Results for 'Imran Sharif'

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  1.  16
    Identities Hidden in Challenges: The Sequential Mediation of Thriving at Work and Employee Investment.Sharjeel Saleem, Shazia Humayun, Bilal Latif, Umer Iftikhar & Imran Sharif - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study explores the influence of challenge stressors on identity orientation directly and via thriving at work and employee investment. Drawing on the broaden–and–build theory of positive emotions, this study proposes challenge stressors as a critical predictor of identity orientation. The purpose of this article is to explore if a particular identity is salient in different contextual factors, and this study suggests that challenge stressors stimulate personal, relational, and collective identities to respond to a situation. The relationships hypothesized in (...)
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    Validating Academic Integrity Survey : An Application of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analytic Procedures.Imran Adesile, Mohamad Sahari Nordin, Yedullah Kazmi & Suhaila Hussien - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (2):149-167.
    This study concerned validating academic integrity survey, a measure developed in 2010 to investigate academic integrity practices in a Malaysian university. It also examined the usefulness of the measure across gender and nationality of the participants. The sample size comprised 450 students selected via quota sampling technique. The findings supported the multidimensionality of academic dishonesty. Also, strong evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, and construct reliability were generated for the revised AIS. The testing of moderating effects yielded two outcomes. While (...)
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  3.  37
    Evaluating and Identifying Climatic Design Features in Traditional Iranian Architecture for Energy Saving.Amirmasood Nakhaee Sharif, Sanaz Keshavarz Saleh, Sadegh Afzal, Niloofar Shoja Razavi, Mozhdeh Fadaei Nasab & Samireh Kadaei - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    In the last decades, researchers have been considering some fundamental issues such as energy saving, global warming, greenhouse emissions, and non-renewable energy to make models of house environmental standards to achieve a suitable consumption pattern for saving energy. In architecture, using natural energy is one of the essential pillars of design because it was one of the criteria of designing, which was considered on climate and geography, and it has been a high performance of climate adaptation in the modeling of (...)
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    How Do Internal and External CSR Affect Employees' Organizational Identification? A Perspective from the Group Engagement Model.Imran Hameed, Zahid Riaz, Ghulam A. Arain & Omer Farooq - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  5. Do Perceptions of Ethical Conduct Matter During Organizational Change? Ethical Leadership and Employee Involvement.Monica M. Sharif & Terri A. Scandura - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):185-196.
    Ethical leadership matters in the context of organizational change due to the need for followers to trust the integrity of their leaders. Yet, there have been no studies investigating ethical leadership and organizational change. To fill this gap, we introduce a model of the moderating role of involvement in change. Organizational change and involvement in change are proposed as context-level moderators in the relationships of ethical leadership and work-related attitudes and performance. We employ a sample of 199 supervisor–subordinate pairs from (...)
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  6. Burdens of Proof and the Case for Unevenness.Imran Aijaz, Jonathan McKeown-Green & Aness Webster - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (3):259-282.
    How is the burden of proof to be distributed among individuals who are involved in resolving a particular issue? Under what conditions should the burden of proof be distributed unevenly? We distinguish attitudinal from dialectical burdens and argue that these questions should be answered differently, depending on which is in play. One has an attitudinal burden with respect to some proposition when one is required to possess sufficient evidence for it. One has a dialectical burden with respect to some proposition (...)
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    Evolution of research on honesty and dishonesty in academic work: a bibliometric analysis of two decades.Imran Ali & Saadia Mahmud - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (1):55-69.
    ABSTRACT The discourse on honesty and dishonesty in academic work has seen considerable growth over the past two decades. This study empirically analyses the shifts in the literature over the past two decades in the research focus and most prolific authors, institutions, countries, and journals. A broad list of terms was employed from the Glossary of Academic Integrity to shortlist journal articles (n = 782) from Scopus. A bibliometric analysis was conducted for each decade and the results were compared. Research (...)
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  8. Some critical reflections on the hiddenness argument.Imran Aijaz & Markus Weidler - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (1):1 - 23.
    J.L. Schellenberg’s Argument from Divine Hiddenness maintains that if a perfectly loving God exists, then there is no non-resistant non-belief. Given that such nonbelief exists, however, it follows that there is no perfectly loving God. To support the conditional claim, Schellenberg presents conceptual and analogical considerations, which we subject to critical scrutiny. We also evaluate Schellenberg’s claim that the belief that God exists is logically necessary for entering into a relationship with the Divine. Finally, we turn to possible variants of (...)
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  9. A Triviality Worry for the Internal Model Principle.Imran Thobani - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-16.
    The Good Regulator Theorem and the Internal Model Principle are sometimes cited as mathematical proofs that an agent needs an internal model of the world in order to have an optimal policy. However, these principles rely on a definition of “internal model" that is far too permissive, applying even to cases of systems that do not use an internal model. As a result, these principles do not provide evidence (let alone a proof) that internal models are necessary. The paper also (...)
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  10.  24
    Metallosis following silicone metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasties with grommets: case report.Imran K. Choudhry, Joyce M. Wilson & Peter J. Stern - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--2.
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    Experience Of The Absolute, Great Consciousness, Constructed Consciousness, And Art Consciousness In My Name Is Red.İmran GÜR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    10th Royan Institute's International Summer School on “Molecular Biomedicine: From Diagnostics to Therapeutics”.Sharif Moradi, Parisa Torabi, Saeed Mohebbi, Sara Amjadian, Piter Bosma, Farnoush Faridbod, Vahid Khoddami, Morteza Hosseini, Sadegh Babashah, Maryam Ghotbaddini, Arezoo Rasti, Faezeh Shekari, Hamid Sadeghi-Abandansari, Jafar Kiani, Mehdi Shamsara, Mohammad Kazemi-Ashtiani & Samira Gholami - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):2000042.
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  13. Allama Iqbal: poet-philosopher of the East.Sharif Mujahid - 1986 - Karachi: Quaid-i-Azam Academy.
  14. Fikr al-Islāmī = Muslim thought: its origin and achievements.Mian Mohammad Sharif - 1978 - Edited by AḥMad[From Old Catalog] Shalabī.
  15.  18
    Metaphors of Reasoning as Problem-Solving Tools.Imran Zualkernan & Paul Johnson - 1992 - Metaphor and Symbol 7 (3):157-184.
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    Strengthening Ethics: A Faith Perspective on Educational Research.Imran Mogra - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):365-376.
    This article discusses ethical guidelines from the viewpoint of the teachings of Islam and, although not ostensibly different, finds parallels in the manner in which ethics could be conceptualised in the context of research in education. It seeks an alignment between ethics from the perspective of being a professional engaged in educational research with a personal significance based on one’s belief, which takes a holistic notion of life. The aims of being ethical researchers seem to be shared in many ways: (...)
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    A History of Muslim Philosophy: With Short Accounts of Other Disciplines and the Modern Renaissance in Muslim Lands.Mian Mohammad Sharif (ed.) - 1963 - Wiesbaden,: Royal Book Co..
  18.  9
    How and When Does Employee Creativity Relate to Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior? Unmasking the Negative Side of Organizational Creativity.Imran Hameed, Ghulam Ali Arain, Irfan Hameed, Ancy Gamage & Michael K. Muchiri - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    In this research, we advance the behavioral ethics literature by explaining the underlying mechanism and conditions under which employee creativity relates to unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB). Grounded in the self-interest motivation perspective of UPB and drawing from self-enhancement theory, we propose that employee creativity fosters psychological entitlement, which, in turn, motivates UPB. Furthermore, we propose that symmetrical internal communication (SIC) acts as a key contextual factor that moderates the mediating effect of psychological entitlement in the creativity–UPB relationship. Results from two (...)
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    A Second-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Moral Distress Scale-Revised for Nurses.Hamid Sharif Nia, Vida Shafipour, Kelly-Ann Allen, Mohammad Reza Heidari, Jamshid Yazdani-Charati & Armin Zareiyan - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1199-1210.
    Background: Moral distress is a growing problem for healthcare professionals that may lead to dissatisfaction, resignation, or occupational burnout if left unattended, and nurses experience different levels of this phenomenon. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the factor structure of the Persian version of the Moral Distress Scale–Revised in intensive care and general nurses. Research design: This methodological research was conducted with 771 nurses from eight hospitals in the Mazandaran Province of Iran in 2017. Participants completed the Moral Distress Scale–Revised, (...)
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  20.  4
    İlmî, Sosyal, Kültürel ve Siyasi Etkileri Bağlamında Kur’an’ın Noktalanma ve Harekelenmesi ve Ebû Amr ed-D'nî'nin Bu Sürece Katkısı.İmran Çelik - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (2):471-495.
    Önceki semavi kitapların tahrifi, Kur’an’ın mevsûkiyeti konusunda Müslümanları daha hassas davranma psikolojisine sevk etmiştir. Kur’an’ın Hz. Peygamber tarafından yazdırılması ve sahabeler tarafından ezberlenilmesi ve sonraki süreçlerde; korunması, doğru okunması, lafızlarının muhafazası ve Mushaf üzerine yapılan ve yine sahih okumaya yönelik tasarrufların hepsi önemli addedilmiştir. Kur’an’ın cem’i, istinsahı, noktalama ve harekeleme işlemleri, yaşanmakta olan sosyal, kültürel ve ilmî sürecin bir gereği olarak ihtiyaca mebni gayretler olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Kur’an’ın noktalanması ve harekelenmesi; tarihi seyri, sosyo-kültürel, ilmî ve siyasi saikleri ile ele (...)
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    The Ethics of Blockchain in Organizations.Monica M. Sharif & Farshad Ghodoosi - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):1009-1025.
    Blockchain is an open digital ledger technology that has the capability of significantly altering the way that people operations operate in organizations. This research takes a first step in proposing several ways in which the blockchain technology can be used to improve current organizational practices, while also considering the ethical implications. Specifically, the paper examines the role that blockchain technology plays in three primary areas of people operations: entry to the organization, intraorganizational processes, and exit. In each section, the paper (...)
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  22.  86
    The Sceptical Muslim.Imran Aijaz - 2023 - Religious Studies 59 (3):495-514.
    Many Muslims take the position that religious doubts constitute a serious problem for anyone who regards himself or herself as a Muslim, arguing that such a predicament may even result in apostasy. According to this position, the main problem with a Muslim who harbours religious doubts, a ‘Sceptical Muslim’, is that he or she is culpable for failing to respond appropriately to epistemic certainty about fundamental Islamic doctrine, primarily the existence of God and the Prophethood of Muhammad. I shall argue (...)
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  23.  25
    Bridging the rural–urban divide in social innovation transfer: the role of values.Imran Chowdhury - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1261-1279.
    This study examines the process of knowledge transfer between a pair of social enterprises, organizations that are embedded in competing social and economic logics. Drawing on a longitudinal case study of the interaction between social enterprises operating in emerging economy settings, it uncovers factors which influence the transfer of a social innovation from a dense, population-rich setting to one where beneficiaries are geographically dispersed and the costs of service delivery are correspondingly elevated. Evidence from the case study suggests that institutional (...)
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    Öznenin Öteki Kişilik Problemi, Aslı Erdoğan'da Suç Ve Suç Ortaklığı Kavramı.İmran GÜR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):967-967.
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    Postoperative nutritional support of the patient with gut gangrene—a case report.Samra Imran & Afifa Tanweer - 2019 - Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 38 (1):11.
    Bowel necrosis is a commonly observed condition in elderly patients with longstanding diabetes. In such condition, intestinal resection is usually performed for the removal of the gangrenous part. Post-surgical dietary management after bowel resection poses several challenges for the health care team. The case presented in this study is that of an elderly diabetic male who developed acute renal failure as a result of neglect in post-surgical feeding after intestinal resection. After the intervention by a trained dietitian, a transitional diet (...)
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    Tata susila, untuk pegangan bagi para pengadjar budi pekerti dan para peminat soal tersebut.Marzuki Imran - 1963 - Solo,: Ab. Sitti Sjamsijah.
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    Factors Affecting Staff Turnover of Young Academics: Job Embeddedness and Creative Work Performance in Higher Academic Institutions.Imran Ahmed Shah, Amit Yadav, Farman Afzal, Syed Maqsood Zia Ahmed Shah, Danish Junaid, Sami Azam, Mirjam Jonkman, Friso De Boer, Ronju Ahammad & Bharanidharan Shanmugam - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Young academics have been facing a problem of high turnover rate due to missing links between the institutions’ policies and the performance. This study explores the effect of job embeddedness and community embeddedness on creative work performance and intentions to leave of young teaching staff in academic institutions in Pakistan. In this study, 300 qualified young academics from public and private universities were selected as subjects and asked to complete a questionnaire. Data were collected via mail-survey. A variance-based structural equation (...)
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  28.  80
    Influencing relatives to respect donor autonomy: Should we nudge families to consent to organ donation?Adnan Sharif & Greg Moorlock - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (3):155-163.
    Refusing consent to organ donation remains unacceptably high, and improving consent rates from family or next-of-kin is an important step to procuring more organs for solid organ transplantation in countries where this approval is sought. We have thus far failed to translate fully our limited understanding of why families refuse permission into successful strategies targeting consent in the setting of deceased organ donation, primarily because our interventions fail to target underlying cognitive obstacles. Novel interventions to overcome these hurdles, incorporating an (...)
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    Linking Ethical Leadership to Followers’ Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership and Moderating Role of Professional Commitment.Imran Saeed, Jawad Khan, Muhammad Zada, Shagufta Zada, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz & Nicolás Contreras-Barraza - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined the influence of ethical leadership on knowledge sharing, the mediating role of psychological ownership, and the moderating effect of professional commitment between ethical leadership and knowledge sharing. Data were collected from 307 public listed Pakistani companies’ employees. Statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS Version 25 and AMOS version 22. The findings indicate a positive relationship between EL and KS behavior. Additionally, the impact of EL on KS was partially mediated by psychological ownership. Furthermore, professional commitment buffers (...)
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  30.  43
    The fake news effect: what does it mean for consumer behavioral intentions towards brands?Aruba Sharif, Tahir Mumtaz Awan & Osman Sadiq Paracha - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (2):291-307.
    Purpose This study aims to understand how fake news can cause an impact on consumer behavioral intentions in today’s era when fake news is prevalent and common. Brands have not only faced reputational losses but also got a dip in their share prices and sales, which affected their financial standing. Hence, it is significant for brands to understand the impact of fake news on behavioral intentions and to strategize to manage the impact. Design/methodology/approach This study uses several branding and marketing (...)
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  31. Electronic media, creativity and plagiarism.Naveed Imran - 2010 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 40 (4):25-44.
    This article provides an introduction to plagiarism and the numerous negative aspects associated with it. Some examples from history have also been provided along with their outcomes. There are different types of plagiarism with varying legal and social aspects. The taxonomy of plagiarism is built by classifying it, with respect to the method involved in plagiarism, the form in which it happens or the intention of the plagiarist. The strategies suggested in the literature to avoid plagiarism are organized into individual (...)
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  32. al-Fikr al-Islāmī.Mian Mohammad Sharif - 1962
  33.  5
    In search of truth.Mian Mohammad Sharif - 1966 - Lahore,: Institute of Islamic Culture.
  34.  14
    Muslim Philosophy and the Modern European Thought.M. M. Sharif - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 10:205-212.
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    Muslim thought; its origin and achievements.Mian Mohammad Sharif - 1951 - Lahore,: Sh. M. Ashraf.
  36.  10
    Rhetoric of Innovation Policy Making in Hong Kong Using the Innovation Systems Conceptual Approach.Naubahar Sharif - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (3):408-434.
    Since its introduction in the 1980s, use of the innovation systems conceptual approach has been growing, particularly on the part of national governments including, recently, the Hong Kong Government. In 2004, the Hong Kong Government set forth a ‘‘new strategy’’ for innovation and technology policy making. Because it marked a significant break from the past, it was necessary to convince a wider audience to accept this new strategy, a strategy that included the IS conceptual approach. Adopting a science and technology (...)
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    Benchmark Pashto Handwritten Character Dataset and Pashto Object Character Recognition (OCR) Using Deep Neural Network with Rule Activation Function.Imran Uddin, Dzati A. Ramli, Abdullah Khan, Javed Iqbal Bangash, Nosheen Fayyaz, Asfandyar Khan & Mahwish Kundi - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In the area of machine learning, different techniques are used to train machines and perform different tasks like computer vision, data analysis, natural language processing, and speech recognition. Computer vision is one of the main branches where machine learning and deep learning techniques are being applied. Optical character recognition is the ability of a machine to recognize the character of a language. Pashto is one of the most ancient and historical languages of the world, spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. OCR (...)
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  38. Traditional Islamic Exclusivism –A Critique.Imran Aijaz - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (2):185-209.
    In this paper, I give an account and critique of what I call ‘Traditional Islamic Exclusivism’ – a specific Islamic interpretation of religious exclusivism. This Islamic version of religious exclusivism rests on exclusivist attitudes towards truth, epistemic justification and salvation. After giving an account of Traditional Islamic Exclusivism by explaining its theological roots in the Qur’an and ahadith, I proceed to critique it. I do so by arguing that Islamic epistemic exclusivism, which forms the main core of Traditional Islamic Exclusivism, (...)
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    We’re in This Together: A Reflection on How Bioethics and Public Health Can Collectively Advance Scientific Efforts Towards Addressing Racism.Mandy Truong & Mienah Z. Sharif - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):113-116.
    Racism is a key driver of the social, political, and economic injustices that cause and maintain health inequities. Over centuries and across continents, racism has become deeply ingrained within societies. Therefore, we believe that it is our professional and ethical obligation as scientists, and public health scholars specifically, to address racism head on in order to ameliorate racialized health disparities. We argue that greater focus is needed on addressing racism rather than race and how race is described or defined. We (...)
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    Cancer patients’ perspectives on dignity in care.Samaneh Bagherian, Farkhondeh Sharif, Ladan Zarshenas, Camellia Torabizadeh, Abbas Abbaszadeh & Payam Izadpanahi - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):127-140.
    Background: Since “dignity” is one of the fundamental rights of every patient, consideration for patients’ dignity is essential. Unfortunately, in many cases, especially in cancer patients, dignity is not fully respected. Dignity is an abstract concept, and there are only a few comprehensive studies on the dignity of cancer patients in Iran. Research objective: This study aimed to evaluate the perception of Iranian cancer patients on human dignity. Research design: A qualitative research approach was used as the study design. The (...)
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  41.  47
    The Philosophy of Antiphilosophy in Islam.Imran Aijaz - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2).
    In this article, I will examine Aristotle’s protreptic argument for the necessity of philosophy as it was deployed by Al-Kindi. I will show how a Muslim critic of philosophy, primarily one who is aligned with the theological outlook of Ibn Hanbal, can reasonably reject the protreptic argument as Al-Kindi presents it. The argument can, however, be reworked in a way to circumvent common criticisms of it presented by Hanbalī-style opponents of philosophy. Indeed, I will argue that, once the argument is (...)
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  42. On Neutrosophic Semi Alpha Open Sets.Qays Hatem Imran, F. Smarandache, Riad K. Al-Hamido & R. Dhavaseelan - 2017 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 18:37-42.
    In this paper, we presented antoher concept of neutrosophic open sets called neutrosophic semi-α-open sets and studied their fundamental poperties in neutrosophic topological spaces. We also present neutrospohic semi-α-interior and neutrosophic semi-α-closure and study some of their fundamental properties.
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    Protest of doctors: a basic human right or an ethical dilemma.Imran Naeem Abbasi - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):24.
    Peaceful protests and strikes are a basic human right as stated in the United Nations’ universal declaration on human rights. But for doctors, their proximity to life and death and the social contract between a doctor and a patient are stated as the reasons why doctors are valued more than the ordinary beings. In Pakistan, strikes by doctors were carried out to protest against lack of service structure, security and low pay. This paper discusses the moral and ethical concerns pertaining (...)
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    How binding and bonding communicate interpersonal meanings in a children’s museum to address Jordan’s energy and water challenges.Ahmad El-Sharif - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (250):43-66.
    Museums’ structures, spaces, and exhibits are understood as semiotic resources that make spatial texts that communicate a discourse defined by the authorities of the museum or its curators. The current study follows a social-semiotic approach in analyzing the spatial discourse of the Children’s Museum in Amman. It demonstrates that interpersonal meanings are semiotically communicated to children visitors in the Museum by firstly establishing a “comfort-zone” and secondly by aligning children visitors into groups with shared qualities, attitudes, and dispositions of affiliation (...)
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    Filozofija antifilozofije u islamu.Imran Aijaz - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):2-24.
    U ovom ću članku razmotriti Aristotelov protreptički argument za nužnost filozofije kako ga je postavio Al-Kindi. Pokazat ću kako muslimanski kritičar filozofije, prvenstveno onaj koji je usklađen s teološkim stajalištima Ibn Hanbala, može s razlogom odbaciti protreptički argument kako ga predstavlja Al-Kindi. Međutim, argument se može preraditi na način da se zaobiđu uobičajene kritike koje iznose protivnici filozofije u stilu Hanbalīja. Dapače, tvrdit ću da je njegova ispravnost neupitna jednom kad se argument pravilno razjasni s obzirom na to kako se (...)
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    Positive disintegration in mystical experiences: A psychological study of Muriel maufroy’s rumi’s daughter.Muhammad Imran & Muhammad Hussain - 2019 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 58 (2):97-105.
    The relationship between psychology and mysticism has gained a great deal of currency over the years. Various psychological models have provided theoretical foundations allowing the researchers to grasp profound varieties and nuances in mystical experiences across cultures and religious traditions. This has, in fact, broadened the canvass for mystical studies. The current paper attempts to carry out a psychological analysis of mystical experience of a character named Kimya in Muriel Maufroy’s novel “Rumi’s Daughter”. The study carries out an analysis of (...)
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    A new model of pairing for innovation in management higher education: implications for the management field.Rukhsar Sharif - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (1):19.
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    Contributions from the sociology of technology to the study of innovation systems.Naubahar Sharif - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (3):83-105.
    Literature in the area of innovation systems (IS) has been growing in importance and the IS approach has become well established. It is widely used in North America, Western Europe and Scandinavia, both in academic contexts and also as a framework or tool for policymaking. This paper examines work by sociologists, historians and others who have attempted to provide new insights into the nature of technology, in order to determine how the new sociology of technology literature—particularly social construction of technology (...)
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  49. Musalmānon̲ ke afkār.Mian Mohammad Sharif - 1963 - Majlis-I Taraggi-Yi Adab.
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    Some Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls in Tajikistan.M. Sharif - 2005 - Global Bioethics 18 (1):45-71.
    This abstract is based on materials collected and analyzed during the project “Violence against Women in Tajikistan” which was implemented during 1999–2000. The project was completed with methodological and financial support of the World Health Organization (WHO), UNDP, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Results of this project were presented in a national conference on Violence Against Women in Tajikistan” 29–30, March 2001 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
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