Results for 'Heiner Braun-Urban'

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  1. Wandlung der Welt durch Wandlung des Bewusstseins.Heiner Braun-Urban - 1969 - München,: Drei-Eichen-Verl..
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    Methodological Problems on the Way to Integrative Human Neuroscience.Boris Kotchoubey, Felix Tretter, Hans A. Braun, Thomas Buchheim, Andreas Draguhn, Thomas Fuchs, Felix Hasler, Heiner Hastedt, Thilo Hinterberger, Georg Northoff, Ingo Rentschler, Stephan Schleim, Stephan Sellmaier, Ludger Tebartz van Elst & Wolfgang Tschacher - unknown
    Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary effort to understand the structures and functions of the brain and brain-mind relations. This effort results in an increasing amount of data, generated by sophisticated technologies. However, these data enhance our descriptive knowledge, rather than improve our understanding of brain functions. This is caused by methodological gaps both within and between subdisciplines constituting neuroscience, and the atomistic approach that limits the study of macro- and mesoscopic issues. Whole-brain measurement technologies do not resolve these issues, but rather (...)
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    Präventionsentscheidungen: zur Geschichte und Ethik der Gesundheitsvorsorge im 21. Jahrhundert.Heiner Fangerau, Sebastian Kessler & Urban Wiesing (eds.) - 2017 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Kaum ein Thema scheint im privaten wie gesellschaftlichen Leben so umstritten zu sein wie die gesunde Lebensfuhrung - Pravention ist ein Kampfplatz von politischen Steuerungsinteressen, okonomischem Kalkul und weltanschaulichen Positionen. Durch die Aufarbeitung der soziohistorischen Entwicklung verschiedener Praventionsverstandnisse tragt dieser interdisziplinare Sammelband zu einem umfassenden Verstandnis von Gesundheitsfursorge und -vorsorge bei und lasst die politischen, soziologischen, rechtlichen und philosophischen Aspekte klar hervortreten.
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    Urban Wiesing (2004) Wer heilt, hat Recht? ber Pragmatik und Pluralit t in der Medizin.Frankfurt Barbara Wolf-Braun - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):57-59.
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    Remote Testing of the Familiar Word Effect With Non-dialectal and Dialectal German-Learning 1–2-Year-Olds.Bettina Braun, Nathalie Czeke, Jasmin Rimpler, Claus Zinn, Jonas Probst, Bastian Goldlücke, Julia Kretschmer & Katharina Zahner-Ritter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Variability is pervasive in spoken language, in particular if one is exposed to two varieties of the same language. Unlike in bilingual settings, standard and dialectal forms are often phonologically related, increasing the variability in word forms. We investigate whether dialectal variability in children’s input affects their ability to recognize words in Standard German, testing non-dialectal vs. dialectal children. Non-dialectal children, who typically grow up in urban areas, mostly hear Standard German forms, and hence encounter little segmental variability in (...)
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    Science and Cinema.Janina Wellmann - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):311-328.
    This issue ofScience in Contextis dedicated to the question of whether there was a “cinematographic turn” in the sciences around the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1895, the Lumière brothers presented their projection apparatus to the Parisian public for the first time. In 1897, the Scottish medical doctor John McIntyre filmed the movement of a frog's leg; in Vienna, in 1898, Ludwig Braun made film recordings of the contractions of a living dog's heart (cf. Cartwright 1992); in 1904, (...)
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    A Leap of Faith: Is There a Formula for “Trustworthy” AI?Matthias Braun, Hannah Bleher & Patrik Hummel - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (3):17-22.
    Trust is one of the big buzzwords in debates about the shaping of society, democracy, and emerging technologies. For example, one prominent idea put forward by the High‐Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence appointed by the European Commission is that artificial intelligence should be trustworthy. In this essay, we explore the notion of trust and argue that both proponents and critics of trustworthy AI have flawed pictures of the nature of trust. We develop an approach to understanding trust in AI (...)
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  8. Indexicals.David Braun - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Indexicals are linguistic expressions whose reference shifts from context to context: some paradigm examples are ‘I’, ‘here’, ‘now’, ‘today’,‘he’, ‘she’, and ‘that’. Two speakers who utter a single sentence that contains an indexical may say different things. For instance, Fred and Wilma say different things when they utter the sentence ‘I am female’. Many philosophers (following David Kaplan 1989a) hold that indexicals have two sorts of meaning. The first sort of meaning is often called ‘character’ or ‘linguistic meaning’; the second (...)
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    Represent me: please! Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine.Matthias Braun - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):394-400.
    Simulations are used in very different contexts and for very different purposes. An emerging development is the possibility of using simulations to obtain a more or less representative reproduction of organs or even entire persons. Such simulations are framed and discussed using the term ‘digital twin’. This paper unpacks and scrutinises the current use of such digital twins in medicine and the ideas embedded in this practice. First, the paper maps the different types of digital twins. A special focus is (...)
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  10. Illogical, but rational.David Braun - 2006 - Noûs 40 (2):376–379.
    Stephen Schiffer says that Nathan Salmon and I are committed to the special-case consequence. He also says that it is possible for - to be true.
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  11. Structured characters and complex demonstratives.David Braun - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 74 (2):193--219.
    A structured character is a semantic value of a certain sort. Like the more familiar Kaplanian characters, structured characters determine the contents of expressions in contexts. But unlike Kaplanian characters, structured characters also have constituent structures. The semantic theories with which most of us are acquainted do not mention structured characters. But I argue in this paper that these familiar semantic theories fail to make obvious distinctions in meaning---distinctions that can be made by a theory that uses structured characters. Thus (...)
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  12. Now you know who Hong oak yun is.David Braun - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):24-42.
    Hong Oak Yun is a person who is over three inches tall. And now you know who Hong Oak Yun is. For if someone were to ask you ‘Who is Hong Oak Yun?’, you could answer that Hong Oak Yun is a person who is over three inches tall, and you would know what you were saying. So you know an answer to the question ‘Who is Hong Oak Yun?’, and that is sufficient for knowing who Hong Oak Yun is. (...)
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    Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne-Jules Marey.Marta Braun - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    A complete, illustrated survey of Etienne-Jules Marey's work that investigates the far reaching effects of her inventions on stream-of-consciousness literature, psychoanalysis, Bergsonian philosophy, and the art of cubists and futurists.
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  14. Russellianism and psychological generalizations.David Braun - 2000 - Noûs 34 (2):203-236.
    (1) Harry believes that Twain is a writer. (2) Harry believes that Clemens is a writer. I say that this is Russellianism's most notorious consequence because it is so often used to argue against the view: many philosophers think that it is obvious that (1) and (2) can differ in truth value, and so they conclude that Russellianism is false. Let's call this the Substitution Objection to Russellianism.
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    Leader Narcissism Predicts Malicious Envy and Supervisor-Targeted Counterproductive Work Behavior: Evidence from Field and Experimental Research.Susanne Braun, Nilüfer Aydin, Dieter Frey & Claudia Peus - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (3):725-741.
    Building on the emotion-centered model of voluntary work behavior, this research tests the relations between leader narcissism, followers’ malicious and benign envy, and supervisor-targeted counterproductive work behavior. Results across five studies, two experimental studies, and two field surveys indicate that leader narcissism relates positively to followers’ negative emotions, which in turn mediates the positive relation between leader narcissism and supervisor-targeted CWB. Proposed negative relations between leader narcissism and positive emotions were only partly supported. Our findings advance the understanding of envy (...)
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    Ethics of digital twins: four challenges.Matthias Braun - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):579-580.
    In the article ‘Represent Me: Please! Towards an Ethics of Digital Twins in Medicine’, I analysed and tried to better understand the main ethical challenges associated with Digital Twins. For those who are just entering the debate with this article: DT is a metaphor for a bundle of artificial intelligence driven simulation technologies that constantly, in real time and ad personam simulate single or multiple parts of the body and make predictions about future health states based on these simulations. My (...)
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  17. Russellianism and Explanation.David Braun - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s15):253-289.
    Many philosophers think that the Substitution Objection decisively refutes Russellianism. This objection claims that sentences (1) and (2) can differ in truth value. Therefore, it says, the sentences express different propositions, and so Russellianism is false.
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    Mitochondrial replacement techniques for treating infertility.Esther Braun - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) usually aim to prevent the genetic transmission of maternally inherited mitochondrial diseases. Until now, only the UK and Australia have implemented specific legal regulations of MRTs. In both countries, clinical trials on these techniques are only permissible for cases with a high risk of severe mitochondrial disease in the offspring. However, these techniques can also be applied to treat infertility, especially for older women with impaired oocyte quality. In some countries without legal regulation of these techniques, (...)
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    Universality, complexity and the praxis of biology: Two case studies.Erez Braun & Shimon Marom - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:68-72.
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    The imperatives of narrative: Health interest groups and morality in network news.Joshua A. Braun - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (8):6 – 14.
    This article examines some of the story conventions of network television news to explain the ways in which healthcare interest groups develop and maintain their presence in this medium—a process that has significant implications for public understanding of healthcare issues, and therefore to bioethics. The article is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on three major normative conventions of television news: adherence to a simple narrative structure, the balance ethic, and avoidance of the “think-piece” and outlines the basic (...)
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  21. Contextualism about 'might' and says-that ascriptions.David Braun - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):485-511.
    Contextualism about ‘might’ says that the property that ‘might’ expresses varies from context to context. I argue against contextualism. I focus on problems that contextualism apparently has with attitude ascriptions in which ‘might’ appears in an embedded ‘that’-clause. I argue that contextualists can deal rather easily with many of these problems, but I also argue that serious difficulties remain with collective and quantified says-that ascriptions. Herman Cappelen and John Hawthorne atempt to deal with these remaining problems, but I argue that (...)
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    Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Human Genome Editing.Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock (eds.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Genome Editing Techniques are seen to be at the frontier of current research in the field of emerging biotechnologies. The latest revolutionary development, the so-called CRISPR technology, represents a paradigmatic example of the ambiguity of such techniques and has resulted in an international interdisciplinary debate on whether or not it is necessary to ban the application of this technique by means of a moratorium on its use for human germline modifications, particularly in human embryos in the reproduction process. However, given (...)
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  23. Problems for a quantificational theory of complex demonstratives.David Braun - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 140 (3):335 - 358.
    This paper presents a number of objections to Jeffrey King's quantificational theory of complex demonstratives. Some of these objections have to do with modality, whereas others concern attitude ascriptions. Various possible replies are considered. The debate between quantificational theorists and direct reference theorists over complex demonstratives is compared with recent debates concerning definite descriptions.
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    Grain boundary etching on pure aluminium.I. Braun, F. C. Frank & G. Meyrick - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (35):1312-1317.
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    Kohelet und die frühhellenistische Popularphilosophie.Rainer Braun - 2018 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    In der Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift f r die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) erscheinen Arbeiten zu s mtlichen Gebieten der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Im Zentrum steht die Hebr ische Bibel, ihr Vor- und Nachleben im antiken Judentum sowie ihre vielfache Verzweigung in die benachbarten Kulturen der altorientalischen und hellenistisch-r mischen Welt.
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    Timing skills and expertise: discrete and continuous timed movements among musicians and athletes.Thenille Braun Janzen, William Forde Thompson, Paolo Ammirante & Ronald Ranvaud - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Make My Memory: How Advertising Can Change Our Memories of the Past.Kathryn A. Braun, Rhiannon Ellis & Elizabeth F. Loftus - 2002 - Psychology and Marketing 19 (1):1-23.
    Marketers use autobiographical advertising as a means to create nostalgia for their products. This research explores whether such referencing can cause people to believe that they had experiences as children that are mentioned in the ads. In Experiment 1, participants viewed an ad for Disney that suggested that they shook hands with Mickey Mouse as a child. Relative to controls, the ad increased their confidence that they personally had shaken hands with Mickey as a child at a Disney resort. The (...)
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    Fürsorge und Autonomie als normative Grundlagen von assistiertem Suizid.Esther Braun - 2024 - In Claudia Bozzaro, Gesine Richter & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Ethik des assistierten Suizids: Autonomien, Vulnerabilitäten, Ambivalenzen. transcript Verlag. pp. 175-186.
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    Introduction: Ethics and the War against Ukraine.Christian Nikolaus Braun - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):3-5.
    Now in its third year, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine remains at the very top of the international security agenda. This conflict has largely refocused the West's attention away from the counterterrorism and counterinsurgency campaigns that followed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In February 2022, German chancellor Olaf Scholz went so far as to declare that the invasion signaled a zeitenwende, or “dawn of a new era.”1 Russia's aggression and the threat of having to fight a (...)
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    Die Erklärbarkeit von Erfahrung. Realismus und Subjektivität in Spinozas Theorie des menschlichen Geistes.Roland Braun - 2014 - Philosophische Rundschau 61 (4):325-328.
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    Antisemitismus als Seuche.Christina von Braun - 2021 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 30 (2):239-246.
    Die großen Seuchen Europas begleiteten oft antisemitische Bilder. Der Aufsatz stellt die Parallelen zwischen dem Wandel der christlichen Heilsbotschaft (von der Glaubensgemeinschaft zur Transsubstantiationslehre) und der Verlagerung vom Antijudaismus zum rassistischen Antisemitismus dar: Aus dem Juden mit der „falschen Religion“ wird der Jude mit dem „falschen Körper“. Die Fantasien vom Juden als „Infektionsträger“ bauen auf alten christlichen Vorurteilen auf, doch im Prozess der Moderne mit ihrer Hinwendung zur Weltlichkeit verwandeln sie sich in körperliche „Realität“. Im frühen 21. Jahrhundert kommt es (...)
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    Age differences in the acquisition and extinction of the conditioned eyelid response.Harry W. Braun & Richard Geiselhart - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (6):386.
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    A deficit of primary affective facial expression independent of bucco-facial dyspraxia in chronic schizophrenics.C. Braun, S. Bernier, R. Proulx & H. Cohen - 1991 - Cognition and Emotion 5 (2):147-159.
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    Anne Michaels and the Affirmation of Being in the Poetics of Suffering and Trauma.Connie T. Braun - 2010 - Renascence 62 (2):157-173.
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    A Modest Dilemma: Can the Virtue of Modesty Coexist with the Developmental Account of Virtue?S. Stewart Braun - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (2):319-337.
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    Altruismus, Moralität und Vertrauen.Norman Braun - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14 (2):177-186.
    Successful trust-relations exist if the trustee reciprocates in accordance with his/her promises to the trustor’s unilateral cooperation. Using a parametric rational choice approach, Coleman shows that an egoist without a moral conscience may place trust in another unmoral egoist. Consequently, successful trust-relations between those actors are possible if strategic considerations play no role for individual decision-making. This paper focusses on such considerations for the emergence of those relations, given complete information (in the sense of common knowledge) of the players. Generally, (...)
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    Animal rationale: Ortsbestimmung einer anthropologisch fundierten Ethik.Hermann Braun - 2020 - Darmstadt: Wbg Academic.
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    A Socio-Technological Module: by the Faculty and Staff Department of Technology and Society College of Engineering and Applied Sciences SUNY at Stony Brook, NY 11794.Ludwig Braun - 1981 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 1 (3):257-258.
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    Adynata und versus intercalaris im lied damons.Ludwig Braun - 1969 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 113 (1-2):292-297.
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    Book Forum.Lundy Braun - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 80:101221.
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    But Is It Good Enough? Jus ad Vim and the Danger of Perpetual War.Christian Nikolaus Braun - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):527-537.
    In this essay, I reflect on the divergent arguments about limited force made by Daniel R. Brunstetter and Samuel Moyn in their respective monographs. Arguing that their positions can be reconciled, I agree with Brunstetter that limited force has a role to play in establishing and maintaining a just world order. At the same time, however, I am mindful of Moyn's warning that limited force may lead to perpetual war. The way to ensure that limited force both works toward justice (...)
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    Beyond schooling: an anarchist challenge.Annette Braun - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (4):517-518.
  43. (1 other version)Carl Güttler. Zu seinem 70. Geburtstage.Elis Braun - 1919 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 23:142.
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  44. Ces jours auvergnats où la liberté a été victime.Lucien Braun - 2011 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 91 (3):331-337.
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    Critical Reflections on Rothbard’s Concept of Gross Investment.Eduard Braun - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (1):43-59.
    This paper critiques Rothbard’s concept of gross investment. Rothbard introduced the concept in order to demonstrate his point that it is not consumer spending that primarily drives the economy, like the mainstream Keynesian view maintains, but the capitalists’ spending. In this paper, it is argued that, contrary to Rothbard’s opinion, the amount of gross investment as he defines it does not contain significant information concerning the question as to whether the capital structure of a society can be upheld or not. (...)
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    Die Anfälligkeit des Prinzipiellen. Existenzphilosophie und philosophische Anthropologie vor und nach 1933.Hermann Braun - 1991 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 17:345-383.
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  47. Deficits and recovery of first-order and second-order motion perception in patients with unilateral posterior parietal lesions.D. Braun, M. Fahle, P. Schoenle & J. Zanker - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 7-7.
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    Das Feuer des Eros: Platon zur Einführung.Bernhard Braun - 2003 - De Gruyter.
    Der orientalische Gott Eros ist in seinen Ursprungen ein Zerreisser dieser Welt. Er wirft sie aus dem Takt und zerstort ihre Harmonie. Das jedoch war den fruhen griechischen Baumeistern des Abendlandes gar nicht recht. In einem aufregenden Akt wurde der Zerreisser zum Versohner umgedeutet. Besonders anschaulich wird diese Geschichte beim grossen Philosophen Platon. Dort liegen die Wurzeln fur eine erregende Spiritualitat auf der einen und fur die technisch-wissenschaftliche Welteroberung auf der anderen Seite. Mit didaktischem Geschick entfaltet der Autor mit zahlreichen (...)
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    Die Religionsphilosophie Ludwig Feuerbachs.Hans-Jürg Braun - 1972 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann.
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    Diesel: Technology and Society in Industrial GermanyDonald E. Thomas, Jr.Hans-Joachim Braun - 1987 - Isis 78 (3):498-499.
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