Results for 'Hilmar Grabow'

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  1.  21
    You Don’t Bend It Like Beckham if You’re Female and Reminded of It: Stereotype Threat Among Female Football Players.Hilmar Grabow & Melanie Kühl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Inspired to Lend a Hand? Attempts to Elicit Prosocial Behavior Through Goal Contagion.Hilmar Brohmer, Andreas Fauler, Caroline Floto, Ursula Athenstaedt, Gayannée Kedia, Lisa V. Eckerstorfer & Katja Corcoran - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Die Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls und ihre Bedeutung für soziologische Theorien.Hilmar Brauner - 1978 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain.
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    Entwicklung der Sonnenforschung.Hilmar W. Duerbeck - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (4):251-253.
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    Kritik - Intervention - Transformation: feministische Widerständigkeit im hegemonialen Geschlechterdispositiv.Jördis Grabow - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Feministische Bewegungen und ihre diversen widerständigen Praktiken haben in den vergangenen Jahren wieder an Sichtbarkeit gewonnen. Neben Protest- und Aktionsformen lassen sich auch zahlreiche Praktiken finden, die das Alltagsleben feministischer Akteur*innen prägen. Charakteristisch vereinen die heterogenen feministischen Widerstände Kritik-, Interventions- und Transformationspraktiken, die das hegemoniale Geschlechterdispositiv sowie realwirksame Hervorbringungen hinterfragen, angreifen und verändern. Die Autorin untersucht in ihrer explorativen Studie verschiedene Widerstandspraktiken und analysiert deren Bedeutung für gesellschaftliche Wandlungsprozesse. Bildet Geschlecht weiterhin die zentrale Bezugsdimension innerhalb feministischer Bewegungen? Wie definieren Feminist*innen (...)
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    Notes.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 203-240.
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    Adaptability in Online Democratic Engagement: A Multi-ChannelStrategy to Enhance Deliberative Policies.Hilmar Westholm - 2003 - Communications 28 (2):205-227.
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    John Stuart Mill. Eine Prüfung der Philosophie Sir William Hamiltons.Hilmar Wilmanns - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Zukunftsfähiger Humanismus: Präzedenzfälle und Perspektiven.Hilmar Kallweit - 2014 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Welche Rolle kann und muss der Humanismus in der Epoche der Globalisierung spielen? Rekonstruktiv und kritisch diskutiert Hilmar Kallweit die Zukunftsfähigkeit des anthropologisch-ethischen Deutungsentwurfs, der für den Humanismus seit der Antike leitend war. Anhand einschlägiger Quellen der beiden zentralen Phasen des nachantiken Humanismus, des rhetorischen Humanismus der Frühen Neuzeit und des klassischen Humanismus an der Schwelle zur Moderne, entwickelt er Konsequenzen für ein Erkenntnisprogramm, das dem Humanismus erneute Geltung und kulturelle Orientierungskompetenz verschaffen kann....
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    Die Gegebenheit und Vollständigkeit a priori der Kantischen Urteilstafel.Hilmar Lorenz - 1997 - Kant Studien 88 (4):386-405.
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    Kants kopernikanische Wende vom Wissen zum Glauben: systematischer Kommentar zu Vorrede B der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Hilmar Lorenz - 2011 - Berlin: Lit.
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    Bibliography.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 241-254.
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    2. Critique, Reform, and Defence of Prayers to the Saints.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 69-108.
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    The Impetus for Reform in Erasmus of Rotterdam’s New Testament.Hilmar M. Pabel - 2018 - Erasmus Studies 38 (1):25-54.
    _ Source: _Volume 38, Issue 1, pp 25 - 54 Scholars have assumed but not proven that Erasmus was a Church reformer. They have located his impetus for Church reform in his editions of the New Testament. A consideration of the orientation of reform aids in analysing Erasmus’ _Annotations on the New Testament_. A programmatic return to ancient sources facilitated a philological reform of the text of the New Testament. Furthermore, Erasmus’ recourse to Scripture exposed contemporary aberrations from appropriate Christian (...)
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: German Banks - what role do they really play?Hilmar Kopper - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (2):64–69.
    The Spokesman of Deutsche Bank's Board of Managing Directors delivered The Gilbart Lecture on Banking last year under the auspices of King's College London at an occasion sponsored by the National Westminster Bank plc and organised by the Chartered Institute of Bankers. The text of Herr Kopper's lecture is reproduced here with permission.
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    Susanne Krasmann and Michael Volkmer (eds.) , Michel Foucaults “Geschichte der Gouvernementalität” in den Sozialwissenschaften. Internationale Beiträge (Bielefeld: transcript, 2007), ISBN: 978-3899424881 Patricia Purtschert, Katrin Meyer and Yves Winter (eds.) , Gouvernementalität und Sicherheit: Zeitdiagnostische Beiträge im Anschluss an Foucault (Bielefeld: transcript, 2008), ISBN: 978-3899426311. [REVIEW]Hilmar Schäfer - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:170-177.
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    Acknowledgments.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press.
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    Contents.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press.
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    Conclusion.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 191-202.
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    Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing.Hilmar Pabel (ed.) - 1997 - University of Toronto Press.
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    4. Erasmus’ Prayer-Book: The Precationes aliquot novae.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 155-190.
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    Frontmatter.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press.
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    Introduction.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-20.
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    Index.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 255-261.
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    3. Interpreting the Lord’s Prayer.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 109-154.
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    1. The Principal Elements of Erasmus’ Teaching on Prayer.Hilmar Pabel - 1997 - In Conversing with God: Prayer in Erasmus' Pastoral Writing. University of Toronto Press. pp. 21-68.
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    Graeco-Indische Begegnungen.Hilmar Schmiedl-Neuburg - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):135-157.
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    The Syrian refugee crisis in Scandinavian newspapers.Jostein Gripsrud, Hilmar Mjelde & Jan Fredrik Hovden - 2018 - Communications 43 (3):325-356.
    This article maps and analyzes quantitatively how the Scandinavian news press covered the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis. Our analysis shows that in the coverage of the migration events, Denmark and Sweden occupy polar positions in terms of their newspapers’ emphasis, with the former appearing more negative towards the refugees, and the latter more positive. The Norwegian case is found in between these. Danish print media more often mention the negative economic consequences of the arrivals, and Swedish the positive moral ones, (...)
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    Implementing an Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing Treatment-Program for Women With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Childbirth.Leonieke W. Kranenburg, Hilmar H. Bijma, Alex J. Eggink, Esther M. Knijff & Mijke P. Lambregtse-van den Berg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to describe the implementation and outcomes of an Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing treatment-program for women with posttraumatic stress disorder after childbirth.MethodsA prospective cohort-study with pre- and post-measurements was carried out in the setting of an academic hospital in the Netherland. Included were women who gave birth to a living child at least 4 weeks ago, with a diagnosis of PTSD, or severe symptoms of PTSD combined with another psychiatric diagnosis. All received up to (...)
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    Passionen des Realen in Lars von Triers Filmkunst.Lutz Goetzmann, Hilmar Schmiedl-Neuburg & Barbara Ruettner - 2016 - Psyche 70 (12):1135-1158.
    Lars von Triers Filme »Antichrist«, »Melancholia« und »Nymphomaniac« vermitteln den Autoren zufolge in einer verstörenden Weise den »Schock des Realen«, der aus einer Zone des Unvorstellbaren und Unbegreiflichen einbricht. Es sind absurde, sinnfreie Zumutungen, die sich der Filmszenen bemächtigen und diese in »Oberflächenabgründe« verwandeln. Solche Effekte werden in ausgewählten Szenen in den erwähnten Filmen v.a. im Rückgriff auf Lacans Theorien untersucht.
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    Über grundlegende Voraussetzungen fur Krisenstabilität in Europa ohne Kernwaffen.Reiner K. Huber, Hilmar Linnenkamp & Lngrid Schölch - 1987 - Analyse & Kritik 9 (1-2):193-216.
    There are several reasons which suggest that the role of nuclear weapons for deterrence in Europe is gradually diminishing. Thus, Europeans are confronted with the question whether and under what conditions strategic stability can be obtained in a post-nuclear world. From the analysis of a simple conceptual model of military conflict the conclusion is reached that, in order to preserve crisis stability in a non-nuclear world and to dampen the arms race, the antagonistic land forces in Europe need to be (...)
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    Medicine in the focal spot of the natural sciences, technology, and humanity.Olav Hilmar Iversen - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (3):315.
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    Improving Self-Control: The Influence of Role Models on Intertemporal Choices.Gayannée Kedia, Hilmar Brohmer, Marc Scholten & Katja Corcoran - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:452735.
    The ability to delay rewards is one of the most useful qualities one may wish to develop. People who possess this quality achieve more successful careers, display better interpersonal skills and are less vulnerable to psychopathology, obesity or addictions. In the present online studies, we investigated the extent to which delay-of-reward behaviors in female participants can be improved by observing others mastering it. We developed an intertemporal choice (IC) paradigm in which participants had to make fictitious choices between sooner smaller (...)
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    Graeco-Indische Begegnungen Die Pyrrhonische Skepsis und die Indische Philosophie.Hilmar Schmiedl-Neuburg - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):343-365.
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    Some Hierarchies of Primitive Recursive Functions on Term Algebras.Klaus-Hilmar Sprenger - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (2):251-286.
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    Pierre Bourdieu und die Kulturwissenschaften: zur Aktualität eines undisziplinierten Denkens.Daniel Šuber, Hilmar Schäfer & Sophia Prinz (eds.) - 2011 - Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  37. John Cameron, Philosoph und Theologe (1579-1625).Axel Hilmar Swinne - 1968 - Marburg,: N. G. Elwert.
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    Philosophie und Literatur.Benjamin Kaiser & Hilmar Schmiedl-Neuburg (eds.) - 2019 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Der Mensch, das Begehren und die Sprache.Hilmar Schmiedl-Neuburg - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2017 (1):155-174.
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    Verification in incomplete argumentation frameworks.Dorothea Baumeister, Daniel Neugebauer, Jörg Rothe & Hilmar Schadrack - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 264 (C):1-26.
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    Phyloreferences: Tree-Native, Reproducible, and Machine-Interpretable Taxon Concepts.Nico Cellinese, Stijn Conix & Hilmar Lapp - 2022 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 14 (8).
    Evolutionary and organismal biology have become inundated with data. At the same rate, we are experiencing a surge in broader evolutionary and ecological syntheses for which tree-thinking is the staple for a variety of post-tree analyses. To fully take advantage of this wealth of data to discover and understand large-scale evolutionary and ecological patterns, computational data integration, i.e., the use of machines to link data at large scale, is crucial. The most common shared entity by which evolutionary and ecological data (...)
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    The Interchromatin Compartment Participates in the Structural and Functional Organization of the Cell Nucleus.Thomas Cremer, Marion Cremer, Barbara Hübner, Asli Silahtaroglu, Michael Hendzel, Christian Lanctôt, Hilmar Strickfaden & Christoph Cremer - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (2):1900132.
    This article focuses on the role of the interchromatin compartment (IC) in shaping nuclear landscapes. The IC is connected with nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and harbors splicing speckles and nuclear bodies. It is postulated that the IC provides routes for imported transcription factors to target sites, for export routes of mRNA as ribonucleoproteins toward NPCs, as well as for the intranuclear passage of regulatory RNAs from sites of transcription to remote functional sites (IC hypothesis). IC channels are lined by less‐compacted (...)
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    Not Too Much and Not Too Little: Information Processing for a Good Purchase Decision.Claudia Vogrincic-Haselbacher, Joachim I. Krueger, Brigitta Lurger, Isabelle Dinslaken, Julian Anslinger, Florian Caks, Arnd Florack, Hilmar Brohmer & Ursula Athenstaedt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    When deciding on an online purchase, consumers often face a plethora of information. Yet, individuals consumers differ greatly in the amount of information they are willing and able to acquire and process before making purchasing decisions. Extensively processing all available information does not necessarily promote good decisions. Instead, the empirical evidence suggests that reviewing too much information or too many choice alternatives can impair decision quality. Using simulated contract conclusion scenarios, we identify distinctive types of information processing styles and find (...)
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    Hilmar Hofffmann: Generation Hitlerjugend. Reflexionen über eine Verführung, Frankfurt a. M.: Axel Dielmann Verlag 2018, 598 S. [REVIEW]Joachim H. Knoll - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 71 (3):325-328.
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    Trans-appropriations: Transgendering Nationness in Piotr Odmieniec Włast’s “In Grabow During the War: Book of Idyllic Poetry”.Karolina Krasuska - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (5-6):119-137.
    This article examines the performance of masculinity by Piotr Odmieniec Włast in the poetry manuscript “In Grabów during the War:Book of Idyllic Poetry”. Following feminist arguments about the interdependence of the categories of gender and nationness, it argues that Włast uses Polish Romantic messianic discourse to make credible his staging of masculinity. Consequently, it participates in the discussions about the relations between nationness and non-normative gender scenarios.
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  46. John Stuart Mill, Eine Prüfung der Philosophie Sir William Hamiltons. Deutsch von Hilmar Wilmanns.Rudolf Jörges - 1908 - Kant Studien 13:348.
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