Results for 'Hansen Heine'

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  1.  21
    This Woman Is a Father? The Albricani on a Puzzle about Relations.Heine Hansen - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (2-3):248-270.
    Medieval philosophers had a predilection for using the correlative pair father and son as an illustrative example in their discussions of relations. The use of this example has sometimes led to charges of confusion on the grounds that fatherhood and sonship are not proper converses. The present article shows how a group of twelfth-century philosophers from the milieu around the logician Alberic of Paris handled the problems arising from the use of this illustrative example which they had inherited from their (...)
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  2. An Early Commentary on Boethius’ Topics.Heine Hansen - 2005 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 76:45-130.
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    On Determining What There Is: The Identity of Ontological Categories in Aquinas, Scotus, and Lowe (review).Heine Hansen - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (1):120-121.
  4.  23
    Introduction: Special Issue on the Twelfth-Century Logical Schools.John Marenbon & Heine Hansen - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (2-3):113-136.
    This special issue grew out of a small conference The Known & the Unknown: Exploring Twelfth-Century Philosophy, which was funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, hosted by the Saxo Institute, and held at the University of Copenhagen in April 2018. Its central topic was the many, mostly unexplored, commentaries on Aristotle, Boethius, and Porphyry that constitute the key textual evidence for a fascinating phenomenon that, although it played a pivotal role in the philosophical revival of Western Europe, remains frustratingly underexplored to (...)
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    Boethius' De topicis differentiis, Commentaries on.Heine Hansen - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 176--178.
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    Abelard’s Ontology of Forms: Some New Evidence from the Nominales and the Albricani.Heine Hansen - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1).
    This article concerns existents as a contentious issue in contemporary Abelardian scholarship. More precisely, it concerns the ontological standing of forms in Abelard’s metaphysics. Take, for example, the apple on my desk. What ontological standing does its redness have? Is it an actual entity over and above the apple or is it in some sense “reducible” to it? Abelard, famously, was a nominalist, so the question is not about some purported universal redness. Rather, it is about the particular redness of (...)
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    On the Road from Athens to Thebes Again: Some Thirteenth-Century Thinkers on Converse Relations1.Heine Hansen - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (3):468-489.
    If Sophroniscus is the father of Socrates, then Socrates is the son of Sophroniscus. If Socrates is similar to Plato, then Plato is similar to Socrates. But how many relations does Sophroniscus and Socrates being so related involve? How many does Plato and Socrates being thus related? Is there a difference between the two cases? These are questions that have featured prominently in discussions of relations in recent years, but they are by no means new. Focusing on a text by (...)
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  8. Anonymus Domus Petri 206’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories.Heine Hansen - 2008 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 78:111-203.
  9.  40
    Logic and Language in the Middle Ages.Heine Hansen, Jakob Leth Fink & Ana Maria Mora Marquez (eds.) - 2012 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    Collection of articles on medieval logic and semantics. Introduction by Sten Ebbesen and 24 contributions by scholars in the history of medieval theories of language. The papers in this volume treat several aspects of the history of theories of language from the 12th to the 14th century, aspects that have in a way or another been dealt with by Ebbesen himself.Festschrift in honor of Sten Ebessen in the occasion of his 65th birthday.
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    History of philosophy in reverse: reading Aristotle through the lenses of scholars from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries.Sten Ebbesen, David Bloch, Jakob L. Fink, Heine Hansen & Ana María Mora-Márquez (eds.) - 2014 - [Copenhagen]: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab.
    Aristoteles' (384-322 f.Kr.) mange filosofisk-videnskabelige værker er blevet studeret og kommenteret i over 2.000 år, men aldrig så intensivt som i tiden mellem 1100 og 1600, hvor de var rygraden i den såkaldt "skolastiske" lærdomskultur, der skabte det europæiske universitetssystem. Der forskes stadig i Aristoteles verden over, men moderne fortolkere drager kun sjældent nytte af den rige ældre tradition. Denne bog beskriver og sammenligner fortolkningsmetoder og publikationsstrategier hos skolastikerne og nutidens aristotelikere. Der argumenteres for, at dele af den gamle metodik (...)
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  11.  16
    The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle's works on logic and metaphysics and their reception in the Middle Ages.Börje Bydén, Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Heine Hansen (eds.) - 2017 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
    "The twelve chapters of this volume all began their existence as contributions to workshops held between 2009 and 2011 by a Danish-Swedish research network called The Aristotelian Tradition: The reception of Aristotle's works on logic and metaphysics in the Middle Ages, headquartered in Gothenburg and funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. Most of them were written by members of the network, some by invited speakers. While the volume amply illustrates the set of scholarly approaches characteristic of the "Copenhagen (...)
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    Polis & politics: studies in Ancient Greek history: presented to Mogens Herman Hansen on his sixtieth birthday, August 20, 2000.Mogens Herman Hansen, Pernille Flensted-Jensen, Thomas Heine Nielsen & Lene Rubinstein (eds.) - 2001 - Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen.
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    John Pagus on Aristotle’s Categories: A Study and Edition of the Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis by Heine Hansen.Rega Wood - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):167-168.
  14.  9
    Tiden som er igjen Ole JakobLølandEn apostel for ateister.Paulus i moderne filosofi.Oslo: Vidarforlaget 2024.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2025 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (3-4):368-378.
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    Bolsjevisme og apokalypse.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (2):327-334.
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  16. Measuring Conceptual Inflation: the Case of 'Racist'.Nat Hansen & Shen-yi Liao - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Is the term ‘racist’ being applied so widely that it is losing its moral force? Theorists and pundits from across the political spectrum think that it is. They call such a change of meaning “conceptual inflation” and argue that we should try to stop it by restricting the use of ‘racist’ or replacing ‘racist’ with new expressions. But what evidence do we have that ‘racist’ is inflated? Economists do not track currency inflation with mere vibes; they use measurements such as (...)
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  17. Metalinguistic Proposals.Nat Hansen - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (1-2):1-19.
    This paper sets out the felicity conditions for metalinguistic proposals, a type of directive illocutionary act. It discusses the relevance of metalinguistic proposals and other metalinguistic directives for understanding both small- and large-scale linguistic engineering projects, essentially contested concepts, metalinguistic provocations, and the methodology of ordinary language philosophy. Metalinguistic proposals are compared with other types of linguistic interventions, including metalinguistic negotiation, conceptual engineering, lexical warfare, and ameliorative projects.
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  18. Socratic Questionnaires.Nat Hansen, Kathryn B. Francis & Hamish Greening - 2024 - Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy 5:331--374.
    When experimental participants are given the chance to reflect and revise their initial judgments in a dynamic conversational context, do their responses to philosophical scenarios differ from responses to those same scenarios presented in a traditional static survey? In three experiments comparing responses given in conversational contexts with responses to traditional static surveys, we find no consistent evidence that responses differ in these different formats. This aligns with recent findings that various manipulations of reflectiveness have no effect on participants’ judgments (...)
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    Modernizing Relationship Therapy through Social Thermoregulation Theory: Evidence, Hypotheses, and Explorations.Hans IJzerman, Emma C. E. Heine, Saskia K. Nagel & Tila M. Pronk - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  20. Color Adjectives, Standards, and Thresholds: An Experimental Investigation.Nat Hansen & Emmanuel Chemla - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (3):1--40.
    Are color adjectives ("red", "green", etc.) relative adjectives or absolute adjectives? Existing theories of the meaning of color adjectives attempt to answer that question using informal ("armchair") judgments. The informal judgments of theorists conflict: it has been proposed that color adjectives are absolute with standards anchored at the minimum degree on the scale, that they are absolute but have near-midpoint standards, and that they are relative. In this paper we report two experiments, one based on entailment patterns and one based (...)
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  21. “Nobody would really talk that way!”: the critical project in contemporary ordinary language philosophy.Nat Hansen - 2018 - Synthese 197 (6):2433-2464.
    This paper defends a challenge, inspired by arguments drawn from contemporary ordinary language philosophy and grounded in experimental data, to certain forms of standard philosophical practice. The challenge is inspired by contemporary philosophers who describe themselves as practicing “ordinary language philosophy”. Contemporary ordinary language philosophy can be divided into constructive and critical approaches. The critical approach to contemporary ordinary language philosophy has been forcefully developed by Avner Baz, who attempts to show that a substantial chunk of contemporary philosophy is fundamentally (...)
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  22. Linguistic experiments and ordinary language philosophy.Nat Hansen & Emmanuel Chemla - 2015 - Ratio 28 (4):422-445.
    J.L. Austin is regarded as having an especially acute ear for fine distinctions of meaning overlooked by other philosophers. Austin employs an informal experimental approach to gathering evidence in support of these fine distinctions in meaning, an approach that has become a standard technique for investigating meaning in both philosophy and linguistics. In this paper, we subject Austin's methods to formal experimental investigation. His methods produce mixed results: We find support for his most famous distinction, drawn on the basis of (...)
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  23. Must we measure what we mean?Nat Hansen - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (8):785-815.
    This paper excavates a debate concerning the claims of ordinary language philosophers that took place during the middle of the last century. The debate centers on the status of statements about ‘what we say’. On one side of the debate, critics of ordinary language philosophy argued that statements about ‘what we say’ should be evaluated as empirical observations about how people do in fact speak, on a par with claims made in the language sciences. By that standard, ordinary language philosophers (...)
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  24.  28
    Explorations about the Family’s Role in the German Transplantation System: Epistemic Opacity and Discursive Exclusion.Iris Hilbrich & Solveig Lena Hansen - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (1):43-62.
    With regard to organ donation, Germany is an ‘opt-in’ country, which requires explicit consent from donors. The relatives are either asked to decide on behalf of the donors’ preferences, if these are unknown or if the potential donor has explicitly transferred the decision to them. At the core of this policy lies the sociocultural and moral premise of a rational, autonomous individual, whose rights require legal protection in order to guarantee a voluntary decision. In concrete transplantation practices, the family plays (...)
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    Engineering Pre-individual Potentiality: Technics, Transindividuation, and 21st-Century Media.M. Hayward & M. B. N. Hansen - 2012 - Substance 41 (3):32-59.
    In a previous paper linking Simondon to biological and systems-theoretical discourses in autopoiesis and debates about contemporary technogenesis, I have argued that Simondon’s ontology of individuation furnishes a basis to theorize the “agency” of the environment that comes to the fore as we humans enter, as we do increasingly today, into alliances with sophisticated, computational technologies.1 In concert with researchers like Andy Clark and N. Katherine Hayles, I embrace the “technical distribution” of cognition and perception as a way of understanding (...)
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  26. Experimental Philosophy of Language.Nathaniel Hansen - 2015 - Oxford Handbooks Online.
    Experimental philosophy of language uses experimental methods developed in the cognitive sciences to investigate topics of interest to philosophers of language. This article describes the methodological background for the development of experimental approaches to topics in philosophy of language, distinguishes negative and positive projects in experimental philosophy of language, and evaluates experimental work on the reference of proper names and natural kind terms. The reliability of expert judgments vs. the judgments of ordinary speakers, the role that ambiguity plays in influencing (...)
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  27. Monsters of Sex: Michel Foucault and the Problem of Life.Sarah K. Hansen - 2018 - Foucault Studies 24 (2):102-124.
    This article argues, contra-Derrida, that Foucault does not essentialize or pre-comprehend the meaning of life or bio- in his writings on biopolitics. Instead, Foucault problematizes life and provokes genealogical questions about the meaning of modernity more broadly. In The Order of Things, the 1974-75 lecture course at the Collège de France, and Herculine Barbin, the monster is an important figure of the uncertain shape of modernity and its entangled problems (life, sex, madness, criminality, etc). Engaging Foucault’s monsters, I show that (...)
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    Do Organizational and Clinical Ethics in a Hospital Setting Need Different Venues?Reidun Førde & Thor Willy Ruud Hansen - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (2):147-158.
    The structure of ethics work in a hospital is complex. Professional ethics, research ethics and clinical ethics committees (CECs) are important parts of this structure, in addition to laws and national and institutional codes of ethics. In Norway all hospital trusts have a CEC, most of these discuss cases by means of a method which seeks to include relevant guidelines and laws into the discussion. In recent years many committees have received more cases which have concerned questions of principle. According (...)
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  29.  25
    Eine bedürfnisorientierte Perspektive auf Langzeitpflege, Adipositas und Hochaltrigkeit.Solveig Lena Hansen, Benedikt Preuß & Lorraine Frisina Doetter - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (3):391-420.
    ZusammenfassungAdipositas ist eine weltweite Herausforderung für die Gesundheitssysteme. In Zeiten des demografischen Wandels sind auch immer mehr ältere Menschen davon betroffen, was sowohl die Akut- als auch die Langzeitpflege vor erhebliche Herausforderungen stellt. Bislang fehlt eine detaillierte Analyse der vielfältigen Gruppe der über 65-Jährigen in diesem Bereich. Weder die Bedürfnisse der Pflegebedürftigen noch der Pflegekräfte und Einrichtungen werden beobachtet, analysiert oder systematisch bewertet. Darüber hinaus sind die ethischen Implikationen der professionellen Pflege von älteren Menschen mit Adipositas in Forschung und Politik (...)
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  30.  14
    Presumptions and burdens of proof: an anthology of argumentation and the law.Hans Vilhelm Hansen (ed.) - 2019 - Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
    An anthology of the most important historical sources, classical and modern, on the subjects of presumptions and burdens of proof In the last fifty years, the study of argumentation has become one of the most exciting intellectual crossroads in the modern academy. Two of the most central concepts of argumentation theory are presumptions and burdens of proof. Their functions have been explicitly recognized in legal theory since the middle ages, but their pervasive presence in all forms of argumentation and in (...)
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    Searching for the fourfold in critical discourse analysis.Ejvind Hansen - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (9):1335-1353.
    This article argues that late Heidegger’s analyses of the Fourfold can be used as a methodological starting point for discourse analyses. It argues that the Fourfold points out elements or foundations of discursive structures that orient us to differing, and to some extent opposing, directions that are at the same time mutually interdependent. A discursive analysis of how the Fourfold is at play in prevailing discursive exchanges and structures will thus be a matter of situating ourselves in a conceptual space (...)
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    The associations in our heads belong to us: Searching for attitudes and knowledge in implicit evaluation.Brian A. Nosek & Jeffrey J. Hansen - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (4):553-594.
  33. Files and Singular Thoughts Without Objects or Acquaintance: The Prospects of Recanati’s “Actualism”.Carsten Hansen & Georges Rey - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):421-436.
    We argue that Recanati burdens his otherwise salutary “Mental File” account of singular thought with an “Actualist” assumption that he has inherited from the discussion of singular thought since at least Evans, according to which singular thoughts can only be about actual objects: apparent singular thoughts involving “empty” terms lack truth-valuable content. This assumption flies in the face of manifestly singular thoughts involving not only fictional and mistakenly postulated entities, such as Zeus and the planet Vulcan, but also “perceptual inexistents,” (...)
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  34. Intent and Opportunity as Predictors of a Comprehensive Ethical Decision Making Model.R. C. Ford & R. S. Hansen - forthcoming - Association of Business Ethics, Miami, Fl.
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  35. J. L. Austin and literal meaning.Nat Hansen - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):617-632.
    Alice Crary has recently developed a radical reading of J. L. Austin's philosophy of language. The central contention of Crary's reading is that Austin gives convincing reasons to reject the idea that sentences have context-invariant literal meaning. While I am in sympathy with Crary about the continuing importance of Austin's work, and I think Crary's reading is deep and interesting, I do not think literal sentence meaning is one of Austin's targets, and the arguments that Crary attributes to Austin or (...)
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    European Integration, European Identity and the Colonial Connection.Peo Hansen - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (4):483-498.
    The significance of colonialism and decolonization for the dawning of European integration and their subsequent bearing on notions of European identity still constitute a largely unexplored field within research. In seeking to problematize and amend this state of things, this article embarks on charting a set of historical developments which provide a case for arguing that theoretical and empirical studies on the nexus of European integration and European identity need to pay much closer attention to questions pertaining to colonialism and (...)
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    Thrasymachus and His Attachment to Justice.Peter J. Hansen - 2015 - Polis 32 (2):344-368.
    Socrates defends justice against the attack mounted by Thrasymachus in Plato’s Republic, but it isn’t easy to say what the defense consists of. A careful reading shows that Thrasymachus himself is deeply though unselfconsciously attached to justice. Thrasymachus admires skillful artisans and thinks that devoting oneself to one’s art makes one a good man, worthy of good things. He feels that the skillful and unjust deserve to get the better of the artless and weak, which is to say he unselfconsciously (...)
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  38. The subtleties of Aristotle's non-cause.John Woods & Hans V. Hansen - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 176:395-415.
  39.  95
    Perception of High-Level Content and the Argument from Associative Agnosia.Mette Kristine Hansen - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2):301-312.
    Visual Associative agnosia is a rare perceptual impairment generally resulting from lesions in the infero temporal cortex. Patients suffering from associative agnosia are able to make accurate copies of line drawings, but they are unable to visually recognize objects - including those represented in line drawings - as belonging to familiar high-level kinds. The Rich Content View claims that visual experience can represent high-level kind properties. The phenomenon of associative agnosia appears to present us with a strong case for the (...)
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  40. Is Prozac a feminist drug?Ginger A. Hoffman & Jennifer L. Hansen - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (1):89-120.
    Prozac has been lauded by Peter Kramer for instilling potentially “liberating” personality traits in women such as assertiveness, resilience, and confidence. Witnessing these effects, Kramer declares that there is a sense in which antidepressants like Prozac are “feminist.” In this paper, we scrutinize Kramer’s claim from myriad angles. We evaluate putatively “feminist” uses of antidepressants in both women who are diagnosed with clinical depression and women thought to use them instead for “enhancement” purposes. We conclude that there are, indeed, some (...)
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    Domain interpretations of martin-löf’s partial type theory.Erik Palmgren & Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 48 (2):135-196.
  42.  18
    Introduction.Phillip Hansen - 2015 - In Phillip Birger Hansen, Reconsidering C.B. Macpherson: from possessive individualism to democratic theory and beyond. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 3-14.
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    Situating Depression Memoirs' Effects Deeper Inside our Biology and Further Outward Within Circuits of Culture: Exploring the Roles of Antidepressants and Pharmaceutical Marketing.Ginger A. Hoffman & Jennifer L. Hansen - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (4):307-312.
    A primary intention of our original manuscript was to provide examples of both harmful and helpful influences of one cultural artifact—depression memoirs—on who female readers take their selves to be, and who they may actually end up being. Bradley Lewis beautifully articulated our strategy as “chart[ing] out … conflicting vectors” : that is, delineating select examples of how certain outer narratives conveyed in depression memoirs may kindle sexist and sanist modes of being. Our hope was that making these vectors explicit (...)
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    The role of organizational culture and structure in implementing sustainability initiatives.Berina Jaganjac, Kathrine Wallevik Hansen, Henriette Lunde & John A. Hunnes - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    To address the multiple grand challenges facing humanity, there is an urgent need for businesses to become more sustainable. This study explores the implementation of sustainability initiatives through an interview-based single case study of an organization in the food and beverage industry. Specifically, this study adopts a Natural-Resource-Based View of the firm to examine the role of organizational culture and structure in the implementation process. It argues that to successfully implement sustainability initiatives, a flexible structure and a green organizational culture (...)
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    Philosophy's Voices in Teaching, and Teachers' Voices in Philosophy: Notes on a Philosophical Conversation.David T. Hansen - 2021 - Educational Theory 71 (1):5-33.
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    Criticism and Truth: On Method in Literary Studies.Nat Hansen - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
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    Spectres of Black Flags in the Miombo: The Islamic State's coverage of their Mozambique province, 2022-2023.Stig Jarle Hansen & Ida Bary - 2024 - Kronos 50 (1):1-21.
    This article studies the Islamic State's only remaining periodical, Al-Naba, identifying the most common tropes and patterns in the periodical's Sub-Saharan Africa coverage, and on Mozambique in particular. The Islamic State's increasingly important coverage of Africa focuses on terror attacks, military campaigns and on the fight against Christianity. However, it also employs more traditional anti-colonial arguments that have been used by other, more accepted, political actors during the struggle for decolonisation. Al-Naba also functions as a 'shamer' of non-African Muslims, to (...)
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    Looking for the Self in Pathological Unconsciousness.Athena Demertzi, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Serge Brédart, Lizette Heine, Carol di Perri & Steven Laureys - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  49.  20
    Grain orientation and dislocation patterns.N. Hansen, X. Huang, W. Pantleon & G. Winther - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (25-26):3981-3994.
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    Did Mill Have a Theory of Argumentation?Hans V. Hansen - unknown
    I begin by looking at passages in Mill's System of Logic that circumscribe the range of logic as he understood the subject. His logic is clearly too narrow to be the arbiter of the extended arguments presented in his Utilitarianism, On Liberty, and The Subjection of Women. Looking at Mill's argumentative practice in those works we see that he is noticeably concerned to deal with objections, more so even than in giving arguments for his position. His practice is shown to (...)
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