Results for 'Hans Tesch'

939 found
  1.  12
    Jakob Böhme: Mystiker u. Philosoph.Hans Tesch - 1976 - München: Delp.
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    (1 other version)Verkörpern, Verwandeln und Autorisieren mittels Spolien.Hans-Rudolf Meier - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 8 (1):177-192.
    "Spolien – intentional wiederverwendete Bauglieder – referenzieren auf etwas nicht mehr Vorhandenes und machen dieses zugleich materiell präsent. Als einstiger Teil des Ab- wesenden verweisen sie im neuen Kontext zurück auf ihre Herkunftsobjekte. Sie verkörpern abstrakte Konzepte, Autorisierung und Authentisierung. In den präsentierten Bei- spielen werden verschiedene Ähnlichkeitsbezüge zum Herkunftsmonument diskutiert, die von formalen Referenzen über die exzessive Verkörperung zur formlosen Verarbeitung des Materials in einer neuer Oberfläche reichen. Spoils – intentionally reused architectural fragments – refer to something that no (...)
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  3. Towards the ideal special language translation dictionary.Hans Kristian Mikkelsen - 1991 - Hermes 6:91-109.
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  4. Sprache und Musik.Hans Rudolf Zeller (ed.) - 1960 - Wien: Universal Edition.
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    Vom Nutzen der Literatur: vorbereitende Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie der literarischen Kommunikation.Hans Dieter Zimmermann - 1977 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Klarheit und Methode: Felix Kaufmanns Wissenschaftstheorie.Hans-Georg Zilian (ed.) - 1990 - Rodopi.
    Felix Kaufmanns Wissenschaftstheorie Hans-Georg Zilian. X KAUFMANN, DIE ÖKONOMEN UND DAS A PRIORI Bei den österreichischen Grenznutzentheoretikern, mit deren Arbeiten sich Kaufmann vor allem auseinandersetzte, ist von ...
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    The Philosophy of the Daodejing.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    For centuries, the ancient Chinese philosophical text the _Daodejing (Tao Te Ching)_ has fascinated and frustrated its readers. While it offers a wealth of rich philosophical insights concerning the cultivation of one's body and attaining one's proper place within nature and the cosmos, its teachings and structure can be enigmatic and obscure. Hans-Georg Moeller presents a clear and coherent description and analysis of this vaguely understood Chinese classic. He explores the recurring images and ideas that shape the work and (...)
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    The Radical Luhmann.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) was a German sociologist and system theorist who wrote on law, economics, politics, art, religion, ecology, mass media, and love. Luhmann advocated a radical constructivism and antihumanism, or "grand theory," to explain society within a universal theoretical framework. Nevertheless, despite being an iconoclast, Luhmann is viewed as a political conservative. Hans-Georg Moeller challenges this legacy, repositioning Luhmann as an explosive thinker critical of Western humanism. Moeller focuses on Luhmann's shift from philosophy to theory, which introduced new (...)
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  9. Anthropologie des Alten Testaments.Hans Walter Wolff - 1973
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    Offenbarung und Geschichte: Untersuchungen am Werke Albert Haucks.Hans-Dietrich Loock - 1964 - Hamburg: Herbert Reich, Evangelischer Verlag.
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    Problem der Kunst.Hans Marquardt - 1928 - Dresden,: Sibyllen-Verlag.
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    The Old Master. A Syncretic Reading of the Laozi from Mawangdui Text A Onward. By Hongkyung Kim.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (1):205-208.
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    Cart project progress report.Hans Moravec - unknown
    Following the cart meeting of June 13, in which it was agreed that McCarthy would buy the cart project a TV transmitter if I could demonstrate my ability to do work on vision by writing a program which extracted three dimensional information from a motion stereo sequence of pictures, I began work on this task. So that there would be no doubt as to who had done the work, and because I operate most comfortably and effectively in a programming environment (...)
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    Dualism through reductionism.Hans Moravec - 2002
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    Thomas Hobbes; seine logische problematik und ihre erkenntnistheoretischen vorauussetzungen.Hans Moser - 1923 - Berlin,: Verlag Dr. Hellersberg g.m.b.h..
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    The chinese theory of forms and names (xingming zhi xue) and its relation to a "philosophy of signs".Hans Georg Möller - 1997 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 24 (2):179-190.
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    Weshalb die Welt nicht ganz dicht ist.Hans-Dieter Mutschler - 2011 - In Tobias Müller & Thomas M. Schmidt, Ich denke, also bin ich Ich?: das Selbst zwischen Neurobiologie, Philosophie und Religion. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 14--145.
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  18. Versuch einer Einschränkung des romantischen Begriffs Spielmannsdichtung.Hans Naumann - 1924 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 2:777-794.
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  19. An International Reserve Bank: comments on the American and British plans.Hans P. Neisser - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  20. Comments on" capital is made at home".Hans Neisser - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  21. Monetary expansion and the structure of production.Hans Neisser - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  22. The economics of the short run.Hans Neisser - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  23.  11
    Ødipus på pampasen? - «Geo-psykoanalyse» og estetisk revolusjon i lys av César Airas En episode i en omreisende malers liv.Hans Jacob Ohldieck & Gisle Selnes - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 32 (1-2):292-317.
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  24. Macht, moral und recht, studien zur grundproblematik menschlichen zusammenlebens.Hans Ornstein - 1946 - Bern,: A. Francke.
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  25. Konrad Fiedler.Hans Paret - 1922 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 16:320-367.
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    O-minimalism.Hans Schoutens - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (2):355-409.
  27. Aspect and aktionsart.Hans-Jürgen Sasse - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 535--538.
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  28. Let probands and patients decide about moral risk in stem cell research and medical treatment.Hans-Martin Sass - 2006 - In Heiner Roetz, Cross-cultural Issues in Bioethics: The Example of Human Cloning. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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  29. Simplicissimus, the irreverent fool.Hans Speier - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  30. Germany's Population Miracle.Hans Staudinger - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  31. Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben.Hans Margolius - 1964 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:154-155.
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    Gestalt view of the limbic system and the papez circuit – another approach to unity and diversity of brain structures and functions.Hans J. Markowitsch - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):459-460.
    The idea of distinct brain systems for the processing of episodic and other forms of memory is welcome. The two brain systems actually proposed however, appear to be stripped of further existing connections and could be integrated with one another. If integrating them, it seems more logical to propose one enlarged system of limbic structures whose individual components make partly different contributions to the forms of memory under discussion.
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    Traditional moral values in the age of technology.Hans Mark & W. Lawson Taitte (eds.) - 1987 - Austin, Tex.: the University of Texas Press.
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    Anmerkungen zu Sartre.Hans Mayer - 1972 - Neske.
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    Sobre a Filosofia do Presente na Alemanha.Hans Meyer - 1958 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 14 (3/4):276 - 297.
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    The philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas.Hans Meyer - 1944 - and London,: B. Herder book co.. Edited by Frederic Clement Eckhoff.
    Excerpt from The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas Several methods may be used in attempting a comprehensive state ment of the philosophy of a great thinker, but frequently no one method alone Will enable us to grasp the essence of his system. Sev eral methods must be used to Obtain a comprehensive knowledge of an extensive and important philosophical system. Because Of the receptive character Of Scholasticism, especially in the thirteenth cen tury, and because of its high regard for tradition (...)
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  37. Zur Ontologie der Gegenwart.Hans Meyer - 1957 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 65:251.
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    Martin Heidegger, Bibliography and Glossary.Hans-Martin Sass - 1982 - Bowling Green State Univ philosophy.
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    On the impossibility of empirical controls of scientific theories – from the point of view of a psychologist.Hans Christoph Micko - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (4):405-413.
    . Standard considerations of philosophy of science are reformulated in psychological terms and arguments, suggesting a fundamental change in life perspective: subjective experiences or introspective data are subject to motivational biases and therefore not admitted as objective empirical facts in science, However, we never experience objects or events of the external world, i.e., so called objective facts, but exclusively subjective percepts or mental events. They are merely assumed to, but may or may not be accurate or distorted mental representations of (...)
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  40. The Cross: Tradition and Interpretation.Hans-Ruedi Weber & Elke Jessett - 1979
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  41. 5. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius: Kommentar zu Aristoteles' „Peri hermeneias". Zweite Ausgabe, Buch II, Kapitel 7.Hans-Ulrich Wöhler - 1992 - In Vom Ausgang der Antike Bis Zur Frühscholastik: Lateinische, Griechische Und Arabische Texte des 3.-12. Jahrhunderts. De Gruyter. pp. 49-52.
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  42. Vorwort.Hans-Ulrich Wöhler - 1992 - In Vom Ausgang der Antike Bis Zur Frühscholastik: Lateinische, Griechische Und Arabische Texte des 3.-12. Jahrhunderts. De Gruyter.
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  43. Jesaja.Hans Wildberger - 1972
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    Christlicher Glaube und Glück.Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Leslie J. Francis & Boris Kalbheim - 2003 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 25 (1):42-61.
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    Convention and Assertion.Hans Georg Zilian - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 36 (1):109-119.
    Donald Davidson has shocked his readers by arguing that assertion is not a conventional activity, thus attacking what was taken to be a truism by most philosophers of language. The paper claims that Davidson's argument is seriously flawed by his failure to distinguish a number of questions which should be kept separate. Assertion is a matter of seriousness, not of sincerity; departures from seriousness are marked by techniques which are undeniably conventional. There are no parallel indicators of seriousness, i. e. (...)
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    Manfred Clemenz: Affekt und Form.Hans Zitko - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 56 (2):145-149.
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  47. Ethische Fragen in Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Eine Umschau.Hans Zollner - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (3):665-670.
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    Grußwort zur Eröffnung des XVII. Deutschen Kongresses für Philosophie.Hans Joachim Meyer - 1997 - In Christoph Hubig, Cognitio Humana - Dynamik des Wissens Und der Werte: Xvii. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Leipzig 23.–27. September 1996, Kongreßband: Vorträge Und Kolloquien. De Gruyter. pp. 17-20.
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  49. Verzeichnis der Ergänzungshefte.Hans Prager - 1911 - Kant Studien 16:135.
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    Der begriff des wirklichen.Hans Raeck - 1898 - Breslau,: R. Galle.
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