Results for 'How Does Ritual Matter'

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  1. Fenella Cannell.How Does Ritual Matter - 2007 - In Rita Astuti, Jonathan Parry & Charles Stafford, Questions of anthropology. New York: Berg.
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  2. How does ritual matter?Fenella Cannell - 2007 - In Rita Astuti, Jonathan Parry & Charles Stafford, Questions of anthropology. New York: Berg.
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    How Does Equality Matter?Gillian Brock - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (1):76-87.
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    How does law matter?Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat (eds.) - 1998 - Evanston, Ill.: American Bar Foundation.
    The essays in this collection show how law is relevant in both an "instrumental" and a "constitutive" sense, as a tool to accomplish particular purposes and as ...
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  5. How Does Coherence Matter?Niko Kolodny - 2007 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 107 (1pt3):229 - 263.
    Recently, much attention has been paid to ‘rational requirements’ and, especially, to what I call ‘rational requirements of formal coherence as such’. These requirements are satisfied just when our attitudes are formally coherent: for example, when our beliefs do not contradict each other. Nevertheless, these requirements are puzzling. In particular, it is unclear why we should satisfy them. In light of this, I explore the conjecture that there are no requirements of formal coherence. I do so by trying to construct (...)
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  6. Why and how does proximity matter in litigation : a Levinasian approach.Soren Stig Andersen - 2012 - In Thomas da Rosa de Bustamante & Oche Onazi, Global harmony and the rule of law: proceedings of the 24th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Beijing, 2009. Sinzheim: Nomos.
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    How Does Ritualized Behavior Lower Anxiety? The Role of Cognitive Load and Conscious Preoccupation in Anxiety Reduction.Aneta Niczyporuk - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):187-205.
    Although rituals are believed to lower anxiety, the underlying mechanism of anxiety reduction has not been explained well enough. According to Boyer and Liénard (2006), ritualized behavior decreases the anxiety levels because it swamps working memory. This blocks anxious thoughts’ access to consciousness. As a result, ritualized behavior lowers anxiety temporarily but maintains it in the long run. In the article, I analyze what processes should be engaged in ritualized behavior to bring the aforementioned outcomes. I propose that ritualized behavior (...)
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    For Whom and How Does Philosophy Matter? A Response to My Interlocutors.George Yancy - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (4):581-598.
    ABSTRACT In this article, I respond to various interpretations of important aspects of my authored book, Across Black Spaces. I discuss the importance of thinking beyond Eurocentric/western meta‐philosophical assumptions regarding the production of knowledge. I articulate and defend forms of philosophical engagement that trouble sites of white privilege and white power. I highlight the importance of philosophy as a site for engaging issues of existential catastrophe and disaster. And last, I defend the position that African American philosophy is, by its (...)
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    The jury: How does law matter?S. Diamond & J. Schklar - 1998 - In Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat, How does law matter? Evanston, Ill.: American Bar Foundation. pp. 3--191.
  10.  12
    How does size matter for military success? Evidence from virtual worlds.Carl David Https://Orcidorg191X Mildenberger & Antoine Https://Orcidorg Pietri - 2018 - .
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    How does mind matter? Solving the content causation problem.G. O'Brien - 2016 - In Metzinger Thomas, Open MIND Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century. Volume 2,. MIT Press. pp. 1137-1150.
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    How Does Perceived Integrity in Leadership Matter to Firms in a Transitional Economy?Yinghong Susan Wei, Hugh O’Neill & Nan Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):623-641.
    Perceived integrity of managers affects employee attitudes. Yet its impact on employee behavior and organizational performance is unknown. Addressing this gap, we examine the effect of perceived integrity in leadership on both subjective firm performance and objective employee productivity. Applying dynamic capabilities theory, we propose that perceived integrity in leadership may not only directly affect the outcome variables but also moderate the effect of the firm’s multiple-strategy implementation on outcome variables. We test the hypotheses using multiple informants from a transitional (...)
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  13. The truth about narrative, or: How does narrative matter?Ruth Ronen & Efrat Biberman - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):118-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Truth about Narrative, Or:How Does Narrative Matter?Ruth Ronen and Efrat BibermanIn the summer of 1898, a sixteen-year-old girl, intelligent and good looking, entered Freud's clinic in Vienna. The girl, whom Freud would call Dora, suffered recurrent attacks of aphonia (inability to speak) and of coughing, attacks that came on and passed off spontaneously. Freud soon discovers that Dora's illness is connected to the love affair her (...)
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    How Does Male Ritual Behavior Vary Across the Lifespan?John H. Shaver & Richard Sosis - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (1):136-160.
    Ritual behaviors of some form exist in every society known to anthropologists. Despite this universality, we have little understanding of how ritual behavior varies within populations or across the lifespan, nor the determinants of this variation. Here we test hypotheses derived from life history theory by using behavioral observations and oral interview data concerning participant variation in Fijian kava-drinking ceremonies. We predicted that substantial variation in the frequency and duration of participation would result from (1) trade-offs with reproduction (...)
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    Aśoka’s Disparagement of Domestic Ritual and Its Validation by the Brahmins.Timothy Lubin - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (1):29-41.
    In his edicts, the emperor Aśoka Maurya extols brāhmaṇas, usually alongside ascetics (śramaṇas), as deserving honor and generosity, though he never alludes to their connection with ritual, the central theme of early Brahmanical literature. On the other hand, in Rock Edicts I and IX, he disparages sacrifices, and ceremonies performed by women, advocating instead the practice of ethical virtues. Close attention to the wording of Rock Edict IX shows that Aśoka and the Brahmanical Gṛhyasūtras talk about domestic rites in (...)
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    How Does Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in a Dysfunctional Institutional Environment? Evidence from China.Zelong Wei, Hao Shen, Kevin Zheng Zhou & Julie Juan Li - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (2):209-223.
    Drawing on institutional and signaling theories, this study examines how environmental corporate social responsibility affects firm performance in a dysfunctional institutional environment. We extend the ECSR literature by suggesting that ECSR indirectly influences firm performance through the mediating effects of business and political legitimacy. Based on a dataset of 238 firms in China, we find that ECSR affects business and political legitimacy followed by firm performance. Moreover, legal incompleteness weakens and legal inefficiency strengthens the effects of ECSR on business and (...)
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    Does it matter how we got here? Dangers perceived in literalism and evolutionism.Eileen Barker - 1987 - Zygon 22 (2):213-225.
    Creationism and evolutionism are taken to typify a fundamental opposition among the diverse beliefs about creation to be found in the United Kingdom and the United States. A comparison between the two types and the two countries suggests that people may be more concerned about the credibility and consequences of belief in an alternative account of our origins than about the actual method by which we were created. Examples of concern include interpretations of the Bible, ethical implications, and the epistemological (...)
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    Does It Matter How One Assesses Moral Reasoning? Differences in the Recognition Versus Formulation Tasks.James Weber - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1440-1464.
    Most business ethics scholars interested in understanding individual moral cognition or reasoning rely on the Defining Issues Test. They typically report that managers and business students exhibit a relatively high percentage of principled moral reasoning when resolving ethical dilemmas. This article applies neurocognitive processes and Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, and its more recent revision, as theoretical foundations to explore whether differences emerge when using a recognition of learning task, such as the DIT or similar instruments, versus a formulation of (...)
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    Why Do Leaders Express Humility and How Does This Matter: A Rational Choice Perspective.JianChun Yang, Wei Zhang & Xiao Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    How does the email matter to the civic honesty? A comment on Cohn et al. (2019).Toan Luu Duc Huynh, Mei Wang & Marc Oliver Rieger - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (4):387-391.
    Cohn et al. (2019) designed the field experiment about the lost wallets across 40 countries to examine whether people attempt to contact the owners to return the 17,000 wallets. We discussed the design flaw in their experimental settings by reanalyzing the relationship between the rates of wallet return, in the Cohn et al. (2019)’s data, and the percentage of the Internet penetration (over population) as an upper bound of proportion email users. We found that countries with limited access to email (...)
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    How does CEO incentive matter for corporate social responsibility disclosure Evidence from global corporations based in the USA.Hien Thi Tran & Hanh Song Thi Pham - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 16 (4):463.
    This study investigates the effect of each component of CEO compensation, including cash-based component (salary and bonus), equity-based component (stock grant and stock option), and other perks on disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) information of global firms. The study uses 2SLS IV estimation method and a sample of 580 US-based firms in a seven-year period. The study finds that equity-based remuneration has a significant and positive impact on a firm's CSR disclosure while CEO salary, bonus, and other perquisites have (...)
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    Understanding, Virtually: How Does the Synthetic Cell Matter?Daphne Broeks, Tarja Knuuttila & Henk de Regt - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (3):394-414.
    This paper examines how scientific understanding is enhanced by virtual entities, focusing on the case of the synthetic cell. Comparing it to other virtual entities and environments in science, we argue that the synthetic cell has a virtual dimension, in that it is functionally similar to living cells, though it does not mimic any particular naturally evolved cell (nor is it constructed to do so). In being cell-like at most, the synthetic cell is akin to many other virtual objects (...)
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  23. Does gender matter in computer ethics?Alison Adam & Jacqueline Ofori-Amanfo - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (1):37-47.
    Computer ethics is a relatively young discipline,hence it needs time both for reflection and forexploring alternative ethical standpoints in buildingup its own theoretical framework. Feminist ethics isoffered as one such alternative particularly to informissues of equality and power. We argue that feministethics is not narrowly confined to ‘women's issues’ but is an approach with wider egalitarianapplications. The rise of feminist ethics in relationto feminist theory in general is described and withinthat the work of Gilligan and others on an ‘ethic of (...)
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    How Much Does Suffering Matter?Brent M. Kious - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-12.
    Ethicists frequently suppose that suffering has special moral significance. It is often claimed that a main goal of medicine—perhaps its primary goal—is the alleviation of human suffering. Following Eric Cassell and others, this essay considers suffering understood as the experience of distress—negative emotions—in response to threats to something that one cares about. It examines whether, on this value-based account of suffering, we should accept the claim that suffering has special moral significance. It argues that we should not: suffering does (...)
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  25. Thermodynamics and Chemistry: How Does a Theory Formulated without Reference to Matter Explain the Properties of Matter?G. K. Vemulapalli - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (5):911-920.
    Varieties of chemical and phase equilibria are controlled by the minimum Gibbs energy principle, according to which the Gibbs energy for a system will have the minimum value at any given temperature and pressure. It is understood that the minimum is with respect to all nonequilibrium states at the same temperature and pressure. The abstract relation between Gibbs energy and the equilibrium constant is deduced from fundamental laws of thermodynamics. However, actual use of this relation calls for the Gibbs energy (...)
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    Sexo, gênero e homossexualidade: o que diz o povo-de-santo paulista?Milton Silva dos Santos - 2008 - Horizonte 6 (12):145-156.
    Resumo "O candomblé aceita o homossexualismo porque é uma religião que não tem pecado. Não interessa se você seja homem, mulher ou gay. Não importa a opção sexual. (...) Você pode ver. É uma religião de homossexuais". É assim que um filho-de-santo responde a uma pergunta sobre a notável presença de homossexuais iniciados na religião dos orixás. Se comparadas a outras denominações hostis e indiferentes às orientações não-heterossexuais, o candomblé e outras devoções afro-brasileiras são, de fato, mais tolerantes à participação (...)
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    Does character matter? Guardian values in an age of commerce.Patrick Giddy - 2007 - Theoria 54 (113):53-75.
    Standards of excellence in the sphere of work are often taken to be at odds with our ethical obligations in general. In an age of commerce little attention is paid to how the manner in which things are done impacts on the agent's character. Jane Jacobs' phenomenology of our moral intuitions about the public world of work reveal two frameworks, the 'commercial moral syndrome' stressing fairness, and the 'guardian moral syndrome' emphasizing loyalty. In the latter set of values we have (...)
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    Does coercion matter? Supporting young next-of-kin in mental health care.Elin Håkonsen Martinsen, Bente Weimand & Reidun Norvoll - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1270-1281.
    Background Coercion can cause harm to both the patient and the patient’s family. Few studies have examined how the coercive treatment of a close relative might affect young next-of-kin. Research questions We aimed to investigate the views and experiences of health professionals being responsible for supporting young next-of-kin to patients in mental health care (children-responsible staff) in relation to the needs of these young next-of-kin in coercive situations and to identify ethical challenges. Research design We conducted a qualitative study based (...)
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    Recent Changes in the Concept of Matter: How Does 'Elementary Particle' Mean?K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:302-316.
    In this paper the author analyzes the recent history of the concept of matter by examining two criteria, in-principle-observability and noncompositeness, for use of the term 'elementary particle'. Arguing that how these criteria are employed sheds light on a change in what matter means, the author draws three conclusions. Since the seventeenth century, in-principle-observability has undergone a progressive devaluation, if not abandonment, in favor of the criterion of theoretical simplicity. As a consequence, the concept of matter has (...)
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    If the base rate fallacy is a fallacy, does it matter how frequently it is committed?Jonathan E. Adler - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):774-775.
    In many base rate studies, a judgment is required for which the base rates are relevant, and subjects do not use them. It is inferred that the base rates are ignored; I question this inference. Second, I argue that the base rate fallacy is not less significant for what it reveals about human reasoning, if it occurs less frequently than has been alleged.
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    Does Knowledge Matter?Matt Weiner - unknown
    My question in this talk is “Does Knowledge Matter?” Before I give you my answer —which is “not in itself,” roughly—I need to explain exactly what the question means. Think of epistemology as studying our beliefs and the process of inquiry by which we arrive at them.1 There will be many ways of sorting our beliefs, in themselves or with reference to the inquiry that led to them. Some of these won’t be particularly interesting. No one much cares (...)
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    Why does it matter how we regulate the use of human body parts?Imogen Goold - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):3-9.
    Human tissue and body parts have been used in one way or another for millennia. They have been preserved and displayed, both in museums and public shows. Real human hair is used for wigs, while some artists even use human tissue in their works. Blood, bone marrow, whole organs and a host of other structures and human substances are all transplanted into living persons to treat illness. New life can be created from gametes through in vitro fertilisation , while the (...)
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    Innovating the Instruction of Mathematical Concepts: How Does the Integrated Use of Digital Games and Language-Based Teaching Matter?Jiayao Shi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Does Religion Matter to Owner-Manager Agency Costs? Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):319-347.
    In China, Buddhism and Taoism are two major religions. Using a sample of 10,363 firm-year observations from the Chinese stock market for the period of 2001–2010, I provide strong and robust evidence that religion (i.e., Buddhism and Taoism on the whole) is significantly negatively associated with owner-manager agency costs. In particular, using firm-level religion data measured by the number of religious sites within a radius of certain distance around a listed firm’s registered address, I find that religion is significantly negatively (...)
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  35. Why and How Does the Pacing of Mobilities Matter?Vered Amit & Noel B. Salazar - 2020 - In Vered Amit & Noel B. Salazar, Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Duration of Human Movements. Oxford: Berghahn.
    This text is the introduction to V. Amit & N. B. Salazar, Pacing Mobilities. Timing, Intensity, Tempo & Duration of Human Movements, New York/Oxford, Berghahn, 2020, 202 p. It is also available on Berghahn publisher website.
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    ([How/why]) does linguistics matter to philosophy?Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):393-426.
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    Measuring Inequality's Badness: Does Size Matter? If So, How, If Not, What Does?Larry S. Temkin - 2003 - Theoria 69 (1-2):85-108.
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    Does Integrity Matter in BOP Ventures? The Role of Responsible Leadership in Inclusive Supply Chains.María Helena Jaén, Ezequiel Reficco & Gabriel Berger - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):467-488.
    Does responsible leadership matter when assembling an inclusive supply chain at the Base-of-the-Pyramid? Current literature implicitly assumes that it does not. BOP scholars initially focused on the importance of shaping innovative and disruptive offerings, with radically improved price–performance ratios. Subsequent studies tended to focus on barriers to implementation of large-scale ventures at the BOP. Their common characteristic was the fact that the attributes and roles of the individuals involved were deemed unimportant. If the opportunity was there, provided (...)
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    How Knowledge of Ancient Egyptian Women Can Influence Today’s Gender Role: Does History Matter in Gender Psychology?Radwa Khalil, Ahmed A. Moustafa, Marie Z. Moftah & Ahmed A. Karim - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Does interaction matter? Testing whether a confidence heuristic can replace interaction in collective decision-making.Dan Bang, Riccardo Fusaroli, Kristian Tylén, Karsten Olsen, Peter Latham, Jennifer Lau, Andreas Roepstorff, Geraint Rees, Chris Frith & Bahador Bahrami - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:13-23.
    In a range of contexts, individuals arrive at collective decisions by sharing confidence in their judgements. This tendency to evaluate the reliability of information by the confidence with which it is expressed has been termed the ‘confidence heuristic’. We tested two ways of implementing the confidence heuristic in the context of a collective perceptual decision-making task: either directly, by opting for the judgement made with higher confidence, or indirectly, by opting for the faster judgement, exploiting an inverse correlation between confidence (...)
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    Does integrity matter for CSR practice in organizations? The mediating role of transformational leadership.José M. C. Veríssimo & Teresa M. C. Lacerda - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):34-51.
    Scholars have long debated whether leader's integrity affects managerial decision making with respect to social responsibility. In this paper, we propose a model in which transformational leadership mediates integrity and corporate social responsibility and examine the relationship between these concepts. A survey of 170 senior managers from 50 organizations was conducted. Results indicate that integrity is a predictor of transformational leadership behavior and that transformational leaders’ behaviors are linked to CSR practices. It was also found that leaders rated with higher (...)
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  42. Does It Matter that Nothing We Do Will Matter in a Million Years?Skott Brill - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (1):3-25.
    ABSTRACT: People have inferred that our lives are absurd from the supposed fact that nothing we do will matter in a million years. In this article, I critically discuss this argument for absurdity. After explaining how two refutations in the literature fail to undermine the best version of the argument, I produce several considerations that together do take much of the force out of the argument. I conclude by suggesting that these considerations not only refute this argument for absurdity, (...)
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  43. Does Participation Matter? An Inconsistency in Parfit's Moral Mathematics: Ben Eggleston.Ben Eggleston - 2003 - Utilitas 15 (1):92-105.
    Consequentialists typically think that the moral quality of one's conduct depends on the difference one makes. But consequentialists may also think that even if one is not making a difference, the moral quality of one's conduct can still be affected by whether one is participating in an endeavour that does make a difference. Derek Parfit discusses this issue – the moral significance of what I call ‘participation’ – in the chapter of Reasons and Persons that he devotes to what (...)
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    How does love make the ugly beautiful?Amihud Gilead - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):436-443.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 436-443 [Access article in PDF] How Does Love Make the Ugly Beautiful? Amihud Gilead IT IS OBVIOUS TO SEE how greatly Gideon loves his wife, who is physically quite an ugly old lady. Nothing about her physical appearance or gait seems beautiful, at least to the extent of what meets your eye. Physically, she seems not to be considered beautiful at all. Still, (...)
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    Why does it matter to individuate the senses: A Brentanian approach.Guillaume Fréchette - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):413-430.
    How do we individuate the senses, what exactly do we do when we do so, and why does it matter? In the following article, I propose a general answer to these related questions based on Franz Brentano's views on the senses. After a short survey of various answers offered in the recent literature on the senses, I distinguish between two major ways of answering this question, causally and descriptively, arguing that only answers giving priority to description and to (...)
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    Does Wealth Matter for Responsible Investment? Experimental Evidence on the Weighing of Financial and Moral Arguments.Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen & Trond Døskeland - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (3):650-683.
    Responsible investment is increasingly prevalent, and both financial and moral concerns can drive such investment. In this article, we investigate how responsible investors of different wealth weigh financial and moral arguments. Prior research on different factors that may codetermine responsible investment behavior yield competing predictions about the influence of personal wealth on investment. We conduct a large-scale natural field experiment on responsible investment, wherein we treat investors with financial, moral, and no arguments. We find that there is a statistically and (...)
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    What is humanism, and why does it matter?Anthony B. Pinn (ed.) - 2013 - Bristol, CT: Equinox.
    We live in a world of social, political, economic, and religious rupture. Ideologies polarise to fuel confrontation within communities, nations and regions of the world. At this point in the twenty-first century, humanism's focus on reason, ethics and justice offers the potential to rethink and re-engage in new ways. What Is Humanism, and Why Does It Matter? brings together leading humanist thinkers and activists to examine humanism and how it can work in the world. Humanism is often misunderstood. (...)
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    Does Ontology Matter?Andrew Graham - 2014 - Disputatio 6 (38):67-91.
    In this paper, I argue that various disputes in ontology have important ramifications and so are worth taking seriously. I employ a criterion according to which whether a dispute matters depends on how integrated it is with the rest of our theoretical projects. Disputes that arise from previous tensions in our theorizing and have additional implications for other issues matter, while insular disputes do not. I apply this criterion in arguing that certain ontological disputes matter; specifically, the disputes (...)
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    It Does Not Matter Whether We Can Derive 'Ought' from 'Is'.Alison Jaggar - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):373 - 379.
    In this paper, I want to discuss the recent attempts by Professor John R. Searle to cast doubt on the traditional empiricist distinction between fact and value. Searle's first attack on this distinction was made in 1964 in his now classic article, “How to derive ‘ought’ from ‘is’.” In that paper, he presented what he claimed to be a counter-example to the thesis that statements of fact may not entail statements of value. Searle's argument aroused much controversy and inspired many (...)
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  50. When Does Truth Matter? Spinoza on the Relation between Theology and Philosophy.Susan James - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):91-108.
    One of the aims of Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus is to vindicate the view that philosophy and theology are separate forms of enquiry, neither of which has any authority over the other. However, many commentators have objected that this aspect of his project fails. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Spinoza implicitly gives epistemological precedence to philosophy. I argue that this objection misunderstands the nature of Spinoza's position and wrongly charges him with inconsistency. To show how he can coherently allow both (...)
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