Results for 'Humberto Vidal'

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  1. Lógica y ética.Humberto Vidal - 1944 - Cuzco,: Perú, H. G. Rozas sucesores.
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  2. Moral y metafísica.Humberto Vidal - 1941 - Cuzco,: Perú, H. G. Rozas sucesores.
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    Prolegómenos para Una teoría formal de estructuras.Vidal Humberto Navarro Mena - 2015 - Manuscrito 38 (2):89-154.
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  4. Humberto R. Maturana and Francisco J. Varela on science and the humanities: the Poerksen interviews.Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Humberto R. Maturana & Bernhard Poerksen - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetic Education.
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    (1 other version)Edgar Morin et José Vidal-Beneyto.Cécile Rougier-Vidal - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
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    Tiempo, subjetividad y dominación social en las sociedades contemporáneas: de la dominación abstracta a la ética neoliberal del tiempo.Vidal Labajos Sebastian - 2023 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 28 (2).
    En este artículo me propongo abordar el problema del tiempo en las sociedades contemporáneas desde un diálogo entre las construcciones teóricas de Moishe Postone y Hartmut Rosa y el trabajo de Michel Foucault. Los dos primeros se han centrado en explicar cómo la temporalidad se ha convertido en un tipo de dominación abstracta, impersonal y cuasiobjetiva a partir de conceptos como la densificación temporal, la aceleración o la hibridación. Foucault, en cambio, concibe el tiempo bajo el prisma de la racionalidad (...)
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  7. Autopoiesis, structural coupling and cognition.Humberto Maturana - manuscript
  8. The tree of knowledge:The biological roots of human understanding.Humberto R. Maturana & Francisco J. Varela - 1992 - Cognition.
    "Knowing how we know" is the subject of this book. Its authors present a new view of cognition that has important social and ethical implications, for, they assert, the only world we humans can have is the one we create together through the actions of our coexistence. Written for a general audience as well as for students, scholars, and scientists and abundantly illustrated with examples from biology, linguistics, and new social and cultural phenomena, this revised edition includes a new afterword (...)
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  9. Brain, Language and the Origin of Human Mental Functions.Humberto Maturana - unknown
    We propose that to understand the biological and neurophysiological processes that give rise to human mental phenomena it is necessary to consider them as behavioral relational phenomena. In particular, we propose that: a) these phenomena take place in the relational manner of living that human language constitutes, and b) that they arise as recursive operations in such behavioral domain. Accordingly, we maintain that these phenomena do not take place in the brain, nor are they the result of a unique operation (...)
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  10. The nature of time.Humberto Maturana - unknown
    I do not wish to deal with all the domains in which the word time enters as if it were referring to an obvious aspect of the world or worlds that we human live. Indeed, the very fact that time can be made an issue of reflection shows us that what the word time connotes changes with the circumstances in which it is used. This situation alone, however, would not constitute a problem inviting us to enter in deep reflections if (...)
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    Considerações contempor'neas sobre a natureza ética do homem conforme Tomás de Aquino.Humberto Schubert Coelho - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-13.
    Diante das presentes dificuldades de fundamentação da ética, ocasionadas pelas cisões necessárias, mas logo extrapoladas, entre natureza e subjetividade, conhecimento e ação, muitos pensadores têm se voltado para a grande síntese tomasiana do pensamento ocidental. Com numerosas releituras nos campos da ética, do direito, da epistemologia e da metafísica, o pensamento tomasiano vive sem exageros uma pequena renascença, particularmente em língua inglesa, ensejando inúmeras abordagens revisionistas, históricas ou adaptações às pesquisas da filosofia e da teologia analíticas. Mais como informativo deste (...)
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  12. Nota sobre un argumento del profesor Garrido.Vidal I. Peña García - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):97-98.
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    La experiencia moral.Humberto Giannini - 1992 - Editorial Universitaria.
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    Max Weber y la política democrática.Humberto Schettino - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (3):153-177.
    La lección de Weber sobre la democracia es doble. Por un lado, la precisión acerca de qut actores y qut procesos son claves en su estudio -lidera, burocracia, partidos, búsqueda del poder, responsabilidad, &c.- y, por otro, la convicción acerca de los limites de lo posible en una democracia. P..
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    Reseña de "In defense of anarchism. Bemley" de Robert Pawl Wolff.Humberto Schettino - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:221-227.
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  16. Todos somos demócratas.Humberto Schettino - 2006 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 28:229-232.
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  17. (1 other version)Cleisthenes the Athenian.Vidal Naquet - 1996 - Humanity Books.
    Two thousand five hundred years ago, in 507–506 B.C.E., the institutions of Athen were rocked by the reforms of Cleisthenes. Although the word did not yet exist, here was the foundation of democracy. First published in French in 1964, Cleisthenes the Athenian has become the classic study of the philosophical, political, and aesthetic background and significance of these reforms. The book has influenced a generation of scholars in anthropology, sociology, urban planning, political science, philosophy, and classical studies. This English translation (...)
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    Cultural-Biology: Systemic Consequences of Our Evolutionary Natural Drift as Molecular Autopoietic Systems.R. Humberto Maturana, Ximena Dávila Yáñez & Simón Ramírez Muñoz - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (4):631-678.
    Our purpose in this essay is to introduce new concepts in a wide and recursive view of the systemic consequences of the following biological facts that I and we have presented that can be resumed as: that as living systems we human beings are molecular autopoietic system; that living systems live only as long as they find themselves in a medium that provides them with all the conditions that make the realization of their living possible, that is, in the continuous (...)
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    Screening history.Gore Vidal - 1992 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Vidal intertwines fond recollections of films savored in the movie palaces of his Washington, D.C., boyhood with strands of autobiography and trenchant observations about American politics. Never before has the renowned author revealed so much about his own life or written with such immediacy about the forces shaping America. 26 halftones.
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    Pedagogies for seed sovereignty in Colombia: epistemic, territorial, and gendered dimensions.Nathalia Hernández Vidal - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1217-1229.
    AbstractIn this article, I examine the pedagogical practices of La Red de Semillas Libres de Colombia, a grassroots national organization that works towards the construction of seed sovereignty. Using participant observation and interviews, I show the epistemic, territorial, and gender dimensions of these practices. I draw from extant scholarship on seed struggles, decolonial feminism, and feminist political ecology to analyze two specific practices: experimentation and demonstration and, visual technology creation, including drawings. I demonstrate how these practices organize territories through collective (...)
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    Being brains: making the cerebral subject.Fernando Vidal - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    To begin with -- Genealogy of the cerebral subject -- Disciplines of the neuro -- Cerebralizing distress -- Brains on screen and paper -- Up for grabs.
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  22. What is a worldview?Clément Vidal - 2001 - In Colin Allen (ed.), [Book Chapter] (in Press).
    The first part of this paper proposes a precise definition of what a worldview is, and why there is a necessity to have one. The second part suggests how to construct integrated scientific worldviews. For this attempt, three general scientific approaches are proposed: the general systems theory as the endeavor for a universal language for science, a general problem-solving approach and the idea of evolution, broadly construed. We close with some remarks about limitations of scientific worldviews.
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  23. Ethics and Complexity: Why standard ethical frameworks cannot cope with socio-technological change.Clément Vidal & Francis Heylighen - forthcoming - In P. Jorion (ed.), Investigating Transhumanisms and Their Narratives.
    : Standard ethical frameworks struggle to deal with transhumanism, ecological issues and the rising technodiversity because they are focused on guiding and evaluating human behavior. Ethics needs its Copernican revolution to be able to deal with all moral agents, including not only humans, but also artificial intelligent agents, robots or organizations of all sizes. We argue that embracing the complexity worldview is the first step towards this revolution, and that standard ethical frameworks are still entrenched in the Newtonian worldview. We (...)
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    La realidad: Fundamentos biológicos del conocimiento.Humberto R. Maturana & Jorge Mpodozis Marín - 1995
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  25. Metaphilosophical Criteria for Worldview Comparison.Clément Vidal - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (3):306-347.
    Philosophy lacks criteria to evaluate its philosophical theories. To fill this gap, this essay introduces nine criteria to compare worldviews, classified in three broad categories: objective criteria (objective consistency, scientificity, scope), subjective criteria (subjective consistency, personal utility, emotionality), and intersubjective criteria (intersubjective consistency, collective utility, narrativity). The essay first defines what a worldview is and exposes the heuristic used in the quest for criteria. After describing each criterion individually, it shows what happens when each of them is violated. From the (...)
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  26. Política e imperium en Maquiavelo y Spinoza.Humberto Schettino - 2002 - Dianoia 47 (48):37-56.
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  27. .Joseph Vidal-Rosset - 2013 - Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
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    Twenty-First-Century Political Theory: A Balance.Humberto Beck - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):18-26.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future contexts? How (...)
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  29. A epifania do epíteto sapiens e suas consequências ambientais: um ensaio filosófico sobre a ética e a epistemologia da Educação Ambiental // La epifanía del epíteto sapiens y sus consecuencias ambientales.Humberto Calloni & Amorim - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (3):56-73.
    A abordagem deste artigo trata de uma busca pelo sentido ontológico da vida humana em relação ao seu modo de ser e estar no mundo e com o mundo. Partindo de uma breve contextualização sobre a vastidão do cosmos, mostramos, direta e indiretamente, o paradoxal legado da ciência moderna que, de um lado, hoje evidencia nossa insignificância diante da infinitude do universo e, de outro, promoveu antinomias sociais por sua incansável busca pela dominação da natureza. O resultado desse processo é (...)
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    Instituciones y heterogeindad.Juan B. Climent Vidal & Jesús Alcolea Banegas - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):65-85.
    The paper presents and discusses an example, namely a version of heterogeneous frrst-order logic and uses the classical theorem of Herbrand-Schmidt-Wang about the reduction of heterogeneous first-order logic to homogeneous first-order logic, in order to obtain two transformations between heterogeneous and homogeneous frrst-order logic which are different from the institution morphisms defined by Goguen and Burstall. Moreover, by considering a type of 2-cell among institution morphisms it is obtained a 2-category and also a 2-functor from this to another 2-category.
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    Au nom du peuple?: idées reçues sur le populisme.Humberto Horacio Cucchetti - 2021 - Paris: Le Cavalier bleu éditions. Edited by Alexandre Dézé & Emmanuelle Reungoat.
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    QUILOMBOS: escravidão e resistência.Humberto José Fonsêca & Zoraide Portela Silva - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):234.
    O Brasil foi um dos maiores traficantes de africanos destinados à escravidão nas Américas; e a Bahia um dos seus principais destinos. Porém, juntamente com a escravidão, os africanos trouxeram também a rebelião. Uma das principais formas de negação da escravidão pela revolta trazida pelos negros africanos às Américas foi o quilombo. O artigo discute as mudanças ocorridas na literatura histórica sobre a escravidão e suas formas de negação após o centenário da abolição, em 1988. O quilombo de Palmares surgido (...)
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  33. Sentido común y locura.Humberto Giannini Iñiguez - 1983 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 21:103-106.
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  34. Filosofía y literatura: aproximaciones.Humberto Piñera Llera - 1975 - Madrid: Playor.
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  35. El carácter social del lenguaje.Javier Vidal López - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (71):817-828.
    There is an argument by M. Dummett about the relative priority of language as a social phenomenon. The first step is to explain how the speaker and the hearer have to know the same language, ceteris paribus. The second step is to show how the speaker's idiosyncratic beliefs depend on his knowledge of common language; the last step is to appeal to Quine's principle of translation between languages in order to have a language at all.
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  36. La cuestión de los "qualia".Javier Vidal López - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (2):425-442.
    Jackson has ellaborated an argument to show that our experiences or qualitative states gather information which cannot be obtained in any other way. Functionalists reject in many ways that experience may bring new information. The point of this paper is to argue that, if func-tionalism is right, if experiences or "qualia" are not informative, then functionalism cannot report about them. The functionalist criticism of Jackson's argument makes it impossible for any functionalist theory to know experience.
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  37. Combatiendo en dos frentes.Humberto M. Rasi - 1994 - Enfoques 6 (1):15.
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    Bioética para as ciências naturais: conferências e casos de estudo do FLAD/NSF International Bioethics Institute.Humberto D. Rosa (ed.) - 2004 - Lisboa: Fundação Luso-Americana.
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  39. From environmental ethics to nature conservation policy: Natura 2000 and the burden of proof.Humberto D. Rosa & Jorge Marques Silvdaa - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2).
    Natura 2000 is a network of natural sites whose aim is to preserve species and habitats of relevance in the European Union. The policy underlying Natura 2000 has faced widespread opposition from land users and received extensive support from environmentalists. This paper addresses the ethical framework for Natura 2000 and the probable moral assumptions of its main stakeholders. Arguments for and against Natura 2000 were analyzed and classified according to “strong” or “weak” versions of the three main theories of environmental (...)
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    La noción de política en los escritos del joven Marx.Humberto Schettino - 2004 - Critica 36 (107):3-38.
    This paper deals mainly with Marx's conception of politics. My contention is that in Marx's works two basic and opposed conceptions of politics coexist. On the one hand we find a negative, instrumental and realist conception that sees politics as nothing but domination of one class over another and the State as the main instrument of that domination. On the other, we find a positive conception that understands politics as community self-rule. I trace the conceptual origins of these two conceptions (...)
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    Rawls y la política.Humberto Schettino - 1999 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14:89-109.
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  42. Autorreferencia, autoconciencia y la paradoja de Moore.Javier Vidal López - 2012 - Critica 44 (131):55-81.
    La paradoja de Moore es el tipo de absurdo de, entre otras cosas, la aserción de una oración de la forma �p pero yo no creo que p�. Propongo una explicación de la paradoja en términos del uso del pronombre personal �yo�. Más aún, recurro a un modelo del uso competente al que me referiré como modelo de la autorreferencia autoconsciente. A continuación, muestro que la explicación introducida es independiente de otras explicaciones recientes basadas en la naturaleza consciente de la (...)
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  43. De "La ciudad de las damas" al "Agravio de las damas".Mercè Otero Vidal - 1992 - In Fina Birulés & Celia Amorós (eds.), Filosofía y género: identidades femeninas. Pamplona: Pamiela.
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  44. In-justícia.Santi Vidal - 2002 - Barcelona: Angle Editorial.
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    Les raisons du corps selon Starobinski.Fernando Vidal - 2020 - Scienza E Filosofia 23:309–335.
    Jean Starobinski on the Reason of Body In posthumous homage to Jean Starobinski (1920-2019) on the centennial of his birth, this article sketches his thought on the «reasons of the body», linking it to certain contemporary fields of research. Prolonging the «somatic turn» of the 1980s, more recent «emotional» and «interoceptive turns» claim to reintegrate the body into history, the humanities and the neurocognitive sciences. Starobinski’s perspective helps bring their limits to light. Conversely, approaching his critical enterprise from their vantage (...)
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    La vanité de la nomenclature. Un manuscrit inedit de Jean Piaget.Fernando Vidal, Jean Piaget & Tardieu - 1984 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 6 (1):75-106.
    Jean Piaget, connu comme créateur d'une théorie du développement de l'intelligence chez l'enfant, fut un naturaliste précoce. En 1912, à l'âge de seize ans, il prononça une conférence sur « La vanité de la nomenclature » dans le cadre des activités d'un club de jeunes naturalistes; le manuscrit de cette conférence a été retrouvé récemment. L'introduction à la présente édition du manuscrit essaie de montrer l'importance de ce dernier pour une biographie historique de Piaget. D'une part, « La vanité » (...)
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  47. Conclusions and Theses.Humberto Ávila - 2016 - In Certainty in Law. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  48. Computational and Biological Analogies for Understanding Fine-Tuned Parameters in Physics.Clément Vidal - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (4):375 - 393.
    In this philosophical paper, we explore computational and biological analogies to address the fine-tuning problem in cosmology. We first clarify what it means for physical constants or initial conditions to be fine-tuned. We review important distinctions such as the dimensionless and dimensional physical constants, and the classification of constants proposed by Lévy-Leblond. Then we explore how two great analogies, computational and biological, can give new insights into our problem. This paper includes a preliminary study to examine the two analogies. Importantly, (...)
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    Brain, Sex and Ideology.Catherine Vidal - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (4):127-133.
    Since the 19th century, and despite tremendous progress in science, the topic of 'brain and sex' remains a matter of misleading interpretations, far beyond the field of science. The media are not solely responsible for this situation. Some scientific circles still actively promote the ideology of biological determinism in their attempt to explain differences in behaviour and cognitive abilities between men and women. Experimental data from brain imaging studies, cognitive tests or the discovery of new genes are often distorted to (...)
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  50. Der Baum der Erkenntnis. Die biologischen Wurzeln des menschlichen Erkennens.Humberto R. Maturana & Francisco J. Varela - 1989 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (1):166-169.
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