Results for 'Hamed Nazif'

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  1.  31
    Comparison of ethical decision-making and interpersonal communication skills training effects on nurses’ ethical climate.Shahrokh Maghsoudi, Mohaddeseh Mohsenpour & Hamed Nazif - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (2):184-190.
    Introduction Ethical climate in medical contexts is referred to the organizational environment consisting of medical staff interpersonal relationships regarding patient care. This element affects staff behavior in an organization. The investigation and comparison of the effects of the interventions promoting ethical climate are among important nursing challenges that should be considered by researchers. The present study was conducted to compare the effect of nurses’ ethical decision-making skills and interpersonal communication training on their ethical climate. Materials and methods This experimental study (...)
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  2. Occasionalism Revisited.Nazif Muhtaroglu (ed.) - 2017 - Kalam Research & Media.
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    The context of experienced sensory discrepancies shapes multisensory integration and recalibration differently.Hame Park & Christoph Kayser - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105092.
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    Tanrı’nın Basitliği Üzerine Plantinga ve Eş‘ariler.Nazif Muhtaroğlu - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):488-499.
    Tanrı’nın basitliği doktrini Hristiyanlık ve İslamiyet’in de dahil olduğu çeşitli dini gelenekler tarafından savunulmuş bir düşüncedir. Tanrı’nın basitliği, ana-akım yoruma göre Tanrı’nın sıfatlarının Tanrı’nın kendisiyle aynı olmasını gerekli kılar. Bu makale, Tanrı’nın basitliği doktrinine karşı yöneltilen birtakım eleştirileri inceleyip tartışmaktadır. Dikkate alınan argümanlar günümüz Batı literatüründen Alvin Plantinga’ya ve Eş‘ari gelenekten ise Abdülkāhir el-Bağdâdî ve Sa‘düddîn et-Teftâzânî’ye aittir. Bu argümanların mantıksal yapısını açığa çıkaracak şekilde yeniden inşası yapıldıktan sonra onlara karşı getirilebilecek iki önemli eleştirinin nasıl yanıtlanabileceği hakkında öneriler sunulmaktadır. Plantinga’nın (...)
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    Yükseköğretimde Uluslararasılaşma Bağlamında Türkiye'de Eğitim Gören Suriyeli Öğ.Nazife Karadağ - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):477-477.
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    Tanrı’nın Tekliğine Dair Tartışmalar.Nazif Muhtaroğlu - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):1153-1164.
    Tanrı’nın varlığına dair getirilen argümanlar, başarılı kabul edildiği taktirde en az bir tanrının var olduğu gösterir. Acaba kanıtların gösterdiği özelliklere sahip başka tanrılar da var mıdır? Bu sorun, Tanrı’nın tekliği problemi olarak bilinir ve özellikle orta çağ felsefesinde detaylı olarak tartışılmıştır. İslam kelamcılarının bu bağlamda Tanrı’nın tekliğini göstermek için verdikleri en önemli argümanlardan biri de “burhân-ı temânü”dür. Burhân-ı temânünün modal versiyonuna göre, her mümkün duruma gücü yeten ve iradesinde özgür iki tanrının iradeleri mümkün bir durumda çelişkiye yol açar. Dolayısıyla bu (...)
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    In my professor’s eyes: Faculty and perceived impoliteness in student emails.Hamed Zandi & Iftikhar Haider - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):197-222.
    Impoliteness in student emails to faculty can have negative consequences. However, the nuances of perceived impoliteness by faculty with different language backgrounds have not been thoroughly studied in the literature. This paper explores how emails written by non-native English-speaking students are perceived impolite by faculty depending on social identity variables such as native speaker status, gender, and seniority. Participants read six emails and rated their perceptions of the emails on a questionnaire. The items on the questionnaire were about lack of (...)
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  8. Occasionalism revisited: new essays from the Islamic and Western traditions.Nazif Muhtaroglu (ed.) - 2025 - Columbus: Lockwood Press.
    This expanded and updated second edition, edited by Nazif Muhtaroglu, weaves together philosophical perspectives from both the Islamic and Western traditions, exploring the roots and contemporary expressions of occasionalism. From its origins in the works of Islamic scholars like the Ash'arites and Maturidites, to its evolution in the thought of European philosophers such as Malebranche and Berkeley, this book bridges historical insights with contemporary philosophical inquiry.
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    Guided Theistic Rationalism: al-Ashʿarī’s View on Faith and Reason.Nazif Muhtaroğlu - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    This article re-examines Abū Ḥasan al-Ashʿarī’s theological insights on the interplay between faith and reason, challenging previous fideist interpretations, particularly Imran Aijaz’s view. I introduce the concept of guided theistic rationalism, situating al-Ashʿarī’s approach within a tripartite model: contexts of discovery, justification, and review. In the discovery phase, al-Ashʿarī draws inspiration from Qur’anic verses to formulate rational arguments for God’s existence, akin to Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Rushd. The justification phase rigorously validates these arguments through independent logical reasoning. I further (...)
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  10. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching the 7 Characteristics for Living Things.Mohammed A. Hamed & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 2 (1):31-35.
    Recently, due to the rapid progress of computer technology, researchers develop an effective computer program to enhance the achievement of the student in learning process, which is Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). Science is important because it influences most aspects of everyday life, including food, energy, medicine, leisure activities and more. So learning science subject at school is very useful, but the students face some problem in learning it. So we designed an ITS system to help them understand this subject easily (...)
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  11.  23
    A Perspective of International Collaboration Through Web-Based Telecommunication–Inspired by COVID-19 Crisis.Hamed Zaer, Wei Fan, Dariusz Orlowski, Andreas N. Glud, Anne S. M. Andersen, M. Bret Schneider, John R. Adler, Albrecht Stroh & Jens C. H. Sørensen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The tsunami effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting many aspects of scientific activities. Multidisciplinary experimental studies with international collaborators are hindered by the closing of the national borders, logistic issues due to lockdown, quarantine restrictions, and social distancing requirements. The full impact of this crisis on science is not clear yet, but the above-mentioned issues have most certainly restrained academic research activities. Sharing innovative solutions between researchers is in high demand in this situation. The aim of this paper is (...)
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  12.  21
    Is It Possible to Do I'r'b With Simple Grammar Rules: A Study on I’r'b al-Aw'mil al-mi’a.Nazife Nihal İnce - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1209-1238.
    This work investigates the possibility of iʿrâb (parsing) simple texts by utilizing simple grammar rules in the case of I’râb al-Awâmil al-mi’a. I'râb, which is the 'application of grammar on texts', is an operation of reinforcing the knowledge of grammar from one perspective, and an attempt to under-stand the text from another. Since I’râb al-Awâmil al-mi’a is the iʿrâb of al-Awâmil al-mi’a, which is a brief grammar treatise, it is clear that this iʿrâb is intended to reinforce grammar knowledge. Moreover, (...)
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  13. The Other in Deleuze and Husserl.Hamed Movahedi - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (1):93-120.
    There is no consensus regarding whether Gilles Deleuze offers a cogent theory of the Other. Deleuze develops the notion of the Other-structure, but given his scarce remarks on this concept, his treatment of this issue is debated. This article argues that to elucidate Deleuze's philosophy of the Other, his notion of the Other-structure must be analyzed in parallel to Edmund Husserl's intersubjective theory. This comparison, made possible by Natalie Depraz's reading of the Husserlian alterity, reveals nuanced phenomenological traces in Deleuze's (...)
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  14.  44
    Al-bāqillānī's cosmological argument from agency.Nazif Muhtaroglu - 2016 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 26 (2):271-289.
    RésuméDans cet article, je propose d'explorer la structure logique de l'argument d'al-Bāqillānī en faveur de l'existence de Dieu et de montrer en quoi cet argument ne peut être rangé au sein de la classification classique des arguments de type ontologique, cosmologique et de dessein. La particularité de l'argument d'al-Bāqillānī réside dans le concept de Dieu qu'il présuppose. En me servant de l'analyse de Herbert Davidson et en critiquant l'interprétation de cet argument par Majid Fakhry, j'espère clarifier ce concept de Dieu (...)
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    Telkîbî Müsenn'nın Arapça Genel Sözlüklerdeki Varlığı: el-Muʽcemu’l-Vasît Örneği.Nazife Nihal İnce & Zeynep Sevde Akdoğan Anou - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):653-676.
    Bu makale, müfredi ile müsennâsı farklı olan kelimelerden olan telkîbî müsennânın alfabetik-genel sözlüklerde bir madde olma problemini el-Mu’cemu’l-vasît örneği üzerinden incelemektedir. Lugavî müsennâ olarak adlandırılan müfredi ile müsennâsı farklı olan isimler, müstakil eserler yoluyla derlenmiş ve tasnife tabi tutulmuştur. Telkîbî Müsennâ bu sınıflardan biri olup müfredi dışındaki iki ayrı ismi birlikte ifade eden isimlere karşılık gelmektedir. Bu tür müsennâların manalarına müfretlerinden ulaşılamayacağı için birer sözlük maddesi olması doğal bir beklentidir. Bu araştırmada söz konusu beklentinin genel sözlüklerde karşılanıp karşılanmadığı el-Muʽcemu’l-vasît örneğinde (...)
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  16. Āqā Muḥammad Ridā Qumshahʼī.Hamed Naji Esfahani - 2018 - In Reza Pourjavady, Philosophy in Qajar Iran. Boston: Brill.
  17. Com i per que l'Ars brevis de Ramon Llull es va traduir a l'hebreu.Harvey Hames - 2011 - Studia Lulliana 51 (106):3-23.
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    Grandparental transfers and Kin selection.Raymond Hames - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):26-27.
    In the analysis of intergenerational transfer, several improvements can be made. First, following kin selection theory, grandparents have kin other than grandchildren in which to invest and therefore any investigation into grandparents should take this perspective. Secondly, how transfers actually enhance the survivorship of younger relatives such as grandchildren must be better measured, especially in the ethnographic literature. Finally, the problem of indirect investments or targeting must be considered.
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    (1 other version)Evaluating Prevalence of Depression and Related Factors AmongStudents of an Iranian University.Hamed Jaafari, Davood Farbod & Hossein Tireh - 2018 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 7 (1):26-41.
    Psychological disorders such as depression are common. Many of these disorders can be evaluated and diagnosed, and above all they are preventable. This study was conducted with the aim of determining depression prevalence rate and its related factors among students of Quchan University of Technology, Quchan, Iran. In a cross-sectional study, 359 students were selected by using simple random sampling. Demographic characteristics were gathered and subjects were evaluated by the Beck’s Depression Inventory and the Beck’s Anxiety Inventory. SPSS software was (...)
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  20. History of political philosophy.Hameed Ali Khan Rai - 1981 - Lahore: Aziz Publishers.
  21.  8
    "Emanet"ten "mülk"e: kadın bedeninin yeniden inşası.Nazife Şişman - 2003 - İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık.
  22. A Deleuzian Dialogue Between Leibniz and Ruyer: Monads, Absolute Survey and Life.Hamed Movahedi - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (2):246–276.
    In The Fold, Deleuze regards Raymond Ruyer as the most recent of Leibniz’s great disciples. This claim is not self-evident, since Ruyer often criticises Leibniz and stresses the divergence of his theory from Leibniz’s monadological metaphysics. Therefore, while Ruyer does not seem to regard himself as indebted to Leibniz, and as his psychobiology is not always reconcilable with Leibniz’s philosophy, it is necessary to explore what is at stake in Deleuze’s recognition of Ruyer as a Leibnizian thinker. This essay foregrounds (...)
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    Dual Aspectivity and the Expressive Moments of Illumination: Rethinking the Explanatory Gap.Hamed Movahedi - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (5):515-530.
    In Cognitive science and philosophy of consciousness, the explanatory gap, following Joseph Levine, refers to the unintelligible link between our conscious mental life and its corresponding objective physical explanation; the gap in our understanding of how consciousness is related to a physical or a physiological substrate :354–361, 1983). David Chalmers holds the explanatory gap as the evidence for a form of metaphysical dualism between consciousness and physical reality. On the other hand, McGinn takes it as an epistemic rather than an (...)
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  24.  25
    Nigeria Beyond Secularism and Islamism: Fashioning a Reconsidered Rights Paradigm for a Democratic Multicultural Society.Hameed Agberemi - 2005 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 2 (1).
    Political ideologies devoted either to the elimination or exclusion of religion from, or to its imposition on, the public sphere, and which are prepared in either case to capture State Power to achieve their vision for Society, must inexorably deny to citizens fundamental human rights and civil liberties – in a globalizing world where sustainable societies must become more culturally heterogeneous and where the continuing rise of religion is inevitable, so argues the author in this article. What is needed is (...)
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  25.  13
    Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue: The Logos of Life and Cultural Interlacing.Nazif Muhtaroglu, Detlev Quintern & Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    The contributions, composed in this volume, are inspired not only by the necessity but also by the potentialities of a process which continues and deepens cross-cultural understanding, especially between Islamic and Western philosophy. Following the tradition of an East-Western symphony of thoughts, the authors focus on common horizons and while applying comparative and historical approaches, varieties of unity appear on the ways towards a New Enlightenment. The creative force, orchestrating the harmony in the web of Life, communicates in the mean (...)
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    A philosophical analysis of the emergence of language.Hamed Tabatabaei Ghomi & Antonio Benítez-Burraco - 2024 - Theoria 90 (1):30-55.
    There is a research programme in linguistics that is founded on describing language as an emergent phenomenon. This paper clarifies how the core concept of emergence is deployed in this emergentist programme. We show that if one adopts the weak understandings of the concept of language emergence, the emergentist programme is not fundamentally different from the other non-emergentist research programmes in linguistics. On the other hand, if one adopts the stronger understandings of emergence then the programme would have a unique (...)
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  27. Continuity in Leibniz and Deleuze: A Reading of Difference and Repetition and The Fold.Hamed Movahedi - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (2):225-243.
    The status of continuity in Deleuze’s metaphysics is a subject of debate. Deleuze calls the virtual, in Difference and Repetition, an Ideal continuum, and the differential relations that constitute the Ideal imply the continuity of this field. But, Deleuze does not hesitate to formulate the same field by the affirmation of divergence (incompossibility) that can be regarded as a form of discontinuity. It is, hence, unclear how these two ostensibly contradictory accounts might reconcile. This article attempts to reconstitute a Deleuzian (...)
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    Tanrı’nın Tekliğine Dair Modal Argüman.Nazif Muhtaroğlu - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:179-185.
    One of the classical arguments for the existence of God is the ontological argument. In the second half of the twentieth century, this argument was updated, and triggered new philosophical discussions under the title of “modal ontological argument.” These discussions have expanded with the emergence of the modal versions of the cosmological argument. However, despite the intense interest in arguments for the existence of God, the contemporary scholarship in the philosophy of religion largely overlooks the problem as to whether God (...)
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    Theodicy and Justice in Modern Islamic Thought: The Case of Said Nursi.Nazif Muhtaroǧlu - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (4):608-610.
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    Pacifying Hunter-Gatherers.Raymond Hames - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (2):155-175.
    There is a well-entrenched schism on the frequency, intensity, and evolutionary significance of warfare among hunter-gatherers compared with large-scale societies. To simplify, Rousseauians argue that warfare among prehistoric and contemporary hunter-gatherers was nearly absent and, if present, was a late cultural invention. In contrast, so-called Hobbesians argue that violence was relatively common but variable among hunter-gatherers. To defend their views, Rousseauians resort to a variety of tactics to diminish the apparent frequency and intensity of hunter-gatherer warfare. These tactics include redefining (...)
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    Perceptual decision making: drift-diffusion model is equivalent to a Bayesian model.Sebastian Bitzer, Hame Park, Felix Blankenburg & Stefan J. Kiebel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  32.  29
    An Intracortical Implantable Brain-Computer Interface for Telemetric Real-Time Recording and Manipulation of Neuronal Circuits for Closed-Loop Intervention.Hamed Zaer, Ashlesha Deshmukh, Dariusz Orlowski, Wei Fan, Pierre-Hugues Prouvot, Andreas Nørgaard Glud, Morten Bjørn Jensen, Esben Schjødt Worm, Slávka Lukacova, Trine Werenberg Mikkelsen, Lise Moberg Fitting, John R. Adler, M. Bret Schneider, Martin Snejbjerg Jensen, Quanhai Fu, Vinson Go, James Morizio, Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen & Albrecht Stroh - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Recording and manipulating neuronal ensemble activity is a key requirement in advanced neuromodulatory and behavior studies. Devices capable of both recording and manipulating neuronal activity brain-computer interfaces should ideally operate un-tethered and allow chronic longitudinal manipulations in the freely moving animal. In this study, we designed a new intracortical BCI feasible of telemetric recording and stimulating local gray and white matter of visual neural circuit after irradiation exposure. To increase the translational reliance, we put forward a Göttingen minipig model. The (...)
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  33.  67
    How Do Internal and External CSR Affect Employees' Organizational Identification? A Perspective from the Group Engagement Model.Imran Hameed, Zahid Riaz, Ghulam A. Arain & Omer Farooq - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Birth order, sibling investment, and fertility among Ju/’Hoansi.Patricia Draper & Raymond Hames - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (2):117-156.
    Birth order has been examined over a wide variety of dimensions in the context of modern populations. A consistent message has been that it is better to be born first. The analysis of birth order in this paper is different in several ways from other investigations into birth order effects. First, we examine the effect of birth order in an egalitarian, small-scale, kin-based society, which has not been done before. Second, we use a different outcome measure, fertility, rather than outcome (...)
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  35.  39
    Nothing and nothingness.Hamed Hosseini - manuscript
    The two words nothing and nothingness are often used interchangeably. And both are often used to refer to non-existence and to mean the absence of something. Although in conversations there may not be a noticeable difference between them or what they refer to, these two words refer to different concepts. And there is a fundamental difference between them.
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    (Between existence and nothingness).Hamed Hosseini - manuscript
    In this article, we intend to see if the emergence of basic existence, or nothingness, from nothingness has occurred. So a contact boundary between existence and nothingness finds an existential necessity. Which we are trying to understand. This boundary between being and nothingness must have the characteristics of being composed of its before and after to the extent that it is compatible with both sides. That is, it must not be so much, that is, it must be accepted as being, (...)
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    Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Translation: A Critical Analysis of Snell-Hornby's Approach.Dr Hanan Mahgoub Hamed Mohamad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:201-220.
    This paper analyzes Mary Snell-Hornby's seminal theoretical framework for understanding translation as an inherently cultural process. Snell-Hornby was pioneering in establishing that translation requires navigating differences in worldviews and cultural competence. Key concepts explored are culture-bound language elements, the role of expertise, and translation studies' interdisciplinarity. Practical linguistic and textual challenges posed by cultural variation are examined, along with proposed strategies for references and idioms. Case studies reveal cultural influences on translation processes and outcomes. A critical evaluation identifies strengths like (...)
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    The Role of Green Human Resource Practices in Fostering Green Corporate Social Responsibility.Rizwana Hameed, Asif Mahmood & Muhammad Shoaib - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study develops a conceptual framework and investigates green human resource practices —green recruitment and selection, green training and development, and green reward and compensation? effects on pro-environmental psychological climate and pro-environmental behavior, which cause green corporate social responsibility. We employ information technology capabilities as a moderator between the GHRM and pro-environmental behavior. It applies a convenience sampling technique and survey questionnaire to collect data from 388 employees at CPEC projects. Results demonstrate that GHRM positively influences pro-environmental psychological climate and (...)
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    Women’s work, child care, and helpers-at-the-nest in a hunter-gatherer society.Raymond Hames & Patricia Draper - 2004 - Human Nature 15 (4):319-341.
    Considerable research on helpers-at-the-nest demonstrates the positive effects of firstborn daughters on a mother’s reproductive success and the survival of her children compared with women who have firstborn sons. This research is largely restricted to agricultural settings. In the present study we ask: “Does ‘daughter first’ improve mothers’ reproductive success in a hunting and gathering context?” Through an analysis of 84 postreproductive women in this population we find that the sex of the first- or second-born child has no effect on (...)
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    Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Resimyazılar Ve Bağlamsal Cümlelerle Kelim.Nazife Burcu Takil - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2131-2131.
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    Islamic and Occidental Philosophy in Dialogue, 7.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Nazif Muhtaroglu & Detlev Quintern (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
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    Myelin paucity of the superior cerebellar peduncle in individuals with Friedreich ataxia: an MRI magnetization transfer imaging study.Corben Louise, Kashuk Saman, Akhlaghi Hamed, Jamadar Sharna, Delatycki Martin, Fielding Joanne, Johnson Beth, Georgiou-Karistianis Nellie & Egan Gary - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Policymaking to preserve privacy in disclosure of public health data: a suggested framework.Mehrdad A. Mizani & Nazife Baykal - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (3):263-267.
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    Synthesis, structural and ellipsometric evaluation of oxygen-deficient and nearly stoichiometric zinc oxide and indium oxide nanowires/nanoparticles.Sodky Hamed Mohamed - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (27):3598-3612.
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    Hemodynamic Scaling of Task-Induced Signal Changes in Tumor Subjects.Tianming Qiu, N. U. Farrukh Hameed, Ching-Po Lin, Bharat B. Biswal & Jinsong Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  46.  5
    Başörtüsü mağdurlarından anlatılmamış öyküler.Nazife Şişman (ed.) - 1998 - Sultanahmet, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık.
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    Teaching Listening Skills to EFL Students Using AI-Driven Technology-Based Media.Dr Paiker Fatima Mazhar Hameed & Dr Afreen Faiyaz Al Haq - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1989-1999.
    The aim of this paper is to find how much AI can be useful or as an aid in developing listening skill. A review has been made to past studies as well as the recent developments and innovations made by linguists and teaching community, yielding relevant observations. The present writing is an attempt at exhibiting how much the latest technology is effective which has been tailor-made to suit determined purpose directed at developing the listening skills of EFL learners. It is (...)
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  48. How to Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito¯: Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands.Michael Hames-Garcia - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (4):102-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.4 (2000) 102-122 [Access article in PDF] How To Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito® Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands Michael Hames-garcia I began to think, "Yes, I'm a chicana but that's not all I am. Yes, I'm a woman but that's not all I am. Yes, I'm a dyke but that doesn't define all of me. Yes, I come from working class origins, but I'm (...)
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    Visual, Auditory, and Cross Modal Sensory Processing in Adults with Autism: An EEG Power and BOLD fMRI Investigation.Elizabeth’ C. Hames, Brandi Murphy, Ravi Rajmohan, Ronald C. Anderson, Mary Baker, Stephen Zupancic, Michael O’Boyle & David Richman - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  50.  52
    Neuronal correlates of full and partial visual conscious perception.Hamed Haque, Muriel Lobier, J. Matias Palva & Satu Palva - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 78:102863.
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