Results for 'Interrogation'

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  1.  18
    Democracy: Work, Gender, Political Economy.Interrogating Property-Owning - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 147.
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    Virtualité et réalité dans les sciences.Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji & Rencontre Physique Et Interrogations Fondamentales - 1995 - Atlantica Séguier Frontières.
    Après " le Temps et sa Flèche ", la deuxième rencontre " Physique et Interrogations Fondamentales ", dont le présent ouvrage rassemble les actes, était consacrée à une question, certes ancienne, mais que les développements des techniques de l'information posent avec une brûlante actualité, celle des rapports du virtuel et du réel. Les textes ici rassemblés témoignent du remarquable effort de clarté et d'accessibilité consenti par les auteurs. Par son existence même, ce livre met en évidence le fil conducteur qui (...)
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    Investigating Interrogation in the Northern Italian Area - or What Corpora Can Tell Us and Which Questions they Leave Open.Franziska Maria Hack - 2010 - Corpus 9:137-164.
    L’interrogation en Italie du Nord : ce que les corpus nous disent et les questions qu’ils laissent ouvertesCet article traite de l’interrogation dans les variétés de l’Italie du Nord, plus précisément celles du ladin dolomitique. Une discussion sur les corpus disponibles, leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients est complétée par la présentation de mes enquêtes dialectales : méthodologie et données recueillies. Ainsi, on verra comment la recherche basée sur des corpus déjà existants et l’enquête de terrain peuvent se compléter, (...)
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  4. Turing Interrogative Games.Paweł Łupkowski & Andrzej Wiśniewski - 2011 - Minds and Machines 21 (3):435-448.
    The issue of adequacy of the Turing Test (TT) is addressed. The concept of Turing Interrogative Game (TIG) is introduced. We show that if some conditions hold, then each machine, even a thinking one, loses a certain TIG and thus an instance of TT. If, however, the conditions do not hold, the success of a machine need not constitute a convincing argument for the claim that the machine thinks.
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    The interrogative model of inquiry meets dynamic epistemic logics.Yacin Hamami - 2015 - Synthese 192 (6):1609-1642.
    The Interrogative Model of Inquiry and Dynamic Epistemic Logics are two central paradigms in formal epistemology. This paper is motivated by the observation of a significant complementarity between them: on the one hand, the IMI provides a framework for investigating inquiry represented as an idealized game between an Inquirer and Nature, along with an account of the interaction between questions and inferences in information-seeking processes, but is lacking a formulation in the multi-agent case; on the other hand, DELs model various (...)
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  6. Interrogatives, inquiries, and exam questions.Grzegorz Gaszczyk - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-20.
    The speech act of inquiry is generally treated as a default kind of asking questions. The widespread norm states that one inquires whether p only if one does not know that p. However, the fact that inquiring is just one kind of asking questions has received little to no attention. Just as in the declarative mood we can perform not only assertions, but various other speech acts, like guesses or predictions, so in the interrogative mood we can also make various (...)
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  7. The interrogation of Meletus: Apology 24c4–28al.Lynette Reid Smith - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):372-.
    The interrogation of Meletus in the Apology at 24c4–28al is not infrequently seen as a typical case of all that is intellectually and artistically dissatisfying in Plato's practice of the genre of philosophical dialogue: not only are we presented with a philosopher who makes some claim to being committed to setting a particularly stringent standard for honesty in argumentation making sophistical arguments, but we are presented also with a cardboard interlocutor who is forced by the hand of Plato to (...)
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    A dynamic logic of interrogative inquiry.Yacin Hamami - 2015 - In Can Başkent, Perspectives on Interrogative Models of Inquiry: Developments in Inquiry and Questions. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 129-161.
    We propose a dynamic-epistemic analysis of the different epistemic operations constitutive of the process of interrogative inquiry, as described by Hintikka’s Interrogative Model of Inquiry (IMI). We develop a dynamic logic of questions for representing interrogative steps, based on Hintikka’s treatment of questions in the IMI, along with a dynamic logic of inferences for representing deductive steps, based on the tableau method. We then merge these two systems into a dynamic logic of interrogative inquiry which articulates a joint treatment of (...)
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    Interrogating the ‘political’: Feminist Peace Activism in Sri Lanka.Malathi de Alwis - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):81-93.
    This article seeks to interrogate the category of the ‘political’ through an exploration of the present trajectory of feminist peace activism in Sri Lanka. It provides a critical appraisal of current strategies adopted by the majority of feminist organizations that seem to suggest a shift from ‘refusal’ to ‘request’. This results in the resort to more ‘feel safe’ campaigns, rather than the placement of oneself in an antagonistic and oppositional relationship with the state, which continuously calls the political into question. (...)
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    Interrogative Suggestibility Revisited: An Analysis of Its Mechanisms, Correlates, and Methods of Reduction.Romuald Polczyk, Marta Kuczek, Iwona Dudek, Renata Maksymiuk & Malwina Szpitalak - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:47-66.
    Three experiments investigated the mechanisms, correlates, and methods of immunization against interrogative suggestibility (IS). IS involves reliance in memory reports on suggestions contained in misleading questions (Yield) and the tendency to change answers under negative feedback about the quality of previous testimony (Shift). All three studies found that the milder version of the tool used in the studies (GSS) resulted in lower Yield and Shift. In analyses considering the memory states of the participants, IS was found to be highest when (...)
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    Interroger l'actualité avec Michel Foucault: Téhéran 1978-Paris 2015.Alain Brossat - 2018 - Paris: Eterotopia France. Edited by Alain Naze.
    Michel Foucault inaugure avec ses "reportages d'idées" sur le soulèvement iranien contre le Shah (1978-1979) une approche du présent et un mode d'écriture situés au point de rencontre de la philosophie et du journalisme. Il s'y interroge sur ce qui, dans cet événement, fait époque, en tant qu'il signale la fin de l'ère des révolutions et se trouve placé sous le signe énigmatique du soulèvement d'un peuple tout entier contre un pouvoir despotique. Au coeur de sa réflexion s'identifie une réflexion (...)
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  12. Interrogatives, imperatives, truth, falsity and lies.Henry S. Leonard - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (3):172-186.
    This paper aims to establish three major theses: (1) Not only declarative sentences, but also interrogatives and imperatives, may be classified as true or as false. (2) Declarative, imperative, and interrogative utterances may also be classified as honest or as dishonest. (3) Whether an utterance is honest or dishonest is logically independent of whether it is true or is false. The establishment of the above theses follows upon the adoption of a principle for identifying what is meant by any sentence, (...)
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  13. Interrogating Healthy Conflict.Ebrahim Moosa - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (2):289-298.
    The need to turn an enemy into an adversary is an ethical obligation. I try to show that this obligation has multiple religious and philosophical resources. The ethical imperative also requires us to not overstate and magnify any problem at hand to the point that it becomes insurmountable and enmity becomes an end in itself. I do ask the question whether Springs thinks of Colin Kaepernick’s peaceful protest by taking the knee at football games as an instance of healthy conflict. (...)
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    Interrogating the trope of the door in multicultural education: Framing diplomatic relations to indigenous political and legal difference.Troy A. Richardson - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (3):295-310.
    In this essay Troy Richardson works to develop a conceptual framework and set of terms by which a diplomatic reception of different forms of law can be developed in multicultural education. Taking up the trope of the door in multiculturalist discourse as a site in which a welcoming of the difference of others is organized, Richardson interrogates the complex nature of receptivity to Indigenous customary law, in particular. He argues that, within this trope, a metonymic structure operates in relation to (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Interrogation of Carl Schmitt by Robert Kempner (I).Carl Schmitt - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (72):97-129.
    Kempner. You do not have to testify, Professor Schmitt, if you do not want to, and if you think you are incriminating yourself. But if you do testify, then I would be grateful if you would be absolutely truthful, would neither conceal nor add anything. Is that your wish? Schmitt: Yes, of course. Kempner: And if I come to something you might find self-incriminating, you can simply say you prefer to remain silent. Schmitt: I have already been interrogated by the (...)
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    Enhanced Interrogation, Consequential Evaluation, and Human Rights to Health.Benedict S. B. Chan - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):455-461.
    Balfe argues against enhanced interrogation. He particularly focuses on the involvement of U.S. healthcare professionals in enhanced interrogation. He identifies several empirical and normative factors and argues that they are not good reasons to morally justify enhanced interrogation. I argue that his argument can be improved by making two points. First, Balfe considers the reasoning of those healthcare professionals as utilitarian. However, careful consideration of their ideas reveals that their reasoning is consequential rather than utilitarian evaluation. Second, (...)
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  17. Police Interrogation and Fraudulent Epistemic Environments.Luke William Hunt - 2025 - Journal of Public Policy:1-23.
    The police are required to establish probable cause before engaging in custodial interrogation. Much custodial interrogation relies on a fraudulent epistemic environment (FEE) in which the police knowingly use deception and dishonesty to gain an advantage over a suspect regarding a material issue, injuring the interests of the suspect. Probable cause, then, is a sort of evidentiary and epistemic standard that legally justifies the police’s use of deceptive and dishonest custodial interrogation tactics that are on par with (...)
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    Interrogatives and contrasts in explanation theory.P. Markwick - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 96 (2):183-204.
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    The Ethics of Enhanced Interrogations and Torture: A Reappraisal of the Argument.William O'Donohue, Cassandra Snipes, Georgia Dalto, Cyndy Soto, Alexandros Maragakis & Sungjin Im - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):109-125.
    This article critically reviews what is known about the ethical status of psychologists’ putative involvement with enhanced interrogations and torture (EITs). We examine three major normative ethical accounts (utilitarian, deontic, and virtue ethics) of EITs and conclude, contra the American Psychological Association, that reasonable arguments can be made that in certain cases the use of EITs is ethical and even, in certain circumstances, morally obligatory. We suggest that this moral question is complex as it has competing moral values involved, that (...)
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    Interrogating the Affective Politics of White Victimhood and Resentment in Times of Demagoguery: The Risks for Civics Education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (6):579-594.
    This essay contributes to scholarly discussions on the affective politics of demagoguery, especially in relation to the rhetoric of white victimhood and resentment, by exploring how civics education could formulate an anti-demagogic pedagogical response. Contemporary understandings of demagoguery as a rhetoric that emphasizes in-group identity and frames solutions as a matter of punishing an out-group, while also converting the shared vulnerability of life into an affective politics of white victimhood, create a new urgency to reconsider how civics education may help (...)
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  21.  41
    (1 other version)Interrogating Feature Learning Models to Discover Insights Into the Development of Human Expertise in a Real‐Time, Dynamic Decision‐Making Task.Catherine Sibert, Wayne D. Gray & John K. Lindstedt - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    Tetris provides a difficult, dynamic task environment within which some people are novices and others, after years of work and practice, become extreme experts. Here we study two core skills; namely, choosing the goal or objective function that will maximize performance and a feature-based analysis of the current game board to determine where to place the currently falling zoid so as to maximize the goal. In Study 1, we build cross-entropy reinforcement learning models to determine whether different goals result in (...)
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    (1 other version)Interrogating the real: [selected writings].Slavoj Žižek - 2006 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Rex Butler & Scott Stephens.
    Presents collected writings of Slavoj Zizek - one of the world's leading contemporary cultural commentators. Drawing upon a range of his prolific output, the articles here cover psychoanalysis, philosophy and popular culture.
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  23. Interrogating Privacy in the digital society: media narratives after 2 cases.Caroline Rizza, Paula Curvelo, Ines Crespo, Michel Chiaramello & Alessia Ghezzi - 2011 - International Review of Information Ethics 16:6-17.
    The introduction of information technology in the society and its pervasiveness in every aspect of citizens' daily life highlight societal stakes related to the goals regarding the uses IT, such as social networks. This paper examines two cases that lack a straightforward link with privacy as addressed and protected by existing law in Europe and the United-States , but whose characteristics, we believe fall on other privacy function and properties. In Western societies, individuals rely on normative discourses, such as the (...)
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    Interrogating the Social: A Critical Sociology for the 21st Century.Fuyuki Kurasawa (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book brings together a collection of work from emerging and established scholars who have put forth a vision of what critical sociology is and what it could be in the early decades of the 21st century. Pushing beyond the theoretical outlines of sociological critique, the authors demonstrate how critical sociology is practiced through conceptual innovation and empirical analyses interweaving the themes of society, power, and culture. Interrogating the Social reinvents the project of critical sociology in two ways: by reflecting (...)
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    Editorial: Interrogating the Accelerated Academy.Filip Vostal - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (1):3-6.
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    Interrogating Modernity: Debates with Hans Blumenberg.Agata Bielik-Robson & Daniel Whistler (eds.) - 2020 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    Interrogating Modernity returns to Hans Blumenberg's epochal The Legitimacy of the Modern Age as a springboard to interrogate questions of modernity, secularisation, technology and political legitimacy in the fields of political theology, history of ideas, political theory, art theory, history of philosophy, theology and sociology. That is, the twelve essays in this volume return to Blumenberg's work to think once more about how and why we should value the modern. Written by a group of leading international and interdisciplinary researchers, this (...)
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  27. Interrogative Belief Revision in Modal Logic.Sebastian Enqvist - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (5):527-548.
    The well known AGM framework for belief revision has recently been extended to include a model of the research agenda of the agent, i.e. a set of questions to which the agent wishes to find answers (Olsson & Westlund in Erkenntnis , 65 , 165–183, 2006 ). The resulting model has later come to be called interrogative belief revision . While belief revision has been studied extensively from the point of view of modal logic, so far interrogative belief revision has (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Interrogatives and Adverbs of Quantification.Jeroen Groenendijk & Martin Stokhof - 1993 - In Katalin Bimbó & Andras Maté, Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Logic and Language. Budapest: Aran Publishers. pp. 1-29.
    This paper is about a topic in the semantics of interrogatives.1 In what follows a number of assumptions figure at the background which, though intuitively appealing, have not gone unchallenged, and it seems therefore only fair to draw the reader’s attention to them at the outset. The first assumption concerns a very global intuition about the kind of semantic objects that we associate with interrogatives. The intuition is that there is an intimate relationship between interrogatives and their answers: an interrogative (...)
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  29.  50
    Coercion, Interrogation, and Prisoners of War.Nathan Lake & Jonathan Trerise - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (2):151-161.
    The law of armed conflict prevents the coerced extraction of information from Prisoners of War (PoWs). We claim, however, that the letter of that law involves too broad a concept of coercion. On a natural reading, there is a sense in which any extraction of information—by any method—is coercive. We respect the notion that PoWs ought not be treated poorly, but we argue “coercion” should not be understood so broadly. With respect to its use in international law, we favor a (...)
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  30. For Interrogational Torture.Stephen Kershnar - 2005 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):223-241.
    Interrogational torture is torture that is done in order to gain information. It is wrong if it either wrongs the person being interrogated or is a free-floating wrong. In the relevant cases, interrogational torture need not wrong the person being interrogated. This is because in many cases it doesn’t, and is known not to, infringe on the tortured person’s moral rights. It is not clear whether interrogational torture is a free-floating wrong since we lack confidence in judging whether it violates (...)
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    The Interrogation of Joan of Arc.John H. Arnold - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (1):164-164.
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  32. Arrest, Interrogation, Prison Life.V. Nalimov - 2002 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 21:109-117.
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    Interrogation: A Post-Exotic Device.L. Ruffel & J. -D. Wagneur - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):79-94.
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    Interrogatives and Sets of Answers.Robert J. Stainton - 1999 - Critica 31 (91):75-90.
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    Is the mirror racist?: Interrogating the space of whiteness.Shannon Winnubst - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (1):25-50.
    This essay draws on a wide range of feminist, psychoanalytic and other anti-racist theorists to work out the specific mode of space as ‘contained’ and the ways it grounds dominant contemporary forms of racism i.e. the space of phallicized whiteness. Offering a close reading of Lacan’s primary models for ego-formation, the mirror stage and the inverted bouquet, I argue that psychoanalysis can help us to map contemporary power relations of racism because it enacts some of those very dynamics. Casting the (...)
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    Interrogative logic as underlying logic in scientific practices.Angel Nepomuceno-Fernández - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In this paper I propose a version of interrogative logic as a form of representation of the underlying logic of scientific practices—a kind of model-based reasoning, since it takes into account an oracle or model that can be consulted—by means of modified tableaux that can represent a game with two types of moves: logical steps and queries, governed by (modified) tales and a query rule, respectively. In this way, the process of acquiring knowledge is analogous to the justification of a (...)
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    Physician Involvement in Hostile Interrogations.Fritz Allhoff - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (4):392-402.
    In this paper, I have two main goals. First, I will argue that traditional medical values mandate, as opposed to forbid, at least minimal physician participation in hostile interrogations. Second, I will argue that traditional medical duties or responsibilities do not apply to medically-trained interrogators. In support of this conclusion, I will argue that medically-trained interrogators could simply choose not to enter into a patient-physician relationship. Recognizing that this argument might not be convincing, I will then propose three further arguments (...)
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    Advice-implicative actions: Using interrogatives and assessments to deliver advice in mundane conversation.Alexa Hepburn, Jonathan Potter & Chloe Shaw - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (3):317-342.
    Work on advice has concentrated on institutional settings where there are restrictions on roles, actions and their organisation. This article focuses on advice giving in mundane settings: interactions between mothers and their young-adult daughters in a corpus of 51 telephone calls. Analysis reveals a range of designs that can be ‘advice implicative’ including advice-implicative interrogatives and advice-implicative assessments. Recipients orient to the characteristic features these implicit forms share with more explicit advice: normative pressure on the recipient’s conduct and epistemic asymmetry (...)
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    Interrogating Hybridity: Subaltern Agency and Totality in Postcolonial Theory.Anjali Prabhu - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (2):76-92.
    In this essay, the author presents the Martinican intellectual Edouard Glissant's Poétique de la Relation in a new frame by reading his text as it accomplishes a type of grand-scale theorizing. The notion of Relation in Glissant is followed in its various connections to a Marxian notion of dynamic totality. The Marxian/Hegelian subtext of Poétique is seen as productively revealing for reading Glissant both historically and theoretically. Glissant's theorizing of difference is shown to be an important contribution to contemporary revisions (...)
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    Interrogative Belief Revision.Sebastian Enqvist - 2011 - Dissertation, Lund University
    This thesis deals with the theory of interrogative belief revision, a recent development in the subfield of philosophical logic known as belief revision theory. While classical belief revision theory deals with the dynamics of an agent’s beliefs, interrogative belief revision aims to describe the dynamics of the agent’s questions about the world, or research agenda, as well. Great emphasis is put on the interaction between belief change and changes in the research agenda. I develop both the technical framework for this (...)
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    Interrogating the Value of Return of Results for Diverse Populations: Perspectives from Precision Medicine Researchers.Caitlin E. McMahon, Nicole Foti, Melanie Jeske, William R. Britton, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Janet K. Shim & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):108-119.
    Background Over the last decade, the return of results (ROR) in precision medicine research (PMR) has become increasingly routine. Calls for individual rights to research results have extended the “duty to report” from clinically useful genetic information to traits and ancestry results. ROR has thus been reframed as inherently beneficial to research participants, without a needed focus on who benefits and how. This paper addresses this gap, particularly in the context of PMR aimed at increasing participant diversity, by providing investigator (...)
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    Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity.Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train (eds.) - 1999 - Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
    Social justice is a concept we take for granted. We assume that it means using state structures to ensure equality and fairness. But is that true? Or, do state structures of social order actually inhibit creativity, freedom, social welfare, and belonging? This collection broadens the boundaries of the ways we think about what constitutes criminality and interrogates issues of social justice and power in new, innovative and critical ways. The essays examine a wide variety of themes, including the deconstruction of (...)
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    Interrogatives, Imperatives, Truth, Falsity and Lies.Gerold Stahl - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):666.
  44. Interrogating identity as a “post-colonial” poet.Abena Pa Busia - 1993 - In Stanlie Myrise James & Abena P. A. Busia, Theorizing black feminisms: the visionary pragmatism of Black women. New York: Routledge.
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    An interrogative account of the dialectical inquiring system based upon the economic theory of information.Raymond Dacey - 1981 - Synthese 47 (1):43 - 55.
  46. Interrogations philosophiques contemporaines en france.Christian Descamps - 1994 - In Yves Mabin, Philosophie contemporaine en France. [Paris]: Ministère des affaires étrangères, Direction générale des relations culturelles, scientifiques et techniques, Sous-direction de la politique du livre et des bibliothèques.
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  47. Interrogating Incoherence and Prospects for a Trans-Positive Psychiatry.Robert A. Wilson - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    Invited commentary on Nicole A. Vincent and Emma A. Jane, “Interrogating Incongruence: Conceptual and Normative Problems with ICD-11’s and DSM-5’s Diagnostic Categories for Transgender People” Australasian Philosophical Review, in press. -/- The core of Vincent and Jane’s Interrogating Incongruence is critical of the appeal to the concept of incongruence in DSM-5 and ICD-11 characterisations of trans people, a critique taken to be ground-clearing for more trans-positive, psychiatrically-infused medical interventions. I concur with Vincent and Jane’s ultimate goals but depart from the (...)
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    Against Interrogational Torture: Upholding a Troubled Taboo.Philip E. Devine - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 123-133.
    Until recently, torture was regarded as an unthinkable act. But in the dark years following September 11, 2001, many people have defended it openly as they have many other kinds of action previously considered taboo. And the underlying issues are complicated. Yet at least a virtually absolute prohibition on interrogational torture can be rationally defended.
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    Icons, Interrogations, and Graphs: On Peirce's Integrated Notion of Abduction.Francesco Bellucci & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2020 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (1):43.
    The Syllabus for Certain Topics of Logic is a long treatise that Peirce wrote in October and November to complement the material of his 1903 Lowell Lectures. The last of the eight lectures was on abduction, first entitled “How to Theorize” and then “Abduction.” Of abduction, the Syllabus states that its “conclusion is drawn in the interrogative mood ”.1 This is not the first time that Peirce associates abduction to interrogations,2 but the statement is significant because it is the first (...)
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  50. Interrogating the Epiphenomenalist Tradition.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (3):481-501.
    Epiphenomenalism has had a long historical tradition. It is the view that mental properties are causally inert with respect to the physical world. In this paper, I argue that this tradition faces enormous challenges and needs better arguments to defend its position, and to demonstrate this, I interrogate the strands including computationalism, the idea of the illusion of conscious will, and causal exclusionism.
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