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  1. The Opposition of Traditionalist Catholics to Sex Education in the 1970s.Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2024 - North West Catholic History 51 (1):26-50.
    The 1960s and 1970s in Britain was a time of revolution in attitudes towards sex, especially in the public education system. The campaign to see sex education established as a subject in primary and secondary schools was gaining traction despite fierce opponents like Mary Whitehouse. This article focuses on the story of a traditionalist Catholic couple named Mr Derrick Taylor and Mrs Irene Taylor who set up a campaign to defend their children against what they saw as the encroachment of (...)
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  2. Anioł w domu vs. upadły anioł – czyli o (nie)normatywnych wizerunkach kobiet na tle epoki wiktoriańskiej.Filipow Elżbieta - 2023 - In Krystyna Pieniążek-Marković & Tvrtko Vuković, Nenormalno. FF Press. pp. 69-83.
    W wiktoriańskiej Brytanii współistniały dwa kontrastujące ze sobą wizerunki o kobiet – anioł w domu i upadły anioł. Odzwierciedlały one podwójne standardy moralne epoki. Wyobrażenia te oparte były na moralności potocznej i stylach myślenia epoki, czyli dyskursach obecnych w wiktoriańskiej nauce, medycynie, literaturze oraz sztuce. Artykuł omawia zarówno przekazy zawarte z źródłach moralności potocznej, jak i wymienione dyskursy, które prowadziły do nadawania społecznych ocen o (nie)normalności. Przedstawionym wskaźnikiem takich ocen społecznych są przykładowe sankcje i postawy społeczne wobec stylów życia i (...)
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  3. 18. Obscene Division: Feminist Liberal Assessments of Prostitution Versus Feminist Liberal Defenses of Pornography.Jessica Spector - 2006 - In Prostitution and Pornography: Philosophical Debate About the Sex Industry. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. pp. 419-444.
    In assessing ethical issues concerning the sex-industry, feminist liberalism ought to combine the concern for the worker that is central to its treatment of prostitution, with sensitivity to the social and cultural embeddedness of self that is central to its treatment of pornography. That would enable us to then look at live-actor pornography as a form of prostitution that raises additional questions about third party consumption — and analysis both more theoretically coherent and practically useful.
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  4. Uncomfortably Close to Human.Shelley M. Park - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Social robots are marketed as human tools promising us a better life. This marketing strategy commodifies not only the labor of care but the caregiver as well, conjuring a fantasy of technoliberal futurism that echoes a colonial past. Against techno-utopian fantasies of a good life as one involving engineered domestic help, I draw here on the techno-dystopian television show Humans (stylized HUMⱯNS) to suggest that we should find our desires for such help unsettling. At the core of my argument is (...)
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  5. Should Educators Accommodate Intolerance? Homosexuality and the Islamic case.Michael S. Merry - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 34 (1):19-36.
    The ideological interface between Muslims and liberal educators undoubtedly is strained in the realm of sex education, and perhaps on no topic more so than homosexuality. Some argue that schools should not try to ‘undermine the faith’ of Muslims, who object to teaching homosexuality as an ‘acceptable alternative lifestyle’. In this article, I will argue against this monolithic presentation of Islam. Furthermore, I will argue that a narrow view of Islam is neglectful of gay and lesbian Muslims who are particularly (...)
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  6. Renewing the Erotic Relation: Michel Henry and The Lover's Night.Max Schaefer - 2023 - In Andrej Božič, Thinking Togetherness: Phenomenology and Sociality. Institute Nova Reijva for the Humanities. pp. 205-224.
    This paper engages in a critical examination of Michel Henry’s (1922-2002) phenomenological study of the erotic relation. I argue that while Henry’s analysis sheds light on the nature of eros and how it might be renewed from the obscene objectivism to which it has largely been reduced in Western society today, his analysis of eros undermines his account of the phenomenological life of the subject as a radically immanent mode of appearing and calls for revision. I contend that it is (...)
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  7. Sex and Technology: The Ethics of Virtual Connection.Neil McArthur - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 331-352.
    This essay discusses the moral costs and benefits of sexual technology. It starts with first-wave sexual technology, such as dating apps, messaging apps, and social networks, and then discusses second-wave sexual technology, which offers users more immersive experiences, such as virtual reality and sex robots. The paper argues that, overall, such technologies provide more benefits than they incur costs. Finally, the paper discusses the rise of a new identity—digisexuality, explaining that digisexuals are people who consider sexual technology an essential part (...)
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  8. Interrogating Incoherence and Prospects for a Trans-Positive Psychiatry.Robert A. Wilson - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    Invited commentary on Nicole A. Vincent and Emma A. Jane, “Interrogating Incongruence: Conceptual and Normative Problems with ICD-11’s and DSM-5’s Diagnostic Categories for Transgender People” Australasian Philosophical Review, in press. -/- The core of Vincent and Jane’s Interrogating Incongruence is critical of the appeal to the concept of incongruence in DSM-5 and ICD-11 characterisations of trans people, a critique taken to be ground-clearing for more trans-positive, psychiatrically-infused medical interventions. I concur with Vincent and Jane’s ultimate goals but depart from the (...)
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  9. Obscene division: Feminist liberal assessments of prostitution versus feminist liberal defenses of pornography.Jessica Spector - 2006 - In Prostitution and Pornography: Philosophical Debate About the Sex Industry. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. pp. 419-444.
    In assessing ethical issues concerning the sex-industry, feminist liberalism ought to combine the concern for the worker that is central to its treatment of prostitution, with sensitivity to the social and cultural embeddedness of self that is central to its treatment of pornography. That would enable us to then look at live-actor pornography as a form of prostitution that raises additional questions about third party consumption — and analysis both more theoretically coherent and practically useful.
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  10. The South African Constitution as Memory and Promise: An Exploration of Its Implications for Sexual Violence.Louise du Toit - 2016 - Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 1 (44):31-51.
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  11. Jonathan Gathorne‐Hardy. Sex the Measure of All Things: A Life of Alfred C. Kinsey. xiv + 513 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index.Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000. $39.95. [REVIEW]Ellen Herman - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):134-135.
    The role of Alfred Kinsey, America's most influential sexologist, in the cultural revolution of sex and gender during the past fifty years remains as unquestionable as it has been controversial. This admiring biography argues that Kinsey also qualifies as an authentic great man of science in the tradition of Darwin. Kinsey's expert authority was recently challenged by James Jones, who claimed in his 1997 biography that Kinsey's terrible personal secrets—homosexuality and masochism—plagued his life and ruined his science. Jonathan Gathorne‐Hardy sets (...)
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  12. Extended Sex: An Account of Sex for a More Just Society.Saray Ayala & Nadya Vasilyeva - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):725-742.
    We propose an externalist understanding of sex that builds upon extended and distributed approaches to cognition, and contributes to building a more just, diversity-sensitive society. Current sex categorization practices according to the female/male dichotomy are not only inaccurate and incoherent, but they also ground moral and political pressures that harm and oppress people. We argue that a new understanding of sex is due, an understanding that would acknowledge the variability and, most important, the flexibility of sex properties, as well as (...)
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  13. Cyberspace und virtuelles Geschlecht.Eva Hartmann - 2001 - Die Philosophin 12 (24):115-123.
  14. Queer Theory and Sociology: Locating the Subject and the Self in Sexuality Studies.Adam Isaiah Green - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (1):26-45.
Philosophy of Sexuality, General Works
  1. Art and Pornography: Ethical Issues.A. W. Eaton - 2023 - In James Harold, The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 488-503.
    This chapter offers a critical overview of recent philosophical literature on erotic art and pornography as well as some suggestions about new directions for inquiry, all with an eye toward ethical issues that arise in these areas. The first section surveys philosophical discussions of the purported distinction between art and pornography. The next section considers new areas of inquiry that arise once we shift focus to the connections and similarities between erotic art and pornography. Once we put the pornography literature (...)
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  2. The Subjectivity of Sex(ual Inclusion).Shirah Theron - 2021 - Stellenbosch Socratic Journal 1:29-40.
    The term 'sexual inclusion’ is commonly taken to refer to the adjustment of our social and educational practices to counteract prejudices that are connected to sex. The project of sexual inclusion can be used, for example, to advocate against the discrimination of the LGBTQIA+ (gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, ally, and others) community or certain unconventional BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism, and masochism) dynamics and activities. This essay, however, takes sexual inclusion as the project that promotes (...)
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  3. Pornography Conceptualised as an Addictive Substance.Shirah Theron - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Stellenbosch
    Since the dawn of the internet, pornography has effectively become ubiquitous, pervasive, and increasingly normalised. Study findings show remarkable similarities in how the brain reacts to pornography, and other known addictive substances, and indicate that consuming pornography is comparable to consuming other known addictive substances. Moreover, two of the biggest risk factors for addiction are the substance’s availability and its easy accessibility, particularly in the case of younger persons. To date, pornography addiction has been conceptualised as a behavioural addiction. However, (...)
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  4. Addressing the “Puzzle” of Gray-Area Sexual Violations.Nic Cottone - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (2):390-404.
    The gray area of sexual violations generally refers to ambiguous sexual experiences that are not readily distinguishable from rape or sex. Such experiences are describable as ambiguous or complex in a way that, to some, seems to defy existent categories of sexual experiences. This leads some feminists to approach the gray area as a puzzle that must be resolved either by understanding it as a new category, or by upholding existing rape categorization. Rather than dispelling the gray-area ambiguity by resolving (...)
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  5. A Defence of Sexual Inclusion.John Danaher - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (3):467-496.
    This article argues that access to meaningful sexual experience should be included within the set of the goods that are subject to principles of distributive justice. It argues that some people are currently unjustly excluded from meaningful sexual experience and it is not implausible to suggest that they might thereby have certain claim rights to sexual inclusion. This does not entail that anyone has a right to sex with another person, but it does entail that duties may be imposed on (...)
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  6. "No" Means No: Feminist and Victim Understandings of Sexual Assault.Heidi Savage - manuscript
    This was a public talk given in the spring of 2013 during sexual assault awareness week. I believe roughly 800 attended. The philosophy dept was NOT expecting that but at any rate, this is the gist: While there are many different motivations for raising questions about the Sexual Assault Awareness Movement, at least one motivation comes from feminist controversies about what counts as consensual sex. Historically, this controversy arose between those known as "anti-pornography feminists", and "sex positive feminists" whose proponents (...)
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  7. The commodification of women’s bodies in trafficking for prostitution and egg donation.Liliana Acero - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):25-32.
  8. Intimate Relations: Exploring Indian Sexuality.Ravina Aggarwal & Sudhir Kakar - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):506.
  9. Consenting Adults, Sex, and Natural Law Theory.Timothy Hsiao - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (2):1-21.
    This paper argues for the superiority of natural law theory over consent -based approaches to sexual morality. I begin by criticizing the “consenting adults” sexual ethic that is dominant in contemporary Western culture. I then argue that natural law theory provides a better account of sexual morality. In particular, I will defend the “perverted faculty argument”, according to which it is immoral to use one’s bodily faculties contrary to their proper end.
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  10. Zombies and Sexuality: Essays on Desire and the Living Dead.Steve Jones & Shaka McGlotten (eds.) - 2014 - McFarland.
    Since the early 2000s, zombies have increasingly swarmed the landscape of popular culture, with ever more diverse representations of the undead being imagined. A growing number of zombie narratives have introduced sexual themes, endowing the living dead with their own sexual identity. The unpleasant idea of the sexual zombie is itself provocative, triggering questions about the nature of desire, sex, sexuality, and the politics of our sexual behaviors. However, the notion of zombie sex has been largely unaddressed in scholarship. -/- (...)
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  11. Zombie Sex.Steve Jones & Shaka McGlotten - 2014 - In Steve Jones & Shaka McGlotten, Zombies and Sexuality: Essays on Desire and the Living Dead. McFarland. pp. 1-18.
    Since the early 2000s, zombies have become an increasingly significant presence in popular culture. Zombies are social monsters, epitomizing aspects of social horror. What is at once central and yet strangely absent from current debates about zombies is any detailed consideration of sex and sexuality. This oversight is startling, not least since sex is arguably the most intimate form of social engagement, and is a profound aspect of human social identity. What makes the omission even more remarkable is how appositely (...)
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  12. Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality.Carole S. Vance - 1984 - Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    From 30 contributors--including Kate Millett, Barbara Kruger, and Sharon Olds--a richly diverse collection of essays and poetry exploring female sexuality.
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  13. Recognizing Care: The Case for Friendship and Polyamory.Elizabeth Brake - 2014 - Syracuse Law and Civic Engagement Forum 1 (1).
    This paper responds to arguments that polyamorous groups or care networks do not qualify for equal treatment with marriages. It refutes the points that polyamory is inherently hierarchical or unstable, that there are too few people in such arrangements to mount an argument for recognition, that polyamory harms children, and that there are insurmountable legal and practical hurdles to network marriage. Finally, it respond to the charge that extending recognition to polyamorists will devalue the recognition of same-sex marriage.
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  14. (1 other version)Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.David Benatar, Cheshire Calhoun, Louise Collins, John Corvino, Yolanda Estes, John Finnis, Deirdre Golash, Alan Goldman, Greta Christina, Raja Halwani, Christopher Hamilton, Eva Feder Kittay, Howard Klepper, Andrew Koppelman, Stanley Kurtz, Thomas Mappes, Joan Mason-Grant, Janice Moulton, Thomas Nagel, Jerome Neu, Martha Nussbaum, Alan Soble, Sallie Tisdale, Alan Wertheimer, Robin West & Karol Wojtyla (eds.) - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book's thirty essays explore philosophically the nature and morality of sexual perversion, cybersex, masturbation, homosexuality, contraception, same-sex marriage, promiscuity, pedophilia, date rape, sexual objectification, teacher-student relationships, pornography, and prostitution. Authors include Martha Nussbaum, Thomas Nagel, Alan Goldman, John Finnis, Sallie Tisdale, Robin West, Alan Wertheimer, John Corvino, Cheshire Calhoun, Jerome Neu, and Alan Soble, among others. A valuable resource for sex researchers as well as undergraduate courses in the philosophy of sex.
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  15. Recreating Sexual Politics by V. J. Seidler. [REVIEW]Geoff Wade - 1991 - Philosophy Now 2:42-44.
  16. Human Sexuality.Ken Jones - 1987 - Irish Philosophical Journal 4 (1-2):153-160.
  17. Sexualphilosophie: eine einführende Annäherung.Yiftach J. H. Fehige - 2007 - LIT.
    This book is an introduction to philosophy of sex. The history of philosophy of sex is depicted (from Plato to Herman Schmitz) to set up the background against which the philosophy of sex by Herman Schmitz is analyzed. This leads to the discussion of topics like masturbation, the ontology of the sexed human body, and same-sex marriage.
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  18. Loose women, lecherous men: A feminist philosophy of sex.Linda Lemoncheck - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (2-3):369-373.
    Linda LeMoncheck introduces a new way of thinking and talking about women's sexual pleasures, preferences, and desires. Using the tools of contemporary analytic philosophy, she discusses methods for mediating the tensions among apparently irreconcilable feminist perspectives on women's sexuality and shows how a feminist epistemology and ethic can advance the dialogue in women's sexuality across a broad political spectrum. She argues that in order to capture the diversity and complexity of women's sexual experience, women's sexuality must be examined from two (...)
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  19. Philosophy of sexuality.Alan Soble - 2009 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This encyclopedia article on the philosophy of sexuality discusses the main themes, concepts, and debates in the field, including the metaphysics (or philosophical anthropology) of sex, the morality of sexual behavior, pragmatic and utilitarian evaluations of sexuality, and sexual perversion.
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  20. Sex from Plato to Paglia: a philosophical encyclopedia.Alan Soble (ed.) - 2006 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Sexuality has captured the imagination of thinkers since antiquity. It has inspired numerous creative works and posed myriad ethical, legal, and social challenges. Unlike other references which discuss the biology of sex, this encyclopedia explores sexuality as the subject of philosophy. Through more than 150 alphabetically arranged entries on thinkers, topics, movements, religions, and concepts, the encyclopedia locates sexuality in its humanistic and social contexts.
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  21. (1 other version)Sex in history.Gordon Rattray Taylor - 1970 - New York: Harper & Row.
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Philosophy of Sexuality, Misc
  1. Pornography Conceptualised as an Addictive Substance.Shirah Theron - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Stellenbosch
    Since the dawn of the internet, pornography has effectively become ubiquitous, pervasive, and increasingly normalised. Study findings show remarkable similarities in how the brain reacts to pornography, and other known addictive substances, and indicate that consuming pornography is comparable to consuming other known addictive substances. Moreover, two of the biggest risk factors for addiction are the substance’s availability and its easy accessibility, particularly in the case of younger persons. To date, pornography addiction has been conceptualised as a behavioural addiction. However, (...)
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  2. Masculinity and the questions of “is” and “ought”: revisiting the definition of the notion of masculinity itself.Ognjen Arandjelovic - 2023 - Sexes 4 (4):448-461.
    The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) lists 1571 as the year of the first recorded use of the English word ‘masculinity’; the Ancient Greek ανδρεια (andreia), usually translated as ‘courage’, was also used to refer to manliness. The notion of manliness or masculinity is undoubtedly older still. Yet, despite this seeming familiarity, not only is the notion proving to be highly elusive, its understanding by the society being in a constant flux, but also one which is at the root of bitter (...)
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  3. The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics.David Boonin (ed.) - 2022 - London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics is a comprehensive collection of recent research on the ethics of sexual behavior, representing a wide range of perspectives. It addresses a number of traditional subjects in the area, including questions about pre-marital, extra-marital, non-heterosexual, and non-procreative sex, and about the nature and significance of sexual consent, sexual desire, and sexual activity, as well as a variety of more recent topics, including sexual racism, sexual ableism, sex robots, and the #metoo response to sexual harassment. (...)
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  4. Nonideal Theory and Ethical Pragmatism in Bioethics: Value Conflicts in LGBTQ+ Family-Making.Amanda Roth - 2021 - In Elizabeth Victor & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes, Applying Nonideal Theory to Bioethics: Living and Dying in a Nonideal World. New York: Springer. pp. 375-396.
    Using a case-study involving bioethics and LGBTQ+ family-making, I demonstrate the appeal of a pragmatist ethics approach to bioethics. On the specific pragmatist view I offer, ethical progress is a matter of overcoming ethical problems. Ethical problems are here understood as conflicts that arise as we attempt to live out our values in the natural and social world and which prompt us to reflect upon and sometimes reinterpret or revise our values or practices. Pragmatism is inherently nonideal in its theoretical (...)
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  5. Is "Loving More" Better? The Values of Polyamory.Elizabeth Brake - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 121-137.
    This essay addresses various moral objections to polyamory and argues that none succeeds. Brake also argues that in some respects polyamory can be superior to monogamy given that polyamorists often endorse ideals such as radical honesty, non-possessiveness, and rejection of jealousy. Moreover, Brake argues that the effects of polyamory in a society in which it is widespread can be very beneficial.
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  6. Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities.Alan Soble - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 69-93.
    Some philosophical accounts imply that masturbation is inferior sexual activity. Against this, Soble argues that masturbation is central. Relying on the physical-anatomical indistinguishability of sexual act-types, he derives a Zeno-style paradox about sexual activity: either all sexual activity (even ordinary coitus) is masturbatory or none of it is (not even solitary masturbation). Soble argues for the first horn of the dilemma, thus ensuring that solitary masturbation is a member of the continuum of sexual activities. Going beyond anatomy, Soble also argues (...)
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  7. The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition.Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble (eds.) - 2022 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This is the 8th edition of the book, with eight new essays to the volume. Table of contents: Are We Having Sex Now or What? (Greta Christina); Sexual Perversion (Thomas Nagel); Plain Sex (Alan Goldman); Sex and Sexual Perversion (Robert Gray); Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities (Alan Soble); Love: What’s Sex Got to Do with It? (Natasha McKeever); Is “Loving More” Better? The Values of Polyamory (Elizabeth Brake); What Is Sexual Orientation? (Robin Dembroff); Sexual Orientation: What Is It? (...)
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  8. Is It Bad to Prefer Attractive Partners?William D'Alessandro - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (2):335-354.
    Philosophers have rightly condemned lookism—that is, discrimination in favor of attractive people or against unattractive people—in education, the justice system, the workplace and elsewhere. Surprisingly, however, the almost universal preference for attractive romantic and sexual partners has rarely received serious ethical scrutiny. On its face, it’s unclear whether this is a form of discrimination we should reject or tolerate. I consider arguments for both views. On the one hand, a strong case can be made that preferring attractive partners is bad. (...)
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  9. Against the Philosophical Tide: Essays in Popperian Critical Rationalism.Danny Frederick - 2020 - Yeovil, UK.: Critias Publishing.
    This is a collection of nineteen essays in the tradition of critical rationalism (as advocated by Karl Popper). All but one of the essays is previously unpublished and the one previously published paper has undergone significant revisions. The first four essays tackle topics in the philosophy of science, the first being an exposition of Popper's views, the others discussing falsifiability, truth, the aim of science, and ceteris-paribus law-statements. Five essays follow concerned with Reason, reasoning and reasons, in which faulty conceptions (...)
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  10. Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does It Matter?Natasha McKeever - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (4):599-619.
    Under current UK legislation, only a man can commit rape. This paper argues that this is an unjustified double standard that reinforces problematic gendered stereotypes about male and female sexuality. I first reject three potential justifications for making penile penetration a condition of rape: it is physically impossible for a woman to rape a man; it is a more serious offence to forcibly penetrate someone than to force them to penetrate you; rape is a gendered crime. I argue that, as (...)
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  11. Disability, sex rights and the scope of sexual exclusion.Alida Liberman - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics:medethics-2017-104411.
    In response to three papers about sex and disability published in this journal, I offer a critique of existing arguments and a suggestion about how the debate should be reframed going forward. Jacob M. Appel argues that disabled individuals have a right to sex and should receive a special exemption to the general prohibition of prostitution. Ezio Di Nucci and Frej Klem Thomsen separately argue contra Appel that an appeal to sex rights cannot justify such an exemption. I argue that (...)
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  12. Perpetuating the patriarchy: misogyny and (post-)feminist backlash.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (9):2517-2538.
    How are patriarchal regimes perpetuated and reproduced? Kate Manne’s recent work on misogyny aims to provide an answer to this central question. According to her, misogyny is a property of social environments where women perceived as violating patriarchal norms are ‘kept down’ through hostile reactions coming from men, other women and social structures. In this paper, I argue that Manne’s approach is problematically incomplete. I do so by examining a recent puzzling social phenomenon which I call (post-)feminist backlash: the rise (...)
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  13. Bestiality, Zoophilia and Human–Animal Sexual Interactions.Joanna Bourke - 2019 - Paragraph 42 (1):91-115.
    From the earliest human cultures, nonhuman animals have been central to the sexual imaginary of humans. This article traces the modern history of bestiality from the nineteenth century, culminating...
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  14. Pornography: A Philosophical Introduction.Mari Mikkola - 2019 - New York, USA: OUP.
    This book provides an introduction to philosophical treatments of pornography. It considers relevant debates in ethics, aesthetics, feminist philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and social ontology thus offering a comprehensive examination of the topic. While offering an introduction, the book also puts forward substantive philosophical views on pornography.
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  15. Problematization in foucault’s genealogy and deleuze’s symptomatology: Or, how to study sexuality without invoking oppositions.Colin Koopman - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (2):187-204.
    The work of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze frequently gave rise to a practice of philosophy as a form of critical problematization. Critical problematization both resonates between their thought and is also generative for contemporary philosophy in their wake. To examine critical problematization in each, a shared theme of inquiry provides a useful focal point. Foucault and Deleuze each deployed critical problematization in the context of studies of sexuality, a site of excited contestation that remains as crucial for us today (...)
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