Results for 'Hölderlin'

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  1. Due lettere di Friedrich Hölderlin.Friedrich Hölderlin - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (1).
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  2. Verse: Brevity.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (1):64.
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  3. Das Weltbild der exzentrischen Bahn in den> Hyperion-Vorreden.Hölderlins Platonismus - 1997 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 22:167-187.
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  4. Judgment and Being.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1986 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 11 (1):17-18.
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  5. Verse: Home.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (1):38.
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  6. Wczesne pisma teoretyczne.Friedrich Hölderlin - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 10 (1).
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  7. Verse: The Applause of Men.Friedrich Holderlin - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (2):166.
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  8. Patmos.Friedrich Hölderlin - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (1).
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    Fragmento de Hiperión: traducción y estudio preliminar de Manuel Barrios Casares.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1985 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 2:149-172.
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  10. Verse: Ancient Buddha Figure, Decaying in the Hollow Gorge of a Japanese Forest.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1963 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 44 (3):301.
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  11. Verse: Near is the Almighty.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):319.
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    The Death of Empedocles.Friedrich Hölderlin - 2008 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (2):289-311.
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    The Death of Empedocles: A Mourning-Play.Friedrich Holderlin & David Farrell Krell (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    The definitive scholarly edition and new translation of all three versions of Hölderlin’s poem, The Death of Empedocles, and his related theoretical essays.
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  14. Being judgement possibility.Friedrich Hölderlin - 2002 - In J. M. Bernstein (ed.), Classic and Romantic German Aesthetics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 191--192.
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    Hymn to Serenity.Friedrich Hölderlin & David Farrell Krell - 1986 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 11 (1):3-15.
  16. Verse: Half of Life.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (2):192.
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  17. Zeynep sayin.Friedrich Hölderlin - 2006 - Cogito 49:168.
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    Sur la différence des modes poétiques.Friedrich Hölderlin - 1983 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 81 (49):58-62.
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    'Kubla Khan' and the Fall of Jerusalem: The Mythological School in Biblical Criticism and Secular Literature 1770-1880.E. S. Shaffer & Friedrich Hölderlin - 1975 - Cambridge University Press.
    Dr Schaffer outlines the development of the mythological school of European Biblical criticism, especially its German origins and its reception in England, and studies the influence of this movement in the work of specific writers: Coleridge Hölderlin, Browning, and George Eliot. The 'higher criticism' treated sacred scripture as literature and as history, as the product of its time, and the highest expression of a developing group consciousness; it challenged current views on the authorship and dating of the Pentateuch and the (...)
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    Hölderlin's Hymn "the Ister".Martin Heidegger - 1996 - Indiana University Press.
    Martin Heidegger’s 1942 lecture course interprets Friedrich Hölderlin’s hymn "The Ister" within the context of Hölderlin’s poetic and philosophical work, with particular emphasis on Hölderlin’s dialogue with Greek tragedy.
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    Hölderlin's Hymns "Germania" and "the Rhine".Martin Heidegger - 2014 - Indiana University Press.
    Martin Heidegger’s 1934–1935 lectures on Friedrich Hölderlin’s hymns "Germania" and "The Rhine" are considered the most significant among Heidegger’s lectures on Hölderlin. Coming at a crucial time in his career, the text illustrates Heidegger’s turn toward language, art, and poetry while reflecting his despair at his failure to revolutionize the German university and his hope for a more profound revolution through the German language, guided by Hölderlin’s poetry. These lectures are important for understanding Heidegger’s changing relation to politics, his turn (...)
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    Friedrich Hölderlin’s Die Bedeutung Der Tragödien: Paradox as the Foundation of Tragedy.David Alvarado-Archila - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 81:29-42.
    In this article, I aim to demonstrate that in Die Bedeutung der Tragödien Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) takes distance from the Aristotelian interpretation of Tragedy. In this fragment, the poet suggests this literary genre should be understood on the bases of the notion of paradox and on how this concept relates to the tragic hero. In order to prove this, I first clarify what the German poet means when he proposes paradox as the easiest way to understand Tragedy. Second, I highlight (...)
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    (1 other version)Hölderlin and the essence of poetry.Martin Heidegger - 1949 - In Martin Heidegger & Werner Brock (eds.), Existence and being. Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
    In this essay, a translation into English of Martin Heidegger's paper Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry, Paul de Man demonstrates his significant engagement with the work of Heidegger. He considers Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin's five key-passages on the subject of poetry, suggesting that the order in which these passages appear as well as the inner coherence that links them together will reveal the essence of poetry. He first comments on Hölderlin's claim that poetry is ‘the most innocent of all (...)
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    Hölderlin et Kant : la théodicée tacite d’Hypérion.Thomas Windisch - 2021 - Philosophiques 48 (2):195-221.
    Thomas Windisch Problème fondamental de la tradition philosophique occidentale, la justification de l’existence du mal dans le monde est un thème inépuisable pour le philosophe. Particulièrement d’actualité au moment où les effets directs et indirects de la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19 n’épargnent personne, la forme de ce questionnement a évolué au fil des révolutions philosophiques. Le présent article tente de se replacer à la fin du xviiie siècle pour prolonger la parole du poète Friedrich Hölderlin à partir d’une réinterprétation du (...)
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  25. Hölderlin.Christian J. Onof - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Heidegger, Hölderlin und die [Alētheia]: Martin Heideggers Geschichtsdenken in seinen Vorlesungen 1934/35 bis 1944.Susanne Ziegler - 1991 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Zwischen den Schriften "Was ist Metaphysik?", " Vom Wesen des Grundes", "Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik", 1929, und "Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit", 1942, hat Heidegger nichts publiziert außer zwei kurzen Hölderlin-Vorträgen und seiner Rektoratsrede von 1933. In diesen dreizehn Jahren hat sowohl Heideggers Denkansatz als auch seine Denkhaltung eine Veränderung erfahren; es ist die in der Heidegger-Forschung so genannte "Kehre". Seit der 1976 aus dem Nachlaß begonnenen Herausgabe von Heideggers Vorlesungen fällt von Mal zu Mal mehr Licht auf (...)
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    Hölderlin’s Theory of (Aesthetic) Production1.Marta Vero - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 81:43-59.
    In this essay, I aim to examine Hölderlin’s theory of composition according to the thesis on the compatibility of poetic and philosophical practices. I interpret Hölderlin’s poetological fragments as a response to the epistolary exchange he had held with his master Schiller a few years earlier, concerning the dialectic between philosophy and poetry, enthusiasm and sobriety. I argue that Hölderlin’s fragments prompt us to consider poetry and philosophy as poiesis-based practices. Identifying creativity as their common destination allows one to postulate (...)
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  28. Hölderlin and Novalis: Reappropriating the Reflection Model of Self-Consciousness.Richard Fincham - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10:183-188.
    This paper draws upon my research into the posthumously published fragmentary remains of Hölderlin and Novalis's philosophical reflections to describe how their explanations of the possibility of self-consciousness are far more convincing than those provided by their philosophical contemporaries, and still have much to contribute to contemporary debates concerning the nature of 'consciousness' and 'selfhood.' The paper begins by sketching the background to their accounts of self-consciousness, that is, Fichte's critique of Kant's 'reflection model' of self-consciousness and the subsequent critique (...)
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    Friedrich Hölderlin and the German idealist philosophy of his day.David L. Simpson - unknown
    The present thesis takes its original impetus from the author's conviction that the German philosophy of the "Goethezeit" represents a peak of metaphysical insight and achievement comparable with the original flowering of European philosophical thought in the age of Plato and Aristotle. Until recently, it was fashionable to regard Kant and Hegel as the two 'giants' of this second flowering and to consign other philosophers, such as Fichte and Schelling, to the role of supporting figures. However, in recent years, the (...)
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    Hölderlin y lo no-dicho: sobre la cuestión del silencio en la interpretación de Martin Heidegger de su poesía.Paloma Martínez Matías - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):31-69.
    En continuidad con una investigación previa, este trabajo se propone mostrar la importancia del tema del silencio en la interpretación heideggeriana de la poesía de Hölderlin y analizar el sentido ontológico que en ella adquiere. Para ello se indaga sobre la íntima conexión que Heidegger establece entre el silencio y el decir poético de Hölderlin, en la problemática pretensión que le atribuye de decir el ser salvaguardando a un tiempo su carácter indecible. Comprender tal pretensión exigirá atender al descubrimiento del (...)
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    Hölderlin y la lógica hegeliana.Javier Fabo Lanuza - 2022 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 14 (1):87-160.
    En este artículo me propongo discutir algunos puntos de la interpretación de la Ciencia de la lógica delineada por F. Martínez Marzoa en Hölderlin y la lógica hegeliana. La premisa de este opúsculo es que Hölderlin sería el «interlocutor no declarado» de esta obra, la cual habría sido concebida por Hegel como una asunción de su crítica a Fichte en Juicio y ser. En el seno de esta interpretación, la «Doctrina del Concepto» aparece como el lugar lógico de la autosupresión (...)
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    Hölderlin in jena.Jacques Taminiaux - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (128):89-103.
    Bajo la pregunta por las razones que llevaron al poeta y pensador Friedrich Hölderlin a manifestar en su juventud una atracción especial por la ciudad de Jena, donde permaneció una corta temporada en el semestre de invierno de 1794 a 1795, el autor rastrea y analiza las influencias que ejercieron so..
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    Hölderlin, leitor de Kant.Sílvia Bento - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:220-241.
    O presente ensaio pretende estudar a influência da filosofia de Kant no âmbito dos escritos poetológicos de Hölderlin sobre as tragédias de Sófocles _Rei Édipo_ e _Antígona_, _Anmerkungen zum Oedipus _e _Anmerkungen zur Antigone_. O tratamento dos conceitos centrais elaborados por Hölderlin, tais como _Gottes Fehl_ e _kategorische Umkehr_ – que forma o núcleo deste ensaio – apresenta-se desenvolvido segundo o quadro filosófico kantiano. É nosso propósito interpretar a especificidade da leitura hölderliniana de Kant, especialmente do seu carácter não-reconciliatório e (...)
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  34. Nietzsche, Hölderlin, Kant. L'arte e il vivente.Mariagrazia Portera - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (1).
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  35. Hölderlin e le idee estetiche. Riflessioni su un progetto mai realizzato.Barbara Santini - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (1).
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  36. Hölderlin und Fichte 1794–1800.Violetta L. Waibel - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):590-592.
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    Friedrich Holderlin: Essays and Letters on Theory.Thomas Pfau (ed.) - 1987 - State University of New York Press.
    Holderlin's essays and letters constitute essential documents for an understanding of the transitional period from neo-classical poetics to what can only be characterized as a unique and, in its frequently experimental structure, essentially modernist poetics. This book contains virtually all of Holderlin's theoretical writings translated for the first time. In spite of the great significance of Holderlin's ideas for contemporary critical thought, most of his highly important theoretical oeuvre has been unavailable to English readers until now. Here also are a (...)
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    Hölderlin’s Politics of the New Mythology.Matthew J. Delhey - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):369-380.
    ABSTRACT This article reevaluates Hölderlin’s social and political thought in the 1790s. Against Georg Lukács, it argues that Hölderlin’s politics of the new mythology, while utopian, are not mystical. In the Fragment of Philosophical Letters and the Oldest System-Programme of German Idealism, Hölderlin instead articulates two fundamental claims. Socially, the new mythical collectivity must elevate (erheben) the social relations produced by bourgeois society, exalting them in aesthetic-religious form, rather than sublating (aufheben) them, modifying both their form and their content. Politically, (...)
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    Hölderlin, Hegel y el comunismo de los espíritus.Gonzalo Santiago Rodríguez - 2023 - Boletín de Estética 65:41-69.
    Tomando como hilo conductor el tema de la comunidad, el siguiente trabajo intenta reconstruir el itinerario intelectual conjunto que llevó a Friedrich Hölderlin y Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel a postular las bases del idealismo especulativo. A partir de la comparación de las fuentes y textos de ambos autores durante el período que va de 1794 a 1799, el trabajo precisará el origen y el uso de algunos términos compartidos, así como también la relevancia que tuvieron los mismos para la realización (...)
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  40. Hölderlin et la théologie.Hans-Christoph Askani - 2009 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 141 (3).
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  41. Hölderlin y Nietzsche: las máscaras de Dionisos.José Ignacio Eguizábal - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:2.
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    Hölderlin’s higher enlightenment.Camilla Flodin - 2020 - In Karl Axelsson, Camilla Flodin & Mattias Pirholt (eds.), Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics. New York: Routledge. pp. 258-276.
    The purpose of this chapter is to analyze Hölderlin’s emphasis on the importance of aesthetic comportment for reconceiving the relationship between human beings and their surroundings, and for enabling what he calls a “higher enlightenment.” Hölderlin shares the romantic critique of the mechanistic conception of nature and life, and argues that human beings have to achieve a higher connection than the mechanical one between themselves and their surroundings. In order to establish this, the bond between human beings and their environment (...)
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    Hölderlin lettore di Kant.Mariagrazia Portera - 2011 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 1:47-68.
    In this paper I discuss the notion of transcendentalEmpfindung, which plays a central role in Hölderlin's fragmentary essay Wenn der Dichter einmal des Geistes mächtig ist.Thenotion of transcendental Empfindung is introduced in this essay as a replacement for the concept of intellectual intuition, the well-known philosophical notion which represents one of the key-terms for German philosophers between XVIII and XIX century. In this paper I argue that Hölderlin, having made use of this notion for a long time in his works (...)
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    Lo sviluppo filosofico di Holderlin.Christoph Jamme - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
    Il saggio ripercorre la formazione del pensiero di Hölderlin a cominciare dal suo punto di partenza, la dottrina kantiana del primato della ragion pratica e la dottrina della libertà. Il trapasso dal dualismo kantiano ad un pensiero estetico della mediazione avverrà attraverso la ricezione della critica schilleriana all’imperativo categorico, così come dell’idea fichtiana della «determinazione reciproca». Il nuovo punto di vista di Hölderlin maturerà durante il periodo jenese, inizialmente come ricerca di una mediazione tra Kant, Jacobi, Spinoza, Fichte e Reinhold. (...)
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    Hölderlin's music of poetic self-consciousness.James H. Donelan - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):125-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 125-142 [Access article in PDF] Hölderlin's Poetic Self-consciousness James H. Donelan Nur ihren Gesang sollt' ich vergessen, nur diese Seelentöne sollten nimmer wiederkehren in meinen unaufhörlichen Träumen. I should forget only her song, only these notes of the soul should never return in my unending dreams. Hölderlin, Hyperion I FOR MANY YEARS, Friedrich Hölderlin has occupied a crucial position in both literary and philosophical (...)
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    Hölderlin’s idea of ‘Bildungstrieb’: A model from yesteryear?Violetta L. Waibel - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6-7):640-651.
    The term Bildungstrieb, which was used toward the end of the eighteenth century by thinkers like Johann Gottfried Herder, Immanuel Kant, or Friedrich Schiller, but which is obsolete in today’s vernacular, was of great importance for Friedrich Hölderlin. In this article, I explore the historical roots of this concept in the biology of the time, which was then still searching for the right concepts to describe the organic. Bildungstrieb is found in Kant’s teleology in the Critique of Judgment, where Kant (...)
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    Hölderlin: Tragedy.María del Rosario Acosta - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (131):115-118.
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    Friedrich Hölderlin and the Clandestine Society of the Bavarian Illuminati. A Plaidoyer.Laura Anna Macor - 2013 - Philosophica 88 (1).
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  49. Hölderlins frühe Fichte-Kritik und ihre Wirkung auf den Gang der Ausarbeitung der Wissenschaftslehre.Violetta Waibel - 1996 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 50 (197):437-460.
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    Hölderlin und Hegel.Johannes Hoffmeister - 1931 - J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck).
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