Results for 'Hurteau Hurteau'

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  1.  43
    Global peace as a professional concern, II.Gilles D. Hurteau - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (2-3):173 - 175.
    Is the vision of global peace utopian, given that a record 22 wars killed an estimated 244 000 people in 1987 alone? This important issue is addressed from the perspective of a physician and medical educator. The paper focuses on the destructive powers of nuclear war and the biological, genetic and environmental consequences of ionizing radiation and the futility of the nuclear arms race. Priority is given to nuclear disarmament and the prevention of nuclear war. The effects of nuclear fallout, (...)
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  2.  21
    L'Avenir de la laïcité au Québec.Pierre Hurteau - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    The display of religious symbols in public spaces has been controversial in Europe for the past twenty years. The debate moved to Quebec some ten years ago. At the heart of the controversy, the hijab or headscarf has stirred passions that have led to heated social tensions. For some people, it is a vehicle for expressing their faith; for others, it symbolizes the oppression of women and is often associated with fundamentalism and the rise of a more radical Islam that (...)
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  3.  24
    Le péché et la garde de la langue. Entre blasphème et culture du bannissement.Pierre Hurteau - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Some may consider the title outdated. It's a conscious choice, even if blasphemy no longer has the same relevance in modern societies, where religion is confined mainly to the private sphere. The study of blasphemy in various religious traditions teaches us that it is not simply a matter of uttering insults in the absence of the concerned person, namely the divine. It is a sin of the tongue, with social and even political dimensions. Secularization and the often uneasy coexistence of (...)
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  4.  9
    Le Québec, terre d'hospitalité?Pierre Hurteau - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    The endless waves of migrants that have swept across Europe and North America have led several countries to tighten border controls and tighten immigration criteria. How, moreover, can we ignore the human distress of millions of migrants fleeing war, persecution or food insecurity? How can we reconcile the compelling obligation to help strangers in need with the legitimate and essential need to build a " place to call home "? Therein lies the paradox of hospitality. This book examines how the (...)
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  5.  17
    Émotions, sensibilité morale et culture de soi.Pierre Hurteau - 2018 - Paris: Edilivre.
    Education, gender, family or professional responsibilities, and the abrupt nature of certain lived experiences, often push people to conceal their emotions. Suppression represents a self-preservation or survival strategy. In some cases, inhibition goes as far as completely blocking the bodily expression of emotion. Over the centuries, many philosophers and wise thinkers have seen emotion as an affliction of the inner soul, troubled by excessive and irrational proclivities that lead it to wander off the path of the good life. The remedies (...)
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