Results for 'Interest, Suitability Of Interest To Occupation, Employee’s Productivity, Insurance Agent'

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  1. Kesesuaian minat terhadap pekerjaan: Pegawai produktif (studi pada agen asuransi jiwa di jakarta).Irene Telvisia & P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (1).
    This research aimed to examine the relations between suitability of interest to occupation and employee’s productivity. The hypothesis tested whether there are correlations between suitability of interest to occupation and employee’s productivity on insurance agent. Subjects were insurance agent from Jiwasraya Company (N = 90). Two instruments were administered to collect the data i.e. Position Classification Inventory, and Vocational Preferences Inventory. The data were analyzed through Spearman’s correlation test. The results (...)
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    The influence of compensation on product recommendations made by insurance agents.William R. Cupach & James M. Carson - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (2):167 - 176.
    Lawsuits alleging illegal and unethical insurance sales practices have received widespread publicity in recent years. Although many observers have argued that one source of ethical conflicts for insurance agents is the industry's reliance on straight commission compensation, there remains a paucity of empirical data to support the claim. Therefore, we tested whether different forms of compensation influence insurance agent recommendations of products. We obtained survey responses from 336 insurance agents. Respondents were presented with a composite (...)
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  3.  77
    Ethics, incentives, and conflicts of interest: A practical solution. [REVIEW]Nancy B. Kurland - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (6):465 - 475.
    Couched in positive agency theory, it is shown that the straight-commission compensation system (SCCS) creates a conflict of interest between the agent''s and the client''s self-interests. Based on this, it is hypothesized that the SCCS will encourage agents to intend to act unethically towards their clients. Two hundred and forty five insurance agents in the U.S. were surveyed, with 59% responding. The results suggest that the SCCS does not significantly affect agents'' ethical intentions, positively or negatively. This (...)
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    Production Hydrobiology in the USSR Under the Pressure of Lysenkoism: Vladimir I. Zhadin’s Forgotten Theory of Biological Productivity.Alexandra Rizhinashvili - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):105-139.
    The present study analyzes specific traits of Lysenkoism dogmas as they were reflected in Soviet hydrobiology. As a case study, I use the now-forgotten productivity theory of bodies of water developed in 1940 by the Soviet hydrobiologist Vladimir I. Zhadin. Zhadin’s views on production relied on his observations of changes in the communities of riverine faunas caused by the construction of water reservoirs. The theory is of particular interest because it attempts to address the unresolved problems of that period. (...)
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    Science, culture, and politics in U.S. natural resources management.Arthur F. McEvoy - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (3):469-486.
    What I have tried to do here is to provide a historical example of the interdependence between nature and culture that is one of the themes of this conference. To sum up: Scientific descriptions of the world emerge out of a complex interaction between nature, economic production, and the legal system. “Science” consists of a struggle among scientists, and between scientists and citizens, over what counts as “reality.” Lawmaking, in turn, consists of a struggle between people who want to allocate (...)
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  6. What does it mean to occupy?Tim Gilman & Matt Statler - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):36-39.
    Place mouse over image continent. 2.1 (2012): 36–39. From an ethical and political perspective, people and property can hardly be separated. Indeed, the modern political subject – that is, the individual, the person, the self, the autonomous actor, the rational self-interest maximizer, etc. – has taken shape in and through the elaboration, institutionalization, and enactment of that which rightfully belongs to it. This thread can be traced back perhaps most directly to Locke’s notion that the origin of the political (...)
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  7. Do corporations have minds of their own?Kirk Ludwig - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (3):265-297.
    Corporations have often been taken to be the paradigm of an organization whose agency is autonomous from that of the successive waves of people who occupy the pattern of roles that define its structure, which licenses saying that the corporation has attitudes, interests, goals, and beliefs which are not those of the role occupants. In this essay, I sketch a deflationary account of agency-discourse about corporations. I identify institutional roles with a special type of status function, a status role, in (...)
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  8. Trends of Palestinian Higher Educational Institutions in Gaza Strip as Learning Organizations.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Youssef M. Abu Amuna & Amal A. Al Hila - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (1):1-42.
    The research aims to identify the trends of Palestinian higher educational institutions in Gaza Strip as learning organizations from the perspective of senior management in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) employees from (...)
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    Medical test and employee's autonomy. Confidentiality of data and non‐discrimination.Javier Fernández-Costales Muñiz - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    Monitoring health is one of the basic principles of Occupational Health and Safety. The main objective of this monitoring will be the detection of possible damage to health arising from work. They try to discover the effects that the inherent risks with the work may cause the worker, which will show, given the case, through an alteration of health or the state of organic and functional state, both physically and mentally. Regarding the monitoring of health, there are many and varied (...)
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    Financial Conflicts of Interest at FDA Drug Advisory Committee Meetings.Michael J. Hayes & Vinay Prasad - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (2):10-13.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's drug advisory committees provide expert assessments of the safety and efficacy of new therapies considered for approval. A committee hears from a variety of speakers, from six groups, including voting members of the committee, FDA staff members, employees of the pharmaceutical company seeking approval of a therapy, patient and consumer representatives, expert speakers invited by the company, and public participants. The committees convene at the request of the FDA when the risks and harms of (...)
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    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Full Disclosure of the ‘Raw Data’ of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturers’ Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.Dennis J. Mazur - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (2):152-157.
    This guide accompanies the following article(s): ‘Full Disclosure of the “Raw Data” of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturer’s Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.’Philosophy Compass 6/2 (2011): 90–99. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00376.x Author’s Introduction Securing consent (and informed consent) from patients and research study participants is a key concern in patient care and research on humans. Yet, the legal doctrines of consent and informed consent differ in their applications. In patient care, the judicial doctrines of consent and informed (...)
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    Conflict-of-interest policy at the national institutes of health: The pendulum swings wildly.Evan G. DeRenzo - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15.2 (2005) 199-210 [Access article in PDF] Conflict-of-Interest Policy at the National Institutes of Health: The Pendulum Swings Wildly* Evan G. DeRenzo **This article addresses the National Institutes of Health (NIH) employee conflict-of-interest (COI) policy that went into effect February 2005. It is not, however, merely an account of another poorly crafted government policy that cries out for revision. Instead, it is (...)
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    The Moment of the Sublime in Marc Richir’s Phenomenology.Focuses Primarily on the Methodological Problem of Motivation He Also has A. Cross-Disciplinary Interest & A. Monograph on Eugen Fink’S. Phenomenology of Dreaming Is Working on the Phenomenology of Dreaming He is the Author of Formen der Versunkenheit - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):171-185.
    In the final years of his life, the Belgian phenomenologist Marc Richir started to question if philosophical writing would become pointless when artists, great poets for example, have already achieved so well what philosophers have always aspired to achieve. There is no doubt that Richir considers himself in alliance with artists, since he basically believes that “phenomenology is trying to say the same thing as poets or musicians, or even possibly painters, but with philosophical language”. He seems thereby to imply (...)
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    The Mutability of Biotechnology Patents: From Unwieldy Products of Nature to Independent 'Object/s'.Michael S. Carolan - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (1):110-129.
    This article details how patent law works to create discrete, immutable biological ‘objects’. This socio-legal maneuver is necessary to distinguish these artifacts from the unwieldy realm of the natural world. The creation of ‘objects’ also serves the interests of capital, where a stable, unchanging, immutable object goes hand in hand with commodification. Yet this stabilization is incomplete. Pointing to a variety of different examples, this article illustrates how biotech patents do not speak to specific, immutable things. Biotech patents, rather, are (...)
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  15.  85
    When Public Health and Genetic Privacy Collide: Positive and Normative Theories Explaining How ACA's Expansion of Corporate Wellness Programs Conflicts with GINA's Privacy Rules.Jennifer S. Bard - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (3):469-487.
    The passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a triumph for the field of public health. Its inclusion of many provisions intended to prevent illness and promote health endorses the core belief of public health as expressed by Dr. Georges Benjamin, the long-time executive director of the American Public Health Association, in a Washington Post opinion piece praising ACA for “provid[ing] care as far upstream as possible… [in order to] reduce costs by identifying problems early and then (...)
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    Effect of Complexity on Speech Sound Development: Evidence From Meta-Analysis Review of Treatment-Based Studies.Akshay R. Maggu, René Kager, Carol K. S. To, Judy S. K. Kwan & Patrick C. M. Wong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the current study, we aimed at understanding the effect of exposure to complex input on speech sound development, by conducting a systematic meta-analysis review of the existing treatment-based studies employing complex input in children with speech sound disorders. In the meta-analysis review, using a list of inclusion criteria, we narrowed 280 studies down to 12 studies. Data from these studies were extracted to calculate effect sizes that were plotted as forest plots to determine the efficacy of complexity-based treatment approaches. (...)
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  17.  52
    Insurance Discrimination on the Basis of Health Status: An Overview of Discrimination Practices, Federal Law, and Federal Reform Options.Sara Rosenbaum - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (s2):101-120.
    Actuarial underwriting, or discrimination based on an individual's health status, is a business feature of the voluntary private insurance market. The term “discrimination” in this paper is not intended to convey the concept of unfair treatment, but rather how the insurance industry differentiates among individuals in designing and administering health insurance and employee health benefit products. Discrimination can occur at the point of enrollment, coverage design, or decisions regarding scope of coverage. Several major federal laws aimed at (...)
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    The Impact of Corporate Welfare Policy on Firm-Level Productivity: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance.Masako Darrough, Heedong Kim & Emanuel Zur - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):795-815.
    We study how changes in unemployment risk affect firms’ productivity and whether firm-initiated policies can mitigate the moral hazard problem created by increases in unemployment insurance benefits that might decrease workers’ incentives to work hard. We focus on state-specific changes in UIB levels as a quasi-natural experiment. While a large body of research has examined UIBs, including their effect on unemployed workers, few studies investigate whether UIBs have any impact on a firm’s overall productivity. Using data on firm-level total (...)
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  19. Ethical leadership and employee ethical behaviour: exploring dual-mediation paths of ethical climate and organisational justice: empirical study on Iraqi organisations.Hussam Al Halbusi, Mohd Nazari Ismail & Safiah Binti Omar - 2021 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 15 (3):303–325.
    Due to ethical lapses of leaders, interest in ethical leadership has grown, raising important questions about the responsibility of leaders in ensuring moral and ethical conduct. Research conducted on ethical leadership failed to investigate the active role that the characteristics of ethical climate and organisational justice have an increasing or decreasing influence on the ethical leadership in the organisation’s outcomes of employees’ ethical behaviour. Thus, this study examined the dual-mediations of work ethical climate and organisational justice on the relation (...)
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  20.  8
    Target's Corporate Identity and its Reflection in Employee's Anonymous Reviews of the Company.Marta Mysakowska - 2014 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 10 (2):261-274.
    The purpose of this case study is to investigate the identity linguistically and cognitively presented by official Target Corporation’s discourse and to unveil any structures or elements that are prominent enough to be included in the employees’ discourse production. The assumption is that the particular language we speak and the structures we choose in various contexts predispose us to think and act in certain ways. As for the approach utilized in this research, it is rather data-driven than data-based. Methods of (...)
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  21.  50
    The fiction of corporate scapegoating.P. Eddy Wilson - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (10):779 - 784.
    If the agent responsible for an action is to be given praise or blame by the moral community for that action, then accurate responsibility ascriptions must be made. Since the moral community may have to evaluate the actions of corporate agents, care must be taken to insure that the assumption of Methodological Individualism (MI) does not infect that process. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that accurate responsibility ascriptions will be made in cases connected with corporate action as long as (...)
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  22.  40
    The Crisis of Sense of Belonging in Saud Alsanousi’s Saq al-Bamboo Novel.Adnan Arslan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):993-1008.
    Some of the human needs are more important than others in order to be inevitable. One of these needs which cannot be avoided is the need for belonging to any authority. Whatever the name, religion, nation, homeland, flag etc. all these concepts are the reflections of the sense of belonging that comes with human existence. This article will discuss how Kuwaiti novelist Saud Alsanousi reflects the crisis of a child who is born from a secret relationship with a Filipino woman's (...)
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    Death Spiral or Euthanasia? The Demise of Generous Group Health Insurance Coverage.Mark V. Pauly, Olivia S. Mitchell & Yuhui Zeng - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (4):412-427.
    Employers must determine the types of health care plans to offer and also set employee premiums for each plan provided. Depending on the structure of the employee share of premiums across different health insurance plans, the incentives to choose one plan over another are altered. If employees know premiums do not fully reflect the risk differences among workers, such pricing can give rise to a so-called “death spiral” due to adverse selection. This paper uses longitudinal information from a natural (...)
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    Of couscous and occupation: a case study of women’s motivations to join and participate in Palestinian fair trade cooperatives. [REVIEW]Jess Bonnan-White, Andrea Hightower & Ameena Issa - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):337-350.
    Economic opportunities and the status of women are mediated by socio-political structural factors, as well as cultural-specific norms and patterns of behavior. As consumers (and, in many cases, regulators) of resources at the household level, women are integral to the analysis of economic and political development. This paper examines the role of motivation and perception on women’s participation in Palestinian Fair Trade projects. In the occupied Palestinian Territories, Fair Trade projects have been recently introduced by both international agencies and local (...)
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    From the Archives of Scientific Diplomacy: Science and the Shared Interests of Samuel Hartlib’s London and Frederick Clodius’s Gottorf.Vera Keller & Leigh T. I. Penman - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):17-42.
    ABSTRACT Many historians have traced the accumulation of scientific archives via communication networks. Engines for communication in early modernity have included trade, the extrapolitical Republic of Letters, religious enthusiasm, and the centralization of large emerging information states. The communication between Samuel Hartlib, John Dury, Duke Friedrich III of Gottorf-Holstein, and his key agent in England, Frederick Clodius, points to a less obvious but no less important impetus—the international negotiations of smaller states. Smaller states shaped communication networks in an international (...)
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    Prosocial aspects of afterlife beliefs: Maybe another by-product.Pascal Boyer - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):466-466.
    Bering argues that belief in posthumous intentional agency may confer added fitness via the inhibition of opportunistic behavior. This is true only if these agents are interested parties in our moral choices, a feature which does not result from Bering's imaginative constraint hypothesis and extends to supernatural agents other than dead people's souls. A by-product model might handle this better.
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    Do private German health insurers invest their capital reserves of €353 billion according to environmental, social and governance criteria?Frederick Schneider, Julia Gogolewska, Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Gerrit Hohendorf, Gerhard Schneider, Reinhard Busse & Christian M. Schulz - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e48-e48.
    BackgroundTo prevent the planet from catastrophic global warming a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to net zero is required. Thus, divestment from fossil fuels must be a strategic interest for health insurers. The aim of this study was to analyse the implementation of environmental, social and governance criteria in German private health insurers’ investments.MethodsIn 2019 a survey about ESG strategies was sent to German private health insurance companies. The survey evaluated investment strategies and thresholds for the exclusion of (...)
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  28. Rethinking the ethical approach to health information management through narration: pertinence of Ricœur’s ‘little ethics’.Corine Mouton Dorey - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):531-543.
    The increased complexity of health information management sows the seeds of inequalities between health care stakeholders involved in the production and use of health information. Patients may thus be more vulnerable to use of their data without their consent and breaches in confidentiality. Health care providers can also be the victims of a health information system that they do not fully master. Yet, despite its possible drawbacks, the management of health information is indispensable for advancing science, medical care and public (...)
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    Conflict of interest from a Romanian geneticist’s perspective.Ioana Ispas - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):363-381.
    This paper examines Romanian bioethics regulations for biomedical sciences, looking in particular at the genetics area as a source for conflict of interest. The analysis is focused on the organizational level, national regulations, the sources for generating conflicts of interest, and management of conflicts. Modern biotechnology and gene technology are among the key technologies of the twenty-first century. The application of gene technology for medical and pharmaceutical purposes is widely accepted by society, but the same cannot be said (...)
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    Insuring the Future.Tony Lynch & David Wells - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (4):507-521.
    Environmental politics needs more than piecemeal institutional efforts and more than calls for a set of 'new' values. It needs a realistic, comprehensive, and effective policy programme. Such a programme can be derived from a conjunction of Hardin's work on the 'tragedy of the commons' and Beck's analysis of the 'risk society', and involves exploiting the possibilities for the internalisation of risk provided by the insurance and reinsurance industries. Such exploitation requires tailored changes to the politico-legal environment, enforcing strict (...)
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  31.  21
    The Longing for Myth in Germany: Religion and Aesthetic Culture From Romanticism to Nietzsche.George S. Williamson - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    Since the dawn of Romanticism, artists and intellectuals in Germany have maintained an abiding interest in the gods and myths of antiquity while calling for a new mythology suitable to the modern age. In this study, George S. Williamson examines the factors that gave rise to this distinct and profound longing for myth. In doing so, he demonstrates the entanglement of aesthetic and philosophical ambitions in Germany with some of the major religious conflicts of the nineteenth century. Through readings (...)
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    Development obstacles of the agent accounting industry in China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area based on quantitative analysis—Research on the problem of employee’s work attitude.Xiang Huang, Hyukku Lee, Mingyi Wang, Dong Wang, Yaoxian Wu & Kangsheng Du - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The notion of “agent bookkeeping” was proposed when the “Accounting Law of the People’s Republic of China” was updated in 1993. Since their business is specialized in serving small and micro-enterprises, this has created the industry characteristic of generally small in the size of company and low in the salary of employees in Chinese agent bookkeeping companies. Such characteristic results in a series of problems including negative work attitude of employees in the development process, which seriously limit the (...)
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    Medical tourism: Crossing borders to access health care.Harriet Hutson Gray & Susan Cartier Poland - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (2):pp. 193-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Medical Tourism:Crossing Borders to Access Health CareHarriet Hutson Gray (bio) and Susan Cartier Poland (bio)Traveling abroad for one's health has a long history for the upper social classes who sought spas, mineral baths, innovative therapies, and the fair climate of the Mediterranean as destinations to improve their health. The newest trend in the first decade of the twenty-first century has the middle class traveling from developed countries to those (...)
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  34.  79
    Occupational Safety and Paternalism: Machan Revisited.Earl W. Spurgin - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (2):155-173.
    In 1987, Machan provided a libertarian case against the right to occupational safety. Since before Machan’s essay appeared, many business ethicists and legal scholars have given considerable attention to the overall position Machan endorses: the acceptance of employment at will and the rejection of employee rights. No one yet has given adequate attention, however, to the fact that Machan’s argument against the right to occupational safety actually stands or falls independently of his overall position on employee rights. His argument ultimately (...)
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    Hildegard: Medieval holism and 'presentism'— or, did sigewiza have health insurance?Jerome L. Kroll - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):pp. 369-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hildegard: Medieval Holism and ‘Presentism’—Or, Did Sigewiza Have Health Insurance?Jerome L. Kroll (bio)Keywordsholistic healing, presentism, Hildegard of Bingen, medieval medicineSuzanne Phillips and Monique Boivin have published an article examining Hildegard of Bingen’s (1098–179) treatment and cure of Sigewiza, a possessed woman. The purpose of their article is to demonstrate Hildegard’s holistic, or biopsychosocial, approach to healing as a model that we in the twenty-first century have lost but (...)
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    The new world of human genetic technologies: The policy environment and impacts of genetic screening tests. [REVIEW]Jose Sanmart�N. - 1995 - AI and Society 9 (1):105-114.
    Today it is possible to screen for mutated DNA sequences which do not induce any diseases but predispose to develop diseases under certain environmental condition. These latter disorders are called multifactorial since they result from the interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Among multifactorial disorders there are job-related diseases whose genetic component can be identified by genetic screening tests. The use of these tests to predict occupational disorders, to cut down on them, and to save costs—in particular for absenteeism, health (...)
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    Ethical Reflections on Company-Owned Life Insurance.Hugo Nurnberg & Douglas P. Lackey - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (4):845-854.
    COLI – company owned life insurance – is often purchased by firms on employees in whom the firm has no demonstrable insurable interest. Though no immediate harm comes to individuals insured in this way, purchasing such policies raises moral questions. From a Kantian framework, questions arise about reciprocity and fairness, the deception of employees, the generation of mistrust, and the use of the employee’s life as a means to profit. No compensating social good is served by the (...)
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    Changes in Occupational Structure and Occupational Practice: A Challenge to Education.Monique Volman & Elly de Bruijn - 2000 - European Journal of Women's Studies 7 (4):455-474.
    In response to recent developments in the labour market, in occupational structure and in occupational practice, many aspects of vocational education and training are subjects of discussion and in transition. The tertiary sector is growing, some occupations are integrating while others are differentiating. New methods of production and organization require new types of employee competencies: problem-solving and social-communicative skills are becoming more and more important. The article focuses on the importance and the possibilities of shaping these developments from a gender (...)
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    Conflicts of interest in clinical practice and research.Roy G. Spece, David S. Shimm & Allen E. Buchanan (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our society has long sanctioned, at least tacitly, a degree of conflict of interest in medical practice and clinical research as an unavoidable consequence of the different interests of the physician or clinical investigator, the patient or clinical research subject, third party payers or research sponsors, the government, and society as a whole, to name a few. In the past, resolution of these conflicts has been left to the conscience of the individual physician or clinical investigator and to professional (...)
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    Задоволеність персоналу роботою: Емпіричне дослідження.G. Batranak & V. Giliuvienė - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:173-189.
    Today job satisfaction is one of the most frequently investigated objects in organizational research and one of the most complicated areas that face today's executives who seek to avoid staff turnover and retain the best employees. High staff turnover as a consequence of job dissatisfaction may have a negative impact on company finances, as the recruitment, training, retraining of employess are not only costly but also time consuming. In addition, satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative and more committed (...)
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    Organizational Sensemaking of Non-ethical Consumer Behavior: Case Study of a French Mutual Insurance Company.Bernard Cova, Gerald Gaglio, Juliette Weber & Philippe Chanial - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):783-799.
    Researchers and managers alike are becoming increasingly interested in the topic of unethical consumer behavior. Where most studies view unethical behavior as something that is identifiable per se, the authors of the present article believe that it only exists because it has been constructed by people operating within a specific context. Hence the efforts made by this paper to explore, at the level of one specific organization, how interactions between employees and consumers might lead to the construct of unethical consumers. (...)
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  42. Application of Different Types of Employment Contracts in Lithuania – Related Heoretical and Practical Problems.Tomas Bagdanskis & Rasa Macijauskienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (1):249-267.
    The article discusses theoretical and practical issues one may face when applying various types of employment contracts, refers to specific legal relations governed by Labour Code standards, and raises issues that would help to solve the existing troubles. Last decades as globalization processes were gaining pace, and market economy conditions changed, labour and production organization models were undergoing transformation. The more complex people’s social relationships are, the greater is the need to regulate these relationships, i. e. to adopt legislation that (...)
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    Deonance and Distrust: Motivated Third Party Information Seeking Following Disclosure of an Agent’s Unethical Behavior. [REVIEW]Chris M. Bell & Kelley J. Main - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):77-96.
    This article explores the hypothesis that third parties are motivated to seek information about agents who have behaved unethically in the past, even if the agent and available information are irrelevant to the third parties’ goals and interests. We explored two possible motives for this information seeking behavior: deonance, or the motive to care about ethics and justice simply for the sake of ethics and justice, and distrust-based threat monitoring. Participants in a consumer decision task were found to seek (...)
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    “Make it possible for more people to work at home!” representations of employee motivation and job satisfaction in Danish and Norwegian newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Katrine Sonnenschein, Øivind Hagen, Ingrid Steen Rostad & Ragnhild Wiik - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees with task-based jobs were forced to work from home, while others were furloughed or laid off. The current study aims to investigate how Norwegian and Danish newspapers represent employee motivation and job satisfaction of remote workers in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a thematic analysis of five newspapers from Norway and Denmark with different daily distributions and political orientations. The findings suggest that the newspapers in the two countries represented the topic (...)
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  45. Fintech: Creative Innovation for Entrepreneurs.Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Samy S. Abu-Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Yasser A. Abu Mostafa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (3):8-15.
    The article studies the impact of Fintech on entrepreneurship in Arabic region by using Crowdfunding platforms as the field of study. The article focuses on Arabic Crowdfunding platforms. The population of (12) platforms consist of: individuals, entrepreneurs, investors, employees at Crowdfunding platforms. Descriptive and quantitative approach used in this article, and a questionnaire used as a tool to collect primary data. The results indicate an impact for Fintech on entrepreneurship in general and obvious obstacles to use it widely in Arabic (...)
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    Ronald Dworkin’s “Prudent Insurance” Ideal for Healthcare: Idealisations of Circumstance, Prudence and Self-interest[REVIEW]Saffron Clackson - 2008 - Health Care Analysis 16 (1):31-38.
    I will focus on Dworkin’s use of idealisation in his “Prudent Insurance” Ideal for healthcare. Dworkin identifies problems with the circumstances under which people make their insurance decisions in the current United States healthcare system and he sees these as being the cause of strange resource allocation outcomes. He therefore imagines idealising away these prima facie unjust circumstances to develop a hypothetical market in which people are able to make better decisions (Section “Idealisation of Circumstance”). I will identify (...)
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    Speaking with and away: What the aporia of ineffability has to say for Buddhist-Christian dialogue.Joseph Thometz - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):119-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Speaking With and Away:What the Aporia of Ineffability Has to Say for Buddhist-Christian DialogueJoseph ThometzYears ago, I entered my graduate studies with the intent of undertaking a comparative study of the Christian apophatic tradition and Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism. Shortly after enrolling in a course on Indian Buddhist philosophy, I recall a question that in spite of its apparent simplicity has since troubled me. Having been informed of my interests, (...)
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    Managing corporate ethics: learning from America's ethical companies how to supercharge business performance.Francis Joseph Aguilar - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Managers often ask why their firm should have an ethics program, especially if no one has complained about unethical behavior. The pursuit of business ethics can cost money, they say. It can lose sales to less scrupulous competitors and can drain management time and energy. But as Harvard business professor Francis Aguilar points out, ethics scandals (such as over Beech-Nut's erzatz "apple juice" or Sears's padded car repair bills) can severely damage a firm, with punishing legal penalties, bad publicity, and (...)
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    Editor’s Introduction: The Question of the Relation Between Aesthetics and Phenomenology.Philosophy U. K. He Writes on the Relation Between Art, Artistic Research Especially the Way in Which It is Informed by Ideas From Kant to Phenomenologyareas of Interest Within This Include the Philosophies of the Senses, A. Focus on Metaphor’S. Role in the Way We Carve Up the World Metaphor, Research Think He is the Author of Art, Philosophy, Continental Philosophy: From Kant to Derrida & 2Nd Edition) - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):1-9.
    Volume 11, Issue 1-2, January–December 2024.
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    Government Patent Use to Address the Rising Cost of Naloxone: 28 U.S.C. § 1498 and Evzio.Alex Wang & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):472-484.
    The rising cost of the opioid antagonist and overdose reversal agent naloxone is an urgent public health problem. The recent and dramatic price increase of Evzio, a naloxone auto-injector produced by Kaléo, shows how pharmaceutical manufacturers entering the naloxone marketplace rely on market exclusivity guaranteed by the patent system to charge prices at what the market can bear, which can restrict access to life-saving medication. We argue that 28 U.S.C. § 1498, a section of the federal code that allows (...)
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