Results for 'Inés Yujnovsky'

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  1.  10
    (1 other version)Reseña de Indígenas en la Argentina. Fotografías 1860-1970, de Mariana Giordano. Editorial Artenauta, Buenos Aires, 2012; 168 páginas, ISBN: 978-987-24435-3-5. [REVIEW]Inés Yujnovsky - 2012 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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  2. Is the free-energy principle a formal theory of semantics? From variational density dynamics to neural and phenotypic representations.Inês Hipólito, Maxwell Ramstead & Karl Friston - 2020 - Entropy 1 (1):1-30.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to assess whether the construct of neural representations plays an explanatory role under the variational free-energy principle and its corollary process theory, active inference; and (2) if so, to assess which philosophical stance - in relation to the ontological and epistemological status of representations - is most appropriate. We focus on non-realist (deflationary and fictionalist-instrumentalist) approaches. We consider a deflationary account of mental representation, according to which the explanatorily relevant contents of neural (...)
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  3. “A História do Futuro”“The History of the Future”: Jesuit Mobile Prophecies from Naples to India to Brazil.Inês Zupanov - 2007 - Cultura:119-154.
    Através de uma leitura densa das fontes hagiográficas jesuítas que celebraram a vida de um jesuíta napolitano, Marcelo Mastrilli (1603-1637), procuro mostrar que as visões e narrativas proféticas foram importantes lugares de comunicação social, memória colectiva e mobilização política. O reposicionamento profético foi uma linguagem específica da tecnologia do eu, a partir da qual o sujeito fabricava a sua própria identidade, dentro e contra os limites externos da autoridade e das instituições. Marcelo Mastrilli – que viajou pela Itália, Espanha, Portugal, (...)
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  4. Enactive-Dynamic Social Cognition and Active Inference.Inês Hipólito & Thomas van Es - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This aim of this paper is two-fold: it critically analyses and rejects accounts blending active inference as theory of mind and enactivism; and it advances an enactivist-dynamic understanding of social cognition that is compatible with active inference. While some social cognition theories seemingly take an enactive perspective on social cognition, they explain it as the attribution of mental states to other people, by assuming representational structures, in line with the classic Theory of Mind. Holding both enactivism and ToM, we argue, (...)
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    The Phylogenetic Foundations of Discourse Coherence: A Pragmatic Account of the Evolution of Language.Ines Adornetti - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):421-441.
    In this paper we propose a pragmatic approach to the evolution of language based on analysis of a particular element of human communication: discourse coherence. We show that coherence is essential for effective communication. Through analysis of a collection of neuropsychological and neurolinguistic studies, we maintain that the proper functioning of executive processes responsible for planning and executing actions plays a key role in the construction of coherent discourses. Studies that tested the discursive and conversational abilities of bonobos have showed (...)
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  6. Hilbert 24th problem.Inês Hipólito & Reinhard Kahle - 2019 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 1 (Notion of Simple Proof).
    In 2000, Rüdiger Thiele [1] found in a notebook of David Hilbert, kept in Hilbert's Nachlass at the University of Göttingen, a small note concerning a 24th problem. As Hilbert wrote, he had considered including this problem in his famous problem list for the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in 1900.
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    Admiration and adoration: Their different ways of showing and shaping who we are.Ines Schindler, Veronika Zink, Johannes Windrich & Winfried Menninghaus - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):85-118.
    Admiration and adoration have been considered as emotions with the power to change people, yet our knowledge of the specific nature and function of these emotions is quite limited. From an interdisciplinary perspective, we present a prototype approach to admiration and what has variously been labelled adoration, worship, or reverence. Both admiration and adoration contribute to the formation of personal and collective ideals, values, and identities, but their workings differ. We offer a detailed theoretical account of commonalities and differences in (...)
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  8.  24
    Making Tools and Planning Discourse: the Role of Executive Functions in the Origin of Language.Ines Adornetti - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    In this article we propose that executive functions play a key role in the origin of language. Our proposal is based on the methodological assumption that some of the cognitive systems involved in language functioning are also involved in its phylogenetic origin. In this regard, we demonstrate that a key property of language functioning is discourse coherence. Such property is not dependent on grammatical elements but rather is processed by cognitive systems that are not specific for language, namely the executive (...)
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  9. The experiment with the burning candle: what pupils remember one year later and what they think after seeing it again.Ines Nuic, Meliha Zejnilagic-Hajric, Josip Slisko & Ines Javornicki - 2012 - In Silvija Markic, Ingo Eilks, David Di Fuccia & Bernd Ralle (eds.), Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21st Symposium on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, May 17-19, 2012. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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    Linking admiration and adoration to self-expansion: Different ways to enhance one's potential.Ines Schindler, Juliane Paech & Fabian Löwenbrück - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):292-310.
    How is admiration different from adoration? We provided one answer to this question by examining the pathways through which admiration and adoration linked to self-expansion in a questionnaire and an experimental (autobiographical recall of emotion episodes) study. Both emotions were associated with increased potential efficacy to accomplish goals (i.e., self-expansion), but different action tendencies accounted for these links. While our emotion inductions did not successfully distinguish between admiration and adoration, we could statistically disentangle their effects through mediator models. In both (...)
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  11.  24
    Retrieval-induced forgetting after trauma: A study with victims of sexual assault.Ines Blix & Tim Brennen - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (2):321-331.
  12.  37
    Reflections on different governance styles in regulating science: a contribution to ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’.Ine Hoyweghen, Jessica Mesman, David Townend & Laurens Landeweerd - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-22.
    In European science and technology policy, various styles have been developed and institutionalised to govern the ethical challenges of science and technology innovations. In this paper, we give an account of the most dominant styles of the past 30 years, particularly in Europe, seeking to show their specific merits and problems. We focus on three styles of governance: a technocratic style, an applied ethics style, and a public participation style. We discuss their merits and deficits, and use this analysis to (...)
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    El trabajo remunerado de las mujeres y su impacto en la vida familiar.Inés Alberdi - 2003 - Arbor 176 (694):195-238.
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  14. Valores y conocimiento matemático: la belleza matemática.Inés María Gómez Chacón - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:285-306.
    En estos últimos años es reconocida la influencia de la dimensión emocional en el desarrollo del aprendizaje en el aula. Sin embargo, parece necesario un mayor desarrollo de los descriptores básicos: actitudes, emociones, creencias y valores en disciplinas concretas. El artículo aborda el tema de los valores y actitudes de las Matemáticas y de forma específica el valor de la belleza. Se argumenta sobre la importancia del juicio estético como una componente importante en el buen resolutor de problemas, explicitando sus (...)
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    Online Fault Detection Approach of Unpredictable Inputs: Application to Handwriting System.Ines Chihi & Mohamed Benrejeb - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    Etiche e filosofie della vita: studi in onore di Giambattista Vaccaro.Ines Crispini, Luca Lupo & G. Battista Vaccaro (eds.) - 2018 - Napoli: Guida editori.
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    Scheler e la filosofia trascendentale Kantiana.Ines Crispini - 1988 - Idee 7:157-165.
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  18. Kriminalaffe: Sultan at the Dole Office.Ines Doujak & John Barker - 2015 - Continent 4 (4).
    After committing the original sin in paradise, mankind was forced to work for a living. After that only lazy scoundrels like apes have gotten away without needing to work. Later, the rise of capitalism and the co-occurrence of slaves, workers and citizens demanded scientific theories of racial hierarchy. These taxonomies of racialized social structure were never abandoned: in 2011, the media still referred to the London rioters as ‘apes’.
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    Parteipresse und Presselandschaft in der Autonomiezeit 1945-1955.Ines Heisig - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.), Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 373-408.
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    Hardships in Italian Prisons During the COVID-19 Emergency: The Experience of Healthcare Personnel.Ines Testoni, Giada Francioli, Gianmarco Biancalani, Sandro Libianchi & Hod Orkibi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deficiencies that characterize the functioning of the Italian national health system. Prisons have always mirrored the most radical expressions of these weaknesses. During the early stages of the pandemic, prison facilities across Italy underwent a series of changes dictated by the need to ensure the safety of the prisoners and staff. The adoption of these rules contributed to a total or partial redefinition of many central facets of life in prison, such as (...)
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  21. Perception Is Not Always and Everywhere Inferential.Inês Hipólito - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (2):184-188.
    This paper argues that it is possible to embrace the predictive processing framework (PP) without reducing affordances to inferential perception. The cognitivist account of PP contends that it can capture relational perception, such as affordances. The rationale for this claim is that over time, sensory data becomes highly-weighted. This paper, however, will show the inconsistency of this claim in the face of the cognitivist premise that ‘encapsulated’ models can throw away ‘the body, the world, or other people’ [Hohwy 2016: 265]. (...)
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  22.  56
    Socialism and Empire: Labor Mobility, Racial Capitalism, and the Political Theory of Migration.Inés Valdez - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (6):902-933.
    This essay brings together political theories of empire and racial capitalism to clarify the entanglements between socialist and imperial discourse at the turn of the twentieth century. I show that white labor activists and intellectuals in the United States and the British settler colonies borrowed from imperial scripts to mark non-white workers as a threat. This discourse was thus both imperial and popular, because it absorbed the white working class into settler projects and enlisted its support in defense of imperial (...)
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  23.  20
    Arte e a Educação Física No Ensino a Dist'ncia, Desafios e Perspectivas Enfrentados Durante a Pandemia Covid-19: Relatos de Experiências.Inês Rosad Arruda Ribeiro, Andrea Barbosa de Souza, Andreia Aparecida Pinto de Souza, Edwin Gomes de Araujo & Valdiney Pereira de Souza - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 9.
    Diante de uma crise sanitária mundial, a pandemia do COVID-19, iniciada em 2020, fez com a humanidade se reorganizasse, entrando em uma nova era. Os órgãos de saúde competentes, juntamente com as nações, expuseram suas preocupações, editando decretos e normativas a serem seguidas, com medidas rigorosas de isolamento social. E a Educação foi uma das áreas mais afetadas, por ser um dos pilares mais importante na sociedade moderna. A rotina que antes era totalmente presencial, passou a ser a distância, novas (...)
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  24. Toward a Narrow Cosmopolitanism: Kant’s Anthropology, Racialized Character and the Construction of Europe.Inés Valdez - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (4):593-613.
    This article explores the distinctions among European peoples’ character established in Kant’s anthropology and their connection with his politics. These aspects are neglected relative to the analysis of race between Europeans and non-Europeans, but Kant’s anthropological works portray the people of Mediterranean Europe as not capable of civilization because of the dominance of passion in their faculty of desire, which he ties to ‘Oriental’ influences in blood or government. Kant then superimposes this racialized anthropology over the historical geopolitics of Europe, (...)
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    La cristianización del la Rus' kievita según "El relato de los años pasados".García de la Puente Inés - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:63-73.
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    A tale of prosperity. Asia Minor in the Theodosian period.Ine Jacobs - 2012 - Byzantion 82.
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    “Food Addiction” in Patients with Eating Disorders is Associated with Negative Urgency and Difficulties to Focus on Long-Term Goals.Ines Wolz, Ines Hilker, Roser Granero, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Ashley N. Gearhardt, Carlos Dieguez, Felipe F. Casanueva, Ana B. Crujeiras, José M. Menchón & Fernando Fernández-Aranda - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Is Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Threatened to Fall Short of its Own Principles and Possibilities as a Dialectical Social Science?Ines Langemeyer & Wolf-Michael Roth - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (2):20-42.
    In recent years, many researchers engaged in diverse areas and approaches of “cultural-historical activity theory” (CHAT) realized an increasing international interest in Lev S. Vygotsky’s, A. N. Leont’ev’s, and A. Luria’s work and its continuations. Not so long ago, Yrjö Engeström noted that the activity approach was still “the best-held secret of academia” (p. 64) and highlighted the “impressive dimension of theorizing behind” it. Certainly, this remark reflects a time when CHAT was off the beaten tracks. But if this situation (...)
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    Psychodrama and Moviemaking in a Death Education Course to Work Through a Case of Suicide Among High School Students in Italy.Ines Testoni, Lucia Ronconi, Lorenza Palazzo, Michele Galgani, Antonio Stizzi & Kate Kirk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Cosmopolitanism Without National Consciousness is not Radical.Inés Valdez - 2021 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 1 (2):283-296.
    In this essay, I engage with the methodological contributions and original readings of Fanon and Rousseau contained in Jane Anna Gordon’s Creolizing Political Theory. I build upon one insight in particular––Gordon’s illuminating joint reading of Rousseau’s general will and Fanon’s national consciousness—in order to reflect on Fanon’s ambivalence about Pan-Africanism. In this task, I engage with W.E.B. Du Bois’s transnational thinking in order to parse out the tensions as well as the reciprocal relation between national consciousness and transnational or cosmopolitan (...)
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    Mitigating product placement effects induced by repeated exposure: Testing the effects of existing textual disclosures in children’s movies on disclosure awareness.Ines Spielvogel, Alice Binder & Jörg Matthes - forthcoming - Communications.
    In certain cases, children can react strongly in favor of product placements inserted in movies. Scholars therefore argue that existing disclosures might be one strategy in protecting children from any negative effects. However, disclosure research indicates that viewers should both notice disclosures and, in cases of textual cues, read them. We conducted an experiment with 139 children (Mage = 8.46; SD = 1.12; girls = 53.2 %) and tested the influence of textual disclosure format on disclosure awareness as well as (...)
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    Kant on the Human Animal: Anthropology, Ethics, Race, written by David Baumeister.Inês Salgueiro - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (1-2):218-221.
  33. Emotion regulation in disordered eating: Psychometric properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale among Spanish adults and its interrelations with personality and clinical severity.Ines Wolz, Zaida Agüera, Roser Granero, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Kim L. Gratz, José M. Menchón & Fernando Fernández-Aranda - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Enseñanza del pensamiento crítico entendida por un grupo de formadores de maestros/as.Inés M. Bargiela, Paloma Blanco Anaya & Blanca Puig - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-11.
    El pensamiento crítico es uno de los objetivos generales de la educación, pero poco se conoce acerca de cómo se puede trasladar al aula. Este estudio explora la conceptualización de pensamiento crítico de los formadores/as de maestros/as y los ambientes de aprendizaje que diseñados para promoverlo. Se analizaron cinco entrevistas semiestructuradas a formadores/as de maestros/as mediante análisis de contenido. Los resultados mostraron que el pensamiento crítico se aborda implícitamente fomentando un aprendizaje activo contextualizado en problemas de la vida real. Este (...)
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  35. The narrative self in schizophrenia and its cognitive underpinnings.Ines Adornetti & Francesco Ferretti - 2021 - In Valentina Cardella & Amelia Gangemi (eds.), Psychopathology and Philosophy of Mind: What Mental Disorders Can Tell Us About Our Minds. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Why Philosophical Pragmatics Needs Clinical Pragmatics.Ines Adornetti - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (23).
    This paper aims to show how clinical pragmatics can fruitfully inform the classical theoretical models proposed by philosophical pragmatics. In the first part of the paper I argue that theories proposed in the domain of philosophical pragmatics, as those elaborated by Austin and Grice, are not plausible from a cognitive point of view and that for this reason they cannot be useful to understand pragmatic deficits. In the second part, I show that Relevance Theory overcomes this limitation, but I also (...)
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  37. Matemáticas "Aquí y en otro lugar".Inés María Gómez Chacón - 2008 - Critica 58 (956):53-57.
    La relación de la matemática con la realidad es una cuestión que ha interesado desde siempre a los matemáticos y a los profesores de matemáticas, unas veces se establece esta relación desde la historia, otras para motivar a los alumnos (y responder a la famosa cuestión "para qué sirven las matemáticas") o para situar la construcción de conceptos matemáticos y sus significado en experiencias concretas y en conexión con otras disciplinas y, otras veces, a través de los estudios internacionales comparativos (...)
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    Tra corpo e anima: riflessioni sulla natura umana da Kant a Plessner.Ines Crispini - 2004 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    Das temporale Imaginäre: zum Chronotopos als Paradigma literaturästhetischer Eigenzeiten.Ines Detmers - 2016 - Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag. Edited by Michael Ostheimer.
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  40. En mis manos.M. Dora Inés Munévar - 2007 - In M. Munévar & Dora Inés (eds.), Artes viv(id)as: despliegues en la vida cotidiana. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Dirección de Investigación.
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    Childhood and the politics of memory in Argentina.Ines Dussel - 2001 - In Kenneth Hultqvist & Gunilla Dahlberg (eds.), Governing the Child in the New Millennium. Routledge. pp. 193--220.
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  42. Cognition Without Neural Representation: Dynamics of a Complex System.Inês Hipólito - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper proposes an account of neurocognitive activity without leveraging the notion of neural representation. Neural representation is a concept that results from assuming that the properties of the models used in computational cognitive neuroscience must literally exist the system being modelled. Computational models are important tools to test a theory about how the collected data has been generated. While the usefulness of computational models is unquestionable, it does not follow that neurocognitive activity should literally entail the properties construed in (...)
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    Metaphor and contextual coherence: it’s a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    Free-energy pragmatics: Markov blankets don't prescribe objective ontology, and that's okay.Inês Hipólito & Thomas van Es - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e198.
    We target the ontological and epistemological ramifications of the proposed distinction between Friston and Pearl blankets. We emphasize the need for empirical testing next to computational modeling. A peculiar aspect of the free energy principle (FEP) is its purported support of radically opposed ontologies of the mind. In our view, the objective ontological aspiration itself should be rejected for a pragmatic instrumentalist view.
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    The Dividends of Democracy’s Destruction: Surplus, Ideology, and Militarism in the Turn to Empire in Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction.Inés Valdez - 2024 - The Monist 107 (1):57-68.
    This paper offers an original reading of Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction that highlights how the knock down effects from Reconstruction’s failures contributed to the U.S. imperial trajectory. The coalition between the industrial North, Southern landowners, and white workers ended the promise of racial emancipation advanced by Black freedmen and the Freedmen’s Bureau. The gains from the resubjection of Black freedmen and women; the development of a national identity based racial hierarchy and an attachment to material wealth, and the racialized militarism (...)
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    Godel on the mathematician's mind and Turing Machine.Inês Hipólito - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-11.
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    The Mind-Technology Problem : Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts.Inês Hipólito, Robert William Clowes & Klaus Gärtner (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited book deepens the engagement between 21st century philosophy of mind and the emerging technologies which are transforming our environment. Many new technologies appear to have important implications for the human mind, the nature of our cognition, our sense of identity and even perhaps what we think human beings are. They prompt questions such as: Would an uploaded mind be 'me'? Does our reliance on smart phones, or wearable gadgets enhance or diminish the human mind? and: How does our (...)
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    Great apes and children infer causal relations from patterns of variation and covariation.Christoph J. Völter, Inés Sentís & Josep Call - 2016 - Cognition 155 (C):30-43.
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    Consumer ethics: An extensive bibliometric review (1995–2021).Inés Küster & Natalia Vila - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1150-1169.
    Nowadays, consumer ethics represents a relevant field of review. There have been some attempts to conduct literature reviews; however, these have been few and incomplete. For this reason, this paper follows two main objectives: (1) to develop a performance analysis to measure the impact/perceptibility of academic production on consumer ethics (most cited authors, journals and themes) and (2) to visually present the scientific structure by themes of research in consumer ethics as well as its evolution along time. Using SciMAT software, (...)
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    Le afasie di Broca e di Wernicke alla luce delle moderne neuroscienze cognitive.Ines Adornetti - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (3):295-312.
    Riassunto: Al centro di questo lavoro è l’analisi di due disturbi acquisiti del linguaggio: l’afasia di Broca e l’afasia di Wernicke. Tradizionalmente, tali disturbi sono stati interpretati come deficit che colpiscono le funzioni legate, rispettivamente, alla produzione articolatoria e alla comprensione del parlato in seguito a lesioni in due specifiche regioni cerebrali: nel caso dell’afasia di Broca, la terza circonvoluzione frontale sinistra; nel caso dell’afasia di Wernicke, la porzione posteriore del giro temporale superiore sinistro. Per tale ragione, queste due regioni (...)
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