Results for 'Ingmar Heise'

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  1.  19
    For Buddhas, families and ghosts: the transformation of the Ghost Festival into a Dharma Assembly in southeast China.Ingmar Heise - 2012 - In Paul Williams & Patrice Ladwig, Buddhist funeral cultures of Southeast Asia and China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 217.
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    Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration: A Transtheoretical Model for Clinical Practice.Ingmar Gorman, Elizabeth M. Nielson, Aja Molinar, Ksenia Cassidy & Jonathan Sabbagh - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:645246.
    Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration (PHRI) is a transtheoretical and transdiagnostic clinical approach to working with patients who are using or considering using psychedelics in any context. The ongoing discussion of psychedelics in academic research and mainstream media, coupled with recent law enforcement deprioritization of psychedelics and compassionate use approvals for psychedelic-assisted therapy, make this model exceedingly timely. Given the prevalence of psychedelic use, the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, and the unique cultural and historical context in which psychedelics are placed, (...)
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  3. Unfit for the Future: The Need for Moral Enhancement.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Julian Savulescu.
    Unfit for the Future argues that the future of our species depends on radical enhancement of the moral aspects of our nature. Population growth and technological advances are threatening to undermine the conditions of worthwhile life on earth forever. We need to modify the biological bases of human motivation to deal with this challenge.
  4.  39
    An equilibrium model of health.Ingmar Pörn - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl, Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 3--9.
  5.  20
    Über die Entfremdung und ihre Überwindung.Wolfgang Heise - 2003 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51 (5).
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  6. Moral Enhancement, Freedom, and the God Machine.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2012 - The Monist 95 (3):399-421.
  7. The perils of cognitive enhancement and the urgent imperative to enhance the moral character of humanity.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (3):162-177.
    abstract As history shows, some human beings are capable of acting very immorally. 1 Technological advance and consequent exponential growth in cognitive power means that even rare evil individuals can act with catastrophic effect. The advance of science makes biological, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction easier and easier to fabricate and, thus, increases the probability that they will come into the hands of small terrorist groups and deranged individuals. Cognitive enhancement by means of drugs, implants and biological (including (...)
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    Zum Brief Wolfgang Heises an das Mitglied des Politbüros der SED Kurt Hager zur Ausbürgerung Wolf Biermanns im November 1976.Rosemarie Heise - 2003 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51 (5):863-865.
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    Material Beings.Ingmar Persson - 1993 - Noûs 27 (4):512-518.
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    The Moral Importance of Reflective Empathy.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (2):183-193.
    This is a reply to Jesse Prinz and Paul Bloom’s skepticism about the moral importance of empathy. It concedes that empathy is spontaneously biased to individuals who are spatio-temporally close, as well as discriminatory in other ways, and incapable of accommodating large numbers of individuals. But it is argued that we could partly correct these shortcomings of empathy by a guidance of reason because empathy for others consists in imagining what they feel, and, importantly, such acts of imagination can be (...)
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  11.  58
    Journeys through the Offset World: Global Travel Narratives and Environmental Crisis.Ursula K. Heise - 2012 - Substance 41 (1):61-76.
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    Människans möjligheter-enligt Kierkegaard.Ingmar Simonsson - 2013 - Stockholm: Themis.
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  13. Should moral bioenhancement be compulsory? Reply to Vojin Rakic.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):251-252.
    In his challenging paper,1 Vojin Rakic argues against our claim that ‘there are strong reasons to believe’ that moral bioenhancement should be obligatory or compulsory if it can be made safe and effective.2 Rakic starts by criticising an argument that we employed against John Harris.3 ,4 In this argument we maintain, among other things, that moral bioenhancement cannot be wholly effective if our will is free in what is called an ‘indeterministic’ or ‘contra-causal sense’; that is, if our choices are (...)
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  14.  13
    Failing the market, failing deliberative democracy: How scaling up corporate carbon reporting proliferates information asymmetries.Ingmar Lippert - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Corporate carbon footprint data has become ubiquitous. This data is also highly promissory. But as this paper argues, such data fails both consumers and citizens. The governance of climate change seemingly requires a strong foundation of data on emission sources. Economists approach climate change as a market failure, where the optimisation of the atmosphere is to be evidence based and data driven. Citizens or consumers, state or private agents of control, all require deep access to information to judge emission realities. (...)
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  15.  69
    The retreat of reason: a dilemma in the philosophy of life.Ingmar Persson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Retreat of Reason brings back to philosophy the ambition of offering a broad vision of the human condition. One of the main original aims of philosophy was to give people guidance about how to live their lives. Ingmar Persson resumes this practical project, which has been largely neglected in contemporary philosophy, but his conclusions are very different from those of the ancient Greeks. They typically argued that a life led in accordance with reason, a rational life, would also (...)
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  16.  75
    Against Fetishism About Egalitarianism and in Defense of Cautious Moral Bioenhancement.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):39-42.
  17. Getting moral enhancement right: The desirability of moral bioenhancement.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (3):124-131.
    We respond to a number of objections raised by John Harris in this journal to our argument that we should pursue genetic and other biological means of morally enhancing human beings (moral bioenhancement). We claim that human beings now have at their disposal means of wiping out life on Earth and that traditional methods of moral education are probably insufficient to achieve the moral enhancement required to ensure that this will not happen. Hence, we argue, moral bioenhancement should be sought (...)
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  18. Rights and the asymmetry between creating good and bad lives.Ingmar Persson - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts, Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 29--47.
  19.  13
    Humanistische Politik zwischen Reformation und Gegenreformation: der Fürstenspiegel des Jakob Omphalius.Ingmar Ahl - 2004 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Eines der weitgehend unbestellten Felder der Geschichtswissenschaften stellt die reiche Furstenspiegelliteratur des Alten Reiches dar.
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  20.  10
    Platons former i skrift, konst, teknik och naturvetenskap.Ingmar Bergström - 2008 - Stockholm: Carlssons.
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  21. Self-doubt: Why we are not identical to things of any kind.Ingmar Persson - 2004 - Ratio 17 (4):390-408.
    There are two fundamental aspects of the notion of a self: it is the owner of one's experiences, that to which one's experiences are properly attributed, and it perceives itself. is a condition on the self's being capable of attributing experiences to itself or being introspectively aware of its experiences, which constitutes a third, higher-order aspect of the self. I claim that it is a common sense assumption, enshrined in the use of 'I', that one's body satisfies the first two (...)
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  22. Moral Transhumanism.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (6):656-669.
    In its basic sense, the term "human" is a term of biological classification: an individual is human just in case it is a member of the species Homo sapiens . Its opposite is "nonhuman": nonhuman animals being animals that belong to other species than H. sapiens . In another sense of human, its opposite is "inhuman," that is cruel and heartless (cf. "humane" and "inhumane"); being human in this sense is having morally good qualities. This paper argues that biomedical research (...)
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  23. Equality, priority and person-affecting value.Ingmar Persson - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (1):23-39.
    Derek Parfit has argued that (Teleological) Egalitarianism is objectionable by breaking a person-affecting claim to the effect that an outcome cannot be better in any respect - such as that of equality - if it is better for nobody. So, he presents the Priorty View, i.e., the policy of giving priority to benefiting the worse-off, which avoids this objection. But it is here argued, first, that there is another person-affecting claim that this view violates. Secondly, Egalitarianism can be construed as (...)
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  24.  33
    Practical Logic.Ingmar Porn - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (113):364.
  25.  71
    Obituary: Erik Stenius (1911-1990).Ingmar Pörn - 1991 - Erkenntnis 34 (3):425 - 427.
  26.  60
    The Art of Misunderstanding Moral Bioenhancement.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1):48-57.
  27. Utilitarianism and the pandemic.Julian Savulescu, Ingmar Persson & Dominic Wilkinson - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):620-632.
    There are no egalitarians in a pandemic. The scale of the challenge for health systems and public policy means that there is an ineluctable need to prioritize the needs of the many. It is impossible to treat all citizens equally, and a failure to carefully consider the consequences of actions could lead to massive preventable loss of life. In a pandemic there is a strong ethical need to consider how to do most good overall. Utilitarianism is an influential moral theory (...)
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  28.  70
    Prioritarianism and Welfare Reductions.Ingmar Persson - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (3):289-301.
    Derek Parfit has argued that egalitarianism is exposed to a levelling down objection because it implies, implausibly, that a change, which consists only in the better-off sinking to the level of the worse-off, is in one respect better, though it is better for nobody. He claims that, in contrast, the prioritarian view that benefits to the worse-off have greater moral weight escapes this objection. This article contends, first, that prioritarianism is equally affected by the levelling down objection as is egalitarianism, (...)
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  29.  53
    Is Agar biased against 'post-persons'?Ingmar Persson - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (2):77-78.
    I shall discuss only one of Nicholas Agar's main claims,1 namely ‘that the bad consequences/of moral status enhancement/are, in moral terms, so bad that a moderate probability of their occurrence makes it wrong not to seek to prevent them’. His other main claim, which I grant, is that moral status enhancement to the effect of creating beings with a moral status higher than that of persons—post-persons—is possible. My chief objection to Agar's argument is that it is biased in favour of (...)
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  30.  71
    From Morality to the End of Reason: An Essay on Rights, Reasons, and Responsibility.Ingmar Persson - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Many philosophers think that if you're morally responsible for a state of affairs, you must be a cause of it. Ingmar Persson argues that this strand of common sense morality is asymmetrical, in that it features the act-omission doctrine, according to which there are stronger reasons against performing some harmful actions than in favour of performing any beneficial actions. He analyses the act-omission doctrine as consisting in a theory of negative rights, according to which there are rights not to (...)
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    Genetic Therapy, Identity and the Person‐Regarding Reasons.Ingmar Persson - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (1):16-31.
    It has been argued that there can be no person‐regarding reasons for practising genetic therapy, since it affects identity and causes to exist an individual who would not otherwise have existed. And there can be no such reasons for causing somebody to exist because existing cannot be better for an individual than never existing. In the present paper, both of these claims are denied. It is contended, first, that in practically all significant cases genetic therapy will not affect the identity (...)
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  32. Vom Fragen.Ingmar Thilo - 1969 - Mn̈chen,: Thilo.
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    Developing Representations of Compound Stimuli.Ingmar Visser & Maartje E. J. Raijmakers - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Improving the generalizability of infant psychological research: The ManyBabies model.Ingmar Visser, Christina Bergmann, Krista Byers-Heinlein, Rodrigo Dal Ben, Wlodzislaw Duch, Samuel Forbes, Laura Franchin, Michael C. Frank, Alessandra Geraci, J. Kiley Hamlin, Zsuzsa Kaldy, Louisa Kulke, Catherine Laverty, Casey Lew-Williams, Victoria Mateu, Julien Mayor, David Moreau, Iris Nomikou, Tobias Schuwerk, Elizabeth A. Simpson, Leher Singh, Melanie Soderstrom, Jessica Sullivan, Marion I. van den Heuvel, Gert Westermann, Yuki Yamada, Lorijn Zaadnoordijk & Martin Zettersten - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni's analysis clearly articulates a number of concerns limiting the generalizability and explanatory power of psychological findings, many of which are compounded in infancy research. ManyBabies addresses these concerns via a radically collaborative, large-scale and open approach to research that is grounded in theory-building, committed to diversification, and focused on understanding sources of variation.
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    Impact of religion on business ethics in Europe and the Muslim world: Islamic versus Christian tradition.Ingmar Wienen - 1999 - New York: P. Lang.
    This research project assesses the extent to which religion influences standards and behaviour in business, by comparing Islamic banking to co-operative banking as carried out by both Christians and Muslims. The study argues that Islamic banks are particu.
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    Montessori Preschool Elevates and Equalizes Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study.Angeline S. Lillard, Megan J. Heise, Eve M. Richey, Xin Tong, Alyssa Hart & Paige M. Bray - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  37.  75
    The turn for ultimate harm: a reply to Fenton.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (7):441-444.
    Elizabeth Fenton has criticised an earlier article by the authors in which the claim was made that, by providing humankind with means of causing its destruction, the advance of science and technology has put it in a perilous condition that might take the development of genetic or biomedical techniques of moral enhancement to get out of. The development of these techniques would, however, require further scientific advances, thus forcing humanity deeper into the danger zone created by modern science. Fenton argues (...)
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  38. Health and adaptedness.Ingmar Pörn - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (4).
    The purpose of this paper is to give an explication of the concept of health which does not rely on the concept of disease. The explication is informed by a view of the human individual as an acting subject and it therefore places the abilities of agents in the centre. Abilities may be qualified in different ways. The qualification essential for understanding the dimension of health and illness relates abilities to environmental circumstances and high-ranking projects in the life plan. For (...)
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    Rehabilitating Ernst Cassirer and his Philosophy – Four Recent Contributions.Ingmar Meland - 2010 - SATS 11 (2):235-256.
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  40. Phenomenal realism.Ingmar Persson - 1985 - Erkenntnis 23 (1):59-78.
  41. Deontic detachment.Ingmar Porn - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (2):60-62.
    In this paper I investigate deontic detachment in a new system of deontic logic called DL. DL contains standard deontic logic.
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    Comments on Sadegh-Zadeh's 'a Pragmatic Concept of Causal Explanation'.Ingmar Pörn - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl, Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 211--212.
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  43.  20
    Position and change: A study in law and logic.Ingmar Pörn - 1978 - Philosophical Books 19 (1):35-37.
  44.  67
    Engaging in Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom has Impressive Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Benefits.David Heise - 2010 - Questions 10:6-8.
    Heise discusses the pedagogical effects of philosophical enquiry on young people, their cognitive and behavioral abilities (both strengths and weaknesses), and gaining intelligence through an open mind and tests.
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    The evolution of moral progress and biomedical moral enhancement.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):814-819.
    In The Evolution of Moral Progress Allen Buchanan and Russell Powell advance an evolutionary explanation of moral progress by morality becoming more ‘inclusivist’. We are prepared to accept this explanation as far as it goes, but argue that it fails to explain how morality can become inclusivist in the fuller sense they intend. In fact, it even rules out inclusivism in their intended sense of moral progress, since they believe that human altruism and prosocial attitudes are essentially parochial. We also (...)
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  46.  63
    The Meaning of Life, Equality and Eternity.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - The Journal of Ethics 23 (2):223-238.
    We present an analysis of a notion of the meaning of life, according to which our lives have meaning if we spend them intentionally producing what has value for ourselves or others. In this sense our lives can have meaning even if a science-inspired view of the world is correct, and they are only transient phenomena in a vast universe. Our lives are more or less meaningful in this sense due to the difference in value for ourselves and others we (...)
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  47.  59
    The intelligibility of speech as a function of the context of the test materials.George A. Miller, George A. Heise & William Lichten - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (5):329.
  48.  43
    Distraction during learning with hypermedia: difficult tasks help to keep task goals on track.Katharina Scheiter, Peter Gerjets & Elke Heise - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:76754.
    In educational hypermedia environments, students are often confronted with potential sources of distraction arising from additional information that, albeit interesting, is unrelated to their current task goal. The paper investigates the conditions under which distraction occurs and hampers performance. Based on theories of volitional action control it was hypothesized that interesting information, especially if related to a pending goal, would interfere with task performance only when working on easy, but not on difficult tasks. In Experiment 1, 66 students learned about (...)
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  49.  39
    Two Claims about Potential Human Beings.Ingmar Persson - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5-6):503-517.
    It seems that at conception something is formed which, due to its genetic make-up, has the potentiality to develop into a full-blown human being. Many believe that in virtue of this potentiality, this organism, the human zygote or early embryo, has an intrinsic value which makes it wrong to use or produce it merely as a means to some end, e.g., some scientific end such as to produce embryonic stem cells. Against this it is here argued, first, that it does (...)
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  50.  57
    Rationality and maximization of satisfaction.Ingmar Persson - 1988 - Noûs 22 (4):537-554.
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