Results for 'Harald Johannessen'

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  1.  41
    On quoting: an essay on the ontology of words.Harald Johannessen - 1976 - Trondheim: Universitetsforlaget.
    The essay tries to blend diverse strands of thought. First comes a criticism of Quine's view(s) on quotation. This develops, somehow, into an ontology for linguistic items. Out of this, again, grows some more general reflections on the notions of speaker and speaking the same language: the identification of someone as a speaker becomes a central task, and the recognition of someone as speaking is of crucial importance in the acknowledgement that something is said. Running through it all, more as (...)
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    Harald Johannessen – Interpreting Wittgenstein: Four Essays.Edmund Dain - 2010 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 44 (3-4):316-320.
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    Towards cognitively plausible data science in language research.Petar Milin, Dagmar Divjak, Strahinja Dimitrijević & R. Harald Baayen - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):507-526.
    Over the past 10 years, Cognitive Linguistics has taken a quantitative turn. Yet, concerns have been raised that this preoccupation with quantification and modelling may not bring us any closer to understanding how language works. We show that this objection is unfounded, especially if we rely on modelling techniques based on biologically and psychologically plausible learning algorithms. These make it possible to take a quantitative approach, while generating and testing specific hypotheses that will advance our understanding of how knowledge of (...)
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    Universalität der Vernunft und Pluralität der Erkenntnis bei Nicolaus Cusanus.Klaus Reinhardt & Harald Schwaetzer (eds.) - 2008 - Regensburg: Roderer.
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  5. Discursive Modernity.Nils Gilje & Harald Grimen (eds.) - 2007 - Universitetsforlaget.
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    Toleranz in europäischen Traditionen [Tolerance in European Traditions].David Bartosch & Harald Seubert - 2012 - In Hamid Reza Yousefi & Harald Seubert (eds.), In Toleranz im Weltkontext: Geschichten – Erscheinungsformen – Neue Entwicklungen [Tolerance in Global Context: Histories – Manifestations – New Developments]. Springer. pp. 53-64.
  7.  17
    COVID-19 ventilator rationing protocols: why we need to know more about the views of those with most to lose.Whitney Kerr & Harald Schmidt - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (3):133-136.
    Withholding or withdrawing life-saving ventilators can become necessary when resources are insufficient. With rising cases in many countries, and likely further peaks in the coming colder seasons, ventilator triage guidance remains a central part of the COVID-19 policy response. The dominant model in ventilator triage guidelines prioritises the ethical principles of saving the most lives and saving the most life-years. We sought to ascertain to what extent this focus aligns, or conflicts, with the preferences of disadvantaged minority populations. We conducted (...)
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  8. Philosophie ist Kritik. Zur Methodologie von Physik und Metaphysik.August Herbst & Harald Schwaetzer - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (2):356-360.
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    Fluctuations in the Dynamics of Single Quantum Systems.Anton Amann & Harald Atmanspacher - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (2):151-182.
    The traditional formalism of quantum mechanics is mainly used to describe ensembles of identical systems (with a density-operator formalism) or single isolated systems, but is not capable of describing single open quantum objects with many degrees of freedom showing pure-state stochastic dynamical behaviour. In particular, stochastic 'line-migration' as in single-molecule spectroscopy of defect molecules in a molecular matrix is not adequately described. Starting with the Bohr scenario of stochastic quantum jumps (between strict energy eigenstates), we try to incorporate more general (...)
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    Dilthey gegen Scherer Geistesgeschichte contra Positivismus Zur Revision eines wissenschaftshistorischen Stereotyps.Tom Kindt & Hans-Harald Müller - 2000 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (4):685-709.
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    Phenomenology and Qbism: New Approaches to Quantum Mechanics.Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume brings together philosophers and physicists to explore the parallels between Quantum Bayesianism, or QBism, and the phenomenological tradition. It is the first book exclusively devoted to phenomenology and quantum mechanics. By emphasizing the role of the subject's experiences and expectations, and by explicitly rejecting the idea that the notion of physical reality could ever be reduced to a purely third-personal perspective, QBism exhibits several interesting parallels with phenomenology. The central message of QBism is that quantum probabilities must be (...)
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    Das Wirklichkeitsproblem in Transzendentalphilosophie und Metaphysik: Heinrich Barth im Kontext.Christian Graf & Harald Schwaetzer (eds.) - 2014 - Basel: Schwabe.
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  13.  12
    Bemerkungen über den platonischen dialog Parmenides.Harald Høffding - 1921 - Berlin,: L. Simion nf..
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    Les conceptions de la vie.Harald Høffding - 1928 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Alexandre Koyré.
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    The problems of philosophy.Harald Høffding - 1905 - London,: Macmillan & co.. Edited by Galen Merriam Fisher.
    The problem of consciousness -- The problem of knowledge -- The problem of being -- The problem of values.
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  16. Introducing phenomenology to QBism and vice versa : phenomenological approaches to quantum mechanics.Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche - 2023 - In Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche (eds.), Phenomenology and Qbism: New Approaches to Quantum Mechanics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  17. Modern philosophers.Harald Høffding - 1915 - London,: Macmillan & co.. Edited by Mason, C. Alfred & [From Old Catalog].
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  18.  9
    Kirchenmusik als religiöse Praxis: praktisch-theologisches Handbuch zur Kirchenmusik.Gotthard Fermor & Harald Schroeter-Wittke (eds.) - 2005 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Die Kirchenmusik gehort zu den Reflexionsfeldern der Theologie und sollte trotz der anhaltenden Professionalisierung der Berufsbilder von Pfarrer und Kirchenmusiker auch nicht aus den Augen verloren werden. In diesem Handbuch kommen daher die praktisch-theologischen Wahrnehmungen und Leistungen der Kirchenmusik zur Geltung. Kirchenmusik wird dabei als religiose Praxis und als kulturelles Phanomen verstanden, das nicht auf den Gestaltungsraum Kirche begrenzt werden kann. Neben theologischen und kirchenmusikalischen Kategorien im engeren Sinne kommen so auch anthropologische, religiose und soziokulturelle Perspektiven in den Blick.In 50 (...)
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  19. Erkenntnistheorie und Lebensauffassung.Harald Hø̈ffding - 1926 - Leipzig,: O.R. Reisland.
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  20.  14
    Gartendiskurse: Mensch Und Garten in Philosophie Und Theologie.Arne Moritz & Harald Schwillus (eds.) - 2007 - Lang.
    Die menschliche Begeisterung fur Garten reicht historisch weit zuruck und ist bis in die Gegenwart ungebrochen. Dieser Band versammelt Beitrage zu einem bisher jedoch wenig beachteten Themenfeld. Der Begriff des Gartens war immer auch ein zentraler Bestandteil philosophischer und theologischer Diskurse und Kristallisationspunkt von Selbstverstandigungen des Menschen uber die Bedingungen gluckenden Lebens und uber zentrale Inhalte religiosen Glaubens. Die Beitrage des Bandes untersuchen derartige Gartendiskurse mit verschiedenen historischen Schwerpunkten, die von biblischer Zeit bis in die Gegenwart reichen. Erganzt wird dies (...)
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  21.  40
    Rationing, racism and justice: advancing the debate around ‘colourblind’ COVID-19 ventilator allocation.Harald Schmidt, Dorothy E. Roberts & Nwamaka D. Eneanya - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):126-130.
    Withholding or withdrawing life-saving ventilators can become necessary when resources are insufficient. In the USA, such rationing has unique social justice dimensions. Structural elements of dominant allocation frameworks simultaneously advantage white communities, and disadvantage Black communities—who already experience a disproportionate burden of COVID-19-related job losses, hospitalisations and mortality. Using the example of New Jersey’s Crisis Standard of Care policy, we describe how dominant rationing guidance compounds for many Black patients prior unfair structural disadvantage, chiefly due to the way creatinine and (...)
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  22. The concept of practice in Wittgenstein's later philosophy.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):357 – 369.
    It is argued in this article that the concept of practice is one of the key concepts in Wittgenstein's later philosophy. It partly replaces his earlier talk about the inexpressible. ?The practice has to speak for itself, as Wittgenstein succinctly puts it. The concept of practice not only points to the ways in which the unity of our concepts are underpinned, as Gordon Baker has it, it also comprises the skills involved in handling the conceptualized phenomena, our prereflective familiarity with (...)
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  23.  10
    The Demonic in the Political Thought of Eusebius of Caesarea.Hazel Johannessen - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Demonic in the Political Thought of Eusebius of Caesarea explores how Eusebius of Caesarea's ideas about demons interacted with and helped to shape his thought on other topics, particularly political topics Hazel Johannessen builds on and complements recent work on early Christian and early modern demonology. Eusebius' political thought has long drawn the attention of scholars who have identified in some of his works the foundations of later Byzantine theories of kingship. However, Eusebius' political thought has not previously (...)
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  24.  38
    Current concerns in involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memories.Kim Berg Johannessen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):847-860.
    Involuntary autobiographical memories are conscious memories of personal events that come to mind with no preceding attempts at retrieval. It is often assumed that such memories are closely related to current concerns – i.e., uncompleted personal goals. Here we examined involuntary versus voluntary autobiographical memories in relation to earlier registered current concerns measured by the Personal Concern Inventory . We found no differences between involuntary and voluntary memories with regard to frequency or characteristics of current concern-related contents. However, memories related (...)
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  25.  3
    Med Harald Sørensen på strejftog i Christen Kolds pædagogik.Harald Sørensen - 1977 - [København]: [eksp. DBK]. Edited by B. B. Lillelund.
  26.  74
    Complementarity in Classical Dynamical Systems.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (2):291-306.
    The concept of complementarity, originally defined for non-commuting observables of quantum systems with states of non-vanishing dispersion, is extended to classical dynamical systems with a partitioned phase space. Interpreting partitions in terms of ensembles of epistemic states (symbols) with corresponding classical observables, it is shown that such observables are complementary to each other with respect to particular partitions unless those partitions are generating. This explains why symbolic descriptions based on an ad hoc partition of an underlying phase space description should (...)
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  27.  33
    Complexity Matters: On Gender Agreement in Heritage Scandinavian.Janne Bondi Johannessen & Ida Larsson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Wittgenstein: Aesthetics and Transcendental Philosophy.Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (4):444-444.
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  29. Art and Aesthetic Praxis.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1980 - In Lars Aagaard-Mogensen & Göran Hermerén (eds.), Contemporary aesthetics in Scandinavia. Lund: Doxa. pp. 81--89.
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    Aspekter av tolkningsbegrepet.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1988 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 1 (1).
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  31.  10
    Contesting religious boundaries at school: A case from Norway.Elise Margrethe Vike Johannessen - 2022 - Critical Research on Religion 10 (2):187-199.
    This article examines the experiences of Norwegian high school girls with Muslim backgrounds in learning about Islam in religious education. The empirical material consists of observations from a high school class in Norway and interviews with girls in the class. The findings support previous reports that Islam as a topic may be challenging for students with Muslim backgrounds. They also suggest that the RE classroom is a space where religious boundaries can go from blurred to bright as a result of (...)
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  32. Philosophy, Art and Intransitive Understanding.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1994 - In Wittgenstein and Norway. Oslo: Solum Press. pp. 217--250.
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  33.  32
    The look of writing in reading. Graphetic empathy in making and perceiving graphic traces.Christian Mosbæk Johannessen, Marieke Longcamp, Susan A. J. Stuart, Paul J. Thibault & Chris Baber - 2021 - Language Sciences 84.
    This article presents preliminary considerations and results from a research project designed to investigate the relation between gestures, graphic traces and perceptions. More specifically, the project aims to test the hypothesis that graphic traces, including handwriting, can set up graphetic empathy between writers and readers of traces across long temporal and spatial distances. Insofar as a graphic trace is lawfully related to the gesture by which it came into being, the trace itself will hold information about the gesture, which may (...)
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  34.  19
    Wittgenstein and Norway.Kjell S. Johannessen (ed.) - 1994 - Oslo: Solum Press.
    Knut Olav Almås. Solum, 1994. 295 s. ISBN 82-560-0936-5 Den østerrrikske filosofen Wittgenstein var ikke bare opptatt av den norske vestlandsnaturen, men også fascinert av menneskene som levde der. Denne bio-grafien om ham har hans forhold til Norge som hovedtema. Her har en sett på hans bakgrunn for gjentatte Norges-besøk, og dokumentert hans relasjoner tilSkjolden-bygda i Sognefjorden. Her kan en presentere en rekke korrespondansemed mennesker fra Skjolden, alt for å kaste lys over Wittgenstein som både filosof og person. Det norske (...)
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  35.  7
    Wittgenstein, As̈thetik und transzendentale Philosophie: Akten eines Symposiums in Bergen (Norwegen) 1980.Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam (eds.) - 1981 - Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
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  36.  14
    Yet Unborn Realities.Runa Johannessen - 2016 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 25 (2):125-134.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 25 Heft: 2 Seiten: 125-134.
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    The many faces of panentheism: An editorial introduction.Harald Atmanspacher & Hartmut von Sass - 2017 - Zygon 52 (4):1029-1043.
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  38.  63
    Martinus Anglicus (dictus Bilond?), Tractatus de suppositione. Einleitung und Text von Harald Berger.Harald Berger - 2007 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 12 (1):157-173.
    L. M. de Rijk supposed in 1982 that two anonymous logical tracts in the Viennese Codex 4698, fol. 18r–27v, may be the work of Martinus Anglicus to whom a tract on consequences and one on obligations are ascribed in that codex. The tract on supposition of which the Viennese codex hands down only a fragment of the beginning is contained completely in Hs I 613 of the Stadtbibliothek Mainz, fol. 20vb–21vb. This finding ensures the authorship of Martinus Anglicus and allows (...)
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  39. [Book Chapter] (in Press).Harald Atmanspacher & Hans Primas (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
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    Discriminative grandparental solicitude as reproductive strategy.Harald A. Euler & Barbara Weitzel - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (1):39-59.
    1,857 adults rated the grandparental solicitude they received in childhood. Through a simple model based on the evolutionary concepts of ontogenetically differentiated reproductive strategy and paternity confidence, an ordered discriminative pattern of grandparental caregiving was predicted and confirmed by solid main effects, based on 603 complete cases. The maternal grandmother was the most caring. Unlike prevalent gender stereotypes, she was followed by the maternal grandfather, the paternal grandmother, and the paternal grandfather. The preferential grandparental solicitude was not influenced by residential (...)
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  41.  84
    Ancient Scepticism.Harald Thorsrud - 2009 - University of California Press.
    Scepticism, a philosophical tradition that casts doubt on our ability to gain knowledge of the world and suggests suspending judgment in the face of uncertainty, has been influential since its beginnings in ancient Greece. Harald Thorsrud provides an engaging, rigorous introduction to the central themes, arguments, and general concerns of ancient Scepticism, from its beginnings with Pyrrho of Elis to the writings of Sextus Empiricus in the second century A.D. Thorsrud explores the differences among Sceptics and examines in particular (...)
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  42.  33
    Phenomenological Approaches to Physics.Harald A. Wiltsche & Philipp Berghofer (eds.) - 2020 - Springer (Synthese Library).
    This book offers fresh perspective on the role of phenomenology in the philosophy of physics which opens new avenues for discussion among physicists, "standard" philosophers of physics and philosophers with phenomenological leanings. Much has been written on the interrelations between philosophy and physics in the late 19th and early 20th century, and on the emergence of philosophy of science as an autonomous philosophical sub-discipline. This book is about the under-explored role of phenomenology in the development and the philosophical interpretation of (...)
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    Vaccine Rationing and the Urgency of Social Justice in the Covid‐19 Response.Harald Schmidt - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):46-49.
    The Covid‐19 pandemic needs to be considered from two perspectives simultaneously. First, there are questions about which policies are most effective and fair in the here and now, as the pandemic unfolds. These polices concern, for example, who should receive priority in being tested, how to implement contact tracing, or how to decide who should get ventilators or vaccines when not all can. Second, it is imperative to anticipate the medium‐ and longer‐term consequences that these policies have. The case of (...)
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  44. Quantum Approaches to Consciousness.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    It is widely accepted that consciousness or, more generally, mental activity is in some way correlated to the behavior of the material brain. Since quantum theory is the most fundamental theory of matter that is currently available, it is a legitimate question to ask whether quantum theory can help us to understand consciousness. Several approaches answering this question affirmatively, proposed in recent decades, will be surveyed. It will be pointed out that they make different epistemological assumptions, refer to different neurophysiological (...)
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  45.  74
    Brain processes in emotional perception: Motivated attention.Harald Schupp, Bruce Cuthbert, Margaret Bradley, Charles Hillman, Alfons Hamm & Peter Lang - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (5):593-611.
  46. Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences (Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Vol. 3, 1995).Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam - 1995 - Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
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    Analogien mellom begrep og stil.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1989 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 2 (4).
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    Billedforståelsens kompleksitet.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1992 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 5 (7).
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    Bryson og kunsthistoriens grunnlagsdebatt.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1994 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 7 (11).
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  50. Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences. Papers of the 18th International Wittgenstein Symposium.Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam (eds.) - 1995 - The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
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