Results for 'In Lodz'

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  1. Acta uni versitatis lodziensis folia germanica 5, 2009.Deutsche Presselandschaft der Zwischenkriegszeit & In Lodz - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:285.
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  2. Deutsch Presselandschaft der Zwischenkriegszeit in Lodz.Monika Kucner - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:285-301.
    Prasa mniejszości niemieckiej była w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej dość zróżnicowana, o czym świadczą liczne publikacje, choćby autorstwa Tadeusza Kowalska czy Wiesławy Kaszubiny. Sytuację taką można by wytłumaczyć faktem, iż ludność niemiecka, zróżnicowana pod względem społecznym, wyróżniała się znacznie wyższym niż przeciętny dla całego kraju poziomem świadomości czytelniczej. Znamienną cechą prasy niemieckiej była duża liczba gazet o charakterze politycznym, wśród których znajdowały się pisma o kierunku nacjonalistycznym, socjalistycznym oraz ugodowym. Na uwagę zasługują tu takie tytuły, jak: Lodzer Freie Presse, Lodzer Volkszeitung, (...)
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  3. A conference on business ethics held in Lodz, Poland, May 1998.D. Kovalova - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (1):54-55.
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    Role of Universities in City Renovation and in Shaping Its International Brand: A Case Study of the Polish City of Lodz.Tomasz Domański - 2017 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 19 (1):103-128.
    This paper aims at highlighting the role of higher education institutions in Lodz in the regeneration of urban space and in building the international brand of a university town. Higher education institutions in Lodz are managers and administrators of many historic buildings that testify to the identity of the city and its rich historic legacy. Besides renovating these buildings, universities provide them with new functions by opening them up to local and international communities. Innovation in regenerating cultural heritage (...)
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  5. In Those Terrible Days: Notes from the Lodz Ghetto. By Josef Zelkowicz.R. Omer-Sherman - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (6):664.
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  6. Cognition, Meaning and Action: Lodz-Lund Studies in Cognitive Science.Piotr Łukowski, Aleksander Gemel & Bartosz Żukowski (eds.) - 2015 - Kraków, Polska: Lodz University Press & Jagiellonian University Press.
    The book is addressed to all readers interested in cognitive science, and especially in research combining a logical analysis with psychological, linguistic and neurobiological approaches. The publication is the result of a collaboration between the Department of Cognitive Science at University of Lodz and the Department of Cognitive Science at Lund University. It is intended to provide a comprehensive presentation of the key research issues undertaken in both Departments, including considerations on meaning, natural language and reasoning, linguistic as well (...)
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    Differences in Financing of Admission Rooms (ARs) and Hospital Emergency Rooms (ERs) Between the Years 2013 and 2014, Using an Example of a Lodz Municipal Hospital. [REVIEW]Bożena Woźniak, Aleksandra Sierocka, Petre Iltchev & Michał Marczak - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 39 (1):167-177.
    The goal of the article is to compare methods of financing ARs and ERs based on the data from the 1st half of 2013 and 1st half of 2014 from the K. Jonscher 3rd Municipal Hospital in Lodz. All the stays in the AR/ER in the 1st half of 2013 and the 1st half of 2014 were analysed. Based on the presented data, it can be clearly seen that the new method of financing AR/ER services proposed by the NFZ (...)
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    Australian Studies at the Lodz University: Co-operation Between the British and Commonwealth Studies Department, University of Lodz, and the Australian Embassy in Poland.Krystyna Kujawińska Courtney - 2022 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 26 (2):17-27.
    The article discusses the history of academic co-operation between the British and Commonwealth Studies Department at the University of Lodz and the Australian Embassy in Poland. Over the years the co-operation took the shape of a regular academic exchange and led to substantial academic, educational and cultural projects on Australia which resulted in a number of book-length studies.
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    Lodz East Asia Meeting: the Biggest Conference on East Asia in Central Europe.Przemysław Ciborek - 2018 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 22 (1):187-189.
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    Book review: Chris braecke, Geert Jacobs, katja pelsmaekers and Tom Van hout, lodz papers in pragmatics: Special issue on discourse in organizations. Lodz: Lodz university press, 2006, 219 pp. [REVIEW]Catherine Nickerson - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (1):105-108.
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    What is saving of human life worth in Poland?M. H. Madalinski - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (2):116-116.
    The information about patients being murdered by Lodz ambulance doctors using pancuronium bromide , published in the Gazeta Wyborcza,1 was repeated in the international press—for example, in the British Medical Journal.2 The account of a Gazeta Wyborcza reporter who had been working as an undercover stretcher bearer and witnessed the reported events, does not prove that any murder was committed. It was the media that presented the information in a negative light. So far the police have not charged anybody (...)
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    Book review: Chris braecke, Geert Jacobs, katja pelsmaekers and Tom Van hout, lodz papers in pragmatics. Special issue on discourse in organizations. Lodz: Lodz university press, 2006. 219pp. 25. [REVIEW]Stephanie Schnurr - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (3):363-365.
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    Theologiestudium in Tübingen vor 100 Jahren – im Spiegel der Briefe des Studienanfängers Paul Althaus an seine Eltern.Gotthard Jasper - 2006 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 13 (2):251-335.
    In view of the subsequent career of the leading Lutheran theologian Paul Althaus, the student letters reproduced here obtain considerable biographical weight: 1913 doctorate in Göttingen, 1914 habilitated and a privatdozent, during the war an volunteer orderly, then a hospital and provincial pastor in Lodz, 1919–1924 Professor in Rostock, 1924–1966 Professor of systematic theology and New Testament exegesis in Erlangen. Althaus' letters shed light on the family and confessional traditions in which he originated, just as they do on his (...)
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    In my professor’s eyes: Faculty and perceived impoliteness in student emails.Hamed Zandi & Iftikhar Haider - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):197-222.
    Impoliteness in student emails to faculty can have negative consequences. However, the nuances of perceived impoliteness by faculty with different language backgrounds have not been thoroughly studied in the literature. This paper explores how emails written by non-native English-speaking students are perceived impolite by faculty depending on social identity variables such as native speaker status, gender, and seniority. Participants read six emails and rated their perceptions of the emails on a questionnaire. The items on the questionnaire were about lack of (...)
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    Wizerunek nowoczesnej kobiety na łamach niemieckojęzycznych dodatków beletrystycznych do „Neue Lodzer Zeitung” w Łodzi w okresie międzywojennym.Monika Kucner - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 16:121-134.
    Supplements to German newspapers in Lodz in the interwar period promoted an extremely modern type of woman, in line with the latest world trends. German magazines „Die Welt im Bilde. Sonntagsbeilage zur Neuen Lodzer Zeitung” and „Illustrierte Wochenblatt. Beilage zur Neuen Lodzer Zeitung” registered changes in lifestyle and propagated them among Lodz readers. The fashion promoted by Lodz accessories and lifestyle did not differ in any way from the latest European and world models. It was an expression (...)
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  16. "In hoc signo vinces" albo rzecz o starych łódzkich dowcipach.Małgorzata Półrola - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:303-317.
    Der vorliegende Beitrag ist als ein Versuch zu verstehen, dem polnischen Leser eine recht seltsame Position aus der Reihe der deutschsprachigen Lodzaica, nämlich die 1913 im Verlag August Grüning in Pabianice herausgegebene Sammlung von Witzen und Anekdoten mit dem Titel 'Ne Mütze voll Witze aus Lodz und Pabianice’, näherzubringen. Der Verfasser des schmalen Bändchens, der sich hinter dem Pseudonym Wilfried Spectator verbirgt, ist Reinhold Piel, ein Deutscher aus Pabianice. Als Satelitenstadt von Łódź, der sich damals sehr rasch entwickelnden Textilmetropole, (...)
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    Topoi in Critical Discourse Analysis.Igor Žagar - 2010 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6 (1):3-27.
    Topoi in Critical Discourse Analysis Topos is one of the most widely-used concepts from classical argumentation theory. It found its way not only in philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics; it found its way in everyday life and everyday conversation as well.In this article, I will examine the role that topoi play in Critical Discourse Analysis. Starting with definitions from Aristotle and Cicero, contrasting them with new conceptualisations by Perelman and Toulmin, and examining the superficial use of topoi in everyday conversation, (...)
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    Request realisation strategies in Italian: The influence of the variables of Distance and Weight of Imposition on strategy choice.Valentina Bartali - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):55-90.
    Research in the fields of pragmatics has highlighted important differences in speech act realisation strategies and the perception of contextual variables across lingua-cultures. This particularly applies for requests, which are potentially face-threating acts and important expressions of cultural behaviour, as their performance is influenced by culturally-embedded perspectives on rights and obligations. Although some languages have been widely investigated in terms of request realisation, such as English, little research has been done on Italian. This study examines request realisation strategies in Italian, (...)
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    Indirect directives in recipes: a cross-linguistic perspective.Mario Brdar & Rita Brdar-Szabó - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):107-131.
    Indirect directives in recipes: a cross-linguistic perspective The present paper is intended as a cross-linguistic study of the range of possible realizations of instructional speech acts as a special type of directives, as realized in the domain of cooking recipes. Even a cursory comparison of orders as directive speech acts across languages brings to light an extreme degree of variation concerning their formal realization. While imperatives are virtually the only possibility in English, a contrastive linguistic perspective reveals that other construction (...)
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    Pragmatic Tactics in Mediation.Bruce Fraser - 2007 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 3:61-78.
    Pragmatic Tactics in Mediation Mediation is the process by which a neutral third-party works with disputing parties to assist them in reaching an acceptable, voluntary settlement of their dispute. Mediators are often faced with competing demands over and above those of the dispute itself. For example, establishing and maintaining control of the mediation process without appearing to bully the disputants, persuading a party to reexamine it's position without appearing to lose their neutrality, and convincing a party that the present offer (...)
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    Cyberspace othering and marginalisation in the context of Saudi Arabian culture: A socio-pragmatic perspective.Anna Danielewicz-Betz - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (2):275-299.
    This paper is about “othering” in cyberspace. The roots of othering of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia are seen in the perception of umma as special and superior, therefore automatically categorising “non-believers” as “other”. The in-group and out-group demarcation strategies and consequent marginalisation are considered from both perspectives as bilateral and mutually exclusive. The focus is placed on othering e-space, where marginalised voices can be heard via virtual communication. The effects of virtual reality on real life interaction and resulting involvement in (...)
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  22.  17
    Refusal speech act realization in Sarawani Balochi dialect: A case study of female university students.Abbas Ali Ahangar & Seddigheh Zeynali - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (2):245-274.
    This study investigates the effect of power and gender of the addressees on the type and number of refusal strategies employed by Sarawani Baloch female university students following Beebe, Takahashi, and Uliss-Weltz’s taxonomy. Employing refusal strategies mostly the same as those in the given classification by SBFUS confirms the universality of applying refusal strategies. However, SBFUS also employed some new strategies not predicted in this scheme, suggesting the effect of their religion and culture. The results also disclose that although power (...)
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    Japanese intercultural communication hindrances in business environment: Case studies with Polish counterparts.Hiroki Nukui - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (2):163-181.
    Japan has been facing with paradigm shift necessity in terms of the demographic structure, globalizing business and technology revolution, and as its consequence, also with deficiency of human resources with global literacy. The Japanese government has established a new strategy aiming to develop and foster “Global Human Resources” with high language and communication skills capable for international operations. Analyses of the literature on Japanese sociocultural behavioral characteristics and empirical case studies carried out in Poland with pragmatics approach in this paper (...)
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    Figurative language and persuasion in CPG sermons: The Example of a Gĩkũyũ televangelist.Helga Schröder & Bernard G. Njuguna - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):151-173.
    As a part of religious discourse, Christian sermons are a “…persuasive discourse par excellence”. This is more pronounced in the Christian Prosperity Gospel, a system of thought and belief in which preachers The word preacher and speaker are used interchangeably in this paper. attempt to convince audiences to donate to their churches with the expectation that God will reward them with health and wealth. Previous research shows that the use of metaphors and metonymies pervade CPG sermons but an explanation on (...)
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  25.  13
    Negotiating identities in casual argumentative conversations.Alejandro Parini & Luisa Granato - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (2):159-174.
    Identity has been addressed from diverse perspectives that range from a conceptualisation of it as a pre-existing and static notion to a view that regards it as dynamically constructed in interaction. In this work, we take the latter as the guiding principle for our investigation into the ways in which identity is co-constructed by Argentinian university students in casual conversations. The analysis is carried out on the premise that there is an unquestionable relationship between discourse, identity and social processes. Given (...)
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    Conceptual Focus in Social Encounters: the Case of Directives.Hanna Pulaczewska - 2010 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6 (1):171-189.
    Conceptual Focus in Social Encounters: the Case of Directives The present analysis focuses on highlighting the conceptual focus on groups as a specific property of discourse in young peer groups of Polish speakers. Its alternative is the conceptual focus on individual interlocutors; the latter is implicitly assumed to be an interactive norm in a vast body of pragmatic studies dealing with the performance of speech acts in both monolingual and comparative setups. The analysis is based on empirical material comprising interaction (...)
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    Setting the agenda in a distant nation: The 2016 US presidential election in a New Zealand newspaper.Shah Nister Kabir - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (2):141-161.
    Examining the coverage of the 2016 US Presidential election of the highest circulating New Zealand newspaper—the New Zealand Herald (NZH)—this study argues that this newspaper sets agenda against Donald Trump—the Republican Party candidate in the 2016 US election. Examining all news, editorials and photographs published in NZH, it discursively argues that this newspaper overshadowed and dehumanized Trump and especially his leadership ability. The other major candidate—the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton—was applauded in the coverage. The NZH repeatedly focused upon the (...)
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    Legitimisation and Proximisation Values in the Discourse of Historic Change.Anna Wieczorek - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (2):263-275.
    Legitimisation and Proximisation Values in the Discourse of Historic Change This methodological-critical paper belongs to the field of pragmaticcognitive discourse analysis. It develops Cap's STA model of legitimisation and investigates various mechanisms legitimising the speaker's actions in political discourse of historic change. Proximisation as the salient feature of the model adds significantly to effectiveness of the speaker's continual attempt to convince the addressee of the rightness of political steps taken. It is a powerful and coercive tool "alerting the addressee [to] (...)
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    Clause chaining in Toposa: A pragmatic approach.Helga Schröder - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):25-44.
    This paper explores the pragmatic routines that occur in clause 2 chaining. It demonstrates that the tense-aspect dependency markers in Toposa texts not only combine chained clauses with an initial clause, but also guide the audience to understand information in texts as foregrounded. The understanding of which information is foregrounded is achieved through pragmatic routines that cut the comprehension process short because of frequently encountered inferential processes occurring in repeatedly accessed contextual environments. The pragmatic routines are explained as part of (...)
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    Giving advice in nicaragua and panama.Ryan Platz - 2014 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 10 (1):89-116.
    While empirical pragmatic research in the Spanish-speaking world has covered most of the Hispanosphere, Central America remains a very underrepresented region. This study serves to fill this gap in the literature by analyzing data collected from eighteen role-plays in Masaya, Nicaragua and Panama City, Panama. In the role-play situation, the interlocutor requests advice from the participant regarding a serious issue in her marriage. The advice-giving strategies are classified according to a categorization adapted from Blum-Kulka’s request strategy taxonomy, allowing for a (...)
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    Anti-Chinese sentiment in the Czech public service media during the COVID-19 pandemic.Renáta Sedláková - 2021 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 17 (1-2):65-86.
    This paper focuses on Sinophobia which is usually not expressed openly in the public service media. The Sinophobia discourse intensified in 2020 in connection with the coverage of the pandemic. How are anti-Chinese attitudes expressed in the news discourse of the Czech Radio and Czech Television? Examples from a broader analysis of the representation of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic in news and journalism programmes are given. Inductive qualitative research methods (discourse and semiotic analysis) were used to detect subtle nuances of meaning (...)
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    Developing Pragmatic Competence in English Academic Discussions: An EAP Classroom Investigation.Marcella Caprario - 2020 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 16 (1):123-152.
    This qualitative classroom study investigated the development of pragmatic competence in academic discussions through content analysis of student reflective writing. The aims of the study were: to understand the greatest challenges that students faced during the learning process, the causes of those challenges, and the most successful strategies that students employed to overcome the challenges. In addition, the analysis investigated other significant themes in the reflective writing that related to the students’ experiences in developing their pragmatic competence in discussions. Five (...)
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    Issues in the assessment of L2 pragmatics.Andrew D. Cohen - 2020 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 16 (1):15-31.
    This paper highlights areas of concern in the assessment of pragmatics, with the intent of stimulating fresh thinking about the assessment of pragmatics both for research purposes and as a part of classroom instruction. It starts by considering what aspects of ability in pragmatics to assess, and then contrasts the trade-off between the feasibility of obtaining data and the ultimate importance of the data. Next, the conspicuous lack of assessment of ability in L2 pragmatics in language classes is noted. Then (...)
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    Assessing pragmatic competence in oral proficiency interviews at the C1 level with the new CEFR descriptors.Cristina Heras-Ramírez & Bárbara Eizaga-Rebollar - 2020 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 16 (1):87-121.
    The study of pragmatic competence has gained increasing importance within second language assessment over the last three decades. However, its study in L2 language testing is still scarce. The aim of this paper is to research the extent to which pragmatic competence as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has been accommodated in the task descriptions and rating scales of two of the most popular Oral Proficiency Interviews (OPIs) at a C1 level: Cambridge’s Certificate in (...)
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    Typology of motion events in Tugen.Prisca Jerono - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (2):123-139.
    All human activity including motion is construed mentally with reference to different objects and spatial relations that are relevant (Waliński 2014). Following the work of Talmy (1985, 2000) on categorization of languages on the basis of motion events into verb framed languages and satellite framed languages, this paper addresses the typology of the Tugen language regarding motion events. It takes into consideration the reclassification of the V-languages into equipollent frame and the doubling frame, (Slobin 2003; Croft et al. 2010). Further (...)
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    In search of hate speech in Lithuanian public discourse: A corpus-assisted analysis of online comments.Jurate Ruzaite - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):93-116.
    The present paper aims to report on the preliminary findings from the initial stages of ongoing research on hate speech in Lithuanian online comments. Comments are marked strongly by such phenomena as flaming and trolling; therefore, in this genre we can expect a high degree of hostility, obscenity, high incidence of insults and aggressive lexis, which can inflict harm to individuals or organizations. The goal of the current research is thus to make an attempt to identify some features of verbal (...)
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    Opinion events and stance types: advances in LLM performance with ChatGPT and Gemini.Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & Chaya Liebeskind - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (2):413-432.
    The paper tests conversational Large Language Models, instructed to produce stance expression types (affective, relational, epistemic, and moral) and their contexts in Opinion (Speech) Events (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara, Chaya Liebeskind, Anna Baczkowska, Jurate Ruzaite, Ardita Dylgjeri, Ledia Kazazi & Erika Lombart 2023. Opinion events: Types and opinion markers in English social media discourse. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19(2). 447–481). In the first part an opinion taxonomy proposed in (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara, Chaya Liebeskind, Anna Baczkowska, Jurate Ruzaite, Ardita Dylgjeri, Ledia Kazazi & (...)
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    Metaphor in the written discourse of Arab students at a College of Education in Israel.Nader Qasim & Aadel Shakkour - 2021 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 17 (1-2):111-126.
    This article shows how Arab students at an Arab college in Israel, majoring in teaching of mathematics, English, and science, rely on metaphor as an important rhetorical tool for the advancement of their ideological positions and for criticism of the policies of the Israeli government, which discriminates against and disenfranchises Arab Israelis. The underlying hypothesis of the article is that the way Arab students in Israel use metaphor in their writing has unique rhetorical aspects that help to sharpen their message (...)
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    Cultural cognition, effective communication, and security: Insights from intercultural trainings for law enforcement officers in Poland.Svetlana Kurteš, Julita Woźniak & Monika Kopytowska - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (2):343-366.
    Economic migration, international mobility and refugee crises have brought about both risks and opportunities. Alongside the socio-economic and cultural potential to capitalize on they have generated challenges that need to be addressed. In such an increasingly globalized and diverse world, intercultural competences have become strategic resources underpinning the concept of democratic citizenship and social integration. The objectives of the present article are thus two-fold: firstly we want to explore the concept of cultural cognition and highlight the importance of intercultural and (...)
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    Caught in the cross-fire: Tackling hate speech from the perspective of language and translation pedagogy.Jelena Vujić, Mirjana Daničić & Tamara Aralica - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):203-223.
    Hate speech is a phenomenon which has been in the focus of scholarly interest of linguists, philosophers, sociologists, human-rights advocates, legal and media experts. Much of this interest has been devoted to establishing criteria for identifying what constitutes hate speech across disciplines. In this paper, we argue that hate speech has profiled as a distinct subgenre of the language of politics with typical patterns and ways of addressing which can be recognized in political campaigns across the world. Therefore, we present (...)
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    Different ways to express personal attitudes in Spanish and English engineering papers: An analysis of metadiscourse devices, affective evaluation and sentiment analysis.Maria Luisa Carrió-Pastor - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (1):45-67.
    The hypothesis of this paper is that writers with similar academic backgrounds express personal attitudes in English and in Spanish differently in research papers. Thus, the main objectives are, first, to study the differences in the use of attitude devices in Spanish and English academic discourse; second, to compare the results in the different sections of articles; and finally to study the positive or negative semantic implications of the lexical items by carrying out a sentiment analysis. To this end, fifteen (...)
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    Where next for comrade? On the use of ideology-based address forms in post-Communist societies.Svetlana Kurteš - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):45-69.
    The article reports on some preliminary findings of an ongoing research initiative investigating the pragmatics of daily interaction, cross-culturally and trans-nationally. Phase one of the initiative looks into the specifics of how cultural differences impact on cultural values, social categories and, ultimately, communicative styles, focusing initially on address forms. More specifically, the article looks into the current status of the ideology-based address form comrade, its pragma-semantic profile and rules governing its usage in post-Communist Eastern-European societies, looking primarily into selected instances (...)
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  43. Pragmatic characteristics of diminutive adjectives in Kazakh and English languages.Nagima Manasbayeva & Leilya Sabitova - forthcoming - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics.
    The study aimed to investigate the functional-pragmatic and communicative-pragmatic use of morphological and syntactic diminutive resources of Kazakh and English in the example of artistic contexts. The following methods were used: comparative-comparative, morphological-syntactic, communicative-pragmatic, analytical-synthetic, and contextual. This paper analysed the main morphological and syntactic resources used for word formation of diminutive adjectives in Kazakh and English languages. In particular, the results of the study showed that synthetic means (use of suffixal morphemes with diminutive semantics) and analytical means (use of (...)
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    Sex in language: Euphemistic and dysphemistic metaphors in internet forums. [REVIEW]Juan M. Escalona Torres - 2017 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (2):209-214.
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  45. Indexing in fairy tales: Evidence for the role fairy tales play in children’s concept formation.Argyro Kantara - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):123-149.
    Starting from the basic premises of Schank's notion of indexing in story telling and the representational approach of language, this paper investigates whether fairy tales create initial indexes for children, that may be re-indexed later in adult life, by reshaping their pre-existing experiences. More specifically, it focuses on the way fairy tales present several concepts already familiar to children, and whether this representation matches children’s pre-existing experiences. The data collected comes from several of Grimm Brothers' fairy tales and consists of (...)
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    ‘Where there is a will there is a way’: figurative language use and its pragmatic functions in political discourse.Silvana Neshkovska - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):149-173.
    Although political discourse is essentially expected to be fact-based and objective, both practice and research show that literal language in political discourse is very often compounded with figurative language. The paper at hand tackles figurative language use in political interviews. For the purposes of this research, we conducted a critical discourse analysis of a corpus of political interviews given by a former Macedonian female politician – Radmila Shekerinska. The corpus consists of six interviews (with a total duration of about 3 (...)
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    Felieton w prasie łódzkiej w XIX wieku.Monika Kucner - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 7.
    Mit Feuilleton bezeichnet man entweder ein Ressort in der Zeitung, das sich unter dem sog. Strich befindet, oder eine journalistische Darstellungsform, die in einer kommentierendbeurteilenden Weise verschiedene Ereignisse, vor allem kulturelle, darstellt. Charakteristisch für das Feuilleton als journalistische Darstellungsform ist ein persönlicher Schreibstil, der das Literarische mit einbezieht. Von daher profiliert sich das Feuilleton zwischen Journalismus und Literatur. In der ersten deutsch-polnischen Zeitung in Lodz Łodźer Anzeiger-Łódzkie Ogłoszenia, die im Jahre 1863 erschien, wurden Feuilletons unregelmäßig gedruckt. Anfänglich fanden unter (...)
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    Discursive news values analysis: the case of Liz Truss’ representation in the British press.Ester Di Silvestro & Marco Venuti - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (2):249-270.
    This paper focuses on the news representation of Liz Truss by the British press, starting from the identification of news values. In addition, our analysis investigates the portrayal of Truss as a gendered social actor. The data were retrieved online through the resource LexisNexis – using the keyword “Truss” in headlines and lead paragraphs in both British broadsheets and tabloids – during three crucial days: 10 July 2022, the day Truss announced her candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party (...)
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  49. Uptake and Conventionality in Illocution.Marina Sbisà - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):33-52.
    Uptake and Conventionality in Illocution The aim of this paper is to put forward a new way of conceiving of the conventionality of illocutionary acts, grounded in a new look at Austin's original ideas. While the indispensability of uptake has correctly been deemed to be a hallmark of illocution, it has also been taken as evidence of the intention-based nature of illocutionary acts as opposed to their alleged conventionality. After discussing the readings of the "securing of uptake" offered by Strawson (...)
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    Vague References to Quantities as a Face-Saving Strategy in Teacher-Student Interaction.Jūratė Ruzaitė - 2007 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 3:157-178.
    Vague References to Quantities as a Face-Saving Strategy in Teacher-Student Interaction The main focus of the present paper is to show how vague language categories can function as a face-saving strategy. The observations made in this article are based on the analysis of one category of vague language, that is, quantifiers in British and American spoken academic discourse. The data used for the present investigation have been obtained from two corpora: the sub-corpus of educational events of the British National Corpus (...)
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