Results for 'Ira Clark'

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  1.  54
    Effects of an auditory signal on visual reaction time.Ira H. Bernstein, Mark H. Clark & Barry A. Edelstein - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):567.
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    Intermodal effects in choice reaction time.Ira H. Bernstein, Mark H. Clark & Barry A. Edelstein - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):405.
  3.  25
    “I am in favour of organ donation, but I feel you should opt-in”—qualitative analysis of the #options 2020 survey free-text responses from NHS staff toward opt-out organ donation legislation in England.Natalie L. Clark, Dorothy Coe, Natasha Newell, Mark N. A. Jones, Matthew Robb, David Reaich & Caroline Wroe - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Background In May 2020, England moved to an opt-out organ donation system, meaning adults are presumed to be an organ donor unless within an excluded group or have opted-out. This change aims to improve organ donation rates following brain or circulatory death. Healthcare staff in the UK are supportive of organ donation, however, both healthcare staff and the public have raised concerns and ethical issues regarding the change. The #options survey was completed by NHS organisations with the aim of understanding (...)
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    The Sovereignty of Quiet: Beyond Resistance in Black Culture by Kevin Quashie (review).Clark Davis - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (3):578-578.
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    Grammaticality, Acceptability, and Probability: A Probabilistic View of Linguistic Knowledge.Lau Jey Han, Clark Alexander & Lappin Shalom - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1202-1241.
    The question of whether humans represent grammatical knowledge as a binary condition on membership in a set of well-formed sentences, or as a probabilistic property has been the subject of debate among linguists, psychologists, and cognitive scientists for many decades. Acceptability judgments present a serious problem for both classical binary and probabilistic theories of grammaticality. These judgements are gradient in nature, and so cannot be directly accommodated in a binary formal grammar. However, it is also not possible to simply reduce (...)
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    The sustainability of ideals, values and the nursing mandate: evidence from a longitudinal qualitative study.Jill Maben, Sue Latter & Jill Macleod Clark - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):99-113.
    This article reports on research that examines newly qualified UK nurses’ experiences of implementing their ideals and values in contemporary nursing practice. Findings are presented from questionnaire and interview data from a longitudinal interpretive study of nurses’ trajectories over time. On qualification nurses emerged with a coherent and strong set of espoused ideals around delivering high quality, patient‐centred, holistic and evidence‐based care. These were consistent with the current UK nursing mandate and had been transmitted and reinforced throughout their ‘prequalification’ programmes. (...)
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  7. Assessment of the ways students generate arguments in science education: Current perspectives and recommendations for future directions.Victor Sampson & Douglas B. Clark - 2008 - Science Education 92 (3):447-472.
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    Foundations of Space-Time Theories: Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science.John Earman, Clark N. Glymour & John J. Stachel (eds.) - 1974 - University of Minnesota Press.
    Some Philosophical Prehistory of General Relativity As history, my remarks will form rather a medley. If they can claim any sort of unity (apart from a ...
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    Social Anxiety and Attention away from Emotional Faces.Warren Mansell, David M. Clark, Anke Ehlers & Yi-Ping Chen - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (6):673-690.
  10. Lost in the tensors: Einstein's struggles with covariance principles 1912–1916.John Earman & Clark Glymour - 1978 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 9 (4):251-278.
  11.  62
    What Is Going on Inside the Arrows? Discovering the Hidden Springs in Causal Models.Alexander Murray-Watters & Clark Glymour - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):556-586.
    Using Gebharter’s representation, we consider aspects of the problem of discovering the structure of unmeasured submechanisms when the variables in those submechanisms have not been measured. Exploiting an early insight of Sober’s, we provide a correct algorithm for identifying latent, endogenous structure—submechanisms—for a restricted class of structures. The algorithm can be merged with other methods for discovering causal relations among unmeasured variables, and feedback relations between measured variables and unobserved causes can sometimes be learned.
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    Pressure ulcer prevalence in Europe: a pilot study.Katrien Vanderwee, Michael Clark, Carol Dealey, Lena Gunningberg & Tom Defloor - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (2):227-235.
  13.  49
    Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of ModernismModernism's History: A Study in Twentieth-Century Art.Elizabeth Mansfield, T. J. Clark & Bernard Smith - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (4):411.
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    Authenticity and Corporate Governance.Erica Steckler & Cynthia Clark - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):951-963.
    Although personal attributes have gained recognition as an important area of effective corporate governance, scholarship has largely overlooked the value and implications of individual virtue in governance practice. We explore how authenticity—a personal and morally significant virtue—affects the primary monitoring and strategy functions of the board of directors as well as core processes concerning director selection, cultivation, and enactment by the board. While the predominant focus in corporate governance research has been on structural factors that influence firm financial outcomes, this (...)
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    Private Equity and the Public Good.Kevin Morrell & Ian Clark - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (2):249 - 263.
    The dominance of agency theory can reduce our collective scope to analyse private equity in all its diversity and depth. We contribute to theorisation of private equity by developing a contrasting perspective that draws on a rich tradition of virtue ethics. In doing so, we juxtapose 'private equity' with 'public good' to develop points of rhetorical and analytical contrast. We develop a typology differentiating various forms of private equity, and focus on the 'take private' form. These takeovers are where private (...)
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  16.  66
    A Sociology of Sociology.Donald Clark Hodges - 1971 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 32 (1):120-121.
  17.  54
    Predicting End-of-Life Treatment Preferences: Perils and Practicalities.P. H. Ditto & C. J. Clark - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (2):196-204.
    Rid and Wendler propose the development of a Patient Preference Predictor (PPP), an actuarial model for predicting incapacitated patient’s life-sustaining treatment preferences across a wide range of end-of-life scenarios. An actuarial approach to end-of-life decision making has enormous potential, but transferring the logic of actuarial prediction to end-of-life decision making raises several conceptual complexities and logistical problems that need further consideration. Actuarial models have proven effective in targeted prediction tasks, but no evidence supports their effectiveness in the kind of broad (...)
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  18. Moral Injury and Relational Harm: Analyzing Rape in Darfur.Sarah Clark Miller - 2009 - Journal of Social Philosophy 40 (4):504-523.
    Rather than focusing on the legal and political questions that surround genocidal rape, in this paper I treat a vital area of inquiry that has received much less attention: the moral significance of genocidal rape. My aim is to augment existing moral accounts of rape in order to address the specific contexts of genocidal rape. I move beyond understanding rape primarily as a violation of an individual's interests or agential abilities. The account I offer builds on these approaches (as well (...)
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  19. If quanta had logic.Michael Friedman & Clark Glymour - 1972 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (1):16 - 28.
  20. A role for doctors in assisted dying? An analysis of legal regulations and medical professional positions in six European countries.G. Bosshard, B. Broeckaert, D. Clark, L. J. Materstvedt, B. Gordijn & H. C. Muller-Busch - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):28-32.
    Objectives: To analyse legislation and medical professional positions concerning the doctor’s role in assisted dying in western Europe, and to discuss their implications for doctors.Method: This paper is based on country-specific reports by experts from European countries where assisted dying is legalised , or openly practiced , or where it is illegal .Results: Laws on assisted dying in The Netherlands and Belgium are restricted to doctors. In principle, assisted suicide is not illegal in either Germany or Switzerland, but a doctor’s (...)
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  21.  18
    The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science.Willis W. Harman & Jane Clark (eds.) - 1994 - Ions.
  22.  48
    Aristotle's Man.Martha Nussbaum & Stephen R. L. Clark - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (2):241.
  23.  43
    “Tears of joy” & “smiles of joy” prompt distinct patterns of interpersonal emotion regulation.Oriana R. Aragón & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):913-940.
    ABSTRACTClose relationship partners often respond to happiness expressed through smiles with capitalization, i.e. they join in attempting to up-regulate and prolong the individual’s positive emotion, and they often respond to crying with interpersonal down-regulation of negative emotions, attempting to dampen the negative emotions. We investigated how people responded when happiness was expressed through tears, an expression termed dimorphous. We hypothesised that the physical expression of crying would prompt interpersonal down-regulation of emotion when the onlooker perceived that the expresser was experiencing (...)
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  24.  21
    Words Matter in the Lives of Transgender Youth: Response to “Family Discordance Regarding Fertility Preservation for a Transgender Teen: An Ethical Case Study”.Alice Virani & Beth A. Clark - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (3):297-298.
  25.  42
    Extending Hospitality: Giving Space, Taking Time.Mustafa Dikeç, Nigel Clark & Clive Barnett - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (1):1-14.
    The recent revival of the theme of hospitality in the humanities and social sciences reflects a shared concern with issues of belonging, identity and placement that arises out of the experience of globalized social life. In this context, migration — or spatial dislocation and relocation — is often equated with demands for hospitality. There is a need to engage more carefully with the ‘proximities’ that prompt acts of hospitality and inhospitality; to attend more closely to their spatial and temporal dimensions. (...)
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    Editorial.John Earman, Clark Glymour & Sandra Mitchell - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):277-280.
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    Hans Reichenbach's probability logic.Frederick Eberhardt & Clark Glymour - 2004 - In Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods & Akihiro Kanamori, Handbook of the history of logic. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 10--357.
  28.  56
    The Moral Meanings of Miscarriage.Sarah Clark Miller - 2015 - Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (1):141-157.
    In this article, I seek to address an aspect of the general inattention to miscarriage by examining a pressing topic: the moral meanings of pregnancy loss. I focus primarily on the import of such meanings for women in their ethical relationship with themselves, while also finding significant the meaning of miscarriage in community, that is, for our shared moral lives. Exploring miscarriage as a moral phenomenon is critical for figuring out miscarriage’s impact on our ethical self-conception—on how we understand ourselves (...)
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    A patient and relative centred evaluation of treatment escalation plans: a replacement for the do-not-resuscitate process.L. Obolensky, T. Clark, G. Matthew & M. Mercer - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):518-520.
    The Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP) was introduced into our trust in an attempt to improve patient involvement and experience of their treatment in hospital and to embrace and clarify a wider remit of treatment options than the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order currently offers. Our experience suggests that the patient and family are rarely engaged in DNR discussions. This is acutely relevant considering that the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) now obliges these discussions to take place. The TEP is a form (...)
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    Earthing the Anthropos? From ‘socializing the Anthropocene’ to geologizing the social.Yasmin Gunaratnam & Nigel Clark - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):146-163.
    Responding to claims of Anthropocene geoscience that humans are now geological agents, social scientists are calling for renewed attention to the social, cultural, political and historical differentiation of the Anthropos. But does this leave critical social thought’s own key concepts and categories unperturbed by the Anthropocene provocation to think through dynamic earth processes? Can we ‘socialize the Anthropocene’ without also opening ‘the social’ to climate, geology and earth system change? Revisiting the earth science behind the Anthropocene thesis and drawing on (...)
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  31. A Kantian Ethic of Care?Sarah Clark Miller - 2005 - In Barbara S. Andrew, Jean Clare Keller & Lisa H. Schwartzman, Feminist Interventions in Ethics and Politics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this essay, I develop the duty to care. I argue that certain needs do require a moral response. Under the duty to care, moral individuals must act so as to bolster and safeguard the agency of those in need. Substantively, the duty to care features five qualities. It endorses a wide variety of forms of care. It does not demand that caretakers feel certain emotions for their charges. It places limits on the extent of self-sacrifice involved in meeting others’’ (...)
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    J. Reuben Clark: Selected Papers on Americanism and National Affairs.J. Reuben Clark & David H. Yarn - 1987 - Deseret Book Company.
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    La contribution de Stephen Clark à la philosophie sur Internet.Stephen Clark - 1996 - Horizons Philosophiques 6 (2):95.
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  34. Measuring Gradience in Speakers' Grammaticality Judgements.Jey Han Lau, Alexander Clark & Shalom Lappin - unknown
    The question of whether grammaticality is a binary categorical or a gradient property has been the subject of ongoing debate in linguistics and psychology for many years. Linguists have tended to use constructed examples to test speakers’ judgements on specific sorts of constraint violation. We applied machine translation to randomly selected subsets of the British National Corpus (BNC) to generate a large test set which contains well-formed English source sentences, and sentences that exhibit a wide variety of grammatical infelicities. We (...)
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    The Critical Appraisal of Scientific Inquiries with Policy Implications.Giandomenico Majone & William C. Clark - 1985 - Science, Technology and Human Values 10 (3):6-19.
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    N − 1 Experiments Suffice to Determine the Causal Relations Among N Variables.Frederick Eberhardt, Clark Glymour & Richard Scheines - unknown
    By combining experimental interventions with search procedures for graphical causal models we show that under familiar assumptions, with perfect data, N - 1 experiments suffice to determine the causal relations among N > 2 variables when each experiment randomizes at most one variable. We show the same bound holds for adaptive learners, but does not hold for N > 4 when each experiment can simultaneously randomize more than one variable. This bound provides a type of ideal for the measure of (...)
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  37. The structure of the brain and the process of thinking.W. E. Le Gros Clark - 1950 - In Peter Laslett, The Physical Basis Of Mind. Ny: Macmillan.
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    A Questão do Reajuste Anual dos Servidores Públicos em face da Omissão Legislativa.Maria Jocélia Nogueira Lima & Giovani Clark - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):159-175.
    O trabalho tem como objeto o exame da questão da omissão legislativa dos entes federativos quanto aos reajustes anuais dos servidores públicos e as suas consequências quanto à aplicação do artigo 37, X da Constituição brasileira de 1988, bem como o cabimento ou não de responsabilização civil desses entes da federação face à referida omissão. A pesquisa é eminentemente documental, estribando-se na doutrina, legislação e jurisprudência pátria, possuindo como marco teórico os ensinamentos sobre a Regra da Indexação do Prof. Washington (...)
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    Prepositions aren't places.Barbara Tversky & Herbert H. Clark - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):252-253.
  40.  19
    Late antique epistemology: other ways to truth.Panayiota Vassilopoulou & Stephen R. L. Clark (eds.) - 2009 - Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Late Antique Epistemology explores the techniques used by late antique philosophers to discuss truth. Non-rational ways to discover truth, or to reform the soul, have usually been thought inferior to the philosophically approved techniques of rational argument, suitable for the less philosophically inclined, for children, savages or the uneducated. Religious rituals, oracles, erotic passion, madness may all have served to waken courage or remind us of realities obscured by everyday concerns. What is unusual in the late antique classical philosophers is (...)
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    Labioplasty in girls under 18 years of age: an unethical procedure?S. Boraei, C. Clark & L. Frith - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):37-41.
    Labioplasty is a surgical procedure performed to alter the size and shape of the labia minora. The reasons for women requesting this procedure remain largely unknown and recently girls and young women under the age of 18 years have been requesting this type of surgery. This paper examines the ethical acceptability of performing this procedure on under 18s. We will first discuss whether labioplasty can be considered to be a therapeutic technique. We will claim that, while it is difficult to (...)
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    The Absence of a Gap between Facts and Values.Mary Midgley & Stephen R. L. Clark - 1980 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 54 (1):207 - 240.
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    Theory discovery from data with mixed quantifiers.Kevin T. Kelly & Clark Glymour - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 19 (1):1 - 33.
    Convergent realists desire scientific methods that converge reliably to informative, true theories over a wide range of theoretical possibilities. Much attention has been paid to the problem of induction from quantifier-free data. In this paper, we employ the techniques of formal learning theory and model theory to explore the reliable inference of theories from data containing alternating quantifiers. We obtain a hierarchy of inductive problems depending on the quantifier prefix complexity of the formulas that constitute the data, and we provide (...)
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  44. Single-cue delay eyeblink conditioning is unrelated to awareness.Joseph R. Manns, Robert E. Clark & Larry R. Squire - 2001 - Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 1 (2):192-198.
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    Using critical realism in nursing and health research: promise and challenges.Jan E. Angus & Alexander M. Clark - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (1):1-3.
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    An ancient pessimist.J. Clark Murray - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2 (1):24-34.
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    The idealism of Spinoza.J. Clark Murray - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5 (5):473-488.
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    Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory.Tilottama Rajan & David L. Clark (eds.) - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a study of the relationship between postmodernism and post-enlightenment German thought reading the contemporary theoretical scene through its nineteenth-century counterpart and examining the intersections.
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  49. Examining the Hayek-Friedman hypothesis on economic and political freedom.R. A. Lawson & J. R. Clark - 2010 - Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 74:230–239.
  50.  23
    A Handbook of Christian Ethics.J. Clark Murray - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18 (5):549-552.
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