Results for 'Human ecology Religious aspects.'

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  1.  7
    That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics.Laura M. Hartman (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Can humans flourish without destroying the earth? In this book, experts on many of the world's major and minor religious traditions address the question of human and earth flourishing. Each chapter considers specific religious ideas and specific environmental harms. Chapters are paired and the authors work in dialogue with one another. Taken together, the chapters reveal that the question of flourishing is deceptively simple. Most would agree that humans should flourish without destroying the earth. But not all (...)
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    Dirty Virtues: The Emergence of Ecological Virtue Ethics.Louke van Wensveen - 1999 - Humanity Books.
    This is the first extensive study of ecological virtue ethics and the new rhetoric of environmentalists. Based on a wide-ranging survey of environmental literature, Louke van Wensveen offers an overview of current "green" virtue language and proposes the basic elements of a matching ecological virtue theory, dubbed "dirty virtues" by ecological philosophers.Environmental ethics is not exhausted by debates about the need to preserve rivers, our duties to bioregions, and the intrinsic value of nonhuman nature; rather, ecoliterature also contains a rich (...)
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    The thou of nature: religious naturalism and reverence for sentient life.Donald A. Crosby - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Religious naturalism and three scientific revolutions: Introduction -- The cosmological revolution -- The evolutionary revolution -- The ecological revolution -- Inwardness and awareness in nature: Introduction -- Inwardness of life and inwardness of mind -- Mind and consciousness in nature -- The range of conscious awareness on earth -- Presumptive rights and conflicts of rights: Introduction -- Rs of the thou of nature -- A scheme of presumptive natural rights -- A fourth R of the thou of nature -- (...)
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  4. Dancing Shiva in the ecological age.Henryk Skolimowski - 1991 - Delhi: Clarion Books.
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    The transformation factor: towards an ecological consciousness.Allerd Stikker - 1992 - Rockport, Mass.: Element.
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    The future of ethics: sustainability, social justice, and religious creativity.Willis Jenkins - 2013 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    Ethics in the anthropocene -- Atmospheric powers: climate change and moral incompetence -- Christian ethics and unprecedented problems -- Global ethics: moral pluralism and planetary problems -- Sustainability science and the ethics of wicked problems -- Toxic wombs and the ecology of justice -- Impoverishment and the economy of desire -- Intergenerational risk and the future of love -- Sustaining grace.
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    Religion, materialism and ecology.Sigurd Bergmann, Catherine E. Rigby & Peter Scott (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This timely collection of essays by leading international scholars across religious studies and the environmental humanities advances a lively discussion on materialism in its many forms. While there is little agreement on what 'materialism' means, it is evident that there is a resurgence in thinking about matter in more animated and active ways. The volume explores how debates concerning the new materialisms impinge on religious traditions and the extent to which religions, with their material culture and beliefs in (...)
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    La religion à l'épreuve de l'écologie: suivi de, Exégèse et ontologie.Bruno Latour - 2024 - Paris: La Découverte. Edited by Bruno Latour.
    De novembre 2020 à janvier 2021, Bruno Latour s'est prêté au jeu de relire un texte qu'il avait depuis longtemps oublié : sa thèse de doctorat. Reproduite en intégralité en seconde partie de cet ouvrage, elle a constitué le point de départ des entretiens qui la précèdent (menés par plusieurs sociologues et théologiens). L'enjeu de ces entretiens était d'aborder une question aussi importante que controversée : quel rôle a joué la 'parole religieuse' dans la trajectoire intellectuelle de Bruno Latour? Les (...)
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    How to Think About the Earth.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1993 - Mowbray.
    Explores and criticizes contemporary models for an environmentally-conscious theology, such as goddess worship, national socialism and process philosophy. The author argues that Christian faith, and other great religions of the world, already teach respect for the sanctity of God's creation.
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  10. The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry.Thomas Mary Berry - 1998 - Center for the Story of the Universe. Edited by Brian Swimme.
    Where are we? -- How did we get here? -- The millennial vision -- Where do we go? -- Psychic energy -- The North American continent -- Governance -- The university -- The corporation -- Religion -- The historical mission of our time.
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  11. Is It Too Late?: A Theology of Ecology.John B. Cobb (ed.) - 1995 - Fortress Press.
    This book was the first single-authored book that covered ecological ethics and theology. It discusses key philosophical, theological, and ecological issues for Christians and other concerned citizens.
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    A Sacred Place to Dwell: Living with Reverence Upon the Earth.Henryk Skolimowski - 1993 - Element.
    Offers a radical new spiritual philosophy: the earth is a sanctuary and we must treat it as such. Uniquely inspiring and provocative.
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    Religion & the order of nature.Seyyed Hossein Nasr (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The current ecological crisis is a matter of urgent global concern, with solutions being sought on many fronts. In this book, Seyyed Hossein Nasr argues that the devastation of our world has been exacerbated, if not actually caused, by the reductionist view of nature that has been advanced by modern secular science. What is needed, he believes, is the recovery of the truth to which the great, enduring religions all attest; namely that nature is sacred. Nasr traces the historical process (...)
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    Tao, Teilhard en westers denken.Allerd Stikker - 1986 - Amsterdam: Bres.
    Holistische analyse van de tegenwoordige wereldsituatie door vergelijking van het oud-Chinese denken met de opvattingen van Teilhard de Chardin en het westerse, rationele denken.
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    Stone: an ecology of the inhuman.Jeffrey Jerome Cohen - 2015 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Stone maps the force, vivacity, and stories within our most mundane matter, stone. For too long stone has served as an unexamined metaphor for the "really real": blunt factuality, nature's curt rebuke. Yet, medieval writers knew that stones drop with fire from the sky, emerge through the subterranean lovemaking of the elements, tumble along riverbeds from Eden, partner with the masons who build worlds with them. Such motion suggests an ecological enmeshment and an almost creaturely mineral life.Although geological time can (...)
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    Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth.Laurel Kearns & Catherine Keller (eds.) - 2007 - Fordham University Press.
    We hope—even as we doubt—that the environmental crisis can be controlled. Public awareness of our species’ self-destructiveness as material beings in a material world is growing—but so is the destructiveness. The practical interventions needed for saving and restoring the earth will require a collective shift of such magnitude as to take on a spiritual and religious intensity.This transformation has in part already begun. Traditions of ecological theology and ecologically aware religious practice have been preparing the way for decades. (...)
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    Religion and the Order of Nature: The 1994 Cadbury Lectures.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    "The most comprehensive and intelligent treatment of [religious ecology]....Nasr is one of the major intellects of our day."--Huston Smith, University of California, Berkeley.
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    Environment and social theory.John Barry (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Environment and Social Theory provides a concise introduction to the relationship between the environment and social theory, both historically and within contemporary social theory.
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    Grenz-Überschreitung: Wandlungen der Geisteshaltung, dargestellt an Beispielen aus Geographie und Wissenschaftshistorie, Theologie, Religions- und Erziehungswissenschaft, Philosophie, Musikwissenschaft und Liturgie: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Manfred Büttner.Heyno Kattenstedt & Manfred Büttner (eds.) - 1993 - Bochum: Brockmeyer.
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    The noetics of nature: environmental philosophy and the holy beauty of the visible.Bruce V. Foltz - 2014 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    Contemplative or "noetic" knowledge has traditionally been seen as the highest mode of understanding, a view that persists both in many non-Western cultures and in Eastern Christianity, where "theoria physike," or the illumined understanding of creation that follows the purification of the heart, is seen to provide deeper insights into nature than the discursive rationality modernity has used to dominate and conquer it. Working from texts in Eastern Orthodox philosophy and theology not widely known in the West, as well as (...)
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    Ochrona 'Srodowiska Spo±Eczno-Przyrodniczego W Filozofii I Teologii'.Józef Marceli Dołęga (ed.) - 2001 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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    La nuova terra.Gianni Baget Bozzo - 1993 - Milano: Rizzoli.
    iamo simili a Dio, come aveva predetto il serpente: non conosciamo solo il bene e il male, abbiamo le mani sull'Albero della Vita. Siamo giunti all'inizio: ma l'inizio non è contiguo alla fine? Questo libro è un'appassionata riflessione sulla necessità e sulla possibilità di dare vita, alle soglie del Secondo Millennio, a una comunità basata su valori etici e pratici fondati su una religione vissuta sia sul piano personale sia su quello sociale. Una meditazione profonda e problematica su Dio, Cristo, (...)
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  23. From here to where?David M. Gill - 1970 - Geneva,: World Council of Churches.
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    L'homme et la nature: perspectives africaines de l'écologie profonde.Raymond Matand Makashing - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'interprétation des cosmogonies traditionnelles africaines a l'avantage de surmonter les limites de l'écologie occidentale et d'offrir, en symbiose avec cette dernière, la chance à l'humanité d'asseoir une écologie profonde repensée. L'Afrique ancienne, principalement l'Egypte pharaonique, a élaboré une vision du monde qui rassemble et unit le Créateur et tous les autres êtres créés. Cette vision qui nous a fort inspiré nous amène à préconiser une éthique de la Maàt ou maàtéthique dont l'impératif catégorique est le respect de l'ordre du monde (...)
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    Individuo, sociedad, ecosistema: ensayos sobre filosofía, política y mística.Elías Capriles - 1994 - Mérida, Venezuela: Universidad de Los Andes, Consejo de Publicaciones.
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    Figurativity and human ecology.Aleksandra Bagasheva, Bozhil Hristov & Nelly Tincheva (eds.) - 2022 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Figurativity has attracted scholars' attention for thousands of years and yet there are still open questions concerning its nature. Figurativity and Human Ecology endorses a view of figurativity as ubiquitous in human reasoning and language, and as a key example of how a human organism and its perceived or imagined environment co-function as a system. The volume sees figurativity not only as embedded in an environment but also as a way of acting within that environment. It (...)
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    Radical love: from separation to connection with the Earth, each other, and ourselves.Satish Kumar - 2023 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press.
    Lessons from a life of activism and mindfulness for navigating social, political, and ecological crises.
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    Eco-philosophy and harmony of nature: collected works of Dr Thomas Manickam, CMI.Thomas Manickam - 2019 - Bangalore, India: Dharmaram Publications. Edited by Sebastian Alackapally.
  29.  31
    Ecology: Religious or secular?Peter Scott - 1997 - Heythrop Journal 38 (1):1–14.
    Ecology: religious or secular?’ addresses the issue of the relation between ecology and the idea of God. ‘Social’ interpretations of ecology seem to fit with traditional Christian models, such as stewardship, for grasping the relation between humanity and nature. ‘Deep’ interpretations of ecology, in which nature is understood to encompass humanity, appear, by contrast, less amenable to assimilation by Christianity.The choice – for so it is often presented – between ‘deep’ and ‘social’ forms of (...) is thus a test case for Christianity. Does the Christian theologian opt for ‘social’ ecology because it best addresses the issue of human embeddedness in nature or because it fits better with prior metaphysical commitments?This article argues that the only way such a dilemma can be addressed theologically is by thinking through at a fundamental level the character of God’s relation to the world. An enquiry in philosophical theology, through the consideration of the concept of divine simplicity, it is argued, suggests that Christianity is not condemned to ‘religious’ readings of ecology. That is, Christianity is not obliged to select evidence based on criteria derived from prior theological commitments .Instead, beginning in the concept of God enables a truly ‘secular’ enquiry which acknowledges a wide range of evidence of our materiality. Indeed, such a ‘secular’ enquiry can only be established by reference to the idea of God. (shrink)
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    Learning love from a tiger: religious experiences with nature.Daniel Capper - 2016 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    Learning Love from a Tiger explores the vibrancy and variety of humans' sacred encounters with the natural world, gathering a range of stories culled from Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Mayan, Himalayan, Buddhist, and Chinese shamanic traditions. Readers will delight in tales of house cats who teach monks how to meditate, rivers that grant salvation, shamans who shape-shift into jaguars, crickets who perform Catholic mass, and many others. More than a collection of wonderful stories, this book introduces important concepts and approaches that (...)
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    Ochrona 'Srodowiska W Filozofii I Teologii'.Józef Marceli Dołęga & Józef Wojciech Czartoszewski (eds.) - 1999 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Akademii Teologii Katolickiej.
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    Current Human Ecology in the Amazon and beyond: a Multi-Scale Ecosemiotic Approach.Morten Tønnessen - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (1):89-113.
    Umwelt theory is an expression of von Uexküll’s subjective biology and as such usually applied in analysis of individual animals, yet it is fundamentally relational and therefore also suitable for analysis of more complex wholes. Since the birth of the modern environmental movement in the 1960s, there has been growing scientific and political acknowledgement of there being a global environmental crisis, which today manifests itself as a climate change and biodiversity crisis. This calls for a multi-scale ecosemiotic approach to analysis (...)
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  33.  12
    Human ecology.Stefan Konstańczak - 2006 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 4 (1).
    Environmental problems do have a universal dimension: they concern entire humanity as well as each human being individually, therefore, a new ecology needs to be developed in which man will play a principal role being a focal point of the study, its creator and executor of its assumptions, the discipline thus understood is one of the aspects of general ecology for it studies relationships between man as a species and its environment, the author believes that, regardless of (...)
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    At Home in the Future: Place and Belonging in a Changing Europe.John Rodwell & Peter Scott (eds.) - 2015 - Zurich: Lit Verlag.
    Renegotiations of identities in a 21st century world and a resurgence of older loyalties are calling into question our shared sense of belonging and place. This results in the predicament of how and where to feel at home.
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    Earthly things: immanence, new materialisms, and planetary thinking.Karen Bray, Heather Eaton & Whitney Bauman (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    I get this error message: "This field may contain characters that are not allowed. Your summary can contain only Latin characters. Do not include emoji, arrows, hearts, stars, checkboxes, symbols, faces, or bullets. Remove these characters and click Next to continue." However, the description contains no forbidden characters. The description is in "Additional Info.".
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    Die Folgen der Freiheit: christl. Ethik in d. techn. Welt.Wolf Dieter Marsch - 1974 - Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn.
    Christliche Ethik in der technischen Welt.--Kybernetik und christliches Ethos.--Christliche Anthropologie und biologische Zukunft des Menschen.--Die Stadt als Ort der Utopie.--Christliche Zukunftshoffnung und rationale Zukunftsplanung.--Verantwortung für die Folgen der Freiheit, theologische Überlegungen zum Thema Umweltschutz.
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  37. Integral Ecology, Epigenetics and the Common Good.Russell A. Butkus & Steven A. Kolmes - 2017 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 14 (2):291-320.
    With the release of Laudato Si (2015) Pope Francis has introduced new conceptual language into Catholic social teaching (CST), what he has called "integral ecology." His intent appears to be grounded in the realization that "It is essential to seek comprehensive solutions which consider the interactions with natural systems themselves and with social systems" (LS, no. CXXXVIII). Pope Francis goes on to make the case that ''We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, (...)
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    Food: Its many aspects in science, religion, and culture.Varadaraja V. Raman - 2014 - Zygon 49 (4):958-976.
    Food is a sine qua non for life on Earth. It has more significance than nutrition and sustenance, more variety than many aspects of human culture. Food has religious as well as historical dimensions. The complexity of the food chain and of the related ecological balance is one of the wonders of the biological world. In the human context, food has found countless expressions and regional richness. Food has provoked feasts, as its lack and maldistribution have caused (...)
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    What Has Hybridity Got to Do with Ecology? What Christian-Buddhist Hybridity-as-Hermeneutical-Lens Can Suggest to the Theological Conversation on Ecology.Julius-Kei Kato - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):105-117.
    Abstractabstract:This essay offers some insights that "hybridity" utilized as a hermeneutical paradigm might contribute to the wider theological conversations going on about the global ecological crisis. The hybridity in question here is—what can be expressed as a—"Christian-Buddhist hybridity." That refers to a sensibility that seriously takes into consideration the two spiritual–religious traditions of Christianity and Buddhism as a "hybrid way" to view the world in general and spiritual–religious–theological themes in particular.This study will argue that, despite the significant gains (...)
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    Decentering Humanism in Philosophy and the Sciences: Ecologies of Agency, Subversive Animism, and Diffractional Knowledge.Kocku von Stuckrad - 2023 - Sophia 62 (4):709-722.
    The idea that humans are clearly distinguished from other animals and from the natural world in general is a cornerstone of European philosophy and culture at least from the sixteenth century onward. Often, this idea is related to understandings of ‘humanism’ that emerged in that period and legitimized regimes of power and control over non-European cultures; it also sanctioned the exploitation of the natural world in the form of extractive capitalism. Critiques of Eurocentric mindsets hinge on certain understandings of ‘humanism,’ (...)
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    Interpreting the Religious Experience. [REVIEW]Georgette Sinkler - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (3):284-285.
    In Interpreting the Religious Experience, John Carmody and Denise Lardner Carmody attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of the nature of the major religions of the world. According to the Carmodys, religion is that aspect of a person’s life which concerns the ultimate structures and values of human life. If we accept this definition for the sake of argument, it follows that a people’s religion lies at the heart of that people’s concept of themselves, their world, and their (...)
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  42.  6
    Paradise wild: reimagining American nature.David Oates - 2003 - Corvallis: Oregon State University Press.
    In Paradise Wild, David Oates addresses this and many other provocative questions as he explores the persistent myth of Eden from several different angles. As a lifelong mountaineer and reader of nature literature, as a scholar, as a descendant of naturalist William Bartram, and as a gay ex-Baptist who took to the mountains to test his masculinity, Oates has thought deeply about how nature and culture interact in our lives and about the contemporary debate over wilderness and environment. Paradise Wild (...)
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    The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality by Edward Y.J. Ching (review).Maria Hasfeldt Long - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality by Edward Y.J. ChingMaria Hasfeldt Long (bio)The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality. By Edward Y.J. Ching. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Pp. vii + 204. Hardcover $99.00, isbn 978-3-030-77923-8.In recent years, the study of Korean Neo-Confucianism as an international (...)
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    Human Ecology, Environmental Ecology, and a Ressourcement Theology.Keith Lemna - 2011 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 14 (3):133-154.
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    Sabbath, Nyepi, and Pandemic: The Relevance of Religious Traditions of Self-Restraint for Living with the ‘New Normal’.Yahya Wijaya - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (4):529-543.
    This article focuses on the relevance of religious traditions of self-restraint, particularly Sabbath and Nyepi, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. From an economic perspective, the pandemic interrupts a lifestyle marked by an unceasing process of production and consumption that affects almost all aspects of life. Such a lifestyle, known as ‘productivism’, has been confronted with ‘anti-productivism’ promoted by groups of Marxism-inspired intellectuals and activists. Employing the method of public theology, this study reveals that religious traditions of (...)
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    Human ecologization in terms of conservation and change value.Nina Apukhtina, Artur Dydrov, Evgenia Emchenko & Dmitriy Solomko - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:102-111.
    Introduction. Artificial intelligence is a trend of NBIC-convergence and information technologies in particular. Since the 70s of the 20th century it has been a subject of intense debate in the scientific community. A direct indicator of the importance of the topic is the publication dynamics and the annual increase in the number of indexed articles. According to the statistics, Western social sciences are in the top five industry leaders. The purpose of the study is to analyze the Scopus database and (...)
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  47. Distributed languaging, affective dynamics, and the human ecology.Paul J. Thibault - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Language plays a central role in human life. However, the term 'language' as defined in the language sciences of the 20th century and the traditions these have drawn on, have arguably, limited our thinking about what language is and does. The two inter-linked volumes of Thibault's study articulate crucially important aspects of an emerging new perspective shift on language - the Distributed Language view - that is now receiving more and more attention internationally. Rejecting the classical view that the (...)
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    The Sacredness of Nature: Response to Six Objections to Religious Naturalism.Donald A. Crosby - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):24-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sacredness of Nature: Response to Six Objections to Religious NaturalismDonald A. Crosby (bio)The poet Mary Oliver speaks as a kind of religious naturalist when she writes in her book of prose and poetry Winter Hours, “I would not be a poet without the natural world. Someone else could. But not me. For me, the door to the woods is the door to the temple. Under the (...)
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    Dharma rain: sources of Buddhist environmentalism.Stephanie Kaza & Kenneth Kraft (eds.) - 2000 - Boston, Mass.: Shambhala Publications.
    A comprehensive collection of classic texts, contemporary interpretations, guidelines for activists, issue-specific information, and materials for environmentally-oriented religious practice. Sources and contributors include Basho, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Gary Snyder, Chogyam Trungpa, Gretel Ehrlich, Peter Mathiessen, Helen Tworkov (editor of Tricycle ), and Philip Glass.
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    Biology, Religion, and Philosophy: An Introduction.Michael L. Peterson & Dennis R. Venema - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Dennis R. Venema.
    The intersection of biology and religion has spawned exciting new areas of academic research that raise issues central to understanding our own humanity and the living world. In this comprehensive and accessible survey, Michael L. Peterson and Dennis R. Venema explain the engagement between biology and religion on issues related to origins, evolution, design, suffering and evil, progress and purpose, love, humanity, morality, ecology, and the nature of religion itself. Does life have a chemical origin - or must there (...)
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