Results for 'I. Sinclair'

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  1.  8
    New Dictionary of Theology.Sinclair B. Ferguson, J. I. Packer & David F. Wright (eds.) - 1988 - IVP Academic.
    An Eternity 1988 Book of the Year! Since its publication, the New Dictionary of Theology has rapidly established itself as a standard, authoritative reference work in systematic and historical theology. More than 630 articles cover a variety of theological themes, thinkers and movements: from creation to the millennium from Abelard to Zwingli from Third World liberation theology to South African Dutch Reformed theology Firmly anchored in the evangelical tradition, the NDOT is nevertheless wide-ranging in its scope. Over 200 contributors, experts (...)
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    The multiple scattering of particles of opposite charge.I. S. Hughes & D. Sinclair - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (45):1013-1016.
  3.  36
    Crystallization behaviour of ALD-Ta2O5thin films: the application of in-situ TEM.K. -H. Min, R. Sinclair *, I. -S. Park, S. -T. Kim & U. -I. Chung - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (18):2049-2063.
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    Assessment of the fatigue crack closure phenomenon in damage-tolerant aluminium alloy byin-situhigh-resolution synchrotron X-ray microtomography.H. Toda, I. Sinclair, J. -Y. Buffière, E. Maire, T. Connolley, M. Joyce, K. H. Khor & P. Gregson - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (21):2429-2448.
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    Toward a shallow interpretivist model of sport.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (3):285-299.
    Deep ethical interpretivism has been the standard view of the nature of sport in the philosophy of sport for the past seventeen years or so. On this account excellence assumes the role of the foundational, ethical goal that justice assumes in Ronald Dworkin’s interpretivist model of law. However, since excellence in sports is not an ethical value, and since it should not be regarded as an ultimate goal, the case for the traditional account fails. It should be replaced by the (...)
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    The philosophical significance of triangulation: Locating Davidson's non-reductive naturalism.Robert Sinclair - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (5):708-728.
    Donald Davidson has emphasized the importance of what he calls “triangulation” for clarifying the conditions that make thought possible. Various critics have questioned whether this triangular causal interaction between two individuals and a shared environment can provide necessary conditions for the emergence of thought. I argue that these critical responses all suffer from a lack of appreciation for the way triangulation is responsive to the philosophical commitments of Davidson's naturalism. This reply to Davidson's critics helps clarify several metaphilosophical issues concerning (...)
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  7. Practical Expressivism.Neil Sinclair - 2021 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    What is morality? In Practical Expressivism, I argue that morality is a purely natural interpersonal co-ordination device, whereby human beings express their attitudes in order to influence the attitudes and actions of others. -/- The ultimate goal of these expressions is to find acceptable ways of living together. This 'expressivist' model for understanding morality faces well-known challenges concerning 'saving the appearances' of morality, because morality presents itself to us as a practice of objective discovery, not pure expression. -/- This book (...)
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    And Say the Animal Resisted? Derrida, Biopolitics, and the Problem with Species.Rebekah Sinclair - 2019 - Environmental Philosophy 16 (1):115-140.
    My article does two things: 1) tracks Derrida’s claim that biopolitical and sovereign power use species taxonomies to performatively depoliticize and ignore the reciprocity of creaturely perspectives; and 2) argues Derrida makes possible a deconstruction of species, and demonstrates its necessity for better political futures. To do this, I follow Derrida’s criticism of autopsic logics and the circularity of metaphysics and zoology, and his affirmation of embodied singularity. Finally, I start and end with analyses of cetacean suicide: by privileging how (...)
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    Strong coupling in the sub-wavelength limit using metamaterial nanocavities.A. Benz, S. Campione, S. Liu, I. Montaño, J. F. Klem, A. Allerman, J. R. Wendt, M. B. Sinclair, F. Capolino & I. Brener - unknown
    The interaction between cavity modes and optical transitions leads to new coupled light-matter states in which the energy is periodically exchanged between the matter states and the optical mode. Here we present experimental evidence of optical strong coupling between modes of individual sub-wavelength metamaterial nanocavities and engineered optical transitions in semiconductor heterostructures. We show that this behaviour is generic by extending the results from the mid-infrared to the near-infrared. Using mid-infrared structures, we demonstrate that the light-matter coupling occurs at the (...)
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    Response to Mary J. Reichling,?Intersections: Form, Feeling, and Isomorphism?Anne Sinclair - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):64-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.1 (2004) 64-66 [Access article in PDF] Response to Bennett Reimer, "Once More with Feeling: Reconciling Discrepant Accounts of Musical Affect" Anne Sinclair Indiana University Mary Reichling's exploration of form, feeling, and isomorphism in the writings of Susanne Langer accomplishes its goal to examine and elucidate aspects of these concepts. I find several of the ideas presented very engaging. Musical form and feeling (...)
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    C. I. Lewis: The Last Great Pragmatist. By Murray G. Murphey. [REVIEW]Robert Sinclair - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (5):718-725.
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    A functional analysis of cheating and corruption in sports.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):116-132.
    My main goal here is to develop a functional analysis of cheating and corruption in sports, and to differentiate cheating within the broader category of corruption. Whereas officials can act corruptly, they cannot cheat. In contrast, sports participants, since they occupy two roles, can do both. I argue that although acts of cheating are acts of corruption, not all corrupt acts by competitors are acts of cheating. I also respond to some skeptical challenges and criticisms of the concept of ‘cheating’ (...)
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    The Cooperation Game.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2014 - Teaching Philosophy 37 (2):153-170.
    In this paper I explain how to play and administer a game that helps teach students a lesson about the value of cooperation and the role of ethics and the law in obtaining the conditions under which cooperating is reason­able. I also discuss several applications of this Cooperation Game, primarily in courses in social and political philosophy, introductory ethics, and the philosophy of law. The game can usefully be played with a range of groups of students from small tutorial sections (...)
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  14. Propositional clothing and belief.Neil Sinclair - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):342-362.
    Moral discourse is propositionally clothed, that is, it exhibits those features – such as the ability of its sentences to intelligibly embed in conditionals and other unasserted contexts – that have been taken by some philosophers to be constitutive of discourses that express propositions. If there is nothing more to a mental state being a belief than it being characteristically expressed by sentences that are propositionally clothed then the version of expressivism which accepts that moral discourse is propositionally clothed (‘quasi-realism’) (...)
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  15. Exploding Individuals: Engaging Indigenous Logic and Decolonizing Science.Rebekah Sinclair - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):58-74.
    Despite emerging attention to Indigenous philosophies both within and outside of feminism, Indigenous logics remain relatively underexplored and underappreciated. By amplifying the voices of recent Indigenous philosophies and literatures, I seek to demonstrate that Indigenous logic is a crucial aspect of Indigenous resurgence as well as political and ethical resistance. Indigenous philosophies provide alternatives to the colonial, masculinist tendencies of classical logic in the form of paraconsistent—many-valued—logics. Specifically, when Indigenous logics embrace the possibility of true contradictions, they highlight aspects of (...)
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  16. Expressivism and the practicality of moral convictions.Neil Sinclair - 2007 - Journal of Value Inquiry 41 (2-4):201-220.
    Many expressivists have employed a claim about the practicality of morality in support of their view that moral convictions are not purely descriptive mental states. In this paper I argue that all extant arguments of this form fail. I distinguish several versions of such arguments and argue that in each case either the sense of practicality the argument employs is too weak, in which case there is no reason to think that descriptive states cannot be practical or the sense of (...)
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    The Conflicting Excellences of Oppositional Sports.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):74-87.
    In this article I develop my argument for a shallow interpretivist theory of sport by showing that whereas it applies to all oppositional sports, the standard theory of sport for the past twenty ye...
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    Cheating as wrongful competitive norm violating.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (3):339-354.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, I begin to develop and defend a reformed concept of ‘cheating’ as ‘wrongful competitive norm violating’. I then use this to reject Oliver Leaman’s view that cheating is som...
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    (1 other version)Rules in games and sports: why a solution to the problem of penalties leads to the rejection of formalism as a useful theory about the nature of sport.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (1):49-62.
    ABSTRACTBernard Suits and other formalists endorse both the logical incompatibility thesis and the view that rule-breakings resulting in penalties can be a legitimate part of a game. This is what Fred D’Agostino calls ‘the problem of penalties’. In this paper, I reject both Suits’ and D’Agostino’s responses to the problem and argue instead that the solution is to abandon Suits’ view that the constitutive rules of all games are alike. Whereas the logical incompatibility thesis applies to games in which players’ (...)
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    Competition, cooperation, and an adversarial model of sport.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (1):53-67.
    In this paper, I defend a general theory of competition and contrast it with a corresponding general theory of cooperation. I then use this analysis to critique mutualism. Building on the work of Arthur Applbaum and Joseph Heath I develop an alternative adversarial model of competitive sport, one that helps explain and is partly justified by shallow interpretivism, and argue that this model helps shows that the claim that mutualism provides us with the most defensible ethical ideal of sport is (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Belief pills and the possibility of moral epistemology.Neil Sinclair - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    I argue that evolutionary debunking arguments are dialectically ineffective against a range of plausible positions regarding moral truth. I first distinguish debunking arguments which target the truth of moral judgements from those which target their justification. I take the latter to rest on the premise that such judgements can be given evolutionary explanations which do not invoke their truth. The challenge for the debunker is to bridge the gap between this premise and the conclusion that moral judgements are unjustified. After (...)
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  22. The explanationist argument for moral realism.Neil Sinclair - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):1-24.
    In this paper I argue that the explanationist argument in favour of moral realism fails. According to this argument, the ability of putative moral properties to feature in good explanations provides strong evidence for, or entails, the metaphysical claims of moral realism. Some have rejected this argument by denying that moral explanations are ever good explanations. My criticism is different. I argue that even if we accept that moral explanations are (sometimes) good explanations the metaphysical claims of realism do not (...)
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    Book review: Wayne C. Booth. For the love of it: Amateuring and its rivals. (Chicago: University of chicago press, 1999). [REVIEW]Anne Sinclair - 2002 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 10 (2):140-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Review Wayne C. Booth. For the Love ofIt: Amateuring and Its Rivals (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999). For the Love ofIt is a delightful exposition on life-long music making written with love by amateur cellist Wayne Booth (professor emeritus ofEnglish, University ofChicago). Employing a combination of journal entries, memories, and romantic prose on the topic oftaking up the cello at age thirty-one, he writes insightfully on the (...)
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  24. Two kinds of naturalism in ethics.Neil Sinclair - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (4):417 - 439.
    What are the conditions on a successful naturalistic account of moral properties? In this paper I discuss one such condition: the possibility of moral concepts playing a role in good empirical theories on a par with those of the natural and social sciences. I argue that Peter Railton’s influential account of moral rightness fails to meet this condition, and thus is only viable in the hands of a naturalist who doesn’t insist on it. This conclusion generalises to all versions of (...)
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  25. Expressivist Explanations.Neil Sinclair - 2012 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 9 (2):147-177.
    In this paper I argue that the common practice of employing moral predicates as explaining phrases can be accommodated on an expressivist account of moral practice. This account does not treat moral explanations as in any way second-rate or derivative, since it subsumes moral explanations under the general theory of program explanations (as defended by Jackson and Pettit). It follows that the phenomenon of moral explanations cannot be used to adjudicate the debate between expressivism and its rivals.
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  26. Promotionalism, Motivationalism and Reasons to Perform Physically Impossible Actions.Neil Sinclair - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (5):647-659.
    In this paper I grant the Humean premise that some reasons for action are grounded in the desires of the agents whose reasons they are. I then consider the question of the relation between the reasons and the desires that ground them. According to promotionalism , a desire that p grounds a reason to φ insofar as A’s φing helps promote p . According to motivationalism a desire that p grounds a reason to φ insofar as it explains why, in (...)
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  27. The failure of Thomas Reid's attack on David Hume.Alistair Sinclair - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 3 (2):389 – 398.
    Thomas Reid launched a scathing attack on David Hume in his first book: "An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense" published in 1764. But this was ineffective and his arguments failed to persuade Hume to rethink his philosophy. Till the end of his life Hume remained unconvinced by Reid's criticisms of him. In this paper I examine: (1) what Hume thought of Reid's book, (2) why Hume was unshaken by Reid's arguments against him, (3) whether (...)
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    A/parecernos: Rethinking the Multiplicitous Self as “Haunted” with Anzaldúa, La Malinche, and Other Ghosts.Rebekah Sinclair & Margaret Newton - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):49-57.
    Unlike many theories of the self found in Western philosophy, Maria Lugones and Mariana Ortega argue that subjectivity is multiplicitous in ways that defy the either/or logic of colonial Western thought. They also center liminal subjects, take embodiment seriously, and position multiplicitous subjects as always already in the borderlands. Their accounts of multiplicity are grounded in their lived experiences. Nevertheless, Lugones and Ortega disagree on the ontological and existential statuses of the multiplicitous self. While Lugones defends ontological pluralism and the (...)
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  29. On standing one's ground.Neil Sinclair - 2014 - Analysis 74 (3):422-431.
    I provide a positive expressivist account of the permissibility of ‘standing one’s ground’ in some cases of moral conflict, based in part on an illustrative analogy with political disputes. This account suffices to undermine Enoch’s recent argument against expressivism.
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    Why the rules do not prohibit cheating in sports.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):497-510.
    The idea that cheaters cannot (really) win in sports persists among philosophers, mainly due to the lingering influence of Bernard Suits’ logical incompatibility thesis. In this article I explain why the thesis does not apply to sports. I argue that the question whether cheating can be prohibited in sports is empirical rather than analytic, as is the case for games subject to the thesis. Thus, sports rules do not make cheating impossible and since game officials cannot always detect cheating and (...)
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    Introduction: Quine’s Immanuel Kant Lectures.Robert Sinclair - 2019 - In Science and Sensibilia by W. V. Quine: The 1980 Immanuel Kant Lectures. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    These introductory remarks provide an overview of the project Quine develops in his Kant lectures. Much of the lectures are aimed at locating mentalistic discourse within a scientific, physicalist framework, where this forms part of a scientific, if abstract, explanation of how we come to know the external world and other minds without an appeal to mental entities or other sensibilia. I further attempt to illuminate Quine’s physicalist rendering of perception through a comparison with Austin’s ordinary language approach to perception. (...)
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    Excavations at Lemba E. J. Peltenburget al.. Lemba Archaeological Project, Vol. I: Excavations at Lemba Lakkous, 1976–1983. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, LXX.l.) Pp. xxvi + 331; 36 figures in text + 82 at end + 168 tables + 50 plates at end. Gothenburg: Paul Åström, 1985. Paper. [REVIEW]Sinclair Hood - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):334-335.
  33.  74
    Preventing Optimific Wrongings.Thomas Sinclair - 2017 - Utilitas 29 (4):453-473.
    Most people believe that the rights of others sometimes require us to act in ways that have even substantially sub-optimal outcomes, as viewed from an axiological perspective that ranks outcomes objectively. Bringing about the optimal outcome, contrary to such a requirement, is an ‘optimific wronging’. It is less clear, however, that we are required to prevent optimific wrongings. Perhaps the value of the outcome, combined with the relative weakness of prohibitions on allowing harm as compared to those against doing harm, (...)
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    Inheritance, Originality and the Will: Bergson and Heidegger on Creation.Mark Sinclair - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (5):655-675.
    In the work of Henri Bergson and Martin Heidegger we find different responses to traditional ideas of ‘creation’. Bergson advances a philosophy of creation, wherein ‘creation’ is presented as the production of a ‘radical’ or ‘absolute’ novelty, not only in art, but in all forms of human experience and biological life. Heidegger, in contrast, comes to criticise ideas of ‘creation’ in art as the expression of an alienated ‘humanism’ and ‘subjectivism’ essential to the modern age. This paper illuminates this divergence (...)
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    The Compleat HenryThe Papers of Joseph Henry. Volume I: December 1797-October 1832: The Albany YearsNathan Reingold Stuart Pierson Arthur P. Molella James M. Hobbins John R. Kerwood. [REVIEW]Bruce Sinclair - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):256-258.
  36.  53
    Incidental moods, source likeability, and persuasion: Liking motivates message elaboration in happy people.Robert C. Sinclair, Sean E. Moore, Melvin M. Mark, Alexander S. Soldat & Carrie A. Lavis - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):940-961.
    Happy people often fail to elaborate on persuasive arguments, while people in sad moods tend to scrutinise messages in greater detail. According to some motivational accounts, however, happy people will elaborate a message if they believe it might maintain their positive mood. The present research extends this reasoning by demonstrating that happy people will elaborate arguments from message presenters that convey positive hedonic attributes (i.e., source likeability). In a pilot study, we show that happy people believe persuasive messages from a (...)
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    The Unexplored Mansion at Knossos M. R. Popham and Others: The Minoan Unexplored Mansion at Knossos. (The British School of Archaeology at Athens Suppl. 17.) Vol. I (text), pp. xiv+310; 16 text figs. incl. 1 fold-out. Vol. II (plates), pp. ix +illustrations; 233 plates (14 drawings of plans, elevations and sections incl. 5 fold-outs; 219 photographs) + fold-out plan at back. London: Thames and Hudson, for The British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1984. £45 + £35. [REVIEW]Sinclair Hood - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (1):117-119.
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    What to Do About Religion.Alistair J. Sinclair - 2009 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 17 (2):35-42.
    In this paper, I argue that we can challenge religion in its own backyard by setting up community centers to wean local communities from their dependence on organized religions. This is a new departure not to be compared with most humanist societies, which have a much narrower remit in promoting humanism itself. These centers may be based on humanist principles but no absolute conformity to these principles is required. Unlike religious organizations, there would be no need for orthodoxy or adherence (...)
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  39. A Distinction between Science and Philosophy.Nathan Sinclair - 2011 - Essays in Philosophy 12 (2):241-252.
    Ever since Kant published his Critique of Pure Reason, most philosophers have taken the distinction between science and philosophy to depend upon the existence of a class of truths especially amenable to philosophical investigation. In recent times, Quine’s arguments against the analytic-synthetic distinction have cast doubt over the existence of such a class of special philosophical truths and consequently many now doubt that there is a sharp distinction between science and philosophy. In this paper, I present a perfectly sharp distinction (...)
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  40. Are We Conditionally Obligated to be Effective Altruists?Thomas Sinclair - 2018 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 46 (1):36-59.
    It seems that you can be in a position to rescue people in mortal danger and yet have no obligation to do so, because of the sacrifice to you that this would involve. At the same time, if you do save anyone, then you must not leave anyone to die whom it would cost you no additional sacrifice to save. On the basis of these claims, Theron Pummer and Joe Horton have recently defended a ‘conditional obligation of effective altruism’, which (...)
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    Improved health state descriptions will not benefit disabled patients under QALY-based assessment.Sean Sinclair - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (11):797-798.
    I would like to thank Whitehurst et al for their comments on my paper.1 Although I will argue their approach will not eliminate the potential for disability discrimination from quality-adjusted life year -based assessment, their comments were very thought provoking. Whitehurst et al argue that, to the extent that allocating healthcare by QALYs discriminates against disabled patients, the fault is not with the QALY framework, but with ‘the descriptive systems of preference-based health-related quality of life instruments’.1 Specifically, they argue that (...)
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  42. Metaethics and the Nature of Properties.Neil Sinclair - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):133-152.
    This paper explores connections between theories of morality and theories of properties. It argues that (1) moral realism is in tension with predicate, class and mereological nominalism; (2) moral non-naturalism is incompatible with standard versions of resemblance nominalism, immanent realism and trope theory; and (3) the standard semantic arguments for property realism do not support moral realism. I also raise doubts about trope-theoretic explanations of moral supervenience and argue against one version of the principle that we should accept theories that (...)
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    Précis of Quine, Conceptual Pragmatism, and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction.Robert Sinclair - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-7.
    Quine’s references to his “pragmatism” have often been seen as indicating a possible link to the American pragmatism of Peirce, James, and Dewey. In Quine, Conceptual Pragmatism, and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction, I argue that the influence of pragmatism on Quine’s philosophy is more accurately traced to C.I. Lewis’s conceptual pragmatism. Quine’s epistemology shares many affinities with Lewis’s view, which depicts knowledge as a conceptual system pragmatically revised in light of future experience. This claim is defended through an examination of several (...)
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    Lyric, Time, Beauty.Sue Sinclair - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1):202-210.
    In Lyric Philosophy, Jan Zwicky presents a way of thinking that challenges the model that currently prevails in academic philosophy. In this essay I deal primarily with one aspect of lyric thought: its relation to time. I examine whether beauty’s relationship to time is like that of lyric thought, for Zwicky tells us that the “experience of beauty is the experience of some form (or other) of relief from time.” She also describes lyric thought as being more spatial than temporal (...)
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    The Indo-European Languages of Eastern Turkestan.T. A. Sinclair - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (3-4):119-.
    Just east of the Pamir mountains, and to the north of the great plateau of Tibet, lies the little-explored country of Chinese or Eastern Turkestan. In that country, towards the end of the last century, two hitherto unknown languages were discovered by European explorers and translated by European scholars. Several nations took part in the investigation, and the material discovered was amicably distributed among English, French, German, and Russian philologists. The material to which I refer, the precious sources from which (...)
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    Explaining rule of rescue obligations in healthcare allocation: allowing the patient to tell the right kind of story about their life.Sean Sinclair - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):31-46.
    I consider various principles which might explain our intuitive obligation to rescue people from imminent death at great cost, even when the same resources could produce more benefit elsewhere. Our obligation to rescue is commonly explained in terms of the identifiability of the rescuee, but I reject this account. Instead, I offer two considerations which may come into play. Firstly, I explain the seeming importance of identifiability in terms of an intuitive obligation to prioritise life-extending interventions for people who face (...)
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    The new idealism.May Sinclair - 1922 - New York,: Macmillan.
    Excerpt from The New Idealism The aim of this book is twofold: to examine the foundations of realism more critically, and to outline a reconstruction of idealism more closely than was possible five years ago. The latest developments of philosophy demand a revision of the whole problem, from a shifted standpoint. Since 1917 realism has gained in solidity and a certain intricate precision. The Critical Realists have discovered a flaw in its theory of perception and tried to mend it (not, (...)
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    Quine, Conceptual Pragmatism, and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction.Robert Sinclair - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book provides an in-depth examination of C.I. Lewis's conceptual pragmatism and its influence on Quine's developing views in epistemology. The author shows how Quine's engagement with problems presented by Lewis, such as analyticity and the empirical given, contribute to the development of his conception of naturalized epistemology.
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    Roman Crete I. F. Sanders: Roman Crete. An Archaeological Survey and Gazetteer of Late Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Crete. (Archaeologists Handbooks to the Roman World.) Pp. xiv + 185; 63 figures, 72 photoplates in text; folding map. Warminster, Wilts.: Aris & Phillips, 1982. Paper, £18. [REVIEW]Sinclair Hood - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (01):104-105.
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    Mindfulness for busy people: turning frantic and frazzled into calm and composed.Michael Sinclair - 2013 - Harlow, England: Pearson. Edited by Josie Seydel.
    The audio content that accompanies this book can be downloaded and played for free from Be more, achieve more and stress less – how mindfulness can change the way you live Mindfulness for Busy People will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy life, helping you to de-stress, find your own unique space of calm, and ready yourself for whatever challenges you face. Helping you to cultivate and practice mindfulness straight away, you’ll discover: (...)
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