Results for 'Horst Meyer'

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  1.  12
    The thermal and magnetic properties of neodymium ethylsulphate at low temperatures.Horst Meyer - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (16):521-533.
  2.  9
    Limae labor, Untersuchungen zur Textgenese und Druckgeschichte von Shaftesburys "The moralists".Horst Meyer - 1978 - Las Vegas: Lang.
    Shaftesburys Dialog «The Moralists», ein Schlüsseltext der englischen Literatur und Ästhetik des frühen achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, ist bisher nur ideengeschichtlich interpretiert worden. Die vorliegende Studie zeichnet anhand weitgehend unbekannter Quellen aus dem Shaftesbury-Nachlass zum erstenmal die ebenso langwierige wie komplizierte Genese und Druckgeschichte des Textes nach. Shaftesburys hier erstmals veröffentlichte Briefe und Anweisungen an den Drucker und Verleger John Darby werfen neues Licht auf den Wandel der Typographie und der Buchgestaltung in der Epoche des englischen Neoklassizismus.
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  3. Aspecten van de tijd.K. Kuypers, H. A. Weersma, J. Clay, H. Meyer, H. J. Pos & L. van der Horst - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:128-130.
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  4. Sven Güldenpfenning, Horst Meyer, Sportler für den Frieden, Köln 1983.Henryk Janowski & Władysław Maciasz - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (1):182-186.
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  5. Peter Bernstein/Horst Jetschmann: Informations- und spieltheoretische Aspekte in der soziologischen Forschung. [REVIEW]D. Meyer - 1971 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 19 (3):403.
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    Marco Hofheinz, Raphaela J. Meyer zu Hörste-Bührer : Theologische Religionskritik. Provokationen für Kirche und Gesellschaft. [REVIEW]Thorsten Paprotny - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (4):349-354.
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  7. Intergenerational justice.Lukas Meyer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Is it fair to leave the next generation a public debt? Is it defensible to impose legal rules on them through constitutional constraints? From combating climate change to ensuring proper funding for future pensions, concerns about ethics between generations are everywhere. In this volume sixteen philosophers explore intergenerational justice. Part One examines the ways in which various theories of justice look at the matter. These include libertarian, Rawlsian, sufficientarian, contractarian, communitarian, Marxian and reciprocity-based approaches. In Part Two, the authors look (...)
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    Ethical journalism: a guide for students, practitioners, and consumers.Philip Meyer - 1987 - Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
    Based on a survey of editors, publishers and staff members of 300 newspapers, this work documents the ethical confusion in the American press in the wake of the Watergate scandal and the Pentagon Papers controversy. It provides an analytical and historical framework to show how the press reached this point and argues for an ethical audit to give publications an independent check on their moral condition.
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    The nature of time.Ulrich Meyer - 2013 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Ulrich Meyer defends a novel theory about the nature of time, and argues against the consensus view that time and space are fundamentally alike. He presents the first comprehensive defense of a 'modal' account, which emphasizes the similarities between times and possible worlds in modal logic, and is easily reconciled with the theory of relativity.
  10.  91
    The More Things Change: The New NIH Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research.Michelle N. Meyer & James W. Fossett - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (3):289-307.
    Many assumed that the Obama administration would usher in a sea change from the previous administration by expanding NIH support for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research and reducing the patchwork of state and federal regulations that currently governs it. This article examines the extent to which NIH’s new Guidelines are likely to accomplish these goals.
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  11. The "actors" of modern society: The cultural construction of social agency.John W. Meyer & Ronald L. Jepperson - 2000 - Sociological Theory 18 (1):100-120.
    Much social theory takes for granted the core conceit of modern culture, that modern actors-individuals, organizations, nation states-are autochthonous and natural entities, no longer really embedded in culture. Accordingly, while there is much abstract metatheory about "actors" and their "agency," there is arguably little theory about the topic. This article offers direct arguments about how the modern (European, now global) cultural system constructs the modern actor as an authorized agent for various interests via an ongoing relocation into society of agency (...)
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    The virtue of solitude and the vicissitudes of friendship.Horst Hutter - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (4):131-148.
  13. Aristotle on the Voluntary.Susan Sauvé Meyer - 2006 - In Richard Kraut, The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 137-157.
    The prelims comprise: The Significance of Voluntariness Ordinary and Philosophical Notions of Voluntariness Constraint and Compulsion Force and Contrariety in the NE Knowledge and Ignorance The Platonic Asymmetry Thesis Responsibility for Character References Further reading.
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    Variation in dual-task performance reveals late initiation of speech planning in turn-taking.Matthias J. Sjerps & Antje S. Meyer - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):304-324.
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  15. Review of Catharine A. MacKinnon: Toward a Feminist Theory of the State[REVIEW]Michael J. Meyer - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):881-883.
  16. God exists!Robert K. Meyer - 1987 - Noûs 21 (3):345-361.
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    Viewing and naming objects: eye movements during noun phrase production.Antje S. Meyer, Astrid M. Sleiderink & Willem J. M. Levelt - 1998 - Cognition 66 (2):B25-B33.
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  18. Entailment.Robert K. Meyer - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (21):808-818.
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  19. Meaning in music and information theory.Leonard B. Meyer - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):412-424.
  20.  71
    The finite model property for BCK and BCIW.Robert K. Meyer & Hiroakira Ono - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):107 - 118.
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  21. How to be consistent without saving the greater number.Kirsten Meyer - 2006 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (2):136–146.
  22.  85
    Working Together: Contributions of Corpus Analyses and Experimental Psycholinguistics to Understanding Conversation.Antje S. Meyer, Phillip M. Alday, Caitlin Decuyper & Birgit Knudsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  23. The simple dignity of sentient life: Speciesism and human dignity.Michael Meyer - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (2):115–126.
  24. ‘Now’ and ‘Then’ in Tense Logic.Ulrich Meyer - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (2):229-247.
    According to Hans Kamp and Frank Vlach, the two-dimensional tense operators “now” and “then” are ineliminable in quantified tense logic. This is often adduced as an argument against tense logic, and in favor of an extensional account that makes use of explicit quantification over times. The aim of this paper is to defend tense logic against this attack. It shows that “now” and “then” are eliminable in quantified tense logic, provided we endow it with enough quantificational structure. The operators might (...)
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    Absichtliches Handeln.David Horst - 2012 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    In this book, I offer an account of intentional action. The book has two main parts: in the first part, I discuss and criticize the currently prevailing account of intentional action—the Causal Theory of Action (CTA)—and, in the second part, I offer my alternative account. The CTA proposes essentially two conditions for something that you do to be an intentional action: (1) what you do is represented by your intention (or other mental attitudes), and (2) it is caused by your (...)
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  26.  26
    Public Expectations of Gene Therapy: Scientific Futures and Their Performative Effects on Scientific Citizenship.Maja Horst - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (2):150-171.
    The article combines a criticism of public understanding of science with the sociology of expectations to examine how particular expectations toward scientific progress have performative effects for the construction of publics as citizens of science. By analyzing a particular controversy about gene therapy in Denmark, the article demonstrates how different sets of expectations can be used to discriminate among three different assemblages: the assemblage of consumption, the assemblage of comportment, and the assemblage of heroic action. Each of these assemblages makes (...)
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  27. The poverty of constructivism.Derek Louis Meyer - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (3):332-341.
    Constructivism claims to be a postepistemology that replaces 'traditional' concepts of knowledge. Supporters of constructivism have argued that progress requires that pre-service teachers be weaned off traditional approaches and that they should adopt constructivist views of knowledge. Constructivism appears to be gaining ground rapidly and should no longer be viewed as an exercise in radical thinking primarily aimed at generating innovative teaching. It has become an integral part of the pedagogic mainstream. Close examination of the theoretical foundations of constructivism, however, (...)
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  28.  68
    The kindness of strangers: The donative contract between subjects and researchers and the non-obligation to return individual results of genetic research.Michelle N. Meyer - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):44 – 46.
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    Sentential constants in R and r⌝.Robert K. Meyer - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):301 - 327.
    In this paper, we shall confine ourselves to the study of sentential constants in the system R of relevant implication.In dealing with the behaviour of the sentential constants in R, we shall think of R itself as presented in three stages, depending on the level of truth-functional involvement.
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    (1 other version)Fatalism as a Metaphysical Thesis.Ulrich Meyer - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (4):203-223.
    ABSTRACT Even though fatalism has been an intermittent topic of philosophy since Greek antiquity, this paper argues that fate ought to be of little concern to metaphysicians. Fatalism is neither an interesting metaphysical thesis in its own right, nor can it be identified with theses that are, such as realism about the future or determinism.
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  31. (1 other version)Why did Kant write two versions of the transcendental deduction of the categories?Michel Meyer - 1981 - Synthese 47 (3):357 - 383.
  32.  16
    Situated conditional reasoning.Giovanni Casini, Thomas Meyer & Ivan Varzinczak - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103917.
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    Hauptgedanken Des holismus.Adolf Meyer-Abich - 1940 - Acta Biotheoretica 5 (2):85-116.
    The question dealt with in the article is the following: Is reality a Unity, a Plurality or a Whole. We do not expect to get definit results, we are only interested in pointing out a new ideal of scientific research.Under the predominance of physical thinking science was inclined upon nature as a Unity. The philosophy corresponding with this conception is Monism, to which belong all philosophical systems founded on the mecanistic idea from the primitive Monism ofHaeckel to the most sophisticated (...)
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  34.  50
    Investigation of phonological encoding through speech error analyses: Achievements, limitations, and alternatives.Antje S. Meyer - 1992 - Cognition 42 (1-3):181-211.
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  35. Rights, culture, and the law: themes from the legal and political philosophy of Joseph Raz.Lukas H. Meyer, Stanley L. Paulson & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The volume brings together a collection of original papers on some of the main tenets of Joseph Raz's legal and political philosophy: Legal positivism and the nature of law, practical reason, authority, the value of equality, incommensurability, harm, group rights, and multiculturalism.
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  36. In memoriam: Richard (routley) Sylvan, 1935-1996.Robert K. Meyer - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):338-340.
  37. The Last Temptation of Giorgio Agamben? The Antichrist, the Katechon, and the Mystery of Evil.Eric D. Meyer - manuscript
    Abstract: Giorgio Agamben's recent works have been preoccupied with a certain obscure passage from St. Paul's 'Second Epistle to the Thessalonians,' which describes the portentous events that must occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can take place---specifically, the appearance of a 'man of lawlessness' (the Antichrist?) and the exposure of who or what is currently restraining the 'man of lawlessness' from being exposed as the Antichrist: a mysterious agency called the 'katechon.' In 'The Mystery of Evil: Benedict XVI (...)
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  38. Democracy: Needs over wants.William J. Meyer - 1974 - Political Theory 2 (2):197-214.
  39. Worlds and Times.Ulrich Meyer - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (1):25--37.
    There are many parallels between the role of possible worlds in modal logic and that of times in tense logic. But the similarities only go so far, and it is important to note where the two come apart. This paper argues that even though worlds and times play similar roles in the model theories of modal and tense logic, there is no tense analogue of the possible-worlds analysis of modal operators. An important corollary of this result is that presentism cannot (...)
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  40. Being-in-The office : Sartre, the look, and the viewer (US).Matthew P. Meyer & Gregory J. Schneider - 2008 - In Jeremy Wisnewski, The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life. Blackwell.
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  41. The international conference on theoretical aspects of computer science.Albert R. Meyer & Takayasu Ito - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):369.
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    Kant und Das biologische denken.Adolf Meyer-Abich - 1942 - Acta Biotheoretica 6 (3):185-211.
    The fundamental concepts of the theory of knowledge ofKant—“transzendental”, “apriori”, and “aposteriori”, “konstitutiver” and “regulativer Vernunftgebrauch”, “Ding an sich”, “Erkenntnisvermögen”, etc.—are exemplified and examined by the modern theory of axiomatics. Therefrom essential consequences result in respect of modern theoretical biology as well as the elimination of usual misunderstandings about the relation between physics and biology in the philosophical system ofKant. The usual view thatKant would have admitted to physics only the causal-constitutive method of thinking, and on the contrary would have (...)
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  43. Some remarks on value and greatness in music.Leonard B. Meyer - 1959 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (4):486-500.
  44.  73
    Toward a Practical Philosophy of Nature.Klaus M. Meyer-Abich - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (4):293-308.
    The application of the polluter-pays principle in environmental policy depends on answers to the philosophical questions about what is good or detrimental with respect to nature. Science and the economy constitute a functional circle of “observing” nature’s unity as well as its utility. Based on a concept of nature as a system of causally related objects or - complementary to this - as a bunch of “resources,” however, the human interest and responsibility in nature do not seem to be properly (...)
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    The principle of complementarity in biology.Adolf Meyer-Abich - 1955 - Acta Biotheoretica 11 (2):57-74.
    Es wird der Nachweis versucht, dass es — ebenso wie in der Physik — auch in der Biologie komplementäre Erkenntnissysteme gibt. Wie Welle und Korpuskel in der Physik, so sind innerhalb der Biologie u.a. Form und Funktion, Innenwelt und Umwelt sowie auch vor allem Vererbung und Anpassung komplementäre Begriffsgefüge. Das wird im einzelnen diskutiert und nachgewiesen.Für die Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit im Ganzen folgt daraus, dass systematisch aufgebaute Erkenntnisgefüge nur in Teilbereichen des Wirklichen möglich sind — nur in der klassischen Mechanik, (...)
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    Kant's concept of dignity and modern political thought.Michael J. Meyer - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (3):319-332.
  47. Courbet and popular imagery: An essay on realism and naïveté.Meyer Schapiro - 1941 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 4 (3/4):164-191.
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  48. How to apply mathematics.Ulrich Meyer - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):17-28.
    This paper presents a novel account of applied mathematics. It shows how we can distinguish the physical content from the mathematical form of a scientific theory even in cases where the mathematics applied is indispensable and cannot be eliminated by paraphrase.
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    Local Control as a Mechanism of Colonization of Public Education in the United States.Heinz-Dieter Meyer - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (8):830-845.
    Colonization of public education—the process by which schools are overwhelmed and penetrated by non-educational imperatives—is usually believed to be caused by capitalism and the hegemonic ideological structures it produces. In this paper I argue that in the case of the United States an additional mechanism produces strong colonizing effects: the institution of local control. In the context of contemporary institutional conditions, local control is the lynch-pin for the production of socio-economic segregation, cumulative disadvantages, and the mythology of popular control disguising (...)
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  50.  67
    Merging speech perception and production.Antje S. Meyer & Willem J. M. Levelt - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):339-340.
    A comparison of Merge, a model of comprehension, and WEAVER, a model of production, raises five issues: merging models of comprehension and production necessarily creates feedback; neither model is a comprehensive account of word processing; the models are incomplete in different ways; the models differ in their handling of competition; as opposed to WEAVER, Merge is a model of metalinguistic behavior.
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