Results for 'Hiroshi Ikeda'

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  1.  13
    Rukāchi to kono jidai.Hiroshi Ikeda - 1975
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  2. Shoki Rukāchi kenkyū.Hiroshi Ikeda - 1972
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  3. Ikeda Mitsumasa nikki shō.Ikeda Mitsumasa - 1976 - In Tatsuya Naramoto (ed.), Kinsei seidōron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  4. Nagata Hiroshi senshū.Hiroshi Nagata - 1948
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  5. Nagata Hiroshi Nihon shisō shi kenkyū.Hiroshi Nagata - 1967
  6. Sugō Hiroshi chosakushū: kyōiku no shijin.Hiroshi Sugō - 1980 - Tōkyō: Hakujusha.
    dai 1-kan. Ningen, kyōiku ga umarekawaru tame -- dai 2-kan. Ningen to no deai, kyōiku to no deai -- dai 3 kan. Ningenrashiku naru tedate -- dai 4-kan. Jinrui no kibō, osanago -- dai 5-kan. Shishū, ushinawareta kisetsu o motomete -- dai 6-kan. Aru mazushiki shōgai no kiroku -- [7] Kyōiku to kyōikugaku.
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    The light of learning: Daisaku Ikeda on education.Daisaku Ikeda - 2021 - Santa Monica, CA: Middleway Press.
    A new selection of writings on education by Buddhist philosopher and founder of Soka University, Daisaku Ikeda. Culled from some five decades of the author's works, this collection presents educational proposals, lectures to university students, and personal essays. The author delves not only into the meaning of Soka (value-creating) education but offers a hopeful vision of the power of education to bring happiness to the individual and peace to the world.
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  8. Kyōiku no mezasubeki michi: Ikeda Meiyo Kaichō no kyōiku e no shishin.Daisaku Ikeda - 1985 - Tōkyō: Seikyō Shinbunsha.
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    Nihon ni okeru yuibutsuron no kaitakusha: Nagata Hiroshi no shōgai to gyōseki.Hiroshi Nagata - 2008 - Tōkyō: Gakushū no Tomosha. Edited by Makoto Ajisaka.
    『日本唯物論史』などで知られるわが国の唯物論哲学の開拓者・永田廣志の生涯をまとめ、その理論活動の意義を解明。哲学研究者と在野の郷土史家との共同研究が生み出した成果。本邦初公開の貴重な資料や秘蔵写真も多 数紹介。.
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  10. A new way forward: US university lectures.Daisaku Ikeda - 2020 - Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press.
    A New Way Forward is a compilation of seven university lectures that Daisaku Ikeda, the Soka Gakkai International president, gave in the United States, one in 1974 and the others in the 1990s. The earliest from April 1974 when Mr. Ikeda spoke at the invitation of the University of California, Los Angeles, about positive steps that can be taken to begin the twenty-first century in peace and with confidence in the future. Daisaku Ikeda's Buddhist faith and his (...)
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    Ten no ana chi no ana: Noma Hiroshi seimei taiwa.Hiroshi Noma - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shakai Shisōsha. Edited by Wahei Tatematsu.
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    The Toynbee-Ikeda Dialogue: Man Himself Must Choose.Arnold Toynbee & Daisaku Ikeda - 1982 - Kodansha.
  13. Editors' introduction.Hiroshi Abe, Matthias Fritsch & Mario Wenning - 2022 - In Hiroshi Abe, Matthias Fritsch & Mario Wenning (eds.), Environmental Philosophy and East Asia: Nature, Time, Responsibility. London: Routledge.
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  14. Nishida Kitarō to Kirisutokyō no taiwa.Hiroshi Asami - 2000 - Tōkyō: Chōbunsha.
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    Teaching assemblies and lay societies in the formation of modern sectarian Buddhism.Ikeda Eishun - 1998 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 25 (1-2):11-44.
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    Ga の探索における uv 現象と uv 構造仮説.Kobayashi Sigenobu Ikeda Kokolo - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:239-246.
    Genetic Algorithms(GAs) are effective approximation algorithms which focus on “hopeful area” in the searching process. However, in harder problems, it is often very difficult to maintain a favorable trade-off between exploitation and exploration. All individuals leave the big-valley including the global optimum, and concentrate on another big-valley including a local optimum often. In this paper, we define such a situation on conventional GAs as the “UV-phenomenon”, and suggest UV-structures as hard landscape structures that will cause the UV-phenomenon. We introduce a (...)
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  17. Sean Richey.Ken'ichi Ikeda - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (1-3):273.
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    Aru tetsugakusha no kiseki: Kozai Yoshishige to nakamatachi.Hiroshi Iwakura - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kadensha.
    哲学者・古在由重がひとりの同時代人として、戦争に突き進み拡大する戦中、そして平和と民主主義を希求する戦後のなかで、何を学び、考え、仲間たちとどう交遊・談話し、どう生き、闘ったか。膨大な「古在由重文庫」 (藤沢市湘南大庭市民図書館所蔵)―古在の蔵書・著作はもちろん、原稿メモ、講義テープ、日記・手帳、書簡、新聞スクラップなど―ならびに関係者の著作・文章を渉猟し、さらに多数の人々の聞き取りなど六年をかけて 取材・執筆し、時代に正面から立ち向かった哲学者の実像に迫る力作。.
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  19. Jitsuzon to tasha.Hiroshi Kojima - 1968
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    Merleau-ponty's reading of Husserl.Hiroshi Kojima - 2002 - In Ted Toadvine & Lester E. Embree (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 95-113.
  21.  22
    Philosophy or Religion?Hiroshi Marui - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 6:195-209.
    Since the first half of the nineteenth century in which English was introduced as the language of higher education in India, the word and concept of “philosophy” has played an important role in Indian intellectual life. First the study of philosophy must have meant the study of Western philosophy in Indian universities, butlater various attempts were made to discover the Indian versions of philosophical traditions in Sanskrit literature. Today no one doubts that there has been a rich and very long (...)
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  22. Supinochisumusu no kenkyū.Hiroshi Saitō - 1974 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  23. Deai.Hiroshi Shibuya - 1980
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    J-poppu de kangaeru tetsugaku: jibun o toinaosu tame no 15-kyoku.Hiroshi Toya - 2016 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kōdansha.
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    A study on the Sport Education model in Siedentop’s physical education thought.Hiroshi Wada & Tomoyasu Kondo - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 37 (2):99-114.
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    (1 other version)Des systèmes complexes à la science intégratrice.Yoshiaki Ikeda - 2009 - Diogène 227 (3):158-.
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    The light of learning: selected writings on education.Daisaku Ikeda - 2021 - Santa Monica, CA: Middleway Press.
    A new selection of writings on education by Buddhist philosopher and founder of Soka University, Daisaku Ikeda. Culled from some five decades of the author's works, this collection presents educational proposals, lectures to university students, and personal essays. The author delves not only into the meaning of Soka (value-creating) education but offers a hopeful vision of the power of education to bring happiness to the individual and peace to the world.
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  28. Concepts of seeds and nature in the work of Marsilio Ficino.Hiroshi Hirai - 2002 - In Michael J. B. Allen, Valery Rees & Martin Davies (eds.), Marsilio Ficino: his theology, his philosophy, his legacy. Boston: Brill. pp. 257--284.
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    On Katětov and Katětov–Blass orders on analytic P-ideals and Borel ideals.Hiroshi Sakai - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):317-327.
    Minami–Sakai :883–898, 2016) investigated the cofinal types of the Katětov and the Katětov–Blass orders on the family of all \ ideals. In this paper we discuss these orders on analytic P-ideals and Borel ideals. We prove the following:The family of all analytic P-ideals has the largest element with respect to the Katětov and the Katětov–Blass orders.The family of all Borel ideals is countably upward directed with respect to the Katětov and the Katětov–Blass orders. In the course of the proof of (...)
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  30. Android science: Conscious and subconscious recognition.Hiroshi Ishiguro - 2006 - Connection Science 18 (4):319-332.
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    哲学の世界・総論.Hiroshi Ban - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
  32.  27
    生得分離モデルを用いた Ga と Jsp への適用.Kobayashi Sigenobu Ikeda Kokolo - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:530-538.
    Job-shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) is one of the most difficult benchmark problems. GA approaches often fail searching the global optimum because of the deception UV-structure of JSPs. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework model of GA, Innately Split Model (ISM) which prevents UV-phenomenon, and discuss on its power particularly. Next we analyze the structure of JSPs with the help of the UV-structure hypothesys, and finally we show ISM's excellent performance on JSP.
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  33. Ronrigaku.Hiroshi Hayami - 1948
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  34. Chemical interpretation of creation and origin of life accorfing to Athanasius Kircher.Hiroshi Hirai - 2007 - Annals of Science 64 (2):217-234.
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    The Rituals of the Naxi and Yi Nationalities for Raising the Soul of the Dead from Suffering.Maruyama Hiroshi - 2002 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 1:013.
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    Kōchū shisho Hagakure sakuin.Kenshirō Ikeda - 2000 - Fukuoka-shi: Ashi Shobō.
    現在、一般に普及している「葉隠」の校注本は、次の四書です。(1)栗原荒野編著『校註葉隠』(2)和辻哲郎・古川哲史校訂『葉隠』上中下(3)城島正祥校注『葉隠』上下(4)相良亨・佐藤正英校注「葉隠集」。こ のうち(2)の岩波文庫本以下三書には、索引がありません。(1)の栗原本には索引がありますが、通常の本文索引ではなく、「葉隠」の箇条に付された注記を引き出すための注釈索引で、しかも部立、事項数とも、十分 なものではありません。そのため本書は、この四書のいずれにも使用できる索引をと考えて作製しました。.
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  37. Yamada Hōkoku jutsu "Kohon daigaku".Hiromichi Ikeda - 2020 - Tōkyō-to Suginami-ku: Meitoku Shuppansha.
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    Die Selbstbestimmung des dialektischen Begriffs bei Kant und Hegel.Toru Ikeda - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1).
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  39. Keizai tetsugaku no hōhō josetsu.Hiroshi Segawa - 1970
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  40. Tetsugaku sōron.Hiroshi Shimoda - unknown
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    Kankyō no ontorogī: sonzairon kara no apurōchi.Hiroshi Takehara - 2000 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  42. Sōka kyōiku to ningen shugi.Hiroshi Watanabe - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Daisan Bunmeisha.
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    Soar into the skies of hope.Daisaku Ikeda - 2016 - Santa Monica, CA: Treasure Tower Books. Edited by Alexandra Ball.
    Children will appreciate the conversational tone of this collection of personal essays written just for them by one of world's great philosophers, Daisaku Ikeda. "Let's begin our talk," he writes, "as if we were strolling together under clear blue skies." The author's love, respect and high hopes for boys and girls fill every page. At every turn, children will be inspired to think about life and their role in the world in ways, perhaps, they've never thought of before. As (...)
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  44.  8
    Monad & Thou: Phenomenological Ontology of Human Being.Hiroshi Kojima - 2000 - Ohio University Press.
    The genesis for this volume was in the bombing of Japan during World War II, where the author, as a young boy, watched the bombers overhead, speculating about the lives of the pilots and their relationship with those huddled on the ground._ From this disturbing diorama, Professor Hiroshi Kojima, the translator of Martin Buber into Japanese, unfolds a new approach to Buber's “I-Thou” relation, drawing upon insights from Husserl, Heidegger, and others in the tradition of continental philosophy to extend (...)
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  45. Constructive proof of the existence of bound state in one dimension.Hiroshi Ezawa - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (11):1495-1509.
    A proof is given for the theorem that at least one bound state exists in a one-dimensional attractive potential however weak it may be. The proof is constructive in that it provides a method to explicitly solve the eigenvalue problem for the eigenvalues as well as the eigenfunctions. The method is well suited to precise numerical calculations.
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    Takahashi Fumi: mikan no josei tetsugakusha, Takahashi Fumi.Hiroshi Asami - 1997 - Ishikawa-ken Kahoku-gun Nanatsuka-machi: Ishikawa-ken Nanatsuka-machi.
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    From Lorenzen Through Husserl to Whitehead.Hiroshi Endo - 1990 - Process Studies 19 (4):235-239.
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    Gendai no ronrigaku.Hiroshi Endō - 1990 - Tōkyō: Nansōsha. Edited by Mitsuo Shiraishi.
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    Quantification, Games and Existence.Hiroshi Endo - 1974 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 4 (4):231-234.
  50. Sonzai no ronri.Hiroshi Endō - 1974
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