Results for 'Involution'

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  1.  27
    Ben-Ami Scharfstein.Involutional Determinism - 1988 - The Monist 71 (3).
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    Conserving involution in residuated structures.Ai-ni Hsieh & James G. Raftery - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):583-609.
    This paper establishes several algebraic embedding theorems, each of which asserts that a certain kind of residuated structure can be embedded into a richer one. In almost all cases, the original structure has a compatible involution, which must be preserved by the embedding. The results, in conjunction with previous findings, yield separative axiomatizations of the deducibility relations of various substructural formal systems having double negation and contraposition axioms. The separation theorems go somewhat further than earlier ones in the literature, (...)
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    Involutive Weak u-associative Fuzzy Logic WAuIBUL.Eunsuk Yang - 2024 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 92 (92):71-89.
    An involutive micanorm-based logic with a weak form of associativity is introduced and its finite standard completeness is addressed. More precisely, we first introduce the logic WAuIBUL as a [0, u]-continuous wau-uninorm analogue of the involutive logic IBUL. We next discuss its algebraic semantics. We then introduce involutive wau-uninorms as involutive uninorms with weak u-associativity in place of associativity and deal with related properties. We last provide finite strong standard completeness for WAuIBUL using a construction of Yang-style. -/- 약한 형식의 (...)
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    On involutive FLe-monoids.Sándor Jenei & Hiroakira Ono - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):719-738.
    The paper deals with involutive FLe-monoids, that is, commutative residuated, partially-ordered monoids with an involutive negation. Involutive FLe-monoids over lattices are exactly involutive FLe-algebras, the algebraic counterparts of the substructural logic IUL. A cone representation is given for conic involutive FLe-monoids, along with a new construction method, called twin-rotation. Some classes of finite involutive FLe-chains are classified by using the notion of rank of involutive FLe-chains, and a kind of duality is developed between positive and non-positive rank algebras. As a (...)
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    On Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus.Wojciech Buszkowski - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):157-181.
    Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus is a nonassociative version of Noncommutative Multiplicative Linear Logic, but the multiplicative constants are not admitted. InNL adds two linear negations to Nonassociative Lambek Calculus ; it is a strongly conservative extension of NL Logical aspects of computational linguistics. LNCS, vol 10054. Springer, Berlin, pp 68–84, 2016). Here we also add unary modalities satisfying the residuation law and De Morgan laws. For the resulting logic InNLm, we define and study phase spaces. We use them to prove (...)
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    Creative Involution: Bergson, Beckett, Deleuze.S. E. Gontarski - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (4):601-613.
    ‘Creative Involution’ posits something of a philosophical genealogy, a line of flight that has neither need for nor interest in the periodisation of Modernism, a line of which Beckett (even reluctantly) is part. Murphy, among others, is deterritorialised as much as Beckett's landscapes are, and so he/they become a ‘complexification’ of being that manifests itself in Beckett not as represented, representative or a representation, since so much of Beckett deals with that which cannot be uttered, known or represented, but (...)
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  7.  42
    Involutions defined by monadic terms.Renato A. Lewin - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (4):387 - 389.
    We prove that there are two involutions defined by monadic terms that characterize Monadic Algebras. We further prove that the variety of Monadic Algebras is the smallest variety of Interior Algebras where these involutions give rise to an interpretation from the variety of Bounded Distributive Lattices into it.
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    Adding involution to residuated structures.Nikolaos Galatos & James G. Raftery - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):181 - 207.
    Two constructions for adding an involution operator to residuated ordered monoids are investigated. One preserves integrality and the mingle axiom x 2x but fails to preserve the contraction property xx 2. The other has the opposite preservation properties. Both constructions preserve commutativity as well as existent nonempty meets and joins and self-dual order properties. Used in conjunction with either construction, a result of R.T. Brady can be seen to show that the equational theory of commutative distributive residuated lattices (without (...)
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  9.  15
    Involution.Ernest Hamilton - 1912 - London,: Mills & Boon.
    Excerpt from Involution The word "involution" implies a folding in towards the centre. It seems to bear a different sense to the word "concentration," inasmuch as the latter carries with it the suggestion of an organised movement directed from outside, while involution takes rather the form of an automatic convergence. The word is here used in the latter sense, and it has been chosen as the title of this book because it is the word which seems to (...)
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    Involutive Categories and Monoids, with a GNS-Correspondence.Bart Jacobs - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (7):874-895.
    This paper develops the basics of the theory of involutive categories and shows that such categories provide the natural setting in which to describe involutive monoids. It is shown how categories of Eilenberg-Moore algebras of involutive monads are involutive, with conjugation for modules and vector spaces as special case. A part of the so-called Gelfand–Naimark–Segal (GNS) construction is identified as an isomorphism of categories, relating states on involutive monoids and inner products. This correspondence exists in arbritrary involutive symmetric monoidal categories.
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  11. Non-involutive twist-structures.Umberto Rivieccio, Paulo Maia & Achim Jung - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):973-999.
    A recent paper by Jakl, Jung and Pultr succeeded for the first time in establishing a very natural link between bilattice logic and the duality theory of d-frames and bitopological spaces. In this paper we further exploit, extend and investigate this link from an algebraic and a logical point of view. In particular, we introduce classes of algebras that extend bilattices, d-frames and N4-lattices to a setting in which the negation is not necessarily involutive, and we study corresponding logics. We (...)
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    Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus: Sequent Systems and Complexity.Wojciech Buszkowski - 2017 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (1/2).
    In [5] we study Nonassociative Lambek Calculus augmented with De Morgan negation, satisfying the double negation and contraposition laws. This logic, introduced by de Grooté and Lamarche [10], is called Classical Non-Associative Lambek Calculus. Here we study a weaker logic InNL, i.e. NL with two involutive negations. We present a one-sided sequent system for InNL, admitting cut elimination. We also prove that InNL is PTIME.
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    Fixed-pointed Involutive Micanorm-based Logics.Eunsuk Yang - 2022 - Korean Journal of Logic 25 (2):121-137.
    This paper considers standard completeness for fixed-pointed involutive micanorm-based logics. For this, we first discuss fixed-pointed involutive micanorm-based logics together with their algebraic semantics. Next, after introducing some examples of fixed-pointed involutive micanorms, we provide standard completeness results for those logics.
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    Involutive Semilinear Logic and Weak Associativity. 양은석 - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 70:217-237.
    이 논문은 약한 결합 형식을 갖는 두 준선형 논리와 그것들의 누승적 확장 논리 사이의 동치 관계와 이러한 논리 체계 중 한 논리 체계의 표준 완전성을 다룬다. 좀더 구체적으로 먼저 논리 IWAUBUL을 약한 결합 형태를 갖는 준선형 논리 WAUBUL의 누승적 확장으로 소개하고 이 체계의 대수적 의미론을 다룬다. 특히 우리는 IWAUBUL이 WAUIBUL 체계와 동치라는 것을 보인다. 다음으로 우리는 관련된 약한 결합 힝식을 만족하는 누승적 미카놈을 소개한다. 마지막으로 이 논리를 위한 대수적 조건들에 바탕을 둔 표준 완전성을 다룬다.
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    The Involution of Photography.Andrew Fisher - unknown
    As we settle further into the era of digital media and globalized visual culture, it might be tempting to think that photography holds no more than historical interest. Yet it continues to feature in debates with considerable significance for the present.1 The terms by which it was negotiated in the twentieth century – the print, the negative and the mechanical-optical apparatus, the affective experience of a moment stilled, and any truth that its rendering promises – have been technically and culturally (...)
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  16.  10
    L'INVOLUTION: Autobiographie philosophique.André Lalande - 1947 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2 (1):1 - 10.
  17.  9
    Involution.J. H. F. Piele - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 5 (3):277.
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    Involution and the Convergence of Minds. The Philosophical Stakes of Lalande's Vocabulaire.Pietro Terzi - 2021 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:783-811.
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    Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point enjoys finite strong standard completeness.Sándor Jenei - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (1):67-86.
    An algebraic proof is presented for the finite strong standard completeness of the Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point (IULfp{{\mathbf {IUL}}^{fp}} IUL fp ). It may provide a first step towards settling the standard completeness problem for the Involutive Uninorm Logic (IUL{\mathbf {IUL}} IUL, posed in G. Metcalfe, F. Montagna. (J Symb Log 72:834–864, 2007)) in an algebraic manner. The result is proved via an embedding theorem which is based on the structural description of the class of odd involutive FLe_e (...)
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    A Duality for Involutive Bisemilattices.Stefano Bonzio, Andrea Loi & Luisa Peruzzi - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):423-444.
    We establish a duality between the category of involutive bisemilattices and the category of semilattice inverse systems of Stone spaces, using Stone duality from one side and the representation of involutive bisemilattices as Płonka sum of Boolean algebras, from the other. Furthermore, we show that the dual space of an involutive bisemilattice can be viewed as a GR space with involution, a generalization of the spaces introduced by Gierz and Romanowska equipped with an involution as additional operation.
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  21.  30
    Involution as a basis for propositional calculi.M. B. Smyth - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):569-588.
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    On a logic of involutive quantales.Norihiro Kamide - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (6):579-585.
    The logic just corresponding to involutive quantales, which was introduced by Wendy MacCaull, is reconsidered in order to obtain a cut-free sequent calculus formulation, and the completeness theorem for this logic is proved using a new admissible rule.
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  23. Minimal Varieties of Involutive Residuated Lattices.Constantine Tsinakis & Annika M. Wille - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):407-423.
    We establish the existence uncountably many atoms in the subvariety lattice of the variety of involutive residuated lattices. The proof utilizes a construction used in the proof of the corresponding result for residuated lattices and is based on the fact that every residuated lattice with greatest element can be associated in a canonical way with an involutive residuated lattice.
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    Distinguishing standard SBL‐algebras with involutive negations by propositional formulas.Zuzana Haniková & Petr Savický - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (6):579-596.
    Propositional fuzzy logics given by a combination of a continuous SBL t-norm with finitely many idempotents and of an involutive negation are investigated. A characterization of continuous t-norms which, in combination with different involutive negations, yield either isomorphic algebras or algebras with distinct and incomparable sets of propositional tautologies is presented.
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    Quantized linear logic, involutive quantales and strong negation.Norihiro Kamide - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (3):355-384.
    A new logic, quantized intuitionistic linear logic, is introduced, and is closely related to the logic which corresponds to Mulvey and Pelletier's involutive quantales. Some cut-free sequent calculi with a new property quantization principle and some complete semantics such as an involutive quantale model and a quantale model are obtained for QILL. The relationship between QILL and Wansing's extended intuitionistic linear logic with strong negation is also observed using such syntactical and semantical frameworks.
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    On Some Categories of Involutive Centered Residuated Lattices.J. L. Castiglioni, M. Menni & M. Sagastume - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (1):93-124.
    Motivated by an old construction due to J. Kalman that relates distributive lattices and centered Kleene algebras we define the functor K • relating integral residuated lattices with 0 with certain involutive residuated lattices. Our work is also based on the results obtained by Cignoli about an adjunction between Heyting and Nelson algebras, which is an enrichment of the basic adjunction between lattices and Kleene algebras. The lifting of the functor to the category of residuated lattices leads us to study (...)
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  27.  33
    La notion d’involution dans le Brouillon Project de Girard Desargues.Jean-Yves Briend & Marie Anglade - 2017 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 71 (6):543-588.
    Nous tentons dans cet article de proposer une thèse cohérente concernant la formation de la notion d’involution dans le Brouillon Project de Desargues. Pour cela, nous donnons une analyse détaillée des dix premières pages dudit Brouillon, comprenant les développements de cas particuliers qui aident à comprendre l’intention de Desargues. Nous mettons cette analyse en regard de la lecture qu’en fait Jean de Beaugrand et que l’on trouve dans les Advis Charitables.
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  28. The Playful Self-Involution of Divine Consciousness: Sri Aurobindo’s Evolutionary Cosmopsychism and His Response to the Individuation Problem.Swami Medhananda - 2022 - The Monist 105 (1):92-109.
    This article argues that the Indian philosopher-mystic Sri Aurobindo espoused a sophisticated form of cosmopsychism that has great contemporary relevance. After first discussing Aurobindo’s prescient reflections on the “central problem of consciousness” and his arguments against materialist reductionism, I explain how he developed a panentheistic philosophy of “realistic Adwaita” on the basis of his own spiritual experiences and his intensive study of the Vedāntic scriptures. He derived from this realistic Advaita philosophy a highly original doctrine of evolutionary cosmopsychism, according to (...)
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  29. I Involutional Determinism.Mark Bernstein - 1988 - The Monist 71 (3):358-364.
    One tolerably clear statement of Determinism has it that all events are caused. Expanded upon, this thesis has been taken as the claim that the existence of any event E1, has a set of events, E2 … En which antedate E1, and which are causally sufficient for the occurrence of E1. That is, given the occurrence of E2 … En, E1 is causally necessary. I would hardly wish to claim that this is the only plausible statement of the doctrine of (...)
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    Involutive symmetric Gödel spaces, their algebraic duals and logic.A. Di Nola, R. Grigolia & G. Vitale - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (5):789-809.
    It is introduced a new algebra(A,,,,,0,1)(A, \otimes, \oplus, *, \rightharpoonup, 0, 1)(A,⊗,⊕,∗,⇀,0,1)calledLPGL_PGLPG-algebra if(A,,,,0,1)(A, \otimes, \oplus, *, 0, 1)(A,⊗,⊕,∗,0,1)isLPL_PLP-algebra (i.e. an algebra from the variety generated by perfectMV-algebras) and(A,,0,1)(A,\rightharpoonup, 0, 1)(A,⇀,0,1)is a Gödel algebra (i.e. Heyting algebra satisfying the identity(xy)(yx)=1)(x \rightharpoonup y ) \vee (y \rightharpoonup x ) =1)(x⇀y)∨(y⇀x)=1). The lattice of congruences of anLPGL_PGLPG-algebra(A,,,,,0,1)(A, \otimes, \oplus, *, \rightharpoonup, 0, 1)(A,⊗,⊕,∗,⇀,0,1)is isomorphic to the lattice of Skolem filters (i.e. special type ofMV-filters) of theMV-algebra(A,,,,0,1)(A, \otimes, \oplus, *, 0, 1)(A,⊗,⊕,∗,0,1). The varietyLPG\mathbf {L_PG}LPGofLPGL_PGLPG-algebras (...)
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  31.  19
    Einstein on involutions in projective geometry.Tilman Sauer & Tobias Schütz - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):523-555.
    We discuss Einstein’s knowledge of projective geometry. We show that two pages of Einstein’s Scratch Notebook from around 1912 with geometrical sketches can directly be associated with similar sketches in manuscript pages dating from his Princeton years. By this correspondence, we show that the sketches are all related to a common theme, the discussion of involution in a projective geometry setting with particular emphasis on the infinite point. We offer a conjecture as to the probable purpose of these geometric (...)
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  32.  44
    The individual in dialogic involution.Edward Maziarz - 1972 - World Futures 11 (3):284-317.
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    5 Deterritorialisation and Creative Involution: A Note on Guattari and Deleuze.Paul-Antoine Miquel - 2019 - In Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro, Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 97-116.
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    Old age: the major involution: the physiology and pathology of the aging process.Humphry Rolleston - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 22 (4):288.
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  35. Becoming Immedia: The involution of digital convergence.Donald Theall - 2002 - In Darren Tofts, Annemarie Jonson & Alessio Cavallaro, Prefiguring Cyberculture: An Intellectual History. MIT Press. pp. 142--153.
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    Desargues’s concepts of involution and transversal, their origin, and possible sources of inspiration.Andrea Del Centina - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (6):573-622.
    In this paper, we try to understand what considerations and possible sources of inspiration Desargues used to formulate his concepts of involution and transversal, and to state the related theorems that are at the basis of his Brouillon project. To this end, we trace some clues which are found scattered throughout his works, we connect them together in the light of his experience and knowledge in the field of perspective, and we investigate what were his motivations within Mersenne’s academy. (...)
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  37.  14
    Symétries Et Transvexions, Principalement Dans Les Groupes de Rang de Morley Fini Sans Involutions.Bruno Poizat - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):965-990.
    The role played by the symmetric structure of a group of finite Morley rank without involutions in the proof by contradiction of Frécon 2018 was put in evidence in Poizat 2018; indeed, this proof consists in the construction of a symmetric space of dimension two (“a plane”), and then in showing that such a plane cannot exist.To a definable symmetric subset of such a group are associated symmetries and transvections, that we undertake here to study in the abstract, without mentioning (...)
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  38.  54
    Residuated fuzzy logics with an involutive negation.Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo, Petr Hájek & Mirko Navara - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (2):103-124.
    Residuated fuzzy logic calculi are related to continuous t-norms, which are used as truth functions for conjunction, and their residua as truth functions for implication. In these logics, a negation is also definable from the implication and the truth constant $\overline{0}$ , namely $\neg \varphi$ is $\varphi \to \overline{0}$. However, this negation behaves quite differently depending on the t-norm. For a nilpotent t-norm (a t-norm which is isomorphic to Łukasiewicz t-norm), it turns out that $\neg$ is an involutive negation. However, (...)
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  39.  17
    Influence of anxiety on university students’ academic involution behavior during COVID-19 pandemic: Mediating effect of cognitive closure needs.Dongdong Yan, Huanzhe Zhang, Shili Guo & Wen Zeng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant negative effect on university students’ mental health worldwide. The pandemic has resulted in individuals experiencing increased levels of anxiety and stress as well as intensified concerns about the future due to a rise in uncertainty. To eliminate the anxiety and stress caused by uncertainty, individuals who have high cognitive closure needs are strongly motivated to achieve certainty and seek answers, even if the decisions they make in the process are inappropriate or even irrational. (...)
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    On the logic that preserves degrees of truth associated to involutive Stone algebras.Liliana M. Cantú & Martín Figallo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):1000-1020.
    Involutive Stone algebras were introduced by R. Cignoli and M. Sagastume in connection to the theory of $n$-valued Łukasiewicz–Moisil algebras. In this work we focus on the logic that preserves degrees of truth associated to S-algebras named Six. This follows a very general pattern that can be considered for any class of truth structure endowed with an ordering relation, and which intends to exploit many-valuedness focusing on the notion of inference that results from preserving lower bounds of truth values, and (...)
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  41. Social science and involution of sociality: from Durkheim to Luhmann.Jean Clam - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 259 (1).
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    'Alterity'as Intellectual Involution.P. J. Pels - 1995 - Semiotica 106 (3/4):393-398.
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  43. Evolution and Involution.George Thomson - 1880
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    Degree-Preserving Gödel Logics with an Involution: Intermediate Logics and Paraconsistency.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert & Lluis Godo - 2021 - In Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky, Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics. Springer Verlag. pp. 107-139.
    In this paper we study intermediate logics between the logic G≤∼, the degree preserving companion of Gödel fuzzy logic with involution G∼ and classical propositional logic CPL, as well as the intermediate logics of their finite-valued counterparts G≤n∼. Although G≤∼ and G≤ are explosive w.r.t. Gödel negation ¬, they are paraconsistent w.r.t. the involutive negation ∼. We introduce the notion of saturated paraconsistency, a weaker notion than ideal paraconsistency, and we fully characterize the ideal and the saturated paraconsistent logics (...)
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    (1 other version)Trotsky's Marxism -- Permanent Involution?P. Beilharz - 1979 - Télos 1979 (39):137-152.
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  46. Historical progress and involution of ideals / Исторический прогресс и инволюция идеалов.Pavel Simashenkov - 2017
    My book is about the human creativity being a source of progress, and cycling of evolution caused by platitude and triviality of once high-reaching idealism. In essence the book presents an original perception of human history, based on Christian values as vital coordinates system. I hope this book will revive the interest to the Russian school of thoughts and to humanism in general.
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    A Victim of Its Own Success: Internationalization, Neoliberalism, and Organizational Involution at the Business Council of Australia.Stephen Bell - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (4):543-570.
    The focus of this article is on the Business Council of Australia, an association of the CEOs of the 100 or so largest companies operating in Australia. Since its inception the BCA has been an influential supporter of largely successful efforts to neoliberalize and internationalize the Australian economy. Running in parallel with these developments, however, the BCA has moved from being a “somewhat strong” to a relatively weak policy organization. This article argues these two trends are causally related. Neoliberal-inspired economic (...)
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    Residuated logics based on strict triangular norms with an involutive negation.Petr Cintula, Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar & Mirko Navara - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (3):269-282.
    In general, there is only one fuzzy logic in which the standard interpretation of the strong conjunction is a strict triangular norm, namely, the product logic. We study several equations which are satisfied by some strict t-norms and their dual t-conorms. Adding an involutive negation, these equations allow us to generate countably many logics based on strict t-norms which are different from the product logic.
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    Nelson Conuclei and Nuclei: The Twist Construction Beyond Involutivity.Umberto Rivieccio & Manuela Busaniche - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (5):1123-1161.
    Recent work by Busaniche, Galatos and Marcos introduced a very general twist construction, based on the notion of _conucleus_, which subsumes most existing approaches. In the present paper we extend this framework one step further, so as to allow us to construct and represent algebras which possess a negation that is not necessarily involutive. Our aim is to capture the main properties of the largest class that admits such a representation, as well as to be able to recover the well-known (...)
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    Have you “involution” today—Competition psychology scale for college students.Yisi Liu, Yanli Tu, Hao Yang, Jie Gao, Yun Xu & Qiwei Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In order to investigate the competitive psychology of college students in the current context of fierce social competition, this study compiled a competition psychology scale for college students [i.e., the Competition Psychology Scale for College Students ]. The scale was administered online to 628 university students in different regions of China. After item analysis, reliability analysis, and validity analysis, a 6-item scale was finally formed. CPS-CS contains four dimensions: hypercompetitive attitude, competitive motivation, personal development, competitive attitude, and competitive interpersonal relationships. (...)
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