Results for 'Hualing Ma'

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  1.  7
    Fan zi you de zi you: Bolin yu Shitelaosi de si xiang fen zheng = From freedom to serfdom: the debate between Isaiah Berlin and Leo Strauss.Hualing Ma - 2019 - Xin bei shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    20世紀極權主義的思想根源是什麽? 這個問題正是伯林與施特勞斯畢生追問的根本問題。 在一元主義與多元主義之間,在絕對主義與相對主義之間,我們應該何去何從? 為什麽人類追求自由,卻走向了自由的反面? 《反自由的自由:伯林與施特勞斯的思想紛爭》提出了這一疑問 20世紀的極權主義是人類歷史上史無前例的政治悲劇,典型案例是蘇聯共產主義和德國納粹主義。伯林是流亡英國的俄裔猶太人,童年曾目睹俄國革命,壯年曾造訪蘇聯,對蘇聯共產主義有著痛徹心扉的體驗。在他看來,蘇聯 共產主義根源於馬克思主義,而馬克思主義發源於一元主義與絕對主義。施特勞斯是流亡美國的德裔猶太人,早年僥倖逃脫納粹的魔爪,從此寄身於異國他鄉。因此,他對德國納粹主義有著深入骨髓的反思。他認為,德國納粹主 義肇源於自由主義,而自由主義淵源於多元主義與相對主義。倘若如是,我們的困境是,在一元主義與多元主義之間,在絕對主義與相對主義之間,應該何去何從?為什麽兩個具有類似極權主義經歷的思想家卻作出了截然相反的 診斷?我們的困惑是,為什麽人類追求自由卻走向了自由的反面?馬華靈試圖在《反自由的自由:伯林與施特勞斯的思想紛爭》一書解答上述疑問。.
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  2. Organizing probabilistic models of perception.Wei Ji Ma - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (10):511-518.
  3.  41
    The Effects of CEO Awards on Corporate Social Responsibility Focus.Juelin Yin, Jiangyan Li & Jun Ma - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):897-916.
    Integrating stakeholder agency theory with the instrumental corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, this study explores how award-winning CEOs consider personal interests and balance competing stakeholder demands when they decide between external and internal CSR, or CSR focus. Using a difference-in-differences research design, we find that after winning a prestigious media award, CEOs engage in more external CSR, which is more visible to the public, and less internal CSR, which is less likely to attract public attention. We find that such an (...)
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    How Can a Deontological Decision Lead to Moral Behavior? The Moderating Role of Moral Identity.Zhi Xing Xu & Hing Keung Ma - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):537-549.
    Deontology and utilitarianism are two competing principles that guide our moral judgment. Recently, deontology is thought to be intuitive and is based on an error-prone and biased approach, whereas utilitarianism is relatively reflective and a suitable framework for making decision. In this research, the authors explored the relationship among moral identity, moral decision, and moral behavior to see how a preference for the deontological solution can lead to moral behavior. In study 1, a Web-based survey demonstrated that when making decisions, (...)
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    Young children’s use of statistical sampling evidence to infer the subjectivity of preferences.Lili Ma & Fei Xu - 2011 - Cognition 120 (3):403-411.
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    Ethical and legal challenges of medical AI on informed consent: China as an example.Yue Wang & Zhuo Ma - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    The escalating integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in clinical settings carries profound implications for the doctrine of informed consent, presenting challenges that necessitate immediate attention. China, in its advancement in the deployment of medical AI, is proactively engaging in the formulation of legal and ethical regulations. This paper takes China as an example to undertake a theoretical examination rooted in the principles of medical ethics and legal norms, analyzing informed consent and medical AI through relevant literature data. The study reveals (...)
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  7. Experience of Medical Disputes, Medical Disturbances, Verbal and Physical Violence, and Burnout Among Physicians in China.Yinuo Wu, Feng Jiang, Jing Ma, Yi-Lang Tang, Mingxiao Wang & Yuanli Liu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundMedical disputes, medical disturbances, verbal and physical violence against physicians, and burnout have reached epidemic levels. They may negatively impact both physicians and the healthcare system. The experience of medical disputes, medical disturbances, verbal, and physical violence, and burnout and the correlates in physicians working in public hospitals in China needed to be investigated.MethodsA nationwide cross-sectional survey study was conducted between 18 and 31 March 2019. An anonymous online questionnaire was administered. The questionnaire included the 22-item Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services (...)
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  8.  26
    Velez Family of Guagua.Ramón Ma Zaragoza - 2006 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 10 (2):16-31.
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    Multipopulation Management in Evolutionary Algorithms and Application to Complex Warehouse Scheduling Problems.Yadong Yu, Haiping Ma, Mei Yu, Sengang Ye & Xiaolei Chen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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  10.  39
    Dynamics and Optimal Harvesting Control for a Stochastic One-Predator-Two-Prey Time Delay System with Jumps.Tingting Ma, Xinzhu Meng & Zhengbo Chang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-19.
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  11.  30
    Export Intensity and MNE Customers’ Environmental Requirements: Effects on Local Chinese Suppliers’ Environment Strategies.Jie Wu & Zhenzhong Ma - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):327-339.
    This study integrates the resource dependence perspective and the stakeholder perspective to analyze local Chinese suppliers’ environment strategies in response to environmental requirements of different types of customers. With a sample of 1,215 local Chinese manufacturing suppliers, we examine the impact of export intensity and environmental requirements of multinational enterprises on local Chinese suppliers’ environment strategies. The results show that local Chinese suppliers with high levels of export intensity are more likely to adopt positive environment strategies to reduce environmental risks. (...)
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    Spontaneous emergence of language-like and music-like vocalizations from an artificial protolanguage.Weiyi Ma, Anna Fiveash & William Forde Thompson - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (229):1-23.
    How did human vocalizations come to acquire meaning in the evolution of our species? Charles Darwin proposed that language and music originated from a common emotional signal system based on the imitation and modification of sounds in nature. This protolanguage is thought to have diverged into two separate systems, with speech prioritizing referential functionality and music prioritizing emotional functionality. However, there has never been an attempt to empirically evaluate the hypothesis that a single communication system can split into two functionally (...)
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  13.  29
    Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy.Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2016 - Albany: Albany.
    Discusses the conditions of possibility for intercultural and comparative philosophy, and for crosscultural communication at large. This innovative book explores the preconditions necessary for intercultural and comparative philosophy. Philosophical practices that involve at least two different traditions with no common heritage and whose languages have very different grammatical structure, such as Indo-Germanic languages and classical Chinese, are a particular focus. Lin Ma and Jaap van Brakel look at the necessary and not-so-necessary conditions of possibility of interpretation, comparison, and other forms (...)
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  14.  15
    The Impact of Network Embeddedness on the Innovation Performance of New Generation of Employees in the Post-COVID-19 Era—The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract.Jianhua Wang, Junwei Ma & Yongzhou Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The innovation activities of new generation of employees have the characteristics of double network embeddedness, and the degree of psychological contract fulfilment is an important factor that affects their innovation performance. Based on the attributes of internal network embeddedness and external network embeddedness, this paper builds a hypothesis model of the relationship between network embeddedness, psychological contract and innovation performance. It explores the impact and mechanism of network embeddedness on the innovation performance of new generation of employees and the mediating (...)
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  15.  24
    A Flexible Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Robot with Deep Locomotion Mode Identification.Can Wang, Xinyu Wu, Yue Ma, Guizhong Wu & Yuhao Luo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
    This paper presents a bioinspired lower extremity exoskeleton robot. The proposed exoskeleton robot can be adjusted in structure to meet the wearer’s height of 150–185 cm and has a good gait stability. In the gait control part, a method of identifying different locomotion modes is proposed; five common locomotion modes are considered in this paper, including sitting down, standing up, level-ground walking, ascending stairs, and descending stairs. The identification is depended on angle information of the hip, knee, and ankle joints. (...)
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  16.  38
    Polarity Semantics for Negation as a Modal Operator.Yuanlei Lin & Minghui Ma - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (5):877-902.
    The minimal weakening \ of Belnap-Dunn logic under the polarity semantics for negation as a modal operator is formulated as a sequent system which is characterized by the class of all birelational frames. Some extensions of \ with additional sequents as axioms are introduced. In particular, all three modal negation logics characterized by a frame with a single state are formalized as extensions of \. These logics have the finite model property and they are decidable.
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    International Guidelines for Privacy in Genomic Biobanking.Adrian Thorogood & Ma'N. H. Zawati - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (4):690-702.
    In an era of unrivalled sequencing, computation and networking capability, international sharing of genomic samples and data is becoming a modus operandi for modern medical research. Researchers are collaborating to establish large collections with global scale. Having never before set foot outside the cell, the molecules that shape us are being digitized and launched across the globe. Protecting individual privacy interests in this information is a central challenge of the genomic research era. This article reviews international privacy norms governing human (...)
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  18. Heidegger's Comportment Toward East-West Dialogue.Lin Ma & Jaap Van Brakel - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):519-566.
    The primary purpose here is to ascertain what Heidegger's comportment toward East-West dialogue is most plausibly like in the light of his philosophical concerns and orientations. Considering that one should not uncritically take at face value occasional remarks by Heidegger that seem to suggest that he is preparing an East-West dialogue, we will proceed from Heidegger's own path of thinking and bring to light fundamental presuppositions in his thought and the response he may accordingly give to the issue of East-West (...)
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    Exact Solutions to a Generalized Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenko Equation via Maple Symbolic Computations.Shou-Ting Chen & Wen-Xiu Ma - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-6.
    We aim to construct exact and explicit solutions to a generalized Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenko equation through the Maple computer algebra system. The considered nonlinear equation is transformed into a Hirota bilinear form, and symbolic computations are made for solving both the nonlinear equation and the corresponding bilinear equation. A few classes of exact and explicit solutions are generated from different ansätze on solution forms, including traveling wave solutions, two-wave solutions, and polynomial solutions.
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    Heidegger’s thinking on the “Same” of science and technology.Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (1):19-43.
    In this article, we trace and elucidate Heidegger’s radical re-thinking on the relation between science and technology from about 1940 until 1976. A range of passages from the Gesamtausgabe seem to articulate a reversal of the primacy of science and technology in claiming that “Science is applied technology.” After delving into Heidegger’s reflection on the being of science and technology and their “coordination,” we show that such a claim is essentially grounded in Heidegger’s idea that “Science and technology are the (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Who Is Afraid of Truth Gaps? Wittgenstein and Kripke on the Standard Meter.Jakub Mácha - 2024 - In Martin Gustafsson, Oskari Kuusela & Jakub Mácha (eds.), Engaging Kripke with Wittgenstein: the standard metre, contingent apriori, and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 127-140.
  22.  39
    Effects of experimentally induced dissociation on attention and memory.Chris R. Brewin, Belinda Yt Ma & Jessica Colson - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):315-323.
    Dissociation is an important aspect of responses to traumatic events. According to a number of influential theories, it negatively impacts cognitive performance including encoding of the trauma memories, leading to an increased risk of later conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder . We tested this hypothesis experimentally in two studies by inducing dissociation in the laboratory and investigating the effects on several aspects of cognition, including time estimation, digit and spatial span, and story recall. Dissociation was related to decrements in (...)
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  23.  46
    Adaptive Gradient-Based Iterative Algorithm for Multivariable Controlled Autoregressive Moving Average Systems Using the Data Filtering Technique.Jian Pan, Hao Ma, Xiao Jiang, Wenfang Ding & Feng Ding - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  24.  11
    Transparency, Evaluation and Going From “Ethics-Washing” to Enforceable Regulation: On Machine Learning-Driven Clinician Decision Aids.Yuan Y. Stevens & Ma’N. H. Zawati - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):117-120.
    There is significant potential for machine learning (ML) models and systems to enhance prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic decision-making in the healthcare context. When used in clinical setti...
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  25.  37
    Adult Attachment Orientations and Social Networking Site Addiction: The Mediating Effects of Online Social Support and the Fear of Missing Out.Chang Liu & Jian-Ling Ma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  26. Teoría del derecho.Máximo Pacheco G. - 1984 - Santiago: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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  27. El problema de la modernización de la educación en México y los valores.Ma Antonieta Julián Pérez - 2012 - In Julián Pérez, María Antonieta, Humberto Maldonado Gómez, Candelario Degante Castañeda & Ramón Espinosa Contreras (eds.), Educación y filosofía. México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
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    Adaptive cluster synchronization in directed networks with nonidentical nonlinear dynamics.Yi Wang, Zhongjun Ma, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi & Fuad E. Alsaadi - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S2):380-387.
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  29. Comparative syllogism and counterfactual knowledge.Linton Wang & Wei-Fen Ma - 2014 - Synthese 191 (6):1327-1348.
    Comparative syllogism is a type of scientific reasoning widely used, explicitly or implicitly, for inferences from observations to conclusions about effectiveness, but its philosophical significance has not been fully elaborated or appreciated. In its simplest form, the comparative syllogism derives a conclusion about the effectiveness of a factor (e.g. a treatment or an exposure) on a certain property via an experiment design using a test (experimental) group and a comparison (control) group. Our objective is to show that the comparative syllogism (...)
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    Good News or Bad News, Which Do You Want First? The Importance of the Sequence and Organization of Information for Financial Decision-Making: A Neuro-Electrical Imaging Study.Wenting Yang, Jianhong Ma, Hezhi Chen, Anton G. Maglione, Enrica Modica, Dario Rossi, Giulia Cartocci, Marino Bonaiuto & Fabio Babiloni - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31.  12
    Intensive Cold-Air Invasion Detection and Classification with Deep Learning in Complicated Meteorological Systems.Ming Yang, Hao Ma, Bomin Chen & Guangtao Dong - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Faster R-CNN architecture is used to solve the problems of moving path uncertainty, changeable coverage, and high complexity in cold-air induced large-scale intensive temperature-reduction detection and classification, since those problems usually lead to path identification biases as well as low accuracy and generalization ability of recognition algorithm. In this paper, an improved recognition method of national ITR path in China based on faster R-CNN in complicated meteorological systems is proposed. Firstly, quality control of the original dataset of strong cooling processes (...)
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    An Integrated Consensus Improving Strategy Based on PL-Wasserstein Distance and Its Application in the Evaluation of Network Public Opinion Emergencies.Shitao Zhang, Zhenzhen Ma, Xiaodi Liu, Zhiying Wang & Lihui Jiang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-24.
    In real life, multiple network public opinion emergencies may break out in a certain place at the same time. So, it is necessary to invite emergency decision experts in multiple fields for timely evaluating the comprehensive crisis of the online public opinion, and then limited emergency resources can be utilized to give priority to respond to the one with the highest crisis. Due to the complexity of network public opinion emergencies and the limited cognition of experts, most of the decision (...)
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  33.  13
    Tracking Response Dynamics of Sequential Working Memory in Patients With Mild Parkinson’s Disease.Guanyu Zhang, Jinghong Ma, Piu Chan & Zheng Ye - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The ability to sequence thoughts and actions is impaired in Parkinson’s disease. In PD, a distinct error pattern has been found in the offline performance of sequential working memory. This study examined how PD’s performance of sequential working memory unfolds over time using mouse tracking techniques. Non-demented patients with mild PD and healthy controls completed a computerized digit ordering task with a computer mouse. We measured response dynamics in terms of the initiation time, ordering time, movement time, and area under (...)
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  34.  10
    Survey on the tourist satisfaction of rural homestay based on the theory of importance–performance analysis.Xiaorui Zhou, Yanan Wang & Pingping Ma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Guilin rural homestays are an important support for rural tourism destinations, serving not only as accommodation but also as a representative of the local culture of the town. To improve satisfaction with rural homestays among tourists, enhance destination attractiveness, and better meet tourist demands for accommodation conditions, this study combines literature and network text analysis to construct an evaluation index system for Guilin rural homestay tourist satisfaction. The data collected by a questionnaire survey based on importance–performance analysis are analyzed. The (...)
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    How Preferred Brands Relate to the Self: The Effect of Brand Preference, Product Involvement, and Information Valence on Brand-Related Memory.Rui Feng, Weijun Ma, Ruobing Liu, Miao Zhang, Ziyi Zheng, Ting Qing, Juzhe Xi, Xinzhen Lai & Cen Qian - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  36. Śer phyin mṅon par rtogs paʼi rgyan gyi tshig don rnam par bśad pa ma pham źal luṅ: a commentary on the monumental systematization of Prajñāpāramita philosophy, the Abhisāmayālaṅkāra.Mdo-sṅags Bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma - 1978 - New Delhi: Ngawang Topgay.
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  37. Taʼammulāt Muslim.Abū Dhikrī & ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: Tanwīr lil-Nashr wa-al-iʻlām.
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    Pathogen perception by NLRs in plants and animals: Parallel worlds.Zane Duxbury, Yan Ma, Oliver J. Furzer, Sung Un Huh, Volkan Cevik, Jonathan D. G. Jones & Panagiotis F. Sarris - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):769-781.
    Intracellular NLR (Nucleotide‐binding domain and Leucine‐rich Repeat‐containing) receptors are sensitive monitors that detect pathogen invasion of both plant and animal cells. NLRs confer recognition of diverse molecules associated with pathogen invasion. NLRs must exhibit strict intramolecular controls to avoid harmful ectopic activation in the absence of pathogens. Recent discoveries have elucidated the assembly and structure of oligomeric NLR signalling complexes in animals, and provided insights into how these complexes act as scaffolds for signal transduction. In plants, recent advances have provided (...)
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    Poėtika i matematika: khurufizm v srednevekovoĭ vostochnoĭ poėzii i ego matematicheskoe raskrytie.Ăḣmăd Elbrus - 1979 - Baku: Izd-vo "Ėlm".
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  40. Propositions for a gestural cinema: on "cine-trances" and Jean Rouch's ritual documentaries.Joso Mário Grilo - 2014 - In Henrik Gustafsson & Asbjørn Grønstad (eds.), Cinema and Agamben: ethics, biopolitics and the moving image. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Dynamic graded epistemic logic.Minghui Ma & Hans van Ditmarsch - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):663-684.
    Graded epistemic logic is a logic for reasoning about uncertainties. Graded epistemic logic is interpreted on graded models. These models are generalizations of Kripke models. We obtain completeness of some graded epistemic logics. We further develop dynamic extensions of graded epistemic logics, along the framework of dynamic epistemic logic. We give an extension with public announcements, i.e., public events, and an extension with graded event models, a generalization also including nonpublic events. We present complete axiomatizations for both logics.
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    WNN-Based Prediction of Security Situation Awareness for the Civil Aviation Network.Zhijun Wu, Shaopu Ma & Lan Ma - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (1):55-67.
    The security of the civil aviation network is closely related to flight safety. Security situation prediction is the advanced stage of situational awareness in the civil aviation network. In this article, a prediction approach of security situations for the air traffic management network is proposed on the basis of the wavelet neural network. The proposed approach adopts the wavelet theory and neural network, combining a time-series forecasting method for the prediction of security situations in the civil aviation network. The experimental (...)
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  43. Reality Is Not a Solid. Poetic Transfigurations of Stevens’ Fluid Concept of Reality.Jakub Mácha - 2018 - In Kacper Bartczak & Jakub Mácha (eds.), Wallace Stevens: Poetry, Philosophy, and Figurative Language. Berlin: Peter Lang. pp. 61-92.
    The main aim of this essay is to show that, for Stevens, the concept of reality is very fluctuating. The essay begins with addressing the relationship between poetry and philosophy. I argue, contra Critchley, that Stevens’ poetic work can elucidate, or at least help us to understand better, the ideas of philosophers that are usually considered obscure. The main “obscure” philosophical work introduced in and discussed throughout the essay is Schelling’s System of Transcendental Idealism. Both a (shellingian) philosopher and a (...)
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  44.  13
    Polis: a new history of the ancient Greek city-state from the early Iron Age to the end of antiquity.John Ma - 2024 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The polis, the dominant political form around which ancient Greeks structured their lives and activities, is perhaps their most fundamental creation and enduring legacy. It was a highly successful form of social organization in which Greek culture thrived, including architecture, literature, and philosophy. In this book, ancient historian John Ma offers a new history of the polis from its origins in the Early Iron Age through its eclipse in Late Antiquity. He aims to answer a few big questions about it-Why (...)
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  45. al-Kindī wa-arāʼuh al-falsafīyah.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Shāh Walī - 1974
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    Exploration of Muscle Fatigue Effects in Bioinspired Robot Learning from sEMG Signals.Ning Wang, Yang Xu, Hongbin Ma & Xiaofeng Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Ridesharing car detection by transfer learning.Leye Wang, Xu Geng, Xiaojuan Ma, Daqing Zhang & Qiang Yang - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 273 (C):1-18.
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  48. Dimensions of Conflict: Georg Simmel on Modern Life in Georg Simmel and Contemporary Sociology.D. Weinstein & Ma Weinstein - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 119:341-355.
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    Power Prediction-Based Model Predictive Control for Energy Management in Land and Air Vehicle with Turboshaft Engine.Zhengchao Wei, Yue Ma, Changle Xiang & Dabo Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-24.
    In recent years, the green aviation technology draws more attention, and more hybrid power units have been applied to the aerial vehicles. To achieve the high performance and long lifetime of components during varied working conditions, the effective regulation of the energy management is necessary for the vehicles with hybrid power unit. In this paper, power prediction-based model predictive control for energy management strategy is proposed for the vehicle equipped with HPU based on turboshaft engine in order to maintain proper (...)
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    The refinement of probabilistic rule sets: Sociopathic interactions.David C. Wilkins & Yong Ma - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 70 (1-2):1-32.
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