Results for 'Human Good'

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  1. Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes.Paul Schollmeier - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Human Goodness presents an original, pragmatic moral theory that successfully revives and revitalizes the classical Greek concept of happiness. It also includes in-depth discussions of our freedoms, our obligations, and our virtues, as well as adroit comparisons with the moral theories of Kant and Hume. Paul Schollmeier explains that the Greeks define happiness as an activity that we may perform for its own sake. Obvious examples might include telling stories, making music, or dancing. He then demonstrates that we may (...)
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    Human good and human function.Gavin Lawrence - 2006 - In Richard Kraut, The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37–75.
    The prelims comprise: The Teleological Conception of the Practicable Good Human Function The Final Account of Human Good Conclusions Acknowledgments Notes References Further reading.
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    Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes (review).Catherine E. Morrison - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (2):190-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic ThemesCatherine E. MorrisonHuman Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes by Paul Schollmeier Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. x + 302. $80.00, cloth.This is a book about spirits—human, godly, ghostly, and alcoholic. Paul Schollmeier's Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes explores how humble humans act morally in an absurd world. Schollmeier contends that the Socratic spirit, or daimon, (...)
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    Understanding Human Goods: A Theory of Ethics.Sophie Grace Chappell - 1998 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Aristotle on the Human Good.Richard Kraut - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, which equates the ultimate end of human life with happiness, is thought by many readers to argue that this highest goal consists in the largest possible aggregate of intrinsic goods. Richard Kraut proposes instead that Aristotle identifies happiness with only one type of good: excellent activity of the rational soul. In defense of this reading, Kraut discusses Aristotle's attempt to organize all human goods into a single structure, so that each subordinate end is desirable (...)
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    Understanding Human Goods.Timothy Chappell - 2007 - In Patrick Riordan, Values in Public Life. Lit Verlag. pp. 77-96.
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    Human Goodness.Yi-Fu Tuan - 2008 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    In his many best-selling books, Yi-Fu Tuan seizes big, metaphysical issues and considers them in uniquely accessible ways. _Human Goodness_ is evidence of this talent and is both as simple, and as epic, as it sounds. Genuinely good people and their actions, Tuan contends, are far from boring, naive, and trite; they are complex, varied, and enormously exciting. In a refreshing antidote to skeptical times, he writes of ordinary human courtesies, as simple as busing your dishes after eating, (...)
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    David Good, A World Without Words.David Goode - 1997 - Human Studies 20 (3):357-357.
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  9. The Human Good and the Ambitions of Consequentialism.James Griffin - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):118.
    I want to look at one aspect of the human good: how it serves as the basis for judgments about the moral right. One important view is that the right is always derived from the good. I want to suggest that the more one understands the nature of the human good, the more reservations one has about that view. I. One Route to Consequentialism Many of us think that different things make a life good, (...)
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  10. Are humans good intuitive statisticians after all.Cosmides Leda & John Tooby - 1996 - Cognition 58 (1):1-73.
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    Human Goodness.Philippa Foot - 2001 - In Natural goodness. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Foot considers the difference between calling a plant and an animal ‘good’ and calling a human being ‘good’; in the former case we think of the plant or animal as a whole, while in the latter we are evaluating the person with respect to his or her rational will. This particular type of evaluation may be called ‘moral evaluation’, although Foot is keen to show that ‘moral’ judgements belong to a wider class of evaluations of conduct with (...)
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    Human Goodness: Generosity and Courage.Paul Gilbert - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (166):118-119.
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  13. The Human Good and the Problem of Bacon’s Intention.Svetozar Minkov - 2008 - Interpretation 35 (3):265-282.
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    Stakeholder views on the acceptability of human infection studies in Malawi.Kate Gooding, Stephen B. Gordon, Michael Parker, Rodrick Sambakunsi, Markus Gmeiner, Jamie Rylance, Kondwani Jambo & Blessings M. Kapumba - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundHuman infection studies (HIS) are valuable in vaccine development. Deliberate infection, however, creates challenging questions, particularly in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) where HIS are new and ethical challenges may be heightened. Consultation with stakeholders is needed to support contextually appropriate and acceptable study design. We examined stakeholder perceptions about the acceptability and ethics of HIS in Malawi, to inform decisions about planned pneumococcal challenge research and wider understanding of HIS ethics in LMICs.MethodsWe conducted 6 deliberative focus groups and 15 (...)
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  15. Unqualified human good" or a bit of "ruling class chatter"? : the rule of law at the national and international level.Simon Chesterman - 2014 - In Vesselin Popovski, International Rule of Law and Professional Ethics. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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  16. Wish, Motivation and the Human Good in Aristotle.Gösta Grönroos - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (1):60-87.
    _ Source: _Volume 60, Issue 1, pp 60 - 87 Aristotle invokes a specifically human desire, namely wish, to provide a teleological explanation of the pursuit of the specifically human good in terms of virtuous activity. Wish is a basic, unreasoned desire which, independently of other desires, or evaluative attitudes, motivates the pursuit of the human good. Even a person who pursues what she mistakenly believes to be good is motivated by wish for what (...)
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    Addressing disadvantage and the human good.Jonathan Wolff - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (3):207–218.
    This paper sets out a framework in which we can distinguish between four types of redistributive attention to the disadvantaged: compensation; personal enhancement; targeted resource enhancement; and status enhancement. It is argued that in certain cases many of us will have strong intuitions in favour or against one or more strategies for addressing disadvantage, and it is further argued that in such cases it is likely that our reactions are based on assumptions about the human good. Hence the (...)
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    Are humans good intuitive statisticians after all? Rethinking some conclusions from the literature on judgment under uncertainty.L. Cosmides - 1996 - Cognition 58 (1):1-73.
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    Bioethics and the human goods: an introduction to natural law bioethics.Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 2015 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Edited by John Keown.
    In this concise and accessible introductory text, Gómez-Lobo and Keown introduce a "human goods" approach to bioethics as an alternative to the dominant principle-based method in the field (best illustrated by Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, OUP). Following Aristotle and the natural law tradition, the authors demonstrate how an emphasis on human goods--such as health, life, family, friendship, work and play, the experience of beauty, knowledge, and integrity--provides a necessary context for medical decisions and can help (...)
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    Human goodness: generosity and courage.Elizabeth Pybus - 1991 - London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
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    Human goodness and the golden mean.Glen Koehn - 2003 - Journal of Value Inquiry 37 (2):179-194.
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    Basic Goods and the Human Good in Recent Catholic Moral Theology.Jean Porter - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):27-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BASIC GOODS AND THE HUMAN GOOD IN RECENT CATHOLIC MORAL THEOLOGY }EAN PORTER University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana 0 NE OF THE MOST striking features of Catholic moral theology since Vatican II has been the reluctance of so many moral theologians, on all sides of the controversies which have characterized that discipline, to offer a substantive account of goodness and the human good (...)
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    Experiment and the Making of Meaning: Human Agency in Scientific Observation and Experiment.D. C. Gooding - 1994 - Springer.
    ... the topic of 'meaning' is the one topic discussed in philosophy in which there is literally nothing but 'theory' - literally nothing that can be labelled or even ridiculed as the 'common sense view'. Putnam, 'The Meaning of Meaning' This book explores some truths behind the truism that experimentation is a hallmark of scientific activity. Scientists' descriptions of nature result from two sorts of encounter: they interact with each other and with nature. Philosophy of science has, by and large, (...)
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    Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral Science (review).Colleen McCluskey - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):118-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral ScienceColleen McCluskeyDenis J. M. Bradley. Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral Science. Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1997. Pp. vii-xiv + 610.In this book, Bradley examines whether one can construct an autonomous Thomistic philosophical ethics from Thomas Aquinas's (...)
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  25. Human goods and human rights law : two modes of derivation from natural law.Grégoire Webber - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Human goods and human rights law : two modes of derivation from natural law.Grégoire Webber - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes. By Paul Schollmeier.Raymond Dennehy - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):350-351.
  28. (1 other version)Human and machine logic.I. J. Good - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (August):145-6.
  29. (1 other version)Desire and the Human Good.Richard Kraut - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 68 (2):315.
    When we compare contemporary moral philosophy with the well-known moral systems of earlier centuries, we should be struck by the fact that a certain assumption about human well being that is now widely taken for granted was universally rejected in the past. The contemporary moral climate predisposes us to be pluralistic about the human good, whereas earlier systems of ethics embraced a conception of well being that we would now call narrow and restrictive. One way to convey (...)
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    Introduction: the historical imagination and the history of the human sciences.James Good - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (4):97-101.
    The historical imagination, as Hayden White has reminded us, is not singular;\nit is manifest in many forms (White, 1973). Not surprisingly, this diversity\nis reflected within the pages of History of the Human Sciences and in the four papers that follow. Indeed, from its inception, the journal has sought to\npromote a variety of styles of writing, representing the many voices that have\nan interest in the human sciences and their history.\nIn the opening article, Roger Smith suggests that a distinctive feature (...)
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  31. Rationality and the Human Good.Warren Quinn - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):81.
    In this essay I want to look at some questions concerning the relation between morality and rationality in the recommendations they make about the best way to live our lives and achieve our good. Specifically, I want to examine ways in which the virtue of practical rationality and the various moral virtues might be thought to part company, giving an agent conflicting directives regarding how best to live his life. In conducting this enquiry, I shall at some crucial points (...)
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  32. (2 other versions)Aristotle on the Human Good.Richard KRAUT - 1989 - Ethics 101 (2):382-391.
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    Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral Science.Denis J. M. Bradley - 1997 - CUA Press.
    Annotation. Against the background of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Bradley provides a detailed differentiation between Aristotle's and Aquinas's view on moral principles and the end of man.
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    Happiness and Human Good.Philippa Foot - 2001 - In Natural goodness. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Foot considers the view that practical rationality is nothing but the pursuit of happiness, which constitutes an objection to the account of practical rationality developed in the preceding chapters. Foot considers the different ways happiness is predicated of human beings, distinguishing happiness as humanity's good from enjoyment and contentment. She argues that the common view that happiness is a state of mind, detachable from beliefs about special objects, is in error because happiness does not have the same logical (...)
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  35. Objective human goods.Andrew Moore - 2000 - In Roger Crisp & Brad Hooker, Well-Being and Morality: Essays in Honour of James Griffin. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 75--89.
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  36. The Source of Human Good.Henry N. Wieman - 1946 - Philosophy 23 (87):379-381.
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    Contemplation and the human good.Jon Moline - 1983 - Noûs 17 (1):37-53.
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    Mutualism in the human sciences: Towards the implementation of a theory.Arthur Still & James M. M. Good - 1992 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 22 (2):105–128.
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    The source of human good.Henry Nelson Wieman - 1946 - Edwardsville,: Southern Illinois Univ. Press.
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    Rationing, Rightness, and Distinctively Human Goods.Larry R. Churchill - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (7):15 - 16.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 7, Page 15-16, July 2011.
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    Placing virtue and the human good in psychology.Blaine J. Fowers - 2012 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 32 (1):1-9.
    This article contextualizes and critiques the recent increase in interest in virtue ethics and the good life in psychology. Theoretically, psychologists' interests in virtue and eudaimonia have followed the philosophical revival of these topics, but this work has been subject to persistent, disguised commitments to the ideologies of individualism and instrumentalism. Moreover, psychologists' tendency to separate the topics of virtue and eudaimonia is described and critiqued as theoretically misguided, particularly because Aristotle, the originator of these concepts, saw them as (...)
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  42. Normative Skepticism about Attributive Human Goodness.Brad Cokelet - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (2):155-163.
    Some philosophers hope to answer normative moral skepticism by appeal to a moralized account of attributive human goodness. They give accounts of good and bad human beings, maintain that to be a good human being one must be moral, and then argue that human beings should be moral because otherwise they will be defective or less than ideal members of their kind. This article focuses on Yong Huang's Confucian, Zhu Xi inspired, version of this (...)
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  43. Justice and human good.Gerald Doppelt & Richard Arneson - unknown
    Contemporary theories of justice frequently suppose that a legitimate state does not coerce people to comply with values or principles that they could reasonably reject. This ideal of legitimacy is thought to imply neutrality on the good: The State should not coerce people to comply with controversial conceptions of the good (which people could reasonably reject). As Ronald Dworkin puts the point, the government's policies should “be neutral on the question of the good life, or of what (...)
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    The Source of Human Good.Everett W. Hall - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (2):205.
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    The human good and the science of man.Ryan Patrick Hanley - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (1):23-32.
    ABSTRACT David Hume and Adam Smith are often regarded as preeminent contributors to the eighteenth-century Scottish ‘science of man.’ For our understanding of Hume’s and Smith’s contributions to this project, scholars today are especially indebted to Nicholas Phillipson, who influentially and persuasively demonstrated how the science of man that they developed sought to account for social progress as the result of man’s natural love of improvement in the face of conditions of indigence and want. Yet Phillipson’s work also helps us (...)
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    Bioethics and the Human Goods: An Introduction to Natural Law Bioethics.Richard Benson - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (3):535-538.
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    Mapping Experiment as a Learning Process: How the First Electromagnetic Motor Was Invented.David Gooding - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (2):165-201.
    Narrative accounts misrepresent discovery by reconstructing worlds ordered by success rather than the world as explored. Such worlds rarely contain the personal knowledge that informed actual exploration and experiment. This article describes an attempt to recover situated learning in a material environment, tracing the discovery of the first electromagnetic motor by Michael Faraday in September 1821 to show how he modeled new experience and invented procedures to communicate that novelty. The author introduces a notation to map experiment as an active (...)
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    Market Boundaries and Human Goods.Russell Keat - 2000 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 45:23-36.
    It is now widely accepted that the market is superior to the state as a means of organising economic activity. But there remain a number of significant problems about the proper scope of the market domain, about the range of activities which are appropriately governed by market mechanisms and their associated forms of commercial organisation. Whilst many would agree that the market is an admirable device, provided it is ‘kept in its place’, there is much less agreement about the precise (...)
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    Aristotle's conception of human good.A. MacC Armstrong - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (32):259-260.
  50. Human Good and Practical Reasoning.John Finnis - 1984 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 58:23.
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