies. These first anthropologists maintained an isolated and separated conception of culture and consequently, they were unable to apprehend links between different human groups. In contrast, I will mention new approaches, more sensible to the differential situations in borders and the existence of transnational nets (...)
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    In the Shadow of Graft: Unveiling the Economic Costs and Remedies of Corruption.Prof Isabel Garcia - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (2):211-218.
    _The serpent of corruption slithers through societies, injecting its venom into the veins of economies, constricting growth, and poisoning trust. This article delves into the labyrinthine terrain of corruption's economic effects, unraveling the intertwined threads of reduced efficiency, distorted markets, and undermined development. By navigating this labyrinth, we illuminate the hidden costs of graft and explore potential remedies for safeguarding economic health and fostering ethical prosperity. Charting a course towards a future free from corruption's corrosive touch requires a nuanced understanding (...)
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  40. Aspectos de la ciencia aplicada en la Espana del Siglo de Oro.M. Isabel Vicente Maroto, Mariano Esteban Pinero & K. Van Cleempoel - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):311-311.
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  41. Dementia, autonomy and guardianship for the old.Margaret Isabel Hall - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron (eds.), The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Les Belles Images: Annonciatrices "de la rupture du discours maître".María Isabel Corbí Saéz - 2009 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 25 (1):20-30.
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    Un-knowing what the law is.Katharina Isabel Schmidt - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (4):533-540.
    Somek’s Knowing What the Law Is makes for an unusually diverting read. Containing both skilful syntheses of complex texts and novel takes on contentious matters, it re-awakened my interest in legal...
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    The Ripple Effect: When Leader Self-Group Distancing Responses Affect Subordinate Career Trajectories.Hannah Kremer, Isabel Villamor & Margaret Ormiston - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (4):813-829.
    As women advance into leadership roles, the gender discrimination they face is a pressing issue that demands attention from a business ethics perspective. This paper considers the downstream consequences of such gender discrimination on their subordinates. Previous research indicates that women leaders in male-dominated organizations often face gender bias, which may prompt them to distance themselves from their gender identity as a coping mechanism (self-group distancing behavior). By integrating concepts from management, psychology, and business ethics, we investigate the following research (...)
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    História ausente é História esquecida? - análise do currículo oficial para o Ensino Básico português.Ana Isabel Moreira & Pedro Duarte Pereira - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:1-14.
    Este trabalho tem como principal foco de análise o currículo oficial português relacionado com a componente de História, para o Ensino Básico, em particular as ausências que aí mais sobressaem. Estas podem relacionar-se com os conhecimentos substantivos que se apartam da abordagem preconizada por variadas razões (passados incómodos? temas difíceis? grupos não poderosos? …) ou com as competências de pensamento histórico (multiperspetiva, significância, causalidade, empatia, …) que parecem ter sido esquecidas quando se estruturou certo percurso de aprendizagem para estudantes com (...)
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  46. Fondos de inversión éticos, ecológicos y socialmente responsables en Europa (1999-2007).Luis Ferruz Agudo, Isabel Marco Sanjuán & Fernando Muñoz Sánchez - 2009 - Aposta 41:4.
    The main objective of this piece of work is to reflect upon the evolution of the socially responsible mutual funds industry in Europe over the recent years. In order to do this, we shall analyse the evolution of the number of ethical funds offered, the growth of its assets, its size, the typology of commercialised funds, and the main companies included in its investment portfolios, showing the importance that socially responsible mutual funds are gaining in Europe over these first few (...)
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    Demystify Before Taking: A Conveniently De‑Romanticized View of Andalusia in Chris Stewart’s Driving Over Lemons: An Optimist in Andalucia.Isabel M.ª Andrés Cuevas - 2014 - Iris 35:117-122.
    Chris Stewart’s account of his experiences after purchasing a farm in Andalusia, in an isolated farmhouse in the mountains adjacent to Granada, are far from the traditionally bucolic depictions of a pastoral landscape, in which the drawbacks of agricultural life become unquestionably compensated by the bliss of life in nature. Even though, as the title indicates, he seems to be a born romantic and optimist, undefeated by the inconveniences of a life without the everyday commodities of a First-World country in (...)
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  48. La religiosidad de Wittgenstein.María Isabel Cabrera Bosch - 2008 - Dianoia 53 (61):149-168.
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    Bioderecho internacional y universalización: el papel de las organizaciones y los tribunales internacionales = International biolaw and universality: the role of international organizations and international courts.Torres Cazorla & María Isabel (eds.) - 2020 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  50. Revista FACES Estudios Venezolanos de Comunicación Universidad de Carabobo, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales Carabobo-Venezuela Volumen XVIII. Nº 2. julio-diciembre 2007.Magda Cejas & María Isabel - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (2):255-257.
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