Results for 'Identity management systems'

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  1.  64
    Sovereignty, privacy, and ethics in blockchain-based identity management systems.Georgy Ishmaev - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):239-252.
    Self-sovereign identity solutions implemented on the basis of blockchain technology are seen as alternatives to existing digital identification systems, or even as a foundation of standards for the new global infrastructures for identity management systems. It is argued that ‘self-sovereignty' in this context can be understood as the concept of individual control over identity relevant private data, capacity to choose where such data is stored, and the ability to provide it to those who need (...)
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    Federated identity management in mobile dynamic virtual organizations.Matteo Gaeta, Juergen Jaehnert, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Sergio Miranda, Pierluigi Ritrovato & Theodora Varvarigou - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (2):115-136.
    Over the past few years, the Virtual Organization (VO) paradigm has been emerging as an ideal solution to support collaboration among globally distributed entities (individuals and/or organizations). However, due to rapid technological and societal changes, there has also been an astonishing growth in technologies and services for mobile users. This has opened up new collaborative scenarios where the same participant can access the VO from different locations and mobility becomes a key issue for users and services. The nomadicity and mobility (...)
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    Electronic identity management in Estonia between market and state governance.Tarvi Martens - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (1):213-233.
    The present paper summarizes the development of the national electronic Identity Management System (eIDMS) in Estonia according to a conceptual framework developed in an European comparative research project outlined in the first chapter of this special issue. Its main function is to amend the picture of the European eIDMS landscape by presenting a case with high involvement of the private sector and thereby checking the generalizations from the comparisons of Austria, Belgium, Germany and Spain, presented by Kubicek and (...)
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  4. Towards inclusive identity management.Lothar Fritsch, Kristin Skeide Fuglerud & Ivar Solheim - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (3):515-538.
    The article argues for a shift of perspective in identity management (IDM) research and development. Accessibility and usability issues affect identity management to such an extent that they demand a reframing and reformulation of basic designs and requirements of modern identity management systems. The rationale for the traditional design of identity management systems and mechanisms has been security concerns as defined in the field of security engineering. By default the highest (...)
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    Practical versus moral identities in identity management.Noëmi Manders-Huits - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (1):43-55.
    Over the past decade Identity Management has become a central theme in information technology, policy, and administration in the public and private sectors. In these contexts the term ‘Identity Management’ is used primarily to refer to ways and methods of dealing with registration and authorization issues regarding persons in organizational and service-oriented domains. Especially due to the growing range of choices and options for, and the enhanced autonomy and rights of, employees, citizens, and customers, there is (...)
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  6.  77
    Introduction: conceptual framework and research design for a comparative analysis of national eID Management Systems in selected European countries. [REVIEW]Herbert Kubicek - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (1):5-26.
    This paper introduces the objectives and basic approach of a collaborative comparative research project on the introduction of national electronic Identity Management Systems (eIDMS) in Member States of the European Union. Altogether eight country case studies have been produced in two waves by researchers in the respective countries, which will be presented in the following articles in this special issue. The studies adopt a common conceptual framework and use the same terminology, which will be presented in this (...)
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  7.  77
    Identity management in GRID computing and Service Oriented Architectures: research and practice. [REVIEW]Theodora Varvarigou & Vassiliki Andronikou - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (2):95-98.
    Today, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Grid and Cloud computing comprise the key technologies in distributed systems. In systems following the SOA approach, functionalities are delivered and consumed as services. Given the variety of resources (i.e. data, computing capabilities, applications, etc) as well as the variation of user-requested Quality of Service (e.g., high performance, fast access, low cost, high media resolution, etc), there is a need for advanced user management, trust establishment and service management mechanisms which adjust, (...)
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  8.  27
    Identity Rights: A Structural Void in Inclusive Growth.Mukesh Sud & Craig V. VanSandt - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):589-601.
    This paper investigates a structural void that, especially in the context of poor or developing nations, prevents economic growth from being more inclusive and benefiting wider sections of society. The authors initially examine the imperative for inclusive growth, one encompassing a focus on poverty and development. Utilizing social choice theory, and a capability deprivation perspective, we observe that the poor experience deprivations due to a deficiency in their personal autonomy. This in turn is deeply interwoven with the concept of (...). Legally recognizing the poor as individuals, and providing them with proof of their identity, will empower them and facilitate inclusive growth and poverty alleviation. These conceptual arguments are illustrated with the description of a biometric-linked developmental initiative that is providing proof of identity to 1.2 billion residents of India. By establishing a robust identity management system, the project aims to ensure more inclusive growth and efficiently target welfare programs. The authors further investigate how the establishment of identity rights facilitates financial inclusion, property ownership, and necessity-driven entrepreneurial action. Biometric identification on this scale is, however, fraught with dangers to civil liberties and has other serious ethical consequences. In the last section, issues around privacy and security are debated while highlighting the need for external review and independent monitoring to define the project’s boundaries and usages. (shrink)
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    Reconstructing the good farmer identity: shifts in farmer identities and farm management practices to improve water quality. [REVIEW]Jean McGuire, Lois Wright Morton & Alicia D. Cast - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (1):57-69.
    All farmers have their own version of what it means to be a good farmer. For many US farmers a large portion of their identity is defined by the high input, high output production systems they manage to produce food, fiber or fuel. However, the unintended consequences of highly productivist systems are often increased soil erosion and the pollution of ground and surface water. A large number of farmers have conservationist identities within their good farmer identity, (...)
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  10. Blockchain Identities: Notational Technologies for Control and Management of Abstracted Entities.Quinn Dupont - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):634-653.
    This paper argues that many so-called digital technologies can be construed as notational technologies, explored through the example of Monegraph, an art and digital asset management platform built on top of the blockchain system originally developed for the cryptocurrency bitcoin. As the paper characterizes it, a notational technology is the performance of syntactic notation within a field of reference, a technologized version of what Nelson Goodman called a “notational system.” Notational technologies produce abstracted entities through positive and reliable, or (...)
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  11.  32
    Towards a better citizen identification system.Piotr Cofta - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):39-53.
    Citizen identification systems (known also as ‘ID card systems’, or ‘national identity management systems’, even though those definitions are not identical) are receiving a mixed acceptance, with their privacy, security and usability being criticised, specifically in the UK. This paper investigates whether it is possible to improve social acceptance of such systems in cases where they are incompatible with the perceived value of privacy, but without significantly changing their original architecture. The paper analyses requirements (...)
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    A study of emotion management and identity construction in Chinese medical treatment discussions.Chengtuan Li - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (6):741-757.
    Based on a medical corpus, this study attempts to capture how doctors manage their emotions and construct their professional identity in treatment discussions. Using the Emotion Model and the Model of Epistemics and Deontics Gradient, I find that when their professional expertise is questioned or doubted, doctors highlight their epistemic rights and displays negative emotions; when their professional role is negated, doctors give the deontic rights to their patients and discharge negative emotions; and when their professional ethics is challenged, (...)
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  13.  18
    The Application of Lean Management in the Management of the Psychiatric Care System in the Regional Model of Psychiatric Care in Denmark (the Region of Zealand).Iwona Mazur, Anna Depukat, Joanna Jończyk & Piotr Karniej - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 56 (1):59-73.
    The aim of the article is to present the application of the lean management method as appropriate for the management of the organizational system of psychiatric care in the Zealand region of Denmark. The organizational solutions of the Danish psychiatric care system presented in this paper are individualized and adapted to the regional needs of the residents. In Denmark, there are five administrative regions, in which each independently organizes its own system of medical (psychiatric) care. This means that (...)
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  14.  8
    The Trickster and the System: Identity and Agency in Contemporary Society.Helena Victor Bassil-Morozow - 2014 - Routledge.
    For centuries, the trickster has been used in various narratives, including mythological, literary and cinematic, to convey the idea of agency, rebellion and, often turbulent, progress. In _The Trickster and the System: Identity and Agency in Contemporary Society_,_ __Helena Bassil-Morozow_ shows how the trickster can be seen as a metaphor to describe the psycho-anthropological concept of change, an impulse that challenges the existing order of things, a progressive force that is a-structural and anti-structural in its nature. The book is (...)
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  15.  46
    The path dependency of national electronic identities.Herbert Kubicek & Torsten Noack - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (1):111-153.
    This paper compares the four national electronic Identity Management Systems (eIDMS), which have been described in the previous chapters. The section Similarities and differences between four national eIDMS will highlight the differences between these systems conceived as socio-technical systems with regard to the eID itself, the eID cards as tokens, the authentication processes as well as the procedures for distribution and personalisation, the support provided for installing the technology and any provider-related regulation. The section A (...)
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  16.  27
    Managing public expectations of technological systems: A case study of a problematic government project.Aaron K. Martin & Edgar A. Whitley - 2007 - Spontaneous Generations 1 (1):67.
    In this discussion piece we address how the UK government has attempted to manage public expectations of a proposed biometric identity scheme by focussing attention on the handheld, i.e., the ID card. We suggest that this strategy of expectations management seeks to downplay the complexity and uncertainty surrounding this high-technological initiative, necessitating the selective use of expertise for the purpose of furthering government objectives. In this process, government often relegates counterexpertise, if not dismissing it outright, thereby greatly politicizing (...)
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  17.  19
    Contemporary Global Transformation of University System and the Philosophy of Education Specifications in Anglo-Saxon and American Models of Education and Research Management.Viktor Zinchenko - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):94-116.
    In today’s world there is diversification of different models of higher education. At the same time, the multiplicity, the diversity of higher education models does not exclude their identity. Internationalization and integration of higher education in a global and international dimension raise a lot of new questions to the theory and practice. Almost every developed country has the rich experience of building the higher education system. The analysis of this experience can aid development and enrichment of the national educational (...)
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  18. A framework for the lived experience of identity.Adrian Rahaman & Martina Angela Sasse - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (3):605-638.
    This paper presents a framework for the design of human-centric identity management systems. Whilst many identity systems over the past few years have been labelled as _human-centred,_ we argue that the term has been appropriated by technologists to claim moral superiority of their products, and by system owners who confuse administrative convenience with benefits for users. The framework for human-centred identity presented here identifies a set of design properties that can impact the lived experience (...)
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  19.  42
    Self-Identity and Sense of Place: Some Thoughts regarding Climate Change Adaptation Policy Formulation.Charles N. Herrick - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (1):81-102.
    The formulation and implementation of policies addressing the need to adapt to climate change can be difficult due to the long-term, uncertain nature of localised climate change impacts and associated vulnerabilities. Difficulties are intensified because policy interventions can involve high costs, foregone opportunity and changes to people's way of life. Factors such as these can spur an uncritical, or reflexive, negativity regarding efforts to address the projected impacts of climate change. Such reflexive negativity is often trivialised in pejorative terms, such (...)
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  20.  58
    Psychic ID: A blueprint for a modern national identity scheme.David G. W. Birch - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):189-201.
    The issue of identity cards is hotly debated in many countries, but it often seems to be an oddly backward-looking debate that presumes outdated “Orwellian” architectures. In the modern world, surely we should be debating the requirements for national identity management schemes, in which identity cards may or may not be a useful implementation, before we move on to architecture. If so, then, what should a U.K. national identity management scheme for the 21st century (...)
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  21.  57
    The identity of identity: Moral and legal aspects of technological self-transformation.Michael H. Shapiro - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (2):308-373.
    Technologies are being developed for significantly altering the traits of existing persons (or fetuses or embryos) and of future persons via germ line modification. The availability of such technologies may affect our philosophical, legal, and everyday understandings of several important concepts, including that of personal identity. I consider whether the idea of personal identity requires reconstruction, revision or abandonment in the face of such possibilities of technological intervention into the nature and form of an individual's attributes. This requires (...)
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  22.  30
    Identity of historical localities in information systems1.Pawel Garbacz, Bogumił Szady & Agnieszka Ławrynowicz - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (1):55-86.
    The paper discusses the problem of diachronic criteria of identity for historic localities. We argue that such criteria are needed not just for the sake of ontological clarity but also are indispensable for database management and maintenance. Our survey of the current research in database management and engineering ontology literature found no satisfactory candidates thereof. Therefore we attempt to search for such criteria in the historic-geographical scholarship by exposing the ontological assumptions the researchers made there and by (...)
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  23.  52
    The Austrian case: multi-card concept and the relationship between citizen ID and social security cards. [REVIEW]Georg Aichholzer & Stefan Strauß - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (1):65-85.
    National electronic identity (e-ID) card schemes and electronic identity management systems (e-IDMS) in Europe are characterised by considerable diversity. This contribution analyses the creation of a national e-IDMS in Austria with the aim of improving our understanding of the reasons behind the genesis of particular designs of national e-IDMS. It seeks to explain how the system’s specific design evolved and which factors shaped its appearance. Being part of a comparative four country study, a common theoretical framework (...)
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  24.  8
    Do Electrons Have Politics? Constructing User Identities in Swedish Electricity.Jane Summerton - 2004 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 29 (4):486-511.
    Electricity systems in many parts of Europe and the United States are currently undergoing transformations that have potentially profound implications for managerial practice and the politics of user identities within these systems. After more than a century of “universal service” that provided technical goods and services to all users on essentially equal terms, utility managers are now constructing and exploiting heterogeneity and difference among users. This article explores local managerial practices within Swedish electricity in the mid-1990s, where managers (...)
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  25.  17
    Unconscious system-psychodynamics within a German 4IR engineering company in South Africa.Claude-Hélène Mayer & Rudolf M. Oosthuizen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:926245.
    This article focuses on systems psychodynamics and particularly on the CIBART-model which explores conflict, identity, boundary, authority, role and task and how these phenomena work out on an unconscious level. Therefore, this article presents empirical findings on CIBART in a German multinational engineering organization operating in South Africa. For this study, 16 managers where interviewed on their transformation toward Industry 4.0 with special interest in the interconnection how CIBART aspects play out in the South African context. Findings show (...)
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  26.  29
    Combatting Identity Theft: A Proposed Ethical Policy Statement and Best Practices.Dinah Payne & Pamela A. Kennett-Hensel - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (3):393-420.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the law related to identity theft, to review corresponding rights, and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in identity theft and to formulate a system of best practices businesses could engage in to prevent or reduce identity theft threats. Utilizing two ethical frameworks based on deontological approaches, the authors conclude that there should be a well-defined management scheme to prevent identity theft, which is easy to comprehend and comply with (...)
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  27.  4
    Dignity of women with systemic lupus erythematosus: A qualitative study.Zinat Mohebbi, Samaneh Bagherian, Marion Eckert & Banafsheh Tehranineshat - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: The nature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the far-reaching unpleasant consequences of this disease and the treatments can put the dignity of the women with the disease at risk. Yet, the dignity of this population of patients has not been the subject of much research. Objective: The present study aims to define and describe the concept of dignity of women with SLE. Research design: This is a qualitative descriptive study in which data were collected via individual, in-depth, semi-structured (...)
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  28.  95
    Pain assessment and management in the long-term care setting.David E. Weissman & Sandra Matson - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (1):31-43.
    The assessment and management of pain is a significant public health problem in the United States. Long-term care facilities face unique barriers and challenges to pain management due to the large population of cognitively impaired residents, little physician contact and poor pain education for nurses and nurse assistants. In addition, common misconceptions about pain and pain treatment in the elderly along with health professional and resident fears of addiction and drug toxicity, add to the problem of pain (...). The basic principles of pain treatment in long-term care are identical to all other health care settings – utilizing a combination of drug and non-drug treatments. Recent efforts to institutionalize improved pain management practices, through assessment procedures and defined pain management policies, standards and education programming, is a promising venue for systemically improving pain treatment in long-term care settings. (shrink)
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  29. Rethinking Appropriateness of Actions in Environmental Decisions: Connecting Interest and Identity Negotiation with Plural Valuation.Christopher M. Raymond, Paul Hirsch, Bryan Norton, Andrew Scott & Mark S. Reed - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (6):739-764.
    Issues of interest, identity and values intertwine in environmental conflicts, creating challenges that cannot generally be overcome using rationalities grounded in generalised argumentation and abstraction. To address the growing need to engage interests and identities along with plural values in the conservation of biodiversity and ecological systems, we introduce the concept of ‘appropriateness of actions’ and ground it in a relational understanding of environmental ethics. A determination of appropriateness for actions comes from combining outputs from value elicitation with (...)
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  30.  38
    Governing Household Waste Management: An Empirical Analysis and Critique.Scott Cameron Lougheed, Myra J. Hird & Kerry R. Rowe - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (3):287-308.
    We conducted a survey of residents of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, (n = 107) to understand their attitudes to and experiences of waste management and governance. Currently, the municipality is emphasising waste diversion and exploring new waste processing systems (WPS; e.g., incineration) to reduce costs. Using Foucault's governmentality theory, our data suggest Kingston's reliance on an attitude-behaviour-context model of behaviour change successfully fosters an environmental citizenship identity based on waste diversion (e.g., recycling). However, we argue that the neoliberal (...)
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  31.  45
    From control to values-based management and accountability.Peter Pruzan - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (13):1379-1394.
    In recent years a series of developments in apparently loosely coupled domains have contributed to the development of new and vital perspectives on how to manage complex social systems such as corporations. These developments include improved communications technologies, increased awareness by constituencies of their potentials for influencing corporate behaviour, increased complexity and reduced transparency in large, heterogeneous organisations, a corresponding reduction in the capacity of traditional accounting and reporting systems to reflect organisational performance, new demands from employees as (...)
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  32.  53
    ACTIVE ethics: an information systems ethics for the internet age.Neil Kenneth McBride - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (1):21-44.
    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to present a novel mnemonic, ACTIVE, inspired by Mason's 1985 PAPA mnemonic, which will help researchers and IT professionals develop an understanding of the major issues in information ethics.Design/methodology/approach– Theoretical foundations are developed for each element of the mnemonic by reference to philosophical definitions of the terms used and to virtue ethics, particularly MacIntyrean virtue ethics. The paper starts with a critique of the elements of the PAPA mnemonic and then proceeds to develop (...)
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  33. Rethinking the ethical approach to health information management through narration: pertinence of Ricœur’s ‘little ethics’.Corine Mouton Dorey - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):531-543.
    The increased complexity of health information management sows the seeds of inequalities between health care stakeholders involved in the production and use of health information. Patients may thus be more vulnerable to use of their data without their consent and breaches in confidentiality. Health care providers can also be the victims of a health information system that they do not fully master. Yet, despite its possible drawbacks, the management of health information is indispensable for advancing science, medical care (...)
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  34. Globalization and the Question of African Identity.Damian Ilodigwe - forthcoming - Sociology and Anthropology 2018 (7).
    A prominent feature of the contemporary society in the last couple of decades is the phenomenon of globalization. While globalization has brought immense benefits to Africa on the one hand, Africa’s entrance into and participation in the global scene has also precipitated a crisis of confusion and identity for Africa–a situation which is analogous to the effect of her encounter with colonialism, so that unless the dialectic of identity and difference that inevitably arises from this situation is constructively (...)
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  35. The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of Ethics and Ethical Organizational Identity.Amy Klemm Verbos, Joseph A. Gerard, Paul R. Forshey, Charles S. Harding & Janice S. Miller - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):17-33.
    A vision of a living code of ethics is proposed to counter the emphasis on negative phenomena in the study of organizational ethics. The living code results from the harmonious interaction of authentic leadership, five key organizational processes (attraction–selection–attrition, socialization, reward systems, decision-making and organizational learning), and an ethical organizational culture (characterized by heightened levels of ethical awareness and a positive climate regarding ethics). The living code is the cognitive, affective, and behavioral manifestation of an ethical organizational identity. (...)
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    Different countries-different paths extended comparison of the introduction of eIDs in eight European countries.Herbert Kubicek & Torsten Noack - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (1):235-245.
    A first comparison of the innovation processes of introducing electronic identities on a national level in Austria, Belgium, Germany and Spain, based on extensive expert interviews with key actors, has been amended by four more country reports from Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Sweden in order to check the validity of generalisations derived from the first four cases. The extended comparison with the four additional countries increases the variance between the eID systems in Europe by showing differing technical and organisational (...)
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    Gestalt as a Determinant of Brand Management – A Sociological Perspective on Branding in German-Speaking Discourse.Oliver Errichiello - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (2):231-246.
    For almost 40 years, a specific form of brand management with scientific and practical resonance has been evolving in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland – along with a multitude of microeconomic schools and authors. This form of brand management goes by the term “Brand Sociology” and sees the brand as a Gestalt system of alliances. Brand Sociology fills a gap in the classical economic approach and makes it possible to understand the central target variables of brand management as (...)
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    Strategy as a Feature of Reflective Action: Edmund Husserl’s Theories as a Temporal Model of Organisational Identity.Stephen Sheard - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 7 (2):25-40.
    Husserl’s theories, which systematise the role of reflection and consciousness, can be used to give an alternative view of organisational evolution as the flow of presence punctuated by absence. This perspective adopts a contrasting approach to that of the poststructuralist. A synthesis of the Identity metaphor with the theory of strategy allows us to contextualise an application of Husserl’s theory of the epoche (the intentional reduction) and link both ontological and epistemic dimensions in a theory of organisation. The firm (...)
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    Reviving shekhawati food and local food system through commoning: a case from Nawalgarh, India.Yashi Srivastava & Archana Patnaik - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-13.
    Regional food is grounded in local practices and heritage. With industrialization and post-green revolution threat to food produced within specific region and the associated knowledge has become imminent. Scholars have analyzed the revival of regional foods in different parts of the world. However, there have been limited studies focusing on the revival of regional food from the perspective of food as commons. The paper fills this gap by analyzing the efforts of Morarka-GDC Foundation along with farmers collective in Nawalgarh, India. (...)
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    Living with Corruption in Central and Eastern Europe: Social Identity and the Role of Moral Disengagement.Katalin Takacs Haynes & Matevž Rašković - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (4):825-845.
    We examine corruption across three Central and Eastern Europe countries through a social psychology framework which integrates social identity theory, social cognitive theory and moral disengagement mechanisms. We illustrate how various social identities influence individual and collective action in terms of ethical behavior and corruption, thereby creating, maintaining and perpetuating petty, grand and systemic public/private corruption through triadic co-determination via cognition, behavior and the environment. Despite growing research on corruption normalization, less is known about the cognitive and behavioral mechanisms (...)
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    Institutional globalization as a system of integration the phenomenon of the postmodern development.Viktor Zinchenko - 2015 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 8:74-85.
    Purpose. Institutionalism is gaining strength as a dominant point of view on the world. Its philosophical basis is the postulate of the uncertainty of the development, which comes to replace the neoclassical certainty characteristic of industrial society. The postulate of uncertainty is closely connected with the idea of subjectivization and individualization of post-industrial society. All these were very important components of the new paradigm, although they do not exhaust the problem. In the heart of postmodernism is a mass identity (...)
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    Decreasing Workplace Unethical Behavior Through Mindfulness: A Study Based on the Dual-System Theory of Ethical Decision-Making.Xiaodong Ming, Xinwen Bai, Jingyu Fu & Jianfeng Yang - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (1):189-207.
    Workplace unethical behavior poses a significant challenge for organizations, thus highlighting the importance of examining the intervention strategies used to manage such behaviors. In recent years, mindfulness has gained traction as a promising way of curbing workplace unethical behavior, receiving interest from business ethics scholars. Regrettably, prior research on mindfulness and workplace unethical behavior has predominantly focused on the potential benefits of mindfulness with regard to the reasoning process underlying ethical decision-making, overlooking the intuitive process. Drawing on the dual-system theory (...)
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    Health at the Center of Health Systems Reform: How Philosophy Can Inform Policy.Joachim P. Sturmberg, Carmel M. Martin & Mark M. Moes - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (3):341-356.
    We are never illness or disease, but, rather, always their sum in the world of day-to-day experience. Disease and illness are not closed systems, but mutually constitutive and continuously interacting worlds. In the patient’s case it is always experience as well. Pain, sickness and death help make that particular experienced identity unavoidable, and at some level ultimately inaccessible to medicine’s changing understanding of disease and tools for managing it. Health—rather than cost containment, specific conditions, or technologies—should be the (...)
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  44.  15
    On anonymous and weighted voting systems.Josep Freixas & Montserrat Pons - 2021 - Theory and Decision 91 (4):477-491.
    Many bodies around the world make their decisions through voting systems in which voters have several options and the collective result also has several options. Many of these voting systems are anonymous, i.e., all voters have an identical role in voting. Anonymous simple voting games, a binary vote for voters and a binary collective decision, can be represented by an easy weighted game, i.e., by means of a quota and an identical weight for the voters. Widely used voting (...)
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  45.  26
    Physician behavior and conditional altruism: the effects of payment system and uncertain health benefit.Peter Martinsson & Emil Persson - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (3):365-387.
    This paper experimentally investigates the altruistic behavior of physicians and whether this behavior is affected by payment system and uncertainty in health outcome. Subjects in the experiment take on the role of physicians and decide on the provision of medical care for different types of patients, who are identical in all respects other than the degree to which a given level of medical treatment affects their health. We investigate physician altruism from the perspective of ethical principles, by categorizing physicians according (...)
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    From Abrogation to Dominion: Navigating India’s Neo-Colonial Settler Agenda in Kashmir and Elimination of Kashmiri Identity.Mehmood Hussain - 2024 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 21 (1):19-41.
    This paper examines the neo-colonial project of Narendra Modi implemented in Kashmir after the revocation of special status on August 5, 2019. The neo-colonial infrastructure supported by the threads of re-classification of legal residents and land designations intends to significantly transform the demography of Muslim majority Kashmir into a Muslim minority, consequently destroying the Muslim identity of the state. The abrogation of Article 370 and enactment of new domicile law has extended the legal and administrative control of New Delhi, (...)
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    Layering privacy on operating systems, social networks, and other platforms by design.Dawn N. Jutla - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (2):319-341.
    Pervasive, easy-to-use privacy services are keys to enabling users to maintain control of their private data in the online environment. This paper proposes (1) an online privacy lifecycle from the user perspective that drives and categorizes the development of these services, (2) a layered platform design solution for online privacy, (3) the evolution of the PeCAN (Personal Context Agent Networking) architecture to a platform for pervasively providing multiple contexts for user privacy preferences and online informational privacy services, and (4) use (...)
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    Common law, common property, and common enemy: Notes on the political geography of water resources management for the Sundarbans area of Bangladesh. [REVIEW]James L. Wescoat - 1990 - Agriculture and Human Values 7 (2):73-87.
    Water has a dual role in the Sundarbans area of southwestern Bangladesh. Hydrologic processes are vital to the ecological functioning and cultural identity of the mangrove ecosystem. But at the same time, large scale water development creates external forces that threaten the Sundarbans environment. Water is managed to a limited degree as a common property resource, both in the Sundarbans and in larger regions. It is also managed as private property, a public good, a state-controlled resource, an open access (...)
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  49. Relativistic Conceptions of Trustworthiness: Implications for the Trustworthy Status of National Identification Systems.Paul Smart, Wendy Hall & Michael Boniface - 2022 - Data and Policy 4 (e21):1-16.
    Trustworthiness is typically regarded as a desirable feature of national identification systems (NISs); but the variegated nature of the trustor communities associated with such systems makes it difficult to see how a single system could be equally trustworthy to all actual and potential trustors. This worry is accentuated by common theoretical accounts of trustworthiness. According to such accounts, trustworthiness is relativized to particular individuals and particular areas of activity, such that one can be trustworthy with regard to some (...)
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    Can the beast be tamed?: Reflections on John McMurtry's unequal freedoms: The global market as an ethical system. [REVIEW]Bernard J. Hodgson - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):71 - 78.
    My paper responds to certain themes of Professor John McMurtry's recent book, Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an Ethical System. Although I am in general sympathy with McMurtry's penetrating critique of conventional market theory and practice, I find Unequal Freedoms ambivalent on the critical question of whether endorsing and enacting the life-value code McMurtry proposes would require only a mitigation of the principles and definitive activities of the competitive market system or whether significant reforms within the system would have (...)
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