Results for 'Hoshino Gempo'

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    Shūkyō tetsugaku.Gempō Hoshino - 1970 - Hozokan.
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  2. The Second Conference Report of the Tōzai Shūkyō Kōryū Gakkai: Hisamatsu Sensei's Theory of Zen and Shin Buddhism.Hoshino Gempō & Jan Van Bragt - forthcoming - Buddhist-Christian Studies.
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    The Second Conference Report of the Tozai Shukyo Koryu Gakkai: Hisamatsu Sensei's Theory of Zen and Shin Buddhism.Hoshino Gempo & Jan Van Bragt - 1989 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 9:101.
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    Bioethics and moral content: national traditions of health care morality: papers dedicated in tribute to Kazumasa Hoshino.Kazumasa Hoshino, H. Tristram Engelhardt & Lisa M. Rasmussen (eds.) - 2002 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Is there only one bioethics? Is a global bioethics possible? Or, instead, does one encounter a plurality of bioethical approaches shaped by local cultural and national traditions? Some thirty years ago a field of applied ethics emerged under the rubric `bioethics'. Little thought was given at the time to the possibility that this field bore the imprint of a particular American set of moral commitments. This volume explores the plurality of moral perspectives shaping bioethics. It is inspired by Kazumasa (...)'s critical reflections on the differences in moral perspectives separating Japanese and American bioethics. The essays include contributions from Hong Kong, China, Japan, Texas, the United States, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. The volume offers a rich perspective of the range of approaches to bioethics. It brings into question whether there is unambiguously one ethics for bioethics to apply. (shrink)
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    Pilgrimage and peregrination: Contextualizing the Saikoku junrei and the Shikoku henro.Hoshino Eiki - 1997 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 24 (3-4):271-299.
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  6. Kēsu kenkyū, kosei no keitai to tenkai.Akira Hoshino (ed.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Kaneko Shobō.
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    Map for accomplishing spatial tasks.Osamu Hoshino, Takafumi Yoshizawa & Takeshi Kambara - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--289.
  8. Proceedings of the 1978 tokyo+ meeting of the conference-international-de-sociologie-religeuse-discussion session-3.E. Hoshino - 1979 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6 (1-2):281-286.
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    The electrical conductivity of fluid selenium up to supercritical temperatures and pressures.H. Hoshino, R. W. Schmutzler, W. W. Warren & F. Hensel - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (2):255-259.
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  10. Takenouchi Shikibu-kun jiseki kō.Hisashi Hoshino - 1899 - Tōkyō: Fuzanbō.
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    Autonomous Decision Making and Japanese Tradition.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (1):71.
    Crucial problems exist in understanding Japanese traditional customs with regard to autonomous decision making by patients in Japan. These problems are difficult to comprehend because they seem, by western standards, to defy logic. Questions that baffle those outside the Japanese tradition, include: Why do many Japanese patients hesitate to make medical treatment and care decisions for themselves without consulting family, close friends, or someone viewed as being in a superior position? Why do many Japanese physicians fail to disclose the truth (...)
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    Euthanasia: Current Problems in Japan.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):45.
    Approximately 30 years ago, a son prepared a cup of milk mixed with insecticide and arranged for his mother to unknowingly administer the poison to his father, who had been suffering severe pain after a cerebral apoplectic attack and demanding that his son assist him. in dying. After drinking the mixture, the father died, and the son was charged with homicide.
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    Accumulation of rapid and small synaptic increase as a basis for implicit memory.Osamu Hoshino, Satoru Inoue, Yoshiki Kashimori & Takeshi Kambara - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 217.
  14. Gijutsuron nōto.Yoshirō Hoshino - 1948
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  15. Historical sketch.Akira Hoshino & Tokeo Umemoro - 1987 - In Geoffrey H. Blowers & Alison M. Turtle, Psychology moving East: the status of western psychology in Asia and Oceania. [Sydney]: Sydney University Press. pp. 183.
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    Iryō no rinri.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1991 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    インフォームド・コンセント、脳死と臓器移植、生体肝移植、終末医療と尊厳死、体外受精...。これら医療の新しい問題をどう考えたらいいのか。バイオエシックスが生まれ育った北米で二十年を過ごし、日本の医療倫 理の確立のために活躍してきた著者が、患者中心の医療の倫理とは何か、わが国になじむ倫理とは何かを、情熱をこめて語る。.
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    Tsutomu Ouchi, Le grand système d’Économie politique, Tokyo University Press, Tokyo.Hitoshi Hoshino & Robert Fischer - 1987 - Actuel Marx 2:97.
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    Euthanasia in Japan: Update.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):144.
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    Gene Therapy in Japan: Current Trends.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):367.
    The Japanese government took significant steps in making decisions about a newly developing clinical application of gene therapy when, on April 15, 1993, the Government officially accepted the Guidelines for Clinical Research on Gene Therapy submitted by the Health Science Council of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan to the Minister.
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    Cognate effects in picture naming: Does cross-language activation survive a change of script?Noriko Hoshino & Judith F. Kroll - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):501-511.
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    Trait anxiety and impaired control of reflective attention in working memory.Takatoshi Hoshino & Yoshihiko Tanno - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):369-377.
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    Speaking two languages at once: Unconscious native word form access in second language production.Katharina Spalek, Noriko Hoshino, Yan Jing Wu, Markus Damian & Guillaume Thierry - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):226-231.
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    The Liaison Society for Ethics Committees of Medical Schools in Japan.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (2):179.
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    Hōtetsugaku to jittei hōgaku no taiwa.Eiichi Hoshino & Shigeaki Tanaka (eds.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  25. Informed consent to medical decision-making.K. Hoshino - 1992 - Bioethics Yearbook 2:379-381.
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    21-Seiki e No Seimei Rinri to Iryō Keizai.Kazumasa Hoshino & Takao Saitō (eds.) - 1990 - Tōkyō: Sōkyūsha.
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  27. Summary of Discussion Session 3.Eiki Hoshino - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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    Legal Status of Brain Death in Japan: Why Many Japanese Do Not Accept “Brain Death” as a Definition of Death.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (2-3):234-238.
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    Indebtedness and Comfort: The Undercurrents of" Mizuko Kuyō" in Contemporary Japan.Eiki Hoshino & Dōshō Takeda - 1987 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 14 (4):305-320.
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    Hiv + /aids related bioethical issues in japan.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):303–308.
    Annual and cumulative incidences of HIV+ and AIDS in patients reported by the AIDS Surveillance Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare are cited to illustrate some characteristics in Japan: nearly 59% of either HIV+ or AIDS patients were infected through injection of blood products or by blood transfusion. A number of plaintiffs have sued the Japanese government and pharmaceutical companies since 1989, but no judicial decisions have yet been made. The incidence of HIV decreases for each of the (...)
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    Hiv +/Aids Related Bioethical Issues in Japan.Kazusama Hoshino - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):303-308.
    Annual and cumulative incidences of HIV + and AIDS in patients reported by the AIDS Surveillance Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare are cited to illustrate some characteristics in Japan: nearly 59% of either HIV + or AIDS patients were infected through injection of blood products or by blood transfusion. A number of plaintiffs have sued the Japanese government and pharmaceutical companies since 1989, but no judicial decisions have yet been made. The incidence of HIV decreases for each (...)
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    Independent Low-Rank Matrix Analysis-Based Automatic Artifact Reduction Technique Applied to Three BCI Paradigms.Suguru Kanoga, Takayuki Hoshino & Hideki Asoh - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Measuring individual differences in sensitivities to basic emotions in faces.Atsunobu Suzuki, Takahiro Hoshino & Kazuo Shigemasu - 2006 - Cognition 99 (3):327-353.
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    Locking of the ring finger at proximal interphalangeal joint due to a sesamoid bone: a case report.Yasuhiro Seki, Yuko Hoshino & Hiroshi Kuroda - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--1.
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    Temporal Fluctuation and Its Power Law in the Crystalline-To-Glass Transition During Electron Irradiation.S. Watanabe, M. Hoshino, T. Koike, T. Suda, S. Ohnuki, H. Takahashi & N. Q. Lam - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (22):2599-2619.
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    Hallam, Susan, Ian Cross, and Michael Thaut, eds. 2009. The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. [REVIEW]Etsuko Hoshino - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):233-233.
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    Hisamatsu Sensei's theory of Zen and Shin Buddhism; tr by J. Van Bragt East-West Religions Project, Kyoto, Jl 1983, discussion, pp 113-122. [REVIEW]Genpo Hoshino - 1989 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 9:101-111.
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    Semantics of higher-order quantum computation via geometry of interaction.Ichiro Hasuo & Naohiko Hoshino - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (2):404-469.
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  39. Difference in ethical views among first-year to sixth-year students in a medical school.Noritoshi Tanida, Masumi Ueda & Susumu Hoshino - 2006 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 16 (3):91-93.
    Ethical views of the first-year to sixth-year medical students were studied during bioethics education via questionnaire in 2004. Questions included “would you treat a mentally ill man condemned to death to fit him for execution?”, “is a criminal law suit against a surgeon responsible for a patient's death reasonable?” and “should a surgeon responsible for a patient's death be prosecuted for manslaughter.” The number of students answered “yes, to treat a mentally ill man” tended to increase as they moved up (...)
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    Estimating marginal treatment effects under unobserved group heterogeneity.Takahide Yanagi & Tadao Hoshino - 2022 - Journal of Causal Inference 10 (1):197-216.
    This article studies the treatment effect models in which individuals are classified into unobserved groups based on heterogeneous treatment rules. By using a finite mixture approach, we propose a marginal treatment effect framework in which the treatment choice and outcome equations can be heterogeneous across groups. Under the availability of instrumental variables specific to each group, we show that the MTE for each group can be separately identified. On the basis of our identification result, we propose a two-step semiparametric procedure (...)
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    Hallam, Susan, Ian Cross, and Michael Thaut, eds. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. xi, 950 pages. Hardcover $159.50. [REVIEW]Etsuko Hoshino - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):233-236.
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    Prefrontal Function Engaging in External-Focused Attention in 5- to 6-Month-Old Infants: A Suggestion for Default Mode Network. [REVIEW]Mingdi Xu, Eiichi Hoshino, Kiyomi Yatabe, Soichiro Matsuda, Hiroki Sato, Atsushi Maki, Mina Yoshimura & Yasuyo Minagawa - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Commentary: Liver-Donors Liver Transplants.James F. Blumstein, Arthur Caplan, Kazumasa Hoshino, Mark Siegler & John D. Lantos - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (4):307.
  44. R. Angeles Tan alora.Ren-Zong Qiu, Dajie Jin, Kazumasa Hoshino, Max Charlesworth & Alastair Campbell - forthcoming - Regional Developments in Bioethics.
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    Temperature dependence of activation volume on Cu content of ultra-low carbon steel.Masaki Tanaka, Daichi Izumi, Nobuyuki Yoshimura, Genichi Shigesato, Manabu Hoshino, Kohsaku Ushioda & Kenji Higashida - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (31):2915-2930.
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    Switchmate! An Electrophysiological Attempt to Adjudicate Between Competing Accounts of Adjective-Noun Code-Switching.Awel Vaughan-Evans, Maria Carmen Parafita Couto, Bastien Boutonnet, Noriko Hoshino, Peredur Webb-Davies, Margaret Deuchar & Guillaume Thierry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:549762.
    Here, we used event-related potentials to test the predictions of two prominent accounts of code-switching in bilinguals: The Matrix Language Framework (MLF; Myers-Scotton, 1993 ) and an application of the Minimalist Programme (MP; Cantone and MacSwan, 2009 ). We focused on the relative order of the noun with respect to the adjective in mixed Welsh–English nominal constructions given the clear contrast between pre- and post-nominal adjective position between Welsh and English. MP would predict that the language of the adjective should (...)
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    The Editors wish to express their appreciation to the following individuals who, though not members of the Advisory Board, generously reviewed manuscripts for the Journal during 1992: Ron Bayer, Daniel Callahan, Robert C. Cefalo, John Crosby, Teodoro F. Dagi, Horacio Fabrega, Jr., Kazumasa Hoshino, Nancy. [REVIEW]Deborah Mathieu Jecker, David Mayo & Maurizio Mori - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (344).
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    Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes.Still Understand One Another - 2002 - In Kazumasa Hoshino, H. Tristram Engelhardt & Lisa M. Rasmussen, Bioethics and moral content: national traditions of health care morality: papers dedicated in tribute to Kazumasa Hoshino. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 191.
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    Jonathan Chan.Global Bioethics - 2002 - In Kazumasa Hoshino, H. Tristram Engelhardt & Lisa M. Rasmussen, Bioethics and moral content: national traditions of health care morality: papers dedicated in tribute to Kazumasa Hoshino. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3--235.
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    Development and Identity of Swiss Bioethics.Fabrice Jotterand - 2002 - In Kazumasa Hoshino, H. Tristram Engelhardt & Lisa M. Rasmussen, Bioethics and moral content: national traditions of health care morality: papers dedicated in tribute to Kazumasa Hoshino. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3--121.
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