Results for 'Historical narratives'

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  1. the Meaning of Nationalism'.Llyod Kramer & Historical Narrative - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (1):529.
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    Redemptive-historical narrative preaching as a homiletical alternative for preaching on suffering.Jima Seo & Johann-Albrecht Meylahn - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    Humans live by experiencing various types of sufferings, directly or indirectly. For this reason, it is evident that one of the topics of great interest in congregations is the question of suffering. This study aims to present redemptive-historical narrative preaching as a homiletical strategy for preaching on suffering. Redemptive-historical narrative preaching can be a homiletical alternative for preaching on suffering because it improves the weaknesses of the traditional homiletic and new homiletic and further develops their strengths. In this (...)
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    Historical Narrative: A Dispute Between Constructionism and Scientific Realism.Václav Černík & Jozef Viceník - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (2):182-193.
    Historical Narrative: A Dispute Between Constructionism and Scientific Realism An intense discussion about the issue of historical narrative arose during the time when the naïve realism of classical historiography was being critiqued and led to a dispute, in the last century, between constructionism and critical or scientific realism. We can distinguish between constructionism and noetic constructivism. According to ontological constructionism all facts are human constructions; according to noetic constructivism, our notions and theories are constructs with objective meaning (sense (...)
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    Morality, Historical Narrative, and Problems in New Formalism.Peter Sinnott - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (1):257-265.
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    Historical Narrative.Bruce Waters - 1967 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):206-217.
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    Negotiating Historical Narratives: An Epistemology of History for History Education.Jon A. Levisohn - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (1):1-21.
    Historians typically tell stories about the past, but how are we to understand the epistemic status of those narratives? This problem is particularly pressing for history education, which seeks guidance not only on the question of which narrative to teach but also more fundamentally on the question of the goals of instruction in history. This article explores the nature of historical narrative, first, by engaging with the seminal work of Hayden White, and second, by developing the critique of (...)
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    Analysing Historical Narratives: On Academic, Popular and Educational Framings of the Past, edited by Stefan Berger, Nicola Brauch and Chris Lorenz.Adam Timmins - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (1):95-100.
  8. Historical Narrative versus Comparative Description?: Genre and knowledge in Alexander von Humbolt's Personal Narrative.Christine Peters - 2021 - In Martin Carrier, Rebecca Mertens & Carsten Reinhardt, Narratives and comparisons: adversaries or allies in understanding science? [Bielefeld]: Bielefeld University Press, an imprint of Transcript Verlag.
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  9. Historical narrative, mundane political time, and revolutionary moments : coexisting temporalities in the lived experience of social movements.Sian Lazar - 2014 - In Laura Bear, Doubt, conflict, mediation: the anthropology of modern time. Malden, MA: Wiley.
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    Historical narrative and enrichment of the meaningful horizon of cultural worlds.Boris Gubman & Karina Anufrieva - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):203-219.
    Built on the results of collective experience expressed in language, cultural worlds are given to each of their inhabitants as integral ensembles constantly developing on the basis of unlimited semiosis via communication. Rooted in the very way of human intersubjectivity, communicative ability, and existence in time, historical narration serves as an important tool for increasing the meaningful potential and diachronic depth of cultural worlds. It should have integrity, thematic and plot certainty, problematic character, a chronotope system chosen by the (...)
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    The Historical Narrative.Harold McWhinnie - 1998 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 32 (1):88.
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  12. Historical narratives and transtemporal problems in philosophy.Claude Panaccio - 2023 - In Sandra Lapointe & Erich Reck, Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Historical narratives, evidence, and explanations.Paolo Garbolino - 2011 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao Gonzalo, Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann & Marcel Weber, Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer. pp. 293--303.
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    Historical Narratives and the Meaning of Nationalism.Lloyd S. Kramer - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (3):525-545.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Historical Narratives and the Meaning of NationalismLloyd KramerThe vast, expanding literature on nationalism may well defy every generalization except a familiar, general theme of intellectual history: texts about nationalism have always drawn their perspectives and passions from the evolving political and cultural contexts in which their authors have lived. Modern accounts of nationalism show the unmistakable traces of political, military, and cultural conflicts in every decade of (...)
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    Historical Narrative: Towards a Coherent Structure.Jerzy Topolski - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (4):75-86.
    In attempting to establish a correspondence between the content of historical narrative and that of past facts, F. R. Ankersmit identifies a "mechanism" which enables one to arrive at a narrative representation of the past. He asserts that the mechanism cannot be called a "translation," since the correspondence is indirect. Narrative is, however, closer to the truth than he has stated. Historical narratives can be evaluated on their proximity to the truth by the degree of their coherence. (...)
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    Mandelbaum on Historical Narrative: A Discussion.William Dray, Richard Ely & Rolf Gruner - 1969 - History and Theory 8 (2):275-294.
    Dray: Mandelbaum legislates regarding the historian's "task" in the guise of descriptive analysis. He seems to envisage two fundamental tasks for the historian: explaining, and relating parts to wholes. Contrary to Mandelbaum's implication, there is no more opposition between narration and either of these tasks than there is between the two tasks themselves.Ely: Mandelbaum refutes White and Danto, who both hold that historical writing is essentially narrative; but not Gallie, who asserts that historical writing is necessarily, but never (...)
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  17. Historical narratives and the philosophy of art.Noel Carroll - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (3):313-326.
  18. Central Subjects and Historical Narratives.David L. Hull - 1975 - History and Theory 14 (3):253-274.
    A central subject is the main strand around which the fabric of an historical narrative is woven. Such a subject must possess both spatial and temporal continuity. It is integrated into an historical entity through the relationship between those properties which make it an individual, and their interaction with the historical event. Scientific theory is useful in the reconstruction of past events and the definition of the central subject. Ideas used as central subjects present the problem of (...)
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  19. Place-Historical Narratives: Road—or Roadblock—to Sustainability?Clare Palmer - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (3):345 - 359.
    Ethics, Policy & Environment, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 345-359, October 2011.
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    ‘A day that unites the nation': contesting historical narratives in national day discussions.Brianne Hastie, Martha Augoustinos & Kellie Elovalis - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):491-507.
    National days often represent unifying narratives about nation-states. Recent calls for historical redress within settler-colonial nations, however, have been based on redefinitions of triumphalist historical narratives, incorporating darker histories of colonialisation’s ongoing effects. This has resulted in controversy about national days, especially in Australia (celebrated on the anniversary of British colonisation). Discussions about Australia's national day may show us if, and how, these competing historical narratives can be integrated into a unified national story. A (...)
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    Historical Narratives: Propaganda, War, Politics of Reconciliation.Svitlana Loznytsia - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:59-68.
    The article examines three dimensions of the interpretation of both historical and modern war events as they are perceived and undretstood at the level of official propaganda. First, it indicates that consequences of such propaganda are various manifestations of violence, and particular in many cases the emergence of repressive regimes and wars. Second, the article raises the issue of “politics of reconciliation”, the interpretive basis of which is a compromise reading of historical events by participants of conflicts or (...)
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  22. Historical narrative, identity and the Holocaust.Steve Buckler - 1996 - History of the Human Sciences 9 (4):1-20.
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    “Learning to Be Indian”: Historical Narratives and the “Choice” of a Cultural Identity.Sonia Sikka - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (2):339-354.
    RésuméCet article analyse le besoin qu'éprouvent certaines personnes de se «reconnecter», ou renforcer lews liens, à une culture dans laquelle elles n'ont jamais été enchâssées, eu égard aux critères auxquels se mesure généralement un tel enchâssement (langue, valeurs, croyances, modes de vie, coutumes religieuses, etc.). Situant les résultats de son analyse par rapport à la pensée de Kymlicka et autres, il fait valoir que des facteurs tels que les liens de parenté, l'identification à autrui et l'expérience du racisme déterminent largement (...)
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    Teleological historical narrative as a strategy for constructing political antagonism: The example of the narrative of Estonia's regaining of independence.Peeter Selg & Rein Ruutsoo - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 365-393.
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    Crime and Punishment: How Historical Narratives Affect the Evaluation of Restorative and Retributive Justice.Juan David Hernandez-Posada, Javier Corredor & Alejandra María Martínez-Salgado - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):261-273.
    This article explores how historical narratives affect the evaluation of political decisions regarding justice during peace negotiations. Specifically, this study evaluates how different narratives of the Colombian armed conflict relate to the preference for either restorative or retributive justice. Results revealed that a historically accurate narrative that included structural elements correlated with the preference for restorative justice, whereas a schematic narrative that focused on individual greed favoured the preference for retributive justice. These results are explained in terms (...)
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    Hayden White on Historical Narratives.Gary Fuller - 1978 - Philosophy Research Archives 4:257-277.
    In a number of places over the last few years Hayden White has attacked a view of history which I shall call the common-sense position and which runs as follows. Although moral and aesthetic assessments play some role in the writing of history, historians are to a large extent concerned with making true statements about the past and with giving correct explanations pf past events, and these central activities can and ought to be assessed by empirical standards, which on the (...)
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    Historical Narrative.L. B. Cebik - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:625-630.
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    Theories explain, and so do historical narratives: But there are differences.Karsten R. Stueber - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (2):237-243.
    Anti-realists like Paul Roth conceive of historical narratives as having no genuine explanatory power, because historical events are not ready-made and reveal themselves only to the retrospective gaze of the historian. For that reason, the categories with the help of which historians identify historical events do not map onto categories of general theories of the world required for a genuine explanation of them. While I agree with Paul Roth that the significance of a historical event (...)
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    About Padmasambhava: Historical Narratives and Later Transformations of Guru Rinpoche, edited by Geoffrey Samuel and Jamyang Oliphant.Matthew T. Kapstein - 2022 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (1):141-145.
    About Padmasambhava: Historical Narratives and Later Transformations of Guru Rinpoche, edited by Geoffrey Samuel and Jamyang Oliphant. Garuda Verlag, 2020. 299 pp. Pb CHF 39,80. ISBN-13: 9783906139364.
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    Historicity, Narratives, and the Understanding of Human Life.Galen A. Johnson - 1984 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 15 (3):37-54.
  31. Science as (Historical) Narrative.M. Norton Wise - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (3):349-376.
    The traditional mode of explanation in physics via deduction from partial differential equations is contrasted here with explanation via simulations. I argue that the different technologies employed constitute different languages, which support different sorts of narratives. The narratives that accompany simulations and articulate their meaning are typically historical or natural historical in kind. They explain complex phenomena by growing them rather than by referring them to general laws. Examples of such growth simulations and growth narratives (...)
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  32. The Return of Historical Narratives in Contemporary American Culture.Rüdiger Kunow - 1996 - In Gerhard Hoffmann & Alfred Hornung, Ethics and aesthetics: the moral turn of postmodernism. Heidelberg: C. Winter. pp. 255--73.
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    The Odd Man Out: Historical Narrative and the Cinematic Image.Stephen Bann - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (4):47-67.
    Goya's and Manet's painted images, and Jean Renoir's cinematic image of historical executions have the power under the ideology of the image to reveal the truth of a moment outside of historical narrative. At the same time, these images are pulled back into the narrative from which they have been removed. The works of these three artists can be used to trace changes in the relationship of the image to historical narrative and its connection to photography and (...)
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    When the monograph is no longer the medium: Historical narrative in the online age1.Ann Rigney - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (4):100-117.
    Over the last fifty years there has been much discussion about the value of narrative in the production of historical knowledge whereby it is generally assumed that “narrative” is a given and that the only thing at issue is its epistemological value. This article critically examines this assumption. It shows how conceptions of “narrative” have mutated in response to changes in cultural practice and, as importantly, how they have been implicitly modeled on the particular medium envisaged for telling stories: (...)
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    In praise of grand historical narratives.Sylvana Tomaselli - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (3):507-523.
    The long eighteenth century was a good time for history and historians. This article considers one of its most original genres, conjectural history, and of one of conjectural history’s most interesting subjects, woman. What made the conjectural history of woman most interesting was not only that it brought together all the elements that were themselves the subjects of theoretical histories, such as language, the arts and sciences, society, religion, and man, but continued to matter politically well into the nineteenth century. (...)
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    Thucydides and Pindar: Historical Narrative and the World of Epinician Poetry (review).Lawrence M. Kowerski - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (2):161-162.
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    The Truth of Historical Narratives.C. Behan McCullagh - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (4):30-46.
    Recent studies of historical synthesis have denied the possibility of "truth" in historical narratives, which they state impose meaning on a series of events. An historian is, however, capable of writing a true history, true in the sense that his or her narrative provides a fair representation of its central subject. Descriptions represent the world when they give us an idea that resembles part of the world itself. A subject can be said to be fairly represented if (...)
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    “How every Black man should be”: Historical narrative construction as identity rearticulation.Eliana Castro - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (1):40-55.
    This case study is a sociocultural analysis of how Kareem, a young Black man, both constructed a historical narrative and rearticulated two of his racialized identities. Kareem carried out two mediated actions. In the first, he incorporated cultural tools from the classroom—the schematic narrative template of racial progress and the specific narrative of the Movement—to support his thesis that NBA legend Bill Russell advanced the Civil Rights Movement. In the second, he positioned Bill Russell as a model Black man, (...)
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    History-Writing as Protest: Kingship and the Beginning of Historical Narrative.James G. Williams - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):91-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:History-Writing as Protest: Kingship and the Beginning of Historical Narrative James G. Williams Syracuse University I. Introduction This paper is an attempt to apply René Girard's mimetic theory to the origins of historical writing, specifically the composing ofIsrael's story, vis- à-vis the origin of kingship. What I do not intend to deal with is the exact chronological beginning of historical narrative in ancient Israel. Whether or (...)
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  40. Historical entities and historical narratives.David Hull - 1984 - In Christopher Hookway, Minds, Machines And Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Reflection on Wolf Schmid's Narratological Model and Historical Narrative.Ivan Jančovič & Juraj Šuch - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):3-13.
    This contribution responds to the ongoing discussion about the narrativity of history and looks at some differences between fictive and historical narrative. The objective of this contribution is to further elaborate on the ideas of narrative transformations developed by Wolf Schmid, focusing particularly on historical narratives. The authors see differences between both kinds of narrative, especially on the level of reference (which is in line with the views of D. Cohn, P. Ricouer and L. Doležel). The problem (...)
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    Richard G. Ely.Mandelbaum On Historical - 2001 - In Geoffrey Roberts, The history and narrative reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Electricity and Vital Force: Discussing the Nature of Science Through a Historical Narrative.Andreia Guerra & Hermann Schiffer - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (4):409-434.
    Seeking a historical-philosophical approach to science teaching, narrative texts have been used as pedagogical tools to improve the learning experience of students. A review of the literature of different types of narrative texts and their different rates of effectiveness in science education is presented. This study was developed using the so-called Historical Narrative as a tool to introduce science content from a historical-philosophical approach, aiming to discuss science as a human construction. This project was carried out in (...)
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  44. The Role of Joint Experience in Historical Narratives.Axel Seemann - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (2):201-229.
    There are historical events which cannot easily be made sense of by reference to the actions of single individuals. I suggest that one way to understand such events is by building on the involved agents' joint experience, or reports thereof. The phenomenology of joint involvement, so my suggestion, is of use in a particular kind of sense making that combines hermeneutical and explanatory elements. Such sense making, I argue, is narrative in character. I suggest a particular conception of (...) narratives that aligns them with what I call, taking up an idea from Ian McEwan's novel Atonement , `psychological realism' — the idea that what renders stories accurate is a reality with both physical and mental characteristics. I end by illustrating my account with a historical example. (shrink)
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    Telling it Like it Was: Historical Narratives on Their Own Terms.Andrew P. Norman - 1991 - History and Theory 30 (2):119-135.
    Sweeping denials of the story's capacity to accurately reflect the past are ever catalyzing equally misleading global affirmations. The impositionalists, such as theorist Hayden White, view historical narratives as imposing a falsifying narrative structure on the past, and conclude that narratives cannot be true. Plot-reifiers, such as Alasdair MacIntyre, David Carr, and Frederick Olafson, posit that the past is already narratively structured; historical plots are reified in order for there to be something in the world to (...)
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    The Structure and Objectivity of Historical Narratives.C. Behan Mccullagh - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:145-158.
    Hayden White suggested that narratives achieve coherence through literary types of emplotment. Generally, this is not the case. I contrast simple narratives, whose coherence lies in their subject and chronological structure; reflective narratives, which give an account of a trend; and genetic narratives, designed to explain and outcome. Some narratives do more than one of these things. Each kind of narrative is constrained by its function, but this constraint seldom if ever ensures its complete objectivity.
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  47. ""What a Painter of" Historical Narrative" Can Show Us about War Photography.Paul X. Rutz - 2010 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 14 (3):n3.
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    Rhetoric and Historical Narrative: The Theban-Athenian Alliance of 339 BCE.Dina Guth - 2014 - História 63 (2):151-165.
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  49. Imagining the Darwinian revolution: historical narratives of evolution from the nineteenth century to the present.Ian Hesketh (ed.) - 2022 - Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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    The nineteenth century liberal tradition and the English School historical narrative.Daniel M. Green - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):171-189.
    This article uses the framework of “traditions of thought” and “dilemmas” to problematize and revise the English School’s Expansion Narrative of international relations history in the crucial ninet...
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