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Henk Verhoog [8]H. Verhoog [6]
  1.  74
    The role of the concept of the natural (naturalness) in organic farming.Henk Verhoog, Mirjam Matze, Edith Lammerts van Bueren & Ton Baars - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (1):29-49.
    Producers, traders, and consumers oforganic food regularly use the concept of thenatural (naturalness) to characterize organicagriculture and or organic food, in contrast tothe unnaturalness of conventional agriculture.Critics sometimes argue that such use lacks anyrational (scientific) basis and only refers tosentiment. In our project, we made an attemptto clarify the content and the use of theconcepts of nature and naturalness in organicagriculture, to relate this conception todiscussions within bioethical literature, andto draw the implications for agriculturalpractice and policy.Qualitative interviews were executed with (...)
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  2. The concept of intrinsic value and transgenic animals.H. Verhoog - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):147-160.
    The creation of transgenic animals by means of modern techniques of genetic manipulation is evaluated in the light of different interpretations of the concept of intrinsic value. The zoocentric interpretation, emphasizing the suffering of individual, sentient animals, is described as an extension of the anthropocentric interpretation. In a biocentric or ecocentric approach the concept of intrinsic value first of all denotes independence of humans and a non-instrumental relation to animals. In the zoocentric approach of Bernard Rollin, genetic engineering is seen (...)
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  3.  46
    The responsibilities of scientists.Henk Verhoog - 1981 - Minerva 19 (4):582-604.
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  4.  98
    Genetic Modification of Animals.Henk Verhoog - 1996 - The Monist 79 (2):247-263.
    In this article I will explore the problem of 'forbidden knowledge' on the basis of my own experience in the Netherlands with the development of a regulative framework for all research involving the production and use of genetically modified animals. Although it is not yet definitely settled, this regulative framework is based on what is called the 'no, unless'-principle. The 'no, unless' policy has been defined by Brom and Schroten in the following way.
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  5.  35
    The relation between philosophy of science and biology exemplified by the problem of explanation.W. Van Laar & H. Verhoog - 1972 - Acta Biotheoretica 21 (3-4):274-301.
    This paper contains some considerations on the relation between philosophy of science and science, in particular biology. There is a contrast between formalistic and pragmatic approaches to the structure of scientific thought, which is illustrated by the different viewpoints on the nature of explanation. In an appendix some aspects of the logical structure of teleological explanation are discussed.
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  6.  31
    Bio-ethics and the intrinsic value of animals.Henk Verhoog - 1999 - In Marcel Dol, Recognizing the intrinsic value of animals: beyond animal welfare. Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. pp. 81--93.
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  7.  31
    Animals in education and the structure of science.H. Verhoog - 1993 - Global Bioethics 6 (3):177-185.
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  8.  27
    Animals in scientific education and a reverence for life.Henk Verhoog - 1999 - In Francine L. Dolins, Attitudes to animals: views in animal welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  9. » Ethiek en milieuproblematiek.H. Verhoog - forthcoming - Filosofie En Praktijk.
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  10. Het menselijk embryo tussen biologisch en persoonlijk leven. Het is onjuist, het menselijk embryo als 'biologisch leven' op te vatten en het daarom een lagere morele status te geven.Henk Verhoog - 1995 - Filosofie En Praktijk 16:96-106.
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  11. Philosophy of Science and the Social Responsibility of the Scientist.Henk Verhoog - 1982 - Epistemologia 5 (2):327.
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  12.  41
    Social and ethical aspects of biology part of theoretical biology?H. Verhoog - 1975 - Acta Biotheoretica 24 (1-2):22-34.
    Recent interest in the social and ethical aspects of biology raises the question of the disciplinary status of the study of these aspects of biology . In the traditional interpretations of theoretical biology the social and ethical aspects are usually not explicitly mentioned. In this article arguments are given for inclusion of the study of these aspects of biology within a broadened conception of theoretical biology.
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  13.  25
    The human embryo: biological or personal life?H. Verhoog - 1995 - Global Bioethics 8 (4):139-147.
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    The scientific perception of animals as object.Henk Verhoog - 1990 - Between the Species: A Journal of Ethics 7 (4):208-212.
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