Results for 'International Ethics'

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  1.  20
    International Ethical Regulations on Placebo‐Use in Clinical Trials: A Comparative Analysis.Hans-jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (1):64-74.
    The ethical aspects of placebo control in clinical trials have been extensively and controversially debated in the last decade. However, a thorough analytical comparison of the different existing international regulations, their terminologies and their ethical principles concerning placebo, is still missing. The central issue in the ongoing controversy is the justification of placebo‐use, if proven treatment exists. All present versions of the examined guidelines propose such justifications, but each guideline differs from the others in relevant details. Therefore the conditions (...)
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    International ethical guidelines for biomedical research involving human subjects.C. G. Foster - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (2):123-124.
  3. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. Geneva: CIOMS, 2002. 16. Resnik DB. The Ethics of HIV Research in Developing Nations. [REVIEW]Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences - 1998 - Bioethics 12:286-206.
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    Hobbes on International Ethics.Johan Olsthoorn - 2021 - In Marcus P. Adams, A Companion to Hobbes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 252–267.
    This chapter explores the character and normative foundations of Hobbes's international ethics. In Hobbes's case, international ethics is composed of three distinct sets of norms: natural rights, the laws of nature, and justice. In Leviathan, Hobbes's international ethics are informed by sovereign duties of care to national subjects – not unlike the tacit ethical assumptions of some modern realist theories of international relations. Commonwealths and pre‐statist individuals face different empirical conditions, making the (...) state of war a less wretched condition for subjects than the prestatist war of all against all. Scholars have hitherto overlooked Hobbes's concomitant naturalistic conception of rights of war – justifying both preventive attacks and outright conquest. Both the English and Latin Leviathan reiterate the earlier equation of jus gentium with natural law. Hobbes thereby effectively made having a right intention the sole criterion for permissible resort to armed force. (shrink)
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    International Ethics.Mervyn Frost (ed.) - 2011 - SAGE Publications.
    Actors in international politics need to navigate a host of ethical challenges when deciding how to act in a certain context. They are confronted by the question: "What, from an ethical point of view, should I do?" with regard to a wide range of issues including the conduct of war, the just distribution of aid and trade, human rights, the care of the global environment, the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, genocide, money laundering, global terror, and many others. (...)
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    International Ethics: A Reference Handbook.Gerard Elfstrom - 1998 - Denver, CO, USA: ABC-CLIO.
    Examines the basic concepts and methodologies of assisting people in other countries, and their application in such areas as indigenous people, population control, national sovereignty, women's status, and free-trade agreements.
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    Amnesty International urges a stronger human rights role for nurses and midwives.International Amnesty - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (6):649.
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  8. Anticipatory International Ethics.Ruth Chadwick - 2025 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, E. S. Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh & Michael J. S. Beauvais, Promoting the "human" in law, policy, and medicine: essays in honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    International ethical regulations on placebo-use in clinical trials: A comparative analysis.Hans-jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2007 - Bioethics 22 (1):64–74.
    ABSTRACT The ethical aspects of placebo control in clinical trials have been extensively and controversially debated in the last decade. However, a thorough analytical comparison of the different existing international regulations, their terminologies and their ethical principles concerning placebo, is still missing. The central issue in the ongoing controversy is the justification of placebo‐use, if proven treatment exists. All present versions of the examined guidelines propose such justifications, but each guideline differs from the others in relevant details. Therefore the (...)
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    Minimal risk as an international ethical standard in research.Loretta M. Kopelman - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (3):351 – 378.
    Classifying research proposals by risk of harm is fundamental to the approval process and the most pivotal risk category in most regulations is that of “minimal risk.” If studies have no more than a minimal risk, for example, a nearly worldwide consensus exists that review boards may sometimes: (1) expedite review, (2) waive or modify some or all elements of informed consent, or (3) enroll vulnerable subjects including healthy children, incapacitated persons and prisoners even if studies do not hold out (...)
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    Measuring International Ethics: A Moral Scale of War, Peace, Justice, and Global Care.Pierre Allan - 2006 - In Alexis Keller, What is a Just Peace? Oxford University Press.
    This chapter distinguishes Just Peace from its closest ‘moral’ neighbours — a stable peace and positive peace. Drawing on both consequentialist and deontological considerations, Allan develops an international ethical scale to evaluate different acts from a moral standpoint, with different levels of conflict as the baseline of ethical behavior. The more extreme the discord, the worse it is considered on the scale; the more harmonious, the better. Arguing that absolute unhappiness and absolute happiness are not of this world, Allan (...)
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  12. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects CIOMS.Udo Schuklenk - 1994 - Bioethics 8 (2):189-189.
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  13. Professional ethics.Thomas George Lund & International Bar Association - 1970 - New York:
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    The Making of an Authentic Leader’s Internalized Moral Perspective: The Role of Internalized Ethical Philosophies in the Development of Authentic Leaders’ Moral Identity.Seyyed Babak Alavi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (1):77-92.
    This paper explores the impact of ethical philosophies on developing an authentic leader’s internalized moral perspective. It builds on prior research on moral identity, proposing that ethical philosophies such as deontology, rule utilitarianism, and virtue can be internalized over time to form an authentic leader’s internalized moral identity. The paper argues that while virtues and altruism are discussed in the authentic leadership literature, the relevance of other ethical philosophies to authentic leadership has been largely overlooked. These ethical philosophies embedded in (...)
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  15.  10
    War and International Ethics: Tradition and Today.Wilfred Lawrence LaCroix - 1987 - Upa.
    Examines the arguments and changes in the tradition of justified war.
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    Ethical Considerations in Research With People From Refugee and Asylum Seeker Backgrounds: A Systematic Review of National and International Ethics Guidelines.Natasha Davidson, Karin Hammarberg & Jane Fisher - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):261-284.
    Refugees and asylum seekers may experience challenges related to pre-arrival experiences, structural disadvantage after migration and during resettlement requiring the need for special protection when participating in research. The aim was to review if and how people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds have had their need for special protection addressed in national and international research ethics guidelines. A systematic search of grey literature was undertaken. The search yielded 2187 documents of which fourteen met the inclusion criteria. Few (...)
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  17. Existing International Ethical Guidelines for Human Subjects Research: Some Open Questions.Nicholas A. Christakis & Morris J. Panner - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (3-4):214-221.
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  18. The rise of international ethics: the Caux Round Table: principles for business.Joe Skelly - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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  19. Utilitarianism and International Ethics.Gerard Elfstrom - 2010 - In Robert A. Denemark & Renée Marlin-Bennett, The International Studies Encyclopedia. pp. 7214-29.
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    International Ethics: A "Philosophy and Public Affairs" Reader.Charles R. Beitz (ed.) - 1985 - Princeton University Press.
    This book is comprised of essays previously published in Philosophy & Public Affairs and also an extended excerpt from Michael Walzer's Just and Unjust Wars.
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    International ethics and the environmental crisis.Robert E. Goodin - 1990 - Ethics and International Affairs 4:91–105.
    Goodin outlines specific ways to overcome the crisis through international means, requiring each nation to reduce its own hazardous production, and enjoining a collective effort to confront the challenge of global environmental deterioration.
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  22. Local Food and International Ethics.Mark C. Navin - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):349-368.
    Many advocate practices of ‘local food’ or ‘locavorism’ as a partial solution to the injustices and unsustainability of contemporary food systems. I think that there is much to be said in favor of local food movements, but these virtues are insufficient to immunize locavorism from criticism. In particular, three duties of international ethics—beneficence, repair and fairness—may provide reasons for constraining the developed world’s permissible pursuit of local food. A complete account of why (and how) the fulfillment of these (...)
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  23.  45
    Social Forces and International Ethics.Howard C. Warren - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (3):350-356.
  24. Clinical Ethics Committee in an Oncological Research Hospital: two-years Report.Marta Perin, Ludovica De Panfilis & on Behalf of the Clinical Ethics Committee of the Azienda Usl-Irccs di Reggio Emilia - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1217-1231.
    Research question and aim Clinical Ethics Committees (CECs) aim to support healthcare professionals (HPs) and healthcare organizations to deal with the ethical issues of clinical practice. In 2020, a CEC was established in an Oncology Research Hospital in the North of Italy. This paper describes the development process and the activities performed 20 months from the CEC’s implementation, to increase knowledge about CEC’s implementation strategy. Research design We collected quantitative data related to number and characteristics of CEC activities carried (...)
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    Are International Ethical Guidance Documents and Statements Lacking Legitimacy?Udo Schuklenk - 2015 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):ii-iii.
  26.  10
    Reason and Emotion in International Ethics.Renée Jeffery - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The study of international ethics is marked by an overwhelming bias towards reasoned reflection at the expense of emotionally driven moral deliberation. For rationalist cosmopolitans in particular, reason alone provides the means by which we can arrive at the truly impartial moral judgments a cosmopolitan ethic demands. However, are the emotions as irrational, selfish and partial as most rationalist cosmopolitans would have us believe? By re-examining the central claims of the eighteenth-century moral sentiment theorists in light of cutting-edge (...)
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    International Ethics: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader.Lawrence A. Alexander (ed.) - 1985 - Princeton University Press.
    This book is comprised of essays previously published in Philosophy & Public Affairs and also an extended excerpt from Michael Walzer's Just and Unjust Wars.
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  28. International ethics codes and the duty to protect.Mark M. Leach - 2009 - In James L. Werth, Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association.
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  29.  14
    Global Public Reason as a Norm of International Ethics. 김상범 - 2023 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 104:63-85.
    이 논문은 글로벌 공적 이성에 관한 최근의 논의와 쟁점들을 분석적으로 천착하고, 이 를 통해 글로벌 공적 이성의 한계를 비판적으로 성찰한 후, 국제 윤리 규범으로서 글로벌 공적 이성의 윤리적 함의를 밝히는 데 그 목적이 있다. 글로벌 공적 이성의 취지는 국경을 가로질러 사람들에게 영향을 미치는 국가 행위라든가 혹은 글로벌 차원의 정의의 원칙들 이 정당화되기 위해서는 그것들에 영향을 받는 합당한 혹은 가상적 상황의 당사자들에게 그러한 행위나 원칙들이 공적이고 접근 가능한 근거에 입각해서 정당화될 수 있어야 한다 는 것이다. 국제 사회가 칸트가 구상한 영원한 평화에 (...)
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    What do international ethics guidelines say in terms of the scope of medical research ethics?Rosemarie D. L. C. Bernabe, Ghislaine J. M. W. van Thiel & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundIn research ethics, the most basic question would always be, “which is an ethical issue, which is not?” Interestingly, depending on which ethics guideline we consult, we may have various answers to this question. Though we already have several international ethics guidelines for biomedical research involving human participants, ironically, we do not have a harmonized document which tells us what these various guidelines say and shows us the areas of consensus. In this manuscript, we attempted to (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)The Principle of International Ethics.A. C. Armstrong - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:237.
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  32. International Ethics and Failures: Case Studies.Norbert Delatte - 2015 - In C. Murphy, P. Gardoni, H. Bashir, Harris Jr & E. Masad, Engineering Ethics for a Globalized World. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing.
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    Do international ethics matter? Humanitarian politics in the sudan.Thomas G. Weiss & Larry Minear - 1991 - Ethics and International Affairs 5:197–214.
    The authors argue that, while all historical situations are in some sense unique, Sudan is not so idiosyncratic that the lessons and the precedents cannot be replicated elsewhere to protect civilians caught between warring sides in civil wars.
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    Hegel and international ethics.Chris Brown - 1991 - Ethics and International Affairs 5:73–86.
    Brown attempts to clarify Hegelian ideas of absolute knowledge and self-knowledge that lead to the model of the modern state as "the vehicle for the self-expression of spirit...governed only by the requirements of reason" upon which Hegel grounds international ethics.
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    Evaluating international ethical climates: A goal programming model. [REVIEW]James J. Hoffman - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (16):1861-1869.
    A critical concern for firms pursuing international expansion strategies involves identifying countries that offer a good fit with the firm's overall ethical orientation. Unfortunately, little has been written to aid firms in identifying countries that offer this type of fit. This paper presents a model that combines the concepts of strategic management, cross-cultural management, business ethics, and the management science technique of goal programming. The purpose of the model is to aid managers in identifying countries for international (...)
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  36. beyond Max Weber.".Protestant Ethic - 1973 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 36:4-21.
  37.  50
    Developing a National Code of Ethics in Psychology in Turkey: Balancing International Ethical Systems Guides With a Nation's Unique Culture.Yesim Korkut - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (3-4):288-296.
    Developing a national code for psychologists is a complex process that requires endurance and a proper understanding of not only contemporary needs but also cultural conditions. There are many issues to be considered carefully. It is better to look at code development beyond a text creation and rather as a process in which an ethics system may be created. In order not to merely repeat well-known codes, there are several steps that should be considered. This article intends to address (...)
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  38.  68
    The Place of Arbitration and Mediation in Ancient Systems of International Ethics.Louise E. Matthael - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (04):241-.
    There can be no doubt that the Romans were very much influenced in their use of interstate arbitration by the Greeks. This statement can be made without affecting the question as to whether the actual principle of arbitration was known to them before their contact with the Greeks. Either the practice sprang up independently in Italy and Greece owing to similarity of conditions, or else it was part of the same stock of political and social ideas inherited by each race (...)
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    Ethics of ICU triage during COVID-19.Rasita Vinay, Holger Baumann & Nikola Https://Orcidorg Biller-Andorno - 2021 - .
    Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has placed intensive care units (ICU) triage at the center of bioethical discussions. National and international triage guidelines emerged from professional and governmental bodies and have led to controversial discussions about which criteria—e.g. medical prognosis, age, life-expectancy or quality of life—are ethically acceptable. The paper presents the main points of agreement and disagreement in triage protocols and reviews the ethical debate surrounding them. Sources of data: Published articles, news articles, book chapters, ICU triage (...)
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    Nature and history of the CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines and implications for local implementation: A perspective from East Africa.John Barugahare & Paul Kutyabami - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (4):175-183.
    The theme of the 10th Annual Research Ethics Conference organized by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (2018) was “Evolution of Research Ethics in Uganda and the Region: Past, Present and Future”. We were asked to address the topic: “The History of CIOMS and the recent changes in the international ethics guidelines: implications for local research”. The thrust of the conference was to track progress in ensuring ethical conduct of research, highlight challenges encountered, and (...)
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  41. Bridging East-West Differences in Ethics Guidance for AI and Robots.Nancy S. Jecker & Eisuke Nakazawa - 2022 - AI 3 (3):764-777.
    Societies of the East are often contrasted with those of the West in their stances toward technology. This paper explores these perceived differences in the context of international ethics guidance for artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. Japan serves as an example of the East, while Europe and North America serve as examples of the West. The paper’s principal aim is to demonstrate that Western values predominate in international ethics guidance and that Japanese values serve as a (...)
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  42.  75
    Ethics of Self-driving Cars: A Naturalistic Approach.Selene Arfini, Davide Spinelli & Daniele Chiffi - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (4):717-734.
    The potential development of self-driving cars (also known as autonomous vehicles or AVs – particularly Level 5 AVs) has called the attention of different interested parties. Yet, there are still only a few relevant international regulations on them, no emergency patterns accepted by communities and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), and no publicly accepted solutions to some of their pending ethical problems. Thus, this paper aims to provide some possible answers to these moral and practical dilemmas. In particular, we focus (...)
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  43.  9
    Niebuhrian international relations: the ethics of foreign policymaking.Gregory J. Moore - 2020 - New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
    Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) may have been the most influential and insightful American thinker of the twentieth century. In dealing with the intricacies of human nature, society, politics, ethics, theology, racism and international relations, Niebuhr the teacher, preacher, philosopher, social critic and ethicist, was highly influential and difficult to ignore during the Second World War and Cold War eras because of his intellectual heft and the novel manner in which he addressed the economic, spiritual, social and political problems of (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Ethics and the Conduct of Business.John Raymond Boatright - 2009 - Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall. Edited by Jeffery David Smith.
    Ethics in the world of business -- Welfare, rights, and justice -- Equality, liberty, and virtue -- Whistle-blowing -- Trade secrets and conflict of interest -- Privacy -- Discrimination and affirmative action -- Employment rights -- Occupational health and safety -- Marketing, advertising, and product safety -- Ethics in finance -- Corporate social responsibility -- Corporate governance and accountability -- International business ethics.
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    Proposed Principles for International Bioethics Conferencing: Anti-Discriminatory, Global, and Inclusive.Nancy S. Jecker, Vardit Ravitsky, Mohammad Ghaly, Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon & Caesar Atuire - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):13-28.
    This paper opens a critical conversation about the ethics of international bioethics conferencing and proposes principles that commit to being anti-discriminatory, global, and inclusive. We launch this conversation in the Section, Case Study, with a case example involving the International Association of Bioethics’ (IAB’s) selection of Qatar to host the 2024 World Congress of Bioethics. IAB’s choice of Qatar sparked controversy. We believe it also may reveal deeper issues of Islamophobia in bioethics. The Section, Principles for (...) Bioethics Conferencing, sets forth and defends proposed principles for international bioethics conferencing. The Section, Applying Principles to Site Selection applies the proposed principles to the case example. The Section, Applying Principles Beyond Site Selection addresses other applications of the proposed principles. The Section, Objections responds to objections. We close (in the Section, Conclusion) by calling for a wider discussion of our proposed principles.One-Sentence Capsule Summary: How should bioethicists navigate the ethics of global bioethics conferencing? (shrink)
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    Christian Wolff's German Ethics: New Essays.Sonja Schierbaum, Michael Walschots & John Walsh (eds.) - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This is a collection of sixteen essays by a diverse group of international scholars that offers a wide-ranging and contemporary perspective on the major aspects of Christian Wolff’s ethics. The volume focuses on Wolff’s German Ethics, arguably his most important and influential text on moral philosophy, but many of the chapters also consider the development of the basic tenets of Wolff’s moral theory in his later Latin writings. The contributions cover a range of topics, including the systematic (...)
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  47. The Rise of International Ethics.Joe Skelly - 1995 - Business Ethics 9:24-25.
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    International political theory: rethinking ethics in a global era.Kimberly Hutchings - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    This book provides an invaluable overview of the competing schools of thought in traditional and contemporary normative international theory and seeks to provide a new basis for doing international political theory and thinking about ethics in world politics today. · Part one explains the role and place of normative theory in the study of international politics before critically examining mainstream approaches in international relations and applied ethics. Here the student is introduced to the central (...)
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  49.  29
    Research on Human Populations: National and International Ethical Guidelines.Bernard M. Dickens, Larry Gostin & Robert J. Levine - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (3-4):157-161.
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    Who does Neuroethics Scholarship Address, and What Does it Recommend? A Content Analysis of Selected Abstracts from the International Neuroethics Society Annual Meetings.Nina Yichen Wei, Rebekah J. Choi, Laura Specker Sullivan & Anna Wexler - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-10.
    Much neuroethics literature concludes with a set of normative recommendations. While these recommendations can be a helpful way of summarizing a proposal for a future direction, some have recently argued that ethics scholarship has devoted insufficient attention to considerations of audience and real-world applications. To date, however, while scholars have conducted topic analyses of neuroethics literature, to our knowledge no study has evaluated who neuroethics scholarship addresses and what it recommends. The objective of the present study therefore was to (...)
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